TH AMERICAN A SANITARY I11CESSITY. f ATE NT ;Vi WWII ; HD CiemET: I C MMODfc J l 14 I i ABOOMTOWOMrK 3CHILDREN UlU t ral, a&4 4l th.i M. I s lv. !' i 4. win fta ATT fitlimM. Fries. I V?triii i-f i 1 a , ft rrtf to I ft K. h 4 Jli . . .ut a licnti : a ' Mtaf iLf tf ik. lfc tutord by 4ucfcjr. JLWtt. (bit . ww. J DONALD KE 'NEOY SM. I mtioottt. Minn. A Visit of Jesus Christ rons TO 11 US IX. One of VICTOR HCGO'S wittiest and most sarcastic poems, translated from tbe t" reach ty GHASE ROYS, 631 F 8tret, WASHINGTON, D. C Christ takes a look Into the Vatican ; con verse with one of the pope's guards and a rardlnal. Single copy 10c 10 copies Hoc Km copies t.i.00 Special prices for larger quantities. Pond's Extract IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Cure Female Complaints, Neuralgia, Piles, Sores, Bruises and ALL PAIN. CHEAP SUBSTITUTES DO NOT CURE. SQUADRONS OF HORSS FLIES Into tha Nrhraua ft I J J THE BLACK POPE, Jesuit's Conspiracy vs. A.mci Icanlsni. OR THE 18 IN THE THIRD EDITION. This was the book that the Romanists burned while in the bindery. 300 pages. Near) Over 100 pictures. Speeches from worthy representatives from most of the patriotic orders. IT WAS THE FIRST A. P. A. BOOK EVER PRINTED, IFniCIE: I2T CLOTH. $1.00. A cheap paper cover edition is being prepared at 50 cents. FOR SALE BY AMB1VCAN PUULISIIING CO. HORSEMEN, DAIRYMEN, . . POULTRY RAISERS and DEALERS IN. lor larrna t It amp of Hi- ( r mt. Some amusing p.fti.u! ir of tin In vention that have l -n o i -tv.I to tha French war o:liee since 1-71 have re cently lxM'n published in a French newspaper, tin- majority of which, a cording to the Court Journal, are aUuit tvjiiul to the !-aputau scheme for plowing licl.K, nuu--ly, by aowin acorns in row ami ihon turning In pigs to root th"in up. ihi: j,',nius t.ou;!it a put nt for the training of squadrons of horx t!ien. TIiom) aux iliaries were to U- f.-,l ext'lu.-ivolv on blixkl nom-d up U noath th dolioato epidermis of nieelmnieul tn'iires elotluxl in tho unifot ni of m inln'i s of the triple allianre, io that when jolitieal relutions in Kui-oim were btiaininl the Hies inijiht bo given daily a little of the juieo of eertain ioi.son- ous )ilunts, and on aetual deelaratitm tf war bo turueU out in tho path of the enemy. Another inirenious nerson proiMWMd a m'hemo for educating war Uogs. In times of Maeu he would train French war ifogs to bitj lay ngures wearing rruHsian helmets. in order that on tho outbreak of war the kennels of the whole conn try might bo mobilized, and let lose on tho cnemv. Then there are nu merous proposals for bridging rivers by means of roixs attached to cannon oaiis, ami a pnoiograpner suggests a novel kind of captivu shell, which, breaking over tho fortilled position of an enemy, would disclose a small camera attached to a parachuto. The enemy s fortuications would bo instan taneously photographed and the a paratus hauled buck by tho string ancl the negatives develoiied at leisure. Two ideas aro very inhiiiiian. One is a scheme for sending large quantities of poisoned needles, as if in charity, to the enemy's generals, who would. of course, distribute them to their forces, and so poison tho unfortunate users; and the other to chargo explo sive bullets with iepHr. Two objeets are pursued by the inveslor of the K'pior its discharge would blind the enemy and the great demand for tho condiment in time of war woul stimu late the trade of the French colonies and increase tho revenue of the coun try. There are also many other equally absurd proposals, such as sug gestions for making soup by machin ery, growing potatoos on barrack roofs in Deceinlter an 1 killing whole army corps of Prussians by post but they are too numerous to bo mentioned. Was an ol.l HIS KNIFE ht Wouldn't Mar FINE BLOODED STOCK Will Consult Their Own Interests by Using Lockhart's Nutritious Condiment. Odessa, which is frequently de scribed as tho Liverpool of Russia. and which in point of trade and pros- perity ranks as the most important city of the empire, has just lieen celo- I Orating the centennial anniversary of I Men. I The old gentleman hook tho water from his palm leaf, hung up his ri l r coat, raptcd smartly