THE AMERICAN tboujrh Into a wilt beast's cajre, aod hooted, bowled and threatened bodilj violence. The local police wer on hand, but could do nothing. A Journal reporter reached the ela tion while the trouble wan at iu height He tu mistaken for a member of the order that the crowd w objurgating, lie was hustled, lnsulte 1, struck at and hi life generally made unpleasant for him until he had to seek shelter inside the station. Here he found a few earnest looking men, many of them elderly, quietly sitting about, silently awaiting the special train and paying no attention to the insults and outrages. Small boys dahed through the rooms, while their larger and older brother stayed outside. Several times the reporter went out side and saw no change in the sent! ment except that the crowd was grow- lng impatient at tbe wait and was stamping and singing in an endeavor to keep warm. THE VISITORS ARRIVE. After several false alarms, the train bearing the visiting A. P. As. pulled in, and was greeted with hisses and fairly desperate howls. Back from the train came a thunder ing chorus of cheers and the crowd stared affrighted. The latest reports received from Boston were that only 250 men were coming, and here were eight closely packed cars! A band went to the front, and colors followed. Then red fire was lighted, and the procession moved with the wierd, warm light of the burning chemicals, casting a blood hue over all Long and continued had been the jeering and insulting the remarks. But as the torches blazed up and the crowd saw the long line and realized that there were 1,200 enthusiastic men there, silence became noticeable and the mob fell into step alongside the column of fours, while the band played stirring marches, and Mr. Dunbar, red fire in hand, led the way. Up Lowell street to the Common, where the soldiers' monument loomed up through the darkness, the proces sion took its tortuous way. Everywhere people had come together to see it, but it was received in silence. No lights flashed from the windows, and on the outside all was stony and silent and dis approving. But within that column what a cot trast! Every man from outside the town was hale and strong. Each was gayly decorated. All were enthus iastic. With the power of a 'battering ram they charged onward and up to the Town Hall. Here the mob had col lected and tried to force and entrance into the hall, but was once more over awed and swept back, while the column went on and on until the platform, floor and gallary were packed, the aisles could hold no more, and still the A. P. A. men pressed forward. So an overflow meeting was held in the Grand Army Hall, and this was private. But a hundred or so o( the rabble and a few score reputable citizens of Con cord were permitted to enter the upper hail, and then the meeting began. It was a wild scene at first, and again and again the hot-heads among the A. P. A. forces started to clear the hall. But Mr. Dunbar would not permit this. He exercised a remarkable control of the great crowd, and with the aid of the law-abiding members prevented trouble, though at times this was hard. GROWS MORE SERIOUS. But after the meeting came the chief time of trouble. The column re-formed, with the Concord lodge leading, and then the band, followed by the colors, two stands of colors, like the badges being simply "Old Glory." Further down the line came a trans parency marked on one side "The A. P. A. Has Come to Stay," and on the other "No Rome Rule In America." This was regarded with hatred by the crowd. Stones begin to fly at it, as well as toward the rear guard of the proces sion. Stones flew thick and fast. Men reeled and staggered and then marched falntingly on. Several times the rear guard formed and faced the mob, which at once fell back and waited vntil the retreat began once more. As the transparency went across the Common, two or three of the mob made a rush and seized it, bearing it away in triumph, amid the exultant jeers of the multitude. But short-lived was that triumph. As the great waves gather around and then pile forward with relentless force as the whirlpool gathers, so came the men of the A. P. A. Deep and alarm ing was their rallying cry. Once more it was only the power of their leaders that saved trouble, for the mob who had stolen the transparency were al lowed to escape, while it was borne proudly back and joyously swung aloft. REVOLVERS NOW. The Lowell road is dark, lined with hedges and swamp willows