The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 07, 1894, Image 1

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" r vtWAftH. "AMtfilCA f-OR AMttHJAN8.'We moid lot o mum lift. Arptricunt ubt Swear Atlnyianc to tlw United A(ft u"fovt a mental nn-nal'on to favor of thi fop: PHICl FiV( Ctt I
Volume IV. " OMaTiaTnWuas 7?
Miss Elizabeth McCarthy
was employed as cashier at Hayden
me evening oi iNovemoer jra auss
McCarthy left Hayden Bros', employ
Sunday morning, November 2-", 1894,
she left her home at 1006 South Twenty
thlrJ street, and went to the convent at
Twenty-ninth and Hamilton streets.
1 he doors oi that Institution swung
ouen and she entered. It is said she
took the vows prescribed and donned
the usual habit of the order.
During Sunday Lizzie McCarthy's
mother, surmising where she was, went
to the convent also, knocked at the
door and was admitted within the un
inviting walls.
What was said by the mother to those
heartless nuns, God and they and Mrs
McCarthy alone are able to tell, and
the lips of a'l save those of the mother
are sealed forever.
Her's, however, were oien a short
time after her admission into the con
vent, and emitted such loud cries that
neighbors rushed Into the street to
ascertain the cause of the screams.
Above them, struggling against the
infuriated nuns, upon the very thresh
old of the convent door, was the heart
broken mother, pleading and crying
that her daughter might be returned
to her.
At times she was more than a match
for the combined forces of the nuns,
and would shake Ihem off and would
re-enter the dark, gloomy, forboding
portals of the living tomb.
A moment later they would push and
pull her to the very threshold, and
with a mighty rush attempt to knock
her from there into the yard below,
but she stood as firm as adamant.
And what mother would not who
loved her daughter as Mrs. McCarthy
most assuredly loved her child? What
one would not stand against the assaults
of those who would rob her of her
But finally her strength failed, even
while American men and women stood
in the street some thirty feet below,
agape with wonder if not with absolute
fear, that an outrage like this should
be perpetrated In their midst, before
their eyes!
Then she reeled from the threshold,
staggered down the stairway and al
most fainted from over-exertion as her
feet rested upon the unhallowed ground
that surrounds the unholy Institution
and its misguided occupants.
She stood a moment, as one dazed,
sobbing as though her heart would
break, while copious showers of tears
rained from her eyes; then she started
back; she battered at the door, called
to her child, but the only answer was
a hollow, mocking echo of her own im
ploring voice.
Again she turned, descended to the
yard and wept; wept, oh, how bitterly,
for the child which superstition or
priestly wiles had robbed her of, and
those who watched and wondered, wept,
no doubt, with her in her poignant
Finding her cries, her appeals and
her knockings availed her nothing, she
left the loathsome soot and joined the
neighbors in the street below, to whom
she related the cause of her trouble
and the reason of her ejectment.
To them she told the story of her
daughter's entrance into the convent
which we briefly related in the
opening paragraphs of thi? narrative,
and somejaver that she affirmed that
her daughter was not of age and was
detained without her consent.
This last statement is probably an
error, as weicalled at Mrs. McCarthy's
home'today and was told by Lizzie's
brother that she was of age, and had
been anxious to enter the convent for
nearly three years; that she was a frail
girl, had taken a liking to the sisters,
and often talked with them when they
came to the store.
i 1
He also stated that his mother was
asked by the sisters if she did not want
her daughter to get married instead of
going in there, and that his mother
answered that she would rather her
girl would do anything that was honor
able than have her shut herself up in a
We who kuuv the tricks of the
priestsand the nuns, and the flattery
and fawning they use to entrap the un
wary will sympathize with Mrs. Mc
Carthy in the loss of her daughter
for she is dead to the world can only
be talked to through an iron grating,
and can only leave those walls when
death has released her spirit.
The Armenians have appealed
to the pope to use his good offices with
the Sultan. They should trust In God
and keep their powder dry.
In our remarks prefacing Rev.
