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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1894)
8 THE AMERICAN. 3M.Ll OX THE A. 1. A. H . but not U m-11 to them; to refu to employ them, but not to work for tbetn lit Talk U a I arc Hut I'nMaiPatMir lotar, 'I will not vote for a Catholic on Audit lire at Matrn llml. New Yckk, CVt f.-lt I not ofw-n that Dr. McOIjnn Hki to an unj ro- U;r tic audlem-o. Ii wan rft'tljr plain to any oWrvor that he did o Sunday in the Auditorium at I'rolilhl tion park, Suton Inland. Four thou- nd olj filled the build but It mut be Mid that tuot of tht-m did not twpond to Hr. Mi Glynn. They ere let than lukewarm, they wore cold, and that although the iricit had for his aubjoct a burning topic of the day- the Amorican 1'roU ctive Antodatton. Dr. Imic K. Funk, w ho hat mm a Old Nick hdtt-i holy water, Introduced Dr. MoUlvnn, who, after n-orlng the aalooni and aaloon-ktH'iicra, begin hi address abruptly. "A. V. A. What in It?" wild Dr. MoGlynn. Kaeh letter wa long t'rawn out. "A. T. A." he wild, "a nmtlc omcthinff, a mytterloua something. What doea it mean? It mean 'Ameri can Protective Association.' In mean 'Americana to your guna.' To protect what? We have to tuppotte to protect American ideas, American principles, American men and women to protect A merle," The dHaker had become animated. Ilia voice waa perfectly clear. Hi gesture were animated. "To protect America from what?" ho went on. 'From the Koman Catholio church, from the jhhw, from bishop, from prieota, from dei(rna of the Iloman Catholic church. I am a Roman Cath- bloodof the nation by gathering around the catnpfirea annually. Some hare been divided upon local political iuc- any ticket. That Ik anu -aorial, anil- turn, mt when the opportunity pre- American. You would pive the Catbo-1 M-nU ltwif to aid an old comrade the I lie opportunity to any that they are ty are not 'ow to fall in and stand U tter Americans than you are. atfa'n shoulder to khoulder. Out io Thl utterly lim ntate oundinir Nebraxka this year the H pnblicant WHITNEY with a trip-hammer to kill a fly will dd great good to the Catholic church. It will et you Inquiring about It. You hear me ay the jiojie I the suoivsior of IVter. Hut doe the pojw know It all? No. I there not something of economic of which he Is ignorant? Have I not had the cheek to try to teach him K)inethlna myself. Buy a Catholic caieehUm for three cent and seo If there is any treason In it. "What should the Catholics do? Keep their mout h shut, What should the Protectants do? Simply pray pity ingly for these misguided A. P. A. people and let them know they are pro claiming themselves most un-American of Americans." At the close of the address many of the audience left the hall, tboe re maining being mostly Catholics. When Dr. McGlynn concluded Alfred N. Mar tin, who announced himself as the na tional deputy of the American Protec tive League, abounded the platform and said very excitedly: "Dr. McGlynn is all wrong. The principle and teach ings of the Catholic church are diamet rically opHed to every American In dustry." The speaker got no further, for his voice was drowned by a storm of hisses. SCHOOL have nominated Comrade Thomas J. Majors, wbo bas a gallant record as an old soldier. Like all nu n In clvH life who have been fearless in the dU charge of public duty, he is not with out some enemies, wbo are actively at work to defeat him. Nebraska I a great soldier state, and You neel a strong, durable Shoe SHOES. for School. We have Chilli's Kanearoo Calf. Hprlm 1 - g Heel atl.and fltkJU Hoys' chool Shoe, lace Youth's School Rioeit, lace comrades everywhere will watch with Interest the content which will be settled at the approaching election. If the old soldier rally to the support of Gov. Majors, he will be installed in the executive chair of the greatest soldier state in the union. There are comrades io every voting precinct who should see to it that every KanKaroo Calf. Spring 0 QQ sucu iumj is cast