The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 07, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Cuy Fwkfs and Nonmber 5th
A Character.
Jaothrr Put Hollo I'rtlmle lij lr. .Mur
raj ShfliilJ America Ak a Tot
Simpson M. E. church, C'hkaco, of
which Dr. O. E. Murray In pastor, ha
been crowded at every Sunday evening
ervic laUly. On November 4th he
gave a oltrrlrif relude, an he often
doe, takinir for ht theme, "Guy
Fawkea." ThU would not bo toleraUd
In many a Protectant pulpit. In thU
case the wialthlest member of the
church and an Influential member of
the official board, Rave Dr. Murray his
theme and aked him to x-ak uhiq the
gunpowder plot. A Urge number of
the men preent were cither A. P. A,
or strongly la aympatuy with tholr
principle. This wm evident from the
applause and It cnoour(jed the speaker.
Leading nu mber of tho church are
considering plan for the enlarging of
the seating cawelty.
Dr. Murray said: "Tomorrow all
England will bo ablaze with moral
earncctnee. And so will the best end
of Ireland. That Is the part of the
Emerald Isle urrldden by priests and
vn-nuracd by their craft. In niot of
the large cltlea of Great Britain boy
will exhibit original drawings of Guy
Fawko. At night they drag around
Image of the arch-oonKUlraior, burning
blm In effigy before the evening is done.
Not many years ago the form of Car
dinal Manning was substituted for that
of Fawkcs because of tho obnoxious In
trusion of political Itomanlsm under
that prelate. American nitty ask the
reason for all this end we recall the
memories of childhood. Your speaker
marched In these precessions and took
part In these antl-Uomanlst demonstra
Hons, and jet ho had been baptized by
Father Carey, his parish priest, and
was selected by this holy father for the
priesthood. But Providence rulod
otherwise, for which we are most de
voutly thanktul.
"Guy Fawkes was the most noted of
the sixteen visible conspirators in the
gunpowder plot. He with such Roman
Cathollo nobles as Caterby, Stanley,
Winter and Percy, took solemn oath to
blow up the house of parliament, then
gather the Catholics of the midland
counties for revolt, and with the help
of Cathollo Spain, that stood ready,
turn England over to the pope. Fawkes,
like Miles Standlsh, had fought in
Flanders. Under direction of Sir Wo.
Stanley and the Jesuits he had quite a
military career. He and all his con
spirators were steeped In plots. Under
solemn oath, sealed by the sacrament
at the hands of Gerard the Jesuit, they
begin the horrid work, la May, 16(15,
a house is rented near the houeo of par
liament. A tunnel is dug nlno feet
under pretense of mining. Later a
vault is rented immediately under the
house of parliament. Hero there was
stored one night thirty-six barrels of
gunpowder, covered with wood. Fawkes
passed as Percy's servant. The disease
meriilrg such remedy was that King
James did not give the Romanists all
the oflices thst they hungered for. He
was bound by the laws inherited from
Queen Elizabeth banishing the priests
and recusants. His political promises
were like those of the present day.
brittle as pie-crust and made to be
broken. The plot leaked out through
the desire to keep the Roman Catholic
lord from the parliament. Word came
to the king. The sheriff found Fawkes
among the thlrty-slx barrels of powder
ready to ignite the whole. He and his
party were tortured and killed, as well
as the priest that knew the plot, but
under the seal of the confessional re
fused to give a word of warning.
"The RomUh leaders assembled
under a pretense of forming a party for
bunting, some 200 horse, and they had
arms In readiness, but most of them
were killed In flight. Those captured
were drawn and quartered. A special
thanksgiving for this deliverance of
the king and the parliament was held
in England annually for 200 years, and
for that period Roman Catholics were
kept out of office. During the last 100
years they have crept back Into the
politics of England and now are quite a
factor insomuch that they are called
in Britain and on the continent, the
'clerical party.' Mr. Chas. Butler, in
his 'Book of the Roman Catholic
church,' defends the conspirators, but
he is so completely answered by the
prebendary of Durham, that his work
never received a very large circulation,
Mr. Geo. Townsend says: 'The guilt of
tkis plot must be charged upon the Ro
manist in general, (p. 2S5 of Accusa
tions of Hist. vs. the Church of Rome)
It was justified by principles taught by
Romanism and preached by priests in
their instructions. It was approved by
their superiors and executed by their
agents. That a king may be deposed
and killed is taught by Romanism.
