The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 14, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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' .tMiimi iIWMI HOii .SS K'' M
EWtUhI Thriiirh IViw, I'raud, Itrllx-rj
and the Induratr f"Vi lct VmtB.w
One of the ilirctriitlc of tho m
jority of tbe otnoUvnth century Koniad
Cthoio cMntrepiii!it In their utter
U!rcrd of the truth. Whe her It be
in orl or writU'o dUcuMtion; wtiother
It be by private or newjpr corrvt-
om'm- mo find the Mnk Uiiu-ntkblo
faillnjf. In th f'o of reliable author-
itic, cvt-n n;alnt the rtn-ord of hlvtorjr
written by Koiuan Ct holloa, our rt?-
ent day IUm!hh ajokv Utj will contra
dict anything and everything- that U
authentlo. Should a ProU'maot apeak
to a ItomauUt aUmt the Immoral Uvea
of the pojna, he la blandly told that the
bletuihhoi he montlona are lnventod by
ProU'iitanta, who never have a good
word to say In favor of the "holy and
awtollc Itoiuan faith" "out of which
there la no salvation."
The evidence la ao overwhelmingly
(ilrong, however, that now and again a
lloman Catholic writer la forced to ad
mit that there la a modicum of truth la
what we heretica assert, touching tho
exemplary Uvea of the aocalled auo
cetra of f'etor. For IncUnce, Father
H. I. D. Ryder (of the Oratory), author
of "Catholic Controversy," a "reply" to
that unanswerable work of Or. R. F,
Llttlcdale, "l'laln Reaaona Against
Joining the Church of Rome," aaya (and
It la a aplendtd admlstslon will our Ro
man Cathollo readers make a note of
It?) "No doubt there have been bad
popea and grlevoua diaordera of one
kind or another In the Roman church.
And yet Rome, under the poitoa,
haa produced a continual auccottHlon of
brilliant example of sanctity; has been
ever forenuwt In the Interexta of rellg
Ion, charity, and education." Oh
rather Ryder! Let u eee how far
these statements are supported by
authentic history.
Cardinal Buronlus In hla "Euclealaa
tlcal Annuls,' speaks thus of the tenth
century: "It la usual to denominate It
the iron age, on account of Its burbar
ism and barrenness of all good; also the
leaden ago, on account of the abound
ing wickedness by which It was dc
formed; and the dark age, on account
of the scarcity of writers." This la In
direct opposition to what Father Ryder
has advanced. I prefer the finding of
Baronlua to that of the priest "of the
oratory." But this la not all! The
"prince of controveralallsta" goes on to
aay: "One can scarcely believe, nay,
absolutely cannot credit without ocular
demonstration, what unvorthy conduct,
what base and enormous doeds, what
execrable and abominable transactions
dlgraoed the holy (?) Cathollo see,
which la the pivot on which the whole
Catholic church revolyes; when tem
poral prlncea who, though called chrla
tlana, were moat cruel tyranta,arrogated
to themselves the election of tho Roman
pontiffs. Alas, the shamo! Alas, the tno public these sickening details? Bo
mischief! What monsters, horrible to cause we believe that tho mjorlty of
ne hold, were then ralsod to the holy I "10 Roman Catholic laity are totally
I etc., and I have no doubt but success
will crown Its effort whenever It shall
choose to take up the question.
Right here let me say that while the
American Protective Association Is en
gaged In pro'ecting the ute and na
tion by electing suitable legislators,
congrecmen and other officers of trust
rho will enact good laws, and enforce
them, I hope and believe that just at
the right time and in the right way
the noble order will include the protec
tion of the home la i's !it ot patriotic
princip'es. And it is jxissible, and I
may say quite probable th .t this will
be tbe agency In the hai d of God by
rhlch the liquor power in this country
shall be destroyed, and this grtat na
tion entirely protected from the mur
derous drink traffic. God i rant that it
may be even ao, and let all the people
say Amen! J. G. Pingree.
100 ItEWAIlD $100.
The readers of thin iimuhp Kill h nipuH m
leara that there Is at least one dreaded dis
ease that science has heen able to cure in all
ll stages, and that l4atarrh. llHll'('Hirrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh Mag a con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
Internally, acting directly upon th" blood
and mucous surfaces of the syteiu, tnereby
destroying the foundation of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by building
UP the Constitution and slsl inu nutnm in
doing Its work. The oronrleti trfl have an
much faith in its curative
offer One Hundred Hollars for any case that
It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address. V J. I'HKM V ('ii t,,i...i.
