THE AMERICAN. 5 he miEu with the fire. O'Connor' f rwukfd Wy Cost Him S -real Thousand DulUr. The dVcUlon of the (-uiireme rourl in the case la,wbuh the minor children of Wi'ton II. Coble figured a the vie timaof ihe eculatlve proclivities of fin Omaha attorney Rhea a slraiure ending to an old afUlr. J. J. O'Coi nor, tne attorney in question, boughlcertain proK.-rty belonging to the cbiidrt n at a forced pale, and the accuntiim wa made that he had used unVr tactics to achieve the end. The case was taken through the dis trict court to the supreme court, and the decUion was in favor of the child ren, restoring to them their property entirely clear of indebtedrs. Mr. O'Connor had expended something like $7,000 on the property, and bad cleared it of all Incumbrance. But on the showing that he had 6ccurd the title he had to it by illegitimate me'LciU his rights were annulled and the proi erty comes back with Mr, O'Connor out the amount expended. People Forming the American I'arlv Feeling the need of united and har monious action, in the presence of im pending danger, which now threatens the destruction of the great republic of Washington and Lincoln, being planned by a secret, silent, but dangerous foe, we must earnestly request the counsel, good-will, aid and co operation of all citizens who desire good order and a stable government, and all religious, moral and educational organizations that are not monarchial, not despotic not tyrannical; and we desire to invite and welcome the friendship, help and active support of all purti iotle and lib eral societies, and benevolent and char itable orders, who are their own mas ters, to promptly combine for political action; and especially those that teach and practice the rules of justice, the 6acredness of truth and the holiness of liberty; and who respect the equal rights of man, believe in the golden rule and the brotherhood of the race; desire personal and political honesty; uphold impartial religious liberty; de mand the freedom of thought and con science, the exercise of reason, the free dom of speech, the right of examina tion and investigation, the liberty of the press, the freedom of commerce and trade, and who support and defend the constitution and the laws, submit to the will of intelligent majorities, insist upon the union of all the states composing this nation, honor the star spangled banner, uphold the free, un-sectarian public schools; are willing to labor for equal and pro-rata taxation, the com plete separation of church and state, and air wages for the working people; and who desire and earnestly demand that the great republic, the home of , holy liberty, founded by our heroic fathers, and based upon the solid prin ciples of eternal justice and everlasting right, shall not decline, shall not per ish, shall not be torn by treacherous and perfidious hands from the family of nations, but shall live, shall prosper, shall continue to be free and unfettered as the mountain winds or the ocean bil lows, through all coming time. We are ready to combine with all true, lib erty-loving American patriots, native and foreign born. Charles A. Story. We've (Jot Some Here, Too. We have known people whose passion for liberality was intensely bigoted. They could abide any degree of dissent from orthodoxy, but they could not bring themselves to speak with any patience and charity of those who held dissent in different e6teem. They boasted that whether a man was infidel or Romanist was of little account to them, but when they found a man to whom these things were much account they subjected him at once to verbal crucifixion. Just at present there are some people whose sense of their own liberality U very lage because they feel kindly toward Roman Catholics, and who are not conscious of any possi bility of narrowness in the bitterness they entertain towards the opponents of Rome. Is intolerance any the less than intolerant because it is supposed to be directed against intolerance? Is he liberal who concedes to superstition what he will not concede to its oppon ents? If we may admit the honesty and virtue of those who defend Rome, may we not admit the honesty and virtue of those who offend