T M EE AMERICAN. A WILY ritlLNT FOILED. How a Young (.ill Was Saved From Itclnir ItuiutMl. "I am surprised to tee you can ing a loaded revolver, Mr. T.l May 1 ask why you do bo?" "Thereby hangs a tale. It is not safe for me to walk the streets of Djrctn ster without some weapon of deteuee, aud so I bought and carry thin loaded revolver. "And the tale, what, about it?" The above conversation wag held by a young gentleman who lives near Up- ham's Corner, Dorchester, and his tail or, who was taking his measure for suit oi clothes. We will let toe young lean tell the story as it occurred, and as he related it to his tailor, who in formed the writer. Both men are re liable and truthful citizens of thai dis trict. "One day last spring, as I was coining home from business, about o'clock in the evening, I started down Kneeland street to catch the Upham's corner car I saw a man pulling a youuggirl by the arm, mumbling something to her in an undertone. The girl hung back, and pegged mm to let tier alone, saying that she did not want to go into that house with him. I saw at once that something was wrong, and so, with my hands full of packages that I was tak ing home, I accosted him and demanded to know what he was doing with that young girl. "As soon as the girl saw that I would befriend her, she said, 'O sir, save me from this man! lie is trying to taKe me into that bad house.' "I then changed my packages into one hand, and with the other pushed the man who turned out to be a Ro man Catholic priest uu against the Albany depot on Kneeland street, and held him there while 1 questioned the girl as to what had happened. "When the priest found that he was cornered, he asked me what I was going to do, and if I was aware that I was in terfering with the church? "I replied that I did nt care what J was Interfering with, but I intended to save that girl lrom being ruined by him, and thut 1 was going to hold him there until I could signal a policeman if my strength held out. Presently an officer came in sight, and I called loudly to him, and when he came up I gave the priest into his custody, and asked him to lock him up for trial. This he did after taking the young girl's name and hearing all of her story. "The priest, who was a little boozy, protested against being held or locked up, but all to no purpose, as I was bound he should be exposed. "The next day he was brought to the court room and the officer and 1 were on hand, but the girl never put in an appearance. I suppose she was under control ot Roman Catholic friends or relatives, and so was not permitted to appear against the priest. So the case and the priest were dismissed. "A few nights after that adventure I was coming through the same street and I was accosted by a man who proba bly saw the arrest made. He came up to me, and shaking his fist in my face, wanted to know what business I had go ing against the Roman Caiholic church by having a holy priest arrested and sent to the station house. "I told him that I did not care a con tinental for the Roman Cat holic church nor the holy priest: that when I saw a loafer trying to ruin an Innocent girl, intended to protect and save the girl if I could. "And so now I think my safest way is to be armed v hen I go through those streets after &&rk." American Citizen Foolish Boasting. We find the following characteristic piece of foolish boasting in the Catto- lie A'ews, and we notice that it has been copied (apparently without question as to authenticity) Into the Fitchburg Sett- ttnel and other intelligently-edited pa pers: i he tirst lort erected by union sol diers on Virginia soil was Fort Corcor an; and the man to raise the stars and stripes over it the first thrown to the breeze beyond the Potomac after the firing on Fort Sumter was Captain, now Brigadier-General, Cavanaugh, of the "Irish Sixty-ninth," a native of Tipperary. The first man to reach Little Round Top at Gettysburg was Col. Patrick H. O'Rouke, who fell at the head of his troops, and whose widow is now an hon ored sister of the Sacred Heart. The regiment that made the success of McClellan's retreat after the battle of Antietam possible was the Massa chusetts "Irish ninth," by its victory at Gaines Mills. The last union soldier killed in the war waa Brigadier-General Thomas A. Smith, the Irish-born hero of Cold Har bor, who fell before Petersburg, April 9, 