IVriold by Druggists. Tic.
see, which anirels rovere!? What
w " I . . mmw
evils did they perpetuate. What hor
rible tragedies ensued! With what
pollution wiw this see, though Itself
without spot or wrinkle, then stained
wnat corruptions Infected It; what
fllthfncss defiled It; and hence what
marks of perpetual Infamy are visible
upon it!" This cardinal should have
been excommunicated fer writing so
A short ''character sketch" of some
of tho pontiffs will not, perhaps, be out
or place here,
John XII. ascended the papal throne
In 95o, at the age of 18. Platina (11. C.)
says he surpassed all his predecessors
In debauchery. And tuy were bad
enough! Re constituted a boy 10 years
oia a oishop. He lived In public adul
wry wiui the Komau matrons, and
committed incest with Stepbanla, his
lather s concubine. He converted the
Lateran Palace Into a sink of Infamy
and prostitution. Fear of violation
from Peter's successor deterred female
pilgrims irora visiting the tomb of
Peter. When summoned to attend
synod to answer the numerous charges
against him, he had the audacity to
excommunicate the council In the name
of the Almighty! He was deposed; but
afterwards regained the holy see. Be
Ing caught in adultery, he waa killed,
says Lultprand, by the devil, or more
probably by the Injured husband.
Bonifiice VII. (A. D. 974) waa another
beauty. Baronius calls him a thief, a
murderer, a notorious robber, etc.
Gregory VII. A. D. 1703J was elected
through force and bribery. Cardinal accuses him of simony, sacrilege,
magic, sorcery, treason, impiety and
John XXIII. exceeded, If possible, all
his predecessors in "sanctity," accord
ing to Father Ryder; In enormity, ac
cording to history. "His Infallibility"
was accused of heresy, deism, infidelity,
etc The council of Constance found
him guilty of simony, piracy, exaction,
barbarity, robbery, massacre, murder,
lying, perjury, fornication, adultery,
Incest and sodomy, and to finish the
dim", dwlared that he was nothing
better than an Incarnated devil!
These are but a few specimens, taken
at random. To put it In a nut-shell, all
the crimes of the Newgate Calendar
can be proved to the hilt against a
large number of the popes and proved,
too, from the works of Roman Catholic
Why do we Protestant place before
Ignorant as to the common facts of his
tory. The controversial works which
they read are unreliable, and In many
cases they do not hear the other side,
Father Ryder makes another admis
sion. He tells us p. 244, "Various ln
accuracies have crept In to the catalogue
of tho Roman pontiffs, and It may be
fairly maintained that one or two I'one
or two!' amongst them have been ac
credited witn a title of sanctity to
which they had no right." Thank you,
Mr. Ryder! A. L. Lloore in i'roteffuit
Sunday School Work in Italy.
It Is a fact of wonderful significance
that there are regularly constituted
Sunday schools In the kingdom of Italy.
The Romish church never Intended
that any such Institutions should exist
where sho had ruled with undisputed
sway for so many centuries. She did
all In her power to prevent the realiza
tion of the fact, and her opposition was
never more active than at the present
moment. Thank God she cannot now
Imprison, torture or burn at the stake
as in former years. But she anathe
matizes, ridicules, ostracizes, boycotts,
deprives of employment and cruelly
slanders, bhe does all she dares to do,
and would do as she did if she could,
for the spirit is the same.
In the presence of such an enemy one
can easily Imagine how difficult our
work becomes. As missionaries we
realize the importance of the Sunday
school la relation to the future of our
work. In order to found a growing,
progressive church we must reach t e
children. The priests are equally aware
of the Importance, as far as they are
concerned, of koeping the children
away from us. They will terrify the
parents with the most horrible stories
about Protestant teachers, and threaten
with excommunication all who dare to
send their children to our schools. This
threat is sometimes carried so far that
people are forbidden to give our teach
ers to eat or drink or even to recognize
them, on penalty of the severest pen
The confessional ia freely "Red. so
that what the priest cannot do directly
he does through others. Hence the
people are often confronted with the
dilemma either not to let their children
attend our schools or to be themselves
excluded from society, deprived of em
ployment, or in some way injured in
person or estate.