between it and the low river land that stretches away on either hand. A few weak lamps vainly try to illuminate its long and broad expanse. Behind the hedges and willows lurked the main body of t!vc mob, while a de tachment dashed on ahead and threw obstructions in the way of the advanc ing column. From behind the hedges and willows came a volley of stones and bricks. Men foil and lay like log, to be picked up and dragged on by their friends. Two drums were smashed as though they were made of the frailest china, instead of tough hide and springing wood. Tbe storm continued. The: men drew their revolvers and began firing into the air. This amused the crowd, as had the blazing of whole bunches of fire-crackers In the midst of the march, set off by the youthful members of the mob. But there were earnest, warm-blooded men In the hundreds that were march ing, and they liked not the insults of the stones and the injuries received therefrom. They blazed heavenward with their revolvers, and their looks were dark and their eyes burned. It was noticeable that the pistol shots sounded in the unmistakable way that comes from rammed-ln ball on copper bound powder. There came alongside a particularly dark place, from which the head of the line received many well-aimed stones. Suddenly several of them drew their revolvers and rushed through the dark to the side of the road, and fired point blank Into the gloomy meadows. It was a dramatic, but a terrible scene. A Journal reporter saw the sudden charge from a vertical to a horizontal line of fire, and hurried forward in time to see three men blazing away Into utter darkness that surrounded them. One man in the column was a short blonde, with a big mustache. He wore the A. P. A. eadge. The reporter hurried across to him, and placed a band upon his shpulder. The A. P. A. man spun around, glowering, while placing his revolver in his hip pocket. "Was it loaded with ball cartridge?" asked the reporter. "Who are you?" demanded the man, adding, "I don't want to know you. ' "I am a Journal reporter," exclaimed the newspaper man, and he repeated his question. "Yes, there were bullets there, and there are more of them," said the man venemously, "and I can show you If you like," menacingly putting back his hand and beginning to draw out his revolver. But his companions pre vented this and swept him away, out of sight. The drum-major, reeling from a fear ful head blow, started forward onco more, and the shooter came Into view, only for a moment, but long enough to tell the reporter, sulkily, that he had been struck on the leg so hard that he had felt impelled to draw and shoot. When the procession reached the station and broke up, the members rallied along the platforms and faced the mob, which dared not resort to violence, until just before the train was going, when several men were struck by stones and one laid senseless on the ground. The A. P. A. men charged and the mob fell back and fled. Taunts were hurled at the A. P. A. frim a safe dis tance, and vain attempts were made to entice individuals into the power uf the mob. Finally the train was loaded and the mob came closer to the cars. As the train moved out and slowly gathered headway, in every car shades were pulled down and Bhutters arranged This soon proved a wise precaution, as stones struck the sides of the cars. One of the rear cars was 6truck by a perfect volley, and several windows were smashed in by the flying missiles, the broken glass injuring the travelers. One stone penetrated through a shutter. Wild was the excitement on the re turn journey and vehement the talk. It was generally stated that if the Con cord lodge be furthered troubled, the A. P. A. will turn out in greater force and with guns. When the Union station was reached the first ludicrous scene of the evening occured. Grown men good naturedly struggled with one another for the pos session of pieces of the broken drums and car panes, as relics of the second "Concord fight." SEEN BY ONE ON THE OUTSKIRTS. Early in the evening it was very plain to see that some unusual excitement was abroad. The stores were all closed but the streets were lined with men. The cause of the excitement was the announcement that a newly formed council of the A. P. A. was to hold a public meeting in the Town Hall. A special train was to arrive at 8 o'clock on the Boston and Maine Railroad from Boston and stations east of Arlington. About 7:45 members of the local coun cil began