tor uimrtua .majors. He is a successful farmer and stock ChiM's Seal Goat, Spring o t raiser, sou owns anu cuiuvaies one oi the largest and richest farms in Nemaha county. His Interests, sym pathies and Inclinations are with the agricultural classes, and old veterans everywhere wiil be disappointed If Gov. Majors does not run ahead of his ticket in every precinct In the state. The or ganled opposition comes from some of the cities, and from those who are too far removed from the days and events of a quarter of a century ago to fully appreciate the claims that an old sol Miliars' Seal Uost, Hurlni Heel &2.00 Misses' Dongola, Patent Tip. Ut gf fpritiK "eel ull.& to '- w v' Dr. Mefilvnn strain t,.nk thn nlatfnrm dier has upon the public. ollc; I am a priest. I ent years of my Rnd rebuked the Catholics for hissing, When comrade with such a magnlQ llfo In Rome, and I speak the language 8ayIng that it was just such Incidents cont record as that won on the field In as thisj which Intensified the feeling aroused by the A. P. A. of tbe Koman. It Is, then, perhaps peculiarly fit that I should scak of the A. P. A., Instituted a It was to orotect You will Get Good Value for Your Money. W.N.Whitney 103 So. 15th Street, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. America from us, from the machina tion of these Jesuits." There was a plain sneer on the word "u prlet." Itwa plainer when the father uttered "Jesuits." But Dr. Mc- the south and In the Indian war on the plains and In civil life by Gov. Majors, is a candidate for oDlce, it should arouse C. W. BAKER, What Dura It Mean! Omaha, Neb., Oct. 10, 1804. To the Editor of The American: For the first time In the history of Itoman Cathniln ennvent.lnnit In A mnrlm. thn Glynn did not that time sneer against ..P-l,atlon which met In Omaha a a the prlesU and JeBuiU. L,at convention, un.ler a rail of thn i mere any jusuncation for tne cx- sentiments of warmest affection in the Undertaker Emalmber loriuerIy with M. O. Maul. TEI.El'HONI 66. SIS South lth St., OMAHA LADY ASSISTANT FURNISHED. breast of every old soldier. We shall be very much dl.-appoinkid If Nebraska does not elect Col. Major governor by a splendid majority. National Tribune, Washington, D. C, lstenco and the alleged methods of thlt organization? Are the Catholics re Bponslbloi'for this antagonism? I It a high and lofty antagonism? Would Protestant not put it away when they are on their deathbeds? I the fault utterly on the side of the Roman Cath olic? Are American Institution, American men and women and children Democratic state central committee, on September 2(t, 18l4, declared a whole some principle on the question of apply ing a religious test to the citizen or to the official. Say the platform: "We believe In tfie right of every In dividual to worship God according to the dictate of hi own conscience, and we condemn a un-American and con- America Taking Hume. Upon his arrival in this country from Europe Bishop Newman was inter viewed by a representative of the New York lYibune, and i reported to have said: "Rome has a profound respect for the Methodist church all through tbe Italian cities. In the city of Rome I laid the cornerstone of what h destined Cleanliness IS NEXT TO GODLINESS. W Cannot Wash Your Souls, But Wa can Maks Linen Whits as 8now. 1110-1112 - DODGE - ST. OMAHA, NEB. JAMES AINSCOW, Telephone 628. Secretary and Mgr. tmtrv in ft.A cntclt. it ..III. in danger of suffering very great detrl- Lnv attmnt n a roiirrtn,,. tt t be a great structure for worship, inent from the pope, from the bishop, he citizon or to the official " publication and theological Instruction, Irom the priest?" Ia th ... nni,trafJlni, tha and which will some day challenge the uuvdvawud I Itnmnn h Inra rrh it nvMuw.,a nnw in lair I ivkuub iui uuo wuwut ui x wiiu I a.k.i v a . .. . ldlv. emohaslzlnireach On with arin.n . .7 " f .J 7 th..rht. la wnalr In Unm. WU ' WUOa ,,arr18 -w mm . mauiiin I, lift r M (71 It 1 H nWlllrl mAO vnun I m "m - " v"v I 11 