h briarwood piW on the wood b in h, pushed a straw through the Mem, t'lled the IkiwI and started a wmulgo i-q.ial to a coal pit, turned a wiil litloiu-sido up, placed a couple of mal bags thereon, and as he sal down, gravely remarked: "It's a wet rain." This sage remark having licon adopted without a dissenting voice, the old man continued: "I'vo yot a sliver in one of my hands and I want one of you fellers to get it out." at tho same time iroduc iug an implement which H .cured to he a cross between a martin spiko ami a cheese knife. The sliver having !en removed and thrown out on the wiskI pilo for future use, the old gent carefully wiixsl the blade of his tool, Ix-stowing on it an affectionate elunce or two. and then proceeded. Ain't it funny how some things'll stick to yo wus n tho itch or a bad dol lar? Now, I've had that aro .knife nigh on to forty year. The blade was made for me by a tramp blacksmith and there never was a U tter piece of siutr put into a biatlo. I ho handle made myself from tho horn of a deer I shot out in the swamp yonder. I've lost it several times, but it has turnei up again as often. Drapiied it into tho lake onc't through a hole in a raft of logs, but cut it out of a big pickerel I caught through tho ico tho next winter. Another time I camo across an old bear with a cub. I shot the old ono and tried to save the young ono alive. but the little cuss clawed and scratched mo so I got mad and stuck tho knifo into him 'fore I thought It must have hurt him bad, for ho gave powerful wrench, got away from mo and run into the brush with the knifo a-stickin' in him. I put a ball into him. though, the next spring, and he wasn t very fat, but tho knife was there just where I'd left it. 1 he next time I lost it I'd lsien about three miles up the river looking ior a ilKely roll way. 1 tied mv Isiat up to an old windfall while I ate my luncii. i sou my kniro to cut some meut. Stuck it into an old log. For got it and started for homo. When were alsnit half way down I wanted the knife to cut sonio baccy with. It was gone. Well, as I knowed jlst wnero m lert it, and as the water was smooth, I thought I'd go back and get it. .Now, I hadn t gone moro'n tiair a mile, when I II lie blamed If duln t see that ar knife stuck straight up in a pioeo of bark sailing along as grand as could lie and a-eoming down the river to meet me. "les, I do sot a great sioro by mat Kniio, out TWO QUEEN BEES. its foundation. lluilt on territory and I must bo a-going." Forest and ceded to Russia by Turkey in 1792, Stream. tho foundations of the present IT IS THE Purest and Best :Horse and Cattle Food AVAHUFACTUKSP TOPAY. Absolutely Free From Poisonous Matter of An1 Kind. city were taiu in im, an 1 wlien at the bo- ginning of the century, the French emigre, the due do Richelieu, arrived upon the scene to assume his duties of governor general, a post to which ho had been appointed by Kmporor Alex ander, there were only 400 houses and about 6,000 inhabitants in the place. To-day the population is over 500,000, of whom no less than lSO.ODO aro He brews, and there is no city in tho em pire more bountifully endowed with magnificent public buildings or where the inhabitants aro possessed of greater wealth, mostly amassed by commerce. H6APQUART6RS INt London, England, Glasgow, Scotland, New York, Chicago, Omaha. I'nthetlo Tala of a Cat. A touching story of a rat comes from Kickmansworth. The hero is old and blind. He lives with his fam ily on a sewage farm, and since he lost the use of his eyes ho has taken his daily airing with two of the younger members of his family. To guard against misadventures the three go abreast, with a piece of stick in their mouths, which tho youngsters use as a tiller to steer tho blind gentleman with. Thus fortified the alllieted rat is enabled to take his walks over his nativo sewage farm, crossing plunks and eluding dogs as in the days of his youth and vigor. Even the lady who "cut off their tails with the carving knife" will have no chance against the blind rat of Kickmansworth. West minster Gazette. 