to arrive at the station and were jeered and hooted by a crowd of several hundred. The council draws its members from the neighboring towns as well as the center. The mob were loud in their threats of violence to the members, who kept inside the station. On the arrival of the special with eight cars and about 1,200 men, the crowd subsided Into hisses and groans. The march to tho hall was quiet until the arrival at the hall, when several attempts were made by the mob to strike at the members, some of which were successful. The gallery was literally packed with the town element, who took up their hisses and calls of "put him out." "A. P. A.," and "we have no use for you."! Tbrve of the A. P. As. forced their way into this crowd to cheer their friend, but were Immediately ur- rounded and shut up. But for the In terrentlon of the police more serious consequences would have followed. Several times they had to be warned from the platform. One A. P. A. man standing at the entrance, and hearing some oao saying "A. P. A.," said, "Why don't you say it as an American citizen should?" The fellow turned on him, and said, "You're no American citizen." The lie was given and returned. The A P. A. man drew his revolver, saying, "I come prepared for such men as you." He was hustled Into the crowd by his friends before an officer could arrest him. Many attempts were made to hustle the men away from the crowd, but were all stopped before any dis tance was attained. At the close of the meeting the whole mob rushed for the door and grabbed stones, bricks and everything in the mlssle line, and waited for the councils to come out. The transparency read ing, "The A. P. A. Has Come to Stay" and "No Rome Rule for America" was hardly lighted before a perfect shower of stones rained on it. When the line was formed and had hardly marched a rod, three or four of the mob mado a rush for the transparency, captured it and ran for the court house yard. With almost one accord the whole body of A P. A. literally swept after them and recaptured the transparency. But for the leaders more serious in jury than sore heads would have re sulted. Tho 6ldes of the Lowell road, down which the march was taken, are lined with low willows, behind which the mob was hidden and threw their missiles. The A. P. A. men, angered by seeing their friends hurt, drew revolvers, and shots were fired. One of the drums of the band was totally demolished by stones, and the bass drum had to be protected by men marching on each side of it. Just before reaching the track the line had to be baited. The mob had gathered all the old sleepers, sticks of timber, brush, etc., that they could find, and piled it across the road. The advance guard took hold of theobstruo tlon with a will, and although the stones were flying thick and fast, soon cleared it away, uuring ine halt a part of the mob attacked the rearguard, and a warm time was witnessed there At the station the mob was at its worst. Thinking this to be their last chance, they assaulted anyone they could lay hands on. One of the visitors while talking with one of his friends was struck on the temple with a large stone and knocked to the ground. His friends made a rush for the assailant, but lost him in the crowd. The mob divided into groups all along the plat form, and blows were exchanged right and left. One of the A. P. As. drew a revolver and fired three shots into the bushes from which tbe stones were coming. The police were unable to do anything with the crowd, and they had every thing their own way. The fifteen min utes taken in loading up the train was the liveliest this old town has seen for a great many years. At the Bret movement of the train the rain of bi icks and stones was re newed with redoubled force. Although the blinds were all down tho stones went crashing through the windows, splintering blinds and injur ing a number of the passengers. Bricks four Inches square were found in the cars, and many were cut by the broken glass. The mob stool back from the light of the car windows so that they could not be distinguished. The whole movement was a surprise to all the towns-people. Not until after noon was it known that the meeting was to be public, and it was never dreamed that so large a delegation from Boston would come. The mob was composed of the younger, hot-headed portion of the town, although the gen eral sentiment of the town is tet against the order. The Concord council is young, having held only