Also, Romanism teaches the lawful
ness of killing kings after public sen
tence. Strangely too they deny that
they commit regicide on the ground
that a deposed king is only a private
person. Henry III of France was so
slain and many others.
D "The king wrote against that arro
gant and ambitious supn uisvy of their
head, the poM and say, "That I may
make a separation, not only between
all my good tubject In general and un
faithful traitor., that intend to with
draw thi mcelve from my ohcdicnrt;
but ecjKclally to make a separation be
tween to many of my turijects, who,
though they weru otherwise pcpUhly
affected, yet retained in their heart
the print of their natural du'y to their
sovereign.' To this end he drew up an
oath atklng all his subjects to swear
'that the mi, neither of htmcelf, nor
by any authority of the church, or tee
of Rome, or by any other meuns, with
any other, hath any power or authority
to dejiose the king.' Citizens were a so
sworn against 'treasons and traitorous
conspiracies.' The doctrineof regicide
or taught by Romanism was expressly
made plain and each loyal Englishman
said: 'I do from my heart abhor, de
test and abjure as Impious and hereti
cul this damnable doctrine and igni
tion.' So sav we all of us.
"America may be driven to adopt a
test oath yet. The Boston Citizunn'
Commlttoe of One Hundred have ad
vocated this for some years. There Is
not a reason for Its use In England that
does not apply with equal force In the
United States. R.' v. Geo. Townsend,
A. M , writing early In the last century
said: 'Never can there be any ponce
among our people harmony In our
councils or union of our energies and
resourse;s, unless the authority of the
Htpe of Rome, whether spiritual or
torajwral, bo utterly and finally ab
jured.1 Some Romanists took the oath
of allegiance, but tho pope sent two
briefs commanding the faithful to ab
jure It, and he was obeyed. Thus he
had power above the king and all his
icalra. The controversy was great
even among the Romanists. It was
like tho raging of a storm. Oil was
poured un the troubled waters ana
the billows were hushed to repose.
This tranquility, however, was only
maintained so long as Romanists were
shorn of political power. Our ship of
stitto rocks In the waves of approaching
storm. May the principles that guided
tne bravo Britishers preserve us in this
time of plot against American institu-
A Move In the Klght Direction.
Chicago, 111., Sunday, Deo. 2nd, 1804.
The Protestant Protective Union was
organized today at Masonic Temple,
144 Twenty-second street, at 2:30 p. M.
The meeting was made up of Protes
tant denominations, and Included mem
bers of many patriotic and benevolent
orders, as well as freethinkers and lib
eral minded people, both male and fe
male. After vecal music the principal
speech was delivered by Rev. O. E.
Murravi on the "Little Red School
House," which was frequently Inter
rupted by applause. After the speech,
a collection was taken up to pay for 120
song books The Singing Patriot and
a motion was made declaring the or
ganization permanent.
It Is to be strictly non-sectarian and
patriotic, inculcating practical and use
ful lessons in good citizenship for young
and old, and to hold regular meetings
every Sunday afternoon, at the same
time and place.
John Woodard was elected president,
Charles A. Story, secretary, and Chas.
Bolander, treasurer. An executive
committe was elected, composed of
representatives from the several Pro
testant churches, the G. A. R., the Or
angemen, Daughters of America, W.
A. P. A., P. O. S. of A . Jr. O. U. A.
M., A. P. A. and many other patriotic,
religious and fraternal societies.
The meetings are to be open to the
public, and all people who love their
country, its schools and its flag, male
and female, young and old, are invited.
Seats free, and a collection will be taken
to defray expenses. Rev. O. E. Murray
will be present at every meeting, with
out pay. There will be congregational
singing from the song book, and a choir
is being organized.
Charles A. Story,
The Jew in Masourj,
It is not strange that the history and
symbolism in the Biue Lodge is so at
tractive and of such interest to the
Je; that the capitular and cryptic de
grees are to him a source of pleasure
and devotion. Well might he exclaim:
It is my father's house; the events of
my people; my home. The devote Is
raelite finds a vision of the past, scenes
of his people's former glory, the fulfill
ment of the prophecy, the Jehovah.
