The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 16, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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THE A. T. A.
The enormmin, and to a Ur extent
undtblo, Immigration of the t
twenty-five J-p was In the main the
cause of the organization or u h nn-le-tieaa
the Ann rkan IVoU-otlv Ao
clation. IMfferin, wMi-ly from native
born American in manner, cutom
and Ideas; unUr.fiht in the way of
iV mocratv tavc that thoy had bten lod
to believe that Aim'rU an liberty meant
Uconer: the majority of tin in wholy de
pendent upon other for puldame In
matters pertaining: to politUal govern
ment: lacklnj:, btvaumj of their Ignor
ance and Illiteracy, that Independence of
thought and lief and that lurdlnea
of character which are the birthright
of American citUena, the ro(H),OoO for
eigners who have come here nitice 10
have exerted an Influence which un
questionably hat) not tended toward the
preservation and jierpetuatlon of A nier
Ican Institution aa founded by the
fathers of the republic. Ignoring the
principle! embodied In the constitution,
attempt have been frequently mado 'o
overthrow, to nullify, to modify or
amend some of Ha article, but more
particularly the (lntamendment,whlch
read in language plain and eaally
understood: "Corgro shall make no
law respecting an c-atabllhment of re
ligion, or prohibiting the free exercise
History ha not repeated itself in the
A.' P. A., for It i wholly unlike the
Know-Nothing 6rganlzatlon. A pro
mulgated by the order itself, the prin
ciple of the A. P. A. are:
The following nrn the divlnrallomnf prin
ciple ilotl ly the National l ouniil of
Uik A. I'. A. at Ih-nMolnrt:
"Loyally to true Aiiierlcanlsm, which
knows neither birth, place, nice, creed, nor
pHrty. I the Unit requirement for iiitn lM-r-tiliiln
the Ainerlcmi Protective AmorlmWin
'The American 1'roleetlve Aiwoa-latlon Is
not a political party, anil does not cuiilriil
(he political allium Ions of Its members; hut
It teaches them to he Intensely active In the
dlHchame of their political duties In or out
of party lines, Iwwimso It helleves that all
problems confront Inn our people will be
bound solid by a conscientious discharge of
the duties of cltl.em.hlp by every Individual.
'While tolerant of all creeds. It Indus that
ubjwt lon and support to any polit ical power
not controlled by American eltlens, and
whlchclalinseiiual If not ureatersoverelgnty
than the government of the United States, Is
Irreconcilable with American cltlfenshln. It
is, therefore, opposed to the holding f ollices
In state or national government by any sub
ject or supporter of such ecclesiastical
"We uphold the constitution of the United
Plates oi America, and no pert U n of It more
than Its guarantee of religious liberty, but
we hold this religious lllwrty to be guaran
teed lo the individual, and not to mean that
under Its protection any un-American eccles
iastical power can claim any absolute con
trol over the education of children, growing
up under the stsrs and stripes.
"We consider the non-sectarian free public
school the bulwark of American Institution,
the best place for the education Of American
Children. To keep them such, we protest
against the employment of subjects of any
un-American ecclesiastical power as ollleers
or teachers of our public schools.
"we condemn the suppi.rt out or tnepuo-
contract of any sectarian school, reform
atory or other Institution not owned ana
controlled by public authority.
"Helievlng that exemption from taxation
Is equivalent to a grant of public funds, we
demand that no real or personal property be
exempt from taxation, the title to which Is
not vested In the national or state govern
ments, or In any of their sub-divisions.
"We protest against the enlistment In the
Vulted States army, navy, or the militia of
any state, of any person not an actual cltlten
Of the I'nlted Slates.
We demand for the protection of our oltl
ten laborers the prohibition of the Importa
tion of pauper labor, and the restriction of
all Immigration to M'rsons who cannot show
their ability and honest Intention to become
elf-supporting Amerl ancltixcns.
"We demand thechangeof the naturalisa
tion laws by a repeal of the act h inheriting
the naturalisation of minors, without a pre
vious declaration of Intention, and by pro
viding that no alien shall be naturalised or
permitted to vote In any state In the union
who cauuot spenk the language of the land,
and who cannot prove seven years' consecu
tive residence In this country from the Date
of his declaration of his Intention.
"We protest against the gross regllgence
and laxity with which the Judiciary of our
land administer ie present naturalisation
laws, and against the practice of naturalis
ing aliens at the expense of committees or
Candidates a the most prolific source of the
present prostitution of Americau citlsenshlp
to the basest uses,
"We demand that all hospitals, asylums,
reformatories, or other Institutions In whlcn
people are under restraint, be at all times
subject to public Inspection, whether they
are maintained by the public or by private
Corporal Ions or Individuals.
