THE AMERICAN. EDITORIAL OPINIONS. Expressed by Journalists Upon tho Sutyect of President Traynor's Message. The OmtiH'rrUI Bolinc That Mr. Tray nor in I tuluitnit More Than IWIonts to the Orj:anuatln The ltw Credit llif ( lalni. The Tolodo (O.) Commercial, com nu'Dtlnjj upon the letter promulgated by V. J. II. Tray nor lat wock with reference to tho late elections, : "A more obmird claim than that of Mr. W. J. II. Traynor, of Detroit, tho national president of the A. V. A., has not heen mado. He claims that the preat llepubllean victory was duo to A. 1. A. Thb claim In the face of the well known fuel become ridiculous. We believe that Mr. Traynor, or ome other ollloer of IhU association, two year ago, claimed that the election of Grover Cleveland wan aim) a great A. I A. victory. 'It la a fact that tho election of G rover Cleveland two years ajjo was In a meas ure duo to A. 1 A. Influence, adversely exerted. In Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and several other western states tho A. P. A., then In the zenith of its power, fastened itself iion the ltcnubllcan or ganlzatlons, and as a result the people bolted and went to tho Democracy. ThU year the campaign was fought out on straight Krpubllcan principles and henoo Ilcpubllcan success. In Ohio and every other state the record is un broken. A. 1 A. candidates on the Republican ticket ran behind all tho others. This tells the whole story and it is a story directly the opposite to that which tho vociferous Traynor tells." Tho editor of tho Commercial who writes so confidently In his ignorance should also read. Not to kill space and multiply Instances if A. P. A. candi dates ran away behind their tickets, as the Commmi'ul man would have the people bollovo, will he condescend to explain why Congressman Linton was elected by almost a plurality of 7,000, . eays President Traynor's Patriotic American, and Crump, knifed by the machine Republican ring, ran up a plu rality of 4,000 'almost entirely with A. P. A. votes. It might be Inserted here that tho great Republican clubs through out the land ordered the politi cal assassination of every A. P. A. can didate whom they could not tie hand and foot to machine rule. A. P. A. can didates were elected chiefly by A. P. A. votes and have nothing to thank the Republican or any party for. Such sheets as the Ommem'dl which own everything in sight and possesses a first mortgage upon eternity, may find their party before next election with paper claim and a worthless mortgage. Tho Toledo kt, commenting upon the same official document, says; "We aro disposed to believe there Is much truth In what the national presi dent of the A. p, A. says about the strength of that organization In the late election. No one can deny that in the past few years there has been a marked revival of Knownothlnglsm and that the A. P. A. has gained practical control of the Republican party In many sections of the country. While the general public cannot tell whether this candidate or that is a member of the A. P. A., the members of that organiza tion know and are secretly Informed, and President Traynor Is in poslMon to know whereof he talks. And there Is nothing surprising in his statement that every man on the state ticket In Michigan is a so-called American, moaning an A. P. A., and that eight of the twelve congressmen and over fifty per cent, of the members of the legisla ture are active membeis. Detroit has been a hot-bed of the revived Know nothlnglsm and its strength has spread to every part of the s'ate. Although he does not refer to Ohio It is true just the same that the Republican organ ization In this state Is dominated by the A. P. A. influence. Nearly every county and state convention held under the name of the Republican party has been controlled by the A. P. A., and men were nominated on their merits as members of this prescriptive organ ization rather than because of their fi delity to the principles of the Republi can party. "There will be,undoubtedly,a marked A. P. A. strength in the next congress, and all Indications now point to a con dition oi affilrs in 1SS6 much like the situation In 1856, when the Knownoth I ng wing of the Whig party formed an American party and nominated Fill more for president The Whig con vention, In the fall of the same year, indorsed the Knownothlng nominees, and what is now the Republican party, then for the first time nominated a can didate for president In the person of John C. Fremont. "A similar break up of parties may take place in 1896. President Tray nor's claims show that the A. P. A. movement Is even stronger in 1894 than