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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1894)
THE AMERICAN MARRIED MEN FOR U5HEH3. Bow Thr Mar Ukm TbisiHliM Vl nabla to th ItrlJef room. The married men are beg-inninj to come brilliantly to the front as ushers at weddings and the bachelors are re served for duty as liest men, says the Boston Herald. The matrimonial vet erans are the jroer men to take charge of the new recruit in their ranks and give him the regulation et up in domestic drill. They are more ia sympathy with him and can brace him up for his appearance under Cre. They can also give him a num ber of valuable pointers as to how he is to keep the peace. In one country, at least, it used to be the custom for the bride's father to give the groom the twitch., as a symbol of a transfer of paternal authority and a significant reminder to the bride of the import ance of wifely oledience. In America, however, this relic of barbarism would tiot be necessary, it being understood that all brides are going to be obedi ent, loving and faithful wives. As a proof of this, one has only to look around among his friends and read carefully the daily divorce proceedings to Bee how far lovely woman is living up to the standard, and, on the Other hand, how the whole coast of so ciety is strewn with tho wrecks of lives through the disobedience, frac tiousness and extravagance of women and the misguided forbearance and general inability to enforce their au thority peculiar to American husbands. It is here that the married men who are glittering successes can as ushers, guides, philosojHiers and friends get in their finest work by their advice, example and precept. It may bo that they are making a beginning by hav ing the organist play "Oh, Promise Me That Some Day" you will obey; it being, under tho circumstances, proper to "point a moral" in song, in stead of having it "adorn a tale" of woe hereafter. It may be that the married men as ushers chuckle among themselves over another prisoner brought in, another doomed man, as it were, in matrimonial row. He this as it may, they rarely have the nerve to openly indulge in ghoulish glee at the wedding breakfast, right under the noses of their own vigilant-eyed Spouses. Let us hope, however, that there Is likely to be rejoicing over one sinner of a bachelor who has chosen the better part and forsaken the evil of his ways, and is now numbered with the elect, with the halo of beauty's love and the harp of domes tic harmony in his hand. The lyre will come later. Make friends, then, girls, with the married men! They know who will suit you better than you do yourselves. They always have in stock or up their sleeves among their friends the very best material out of which the kindest and blindest husbands are made. WEIRD FUNERALS. Living Fernlani Carrying Their Dead to Kernel. Saving an occasional "Yah Khak!" from the throat of one of the tangle headed and wild eyed dervishes stalk ing along barefoot in the sand not a sound broke the stillness of the morn ing as our caravan, says a writer in the London Standard, moves toward the bridge over tho Holman river that leads to the town of Khanekin, the customs and sanitary station of the Ottoman government, about three hours' distance from the Turk-l'ersian frontier. It is a singular cavalcade we form, too, a veritable "caravan of the dead," for the true pilgrims among us are mainly defunct Persians, whose remains are being conveyed direct to d jennet, the "gates of para dise," at the feet of their great saint and Aga, the Iman Hussein, at Kerbe la. In front, an.l perched high up on the biggest camel that could be begged, borrowed or hired for the Journey, rides our tshaush, or conduc tor, swarthy and turbannod, the blue in his garments proclaiming him a eaip, or descendent of the prophet the prophet, I may remark in passing, has a score of such in every Persian village. He holds aloft the royal ensign of the empire of the sun and lion, bearing tho name of shah and his own below it in letters of gold. Following him march the naashkesh, or "carriers of the dead," each at the head of a long string of mules laden with tho remains entrusted to them, the animals are led by charvadars, muleteers, and each bears two bodies, and slung on either side where the panniers would ordinarily be. The corpses, when intact are carried in hermetically closed cases, but com paratively few of these ai'e to be found, as a rule, among these defunct pilgrims. The expense would be too great. So the pious Persian who de sires to give effect to the last wish of his departed parents waits until noth ing of their remains is left but the skeleton, which is then swathed in bandages, mummy fashion, and handed over to the naashkesh to be taken