THE AMERiCAN DUCEY AND CORRIGAN The Former Ordered by the Latter to Stop Attending the Sessions of Tlie Lexow Committee, to Which the Prlftt Make a Spirited Itejoiuder. There lias been a merry war on in Roman Catholic ci roles Id the New York diocese for several years, and iu ominous sounds have been beard even within the walls of the Vatican. It be gan as a small skirmish between a few priests and their bishops, was carried from there to the archbishops, and fin ally appealed to Rome, and it has been whispered that the decision from the holy (?) lather has not been carried out by those in authority In New York, simply because the head of that diocese was too intimately connected with the power that the priests spoke out against Be this as it may, the fact remains, that Corrigan has not been in favor at Rome for, lo these many years. Gib bons was the "dearly beloved brother." Corrigan was simply the son of a saloon keeper a politician with a pull who might, in time, set up and independent papacy in the New World which, in point of corruption and political Influ ence might eclipse old Rome and the "bag of bones" on the Tiber. These things were realized. They were all too apparent. And the pow ers that be set about devising some scheme to humiliate Corrigan, The first act in the drama was played when Leo XIII sent Frank Satolll to this country witn a letter according him Unlimited power so great that not tven the constitution of the United States could prevent his carrying out his wishes. The second act was when the Arch bishop "ate his own words," and did homage to the ablegate, a short time after his arrival. The third act is being played. Tam many, Corrlgans friend, is under fire. Goff, a friend of our "dearly beloved brothers" Jim Gibbons, Frank Satolll $nd John Ireland, is pushing the inves tigation. They appointed Father Ducey to coach the attorney, or to Intimidate witnesses Into telling the truth for the fear of eternal damnation is greater than the fear of so broken a reed as Tammany. Mike that is Mr. Corrigan saw the turn of tide by the amount of drift, and decided that it was time for the church to let up on itself or it would get its vestments polluted. With thatjdea in mini Mike com manded Ducey to stay away from the sessons of the committee, and the "sassy" fellow immediately sent an im pudent reply to "his grace" Mike we mean from which the press associa tions have culled the following: "I regret to have received this evi deace of your excellency's want of ap preciation of my persistent devotion and sacrifice in the interest of truth, moral ity and religion. For years I have felt that you should be, next to the holy father now reigning, the greatest factor for good in the whole Catholic world Unfortunately I am forced to say that here in New York the great power in the work for good and humanity and the Catholic church has been thrown to the wind and we are now reaping the whirlwind. I am not the only man who believes and thinks that the greatest opportunity heaven has thus piven to the Catholic church since the days of our Lord and his apostles for good, has been sacrificed in the city of New York "Had the church openly acted with courage in opposing the corruption and corrupters of this great city, the Catho lic church would have gloried through out the world. Now, Dr. Parkhurst has won. "Thank God I am able to say that fof more than'twenty-five years I have as a Catholic priest protested without ceas ing against the efforts of Tammany hall and its leaders to prostitute the foreign born citizen and the Catholic name." Father Ducey declared that he was surprised that Archbishop Corrigan "pained". at a course which had merited the recognition of the most distinguished citizen of the United States, and continued: "There Is nothing in my course, now that the 'election is over as you say, that calls for a vindication of the sanc tity of the priesthood by you, so far as my conduct tis concerned. I certainly have, by my own course, up to the day of election,1 asserted every power to have honor refiected on the priesthood. I do not know in what way I have ex posed' myself to receive "canonical ad monition" and I can not see why I should "be commanded to abstain from going to the sessions of the Lexow committee without permission in writing" from your excellency. I have given my word that I would attend these sessions of this committee to Its close when not prevented by my duties. I know full well that I in no way transcend my rights as a priest by my interest in the Lexow investigation, and the best peo ple of our city think and 6ay that most certainly I am doing good work as a citizen by exerting every power to help the Lexow committee to give us good government and secure safeguards for public as well as private morality." Father Ducey said in regard to the attendance at the as a representative of the holy see: "I think it Is well known to the apos tolic delegate and to the holy father that I would be the last pers m in jour excellency's diocese to place the holy see in a compromising position. 