G. W. Bern is' article one week ago we
said: "Rev. G. W. Bemis sends us an
item clipped form the Oakdale, Neb.,
Sentinel. He accompanies it with the
statement that the Northern Pacific
makss a practice of boycotting Protes
tant minUtcs. This is not to be won
dered at as the greatest Roman of them
all, Jim Hill, is at the head of the sys
tem, unless we are wrongly informed."
Jim Hill Is at the head of the Great
Northern, not the Northern Pacific.
The similarity of the names had some
thing to do with tangling us up.
In the Roman Catholic church
at Cottbus, England, the other day, a
shocking accident happened while a
marriage ceremony was belnp solemn
ized. The bride carried a lighted taper,
and while leaning forward to answer a
question put by the priest, her veil
caught fire. She was enveloped In
flames, and became unconscious. The
priests and the marriage party rendered
speedy help, and bore the bride, with
her dreadful burns, still unconscious,
from the church to a neighboring hos
pital. This should be a warning to
young women to not engage in "whisper
ing with the priests," particularly when
carrying lighted candles.
Several weeks ago we pub
lished an editorial opinion from a New
York paper in which Reed, Morton,
McKinley and Harrison were mentioned
as possible candidates for the presidency
on the Republican ticket. We did not
endorse, neither did we attempt to con
trovert the ground taken by that paper,
yet a friend in Chicago, who evidently
mistook the New Yorker's opinion for
ours, wrote to us as follows: "In your
issue of November 24th, 1894, you name
four of the leading Republicans of the
country as prospective candidates for
the presidency of tho United States in
1896, namely, Harrison, Reed, McKin
ley and Morton. As one of a thousand
in Cook county who believe in America
for Americans, and that our country
should be governed by Americans, al
low me to suggest the name of one who
is not ashamed or afraid to have it
known that he is an American, and
who I believe would make the best
president this country has seen since
Lincoln and Garfield, and that is W. S.
Linton, of Michigan."
1 It does not always pay to en
dorse a new movement, even if it does
have the word American embodied
in it. A case in point has been brought
to our attention through reading the
Lowell, Mass., Herald. In it we find
an item relating to the O. O. O. A.,
the prospectus tf which appeared in
full in our columns November 24. From
that paper we take this extract: "A
now organization for the protection of
American institutions, purporting to
be akin to the A. P. A. with the secret
features eliminated, was organized ai
Gloucester, Sunday night. Its platform
is much the same as the A. P. A. plat
form is supposed to be, the chief object
of which is to protect American insti
tutions from usurpers. Seventy-five
members affiliated themselves with the
order at Gloucester, thirty of whom are
Roman Catholics. It is known as the
Open Order of Americans. While the
objects of the new organization, so far
as known, are commendable, the affili
ation of Catholics with it gives it the
appearance of a ruse to offset the in
fluence of the A. P. A Th is ne w order
might effect the A. P. A. in one way.
As is generally known, there are quite
a number of sympathizers with the A.
P. A. outside the order, who hold aloof
on account of the secrecy of the order.
As the new order purports to have the
same objects in view as the A. P. A.,
this class of people might bedrawn into
the new order. It would be advisable
to wait until a little more is known
about this new organization, however,
before you take it into your confidence."
The gullibility of some papers
or the hypocrisy of some editors af
fords an infinite amount of amusement
for intelligent Americans. Just which
category the Mail of Chicago should be
placed we leave it to our readers to de
cide after they have perused this item
about McQuaid and Ireland: "Bishop
McQuaid of Rochester loves controversy
as much as most ministers of the gos
pel love peace. His attempt to stir up
a controversy with Archbishop Ireland
of St. Paul promises to give him all he
wants of it. During the New York
campaign an attempt was made to ar-
ray the Catholic church with all its ec
clcslastlcal machinery in supHrt of
corrupt Tammanyisra and Hillism.
Apcals to religious prejudice were put
forth as a desperate resort to save tho
Tammany ticket. Archbishop Ireland,
who was In New York, sharply ro
sen ted a letter from a Catholic priest
In which this appeal to bigotry and
sectarianism was made. John W. GotT,
the man who uncovered tho rottenness
of the Tammany machine, was himself
of tho Catholic faith. Archbishop Ire
land's resentment of the attempt to
bolster up corruption in politics under
the cover of the church was a great
help to the friends of good government.