to the gate of paradise, which every good Shute firmly believes is the exact spot where the sainted Hussein is buried in Kerbela. Far the greater number of the mules comprised in our caravan ara laden with such band aged bones and swathed skeletons 6lung on each side, the outline show ing distinctly through the wrappings as they swing to and fro with the measured pacing of the animals. He Could lie 1 rusted. A small colored boy who stole some tine from in front of a new building was arrested and taken before a mag istrate for a hearing. He was se verely reprimanded by the magistrate, who instructed him to take back the stolen zinc, and, turning to an officer, requested that he should see that the boy did it "Dat's all right, boss," said the prisoner. "Iso gwino to take it back, and yo' needn't send no cop wif me, fo' I's hones'." Philadelphia CalL TENACITY OF GERMS. How aa Old I.ady and Her Little Shawl Carried Itatath With Th. ja. The tenacity and virility of small) germs are to the medical fraternity one of the wonders of contagion, and were never made apparent no start lingly as a few years ago in the little village of Hector, this state, says the New York Sun. This is an isolated place, being at the time of the Miialljxix epidemic there twenty miles from any railroad, and its people rarely trav-1 fled far from home, and few Strang- I crs were visitors there. Karly in the fall smallpox broke out in the village. The disease was not known to le anywhere in the vicinity. How it hapcnd to api'ar there was a mystery that re mained unsolved for months, but was at last cleared up through the investi gation and inquiry of Dr. Purdy of Klmira. Dr. Purdy learned that one day in the winter preceding the breaking out of small ;ox in Hector a passenger on an Krie railway train was taken vio lently ill just after leaving Salamanca, and a physician who was on board the train discovered that tho passenger had the smallpox. When this lx came known tho other passengers in the car hurriedly left it for another one. The car containing the smallpox victim was placed on a siding when the train reached Hornellsville, where it was quarantined. Among the passengers who left the car when the case was made known was an old lady who had a ticket for Eknira. Her seat had been the one behind the one where tho manwlth fhe'smirTfcpox sat. tshe had with her a small shoulder shawl, which had hung on the back of the seat ahead of her. When she left the train at Klmira she placed the shawl in her hand satchel. At Klmira she took a Northern Central train for Watkins, the nearest station to Hector, to which place she was going on a visit to her son's family. She remained there un til the following fall, when she was driven by her son to visit another son some miles distant. The day was ex tremely cold, and her son's ears being in danger of freezing she took the shoulder shawl from her satchel, where it had been ever since she put it away on leaving the Krie train at Klmira the previous winter, and wrapped it about his head. A few days after tho son returned home to Hector he became violently 111. Pefore it was known what his ailment was he was visited by various neighbors. Then his disease was pro nounced smallpox, and it was such a malignant case that he died within a few days. The disease became epi demic and was not eradicated until the following summer. Kvery family in the village and immediate vicinity lost at least ono member by the dis ease. That the first case originated from the germs collected by tho shawl in the railroad car near Salamanca months before there can be no doubt. The Kangaroo at Hay. When pursued, the kangaroo, ii possible, directs his flight toward the river. If he reaches it he enters, and, thanks to his great height, is able to go on foot to a depth where the dogs are obliged to swim. There he plants himself on his two hind legs and his tail, and up to his shoulders in the water he awaits the attack of the dogs. With his forepaws he seizes by the head the first dog that approaches him, and as he is more solidly balanced than his assailant ho holds tho dog's nose under the water as long as he can. Unless a second dog speedily comes to the reseuo tho first one is sure to be drowned. If a companion arrives and by his attacks on the kangaroo manages to set the captive free the half-drowned brute is gla 1 to regain the shore as quickly as possible. In this way a strong and courageous male kangaroo will hold its own against twenty or thirty dogs, drowning some and frightening others, and the hunter is obliged to intervene with a bullet. St. Louis Globo-Dem-ocrat. l is Mttlnic Abode. Dr. Barrow and the profligate Ixird Rochester meeting one day at court while Harrow was king's chaplain in ordinary, Rochester, thinking