the same movement, unler another name, was in 1854. It will gain con fidence from this show of strength and ""ill cliLor ulcUiLe the platform of the Republican party In 18)6, or, failing in thli", branch rut on a platform of its own. The result of the break in 11 was that the Democrats swept the coun try and elected Ituchanan on a platform that exprrwed cpiKwItion to the native American and declared 'that the rev enue to be raided should not exceed the actual n'eecary expenses of the gov ernment, and for the gradual extinc tion of the public debt.' ''Ono of the declarations of the Amer ican or Knownothlng party was that 'Americans must rule America, and to this end, native lorn citUent should be selected for all state, federal aud muni cipal offices or government employment In preference to all others. ' Tho move ment grew originally out of an antag onism toward aliens and was agitated back In the forties. It became a secret organization about K"2 and adopted the secret methods now employed by tho A. P. A. Antlathy towards Ro man Catholicism and opposition to for-olgn-lorn citizens was the basis of the action then as it Is now. Vet notwith standing this fuct, there is a large German Lutheran clement in tho A. P. A. now, and much of its success is duo to their active supjort. "it Is Interesting to note in this con nection that at this time when many German-born American citizens are lending aid and encouragement to the antl-alion, anti-Roman Catholic move ment, the emperor of Germany has ap K)lnted a Roman Catholic to be the successor of Biemark and Caprivi, Pro testants, and that the new minister of justice, Schocnstrcdt, is also a Roman Catholic. "I!o that as It may, there Is much reason for President Traynor to claim that the victory of November 0, 1894, was to a great extent a victory for the A. P. A. Whether It will ultimately swamp tho Republican party remains for tho future to reveal, and we place the date of the revelation no farther oil than 1896. The questions that gave birth to tho Republican party have been settled. Slavery is abolished and there never will bo a return to high protection. Thero is nothing to In spire aggressiveness In Republicans unless it bo a revival of tho Knownoth lng policy. That can never bo per manently successful. On tho other hand the principles of tho Democratic party still require aggressive fighting; tho rights of the people; the proper construction of the constitution, re ligious, civil and commercial liberty need a champion. That is the work of the Democratic party." The Burlington's New Short Line. The Burlington Route is a notable exception to the general run of western railroads. During a period when railroad build ing in this country has b.en almost at a standstill, It has been steadily push ing forward Its northwest extension and now takes much pleasure in an nouncing Its completion to Billings, Mont., 893 miles from Omaha. At Billings connection is made with the Northern Pacific Railroad, and, under a trafllo agreement with that company, business of all classes Is ex changed there, or more properly speak ing, routed through that point to and from every station on or reached via the Northern Paclflo and Burlington Systems. This New Short Line for that Is exactly what it is-reducesthedistance between Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and the territory south and southeast of those cities on the one hand, and Montana, Northern Idaho and Puget Sound points on the other, all the way from 50 to 473 miles. It thus becomes an Important factor in bringing the vast scope of country served by the North rn Pacific Into closer relation ship with the Missouri and Mississippi Valleys. Just to Illustrate things: The New Short Line eaves 294 miles between Omaha and Helena, 224 miles between Omaha and Butte, 371 miles between Om. and Spokane, 54 miles between Om. and Tacoma, 49 miles between Omaha and Seattle. The New Line has been constructed In a most substantial manner. Excel lently ballasted, laid with the heaviest steel upon more than the usual number of ties, it equals the best and oldest portions of the Burlington System. People whose opinion is worth hav ing, pronounced it superior to any new track ever built In the western states. The train-service will consist of Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars, Reclining Chair Cars (seats free), and Standard Burlington Route Day Couches, Omaha and Lincoln to Billings dally. As a Scenic Route the New Line tu C 3 high 1 full tC. The rich farms of eastern and central Nebraska: the more sparsely settled country that lies between Ravenna and the boundary line separating Nebraska and South Dakota; the canons, peaks and swelling meadow-lands of the Black Hills, the wonderful "Devil's Tower," the Irrigated districts of northern Wyoming; Custer's Battlefield; tho picturesque windings of the Litt'e Big Horn; the glorious valleys of the great Crow Indian Reservation all these are seen from the car window. Full Ir formation relative to the train service, rates pr other features of the New Short Line will be gladly fur nished upon application to J. Francis, G. P. A. Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. KEV. SLATTEUY. He IMhfi-1 Three Intrretlng Lectures in Duluth. DcLUTH, Minn.. Nov. 27. Father Slattery, ex priest, gave three very In teresting lecture on "Romanism and her Priesthood." On the first evening be was greeted by l.OoO persons; the second, to men only, by nearly 2,000, and the third by 1,500. Before the sjieaker had uttered a score of words on the first night a man by the name of O'Brien undertook to create a disturbance. Mr. Slaltery an nounced his subject and stated that he was an Irishman. The Intruder yelled, "Wat county are ycz from?" A papist jjollceroan was near, but made no at tempt to stop further lniultlng remarks from the ignoramus. Finally Mr. Slattery called the attention of other officers who wore not controlled by Rome and Mr. O'Brien was carried out bodily, although he begged to be al lowed to stay. During this lecture Rome's moral theology received a good roasting. He said it should be named immoral theology, and that if trans lated Into English the party circulating it would bo arrested for distributing obscene literature. He said if ever there was a "tainted" body of men they were the American priests. As a proof of this he told how his bishop in Ire land refused to allow Irish priests to come to America for fear of being cor rupted by being brought in contact with American priests. On tho second night there was no disturbance whatever. This lecturo was ono of tho most complete exposures of Romo's vlleness that has ever been delivered to an American audience. And the immense audience cheoredthe t peaker to the echo. The confcbsional and the priest's duties before marriage ceremonies were dealt upon at length. As a lecturer, considering his subject, Mr. Slattery ii a perfect gentleman. He made many friends In Duluth, and will not be soon torgotten. He roasts nobody but the guilty priests, and they deserve it. Although the News-l' does not acknowledge he accomplished his object, It says: "Mr. Slattery Is a good talker, an exceedingly clever story-teller, and keeps his audience in good humor' The Evening Llerald says "his lecture was at least listened to with interest by those who attended." There la no doubt that should Mr. Slattery see fit to again visit Duluth he will receive a very cordial reception. His gentlemanly ways have made him a great favorite. When the public press admits an anti-papal lecturer is a gentleman It can be tak n as a fact he is one. And this is the case with Mr. Slattery. Zenith. School Books. There was a great effort made to unify the text book system of our schools and have it done by one con solidation. As sjon as this was sug gested I was Sire the hand of the Jesuit was In it. The good moral, not Roman, tone of the old books was too much for them and with every change of books thero could be added more that would favor the Roman Catholic church, "the mother of ull churches. "(?) I picked up a book a few days ago. It was a reader: The first thing I read in the consolidated, unified, Romanized system, was tho following favorable notes: "Jollet (Jolea) and Marquette were French priests who devoted their lives to the conversion of the Indians." "A Jesuit is a member of the well known Society of Jesus. Friars, mean ing brothers, is the name given to the members of certain mendicant orders of the Roman Catholic church." This book la published by A. S. Barnes & Co. While it is excellent in many respects It has the ear marks of the Jesuits. Why are the Jesuits well known? Because they have been "fired out" of nearly every civilized country on the face of the earth. But the young reader would not infer that from the definition. The friars are brothers, therefore they must be good fellows. Besides this, there are some who are trying to simplify the spelling of our words and have worked hard to reduce the spelling to a system. Then we have the French pries who come here and have a hand in compiling our readers and they mark as the pro nunciation of Joliet, Jolea. If the char acter of a nation can be read by its lan guage, deliver