1 ha llrmarkaM lOarotrry at an - hliotlon l Vlmina. A di, mery was mad and has l. eii uetiioiivtiateil at thi lt exhibition ! held in connection with, the Au-triaii ItOI-tii'llIl uivil ut.. I ..!.... It .1 : . .. j in lu-nnu, which is the talk oi me capital au.l the truth of which is vouched for by hundreds and thousands of visitors, besides U-in ...... ... I I . .... UH.--H-U in wruing ny uui'tei-n trustworthy and iM-teut witneHse. Including inemU'rs of the nritNritcv wieiiiiMs ami physician. And this discovery in of a nature to overthrow all other theories alout tho olitical constitution of 1his which may play such a prominent part in jiolitical and sclent me literature. Heretofore it was looked iiMin as an established fact, which could not I called in question by the most skeptic al ii.... i. .... 1 ii, mui eueii communiiy oi Keen was distinguish.Hl by Its ultramonarchical principles and its loyalty to one oueen. The nieiiiliors of tho hive would never hear of a pretender, still less of uuumtiiuio ur iriumviraio, and any attempt to bring alsnit such a chan -e in their political situation would have brought alotit a revolution. Rut tho lawful queen herself would not allow things to no to any such extremes. J ho moment a rival presented herself. he would, speaking figuratively, ut tack her tMth ami nail, and the duel would only end in the death of one or oo'ii. "We have changed all that now, the Austrian lses seems to say 10 uioir niinian visitors. I rofcHsor Gutter of Simmering, has exhibited a thriving hivo, tho mein liors of which are governed conjointly by two queens, and the lioes apparent ly approve tho Innovation. Nav. what is still moro remarkable, tho two moyarchs get along most satisfactorily and without tho slightest friction. Not only oro thero no signs of rivalrv. jealousy or attempt at those feminine amenities which are tho last resort of Cultured females of tho human when compelled to endure the other's society, but the two oueen lice ara iosit i vcly affect lonah) so alTect ionato, ndeeil, that one might lie tempted .. , . i. .. . , . ui nus peci mill one oi mo two was a king in disguise, If such a hypothesis were not, rendered absolutely untona mo ny the strongly accentuated physiological characteristics of tho queen bee. One of the greatest authorities on apiculture.Dr. Dzlcrzon, whoso name is favorably known throughout tho world in connection with several ingenious uventions for tho comfort of bees, sat for hours at a stretch obsorvinsr tho conduct of the two queens. They a p- proucri eacn oilier trom time to timo without the slightest antipathy, and on two or three occasions actually caressed eacn other most tender v and then separated quietly and peacefully, followed by their devoted suit, l'ro- icsKor dafter received tho first prize for his sensational exhibit. which is attracting crowds to tho boo show, and the members of tho horti cultural societies of Vienna aro proud to think that no such extraordinary sM'ciaeie as mis was ever witnessed or recorded in the history of bees. l he document drawn up. signed and duly attested, will be preserved In one or the museums of icnna, and copies oi it sent to ameu tural wni'iel ah throughout the world. " Monry Thrown Away at Panama. The great De Lesseps Panama ditch is a melancholy wreck. The wharves are falling into the water and acres of machinery aro rusting to dissolution. On the isthmus are nearly 1,0 X) miles Very Comcientious, oi stoei track with locomotives and A quiei, nice man had opened an thousands of dump-carts, now half . undertaker's shop in a Western town. hidden in tho tropical growth. Sev- an,l about the second day after, tho enty-six great steam shovels stand bully of the burg called on him and side by side in the excavation buried Insulted him grossly. An hour later WhrrrTbey Will (;. KiLVMt Ckkkk. Neb., Nov. 21, ISOI. - Fdltor The Amujk an-I). ar Sir: I cannot for the life of me see why it Is that ix tne of our Protestant jswiple will say that the lion an Catholic church Is asgd as any other church. I think they bad better read ancient hUtory a little niore and se who aie the leaders of the Kiiiu.o Catholic c huu h. They aie the Jtsults, and they (Jesuits) dare not abide by the laws of our free Amer ica. Tt.ey swear by Almighty G d that thy will exterminate