to ban ter him, accosted him with a flippant air and a low, formal bow, saying, "Doctor, I am yours to my shoe-tie." Barrow returned tho salute with "My lord, I am yours to the ground." Rochester, improving on this, quickly returned it with "Doctor, I am yours to the center," which was as smartly followed up by Barrow with "My lord, I am yours to tho antipodes." Upon which Rochester, piqued at being foiled by one he called "a musty old piece of divinity," exclaimed, "Doc tor, I am yours to tho lowest pit of hell," upon which Barrow, turning upon his heel, dryly replied, "There, my lord, I leave you." Argonaut Division u Labor. "When it comes to traveling," ex claimed the head of tho family, "a man has to do all tho real work. My wife has only packed the trunks, dressed the children, spread cloths over the furniture, and a few things like that, while every bit of informa tion that has been got from the time table I had to attend to myself. De troit Tribune. Fnnlnhments. In Borneo the left hand of a thiol or other petty criminal is sliced off. But it is not thrown away or buried or destroyed in any fashion. The sul tan Akamaldin has it embalmed and placed with hundreds of others that he has obtained from the same source. A (ilve-Away All Around. "Ithink,"sho said as she came into the room, "that I will give that poll parrot away." "Yes," replied the young man who was calling. "It would bo only fair. She has been doing as much for you." RAISINS AS FOOD. fby Coetala Four TImm a Maeh Ka trlnaent ae Irat. It has lieen the cuMom until very recently to consider raisins as an article of luxury, and to d in them only suited to the tallies of thorns who are able to indulge themselves in such things as serve merely to please he palate. In conseqtieniv, however, of the marvelous growth of the raisin industry in California and the cheap ness of tho product to the consumer, the question has Uvn raised whether the raisin does not posses an intrinsic) food value, independent of its use as a luxury, and the argument seemed to favor the affirmative of tho propo sition. It is asserted by thoso who have studitd the question from a scientific and hygienic standoint that tho nu tritive power of raisins as compared to meat is as four to one. This, wo imagine, may iw taken with somo grains of allowance, but, nevertheless, it is susceptible of demonstration that raisins, like other dried fruits, are genuine food, contain elements which are fully as necessary to good health as fibrine,' dextrine and all tho rest of the things which anaytical chemists have discovered in fleshmaking and strengthmaking fgods. Thoso who have studied the ques tion of raisins as food profess to have something like 100 receipts for the preparation of the raisin, and each of these, it is asserted, has an economic value. Whether this estimate bo ex cessive or not, one thing is very cer tain, and that is that tho world' woul'd be better off, from a hygienic 'point of view, if wo were to oat more fruit and less meat. The ra'sLn, which is only tho grape dried in the sun, should be a natural food, if there bo any such thing. Sugar, which the dried grapo con tains in its natural state, has long been recognized as a genuine food, so nuich so that manufactured sugar 2?at is.sugar extracted from the sugar cane, sugar beets, sorghum, tho ma ple tree, or what not is no longer re garded as an article of luxury, but aa a household necessity. We leavo to physiologists the technical explanation of this, but tho fact Is as well known as that water is needed to quench thirst. This being so, it would seem that dried grapes or raisins should furnish the sugar which tho system needs in its purest and most concrete form, for nature's laboratory sur passes all the skill of the chemists and outdoes all the triumph of analysis, quantitative and qualitative. It is sincerely to be hoped that the subject of raisins as food may be thoroughly investigated and exploited, for, while raisins may not take tho place of beefsteak or mutton chop, they may well stand up high in tho second rank of food products. A ( nw'i Trial. An Albany pajier says that a littlb son of John Bethune was leading a cow to pasture, and whim he reached tho woolen mills ho tied the cow to tho coupling pin of a freight car while he went inside to speak to his father, unfortunately for the cow, tho Ioban on engine backed upon the switch while tho boy was inside, and, not seeing the cow, coupled on to the car and started up the track. The bovine was not noted as a sprinter, but she was forced up the track at a 2 17J gait. A farmer who was passing saw tho predicament, and managed to signal tho engineer to stop, otherwise there must have lieen a spurt of speed on the part of tho cow unheard of be fore