Rome? Even if we admit that the A. P. A. is wrong, is it not possiole that its advocates are as honest and as much entitled to a charitable construction of their con ' duct as the advocates of Romish super stitions? Pacific Baptist. To lie Avoided. Another proof of the folly and trouble of mixed marriages is now in evidence in Buffalo. A girl whose mother is a Roman Catholic and her father a Prot estant, has become interested in the revival services being held at the Church of Christ on Richmond avenue, and desires to join the church. She has been an attendant at the Sunday school for some time, and her father rather favored it. But now when there is danger of her being a thorough christian, and getting out of the shackles of medievalism, the innate bigotry of Romanism is manifest, and the girl's desire is positively forbidden. That is not all. Recently a delegation of Komnnisu from the east side came over to her home and made all sort of threat of what they would do if bhe allowed to become a heretic There is jiift one moral to IVoiestanW in thi.-, which is only one out of thousand of instances, and that moral is, don't! M xed marriages cause trouble pire &ute Atmricun. A BARGAIN. Rev. Charles Chiniquy'a Fifty Wars in the Church of Rome at da ' Year's Subfcrlp'ion to The American, only 2 2j Inlereot I limn ing. Rev. O. E. Murray delivered hi thiid lecture at Masonic Temple. No. HI Twenty-second street, Chicago, on Sun day. December 1G, at 2:.i0 P. M. The subject was ''Shall the Bible be Put Bick Into the Public Schools?" The scats were filled; and the speech ap plauded. The songs wete ; 11 appio prlate, and found in the "Singing Pa triot." Ticket-holders must come on time, or may have to stand, as seats may all be taken. Silver contributions for expenses, and to pay for tracts and pamphlets which are freely distributed to all comers. This is a splendid work, and is growing. Charles A. Story, Secretary. MEKIT vyixs. W. N. Whitney 103 South 15th St., has added to his line of fine Shoes the Waverly and Slandmore School Shoes, which are honest goods and warranted for service, and are such god wearers that they will save you 50 to 75 per cent, in your shoe bills. It will pay jou to try them. English Not Taught. Sutolll instructed his henchmen in congress to vote that the English lan guage should not be taught the Mexican population making up the state of New Mexico, and he was ignominlously obeyed; and so the spectacle Is wit nessed in 1894 of a new commonwealth of Roman Catholics not being permitted to learn the language of our people. And yet Rome prates about her loyalty! Well, we will soon hafeanew congress, and the 6ooner the better. The Demo crats have been the servile tools of Rome, but their end has come. Pitt s burq American. Pamphlet. Extracts from United States Con gressional Record, containing address of Hon. W. S. Linton and discussion in congress upon sectarian appropriations of national money to Indian education, and the vote thereon; also remarks made respecting a requirement to teach the English language in New Mexico after admission to statehood, and two separate votes rejecting such a require ment. Address, Gen. Green Clay Smith, P. O. Box 333, Washington, D. C. Price, postage paid, $2.50 per thousand, or 5 copies 10 cents. HOW is this? Chiniquy's "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome," $2.00; The American one year, $2.00; Both for $2.25. Convert's Kest. Henry A. Sullivan, a converted ex Roman Cathol'c monk offers a helping hand to any Roman Catholic priest, monk, nun, or layman, who wishes to leave the old superstitions of popery, and learn the true and living way by faith in Him as the only mediator be tween God and man. If any of our readers know of any Ro man Catholic that wishes to leave sup erstition and idolatry, kindly write to Evangelist Sullivan, 43 North Ada street, Chicago, Illinois, and they will receive a cordial welcome, at the Con vert's Rest. "Foxe,s Book of Martyrs" should be in everybody's library. You can get a cloth-bound volume of nearly 1,100 quarto pages for $2.50. It is worth double this price to any student of his tory. Send your orders to American Publishing Company. When you have read your paper send it to some friend in some remote orner in some county in the state, and ask him to pass it around among his neighbors. Also request him to send for sample copies, and add his name to our list for one year. It is stated that Rev. Father Booker vice, rector of the United States college at Rome, will succeed Rev. Father Papl as secretary of the apostolic dele gation at Washington. When down town drop in at John Rudd's and leave your watch, if it is out of repair, to be fixed. 