What to the Gentile may seem cere
monial, to him it is worship: To us
"The desolation of Zion" is history, to
him a reality. The song of the captive
on the banks of the Euphrates is to us
a sad and plaintive lyric. To him it is
outpouring of heart and soul. No, it is
not strange that a djvout Jew loves
Masonry. It is not he who causes Ma
sonry to blush. It is not he who finds
fault with Christian prayers. "The
Lion of the Tribe of Judah" is as much
of a reality to him as to the Christian.
The latter may see him as having
come; tsc Jc may sec c:rn, by faith,
as yet to come; and under the triangle
oi rather, Son and Holy is pint, both
Jew and Gentile can bow, breathe in
solemn accents Ehjeh Asher Ehyeh.
The Unent.
It is stated that Rev. Father Booker
vice, rector of the United States college
at Rome, will succeed Rev. Father
i'apl as secretary of the apostolic dele
gation at Washington.
SuggeM I'tank.
In preparing the platform of the
coming political campaign, say what
you mean, and cay It in full. I suggest
the following, at one plnk:
Asexemptlon from tr-ation Isequiva
lent to appropriation from the public
treasury, we believe that all property
not owned ttn.l rontroll d by the nation
or the state, or the p ilitica! sub ilivis
lorn of the name, should pny Its just and
pro-rata chare of taxes; and the only
exceptions to this general rule that
should ever be tolerated, are those cases
where libraries, acndeml s, colleges,
universities, hosoltal. charitable
homes, scientific and benevolent Insti
tutions are open to the public, and for
the honefit f all, and are absolutely
free from sectarian or denominational
control and management. But we In
sist and demand that all property
owned, controlled, or manag -d In the
interest of any sect, denomlna'ion, as
sociation, church, corporation, creed,
caal, faction or party, to further its
own aims and p'irp'tses, shall pay its
pro-raU share of assessment levied for
the expenses of the nation and the
state. We feel justified In announcing
the fact that this property, so do
scribed, Including church property,
cathedrals, pastoral residences, sec
tarian schools, academies, colleges,
hospitals, reformatories, houses of the
Good Shepherd, convents, monasteries,
nunneries, missionary station?, retreats
and other denominational, factional,
sectarian and party property, amount
ing, in this republic, to many billions
of dollars in value, which has not la
the past, and does not now, pay one cent
of taxes for the general expenses, Is not
only unjust, cruel and outrageous, un
fair toward all other citizens and ab
horent to all fair-minded people, but is
a shame and disgrace upon this age
and country; and we demand that the
assessor be ordered to placo all this
property upon his tax-list and levy
taxes thereon at the same rate that all
other private property has to pay; and
we further demand that the said, sec
tarian and ecclesiastical institutions
and factional property, shall, at all
times, be subject to v sltatlon, Inspec
tion ami examination, by the executive,
judicial, and peace officers of the nation,
stato, county and city In which the
same are located.
Charles A. Story.
The Coffee Habit
is difficult to throw oft", especially If
one's epicurean taste leads to the use of
Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed
Milk in this popular beverage. Its
superiority to cream is admitted. Rich
flavor and uniform consistency.
Nerth fimsha RiianilAnf
llviiii vmcmai miiviiiivim
Do you know that Baldwin, of 1315 17
North Twenty-fourth street, has ar
ranged to give all his patrons a Holiday
Present. Everyone selects their own.
Coupons with every purchase of 25
cents and over during December.
Eat Dyball'a Candies, 1518 Douglas
Show cards, For Rentcards, Business
cards, every kind cf cards at the Amer
ican Publishing Co. Job Department,
1615 Howard street, Omaha.
When down town drop In at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, if it Is out
of repair, to be fixed. 317 north 16 St.
Eat Dyball's delicious Cream Candles
1518 Douglas St.
If you desire to assist the cause sur
scribe for The American.
Edward Baumley, for livery, 17th
and St. Marys Ave
Blank advertisement notices to Re
deem Tax Sales can be had at The
American office, 1615 Howard street.