by any bovine, or a broken neck, for the boy had tied her securely with a stout rope. As it is, she is alive and well, and holds the record of the town for that sort of a race. Afternoon Tea. They were at an afternoon tea, ana each held in her delicately gloved hand a cup of amlxir fluid, which she sipped daintily with a souvenir spoon. But their technical knowledge of tea would have made a tea expert's hair stand on end. "I like Fedora test," one of them was saying sweetly. "Do you?" said tho other; "now I prefer Solong, liocause there is no nicotine in it." "Talking of tea brands?" asked a society bride flutteringly, "I just adore Boohoo; it's made in China, you know." "Well, afternoon tea is good enough for me," warbled a socie ty bud who didn't know anything but real knowledge, and wouldn't bother her wavy head with tea kinks. But the hostess, who had served Formosa, and Souchong, and Bohea sighed to think of the ignorance that some times existed in social circles. De troit Free Press. In Canada. There are three things that attract the notico of a traveler from the states when he has got into Canada, to say nothing of the general dullness that pervades that province. One is the disappearance of window blinds and bareness of the house fronts. The other is the presence of militiamen and policemen, who are as nearly copies as may lie of tho Knglish militia and London "bobbies." The third is the iinpossioility of getting yourshoes blacked, except in the wash rooms of tho hotels. Ono pays ten cents for a shave, and a New York artist who did his work so shabbily would be made to do it over agaiD. precaution. After a row with his wife, who vio lently expressed a wish that he was dead, an Irishman said; "Oh, it's a widow you're want in1 to be, is it? Bedad, I'll take good care you're no widow as long as I live." Loudon Tit-Bits. Coon Hunting. A new departure in coon hunting has been tried by somo citizens of Alleghany, Pa. When the coon had been treed Roman candles wore used to ascertain his exact position. The scientists of a European ip dition now in Ecuador have ba making analyse; of ashes which fell 160 miles away from Cotopaxl at tho time of lU last eruption. They have found them to consist mainly of feld spar, quartz, maquetito and sectueu rar iron ore. Ono sample yielded sil ver at the rate of 200 grains to the ton. I Hamuli 'I Cat lilinwl A New Y'ork rogu caught a China man asWp in a lfUllway and stole his outer garment. These ni donnod and perambulated Mott street, the Chinese) quarter. One) of the celestials pre tended to bo deceived and led tho sham Chinaman to an opium joint, whore he was desolted of all he pos sessed and badly beaten. - A llrave Defender. Mrs. Watts It seems to mo that you paid a good deal more attention to that hateful Mrs. Fluns last night than was necessary. Evory ono in the room noticed it Mr. Watts My dear, I saw that there were at least a dozen unmarriwd men in the assemblage, and I wanted to protect them. How she Knew, Maiden of blushing fifteen You have changed a great deal of late, Charlie. Callow Youth To my own ad vant age, I hojie. Maiden Certainly to your own ad vantage. Formerly you brought me a box of candy every duy. Truth. Loug Philadelphia Street. Philadelphia has soma long stroots. Second stroet, fifteen mllss; German town and Kid go avenue, ten miles Broad street, nine and three-quarter miles; Frankfort avenue, eight mlles Fifth street, six and one-half miles) Market stroet, Ave and one-half miles. Kindly Consolation. "I sometimes fear," said the worry ing woman, "that my poor, dear hus band was buried alive. "You shouldn't let that bother you," said the well-meaning friend, with the best intent. "Ha is dead enough by this time." How Ii this'! Chiniquy's "Fifty Years m the Church of Rome," $2 00; The American one year, $2.00; Both for $2.25. Pond's Extract cures CutS, BUHIS, Catarrh, Sore Throat and ALL PAIN. A good thing $ always imitated I poor onet never. There art many worthlel imitation of PONlt'8 EXTRA C'T. you want to be CVS ED BEWARE of SUBSTITUTES WHICH DO NOT CURE. MAGNET Fill 0e KILLER Not a Common Salve or Ointment, but a SPECIFIC Died for Rectal Diseases Only.! A Uufrlc Knrf al"t l'nltlT Com fr mind, Hlredlng or ltd. Inir I'llM, or PilM In Auy form. HEAD Testimonial. S1.00 PER BOX. MAC NET CHEMICAL CO. ti M'Omahi, Nk. Jac'rVnd "discovery i i 1TANTEII -A liw man or woman in mry 9 fl county wbera we he not already .weurM. a : ffprwentevtive to Mil our "IVevncla fttlver t Ktti.llJ MKTAL. Knives. Fork! and huoom to con 1 turner 1 aaolkl metal white a tulefi no plate to I t wear off 1 powia euaraniwd to wear a jueiimci coat 1 : time ! urpnta avert 7 e from tM to ilOO net week, and . a unit nn-b-nth thatnr Mviwn Ih rrimce 01 a ma- . drinand fnr our Solid MrtalOoodi. Over On. Mil lion lloUuV wortjj in Uily C" ' mplie Free Addnw Mundard Kllverware Co., llrpU N Hoiloa, Hui. i ! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa THE BLACK POPE Br th Rev. O. E. Murray, P. L. D. A complete expnsenf this gigantic oct-upus. Invaluable to every IllM-rtv-lovInK ua.n and woman. Contains 13 lectures on questions dealing with the vital principles of ourcoun try. Over UK) illustrations; nearly MO pages. CLOTH, .O0; PAPER, SO CENTS. Kemit by registered letter or postottice order. PATRIOTIC PUBLISHING CO., Room 1401 Manhattan Bldg.t Chicago, 111. PEEDY and LASTING RESULTS, FAT PEOPLE L"'a M from any injurious ttrbstanc. Lj" USS1 aBSOMIHI mneiD. ta Wa GUARANTEE CURE at nlund teur aiane. . Price S.oo per bottle. Send e. for treitiieV IBKMOJNT MKD1CA1. COM Boeton, f WHYPRIESTS SHOULD WED. Bt UK. JUSTIN D FDLTON. This Is one of Dr. Fulton's best books, deals with the question of celibacy of th priesthood from a religious standpoint! alsc the past and present history of the Romas Catholic Church. I'rlce, In cloth cover, I.Oo Sent postpaid on receipt of price, by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard Street OMAHA, NEB (Q Or For The American one year 4)Z.ZOand "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome." Offer good until January 1, 1811.). RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Juvenile and Other Holiday Books.. Rare Wherein? Let Us Give You Particulars! If you want to make from $250.00 to S400 00 between now and the Holi days, write to UK at once for a cnvilnf HOLIDAY BOOKS Wo guaranU tho BEST TERMS AND BEST BOOKS T" !l' KpC . I I in, unit. i IHmIIiik; la Kvery 1'arlli-uUr. (be children. Prices, 60c, SI.OO, $1.80, trrmled to Mill all aK-. Big Sales! Large Profits! Exclusive Territory! f yuu want your choice of Territory, tend Immediately 49 Cent to pay riyress charges aud me will mud you full InMrm uuu d Our Beautiful $4.50 Outfit Free. No Experience Necessary. Addre We Give Full Instruction. DEPT. RARE, S. I. BELL & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Penn MARIA MONK Price in Paper Cover, 50 Cents. A standard work detailing the terrible trials of a Nun in thi Black Nunnery. The Tlate of this book have been destroyed by fire several times since it first appeared. Sent postpaid on receipt of price, by AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. ft THE BLACK POPE." OR Jesuit's Conspiracy 18 IN THE THIRD EDITION. This was the book that tho Romanlsta 300 pages. Uver lOU pictures, bpoecnes irom wormy repruBunutuvea from most of tho patriotic orders. IT WAS THE FIRST A. P. PRICE I2ST CLOTII, fiPl.OO. A cheap paper cover edition Is being prepared at 50 cents. t FOR BALE BY AMB1UCAN PUULISIIING CO. 'A HORSEMEN, DAIRYMEN, POULTRY RAISERS and DEALERS IN, FINE BLOODED STOCK ;Will Consult Their Own Interests by Using tockhart's Nutritious Condiment. IT IS Purest and Best Horse and Cattle Food ttAHUFACTURSP TOPAY.' Absolutely Free From Poisonous Matter of Air Kind. HGAPQUARTGRS INt London, England, Glasgow, Scotland, New j York, Chicago, Omaha. HAVING investigated this Horse and Cattle Food, and having become convinced that it was superior to any preparation on the market today, I have consented to take the general agency for the Middle and Western States. It is now being used by many of the leading horse and cattle men, some of whom testify to its worth and money-saving qualities. Among the number who have endorsed it may be mentioned: Robert Bonner, Esq., of the New York Ledger; William Lockhart, Esq., Veterinery Surgeon; Dan Mace, the famous trainer and driver, and II. E. Bonner, Esq., Veterinary Surgeon, all of New York; II. M. Hosick & Co., Tallow, Hides and Wool; The Lincoln Park Commissioners; John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour & Co., Packers; Miller & Armour, Packers; J. C. Pennoyer & Co., Teaming; Gen. Tor rence; Lincoln Ice Co.; A. II. Revell; William Thompson Ice Co.; Gen. Newberry; Consumers Pure Ice Co.; E. K. Bond Packing Co.; Thos. J. Lipton & Co., Packers, and others, of Chicago. This Condiment is recommended by a dairyman who says his cows gave one-third more milk while he used it during the winter. It is just the stuff to build up all stock, and is a great feed-saver on account of its nutritious qualities. t Price per Barrel (150 pounds) $11.00 100 Pounds f-00 60 Pounds jj.OO 25 Pounds 3.00 Sample Package Containing 8 Pounds '-00 Send in a If vou use it once you will'never'.belwithout . it. ;. Address,--2 JOHN C. THOMPSON. Care American Publishing Co. outtltof our BEAUTIFUL JUVENILE Hf. Amu.lnf. IVin li'K ilii nd 1'AWtJ Inntruc-tlve Morlin, srrllle THE vs A.mci icanlsm, burned while In tho bindery. Nearly A. BOOK EVER PRINTED) THE Trial Order. I