It was appreciated by them, and Bishop
McQuaid's jeremiad at this late day
only helps to bring out more fully tho
extent of the archbishop's services. If
there were more Itelands and fewer
McQuaids there would be no A. 1. A.
movements In American politics." But
let us not forgot that the man who "un
covered the rottoncss of the Tammany
machine was" not a Roman Catholic,
Rev. Dr. Parkhurst is entitled to the
credit and the honor.
The times are hard indeed
when Rome cannot think of some new
scheme to get herself advertised before
the people. She has recently announced
that she will establish a daily paper in
New Yerk City to fight her battles.
The dispatch from which we glean this
information reads as follows: ''Ar
rangements are about complete for the
Issuing of the new newspaper dally de
voted to Catholic interests. Several
well-known newspaper writers of the
metropolis have been engaged and the
services of many priests distinguished
for their acknowledged literary attain
ments already secured. The prime
mover is the Rev. Father Maber, who
has won fame in the empire state as an
author of religious books. The board
of directors of the new newspaper en
terprise as at present constituted is
composed solely of priests. Many dio
ceses are represented In the directorate.
It is not proposed that ecclesiastics only
shall direct affairs; prominent Catho
lic laymen, respected as successful busi
ness men, will be among the stockhold
ers." It seems more than strange to
us that the priesthood should find it
necessary to establish in New York, of
all cities, a daily paper which should
be devoted to "Catholic interests."
Where is the Sun? What has become
of the World? And the IHnies? And
all the others which denounced the A.
t . A.? Have they ceased being cham
pions of Romanism?
"Labor as Money." Through
I one young man of Omaha has sprung
into national prominence. You may
ask who and we answer, it is none
other than John O. Yelser, the attor
ney. Nearly a year ago Mr. Yeiser
contributed an article to the Omaha
World-Herald which wa afterward
copied by us. That article gave Mr.
Yeiser the foundation for a most inter
esting and instructive story which he
now has the gratification of seeing pub
lished in book form. And that book is
one which the reader peruses with in
terest. He doi s not read the first chap
ter and then throw the volume aside
determined to find something more In
teresting or more Instructive. He
reads it through to the end, then falls
into a reverie and wonders if it is pos
sible. The title of the book is "Labor
as Money," and immediately sugcests
that the volume is devoted to a discus
sion of social economy a question of
much interest to our people today, when
hundreds anduthousands of them are
seeking work that is not to be had. In
his book Mr. Yeiser points out the way
relief can be obtained, and he does so
In a way that is anything but tiresome
and un-interesting. An impartial read
ing of the book will convince any one
tbat it has merit, and is destined to
have a sale in excess of even Mr.
Yelser's fondest expectations. Having
had the privilege of passing judgment
on it before it was submiited
to the publishers, and having since its
publication had a beautifully bound
volume laid upon our desk for review
we feel constrained to award Mr. Yeiser
the credit of being both original and
practical in the presentation of his
theory, which we believe would work
in practice. It has been published by
and bears the imprint of the Arena
Publishing Company, a thing that gives
it standing and attests its worth.
Chicago is always infested
with beggars, but their numbers in
crease during the winter months.