1 trust you will be pleased lo learn that I have nioi-t carefully safeguarded the holy see in the archdiocese of New York and throughout the country, and I know your excellency will be pained to learn that I have in my keeping manuscript evidence from the very blghtest au thority, recognizing that here la the ci'y of New York we have the very front and citadel of organized opposition to the action and wishes of 'he holy see. "I shall be greatly pleased If your excellency will inform me under what canonical rules you forbid my presence at any further sessions of the Lexow committee. Somebody is going to be unearthed If they are not very careful. It may be Mike or it may be the Jesuits and yet the shifting of the scenery indicates that John Ireland, Frank Satolll and Jim Gibbons and not Mike Corrigan as the American people have been lead to believe, are in close touch and sympa thy with the Jesuits. It makes no dif ference, however, who gets the worst of it. The church will bear the odium and the American public will reap the benefit. A layman in the Roman Catholic church whom the papers "down" east seem to credit with knowing a great deal, says: "Within nlnty days, unless all signs fail, there will be such a warfare on be tween some of the very highest digni taries of the church of Rome as has never been known in this country. "When Father Ducey said: "Your excellency will be pained to learn that I have in my keeping manuscript evi dence from the very hightest authority recognizing that here in the city of New Y'ork we have had the very front and citadel of organized opposition to the action and wishes of the holy see," he made it impossible for Intelligent readers to forget that the archbishop of this diocese has been more or less openly charged with organized opposi tion to the expressed policy of the holy see, and when Father Ducey declared that the municipal corruption existed with the knowledge, at least, of the church he give emphasis to the fact that one of the most successful of Tam many contractors is closely related by marriage and otherwise with a certain official of the church, whose name It is not necessary to mention. "Now, Father Ducey has never been liberal In his views, and yet conserva tive in his remarks to the public, and his letter to Archbishop Carrigan was not written, much less given to the public, without inspiration from those who have the power to sustain him in every position he takes. He attended the meeting of the Lexow committee in opposition to the archbishops wishes, but at the request of the counsel for the committee, John W. Goff. Mr. Goff is a Catholic, highly esteemed by Card inal Gibbons, Archbishop Ireland, Mgr. Satolll, and others. "When the urst breath of the storm was felt Mr. Goff was in the city rest ing from his arduous labors before the committee. His first move was to go into the country, where he could be more quiet. Then by easy journeys he reached Washington, and Washington Is, let me see, fifty miles from Baltl more. Well, I cannot be personally quoted for obvious reasons, but Mr. Goff saw Cardinal Gibbons, and if he did not also see the papal ablegate I am mlsin rormea. Then louowea some corres pondence between Washington and New York, and then, just before Mr. Goff's return, comes the letter from Corrigan to Ducey and the latter's im mediate and forceful reply. "By the way, from a further reading of Father Ducey's letter it seems to me that it is not at all the production of a priests mind. Phrases are used that must Sound familiar to thosa who heard Mr. Goff's speeches before the Lexow committee. Reports are given that seem to have been suggested by one used to legal reasoning. The Inference Is, must be, plain to you. It must be as plain as it is to the fevr who have watched the storm clouds that have been long hovered on the church hori zon advance into the sky. "Corrigan is possessed of a master mind. No one will doubt that. He Is a born fighter and he will not in silence see his enemies within the church triumph over him. Father Ducey has practically defied his archbishop, and the latter will accept the challenge Rome