317 north 16 St. DON'T MISS THIS. To c::rce!erKi Perfume, we will send a case post-paid for 12 cents. We will mall with it, absolutely tree, a beautiful gold-plated (iarnet and Opal riim. fend 12 cents tn stamps and we will sur prise and dellulit vou. Waltku S. Eveuktt & Co., Bui 329. Lr on. Mass. How Is this? Chiniquy's "Fifty Years in Church of Rome," $2 00; The American one year, $2.00; Both "or $2.25. the Not if? to a Kolileut Defendant. To I. aura l.oill-:i Custard: You arr hereby n titled that on ti uay of Nuvriiilr, 1M. dull on Custard, puimilt In n-ill. tll.d iil uetmou a! .lni vou Hi tlx district -ourl uf IK'i!i;lai-Mi!ii y. Se ruska. tne ohVcl and ir-r uf will-b l ti obtain llwuirw ul divorce from Die bom uf m al riuiony II h you upiift the k round of ul tr d sen ion and wilful ubatidoMneui of plaiul ill for moiv limn imiyivrt lust past. You are require! Li answer oalj Mtltlon on or .:'furv I tie Mill day of January, !. November Z!lU. ls.'4. UIHKON C't'STAKO. By I. V&o Etten. Ills attorney. 11 Ju 4 l'pul Not lee. In the District court uf Douglas couuty, Nebraska: ' My run L. Ware, plaintiff, v, Ida J. Ware, (lrfi'lidatlt. To In J. W'ahb. defendant: You are liereliy notthVd that on tlie i.'nd dav of tk-nilH-r. Ism, Myron I.. Ware tiled a (Kill Ion anaiit-t y i n In t lie District court of PouitlaK county, Nebraska, tlie olijecl and prayer of whim la to uMalu a divorce from you on the Kroutid that you committed ndultcrv It h one Anion J I'roper. at No. Vi?i North Twenty-fourth at reel. In the city of Omaha. toii).'las county. Nebraska, on or about the 'Jot It oay of June. Ism. You are reiiulnd to answer mild petition on or before Mouday, tho 14lh day of Janu ary. 1S'C. Omaha, Nob.. November 2tl. Is'.il. MYKO.N I. WAKE, I'latntllT. Hoc. 47. No. Hit. 11-J0 4 SlierilTs Sale. Ity virtue of an execution on transcript I sui'J out of the dislrlct court of DoukIh county, Nebraska, and tu me directed. 1 have levied UKin the following des rllied property of Anion J. Van Alstlne and Kate Van Alstlne: l.ol numlier four i4i. block number two(2i, Oxford I'luce, an addition to the city of Omaha, us surveyed, platted and recorded, all In Douglas county. Mute of Nebraska; and 1 will on the lib day of January. A. II. IwCi. at IU o'clock A. M. of said day al the Kant front, door of the court house. In the city of Omaha, in aald county, aell at public auction the property alKive described. Tomltsfy the .Mutual Investment Com pany, plaintiff herein, the sum of forty-three and m-HU dullitia ifw wi damages, and four and Wl-liJi dollars costs of suit, accord lint to a Judgment rendered by licorice H, fmllh, Jusiice of the 1'eace, In and for said county on the Uuth day of'.u. a tran script of whli li lurtKinent was on the MU day of Novmilicr. lsiU. duly Hied and docketed In the district court within and for aald county, and with Interest Iher.on from the Villi day of October. Is'.H. until paid, and also tint further sum of one a d Iti-UKi dollars iSl.llli cost of increase on said Judgment and the accruing costs thereon. Omaha, Nebraska, December 14. W4. JollN C. DKKX Y.L. Slier1 IT of Douglas County, Nebraska? VV. 11. liussell. attorney. U-I4-5 Special Muster ( tiiiiniissioiiei 's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of win t gage Isaued out of the d . strict court of Douglas county, Nebraska, and tomedlrected. 1 will on the l!Jnd day of January, A D. lUfcV at one o'clock p. in. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at pu die auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, towlt: Lot six (tb In block "Y," Sh'nn'g Third ad dition to the city of Omaha, Douglas couniy. Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. aid properly to be sold to satisfy Belle It. Krowu, plaintiff herein. In the sum of six hundred and eighty-six and UN-UK) dollars ijniMl.ani Judgment, with Interest on jitllN.UO thereof at the rate of seven i7 per cent per aunum, and on B.3S thereof at the rate of ten (Hi) per cent per annum, all from the l"tb day of September. 1W4. To satisfy the sum of thirty-one and 8:t-ltK) dollars .llt)b costs, with Interest thereon from the, 17th day of September. 1MW. until paid, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district courtof said Douglas county, atlts September term, A. 1). ls'. In a certain action then and there pending wherein Keile U. Hrown was plaintiff and Mary A. Porter and Joseph I), rol ler were defendant. Omaha. Neb., December 1H, I8!4. CHAKI.KS I.. THOMAS, Special Master Coii.iiilssloticr. B. F. Thomas, Alton ey. 12-1-5 til ice of Incorporation. Notice Is hereby given that a corporation has been organized under the general laws of the state of Nebraska. That the name of such corporation Is The Nebraska and Iowa Well Company. The principal place of transacting Its busl ness Is Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted Is the drilling of sha low and ar tesian wells, and piping the same, and h It tilings necessarily connected therewith. The amount of the capital slock of said corporation Is t2 5(iu.UU. to be fully paid in lit the time of the execution of the articles of Incorporation. The corporation commences bustni ss upon the IHth day of S ptember, Is'.H, and termin ated Septi uiber lHlh, I'll. The highest amount of Indebtedness or lla bllhy to ivhlcn the corporation may at any time subject Itself shall be JI.;Vil (Kl. The alt' airs of the corporation are to be conduct' d by a board of directors, not to ex ceed three In number, and by a president, secretary and treasurer, by said board elected. In witness whereof said corporation lias caused this notice to be published over the slgLatures of Us president and secretary. M. K SHAW. JAMFS McK EN PA 1.1.1. 1'resldetit. 12-21-4 Secretary. Notice. Clara T. Yale and Yale, first name unknown, her husband, will take notice that on t he 21st day of November, 1MI4. Philip I. Johnton. plalntlir hertln. Hied his petition In the District courtof Douglas couuty. Ne braska, against said defendants, 'he object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain tax certificate upon lot. three ('!. block three :). Kedick's Park addition to the city of Omaha, dated July 1st, 1i!I2. for t he sum of eight and 3O1U0 dollars ($H.;l) and the fur ther sum of twenty-eight and 22-1(10 dollars ($2s.Ji subsequently paid theieunder to gether with interest at the rate of twenty (20) per cent, per annum upon said sums from the dates of their respective payments for two years and at the tale of ten (10) percent, thereafter, for which amounts together with cost of this action plalntill prays for a de cree foreclosing said premises and ordering the same to be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer aald petit loo on or before the :ilst day of December. 1'.'4. Dated November 20th. WM. PHILIP h. JOHNSON. Ky Saunders Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. 11-23-4 NOT LIKE ANY OTHER A Work Without a Peer in Literature. "SEC RKT8 OF THE Convent" is a startling book. You would ask your friends to read It. Mailed. 25 cents. Cartkk Publishing Company Philadelphia, Fa. 20-W-lot One Hundred Wanted!! The well-known and able preacher and Lecturer, Scott F. Herohey, Ph. D., of Boston, is at work on a book, which will deal with the Roman Papacy, as always and everywhere oppos-ed to civil and religious liberty. Dr. Hershey has brought all the past under the contri bution of his powerful pen, and his book will have an immense influence on the patriotic movement of th? day, and will have the biggest sale of any book of this generation. One Hnndred Experienced Acots Wanted To whom SPECIAL OFFERS will be made. Two General Agents for each Stale wanted at once. WHO WILL APPLY FIRST? None But Patriots and Those Full of Business Need Write. Addrc-s, BACK BAY BOOK CO., BerklerandColnmbaiATe- BOSTON. ill V'lV L UULb U 1 f V Very Recently