1865. The only general to defeat "Stone wall" Jackson through the war was General James Shields, an Irish hero of two wars for the Republic. The first man to reach the summit of Mission Ridge waa Phil Sheridan, born in Albany one year after the arrival of his parents from Ireland. The first general to triumph in the South-west was William Stare Ilose crans, brother of the late Catholic bish op of Columbus, Ohio. The first shot fired in the defense of the flag at Fort Sumter was by an Irishman born Patrick Gibbon. still living in Krie. IV The monument that holds the place of honor on the fie'd of Gettysburg, h that of the Pennsylvania Irish Sixty ninth. I he hrit reginn-nt to lorm and pro tect the retre ating union army at Bull Run was the New York Sixty-ninth. The lat blow that caused the su--renderoflee was dealt by General Phil Sheridan. The a tove is so thoroughly Irish In its swaggering ridiculo jsress, that it will excite simply contempt fr a peo ple who will thus exhibit themselves. In the first place, haidly one item is true, or possible of vt ri ligation If true. In the second place, nearly every Item is insiguiiL-ant, and unworthy of publi cation. It would be just as foolish for a Prot estant church paiertofill its columns with such (acts as the following, which no one will der.y: President Lincoln was a Protestant. Every commander-in- chief of the union army was a Protestant. Nlnty five per cent of the soldiers were Protestants. All the eminent naval commanders were Protestants. The only Roman Catholic officers (Sheridan and Resecrans included) who accomplished good work, were under Protestant superiors, and their suc cesses were planned by these Protest ant superiors. Anderson, who defended Fort Sumter so bravely, was a Protestant. ur ine loiiowing might do lor a change: uenerai tseauregara, wno nred on bumpier ana led at uuii nun, was a Romanist. The first regiment to run at Bull Run (the Twelfth New York) was largely made uy of Romanists. Fifty per cent more Romanists than Protestants deserted. (See records of regiments, Adjutant General's office.) The Draft Riots were wholly of Ro manist origin. (See Century April 1889.) The pope was the first foreign ruler to recognize Jeff Davis, and gave him hi blessing. The notorious Wirz, of Andersonville was a Romanist. In the Birmingham, Ala., Age-JJeruld of Oct. If), 1891, appeared a full report of a lecture givea by a noted priest in various cities in the South Priest Daily In which he said: "The brave Mitchell, whose three sons were killed in our (confederate) service, shows in the Richmond Exam iner where 92,000 Irish were placed a- long the front of the battle, from the Potomac to Vicksburg. In the Memories of the late Jefferson Davis, written by his widow, we read: "Catholics were friends who knew how to be true in days of disaster and defeat." But the wholesale Irish-Romanists brag hit jhing a monster boast on the slightest sort of a peg shows how little they really have to lie proud of. If they would cease their bluster, people would forget the black side of their history; but when they so outrageously falsify for self-glorification, inquiring minds start in to look up the Romish record and are amazed at its unwhole some complexion. Primitive Catholic. SOME CHOICE SAYLMiS. What the Roniau Kansas City World Warbled Before Election A Collection of a Few Remarkable Anti-A. I A. Lies. "Sunday, Monday and then then the overthrow of those who have con spired to fight men on account of their religion." "A yeir and the political A. P. A. will be but a memory." "While still proclaiming himself to be a Jeffersonian Democrat, and al though nominated to office by both the Republicans and the Populists, John B. Stone is neither a Democrat, a Repub lican nor a Populist. He Is, purely and simply, the candidate of the A. P. A., and nothing more neither flesh, fowl nor good red herring." However, John B. Stone was elected as an A. P. A. Editor. In a column and a quarter, informing the people of an "indignation" meeting to be held at Turner Hall Wednesday night, October 31, 1894, under the caption of "Grand Gory Opening!" the "World printed some expressions, which are found below: "Great A. P. A. attractions!" "Beginning with the Republican A. A. Rogue's March." "The merry, merry turncoat and the tar introducing seventeen changes in coats, one coat in each of