before this has heard from New Y'ork, and will hear again. The war is now on, but so far the hostilities have not been open. "As I told you at first, a few weeks will see the lines drawn and open strife within the church. I am a firm Ro manist, but I believe that the result will be a cleansing of more than one sanctuary, and never again will the priests of Rome openly counsel their followers to lend support to an organ ization founded on corruption, such Tammany Hall. I am not the one to judge between Archbishop Corrigan and Father Ducey, yet I cannot help believing that the American public will sympathize with the latter." The supositlon In the above that the rumor about bis L'xow committee American public will sympathize with Dueey Is preposterous. Tins public has lost all interest In the Roman church. It realizes that the Roman Catholic church Is the most rotten and corrupt thing outside of the "burnt district," and that while it has many good and virtuous uh-d and women for communi cant, its priests, bishop and arch- bishops, as a rule, are licentious, drunken, dishonest fellows, who would be pounding rock for the state if they had their just deserts. No, the American public will not sympathize with Ducey. It has no sympathy to waste. It will smile at the ludicrous, positions certain Infallible teachers of an infallible church will occupy before Dr. Parkhurst declares his work is done. Long live Parkhurst. Confusion on his detractors and the church which Is a ruecca for criminals of high and low degree. kim) nouns. A Lady Wishes Our Kansas City Ameri can ami all Connected With II, od-Speed. FallRivek, Mass. Nov. 8, 13l4. The Kansas City American You will remember me as I wrote you while Bishop McNamara was having his first trouble in your city. He and his wife are on their way back to meet their enemies once more. I do not know just when the trial is, but remember that it is some time this month. Tbey are traveling so much from place to place, that it is hard to get a letter to reach them, so I thought thesafestway would be to write to you. as I thought you would bo kind enough to hand It to them on their arrival. I will not make any further apologies for I kuow that you are only too glad to do anything to assist any one that is working "for home and native land." I received a paper, the Imh pendent Linjul AmciicaJi, of Altoona, Pa., it was full of his lo -tures. It seems to me, that the con vincing arguments he sets forth, will sooner or Uter open the eyes of the most tupid and bigoted person, be ho a Protestant or papist. The bishop was a great power in the Romish church, and he knows the ins and outs of their vicious trickery. Popery has got some thing to fight when it attacks the bish op, I or he Knows tnem inrougn ana through. O, yes; God fitted him for his work. He suffered him to bo a papist, and put him in just such places in the church where he could learn the vicious habits of the hierarchy, and then God by His miraculous power, brought him put of that church tbat is sp full Pi abominations, and when he was con' verted, and came to know God for I believe God made a thorough work in his conversion and when he looked back and saw from whence he had been taken by the powerful hand of God, he made a vow to expose the vile treach ery of Rome and its hierarchy, and I think he has kept his vow. And I bo Ueve God had this noble, true, christ ian woman all ready for a wife and helper, and together they journey along, fighting the battles of their master. I often think how we Protestant Ameri cans should open our hearts to those whom God has sent out from the popish church, to open our eyes so the fearful crimes that popery teaches, and to show how they are continually plotting for the overthrow of our government. Yes, not only open our hearts to them, but our pocket books too, for they have taken their lives in their hands and are doing a great work for God and our country. God knows that they know all about the evils In the church, and He has sent them out to help us. Let us bid every one welcome that comes into the field to help do the work, to drag the souls out of Rome, and lead them to the Savior that died for them. I mean those that are tried and true; are trying to help us to protect the old starry banner, and all of our free and noble Institutions, for which our be loved America is noted. I will close thanking you and all of the noble men that are connected with the Kansas City American, and all the noble patriotic men and women of your city, that have been so kind and courteous to my dear friends in the work, Bishop and