nHo rrrvio nn t Kn Stroke 01 his arm. "Iam nothing If w .n..j . and the Idea Drevalla that she must TATE IMMIGRATION cu.. wm North ist.h . . . ... ... . uavo uuuiruueu me uuuuu oi iuj mem- r lat o.,h. Nph .iVn u YIu ".ji. ifir not a priest, and if you think I am more k.. i av, .,,r n t. compensate lor her losses there by her ta FJEsZ "and iit rnZZ Uhl of the politician you do me great wronir. I i. A ... vl '.u victories here. I found a persistent ef- wlt.h"a,0"?t"i- Harris county. Tex., on the - " 1 tiuuiun uiri biiu iiiin.ii 1 1 c 1 11 -t-t 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 i niuii nwiBUPn iinnuinn u it n iiu uantnn Ye, I am a Catholio, and a Catholic n m,nn t NK,.aW t fort on the oart of the church and the nd we win show you some of the finest and Excursion 10 Texas LEAVE OMAHA nruiut Vmt T! nnt .a.. ( 4 I .... I nMAn.-. . . 1. T. . 1 , I r , ... . pv, m., .uj, Ulau discrlmlnaWd against by Romanist In "CDB w " r.urupou lumu , to ay I am not a patriotic American." j ...i that Rome wasUklno- America, where- 8 , - 1 imibiuuwb uu on accouni. 01 tneir " ' ma ttt" aT, ' "i'"u" 0I,Te religion? I the public to understand " ll.was m! P'ege to ay mat aoiy tuts, iv wns sam bo iranaiv. 1 v. .v. tt America wa lamnt? wome. were tne 1 frankly "I do not think there l any partlcu lar merit in having been born In Amer ica. If there I I can claim it. I was born In New York City. Merit I used . u . . .. . ... oucuing some acuon aoout wnich a man ha been consulted. I wa not asked wher I would be born. It seem to me that the men and women who that member of tbe Masonln fraternltv. America wa taa-mg of the Odd Fellow, the Knlrhu of S ""ner 10 come 10 11118 country ne Pvthla. Modern Woodmen and other would discover the contrast between kindred aocieties. mav exoect the nolit American and European Romanism to leal BUDoortof a Hibernian, notwith- 8Uch n extent that ho would hardly standing the p-ejudice which the pope ret'enize American papai cnurcn of Rome ha been Instilling Into the as "S111? to hi organization. In mind of hi American gubject by in- my intercourse with the Italians I found uai xvuuuo uivnueu iwu ui taui.ttnuns, most fertile tracU of land you ever aw, with od whu rand a healthy climate. This land located fifteen miles south from the boom- cny or uouHUm, and Is sold at a remark- low price and easy terms. Now Is the to buv while It in i-hni.n. Hninplfnra don't let this opporunlty go by. Be sure and have your ticket rend via the above rout to Genoa. HoiiHion, Texas. If you trade with us you can depend on being treated fairly and squarely F01 Information, railroad ticket snd pttrtlculitrs call on. or write to TEXAS REAL ESTATE A IMMIGRATION no .In. T. Edi.inO, Sec.. DUN N. Kith St., Omaha. Neb., C. A. Kiilino. Mgr.. Perry Block, 1015-2 Con gress St., Houston, Tex. 9-7-8 In. Mat a. .. ., . U . . 'J T . . Y. - LI! . . . . auu luiraLn: .m l 11 ti 1 ill 11 1 1 ' 1 were corn in a less favored country and n1aM,an(, ,vot tv one the Mason and VrVt 9 4 V 1 M t t I wmw w muu v uf m uvuvwi ui nai u uuu I 7" " " v" u r 1010 Roman Catholic of America are to dl- imiCLdrrVCrcdit- Ud the practice of being "Catholic wuiC. uo oecuse 01 wnai ini fl, pif,,Ana .,WBao., . country rePreent 1 to be honored no to undergtand thttt henCeforward the I Ana tne Roman Catholic societies are going to exert their power, gained largely through political place and influence, to find employment for tt man because he 1 an American and not because be the other American Protective Association. the Eat Dy ball's delicious Cream Candle. 