the seventeen stanzas, in seventeen minutes; music by the Royal Renegade band of 157 pieces. Col. John B. Stone." "Blood in buckets will at this inter esting intermission be passed around by the gentlemanly headsmen, each ar rayed in scarlet and crimson, trimmed with the letters A. P. A. in orange, and each carrying an axe,a cleaver,etc." "Fresh, hot, red blood at the bar, drawn right from the corpse, 10 cents a gulph; per glass, 50 cents." "Skulls, "5 cents each, or $G a dozen, etc." "Knives, axes, guns, cleavers, black jacks, ammunition, ropes, feathers, tar, the letters A. P. A. in wood or metal," etc. In an editorial the sama .lauer said 'We firmly believe that the election of the A. P. A. candidates to office would be a calamity, the extent and iuiluenceot which It is impossible to conjecture. Let the people of Kansas City aud Jackson county stand firmly together and drag anarchism, riot and fraud from local politics." Again: "Bear in mind that John It Stone is a political bushwhacker. He has conducted the campaign of a polltl cal assassin. Ho has not fought as brave men fight." The II WM said this because John B. Stone made his cum puign from the stump on A. P. A. prin ciples. 'The Kansas City A. P. A. Ameri can is beginning to look for a soft spot on which to drop and give up tho ghost next week," said the Roman Catholic sheet, tho Kansas City World, In its Issue of November 2, 1894. We would like U ask the World, which terms its standing for "convenience," how thick the rock is which the paper fell upon after the election. The American will be here when the stench of the World has ceased to offend the nostrils of respectable eople. The "truthful" noria again snores in Its sleep: "Tho Kansas City Amkrican, one of the local organs of the A. P. A. (loliticlans, is looking more and more and more like the last rose of summer. Alter next week It will probably give up the ghost and go down to its grave unhunored and un mourned." as a complimentary re mark we would like to state that before Thk American is done with grave dieting, the World will find The American one of the longest-lived organs that the upholders of the "ring" ever waited to see depart. I'eniisylvaiila Mew. The Iloutzdale O'semr says: We present to our readers this week our poultry, the first being the game cock of tho A. P. A. of Clearfield county, who has won his spurs in his tint battle a battle royal against political cor ruption and alien rule which had grown notorious in this county. The result of Tuesday's work shows that it is not absolutely necessary for a candidate to go before a notary public and swear that he is not an A. P. A., and does not believe in tho principles of the order to ensure his defeat, al though such proceeding is likely to add largely thereto. The American spirit is aroused in Clearfield county, and henceforth a purer ballot and more conscientious officials are likely to be the rule rather than the exception. Did it ever occur to you that the A. P. A. is abroad in the land and cut quite a figure in the result in this country. The woods are full of them, and they were diligently engaged on Tuesday.' .is a result Mr. James White is le't. We wish to statu that candidates in future need not ba afraid to call at this office when visiting in Iloutzdale. The result of Tuesday last has demonstrated that we do not stand -utterly alone in advocating American principles. The gathering of the clans including the A. P. A., Jr. O. U. A. M., the P. O. S. of A., tho A. and I. O. K. of M., and the Mystic Clan, backed by the G. A. R. meant business on Tuesday. The denunciation of tho A. P. A. by the Democratic state convention, to gether with Singerly's wild utterances against American orders have borne fruit in the shape of one of the greatest Republican majority for Hastings ever given a governor in this state. Demo crats will no bnger stand the party lash, especially when thousands of them belong to said orders. SEDALIA, MO., SEWS. (From our Special Correspondent.) Cushman and Pilkington "were left in the hole." A great jollification meeting was held Saturday night by the American people. Americans rule again. The Roman Democrats here are set ting up the cry that there were illegal tickets in the field, but it is only wind. The A. P. A. and Republicans com bined and elected their ticket by a large majority. All Romans were