"We demand that all national or state
legislation affecting financial. commercial or
Industrial interests be general In rhsracler
and In no Instance In favor of anyone sec
tion of the country, or anyone class of the
There appears to lie a considerable
difference of opinion a to "he true ori
gin of the A.. P. A. Evangelist Ley
den, an A. P. A, lec'urer, is authority
for the statcmei t that the idea of a na
tional patriotic organization was first
evolved by Hon. II. P. Bower, of Clin
ton, Iowa, who, with seven others whose
names are not given, established the
first A. P. A. council in hi native town
on March 13th, 1887. He was for sij
years its supreme president. Mr,
Bowers is a lawyer by profession, and
has held several important public
For several years the strength of the
A. P. A. wa confined to the state of
Iowa, but In 1890, 1891 and 1892 it began
to branch out into adjoining territory.
In the last two months of 1892 and all
through the following year it grew rap
idly, until at last it held the balance of
power in the west central states, and
was numerically very strong in Illinois,
Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio. In 1892-
63 it for the first time became a power
in politics, taking its partisan com
plexion from the majority party of the
state in which it existed as, for ex
ample, in Indiana it is supposed to be
Democratic, in Ohio Republican. Dur
ing the last months of 1892 the A. P.
A, was said to be increasing in mem
bership at the rate of about 100,000 per
month, and this estimate, so I have
been repeatedly told by men who are
supposed' to be connected with it, is
The membership, so far as I have
been able to learn, is not n ade up of
any particular class of society, although
the majority are from the great middle
class. It has on its rolls, so I am re
liably informed, judges on the bench as
well a laborer, member of Ute U g
Ulaturcn, and national, state and muni-
cliwl i fliclal, clerk and farmer, mer
chant and mechanic, reprea.-ntativca
of a'l KH-ial, linanclaland Intellectual
condition. Not a few learned profca
xr and collegian are meinour of it.
It I said by niem!er of the associa
tionand atalistlcf aevm to bear out
the truth of the assertion that the ro-elett-bus
lin.t onlv a small percent, of
" " -v
the election in which it ha been en
gaged. O In the west, and in several instance
in the cast, it has dictated or influenced
nomination. In 1-93 it took for the
tirst time an active part In the elections
of the state of New York, It phenomi
nal growth In the empire state at last
warranting a participation In them a
the A. P. A. and not a voter merely,
with none but partisan affiliations. Its
sueecs In New York etato caut-ed at
once an enormous gain in membership
In New York City, where prior to No
vember 7th, only one or two unimport
ant council had existed. In Brooklyn
It was already strong. During this
year the gain have been mostly In the
east, it is said, in New York, Vermont,
New Hampshire and Connecticut. In
Massachusetts, Maine and Rhode Is
land the Order of Deputies, similar in
uirjmse and prlnclplo to the A. P. A.,
I ihn turret nolltieal power. The total
i a
membership of the various organiza
tions patterned after the A. P. A., and
including it, is estimated to bo not far
from 3,500,000.
I fall to Dud a sound basis for the
contention that the A. P. A., as an or
ganization is anti-Catholic, or that It
wages war against any religion as a re
ligion. That there are anti Cathollo
funatlos in the order it must be ad
mitted, but they are In the minority.
As an organization the A. P. A. con
tends against none but iwlitical powers,
and only when the influence of those
powers is exerted against what Is hon
estly believed to be for the best Inter
ests of America, her laws, beliefs and
the preservation and perpetuation of
her institutions. It has overthrown m
polities Protestants, Lutherans and
Catholics alike, not discriminating
against the believer of any religion or
the member of any church, Bave when
that member has not been a giKid Amer
ican and a subscriber to the principles
of the constitution of the Unltod States,
without mental or verbal reservation.
So long as the members of the A. P. A.
stick to tholr promulgated principles
they will have the sympathy and as
sistance of all Americans; but they can
not mix religion and politics, and pros
per and endure. John W. Stewart in
Harper's Vfeekhj.
Who Will Help!
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 30, 1894. Ed
itor American, Omaha, Neb. We
are glad to read the encouraging words
we find in each issue of your patriotic
paper. There is need of every word
that can find its way to the sleeping
Protestants. Our city Is Catholic rid
den, and wo are striving hard to awak
en public sentiment to the fact that
they must work or die.
We in this city of 60,000 Inhabitants
have only one hospital and that a Cath
olic institution and you who know them
so well, know what that means. We
are now making an effort to establish
one in which a Protestant can have his
own spiritual adviser without protest.