Probably the least deserving and at the
same time the most insistent class is
to be found in the ranks of the Roman
Catholic sisterhoods. They, In their
pretended religious habits, go into
every store, into every mansion and
into every hovel asking for something
for charity. Tho storekeeper gives
them to avoid a boycott, the lady in the
mansion answers their apial because
it is customary, and tbo woman in tho
hovel because sho u jxjrst itloiif-ly bo
licves In their blessings and their
curses. But they, of all tho beggars,
should not bo tolerated, beeauso their
collections go to maintain a system that
Is in conflict with our form of govern'
ment, and keeps in ease and luxury a
eclebate priesthood that is scheming to
destroy the American public school
system, in order to establish upon its
ruins the poorest kind of parochial or
sectarian schools, and those sectarian
schools are to bo under the direction of
the Roman Catholic church. These
beggars should be arrested and fined
because they obtain goods and money
under false pretenses. Tho Latch,
In speaking of beggars, recently said
"Hero is an object lesson. Friday
night Ofllcer Phalen of tho West Chi
cago avonuo station arrested Mrs. Anna
Brennan, an old woman who was beg'
ging on Milwaukee avenue. Saturday
morning she was arraigned for trial be
fore Justice Severson. Sho was white-
naired, wrinkled, ill-clad and wore on
her foetapalr of shoes discarded by
sorao man. She made a pitiful plea,
which moved the auditors to tears,
Justice Sevorson dismissed the case and
gave the woman a dollar. The police
matron also became interested in her
and taking her downstairs gave her a
warm meal and a little money. When
the matron's back was turned Mrs.
Brennan hid the money under her dress
and this movement being observed bus
piclon was aroused and an order was
given to search her. Mrs. Brennan
objected and fought like a tigress but
without avail. Around her waist were
found several bags of money, aggregat
ing $165 in bills, silver and gold. Chi
cago's streets are now patrolled by a
full corps of professional beggars. They
are adepts at their work of deception
and it is impossible for the unsophisti
cated to tell whether they deserve
charity or not. There is only one way
to checkmate these frauds. Refuse in
dividual aid. Do this as an inflexible
rule. Refuse all requests and demands
of street beggars. Refer all applicants
to the nearest relief station of organized
charity. In this way no worthy appli
cant will be overlooked ana no fraud
will be encouraged."
Most assuredly the Roman
Catholie church dabbles in politics.
She does so not only in this country.but
also In every other country where
there is a bishop or a priest. Recently
she was actively engaged, in a certain
district in England, in an effort toelect
a p lest named Croskell to a seat on the
school board o' Leeds, England, an ac
count of which we clip from an English
paper: "An effort Is being made by
some of the Irish Roman Catholics, who
seem to put politics in the forefront of
religion, to detach a certain amount of
support from tho Rev Charles Croskell,
the adopted candidate of this religious
creed, and to transfer it to the secular
eight. A couple of letters from this
class of Irishmen of the professed Home
Rule type, have appeared in a Radical
evening paper, and the suggestion con
tained therein have evoked the fol
lowing letter, which was read in all
Roman Catholic places of worship in
the city yesterday: 'Bishop's House,
Leeds, November 14th, 1894. Dear
Rev. Father: I am most anxious that
Father Croskell's election, as a member
of the Leeds school board, should be
made safe beyond all doubt. In order
to do this every Catholic voter must
gl.-e his 10 votes to him. I hear that
our people ate being advised by writers
in one of the Leeds evening papers to
split their votes and give Father Cros
kell only 8 votes, and the rest to others.
If they follow this advice they will
court certain defeat. I have, however,
full confidence in the thorough loyalty
of my Catholic people, and feel certain
that they will not listen to such coun
sel. When they learn, through you,
how deeply anxious their bishop is, that
we must on no account, by the division
of our votes, endanger our candidate's
return, every Catholic, to a man, will
vote solidly for Father Croskell. My
people, thank God, have always been
loyal and true. They have never failed
me yet, when I have appealed to them,
and they will not fail me on this oc
casion, when the issues are so moment
ous to our Catholic schools. I ask, then,
every Catholic voter to give every vote
he possesses to Father Croskell, whom
both clergy and laity have chosen as
their representative. With a hearty
blessing for yourself and your people,
believe me, dear Rev. Father, yours de
votedly in Christ. William, Bishop
of Leeds.'" For the information of
those who do dot understand the sys
tem of voting in England we will state
that it is the same as that used in this
country, except that when there are to
be one or more persons elected to the
same kind of a position, then, instead
of voting for 13 different men, you can
vote 15 votes for one nmn. It is an
abominable exception and will always
afford Romanists an opKrtun!ty to
work in a tool of their church.