shut out. The Sedalia Democrat has not a word to say about the "secret organization" since the election. The paper is in mourning for what it has said about the A. P. A. John T. Heard was badly defeated in his own county. The people in Sedalia and Pettis county wonder if he will de nounce the A. P. A. when he is asked again for his opinion. The Roman "push" hung around during the evening of the election and tried to trade the entire Democratic ticket for votes for Cushman and Pilk ington, but it did not work. The little A. P. A. sample ticket with the "Little Red School House" at its head did the work, and smothered Rome in Pettis county politics. You could see them in almost everybody's hands, and the streets were covered with them. The election went straight American n Sedalia and Pettis county. The Roman candidate for congress, Heard, was completely snowed under, and it is greatly due to the fact that every voter in Pettis county received a copy of The American before election. "The state has no right to educate: and when the state undertakes the work of educating, it is usuriiiiuj the power of the churoh.."ijfcsiop -Mc(jnaid BEYOND ENDURANCE Continued from 1'age I. to these wifeless princes of mammon and ierdition! If there Is to bo a ct nvent loft in the land let It lie oicn to the inspection l interested reoetable eople, 0ien to the free choice of its adult inmates U go or stiy, and guarded by the spirit of real goodness, instead of high walls, blood-hojnds, brutal blows and Iron bars, under the rule of the iiismsaiid wifeless fathers. e believe in religious liberty. Let Catholics believe in transubstanllallon or non-substantiation, if they choose They may believe anything and wor ship anything; but when they begin to kill heretics for not believing as they do; teaching assassination, if oaths be true, assignation, and imprisoning help less human beings, without cause or trial, It is then time to draw the line against such diabolisms, whether called religion or called what it really Is tho basest of all human meanness! We say take the walls, the dogs, tho vicious guards and thongs and bars from tho convents, make them const! tutional, and let the law of love make of them homes of purity and happiness! A vote for a Roman Catholic Is a vote to sustain these prisons. HUMANISTS AS JI KOKS. l'oor Hands to Trust a Case in for Hon est Settlement. Sioux City, la., Nov. 9. A startling sensation came to light in the district court here. About two years ago a young Englishman named Arthur Rhyso sued Walter Strange for $:tO,0H) he claimed to have advanced for use in building the Central stock yards and which he claims was misappropriated by Strange. Tue jury returned a ver dict for Sirango. Now Rhys asks for a new trial on the ground that Strange bribed tho jury. Peter Madison, an ex poliee.man, who was on the jury, went on the stand and testified that during the trial of the first case Frank McNear another juryman in the case, came to him and told him that Strange had sup plied him with money to secure a ver dict for him and that McNear at every intermission in the case bought all the urymen liquor and continually talked to them about what a good fellow Strange was. Finally he admitted that McNear and Strange drove to his brother's saloon one night during the progress of the trial and there paid him $50 to use his influence to secure a verdict for Strange. McNear owned the corn and admitted on the stand that he, too, was paid to vote for a Strange verdict in the jury ro jm and was sup plied with money by Strange tj use in Influencing the other jurors. Michael Dolan, another juror, testi fied that during the trial Strange of fered to get him a customer for a pioce of land If be would vote for a verdict for him in the jury room. He said he did not get the customer for the land, but that Strange bought his daughter a piano and paid his expenses on a trip to visit relatives in Boston. The attor neys for Rhys claim that they will !rove other jurors were bribed today. ino arrests nave oeen made yet. but they are expected at any moment. Advice to A. F, A. The following words of advice were written by W. J. H. Traynor, supreme resident of the A. P. A. They are timely and to the point. We commend them to every member of the A. P. A., and also to every "sympathizer" of the order: "If we would perpetuate the order we