all heretics and their laas. Who Is the ProU slant, knowlrg this, tbatwculd, vote for one controlhd hy them? Here Is a hit of LUtory which will lie good for thwe to read who have the book. Get the 1'iiiorial JIMoty oftht M'ortd, writter by James I). MtCabo. On page 4kH jcu find a Spanish soldier, Ignatius Lojola by name, was the in stigator of the Society of Jesus, by the pcrmlsskn if Pope Paul III. Itsdls- tlngulshlng hat una weio abtolute de votion to the popo and unhesitating oliedience to its superiors through all varieties of fortune, In exile and im prisonment, and ivm in dissolution. Their oath of unlrqulrlng, unhecltating obt dieneo to tho papal command has never been broken. There Is nothing to low and degraded as the Jesuits, und still there are thou- sandsof dgnorant, superstitious, Itoman Catholics who believe that what they Jesuits lay Is gospel truth. I5ut they are going the road that leads to hades, and If there Is a ploco that Is lower than ? that,; all the pritttB und tho Jesuits will go to it. C l r An A. P. A. Samples of tho Anierirnn Vitizen IAb- rartf may be seen at this ofllce. The price is 92 00 a year, for 12 numbers 12 books. In all. If you desire to assist the cause sub scribe for Tn k American. J Errors of Youth.! St'FFEKKKS FKOM 40 Nervous Dummy, YoniMnl J tortiscietions, Lost Maobood, Jt' BE V0UR OWN PHYSICIAN. 0 Muty men, friwi the rffW-u of ymittttul Impru- f rjm, tiiv bnruKht 'Hit att ut wi-nkitf0 mat " rnmiTu mr Ri-iit-rpi vbm-iii m mum w Indutw aliiKiKt rvrry otln-r uiB4iipj md Hit mlf riiiN (if lti tntuhif wiirrt'ly rf Im iii(( auaiwcti'ij, t ihff ri Ixturtl for everything but thi ri(iit one. W Ourliiff uiir r-1 ten iv rnllfKt'M litwintal iinK-tii t we have (iitrnvt-ml nw aid f4inoi-tttrmt J rfitir- V .diet. '1'lie ('roinmiiy iug irt-i-riilioii is dtti-rwl am ' U I'KKTAIN A N 11 MI'fKHV I K B, hundri 'li ut w . heving Im-pii n-stitml to jwrtt'd ttt-alth hy Mi A uceintrall oihrr rvnmiw Itnlfil iVrfntlr nurt MltrHlirnta inutl tv umiI in the .reritiou uf I tin 0 ' K K.rrthronylon rom. (Jrtrhm, 0 . Jtriibetun, I ilrarhiii. A ' Hclrinia llioira, drv-tim, V ' f it. liriti tn ii ran (W",'pi, S grain!. i f'tl. liMam(ra, Vw-ruplr. 'ilyceniif, u. . 0 M.karti rtiiu 'IshK I pill illnm., and another V k on iroinfr to bed I hte rftiteily I adaitfd to evrry ( trtkimi In eiltipr st, ami nfier tally in ttiuf W I raw multitifi ftotn itiirinnl-inf. 'I lit- rfcurwraliv " piwr of thta rt'storadvf an astonishing, and its w u eonlliiuvd for a stmrt tnnerltaiiitt'fl tte laiifriiitl. a ' d'hilttatet, nerveleaa ctiiiditlor tu one uf rtiwwed k life and ?i (or. m To thot ho rmh pn frr to obtain It of ut, by w remitting $, a salt-d wi ka(r coiitamg Hit nil la, A rarefiiliT rompouiidrd. will ti ar-nt by mail from ) our private laboratory, or w a lii furtuth H park A jim. wlm-h will i-.!r it.., at iaa fur kS Alt 11,. 0 t acridly eonfldnUial. wrw runi ivrt MrniriT. ranTiTnTP nun linuijoiiu iiiuuiuuu uiuiiiviui IX I ramonf NOW,DOIton, Mttl. gji in luxuriant vegetation, so that only the giant arms stand up aliove the green. While 200 locomotives have been housed, it is estimated that nine tenths of the millions squandered on this prodigious enterprise is going to waste. Much of the excavated land has teen washed back Into its original Xeitroe I loi-klii j to Knlanil. Tho Westminster Gazette calls at tention to the fact, upon the authority of Consul General Patrick Collins, that negroes are flocking to Kngland in great numliers. The steamship com panies confirm Mr. Collins' statements, and add that nearly all the wealthy colored folks are seeding their sons to LEAVING investigated this Horse and Cattle Food, and having J become convinced that it was superior to any preparation on the market today, I have consented to take the general agencj for the Middle and Western States. It is now being used bv many of the leading horse and cattle men, some of whom testify P,a,T, an1 th(r ",l oat s,?r 011 the faw of . . ' J the Panama isthmus is rapidly fading to its worm ana money-saving qualities. Among tne number from view. Springfield Republican. who have endorsed it may be mentioned: Robert Bonner, Esq., of the New York Ledger; William Lockhart, Esq., Veterinery Surgeon; Dan Mace, the famous trainer and driver, and H. E Bonner, Esq., Veterinary Surgeon, all of New York; II. M.Hosicl & Co., Tallow, Hides and Wool; The Lincoln Park Commissioners John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour & Co., Packers; Miller & Armour, Packers; J. C. Pennoyer & Co., Teaming; Gen. Tor- rrnifA' Lincoln Teft fin A. TT RfiVfcll: William Thnmnonn Trn On . n To.Kn,. n T,Q . V v tjj ti.. study law, medicine or art in London. t V.' , . , V 7, ' "V. lttCKm? Mostof these people are West Indian negroes and not Afro-Americans. 