me from any such Ro man Catholic French pronunciations. When these priests have a Jolea time they go to Joiiet, where the thing is pronounced correctly; the place where many well-known Jesuits would bo, if oertain deeds could bo traced; deeds which their church would honor, tut which a man with some sense of justice would condemn. In these readers we see little now of the father of our country, or why the people left the old Roman ship in the old country. We see little of the presi dent who was killed by a man of the faith of the well-known Jesuits, and protected by those of the faith of the well-known Jesuits. It says little of the president who was killed by a man whose last days were spent with a man who had at one time been a priest and said of him (Guiteau) "he was wiser than the world gave him credit for." A well-known Jesuit would have con sidered him very wise. But if these things were taken out of the reader and national history compiled that would be interesting, instructive and which represented the true cue for the suc cces of this government, the Jolea priests would cry treaa. Do not let the Jesuit run the reader, run them out of town fi -st. Dog Star. K01 IX CATHOLICS Have Nothing to Fear From the A. I A. 'SearthLIgut,, if They are Loyal. Skdalia, Ma., Nov. 23. From the Eittti-prLte-tkuliml of this city the fol lowing article is taken. It illustrates how the election was carried for Amer ican principles in Pettis county by reasoning and thinking. The - writer In reply to a query states, J "it Is a fact though, all 'the same, that the A. P. A. organization has "a name and a local organization " i In every state in the union, or nearly so, If we are to believe the-newspaper re ports. It has come to supply a demand of this age. The result of which will be to cause the people to search out the real caus.e, If any, that a-e said to be operating or gnawing at the very vitals of our republican institutions through the influence of the Roman Catholic church. The Catholic church and its priesthood have nothing to fear from the "search-light" of the A. P. A. if it is a loyal American Institution. Honest people do not, if right-minded, object to having their acts and systems of principles investigated and pre sented to public scrutiny. If there is a secret underground system of opera tions being carried on by that or any other church with the object and pur pose to control the elections in such a manner as to secure all the offices to members ot that church, then 'it ought to be known. If honesty in religious and political matters is tho purpose of all, no harm can come of the investiga tion. The A. P. A. is an organization for investigation along a line that no one yet worked. No single organiza tion can right all the wrongs and re move the causes of those wrongs, hence we have the organisations for looking after the financial wrongs and their causes, etc., every department of wrong doing demands an organization of the citizens to investigate, and If possible, ascertain the causes and suggest a remedy, and it is then for all the peo ple, after having learned these "evils," to give the remedy at the polls by cast ing a ballot that has an intelligent brain and hand to guide it. Lay down your prejudices r gainst the A. P. A. and that in favor of "Rome" or the Ro man Catholic church until you learn the true character and feeling of that church toward our free institutions and the objects and aims of the A. P. A., and Its system of religio-political hie rarchy. It is not best to condemn men and measures before we understand them. We believe in free speech and free thought and are very slow to act. Our emotions do not cut much figure in any case of a religious or political nature flambeau clubs, drums, brass bands and blue or red lights have but little Impression uoon us. We try to be guided by the principles of eternal being that underly the existence of things. Now, brother, do not kick against the pricks, just be still and let the "scale V of prejudice "fall from your eyes,' and then you will be better prepared to decide how to vote, for the 'blind impulses' will then have been removed and you can see things as 'never before.' Ahl brother, it de pends very much upon what a thing is, whether you 'keep your eye upon it to make it your leader and guide.' We do not believe you 'keep your eye' upon John Sherman and Grover Cleveland for any such purpose. We do not be lieve you 'keep your eye' on the waich dog you meet, in the door yard of your neighbor, to make him your 'leader and guide.' Oh! no, not by any means; it is for an entirely different