When threats will not avail, then
every art and device is employed to
allure with promises and rewards. In
order to know who come to our schools,
spies are often placed near the doors of
our chapels and halls to note the names
of all who enter, and a report is made
to the priests.
Sometimes an opposition school is
started by the priests at the same hour,
and the children gathered for a brief
exercise in the Romish catechism, and
special rewards of little pictures and
Images, and sometimes of food and
clothing, are given to those who will
promise not to enter the Protestant
Materialism and religious Indiffer
ence follow in the wake of Romanism,
so that we find difficulty also in reach
ing the children of those who are bit
terly opposed to the papacy. With the
same hand wish which they would de
stroy Romanism, they would also crush
out all religious sentiment, even in the
tender hearts of their little ones.
Still another difficulty Is In the utter
disregard of Sunday. The morning is
given up to business about as on other
days, while the afternoon Is a holiday
when both children and parents go to
gether for a good time.
In spite, however, of all these and
many other difficulties, we have prosper
ous Sunday school In this papal land.
The Sunday school workers in Italy
may be divided into four general groups:
1 Waldenslans; 2 Methodists (Wes
leyans and Methodist Episcopalians);
3 Free, or Italian Evangelical ; 4 Bap
tists (American and English). In addi
tion to these there area few independent
schools which are doing good work.
The total statistics In the various mis
sions In Italy are: Schools, 190; teach
ers, 564; scholars, 7,280. The figures
are not large, but they are very sig
nificant for Italy. They represent the
new recruits of that little army destined
to redeem the nation.
In studying the Sunday school work
in Italy I am greatly encouraged by the
following indisputable facts:
1. During the past few years there
has been a decidedly growing interest
in Sunday schools among all the denom
inations, and an earnest co-operation
for the furtherance of that work.
2. There Is also a growing apprecia
tion of the improved methods and
organization in Sunday school work,
such as have been adopted in the best
managed schools In America. They
are no longer content with a mass Sun
day school preached to by the minister.
The larger schools are now organized
ttrlt.h mitVttnt.n?aanta,tn ( J
I - r- . ... .V.....V..IWO, cv mini JL'B BUU
teachera, whilo the lessons are taught
as in the schools at home.
The firrowth and ImnrovemAnt nf
Sunday school literature is decidedly
encouraging. All the Sunday schools
study the International lessons. The
Teachcrs's Quarterly, published by us, is
adopted by all denominatiens. The
lesson is published every week in our
paper, rEravqclista. We have a very
pretty little illustrated monthly for the
child ren, called the lurora, which Is
arranged In parts so that a part can be
given to the children each Sunday. We
greatly need some illustrated leaflets
and Scripture cards, as well as books
Tor Sunday school libraries, which as
yet do not exist
4. The children are being taught to
help themselves and become a blessing
to others. In all the schools of our
mission the children contribute one
quarter of the price of the Sunday
school papers furnished them, and In
nearly all there Is a regularly consti
tuted missionary society, and in many
a society for helping the poor.
5. There is a growing desire for the
conversion of the scholars as the only
means of permanent success. The aim
of teaching is not so much now to com
bat Romanism as it is to lead the
scholars to Jesus. From the report of
our lady (Italian) superintendent at
Modena, read at the quarterly confer
ence, I quote the following: "The Lord
has verily blessed me during this
quarter. He has given me health, so
taat I have not only been able to attend
to my work In the school, but also to
make my visits to the homes of the
scholars. I can only do a little, but
that little I do with a glad heart. I
work in the Sunday school because I
love the children, and am so happy
when I can lead one of the precious
lambs to Christ The children them
selves come because they want to come.
They are diligent, give attention to
their lessons, and contribute their little
to tbe general work. I have been for
tunate, too, in securing the co-operation
of the parents, who help prepare
the children during the week and ask
them questions about the lessons when
they return from school."
6. The sixth encouraging fact is
that for the most part our present
workers in the Sunday school are being
furnished by the Sunday school, and
this will be more so in the future. It
is a iso true, wim lew oAucpuocs, .sat
the younger pastors have a truer ap
preciation of the importance of Sunday
school work and, ai a consequence, are
reaping larger results among tbe child
ren and youth.