the Public Prints Have liocn iillctl with accounts of nn nt(eni-t to iutluco Rev. Glias. Ghiniqutj the Veteran anti-Koman Catholic Lecturer nnJ Writer, to RE-ENTER THE CHURCH OF ROME. Those attempts were innle under tho Direction of tho Society of Jesus and the agent used was a woman. Rut his 50 possession of all his faculties will stand throughout coming centuries, as iu most dispassionate account of llomanism and tho most scathing arraignment of the Roman Catholic Priesthood written during tho Nineteenth Century. HIS WORK IS THE EMBODIMENT OF TRUTH, It tells of tho loathsome, drunken, licentious, priests and nuns; of tho struggle of virtue with sin; of reason with superstition of faith with infidelity; of the fol lowers of Cod with those of tho pope, and this being true. EVERYBODY SHOULD READ IT, And to make it possible for every Reader of TUB AMERICAN to hav one volume of this great book in their library wo make this offer to new Subscribers or old ones who have paid up to JANUARY 1st, 1805. Wo will give "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome' and The American One Year for - THIS OFFER IS GOOD UNTIL JAN. 1, 1895. Cash must accompany the order. No books sent collect. We will send paper to one address and tho book to some other person if subscriber desires. The retail price of "Fifty Years in tho Church of Rome" is $2. which gives you THE AMERICAN for 25c for one year. Fill out tho following blank: WX4 I AM1SKICAX I'UItUSHlXC CO., 1619 Howard Street, GENTLEM EN Enclosed mo TUV. A MP.MTflAN L itttov; dliu If I do not order the paper discontinued at the expiration of my time, your regular subscript ion price. KiTAre you now a Subscriber?. Please send the Book to Mr. POH'T niSS THIS BARGAIN. Make Your Friend a Present; He Will Appreciate It. Tell Your Neighbors FRIENDS, BROTHERS, PATRIOTS! Build un vour Publishers of THE AMERICAN, Omaha. THE CHICAGO AMERICAN. THE KANSAS CITY AMERICAN. Notice of Indebtedness. Notice Islirri'liy given. In conformity with the statutes of the state of Neliraska. that the indebtedness of the Gate City Milliard Table Company was ve hundred dollars iViOO.Kl) at the close of business. Thursday. Irci.Jcr !!. ly.'l Omaha, Nebraska, December i:i. m. M. li. MorNT, President. W. K. Mot-NT. Secretary. II 21-4 G. W. GILBERT, CARPENTER Contractor, Builder Storm Doors and Saih. 1705 St. Mary s Ave., OMAHA. NEB. M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases, cloth Inn cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 I'liminif St., OMAHA. YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME Which was given to tho world while tho aged Apostle of Liherty was in tho full find $ to pay for THE AMERICAN and book entitled to mv address j 1 (City) .(State), ITown) About This Offer. THEY WANT THE BOOK AND THE PAPER THIS IS THEIR OPPORTUNITY. paper. Throw in a few dollars from 1,000 men and women before January 1st. Is there not that number suf ficiently interested in True Americanism who will help us to start the new year even with tho world. Send all orders to, AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1G1S Howard St., TO IMPROVE THE COMPLEXION! Use Howard's Face Bleach FOR A DARK and SALLOW SKIN and SUNBURN. Tills bleach removes all dlscoloratlons and IriipurltieQ from ihe skin, such as freckles. Moth Patches. Sunburn. Sallowness. Flesh worms and I'lmples. For sale by all tirst- class Drufttist,s. Price $1.50 per Bottle. $500.00 WILL BE GIVEN For an Incurable case of II lack Heads or I'lmples. HOWARD MEDICINE CO., Klnooln, Aof. antl - C'honjro. III. Mention this paper In wrttinu to advertiser. nw -52.25 Street, for continue to send it, charging mo .Street, (State. right now We ought to hear OMAHA, ATI37i. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Emalmber l Formerly with M. O. Maul.l Telephk?'" nw. 613 South ICth St., OMAHA. LADY ASSISTANT FURNISHED. H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER. Office removed from 113 North ifith street to 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 90. OMAHA, NEB y?,rWMBAR6JP ? . " WISH to Sell ? I ft fit tl Lanterns Wanted k i f Wl fc,wJiia.lforSleort:rhBg. TjAWATrlTiTOTaO Filbert StNPnila.,PaJ