purpose.' " Motes From Sweet Springs, Mo. Sweet Springs, Mo., Nov. 27, 1894. Editor The American: As you have no correspondent from our town, I will write a few lines for your loyal paper. Since Nov. 6th, we feel that we have had quite a pleasant change. We had been living in a Democratic state so long that it does not seem natural to be in a Republican state. Our township officers are all Repub licans, elected by fifty majority. The county went Democratic, but our state is all right. We feel that our victory is to a great extent due to the unceas ing efforts of the true Americans, the A. P. As., and your loyal paper. We had a nice ratification here the 15th. Two brass bands marched and played, followed by a procession of loyal citizens carrying banners bearing true, sentimental mottoes. The enthusias tic cheers of old and young showed that our people are alive to our American interests. After the parade the crowd proceeded to the hall where they listened to some good speaking. Mr. Tracy, our con gressman elect, Mr. Bothwell, state representative Mr. Bob Miller and Mr. Tom Andrews, two of our loyal townsmen, delivered short speeches which were full of wit, humor and true loyalty. They impressed the audience with the thought that it was not the victory over the Democratic party for which we rejoiced, but because our nation had been saved from the hands of Rome, and that Republicans and true Demo crats will stand by our nation's inter- sru w X MANUAL Ml, J4fe&W -Ti- tJ l Complete rXPOSC or'THft or the PRINCIPLES a OBJECTS AMERICAN PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION (Copyrighted.) FOR SALE BY AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. ests and defend the old flag. Good order prevailed. No manifestations of boasting, but feelings of sublime thank fulness were expressed by the speakers who were often heartily applauded. After three long, loudcheeis, the meet ing was brought to a close. Accept my best wishes for your loyal paper, with love for all true Americans, K. E. Bright. WILL COXSULT SATOLLI. A KoouMtant Priest Goes to Washington for an Interview. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 21. Rev. Father A. F. Kolaszewskl, who was excommunicated from the Catholic church, as a result of the Polish church war in this city, has gone to Washing ton. It is said that his mission there is to have an interview with Monsig nore Satolli, and possibly seek rein statement in the Roman church. Ko laszewskl, as a result of the church war, organized what is known as the American Catholic church, and is one of the very few of that denomination in this country. Since its organization the new church has steadily grown, and now has a larjre congregation. lYLiLGrNET Not a Common Salve or Ointment, but a SPECIFIC Used for Rectal Diseases Only. A Dl-k KHIrf anil rn.ltlre Can for nilod, Weeding or Itch Inn Piles, or Pllra In Auy form. READ Testimonials S1.00 PER BOX.. MACNET CHEMICAL CO. 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It also relates mans facts regarding the practices of priests and nuns in the convents and monasteries. It has 834 12mo. pages, and Is Bent postpaid oa receipt of I2.00, by AMERICAN PUBLISH ING CO., 1615 Howard Street, Omaha Neb. or, Oor. Clark and Randolph, Chicago, III. PATRIOTIC LITERATURE. Send Ten Cent In Silver For Samples. The Most Useful Ever Published Instructive and to the Point. ALLNEWr ADDRESS: THE PATRIOTIC TRACT CO. Look Box 34, Station E CLEVELAND, OHIO. FOOTPRINTS OF THE JESUITS. By ll!. K. w. HIOHPSO, Ex-Secretary of the Navy, Author of "The Papacy and the Civil Power." A judicial study of tire Origin, Principles, and Progress of the "Society ot Jesus," espe cially as It stands related to Civil Government. Octavo. Cloth. 609 pages, with Portrait of Author. Price, post-paid, 1.76. CRANSTON A tTBTN, Publishers, Cincinnati. Chicago, Hi. Louis. f SELF-MOVING LOCOMOTIVE, 10 CENTB. 1 Jinum lUndaomelj flniihed, nmde of metal, A lySivr rone whwlw. eilt boiler, black imokt &ck, orient colored cab with 4 win aows w nen wouno up njrii long distance acrnn floor, (ireat amuse ment to ch ildren. By far the cheapest locomotive made, and msn;anl """J """ uj vnr mr me caiiaren. Mention tins paper, and send 16 cents id stampt and we will tend Loeomotivf, and our story paper, 3 months, Dort-oaid. M. A. WiiiTNfcY. box Boston. Mala. for INDIAN TERRITORY, THE CHEROKEE STRIP, OKLAHOMA, FT.SMITH, LITTLE ROCK and HGTSPRINGS. ARK Ticket Ofike. I. E. Cornet tilth and Farnim 8U FOR KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUISs" SOUTH and SOUTHEAST. Ticket unite, R.E. Corner 13th ani Fiiais; f mm