1513 Douglas St. matter where be come from. man whose ancestor came over In the Mayflower, and who bate another be cause he wa not born an American, Is unworthy of the name. Edward Baumley, and St. Marys Ave for livery, 17th WANTED Agents in each town and county to sell the greatest book of the age, Errors of the Koman Catholic Church and Its Influence on the General Government today, with History and Progress of the AmerlcHn Protective association (A. P. A.) Over 700 pages and Illustrated with 48 full page engravings. Send SO cents at once for complete outfit and terms. Special terms given on other fast selling works. L: J. H. CHAMHKRS CO., tf gi Locu.t St , St. Louis, Mo. or Articles of Incorporation of the Shoshone Gold Mining Company, Article i. Name. The nan e of this Cornoratlon uhull ho Sl.rv. snuue uoia fining uompiiny. going declaration signify that the ereal man Catholic church them, fnr 1S nntl Artici.k ii.-Pkincipal Place or Business. for slander. Scanlon wa a banker there and claims that because he would Kuined by a Priest, Sioux City, la., Oct. 17. Patrick T- v I 1 1. "I this countrv In danr fm . """-- "s "' m uanoury, na suea uev, orlest? I an,,. 'ZZZ 18 a lu,man Roller Doe the fore- Timothy H. Eagher, pastor of the Ro if thev wnnhl uld and they couldn't poutei kn0Kwa8 the ch"uroh ixoy J V. 6eeP80undly of Rome 1 going to be reversed, and In your beds without ffar that, hk Too. .. .. 6 . .b..u, ultlcal priest, any emissary of the pope Ti, 1 v , . V wr,,u,mi,w'M Prlest8 auwung to will cut vnnr tht n m abolished, so that no longer In America him In his domestic and business affairs win cut jour throats. On the con-L..m , .v. vJ.l....... , . .. "... a yvx nuu vi iuo injiumnuu njiiuu ibiht wpo a systemaiic course oi reared up to hate and to discriminate persecution of him, and finally by the against the citizen who would "worship slanderous storie he circulated com- God according to the dictates of hi own I pelled Scanlon to fo out of tbo banklnir conscience," even though it should business. Scanlon Is a Roman Catholic, differ from the method laid down In but says the priest circulated storie the catechism taught in the parochial that he was an A. P. A., also that he W.R.BENNETT CQ. HaiB Lowered the Price on Everything Good and Useful. Don't Spend n Dollar Until You lmvo Compared our Goods and l'rlccs. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! t Assorted Soups, quart can. Green Gajfe Plums, 3 lbs . . . I eacnes, J lb. can Corn, 2 lb. can Pineapple. 3 lb. can Gloss Starch, 3 lb. box... . . . 15c ..12c . . 7c ..12ic 2c Maple Sugar, per lb ". 121c Bennett's Uarjrain Soap, 8 bar for 25c 3 1b. bar Castile Soap 2.1c Can Salmon 9c Good Flour per 5Mb. sack 65c Bennett' Fancy Flour. 5-lb. sack 9c Our famous Excelsior flour,50lb.'k, 1.05 Eagle Brand Milk, per can Kic CROCKZRY rEPARTMENT. DARCAINS ON EVERY TABLE. Glas Pitchers, gallon, 15c. Stand Lamn. with Shade. 15c. six Hand Lamp. 10c. Berry Saucers, set of 6, 10c. Bowls, 2 sizes, 4c. Imported China Cuspadors, 44c. Turkey Platters, 25c. Water Set, with Tray, 48c. Toilet Sets, 6 piece at 1.75 Tea Plates, each 3c. Gold Rand China Teas, new set. pieces, 80c Vegetable Dishe, each 10c. . Tumblers, per set of ti. onlv Vic. Table Set, (i pieces, 25c. r ire proof y uart Tea Pot, 20c. JEWELRY AND CUTLERY. Nickle Clocks, repaired at 25c each. All kinds of Watch Repairs sklllfulv executed at lowest prices. Bring that Watch or Clock here. Browine Pins Cute ones at 5c. Pocket Scissors, 4c. 6 Inch Shears, 4c. 7-Inch Bread Knife, 9c. Speary Bread and Cake Knives, per set of 3, 4Sc. Alarm Clocks, 58c. Good Razors, 6c. Razor Strops, 22c. W. R. BENNETT CO., LOW TARIFF PRICES. 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. a. BUY YOUR TRUNKS WHERE THEY ARE MADE AND PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. C. H. FORBY, MANUFACTURER OF TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS. REPAIRING DONE. 406 Douglas Street. OMAHA. Ner Lobeck-Linn Hardware Co., -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL- Builders' Hardware, Cutlery AND TOOLS -TRY US ONCE FOR LUCK. 404 Douglas St. Telephone 279. OMAHA, NEB SH 1 trary, It is the respect for right and law taught by the Catholio church, by all churches, that gives much reason for the hope of the fulfillment of the prom ise or this country. This 'hate for the love of God' Is monstrous. "W here are the dangers to Amer ica?" he asked. "The pope does not u xwjmuucau government, you ture of covernment vet erected bv the eat T 1 v . x . 