must maintain our patriotic press, the guardian of Its infancy; to main tain our press we must encourage ad vertisers to give it their countenance. Those who are known to be the enemies of our organization Bhould be the last to receiveour support. Let each mem ber inquire of the merchant with whom he is about to trade if he advertises in the local patriotic newspaper, and if not, why not? Let them once see that it is to their interest to patronize the patriotic press and there will be no lack of support in this direction. The majority of merchants are simply afraid of the papists, whose press supported almost entirely by Protestant adver tisersthey are boycotted into patron- zing and so dare not advertise with us. If the members of the A. P. A. will show themselves as determined upon this point as their enemies, the boycott will soon be shelved as a sword which cuts both ways." A Friest Advises. Tho Roman Catholic Universe, pub- ished in Cleveland Ohio states: "The freedom of opinion that pre vails among Catholics outside of the domain of faith and morals was illus trated last week. While the Catholic archbishop of Baltimore was enunciat ing nis widely quoted views against woman suffrage, Rev. T. F. Malone, hrough bis paper, the Coforao Ca(t- lic, was imploring the women of Color ado 'to do their duty' at the polls in ine coming election." Where l'oor Folk's Money ;oes. The Rt. Rev. Bishop left for Rome on Monday a;ternoon of this week, to be absent tin atxmt Christmas. He will present to the holy father the pa- n&l Collection raised in this rl ion.... 1 ni year, amounting to the generous sum ..f 4- -C! k'W ........ ,U! i., I 1 : 1 n .,.i-.ii.c i ns uuuueu. v e wisn ine Kt. Rev. Hisllitll ft, KM.f. vrtettiro un.l u j - ' -'J " auit a safe return to his beloved Sock.-J'Ut non tan f uafioue umrerse. RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Juvenile and Other Holiday Books. Rare Wherein? Let Us Give You Particulars! If J ou want to make from $250 OO to $400 00 between now and the Holi day. wrlu U us at onca for a canvassing outfit of our BEAUTIFUL JUVENILE HOLIDAY BOOKS Wo guarantee tho BEST TERMS AND BEST BOOKS . .. F) A of I'it. Tt f i Amusing. In r.very Particular. riRsT, t'rtm line. IVI flQT, Interesting and uwu f Uiudlng; 1UUJU lni.lru.tlve Morl.s, wrltm the children. Prima. ROr.. 4 COO. 41. HO. graded In milt nil aires. Big Sales! Largo Profits! Exclusive Territory! i you want your moire oi 1 crriiory, at'tid Immediately 43 Cortts to pay express charge nml we will scud you full instruction uimI Our Beautiful $4.50 Outfit Free. No Experience Necessary. Address We Give Full Instructions. DEPT. RARE, S. I. BELL & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Penn, l'KKSS COM MEM'S. Tho A. P. A. are tho eople hero.-- Troy Times. The A. P. A. did good work In Illi nois.- Chicago Mall. Roman Hopkins knocked out by the A. P. A. Inter Ocean. The A. P. A. has proven itself a jkiw- in K)litles. New York Times. Nearly every congressional and as sembly district In the United States felt the hand of A. P. Alain. Peoria Journal. Patriotic orders ar on top in this state, led by tho A. P. A.-Chicago I rlbune. Singerly will not forget the Junior boys and their voting power. New xork 1 rlbune. Romanism routed from our city otllco holding force by tho A. 1'. A. boys. Cleveland leader. Fathur Cronin will learn soon that the A. P. A. Is able to do what it claims Buffalo Express, Tho Democratic party will not forget the A. 1. A. for some time In Massa chusetts. Boston Globe. Somehow tho fight on tho A. P. A. in New York state did not have much elToct. Morning Dispatch. Tho A. P. A. elephant now owns tho earth and some of tho more progressive heavenly bodies. Pittsburg Dispatch. A good many are wondering if the Democratic party will denounce tho patriotic orders in 'Wl? The Constitu tion. Allegheny county was well protected on last Tuesday by the patriotic orders, and the A. P. A. boys were in it to tho hilt. Pittsburg Commerlcal. The man who o rys out bigot to the A. P. A. demonstrates to all that he, him self is the colossal bigot of the I'Jth century. New York Tribune. A. P. A. ism out a good row through the Democratic party this time, but as they are non-partisan no knowing who will get it next. Pittsburg Leader. For the first time In all her history Peoria county has gone Republican at a general