7. It has been very difficult to make
out Italian workers understand that the
Sunday school was not only for small
children, but also for young people and
cdults. Hence the young people no
longer frequenting the school would
wander away and be lost, not only to
school, but also to the church. The
gap is now being filled up by the organ-
Notice to Aou-IUsideiit Dt fendiiuts.
To Margaret Blaekniore, Thomas Frederick
Blackuiore. Mrs. lilackmore, wife of Thomas
r rederlck Ulackmore. E. C. Hates, first name
unknown. John H. Bassett and James B.
Dickey, defendants:
1 Vou are hereby notified that on the 27th
(Jay of July, 1I4. Harry J. Twlnting Hied a
petition in the District court within and for
Douglas county, Nebraska, In an action
wherein Harry J. Twlnting waa plaintitr.and
Margaret Ulackmore, Herbert Blackmore,
Ida E. Biackmore. Thomas Frederick H ack-
more, Mrs. Biackmore. lirst name
unknown, his wife. James B. Dickey, John
11. Bassett. E. C. Kates, lir-t tn...,u iriL-r...u.n
Louis Levi and the Collins liun Company
were defendants, the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose one certain lax deed
uuon lot eight (Si. block -I)." nf h .!.
Omaha, (original ulat) Douglas count.v. Ne
braska, and to also foreclose n ..n.. 1.1 , .v
certiticate upon said lot. which said deed
anii ceriincaie are now owned and held by
the ulaintllT. Plaintiff u-t thut i ,?.,... ,1,
of the payment of the amount found dn
that the defendants hn il,.i,,irr..H u,,.l
closed of all Interest In said premises and
that they be gold to satisfy the sum so found
due. rlaintllf claims that nn .SentMilier i?th
ls!4, there was due uuou said ui deed un.i
certiilcate the sum of three hundred and
eighty-one and M-1U0 dollars ifcJNl.M) with in
terest at tne rate of ten duj per cent, per an
num from Seutember 17th. imu. unrf n ....
torney's fee equal to ten tl(l) per cent, of the
decree and all costs.
You are reoulred to answer onM tuttrn
on or before ilieaist day of December, lsi4.
i-aieu 4ovemuer iira, iw4.
By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at-
torneys. Doc. j. Mo,3t. ll-i-4
Jiotlce to Men. Resident Defendants.
To Margaret Klackninrn. Thnmu Vraiiamtnl,
Blackmore. Mr., urtfu f Th
Frederick Blackmore, E. U. Bates, lirst name
unknown, John H. Basseti and James B.
Dickey, defendants:
Vou are herehv notified that nn fi.o
dyof July, lm, Harry J. Twlnting nled a
petition in the District court within and for
Dougias county, Nenraska. In an action
whereto. Harry J. Twlnting was plalnllir.and
Margaret Blackmore, Herbert Blackmore,
IdaE Blackmore, Thomas Frederick Black
more. Mrs. Blackmore, first name
unknown, bis wife, James B. Diekev, John
H. Bassett, E. 0. Bates, Hist name unknown,
Louis Levi aud the Collins Uun Company
were defendants, the object and prayer of
which 1 to foreclose one certain tax deed
uuon lot six (til. block -D." of ih ,-i,u
Omaha, (original ulat) Douglas count v. Ne
braska, aud to also foreel use a cerl.Mtn tuv
certiilcate upon said lot, which deed
and certiilcate are now owned and held by
the plaintiff. Plaintiff asks that in default
of tne uavment of the amount rn.,H .I,.-
that the defendants oe debarred and fore-
Izatlon of young people's societies, and ihat thy aoTCM ,X stTou
uue. riaiuun claims Umtcn teptemler 17th,
in our own church by the Epworth
8. The last fact I would mention is
tne steady growth of public sympathy
in our favor. Our schools are being
14, there was due upon said tax deed am
certiticate the sum of twelve hundred and
three aud 3U let) dollars tSimuih with Inter
est at the raw of ten im per cent, per annum
from feepwiuber 17th, im, aud an attorney's
fee equal to ten tW) per cent, of ths decrees
and ail costs.
lou are required to answer said petition
judged by the results wrought on the " or before the :iUl day of December, im.
vuiiuicu nuu abbCUU bUVUl. ttHU tne
people are beginning to appreciate
these results and send their children to
us. I frankly confess that I have no
hope for the redemption of Italy, ex
cept through the christian education
of the children and young people.
Rome, Italy.