three meetings. After each one this same element has congregated about the door, taking the names and hooting the members. The members say the object of the meeting was to enlighten the town peo ple in regard to the workings of the order and the end for which they are striving. The business men of the town look upon it as an exhibition of the strength of the order, and are very much set against the idea, as well as the result of the experiment. A number of the mob were heard to say that if they (the A. P. A.) ever came again they would be prepared for them, and would know how to use them in a rougher style. MR. DUNBAR TALKS, E. H. Dunbar, supreme surgeant-at arms of the A. P. A., and its most active organizer, led the hosts that swept from Boston across Middlesex coiftity to Concord, on the line taken by the Brit ish 119 years before, but by different methods of conveyance and with differ ent motives. He is a dark man, with a strong, live facv-, keen eyes and the manner of a leader, which last he un questionably was, for fairly marvelous was the manner in which he handled and controlled tho men. 1 Jut-t after he arrived, Mr. Dunbar was Interviewed by a Journal reporter. The A. P. A. leader said that he and his friends came to show the Concord lHple what the A. P. A. really was. and to give encouragement to their Concord brothers. He said that the meeting was entirely eitolaneous and that the turnout surprised him. lie then thought that the meeting would greatly boom the order. When the rioting was over and tin; A. P. A. forces were homeward bound, a Jimrml man approached Mr. Dunbar and asked what tbe latter thought of the stormy scenes of the evening. "It will give us hundred of new members It Is bound to strengthen us. Did you notice that they were the aggressors? We merely camo out, as we had a right to do. Did you ever hear of an Irish Roman Catholic pro cession being stoned? The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church,' the old saving runs, and I think that you will find that this attack upon us will be tho best thing that could have hap pened fir the spreading of American principles." THE TOWN AUTHORITIES Just before 8 o'clock, nearly an hour before the train bearing the A. P. As. arrived, a Journal reporter went to the house of James B. Wood, of the Con cord board of selectmen, and asked what precautionary measures had been taken to keep the p?ace, as all sorts of wild rumors were flying about. Mr. Wood was at first somewhat Im patient in manner, which he later ex plained by saying that he was fueling really sick. He said: "We have put on four spec ials. If these people will come out and peaceably go to the hall and hold their meeting quiet'y, there will bo no trouble. But if they come out with bands and hurrahing, and parade around, there is liable to bo trouble, and they will be themselves to blame for it." La'er Mr, Wood said that ho thought there would bo no trouble, as he did not think that tho A. P. A. was coming as expected. He said that on Sunday one of the members applied to him for protection and that he consulted with tho ofllcors, and that very afternoon Mr. Craig, the head cot stable and night watch, had come to him asking for more assistance, which had been granted him. THE MEETING. According to the Boston Journal's story, when the plans for the meeting were first laid, it was thought that only a few Boston men would come out, but late In the afternoon it was learned that no less than 250 would be in at tendance, and the large town hall was engaged and hastily decorafed with flags and bunting. When the train load pulled in, the members of the order In Concord were greatly sur prised. Every available space in the entire hall was taken up, even to the aisles and galleries. Mr. E. H. Dunbar, the supreme 6er- geant-at-arms of the A. P. A. was called to preside, and made a stirring speech, and was frequently encored by his audience, and hissed by the hood lums from the gallery. Some one yelled "put them out," when the A. P. As. and their friends arose in mass, and had it not been for the influence of Mr. Dunbar the gallery would have no doubt been cleared. He said, "Let them stay in, they have much to learn," and to the hlssers he remarked, "That Is not gentlemanly; that Is not Ameri can." His speech was followed by one from Oscar Emerson, president of one of the Boston councils, and Mr. James Stark, from Dorchester, and others. There was also plenty of music, which added