election. There must be about 2,f)00 to 3,000 A. P. As. hero ac cording to tno returns. Transcript. The Illinois Democratic state conven tionsaii by their plutform and resolu tions we denounce the A. P. A. Tht people said at the ballot box, wo do nouLce the Democratic Romanism. Blade. The Dispatch yesterday advised vot ers to "vote for the U. S. of A." Judg ing from tne course of events here it is suspected by many that the Dispatch meant "vote for tho A. P. A. Evening Herald. The next congress will be an Ameri can congress, which vyll pass laws to protect Americans from being kicked out of their own shops and factories by the alien boot of foreign competitors. Cincinnati Commercial. Some of our leading Democrats are saying that it was not so much Wilson's free tradeism that broke the "solid south" as it was A. P. Alsm. At any rate, the "solid south" is a thing of the past. Knoxville Journal. Where are the Democrats in Ne braska and their platform, wherein they denounced the A. P. A.? Not one Democrat left to go back to tell the tale of woe in the congressional delegation from this state. Omaha Bee. lhe American people are "slow to anger," but when they do rise up in their righteous indignation they are more majestic than any army with banners, and who know nothing about patriotism. Burlington Ha wkeye . Where was Sibley when Linton was pleading for the members to observe the constitution and not appropriate money to the Catholic Indian schools, and where were the boys when he wanted their votes':' Highland Light. Wiscjnsln, a Roman center, passed special resolutions wherein the Demo cratic platform said, down with the pa triotic orders. The people said, cone rorwaru, patriotism. And it did come forward, sweeping from ollice every Democratic congressman in that state. Wiscunsin Star. We hope we violate no couHdeuce iu saying at this time that William M. Singerly ran for governor of Pennsyl vania, and he at one time said some thing about a patriotic order which was un-American and unchristian. We wonder if he wants to call the A. 1. As. any more names? Cleveland Press. j General Weaver la beaten, of course. He was not beaten because he did not live in the Ninth district. He was beaten because tue people are tired of sensational demagogism. Weaverism, Keliylsm, Coxeyism and all that ever lasting foolishness has had its day. The people want conservatism and good money. Iowa Capital. Japan seems to have the best of the fight with the "heathen Chinee." Article of liirirMiruliiiii untie Shoshone (old Mining Company. AllTII I I 1. N AHM. Tlir iihiiiH ol IIiIh CoriHiralliiu hl.iill be Hho nIkiiii' OiiIU "Inlna l'oniiaiiy. AHTIL'I.K II I'HINl ll'AI, l'LACCOr HUMIWESH. Tho prliii-luiil plucK of IriiiiKui-l Ink tl buslni-sM of till I nrporittliiti ahull lm the lily of Oiiiiilm, DouKliM "Uiily, Nebraska. AHTICI.K Ill.UICNICHAL N'ATI'HKOr HlIMlNEMa, Tin Ki'iieriil mil u iv of Dm himlin-HH to be I runsHj-li-il by IhU t'urpumtlini U the ih--IIoii. iu-iiilriiiK. buylnu. iiwiiIiik unit holding of rcttl t'Hiitu nml ptTwiiial priurty, rlKlilM. prlvlli'xi'v mill f ruuiiili.r of t-vury iihiiib Hnii nut irs whlrh In. or limy be iiiM-i-NMiiry or iiii-ilful In ownlnv, opfrntlDKHUd i-iiiiUuctlug lilt hll.llll'HH of IliilllllK. A HTK'I.K IV. (.'AI'ITAI. HTIM.'K. Tint amount, of tlm liiillnl Htork of this Corporal Inn shall l four thousand live liiniiln-il Hollars, uiviiii'U Iiimi orty-llve shares of tho par valui' of oin huiiilri'U ilol lurs i'arh--lo o paltl In as follows, to-wll: Twoiity-Hvu pvr emu. on Ihii 1st day of No vember, 1'4; tweniy-flvM per cent, on the lllli day of Ihvember. Is'.il; I wen I y live per rent, on the lllli day of February, Is'.i i; and tweniy-tlvo per cent, tin ,hu fllli day of April, Ism, AllTII I.K V.