'I"he wealthy Afro-Americans send their sons to lie educated at Harvard. Yale and Ols'i'lin. and only in isolated cases do they send them to Kurope. n Hip Country. They had but recently been married and the young husband was airing his wit before his bride. An old deaf man, unknown to the bride was pass ing. :-I say, said the husband, ad dressing the old man, "you old bald headed idiot, did you know your hat wasn't on straight?" '-Why Charlie?" interrupted the bride. "Good even ing, said the old man. halting, and unconscious of the insult; "may I ask if you saw a big red calf come alon v.:. l . .. i i .. viio niai a iiiuimu or iwu ago. l ve lost sight of him, but I thought J heerd him holler." Life, insulted him the undertaker called on a friend for advice. "That tough, Hill Slug," ho said, "came into my place awhile ago and called me a liar." "Why didn't you shoot him?'' was tho prompt inquiry. "I didn't like to," he said diilidently. 'Why not?" "Aw, well," he hesitated, "I kinder thought people might say I done it for business purposes only." Co.; Thos. J. Lipton & Co., Packers, and others, of Chicago. This Condiment is recommended by a dairyman who savs his cows gave one-third more milk while he used it during the i ti : i ii. i. i :u n i . winter, ii is jusi tne siuii 10 uuiiu up an siock, ana is a great feed-saver on account oi its nutritious qualities. Price per Barrel (iou pounus) SI 1.00 100 Pounds 8.00 60 Pounds 5.00 25 Pounds ; 3.00 Sample Package Containing 8 Pounds 1,00 Send in a Trial Order. If vou use it once you will never be without it. Address, JOHN C. THOMPSON, Care American Publishing Co. Manklnil'K Kmlurance. An old newspaper published in Bos ton has a notice of the marrian-o of Captain Thomas ISaxtcr of Quincy and Miss Whitman of Hridgewater, on l)o cemlier 1G, 7s, "after a long and tedious courtship of forty-eight years, which both sustained with uncommon fortitude." Hie Soul of Aaron Iturr. When the timid colonial clergymen were afraid ;o criticise Aaron Burr's treason, they asked Lorenzo Dow what he thought of Burr's meanness. He raised both hands like a great V and shouted: "Aaron Burr, mean! Why, I could take tho little end of nothing whittled down to a isiint, punch out the pith of a hair, and put in 40,000 such traitor soul9 as his, shake 'em up, and they'd rattle. " Argonaut. 4 n ImpreKfllon. The reed bird, delicate and delicious, lay supine on a bit of toast, when Uncle Caleb from Xew Jersey sat down. "Are you fond of the little fowl?" asked the hostess. "Well," he replied, "ez fur taste, they're tine. But ez fur 'pcaranee, I must say they 'mind mo of a mosqui ter growed up " Surrllloe (he l int. He had lieen working all tho wintei in i, a, inauo in mo orass Hand as a cornet-player, and just as his hopes seemed to bo on the verge of fulfil ment she met him on his way home from the postofllce, and, linkinir her hand within his arm, walked on in silenco until they reached tho poplar waiK. j nere stie stopisxl in the lon shadows and said: "George, I wish you wouldn't play the cornet in tho new band." "Why not?" said he, surprise:!. "It is a place of honor, and I get, a great deal of attention by it. dear. "les, I know," she said coax- Ingly. "It, is n'c,! to have you noticed by every one, ami all that, hut She paused and hung her curly head a little lower. Hut what?" said he sharply. "Blowing the cornet makes manes tier voice sank to a A Solid Town FORT SMITH, ARK. No hank fnlliir-a In lSW 'Kl or -W. firow. In spit of (It preHlnn of liitrtl IIiiipd. Kor SfeullHr reason and clrcuuial.anrra a resl nt. of Kort Smith di'Klrcn to exchange a f;ood rpslilencp and lUHlmsN houm in corner ota. faelnit each other five blocks from hua Inena street, one block from the Hi nt school In tbe st.