to the enthusiasm of the meeting. Here are facts which the Boston Cit izen has gleaned, but which the dailies have not yet discovered and the towns people are not aware of. The leader of the mob was one Dennis Gleason, a laborer, about 30 years of age. He was called by the other rioters "the captain,' (of the mob). He is em ployed in Murray's grocery store. The fellow who had the Harvard "H" on his shirt was John Connors, the son of a stone mason named Michael Con nors. John graduated from the high school last spring, entered Harvard this fall, but left suddenly for some un explained reason. He is said to be quarrelsome, and is designated as a "tough." He is about 22 years old. Another of the rioters was John Wal lace, a section hand on the Fitchfield Railroad. Be Is a son of Michael Wal lace, employed In Murray's grocery store. Another was Gilbert Grimes, who is a mason and does odd jobs around the town. Another was John Grimes, son of Gilbert Grimes, who Is employed in the store of Messrs. Walcott & Holder. He has the reputation of being very quar relsome. The above are the names of a few the other names are being held back for a special purpose. beveral of the rioters were armed with axo handles, which were obtained from Murray's grocery store doubtless supplied by Gleason and Wallace. All the above are Irish Ionian Cath olics. In London for every 100 legitimate births, there are four illegitimate; in I,eiflc, 20; in Paris, 4, in Vienna. I US, and In Rome, 243. ' 35 uBws$nj THF Representative House Of the West . . NEARLY A Million and r Dollars worth of Goods to Select from. KANSAS CITY, MO, MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Juvenile and Other Holiday Books. Rare Wherein? Let Us Give You Particulars! If you want to mako from $250.00 to $400 00 between now and the Holl. days, write to us at once for a canvassing HOLIDAY BOOKS Wo guarantee the BEST TERMS AND BEST BOOKS .'articular. Rfiti of I'Hntlng, t-,V0Vot in,,,!!,,,,; a Kvery I' thechlldren. Prices, BOO, SI.OO, $1.50, (trailed to suit all axes. Big Sales! Large Profits! Exclusive Territory! i you wain your cnuice ui lerrnory, senu immediately 43 Corns to pay express Charge and wo will send you full Insl rui'Llous and Our Beautiful $4.50 Outfit Free. No Experience Necessary. Address We Give Full Instructiont. DEPT. RARE, S. I. BELL & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Penn Special .Mauler ( oinmisNioner'H Sale. I'nder and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of (lie district court for Douglas county, Ne braska, and tomt) directed. I will, on tut) 17th day of December, A. I), 1HU4, at II) o'clock a. in. of laid day, at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, J lunulas county, iNotiraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rush, the property described lu maid order of Hale as follow, to-wit: Lot number seventeen (D. In block num ber one (li. In Monmouth 1'ark, an a.ldltlon to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, together with all the appur tenances thereto belonging, all situate In Douglas county, state ot Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy John Uassetl. plaintiff In tbe action, In the sum of nine hundred, nine and so-luu liuou.Ml) dollars Judgment, with Interest thereon at rale of eight m per cent per annum from September 17th, IslU, and twenty-eight and 33-11)0 (2.3,i) dollars costs herein, with Interest thereon from the 171 h day or September, A. D. 1HI4, until paid, together with accruing costs ac cording to a judgment rendered by the dis trict court of said Douglas- county, at Its September term, A. U. li4. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein John liassett was plaintiff and George S. Weeks and others were defendants, Omaha, Nebraska, November IS. 1W4. I'll A Kl.hS L. THOMAS, Special Master Commissioner. Dexter D. Thomas, Attorney. 