100 REWARD $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there la at least one dreaded dis
ease that science has been able to cure In all
Its st ages, and t hat Is Catarrh. Hall's Cat arrh
Cure Is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh belnK a con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
Internally, acting directly upon th - blood
and mucous surfaces of t he system, mereby
destroying the foundation of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by building
up the constitution and assisting nature In
doing Its work. The proprietors have so
much faith In Its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Ihtllars for any case that
It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address. K J. CH EN EY & CO., Toledo, O.
IWSold by Druggists, 75c
What a Woman Can Do.
1 want "my lady friends to know of the new
tirlUlnow open for Item. In the past 8 months
we have made a proBt of SiHIT.O!. after paying
all expenses. All our sales have been made
at home, not having canvassed any. Mr of
ficial duties calling me away most of the
time. I left the Dish Washer business in my
wife's control, with the above results. The
business is rapidly increasing, and will con
tinue to grow until every family has a Climax
lsh Washer. Not a day passes but what we
ell one or two. and some days fifteen or
twenty Dish Washers. It's easy selling wbat
everybody wants to buy. You can wash and
dry thedfshes perfectly In two minutes. Kor
full particulars address the Climax Mfg. Co.,
Columbus, Ohio. Oet a sample washer and
you can't help but make money. They only
lost $.". You may just as well be making i." a
day as to be doing nothing.
I-egal Notice.
In the District court of Douglas county,
Myron I,. Ware, plaintiff, vs, Ida J. Ware,
To Ida J. Wahr. defendant:
You are hereby notified that on the 2-Jird
day of October. 1S4, Myron L. Ware tiled a
petition against you in the District court of
j'ougias county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from
you on the irround that vmi -,,, mttt...l
adultery with one Anton J. Proper, at No. 1323
North Twenty-fourth street, In the city of
Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, ou or
about the 2otli day of Juue, ln.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the Hth day of Janu
ary, l.-W.
Omaha, Neb.. November Hi. iM.
Doc. 47. No. UH. ll-JtM
While looking about for
Holiday Gifts, you should
drop into
joiin mmirs
Where vou will find a
beautiful line of
.Towel rv iiiid . .
Silverware . . .
Just what you want to
make your wife or friend
A Full Line of Optical Goods.
317 North 16th Street.
Oflice removed from 11U North ltlth street to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 90. : OMAHA, NEB
Contractor Builder
Storm Doori and Sah.
1705 St. Mary's Ave., OMAHA, NEB.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty
512 South 16 Street.
Undertaker Emalmber
Formerly with M. O. Maul.l
Telephone 690.
ei3 South 10th St., OMAHA.
Successor to Drexel & Maul.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB.
Clara T. Vale and Vale, first name
unknown, ber husband, will take notice that
on the 21st day of November, 1KH4. I'hlllp L.
Johnson, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition
In the District court of Douulas county. Ne
braska, against said defendants, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain tax certificate upon lot three (3), block
three (31, Rtdjck's Park addition to the city
of Omaha, dated July 1st, for the sum of
eight and 30-100 dollars (IH.30) and the f ar
ther sum of twenty-eight and 22-100 dollars
i$222) subsequently paid theieunder to
gether with Interest at the rate of twenty
(20) per cent, per annum upon said sums from
the dates of their respective payments for
two years and at the rate of ten (1U) percent,
thereafter, for which amounts together with
costs of this action plaintiff prays for a de
cree foreclosing said premises and ordering
the same to be sold to satisfy the amount
found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 81st day of December. 1S4.
Dated November 2mh. 1804.
By Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, his at
torneys. 11-23-4
Legal otire.
In District court. Douglas county. Ne
braska. Soren T. Pemrson. plaintiff, vs.
Jacob Kendls, Leah Kendis. George Orynips
Wand Ida utherlck. defendants:
The above named George Grymps, non
resident defendant, will take notice that on
the Kith day of January. A. 1). 1MSH. plaintiff
herein Hied his petition In the district court
of ltouglas county. Nebraska, against said
defendants, the object and prayer of which
Is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed
by Jacob Kendls and Leah Kendls upon lot
number sixteen (IS), in block number three
(31, in Arbor Place Addition to the city of
Omaha. Douglascounty, Nebraska, tosecu e
the payment of a certain promissory note
dated January 2Hth. IsST, for the sum of ItKO,
which promissory note is past due and un
paid, and plaintiff prays for a decree that
defendants be required to pay the same or
that said mortgaged premises be sold to
satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 10th day of December, A. D.