-tte: on street our line: fitter and ewer connection ; cottaxe plu "Is I for gas; new culture, ft room, clean and newly painted; more room on corner 20x50 feet, with three rooimi lBxlfl: well and water con nection; one If)x3 butcher shop. Here Is bargain for a man who wants a home and good business stunil. I'rlce f.'.ISi0. Kor par tin ilars call on or write Hahhy H. Hinds, t05-S07 Main street, Kansss city. Mo. store occupied, doing a good business. A LIST OF U00D BOOKS. Foxe's Book of Martyrs. A large qmirto ir-iluine of 1,100 doubls column pi:es. and Is a standard work In every particular. Cloth, 12.50. sent by express. pouting whisper. -Makes the lips so LeCaron the Spy- still and hard! George has decided , ' not to band. lie the cornet-player in the Ion Had. "Good gracious, Mandy!" exclaimed Josiah, as they approached the church door. "We can't get married thare. See that notice on the tree by the door?" And Amanda slowly spelled out the notice: "D-o n-o-t h-i-t-c-h h-e-r-e." Truth. A Ictlm of -Habits are Habit. hard things to Kllon break. Maud Yes, indeed. There is Min nie Sereleaf, who formed tho habit of being Tl some years ago and has never broken it yet. London Tit-Bits. V underfill ,tt roil I c!c rhoe. I here are some remarkable echoes in the wood encircled Adirondack lakes. A single whoop will In- tossed about a doen times from a bit of woodland edging the lake, and when the last echo seems to have died away some more distant woodland will sud denly take up the call with increased loudness, and the sound will at length fade out in extreme distance. Tho nearer echoes seemed to lie tilled with the inexpressible freshness of the woodland, and it is hard to Indie ve that the sound is mere airy mimicry 01 the human voice. 1 lie liupiuleiit Weasel. Impudence seems to be the leading characteristic with the weasel in his relations with man. Perhaps the creature has conlidenee that his long. slender Isxly can always be snatched away into safety lie fore the oiniinary human being can do him harm. At any rate, the weasel will coolly sit in the chink of a stone wall and watch tne doings ot men within a stones throw of his asylum, and after nisrht- iau me is-ast win crawl about fear lessly within a yard or two of any human being that may approach its haunts. I ret Land of the South. The South contains over L'00,000, 000 acres of foivst land over one-half of tho woodland area of tho L'nited States. iShe has almost an endless va riety, so far as quality is concerned. There aro nearly 6,000 saw mills ia operation, employing over 74,000 hands. The output of tho planing mills in mO was f-.'-J, 000,000. Gives a h'story of the Fenian raids on Canada, and a complete expose of thelf plots again the British government. Paper, 50 cents. The Assassination of Lincoln Is an Intensely Interesting volume, written by T. M Harris, one of the mil itary commission which tried the as sassins. Cloth. 1 2.50. Plain Talk About Romanism of Today By Uev. Hugh Montgomery, This little work Is by no means uninteresting. It draws a comparison between popery and Protestantism, and contains much historical Information. Price In paper cover, 50 cents. "Convent Life Unveiled." Bt RDITU O'OOKMAN This little work relate the bltterexuerlenca of a young lady who was Induced through tha cunning of the Jesuits aad the Sisters of Charity to enter a convent. Her story of the heartrending scenes enacted In those sinks of Iniquity is told In a convincing style, fries In cloth 11.25. sent postpaid by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. Howard t . OMAHA. Nil Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed. Price 40 Censt.- SUBSTITUTION I MARRIAGE. Price 50 Cents. Kev. Joseph Slatterv Is the author of both of the above books. They are Just what the titles Indicate, and are printed In food, clean type and bound In paper covers. Sent by ex press or mall. Address. AMEluLAS rUiJLlSHING CO.. ISI5 Howard Street. Omaha, Neb. SOTMaln St.. Kansas City, Mo. t i a 1 1 1 ,1 1 i n 1 1 ( l'( t ic 111