Can you not through the columns of
your valuable paper, solicit help for our
enterprise, asking some benevolent
person to give us liberally of his moans,
or endow us, so that we may furnish a
home for the sick In this country where
there Is such a large floating popula
tion? Please think of this and try to
aid us if you can.
Our W. A. P. A. is in a flourishing
condition. We shall try In our coming
school election to put In some one who
will be loyal to American Institutions,
and American teachers.
We had a find lec ure on Friday even
ing from J. Q. A. Henry of San France
sco. I wish there were more like him.
Go on in your good work, and may you
live to see your efforts crowned with
success in having "America for Amerl
cans." Yours loyally. A Woman.
American Democrats Carry Maryland.
Baltimore, Md Nov. 7. The true
Americans of Baltimore city and the
state of Maryland have thrown aside
party and declared themselves against
tools of a lorelgn power holding office
in this state, by electing twenty-two
out of thirty-one candidates, and pos
siblv two more. The A. P. A. of this
state has lost no opportunity in present
ing to the pooplo the need of the times,
and they have heard the warning, and
Maryland repeats the vote she gave for
Bell and Kverett in days gone oy.
This Will Interest Many.
F. W. Parkhurst, the Boston pub
lisher, says that if anyone who is
afflicted with rheumatism in any form,
or neuralgia, will send their address to
him. at Box 1501. Boston, Mass., he
will direct them to a perfect cure. He
has nothing to sell or give: only tells
vou how he was cured. Hundreds have
tested it with success.
Bishop Hatz Resigns.
Denver, Col., Nov. 9. Bishop Matz
of the diocese of Colorado has tendered
his resignation with the request that It
be accepted as soon as possible. It is
understood this is the final outcome of
a five year quarrel between the bishop
and Father M alone and other of the
A late Itrrakfa-t
1 often caused by a lato milkman. No
cream for the eoffoe or oatmeal ha
delayed many a moraing meal. Keep
a stioii'V Of Ititt'den nirn-m
Evratl Cr-am in
avoid such annoyances.
house and
Iluillngton Itotite Dining far
between Omaha and Chicago
Omaha and Denver
Su Iul and St. Paul
St. Paul and Chicago
Kansas City and Chicago
are now operate I on the cafe plan: that
Is, passengers pay only for what they
Ticket and information about Bur
lington Koute trains and rates on ap
plication to nearest ticket agent or to
J. Pkancis, U. P. &T. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
Just a Little Faster.
The ''Northwestern" No. C leaving
Omaha at 4 p. m daily, now arrives at
Chicago at 7:50 a. m, instead of 8 15,
as formerly. "Just a little faster."
IVin't confuse this with the Omaha
Chicago special, which still leaves at
5:45 p. m. daily and arrives at Chicago
at 8:45 a. m.
City Ollice 1401 Farnam street.
Every member of council No. 0, A.
P. A. Is earnestly requested to be pres
ent at the meeting ncxtTuesday night,
Nov. 20, 1894, in Nelman's hall, 4 and
Franklin. Business of Importance will
be transacted.
By Okdkr op the Council.
Eat Dyball's Candies, 1518 Douglas
When down town drop in at John
Kudd's and leave your watch, If It Is out
of repair, to be fixed. 317 north 10 St.
Eat Dyball's delicious Cream Candles.
1518 Douglas St.
Edward Baumley, for livery, 17th
and St. Marys Ave
There Is more Catarrh In this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed to
be Incurable. Kor a great many years doc
tor pronounced It a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constantly
falling to cure with local treatment, pro
nouiued it Incurable. Science has proven
Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and
therefore requires constitutional treatment..
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manuracl urea uyr.J.
iienev A Do.. Toledo. Ohio. Is the only con
stitutional cure on the market. It Is taken
nlermilly In uoses from 111 drops to a tea-
spoonful. it acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler
one hundred dollars for any case It falls to
lire, fiend for circulars ami testimonials.
Address, K. J. I'll EN K Y & CO, Toledo, U.
result! by Urugglsts. tuts.
FOlt KENT CARPS 11x14 Inches, at "Scents
tier doyen: smaller size at SO cents per
dozen, at 1015 Howard street, Omajia.
UDTUCD? it'"11 0 us ton cent In silver or postage stamps any we will
send you a t wenty-live cent book containing
h'ort yHlstltt Hcfolfttm for making
Candy. Sixteen different kinds of Candy
without cooking or laming r my-ceini-anuy
will cost you about six cents uer pound.
11-15 lino Buffalo, N. Y.
WANTED Agents in earn town and
county to sell the greatest book of the
aire. Errors of the Roman Oat none onurcn
and Its Influence on the Ueoeral Government
today, with History and Progress of the
American 1'rotecttve association (ft. r. n..)