Dated Omaha, Neb.. November 2d, 14.
By A. Bevins. his attorney. 11-2-4
Notice to Nou Resident Defendant.
To Laura Louisa Custard: You are hereby
notified that on the i!7th day of November.
IMH. Gideon Custard, plaintiff herein, tiled
his petition against you in the district court
of Douglascounty, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which is to obtain the decree of
divorce from the bonds of matrimony with
you. upon thegroundsof utter desertion and
wilful abandonment of plaintiff for more
than two yers last past.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the Hth day of January, 189A,
November 2"th. Irif4.
By D. Van Etten. his attorney. 11-30-4
Celebrated Female
Powder never faHL
mh tnd fure (after t&ilinft
r vita liEurf ted rni,m)Tv. PUii), (wrtlcuiAil toulB.
Dr. a I. AXX. 3u4f. Bonou. Mia,
1'ost Yourself
about the Burlington's new line to Bil
lings, Montana; the wonderful country
it runs through; the time .twill save to
Helena, Spokane, Seattle and Tdcoma.
Our advertising matter gives full In
formation. Seat on request.
J. Francis, G. P. & T. A.,
ZJ L"J Omaha, Neb.
f f Per Cent . . .
m J Cash Discount Sale,
You can buy a Man's 1-1.50 Calf Double Sole Lace or Congres3
Shoe for
You can buy a Ladies' $3.00 Dongola Welt, extension Sole
Shoe, with narrow Square Toe and Patent Leather Tips, for
and other kinds of Men's Women's and Misses' Shoes at tho
ZU lOR CASH : : :
The Lowest Prices on Overshoes for Cash.
103 South 15th Street, Opposite Postoffice.
There are lots of "Ups and Downs" in this world. Our fam
ous Bakery Department has just "got a move on it" and i3 now
located on "OUR BALCONY," where we are selling
Best Home-made Bread 2c a Loaf.
Leave your Grocery Orders on the Balcony.
None Better.
3 lb. can Peaches 121c
3 " Pineapple 12c
2 " Raspberries 12o
2 " Blueberries 9 c
2 " Strawberries ...12c
2 , " Gooseberries 10 c
2 " Blackberries 10 c
No Old Shop-Worn Stock. Always Fresh, Pure and Sweet.
Tho Very Finest!
Apricots, per lb.;...
Peaches, "
When Wo Say It's So, It la So.
Always at the Head.
1406 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb.
Beat Goods In the market.
Children's and Boys' Shoes at-same Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days
O. L.A1MO. 718 South 16th St.
CO s
O I 2
m a
0) "
2 lb. can Corn 6
2 " String Beans 7c
2 " Succotash 7c
2 " Tomatoes 9c
2 " Marrowfat Peas 8c
i " Steak Salmon 9o
1 " Steak Salmon 15c
Prunes, per lb
Muscat Raisins, per lb . . . .
8 c
1502-12 Capitol Avenue.
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
LADIES SHOES worth 15.00 will go at 13.75
UnTLICDC Send to us ten cent In silver or postage stamps any we will
send you a twenty-Hve Of nt book containing
Forty-Mirht pcepl for n aklng
Candy. Sixteen different kinds of Candy
without cooklne or boiling Kif ty-cent Candy
will cost you about six rents per pound.
11-15 lmn Buffalo. N. Y.
The I.nmn thnt Lights your Room
will HEAT It if you iwt ,
Takes ibeplaeeor stoves In medluin-alzed
rooms. In siiix-essful use In NewKnuland
S years. Highest awards. Best of refer,
ences. Sample Heater SI. Airenttmmtrtt.
17 Milk St., IIomod, Mtu. .
WANTED Agents in eacn town ana
county to sell the greatest book of the
aire. Errors of the Unman Catholic Church
and its Influence on the General Government
UKiay. with History and Process of tu
American Protective association (A. P. A.)
Over 700 paues and Illustrated with 48 full
page eneravlngs.
Send 50 cents at once for complete outfit
and terms. Special terms given on other
fast selling works.
tf gu Locust St , St. Louis. Mo
FOB KENT CA RDS 11x14 Inches, at 75 rente
per dozen; smaller sUe at 50 cents per
dozen, at 1615 Howard street, Omaha.