The regents of tho Nebraska
State University must have been hard
up for a candidate to bestow the degree
of Doctor of Laws upon, when they
picked upon Joseph T. Duryca, a man
who was virtually ostracised and driven
out of Boston becaiiso of his attitude
toward tho public schools of that city,
and who recently made a trip into Now
Jersey for "his health."
A recent dispatch from Wash
ington to the Chicago Herald describes
the owning of congress, and contains a
notice of a floral tribute which a dis
tinguished and honored member of that
body received. Americans will not
think less of tho recipient because he
has n it found the way to tho heart of
tho Herald corrcs)ondent, for they
know well that ho is working for Boss
Foehan's next friend, John R. Walsh.
This Is what ho said: "A Michigan
man, Linton by name, received and
burled himself behind the most remark
able of these. It was tho llttlo red
schoolhouso. ThU little red school
creatod a sensation. Beautiful as It
was, some of tho Republican statesmen
did not like Its appearance In their
midst. When Tom Reed came in he
actually frowned at it. It was too ob
vious arominderof the phase of bigotry,
proscription and un-Amoricanlsm
which had helped tho Republicans win
a largo part of their recent success.
The man Linton, of whom few people I
had ever heard before, called down
upon himself this dubious distinction
by making a ranting, bigoted speech in
the house last summer when the Indian
appropriation bill was under considera
tion. Ho openly advocated discrimina
tion against a certain church in the
sxpenditure of money appropriated for
education of Indians. The organization
of bigots which had something to do
with the recent elections, or at least
the editor of their organ, who perhaps
was looking for an advertisement, or
dered this floral fandango of a local
dealer and himself carried it with a
reveling pride to the capitol. Unwel
come as the thing was to every true
American, whether Republican or
Democrat, it was attractive as a work
of the florist's art. No prettier little
red school house stands amid the woods
or at the edge of a field in this broad
land. It had its windows of glass with
silken cords for the 6ash, its front door
standing wide open, its belfry with a
real bell and a bell ropa which one of
the page boys could not for the life of
him resist the temptatloD to yank a few
times while the chaplain was in the
midst of his prayer."
A Circular letter from Rev.
J. G. Tate, G. M. W. of the A. O. U.
W. of Nebraska states that a canvass of
the western half of the state has been
made, with the exception of a few
lodges yet to be visited, and the result
shows that there Is no time to lose if we
would save our brethren from suspen
sion in the Order and from hunger and
cold during the coming winter. The
condition of the need of our brethren
and some of our lodges is, indeed, ap
palling. There will not be less than
one thousand members who will need
relief for the common necessaries of
life. The result of the vote on post
poning the next session of the Grand
Lolgehas made provision for the as
sessments of our needy brethren. Up
to date the vote is 333 "Yes," and 17
"No." The Grand Lodge Financd
Committee has already appropriated
$3,000 from the Grand Lodge General
Fund to meet this emergency. Thus
far we have done well. It now
becomes our duty to make provision
for such of our members as are un
able to care for themselves. Hun
dreds of our members with their fam
ilies must have help, and that at once.
We, therefore, appeal to you to do
what you can as individual members as
well as in your lodge capacity to meet
the exingencies which are upon us.
The following plan is suggested to you:
First We ask for a thousand volun leers
who will contribute $." each to this fund.
Here is an opportunity for the well-to-do
to put into practice that charity
which is the foundation stone of our
temple. Let every man who is able
send us .V Second We appeal to
each lodge in this siate to send us such
an amount as it can spare from its gen
eral fund or raise among its members.
Whether your gifts are great or small,
send us something so that you can par
ticipate with us in the exalted privil
ege of ministering to the needs of our
brethren. Permit me to suggest to our
lodges that entertainments might be
given, to which tho general public
could be invited; a small admission fee
might be charged, and thus furnish an
opportunity to your neighbors, who ap
preciate the good work we are doing,
te contribute their mi to to this good
work. Hath lodge, of cour-, will bo
guided by its own emdltlon and sur
roundings. All contributions of money,
clothlrg, etc., should bo sent to J. G.
Tate, Lincoln, Neb.