--TIMK or f'ONMKNt'EMKNT AND Tkhmination. The time of the roiiitiienrciiient of thli Corporal Ion shall he the lllli day of October, I 'HI. and I lie time of tlm terminal ion of this Corporation hall be tho llthlay of Octotmr 1MU. Aiitici.k vi Iniikbtkiinkhm. Tlm hlKlii'Rt amount of InilebUMlnesx or liability lo which this Corporation shall at liny thiie (object Itsi lf shall bo tliu sum of tli li e thousand dollars. Aiirn i.k vii orru Kiis. The affairs of this Corporation shall bs conducted by a Hoard of seven I llrectom to be chosen annually by Ihii Stoi-klioliliT on the second Thursday In Ocbibcr iu each anil fvery year. IAi.hkiit I.. Iikanr, Alllll BT WANNriUKD, IIknhy C. Akin. IIaiioi.ii Ai ki.anii, JAMKH W. llllNNELI,. Statu of Nkiiiiamka, i Count V of liouKlas, t HS. Uu tills lllli uay of October, 1MH4. befors nit), Clinton N. I'owell, a Notary I'ublle la and fur said County and Hlate, personal! appeared tint above, named, A. L. He line, James W. iHilincll, AtiKUsl Wumifrled, Henry V. Akin and Harold Ackland, incorporator of !hu rlhosh (iold MlnliiK Company, who are severally Known to ine In lie the Identical persons whose names are itlllxed to t lie foru- mil n if Instrument, as liicoiiiuralors and st ve rally acknowledged the same to lm their unit each or their voluntary act and ueeti. n witness when or, 1 have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal tiiuduy and year last above writ ten. IsKAI. CMNTUN N. rUWr.LL, ll-l'J-4 Notary Public. Special Master Coiiiiiiissloncr's Sale. I nner and by virtue of mi order of s:;!c, on decree of foreclosure of morttfittfe Issued out of the district court for llotiiflas county, Ne braska, and to lue directed. I will, on the lith day of liucemlier. A. I). 1SU4. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said da v. at the norm mint door or the county court house, In the city of Omaha, HouKlas county, isenrassa, sen at puouc auction to the hivhi'si. bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wit : 1 Lot nu in 1st seventeen Hi), In block num ber one ill. In Monmouth I'ark, an a.ldltlon to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, toxelher with alf the appur tenances thereto be lomtliix. all situate In ihiiiirlus county, stale of Netiraska. haul property to be sold lo satisfy John Hassetl plaint i IT In tlm action. In the sum of nine hundred, nine and su-nm (J'.iow sin dollars juuxment. with Interest thereon at rate of eluht tHi per cent per annum from September l.i b. 1W4. and t wenty-eiuht aim .u- im isjs. ui dollars costs herein, with Interest thereon from the 17th day of September, A. II. IS'.H, until paid, toirel her with accruing costs ac cording to a Judgment rendered by the dis trict court or said Douglas county, at its September term, A. I). ls'.H. In acertaln action linn and there pending, wherein John Itas-tntt was ulaliitlff and Utorge s. Weeks and others were defendants. Omaha. Nebraska. November IS. 1H4, til A KLfcS L. THOMAS. Special Master Commissioner. Ik-xter I). Thomas. Attorney. ll-U-S Hassetl vs. Weeks et al. Disr. S. Cage 44. Ignl Notice. Nels llendrlckson will take notice that on the -mil day of September. 1M , Kdinund Bart leu. a Justice of the IVace of Uouglau county, Nebraska, Issued an order of attach ment for the sum of S-'i U0, In an action peud- mic before him wherein Axel Meyer Is piaio- till. and Nets Hetidricksou defendant: that property of the defendant, consisting of one sewing machine, three upholstereu chairs, one divan, one center table, one bundle of carpet and two .pill r h. has been attached, under said, said Can e was continued to thu ii1 day of liecemls'r. ls'.n. at In o'clock A. M. Omaha. Nebraska, .-Nov. mt n. AXKL .MKYKK. 11-111-3 I'lainiilT. Legal Notice. In District, court. Douglas county. Ne braska. Soren T. 1'eterson, plaintiff, vs. Jacob Kenots. Leah Kendls. George Orymps Wand Ida utherlck. defendants: The above named lieorge Orymps. non resident defendant, will lake notice that on the Ifith dav of January. A. II. 14. plaintiff herein Hied his petition In the dlMHct court of Douglas county. Nebraska, against said defendants, the otij- ct Hud prayer of which is to foreclose a Ct rl ain mortgage executed by Jacob Kendls and l.eith Kendls upon lot numlier sixteen i Itn. in block number three lib, in Artsir Putcc Addition to the city of Omaha. Douglascouniy. Nebraska, tosecu e the paviuent of a certain promissory note dated January -".nti. l-s7. for the sum of HMJ. which promissory note is past due and un paid, and plaint iff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that, said mortgaged premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the imh day of December. A. D. is: "4. Dated Omaha. Neb.. November id. ls"4 SOUKS T I'KTKKSON. By A. Bevlns. his attorney. 11-2-4 HliSTER'S INTERNA TIOXA L DICTIONARY hiKffworof the I Mtinilgtd." Tn Tears upent In revising, 100 editors employed, more than $300,000 extended. 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