1 -v. .u c wnemer ne does or hand of man, are henceforth to cease, lint fivnunl tViot r,.k II . I . ' vAwp, vua., duvu aa txueiieai iorm and that t.hA 7 VwM v.Wf non,,10 r,t . , . i v rvFiu vi government ougnt to recommend It- America are not to h terrorist hv t.h And this pope, poor man, gaunt spectre of treason lurkine In the he COUld to Clip the closet of ovpru trna AmorUi. ,mo9 wings of certain monarchlstio bishops In short, does this platform mean that x .u3, iu uas wia inem tnev a forwr,? tn h0n tb-0 , I " t- WHV L UUO 1 he Drlnrllllll Illliro nf t.runuatlnv tha business of this CorDomtlon sIihII tin Dm my of uiiiHtia, ltoUKlns County. Nebraska, Article iii.--Genehal Natureof Ucsiness The KPIicral nnture of the business to lie transacted by this Corporation Is the loca tion, iti'uulnnn, buvlnii. owninir and holding oi r.-i esiaie anu personal property, rl(ilits. privlleKes and franchises of every name and nai re, wnicn is. or niay be necessary or ueruiui in own inc. oueraunir ana ... UUtlUI!j U. II11II1UK Article iv.-Capital Stock The amount of the Canltal Stork nf this corporation snail ne four thousand live nunared dollars, divided into fortv-Hve snares or tne par value of one hundred dol school? T it tn ha tli.i. .,m,M,l (i,..i n l?rs each--to be paid In as follows, to-wit: I r " j i " 1 1 1 1 1 1 y. . i ' in uii me .si. uav oi . n veniDer. lWH: twentv-flve xx rent, on the 11th day of December. 1M4: twent v-five Der cent, on tne inn aay or reoruary. isms; and twen'y-Hve per cent, on the 11th day of ruined. vccuia piuu nBiusii me grauuest siruc- ana oi iorgery. ine community is a strong Roman Catholic one, and the result was that Scanlon was nearly self to him. has done what Deafness Cannot Be Cured In of both church and state. If h cnnln do this in France, monarchlal for 1,300 years, why not here? The pope has no desjre to change our government. It Is none of his business. 'But,' you ask, 'must not priests obey the pope?' In certain things, yes; in everything, no, "Have the Catholic bishops the will to change our Institutions;" he went on to tne end. "No. There's Bishop apaiamg, an American of Americans. There's Archbishop Ireland; there are lots of them who have not. 'Ah,' I hear you say; 'but you have certain German bishops. There's Cahenslylsm.' Yes and were there not good American priests, such as Gibbons, who warned the pope against Cahenslylsm, and the pope had the good sense to take their advice? "So there Is no need to organize a secret society to protect American in stitutions, to refuse to buy from Catho- by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure Deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Dnafnm. u caused by an Inflamed condition of the must respect the renubllc for th ir v v . , L . '. u "n'n ' tustacumn. Tube. i v .v V , . ivuureu ui iwuio, w loosen me restraint "euiuis iuoe (teta innamed you have rumuimK souna or imperfect hearinc. a when It Is entirely closed Deafness is the i forward to the aisimilatlon of all our ?u,lu an(? "n,lfs the Inllammation caD be , ., , . taxen out ana tills tuhe restored to Us nor people On the American Dlan. with ml condition, hearing will be destroyed fop. lovaltV. and liv,rt.v. nH nninn anH Dl??JL?:"t, 'n" P!'8,'d b Ca- -ji i iik:u is uuiuinK out an iMianita con hmthapln lnAlAa.A1 1. . V r J , I dltlon of the UlUCOUS Slirfape ,uio iiivuiLarau m lUD UI1UU3 Wa will 1 I na u T.