Anything thut relates to "Old
Glory" always intercut our readers,
and when they get hold of anything
that relates to Its history, Into a scrap
book it goes. That, accompanied by a
desire to leave a faithful account of Its
origin for the edification of future gen
erations. Induces us to reproduce the
following local item which appeared in
the Chicago ltcr (Mtan Wednesday
morning, Decembers, lf9: "A private
exhibition showing tho evolution of tho
American Aug was glveu last evening
In Parlor O of tho Palmer House by
Augustus Bedford, national secretary
of the American Flag Protectors, whoso
grandfather, Hon. Peter II. Wendover,
acongressman from New York.doslgned
the present flag. Tho first flag was tho
St. George Cross, which was the em
blem of tho colonies from 1197-1686.
Next, King James sent tho Governor
Andros flag in ICKfl, which had wider
bars than tho former ono, with tho
monogram "J. R."anda crown in tho
centre. Tho union jack was In voguo
from 1707-1773, when tho pine tree flag
was adopted. It consisted of a white
back ground, upon which was tho treo
and the phrase, "An Apiteal to Heaven."
This was followed by the General Put
nam flag, a red back ground with tho
mottoes, "Qui transtulit sustinet" and
"An Appeal to Heaven" inscribed
thereon. Tbo Colonel Moultrie flag
had a blue field with a crescent and tho
word "Liberty" inscribed on It. Tho
Cambridge flag, consisting of a com
bination of the union jack and red and
white stripes, was designed by Wash
ington. It was followed by the Gads
den flag with yellow ground, a colled
serpent and motto, "Don't Tread on
Mo." The first flag of the independent
states war floated in 1777. It consisted
of thirteen stars in a circle and thirteen
stripes. The flag of the war of 1812
had fifteen stars and fifteen stripes.
The present banner was approved by
President Monroe April 4, 1818." The
next morning the same paper contained
the following additional account:
"Augustus Bedford, thn national were
tary of the American Flag Protccto-s,
whose headquarters Is at Boston, and
who Is tarrying a few days In"tho city,
entertained a few friends in the lobby
of the Palmer House yesterday morn
ing by throwing some Interesting side
lights on the unwritten history of 'Old
Glory. When General Washington
was called uj)on to design a flag for tho
troops during the early years of the
revolution it was a perplexing question
in his mind until he chanced to notice
the coat-of arms of his grandfather,
Colonel John Washington, which was
decorated with three stars and stripes
of red and white. Immediately he pat
terned a banner of thirteen stripes,
with the union jack In the field. At
first the stripes had no significance un
til some amusing rumors wero spread
abroad in England. It was said by
certain representatives of the court
that the numeral 13 figured very prom
inently in Washington's domestic af
fairs. The general, they remarked,
had thirteen warts on his neck; his wife
had thirteen phalanges; ono of his
favorite felines had thirteen rings on
its tall, and Washington took thirteen
trips around his residence before break-
fast. After these reports were widely
circulated the general took a serious
turn and asserted that tho thirteen
stripes denoted the thirteen colonies.
In 1777 General Washington, Hon.
George Ross and Robert Morris were
delegated to design the national colors.
They decided upon alternate stripes ol
red and white with thirteen six-pointed
stars in a circle to form the field. This
pattern was shown to Mrs. Betsy Ross,
of Philadelphia, who protested against
the six-pointed star on account of its
irregularity and difficulty of construc
tion. Thereupon she folded a scrap of
paper in such a manner that by one cut
with the scissors she could produce a
five-pointed star of beautiful symmetry.
The com 'iiittee acted at once upon her
suggestion and adopted the star with
five points. She made the first 'star
spangled banner' and exhibited it to
the committee at her home, No. 239
Arch street, Philadelphia. For sixty
years she made all the flags for the use
of the government in this house, wnieh
is still standing as it was at the period,
with slight alterations."
When you have read your paper
send it to some friend in some remote
corner in some county in the state, and
ask him to pass it around among his
neighbors. Also request him to send
for sample copies, and add his name to
our list for one year.
AMONG the appointees of the newly
elected county officers of Cook county, a
few, a very few, American names appear.