By Saunders, Macfarland & Dlcke'h'is"?
torneys. Doc. 4o. No. d44. H-23-4
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the District court for Douglas county
Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the
iilst day of December, A. D. Ism, at .en o'clock
a. in. of said day. at the north front door of
the county court bouse, in the city of Omaha
Douglas county, Nebraska, seii at public
auction to the highest biader for cash, the
.rwrto-'w'iT:'1'1 S'Urdur of 8ale'
Ttie west half nf Int. nut, .I,.,.. ...
block number "V," Lowe's addition t ti.
Advises the Public to Get Information
from the Fountain Head.
Dundee, 111., Dec. 4, 1894. Editor
The American: Although I am not a
member of your noble order the A. P.
A still I am in full sympathy with its Judgment, with im..,. o',.
aims and plans of work, as far as I can
learn them from your pacer. The
American, of which I am an annual
The following cardinal principles of
the order commend themselves to my
city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re-
wKOLuer wiui an appurtenances
faid property tu be sold to satisfy Sarah J
Barrows, defendant herein, the sum of eluht
hundred, ninety-one aud .lll dollars (iSHrfci
ereon at rate of
ir'th VM4Per ent P"'r annum from September
lo satisfy Frances I. T omas, plaintiff
hers n. the sum of i,wenr.f. ... ..r ......
judgment, with interest thereon a" rate of
17fh,VlMPUr CKUt Pt'r anDUm from SePte"'er
To satisfy the sum nt iu7U..i i,.i.. j
101) collars ,.(, costs herelnf Witt, luwre
i. ZV, rro"il"el,th day of September. A.
p. IMU. until paid, together with accrding
itirmont.o,.f . '""" W
J fc,vuv uu "Vi iut vi tUUVl i OttCUU' I tusia KCCtirtlinir til a. in irnmnnt ... 1 i '
..oiistnuiL'ounoiuuia l'outcl&s county at
n u n,nu mtTM nHnninir huinU
1. No pr estly dictation in politics.
2. Restriction of immigration.
3. One ballot fairly counted.
4. Taxation of all property.
5. The public schools.
6. Free speech, free press and liberty
of conscience.
Now, how much these principles
have been defended the past year by
the A. P. A. is known in part to all
who read the published statements of
its doings. Therefore I would strongly
recommend THE American as a good
and reliable paper from which to obtain
the desired information. It is true that
the gigantic work which the A. P. A.
has in hand cannot be accomplished in
a single year, yet from what we know
Frances 1. ThmT,a .M.Xi" ?U"K?
atham and others were defendants
Omaha, Neb., November 2tt. m '
Dextkh L. TtPAC',?J loner.
Fri?vCis 1uTllt"'1'W s. John VV. Latham et al.
Ex.S. Page 03. Doc. 41. No. M7. U iK'-a
Stecial Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
hriid'S C.C0urh tor county. Ne-
......... ... unccieu, i will, on tne ITl.h
uay or iwcember, A. D. ls:4. at II) nvi.wu
m. of said day. at the north front door of tha
county court house, in the city of Omaha!
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash the
PUTloViytlbed lB "'-order'ofaM
tenVZZ adS
to the city of Omaha, as surveyed b atted
and recorded, together with alf the a ur
tenances thereto belonging, all situate In
Doug as county, state of Nebraska
Je sold to satisfy John
it has already done is presumptive evi- pine hun3a. nia Tand JSX?.f
dence that the good work will continue euTift ,M,n wii?..'"!st ln"on t rate of
to be prosecuted with vigor until it is
completed and our country saved from
the political dictation of the Roman
Another thing pleases me much. In
THE American of November 24, I tee
an editorial stating that "equal suffrage
will be tho next great question that
will confront the American people,"
,i ,ii ... hij-iih auu O.J-1UU (WIS .Lit
romfneT 5ercin; wilh Merest thereon
rrom the l,tn ay of feptenner n ivu
unt paid, together witf, a,'cru?ng costs
cording to a Judgment rendered L tbe dis
trict court of said Douglas county at fs
September term. A. D. Ism. ln "ertaln action
then and there pending, wherein Jolm
Omalia. Nebraska, November 15 IK'14
Ik-ib-r n Tt. u H MaU;r Commissioner.
iN-xter I). Thomas, Attorney. Il.n.s
Bassett vs. VH-tk. et al. Doc. , Page 44.