Mrs. McNamara. Mrs. H. A S; California Sews. The Tocsin of Los Angeles, Cala., says: "The dentists of this city are all working over time, in fact nearly all the time, making teeth with which ths Democrats who denounced the A. P. A. can eat their crow." "That the American Protective As sociation has done good work in defeat ing boss rule and machine politics must be conceded; whether it has gone far enough may be doubted. There axe those who thought the Sacramento ticket should have been beaten from top to bottom. The defeat of Estee was but a mild rebuke: we did pot deserve any greater punishment than the ticket as a whole with a single exception. Possibly what has been done is suf ficient to retire Dan Burns, especially in San Francisco. Sutro has been elected mayor. This election Is the greatest triumph of the people that has asfbeen achieved in the state." "The Democrats of this county put forward an avowed Romanist for sher iff, one who flaunted his religious av iation as a defiance to the A. P. A's. It weakened the whole ticket and the result is the election of Burr by nea ily a two to one Vole. The result my con vine the priesthood that tho threat to expose the imrues of the order, and their anath nia have no terrors." There Is more Catarrh In this section of the Country than all other dm-kara, put together, and until I In I - few years was ujped lo be Incurable. For a treat many years doc Ion pronounced il a loral disease, ami pr-a-rllMHl loral rviinMUn. anil lijr constantly falling to -ur tllli local treatment, pro nounted It Incuiable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constlt ut lonal disease and therefor require constitutional liratmeiit Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured ly K. J C heney & t,K., Toledo. Ohio. I tho only con stitutional cur on tlm market. It Is taken Internally In uoses from Hi drop to lea spoonful. It acta directly on the I'lood ard iiucoiik surfaces of the system. They ont on hundred dollars for any rase It fall to cur, feud for circular and test limmlal Address. K. J. t II KN K Y A CO. Toledo. O. Iff Sold liy Drugittsta. 7.x:. UnTUCDC Send to us ten cent In" silver or Mill in Lilt) postage stamp any wa will wild you a iweuiy-nve cent book containing I'url v-liluht K-mI for n aklni Candy, sin I. -en Ollfi-reul kinds of Candy wit limit cooklnir or boiling Fifty-cent f audy will cost you about six cents per pound. IIKOUKK CO. 11-13 ttnu ilulTalo. N. Y. WANTfD Aitents in earn town and county to sell the greaL-sl lssik of the age. Errors of the. Koman Catholic Church and Iu influence on tlm General Govern men! today, with History and Progress of thf American Protective association tA. I'. A I Over 7ut) pages and Illustrated with 4H full page engravlugs. bend .VI cents at once for complete outfit and terms, special term iclven on other fast selling works. .. II. VII A M HI'.Hf CO.. tf 014 Locust bt , St. Louis, Mo Notice to Non Keilileut Ih'fchdant. To I. aura Louisa Custard: You are hereby notitled that on the 27th day of November, lsW. Gideon Custard. plaintiff herein, tiled Ills pet II Inn against you in the district court of Douglascounty, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain the decree of divorce from the bonds of mat riiuony wit h you upon the grouudsof utter desertion and wilful abandonment of platnlltr for more than t wo years last past. You lire required to answer said petition on or cefore the Hi h duy of J miliary, Into. November ".'111. lsl'4. UIDKONCUSTAUU. Hy 1). Van F.ileri. his attorney. 11-30 4 Legal Notice. In the District court of Douglas county, Nebraska: Myron L. Wave, plalntllT, vs, Ida J. Ware, defendant. To In J. Wahk. defendant: You lire hereby not Hied that on lilt" SL'nd (lav of October. 1M1, Myron L. Ware Hied a petition Hgaliist you In the District court of Douglas county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which Is lo obtain a divorce from you oil the ground that you committed adultery with one Anton .1 .Proper, lit No. IZTi North Twenty-fourth street. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, on or about the 201 h uay of June, Isnl. You are required to answer snld petition on or before Monday, the 14th duy of Janu ary, lhU. Omaha, Neb.. Novemlicr 'Jft. IN!4. MY HON L WAKE, I'lalntttr. Doc. 47. No. I4. ll-SJ 4 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and hy virtue of an orclorof sain on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the District court for iHuiw lus county, Nebraska, and to mo directed. I will, on the 31st day of December, A. D. 1HW. at ,en o'clock a. in. of said day, at the n rlli front door of the county court house. In Ibeclly of Uniiiha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to thn highest bldilcr for cash, the property described In said order of sale, as roilows, to-wti: Tbe west half of lot number four (4), In block number "V," Lowe's addition to the City ot Oiimb. as surveyed, putted and re corded, tnjretlirr ith, mi appurtenances thereunto belonging, all in Duunlas county, state of Nebr.iska. HaM property to sold to satisfy Bnrnh .1, Barrows, defendant herein, the sum of eijtht hundred, nlnety-oue and i. 100 dollars ijs'.il.i'n judgment, with Interest thereon nt rate of ei;ht (Mi per cent per annum from September lab, IHW. To satisfy I'rances 1. T omas, plaintiff here n. the sum of twcii:y-four iJcillarsif .'I.IHii judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of eight 00 per cent per annum from September mil. 1W4. To satisfy the sum of tweuty-elrht and 03 ino OolbirH i:.'S.0;i) costs herein, with interest thereon from the 17th day of September, A. D. 1SH4. until paid, together with accruing costs according to a judgement rendered by the District court of said Douglas county at Its September term, A. D. 18H4, In a certain action then and there uendlng. wherein Frances I. Thomas was plaintiff and John W. Laluiim and others were dercndanUj, Omuha, Neb., November 'ill. ls'.u. CHAHLKS L. THOMAS. Hp."cii Master Commissioner. Dp.xteb L. THOMAS. Attorney. Francis I. Thomas vs. John YV. Latham et al. Ex. d. Page si Doc. 41. No. 347. lima Legal NotieP. tattle District court of HnUgliw county. Nebraska, Howard W. Chatles, plalutlff. t. fred Hansen, defendant. Notice to Kred Hansen and Hilda Hansen, non-resident defendants: You will take notice thaton the 21st day of November, 1h!i4 the plaintiff herein Hied a petition In the District court of Douglas county. Nebraska, against Kred li.insen anil Hilda Hansen, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mongage executed by the above named defendants to Kugene O. Hates, and by him assigned to Ilowsrd VV. Charles, plaintiff herein, upon the following described real estate, to-wit: North twenty-throe (33) fi etof lot seventeen (17), In block one (1), In Armstrong' i First addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. 8ald mortgage was given to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated Slay 22. Is), for the sum of six hun dred dollars l000, due and payable In live jearsfroin the date thereof; that there Is now due upon the said note and mortgage the sum of six hundred doll rs itoou), with Interest thereon at seven (7) per cent, from the 22nd day of November, fs'.ti, and all un paid coupons to draw interest at ten (ID) per cent, per annum. Plaintiff prays for a de cree that defendants be required to pay the same, and that said premises may be sold to satisfy amount found due. You are required to answer the said peti tion on or Lefore tbe 31st day of December, im. Omaha. Nebraska. November 23. IS',14. IIOVVAKD W. CHAKLF.S. 11-23-4 Plaintiff. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. To Margaret Ulackniore, Thomas Frederick Blackinore. Mrs. Hlackmore, wife of Thomas Frederick Mack more. K. O. Kates. Ilrst name unknown, John II. Basse tt and James It Dickey, defendants: You are hereby untitled that on the 27th day of July. 14, Harry J.TwIntlng tiled a petition in the District court within and for Douglas county, Nebraska, in an action wherein Harry .1. Twlnting was plainllff.and Margaret Hlackmore, Herbert Hlackmore, Ida K. Blackinore, Thomas Frederick Biack- ruore, Mrs. Blackinore. first name unknown, his wife, James B. Dickey. John H. Bassett. K. C. Hates, ilrst name unknown, Louis Levi and the Collins Uun Company were defendants, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose one certain tax deed upon lot eight IS), block "D," of the city of Omalia, (original plat) Douglas county, Ne braska, and to also foreclose a Certain tax certificate upon said lot. which said deed and certificate are now owned and held by the plaintiff. Plaintiff asks that in default of the payment of the amount found due tbat the defendants be debarred and fore closed of all Interest in said premises and that they be sold to satisfy the sum so found due. Plaintiff claims that on September 17th, Ism. there was due upon said lax deed and certilicate the sum of three hundred and eighty-one and 54-loo dollars ifciM.M) with in terest at the rate of ten (10) per cent, per an num from septemoer l,th. Isv4, and an at torney's fee equal to ten (10) per cent, of the decree and all costs. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 31st day of Decern U r, ls'.4. Dated November 23rd, l!4. HAUliV J. TWISTING. Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. Doe. 4... No. 34ti. 11-23-4 III Will tfUcl!,.. J. !,!!,.,. atlh ind rot f.ft.r milm iui inT uid PwanTKjyk) Ptil,!, prticuiAn4ciML Vt. 1 1, ill, ik,. iigMw. ttMa,am RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Juvenile and Other Holiday Books. Rare Wherein? Let Us Give You Particulars! If von want to make from $250 00 to $400 00 between now and the Holl. day, write to us at once for a canvassing HOLIDAY BOOKS Wo gimmnloo tho BEST TERMS AND BEST BOOKS Bests In Fvery funicular. the children. Prices, 80c, Sl.OO, SI. BO, (raded to suit all ages. Big Sales! Large Profits! Exclusive Territory! f you want your choice of Territory, send Immediately 43 Cents) to pay eipreM charg and e will teud you full lusiru. tiou. ami Our Beautiful $4.50 Outfit Free. No Experience Necetsary. (Add re We Give Full Instructions. DEPT. RARE, S. I. BELL & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Penn. y'.; ''-J Mm mbmMm THE Representative House Of the West . . NEARLY A Million and Dollars worth of Goods to Select from. KANSAS CITY, MO, MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. SEND FOR CATALOUE. Notice to Noii-ReHidt'iit Dcfchdiiiits. To Miirmiret Hlackmore. TIhiiiihh Frederick Hlackmore, iMrx. Hlackmore, wife of ThoimtM Frederick Hlackmore. K. C. HatcH, tlmtuame unknown, John II. HuhhcU uud James H. Dickey, defnnUliDtii:, finrehy notified that, on the 27th J:iy of July, lMl,4. Hurry .1. Twintlnit riled a petition in the District court within and for I mi; I a county, ehraska. In an action wherein Harry J.TwIntlnx wan plaintiff, and Margaret Hlackmore, Herbert Hlackmore, Ida ii. L'lackuiore, iiiomas Frederick Hlack more, Mrs. Hlackmore Bint name unknown, his wife, James II. Dickey, John If. Hftttctt, t'.. O. Hales, tirnt name unknown. iouls Levi and the Collins (inn Company were defendct, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose one certain tax deed upon lot seven (7), block "D," of theelty of Omaha, (orlKlnal plat) Douglas county, Ne braska, mid to also foreclose a certtln tax certificate upon said lot, which said dted and certificate are now owned and held by the plaintiff. Plaintiff asks that In default of the payment of the amount found due that the defendants be debarred and fore closed of ail Intercut Iu said premises and they be sold to satisfy the sum found due. I'lalntlff claims thaton September 17th, 1HK4, there was found due upon said tax deed and cerllllcats the sum of nine hundred and twenty and IB-KKI dollars i!o.tt2 with Inter est at the rateol ten iloi per cent, per annum from Septemuer 17th, ls;H, and an attorney's fee eo,ual to ti n (10) per ceul. of the decree and all costs. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before the alst day of December, l'.i4. Dated November ilrd, IKH HAKKY J. TWINT1NU, I'lalntttr. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. Doc. 4,1. No. :t4i. 11-23-4 Jiotice. Clara T. Yale and Yale, first name unknown, her husband, will take notice that on the -lit day of November. l'M, I'hillp L, ,1 nh num. plaintiff herein, tiled his petiilon in the District court of Douvla county. Ne braska, atfainst said defendants, he object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain tax certificate upon lot three I'll, block three Kedick's 1'ark addition to the city of Omaha, dated July 1st., Isi for the sum of ehrhtand Mi-loo dollars i$k.:ioi and the f .r ther sum of t weut y-cijiht and i-lnO dollars (jjiXSi subsequently paid theieuuder to gether with Interest at the rate of twenty i20) percent, per auuum upon said sums from the dates of their respective payments for two years and at. the rale of ten 10i percent, thereafter, for which amounts toitetlitr with cost of this action plaintiff prays for a de cree foreclosing- said premises and ordering the same to be sold to satisfy tbe amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the INt day of December, lsf4. Dated November AM h, ls'M. i-Hiui' l. Johnson. By Saunders, M-cfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. ll-it-4 l.ejral Notice. In District court. Douglas county, Ne braska. Soren T. l'eterson, plaintiff, vs. Jacob Kenuis, I.eah henU is, George Ory tups Wand Ida utherlck. defendants: The above named tjeorgo Grymps. non resident defendant, will take notice that on the liith day ot January, A. D. 1'.4. plaintiff herein Hied his petition In the district court of Douglas county. Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed ly .1 iicnl) Kendis and Leah Keudis upon lot number sixteen tlt). In block number three (:ii. in Arbor Place Addition to the city of Omaha. Douglascoumy, Nebraska, to nee u e the pavment of a certain promissory note dated January Ji'th, ls7. for the sum of liWO, which promissory note is past due and un paid, and plalutlff prays for a decree tbat defendants be required to pay the same or that said mortgaged premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition oh or before the 101 li day of December. A. D. INII4. Dated Omaha, Neb.. Novemtu r 2d, W4. kOKKN T. I'KTFKSON. By A. ilevlus, his attorney. 11--4 oulfitof our BEAUTIFUL JUVENILE Mostft musing. leresllng and nstructlvo hlorle. trltU a Quarter S)cclitl Master I oniiiiiHsioiier'8 Hole, Under and by virtue of an order of sals on decree of foreclosure of murtgage issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Ne braska. and tome directed. I will, on the 17U du of December, A. D. Ism. at IU o'clock ft. m. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, .Nebraska, sell at public auction to the blithest bidder for cash, tbe properly described In said order of sale as follows, to-wll: Lot number seventeen (17), In block num ber one (I), In Monmouth Park, an aJdttlon to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, plaited and recorded, together with all the appur tenances thereto belonging, all situate in Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy John Hassett. plaintiff In the action. In the sum ot nine hundred, nine and so-IOt) iJtwu.tW) dollars Judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of eight (Hi per cent per annum from September Kin, WW. and twenty-eight and H-1IW dollars costs herein, with I meres I thereon from the 17th day of September, A. D. lsW, until paid, together with accruing costs ac cording to a judgment rendered by the dis trict court of said Ixiuglas county, at Its September term, A. D. M4, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein John Hassett was plaintiff and OeorgeM. Weeks and oihers were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. November IS. 1HW. CHAULKS L.THOMAS. Suecial Master Commissioner. Dexter I). Thomas, Attorney. 11-14-S Hassett vs. Weeks et al. Doc. S. Page 44. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. To Margaret Hlackmore Thomas Frederick Hlackmore, Mr. li.ackmore, wife of Tuomas Frederick Hlackmore, b. C. Hues, Urst name unknown, John II. Hassett and James B. Mickey, uefendants: You are hereby notified thaton the 27th d..y of July. Harry J. Tmiuiiug nied a petition in the lust rwt court wiiliin and for loug,as county, Nebraska, iu an action win. rein Harry J. Twiniing was plaiulitT.and Margar-l Hlackmore, Herbert Hlackmore, Ida fc Hlackmore, Tliuiuas Frederick Hlack more, Mrs. Ulackniore, drsl uame unknown, his wife, James H. Dickey, John 11. Hasseit, K. C. Hates, tirst name unknown, Louis Levi and the Collins Ouu Company were defendants, the object and prayer of which 1. to foreclose one certain lax deed upon lot six ii block "D," of Hie city of Omaha, (origiual plat) Douglas county, Ne braska, and to also foreclose a certain tax certificate upon said lot, which sild deed and certitlcate are no owued aid helu by the plaintiff. Plaintiff asks mat iu default of tue payment of the amount tumid duo that the defendants oe debarred and fore Closed of all interest In said premises and that they be sold to sat isf y tiie sum so found due. Plaintiff claims that en September 17th, 1"4 itieruwas due upon said lax deed atid certilicate the sum ol twelve huuured aud three and hxi dollars (ii20.l.joi with inter est at the rate of ten tioi per cent, per aunuiu from September 17th, 1NW. and an attorney's fee equal to ten ill); per cent, of the decrees and all costs. You are tequired to answer said petition on or before me Slst day of Decvmuer, 1SH. Dated November Sird, l;-:4. HAKKY J.TW1NT1NG. Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. Doc. 4". No. Mi. ll-2a-4 lgal Notice. Nels Hendricksoi. will taicc notice that on the -tlth day of September. ls!H, Kdmund Bart lett, a Justice of the Peace of Douglas county, Nebraska, issued an order of attach ment tor the sum of &.'4 00. In an action pend ing before him wherein Axel Meyer Is plain lilf, and Nels Hemlrickson defendant; that property of the defeudant, consisting of ona sewing machine, three upholstered chairs, one divan, one center table, one bundle of carpet and two quilts, has been attached, under said, said cause was continued to th iJnd day of December. W4. at 10 o'clock A. M. Omaha, Nebraska, Nov. !"!. !4. AXKL MEYKK. 11-10 3 Plaintiff.