11-14-5 liassett vs. Weeks et al. Doc. S. 1'age 44. Notice to Nun-Resident Defendant. To Margaret Blackmore. Thomas Frederick Illai'kmore. Mrs. lilackmore. wife of Thomas Frederick lilackmore. K. V. liates, Hist name unknown, .luhn II. Uassetl and James li. Dickey, defendants: You are hereby notified that on the27i)i day of July, ls!"4, Harry J. Twlntlng tiled a petition In the District court within and for Douglas county, Nebraska, In an action wherein Harry J. Twlntlng was plaintilf, and Margaret Blackmore, Herbert lilackmore, Ida f.. Hlackmore, Tnomas Frederick Hlack- more. Mis. lilackmore tiame unknown, his wife, James li. Dickey, John H. liassett, K O. Hates, first, name unknown. Louis Levi and the Collins Oun Company were defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose one certain tax deed upon lot seven (7, block "D," of thet-ltyof Omaha, (original plat) Douglas county, 'Ne braska, and to also foreclose a certiln tax certificate upon said lot, which said died and certificate are now owned and held by the plaintilf. Plaintiff asks that In default of the payment of the amount found due that thu defendants be debarred and fore closed of all Interest in said premises and they be sold to satisfy the sum found due. Plaintiff claims that on September 17th, Ism, there was found due upon said tax deed and certificate the sum of nine hundred and twenty and 02-101) dollars (iMO.02) with Inte -est at the raleol ten ( lui per cent, per annum from Septemuer Kill, Ism, and an attorney's fee equal to ten (10) per cent, of the decree and all costs. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3lst day of December, I'.i4. Dated November 23rd. l'M Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. Doc. 45. No. 34. 11-23-4 Legal Notice. In the District court of Douglas county. Nebraska. Howard W. Charles, plaintiff, vs. Fred Hansen, defendant. Notice to Fred Hansen and Hilda Hansen, non-resident defendants: You will take notice thaton the 21st day of November. 1MH4 the plaintiff herein filed a petition In the District court of Douglas county. Nebraska, against Fred Hansen and Hilda Hansea, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the above named defendants to Kugeoe C. liates, and by him assigned to Howard W.Charles, plaintilf herein, upon the following described real estate, to-wU: North twenty-three (23) feet of lot seventeen (17), In block one (1). in Armstrong's First addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. Said mortgage was given to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated May 22, 18!), for the sum of six hun dred dollars (fiion., due and payable In five j ears from the date thereof; that there Is now due upon the said note and mortgage the sum of six hundred doll .rs itooui, with interest thereon at. seven (7) per cent, from the 22nd day of November, lsl'3, and all un paid coupons to draw interest at ten (Id) per cent, per annum. I'laintilf prays for a de cree that defendants be required to pay the same, and that said premises uuay be sold to satisfy amount found due. You are required to answer the said peti tion on or lefore the 31st day of December, im. Omaha, Nebraska. November 23, l'M. HOWAK1) W. CHAKLF.S, 11 23-4 Plaintiff. Legal Notice. Ncls Hendrlckson will take notice that on the 2nth day of September. IWt, F.diuund Hartlett, a Justice of the Peace of Douglas county, Nebsjuska, Issued an order of attach ment for the sum of 624 1)0, in an action pend ing before him wherein Axel Meyer Is plain till, and Nels Hendrlckson defendant; that property of the dcfeiidant, consisting of one sewing machine, three upholstered chairs, one divan, one center table, one bundle of carpet and two quilts, has been attached, under said, said cause was continued to the 22nd day of December. ls;kj, m In o'clock a. m. Omaha, Nebraska, Nov. loth. isw. a.klmkyf:k. U-lH-3 Plaintilf. OK KKNT CAKDS 11x14 fiiches, at75cents per dozen: smaller slxe at r.i cents mr, al liilj Howard street. Omaha. a Quarter SEND FOR CATALOUE. outlit of our BEAUTIFUL JUVENILE Mflt. D'l '""'sMng and Instructive Stories, wrltt Notice to Noii-KcHlilciit Defendants. To Margaret lilackmore, Thomas Frederick lilackmore, Mrs. lilackmore, wife of Thomas Frederick lilackmore, K. C. Ilutcs, llrst name unknown, John II. Hasscbt and James B. Dickey, defendants: You are hereby notified that on the 27th day of July, 1hii, Harry J. Twlntlng filed a petition lu the District court within and for Douglas county, Nebraska, lu an action wherein Harry .1. Twlntlng was plain! Ilf.and Margaret lilackmore, Herbert Hlackmore, Ida F,. lilackmore, Thomas Frederick iiiack- niore, Mrs. lilackmore. llrst name unknown, his wife, James II. Dickey, John II liassett, K. C. Hates, first name unknown, Louis Levi and the Collins Oun Company were defendants, the object and prayer ot which Is to foreclose one certain tax deed upon lot eight (H), block "It," of the city of Omaha, (original plat) Douglas county, Ne braska, and to also foreclose a Certain tax certificate upon said lot, which said deed and certificate are now owned and held by the plaintiff. 