Over TOO pages and Illustrated with run
page engravings.
Send to cents at once for complete outnt
and terms. Special terms given on other
fast selling works.
. ft. tfii aim -,." er
It gi Locust St , St. Louis, Mo.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a perfect tit In all cases, cloth
ing cleaned dyed and remodeled.
2107 fuming St., OMAHA.
Successor to Drexel & Maul.
Undei taker and Embalmer
Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB.
Contractor, Builder
Storm Doors and Sash.
1705 St. Mary's Ave., OMAHA, NEB.
Celebrated Femalt
Powdera never fait
t nft and nut ftfter failing
with Trnr and FsnnjToytl Piili), pa.rttculftri4eealfc
Dr. ft. T-DiX. BufcBM. Boston. Mm.
Please send to this office immediately, on the accompanying
blank, all the information you can gather regarding the men w ho
represent you at Lincoln. -
Name of Senator
Religious belief
Does he belong to any secret society
Name of Representative
Religious belief
Does he belong to any seciet society.
It is very essential that this information be furnished
promptly and that it be thoroughly accurate as far as it goes.
Every reader of The American
himself in securing this information for us. Don t depend on
your neighbor. Do it yourself. Then you know it has been done
Who will be the tirst one to answer?
For less than K. Hi m good a Shoe as we had
made expressly fur us fur
They are two and three soles, lace shoes,
leather lined, lioodvear Welts; also same
kind In Congress. They are Jiiht the Shoe
for motoruien, conductors, railroad men.
policemen, letter carriers. Bremen, etc.
We inakr a special price and
muke a discount of
You pay only $3.60 for a Shoe that Is
good value at at
103 So. 15th Street,
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing X specialty
512 South 16 Street.
Undertaker Emalmber
IKormerly with M. O. Maul.
Telephone 61W.
013 South I6th St., OMAHA.
Office removed from 113 North . 1
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 90. -: OMAHA. NEB
Full Set
Teeth Extracted In the morning and New
Set made the Same Day.
Teeth Extracted Without Pain for 25c.
DR. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk., 16th and Dongla,
Omaha, JVeb.
is earnestly requested to interest
O 1 3
0) r
Representative House
Of the West . .
Million and
Dollars worth of Goods to Select from. .
Have Lowered the Price on Everything Good and Useful.
Don't Spend n Dollar Until You havo
Compared our
Assorted Soups, quart cans 25c
Green Gage Plums, 3 lbs 15c
Peaches, 3 lb. can 12c
Corn, 2 lb. can 7c
Pineapple 3 lb. can 12c
Gloss Starch, 3 lb. box 20c
Lagle Brand Milk, per can 16c
Toilet Sets, 6 pieces at $1.75
Tea Plates, each 3c.
Gold Band China Teas, new set, six
pieces, 80c
Vegetable Dishes, each 10c.
Tumblers, per set of 6, only 12c.
Table Set, fi pieces. 25c.
Fire proof Quart Tea Pot, 20c.
Nickle Clocks, repaired at 25c each.
All kinds of Watch Repairs skillfuly
executed at lowest prices. Bring that
Watch or Clock here.
Browine Pins Cute ones at 5c.
Pocket Scissors, 4c.
LOW TARIFF PRICES. 1502-12 Capitol Avenue.
1406 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb.
Best Goods In the market.
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days
C. LANG, 718 South 16th St.
a Quarter
Goods and Prices.
Maple Sugar, per lb : 12c
Bennett's bargain Soap, 8 bars for 25c
3 1b. bar Castile Soap 23c
Can Salmon 9c
Good Flour per 50-lb. sack 65c
Bennett's Fancy Flour, 50-lb. sack 98c
Our famous Excelsior flour,501b.s'k, 1.05
Glass Pitchers, I gallon, 15c.
Stand Lamp, with Shade, 15c.
Hand Lamp, 10c.
Berry Saucers, set of 6, 10c.
Bowls, 2 sizes, 4c.
mporK d China Cuspadors, 44c.
Turkey Platters, 25c.
Water Set, with Tray, 48c.
fi Inch Shears, 4c.
7-Inch Bread Knife, 9c.
Speary Bread and Cake Knives, per set
of 3, 4Sc.
Alarm Clccks, 58c.
Good Razors, 08c.
Razor Strops, 22c.
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
LAMES SHOES worth 5.00 will eo at IH.76
4.K) " 3.00
3 00 2.50
2.50 " 1.75
MEN'S SHOES ' 6.00 " 4 SO
5.00 " 3 75
3,00 " 2.B5
2.50 " 2.00