-H j I 11 . . " will K've One Hundred Dollars for any Of men, to Supplant the doctrine of case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that treason, and fcat onH S??L"i. " cu 7 "an. Cattarrh Cure. clannlshness, or does It mean another trap for the unwary? Tbe blood of the victims of St. Bartholomew, the cries and shrieks of the quarter of a million human beings who endured untold agonies and suffered death in the in- sena ror circulars, free. , 3 V- CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. ioia oy LiruTK'sts. 75c Eat Dyball's Candies, 1518 Douglas Just a Little Faster. The "Northwestern" No, 6, leaving qulsltlon, the memory of Lincoln, of Chicago at Ta r'lKSTlE Garfield, of Carter Harrison admonish as formerly. "Just a little faster" us, and we wish to knov . A Friend. Comrades, Stand Together. It has been many years since the old veterans broke camp and returned to the peaceful pursuits of the home,shop, farm, and fireside. They keep alive the memories cemented In the best Don't confuse this with the Omaha Chicago special, which still leaves at 5:45 p. m. daily and arrives at Chicago at 8:45 a. m. i ; NO NEED TO CHANGE THIS TRAIN City Office 1401 Farnam street Ask your friends to readjTHE American. ARTICLE V. 1IMK OF COMMENCEMENT AND TERMINATION. I he time of the coiiiinen.-einnnt. of il.!a Corporation shall be the 11th dav nf Otoher. 1SS4. and the time of the termination nf this torporauon nan ue tue llth:day of October 1SW3. Article vl--Indebtedness. The hljrhest amount of Itdebtedness or liability to this Corporation shall at any time subject itself shall be the sum of tnree tnousana dollars. Article vii. Officers. The affairs of this Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of seven Directors to be chosen annually by the Stockholders on the second Thursday in October In each and every year, lbert L. Dean AnOt'ST V .NNTH1FD incorporators. henryC. Akin fAi At s. i Hi HAROLD ACKLAND, LJAk ME8 W. DONNELL, State of Nebraska, t County of Douglas, ( On this 11th oay of October, WH. before me, Clinton N.Powell, a Notary Public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the above named, A. L. Deane. James W. Donnell. August Wannfried. Henry C. Akin and Harold Arkland, incorporators of the Shoshone Oold Mining Company, who are severally known to me to be the Identical persons whose names are affixed to the fore soinir Instrument, us ininrnnr.tiiFa .ml severally acknowledged the same to be their and each of their voluntary act and deed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal the dav and n.r last above written. ss.L CLINTON N. POWELL. H-19- Notary Public. WANTEDA good violinist who can prompt. Also clarinet and nthnrs f,,r brass and string band. Address S. D. Kramer, Rockefeller, 111. BOOTS of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days, GREAT REDCTION. LADIES SHOES worth HS.OO will go at 13.76 3W " 2.50 " 2 V) " in MEN'S SHOES " em " J'so I .: " 5.00 3.7J Best Goods In the market. f Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days O. LANG. 718 South 16th St. LU N I- LU O co o 0 it 0 56 CO a o s CO - D CD U w D CD J E J Pi o m m M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a Derfect fit In all cases, rlnth. lng cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 t'uming St., OMAHA. CHRIST. HAM AN Watcbmater and Jeweler, Pine Watch Repairing a Specialti 512 South 16 Street. OMAHA, NEB M. O. MAUL Successor to Drexel & Maul. Undei taker and Maimer HI 7 FAKSA5I ST. Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB. Full Set -OF- TEETH H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER. Office removed from 113 North I . i 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 90. -:- OMAHA. NEB IR.DIK'S Celebrated Female PowHem never faiL ram ftfr nrf MIM talltn F tthTKnrand Pmnrmnl Wll-i Ti,.,. a J w AVAA, 0wl 07, UUft. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Teeth Extracted in the morning and New Set made the 8ame Day. TeetH Extracted Without Pain for 25c. DR. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk., 16th and nongla, Omaha, Neb. A Visit of Jesus Christ TO POl'IS 1'IUS IX. One of VICTOK HUGO'S wittiest and most sarcastic poems, translated from the French by CHASE ROYS, 631 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. O. Christ takes a look Into the Vatican; con cardhiai 006 f 'he pope'8 KUBrds "id a single copy I(k3 Kl Copies (y, 111 copies 7. ...... .7. . :j.(j(J Special prices for larger quantities.