1'lalntllf asks that In default of the payment of the amount found due that the defendants be debarred and fore closed of all Interest In said premises and that they be sold to satisfy the sum so found due. I'lalntl IT claims that on September i Tib, 1M4, there was due upon stid tax deed and certificate the sum of three hundred and elghty-oue and 54- WO dollars ifcinUHi with In terest at the rate of ten luj per ient. per an mini from September 17lh, is'.K, and an at torney's fee equal to ten (10) per cent, of th decree and all costs. You are required to answer said petition on or before iheillst day of December, ls'.4. Dated November 23rd, IKH. 11 AKICY J.TWINTINO. I'lalntl tT. Ily Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. Doc. 4.". No. 34H. 11-23-4 Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. ToMargaret lilackmore, Thomas Frederick Hlackmonjt, Mr.. Hiackmore, wife of Tiiomas Frederick Hlackmore, K. C. B ites, llrst uama unknown, John II. iiasseu and James B. Dickey, defendants: Yuu are hereby notified thaton the 27th d;:y of July, 1st, Harry J. Twlntlng tiled a petition In the District court wldilii and for Dougias county, Nebraska. In an action htrclu Harry J . Twlntlng was plaintilf, and Margar t liiuckinore, Herbert Hlackmore, Ida h, Hlackmore, Tm Minis Frederick lilack more, Mrs. Hlaekmore. Ural uume unknown, his wife, James li. Dickey, John II. liassett, K. C. liates, first name unknown, liuls Levi and ttie Collins Oun company were defendants, the object and prayer ot which 1- to foreclose one certain lax deed upon lot six () block -II," of the cliy of Omaha, (original piat) Douglas county, Ne braska, and to also foreclose a certain tax 1 certilicate upon said lot, which Id deed and certificate are now owned aLd helu by the plaintilf. 1'laiutllf asks that In default of tne payment of the amount found dun that the defendants oo debarred and fore closed uf all interest In said premises and that they be sold to satisfy the sum so found due. I'laintilf claims thati.n septemoer ltiti, InM, there was due upon said tax deed and Certilicate the sum of twelve hundred and three and 3D UK) dollars ilUt..lMi with Inter est at the rate of ten (lit) per cent, per annum from September 17ib, 14, and an attorney's fee equal to ten (1(1) per cent, of the decrees and all costs. You are icqulrej to answer said petition on or before the 31st day of Decttnoer, lsi4. Dated November Sird, IxiM. HAKKY J.TWINTINO. Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, ins at torneys. Doc. 4.i. No. J44. 11-23-4 Nmt1h1 Mutfter I'oiiiiiilssloner's &ale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the District court for Dougias county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on the 31.stday of December, A. D. WM, at .en o'clock a. iu. uf said day, al the n rtb front door ot the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sen at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, tbe properly described In said order of sale, as follows, to-wlt: The west half of lot number four (4), la block number "V," Lowe's addition to the city ol Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re corded, together with all appurtenances thereunto belonging, all In county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Sarah J. Barrows, defendant herein, the sum of eight hundred, ninety-one and 25.1(H) dollars itSU.2j) Judgment, with interest thereon at rate of eight im per cent per annum from September 17th. Isit. To sattsfy Frances I. T lomas. plaintiff here n, the sum of twemy-four dollars if2i.u0i Judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of eight ts percent per annum from September 17th. I'.4. To satisfy the sum of tweuty-eightand 03 1(0 dollars i2s.03) cost herein, wiih interest thereon from the 17th day of September, A. D. lsW. until paid, together with accruing costs according to a judgement rendered by the District court of said Douglas couuty at Its September term, A. D. 1M4. in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Frances 1. Thomas was p'.ainutT and John W, Latham and others were defendants, Omaha. Neb., November St. IW4. CHAULKS L. THOMAS. Special Master Commissioner. Dextek L. Thomas. Attorney. Francis 1. Thomas vs. John W. Latham et al. F;x. S. Paget2. Doc. 41. No. 347. 11-30-3 M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases. Cloth !";! cleaned dyed nd remodeled. 2107 I'umuigSL, OMAHA.