The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 12, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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ratrivtir Awfrtrani Ke4 and Rrflwt
Va It m l the band of Itorae that
murdrrpd In coM blood thouMttuia of
lonoctnt PrteUrit on a tlnglo nlgbl
in Franc? And km It not the hand of
Rome tbat caused the h. 1! to xh1
forth the n'w to the world of tbli
bloody butchery? And jet I Lo
aj, "What the church ha done It
mill do attain, w Wat It not the hand
of Home bat aMuinAtcd our noble
IJncoln? Afu r Mi-inff the confeder
ate arm ard cuolnir our glorious
Union. 1 It not this hand of Home
tbat U HH'kirjf to diwtroy our free In
stitutions In America?
I It not the band of Home that 1
robbing our country of H wealth, Ita
freedom ard of our most sacred right"?
1 it not the band of Home that is
catingadarkhadow over thla bnad
land, caubing true Americana to rally
round our free Institution and defy
the worst enemy the world has ever
It it not the hand of llome that it
preparing here In our blowted country
a throne for the teniorul reign of
future H)K'?
It It not the hand of Homo that is
forming brig adea of men here In our
beloved country, calling thera brigades
of the holy (?) cros; and for what pur
pose? And It It this diabolical work of the
Roman Catholic church that has given
patnotio American now life, calling
into lino men of every nationality to
defend their beloved natlvo and adopted
country, as the cao may be, lta Dag
and It freo Institutions.
, Is It not time that Americans awako
to action, and thwart the designing
cunning of the beast mentioned in
Revelations as having seven hoadt and
ten horns on which the great whore
sittcth, ruling over many natlont of
the earth?
Beware, noble men of America; very
dark days may come to this, our be
loved country, in the near future, but
remember America has one true friend,
A stands for AMERICAN
p for Protective
And millions who form the ASSOCIA
TION. An American.
Is Freedom of Worship.
The constitution of the Independent
Polish Catholic church, as established
at the general convention at Cleveland,
Ohio, is another declaration of Inde
pendence, It Is patriotlo and possesses
many good features. It declares all
education to be principally conducted
in the English language and in accord
ance with the plan adopted in the
publio schools of Ohio. The parish
priest is sole authority in matters of
religion, but the business affairs are
conducted by trustees, elected by the
congregation, who shall receive and
disburse all monies, but who have ao
power to dispose of church property
without instructions from the congre
gation. Perfect freedom of press Is ad
vocated and no interference allowed In
the cboloeof literature. Parents are
permitted to send their children to any
school they desire, but all books used
In the Independent Catholic schools
must be American and taught after
American methods and all teachers
muBt hold a graduating diploma. And
finally, in the last paragraph, after
denying the infallibility of the pope,
adi!s: "In all and everything as the
above charter signifies, we want to be
governed by the spirit and letter of the
great and glorious constitution of the
United States. So help us God. Amen."
This is freedom of worship, indeed, and
tends almost to the evangelical. No
ex-communications, no heretlos, no
priest domination, no squelching of
conscience, no crawling slavery appears
in this constitution. These progressive
and patriotic Poles should go one step
further. They should abolish celibacy
of the clergy, image worship and the
doctrine of purgatory. But they have
leaped well at this one bound. For
eigners of this type are no disgrace.
The spirit of the federal constitution
bus been valiantly upheld. One more
bound now, into the full, free and com
plete spirit of the New Testament and
we will guarantee them a praise
worthy citizenship in America and a
clear title-deed to glory. Omc ha Cftris
tian AdvocxUe.
A Strong Argument.
We are sorry that in the test cases in
Pennsylvania before the courts, the
Protestants did not base the opposition
to the teaching nuns on the strongest
ground. The position should have
been taken that the nuns in tbe Roman
Catholic church are under a perpetual
vow to serve the church. They cannot
make a contract to teach for their own
benefit. They cannot appropriate any
pioney which they receive for teachisg
to their own use. They are not free.
The church receives all that they ac
quire by teaching. It is therefore really
the Roman Catholic church hiring out
her servants for her pecuniary advant
age. If any other denomination would
do this, would it be tolerated? We do
not believe that it would be, or that it
ought' to be. Our public schools are
free. No church should be tolerated
in having her servants, who are in per
petual slavery, employed for her sole
pecuniary gain. The toleration of this
in the case of the Roman Catholic
church is un-Protestant and un-Ameri-
can. It should orax and It should
ceae specially on the ground tbat we
have noU-u. ITiru-tvin instructor.
CTTVWbat "CaHB.ll)l.l,, I.
Rlf our readers wUh to know what
t'ahenMlvIfm" l. which the German
Roman Ca'.holic are so analou to
establish In the United StaU-a. here it
In, as given In the wordsof the Cahcn-ly
Memorial lUelf:
"1. In the UnlUd SUtea, where the
church Is computed of emigrated na
tion that are civilized and
christianized, but differ In character,
habits and customs, as well as language,
the need of national bUhojra represent
ing the rfsectlve nations makes lUolf
Injuriously felt.
"2. Hence, it Is desirable that every
different national group of emigrant
should be organized Into a distinct par-
Uh, with a prieht of its own nationality.
Some are of the op'nlon that the lang
uage cannot be kept Iteyond the second
generation, and that the grandchildren
of the emigrant will certainly eak
nothing but Knglish. The fact of ex
perience offer triumphant objection to
this opinion.
"3. Mori-over, this question affects
the Interests of tho countries from
which emigration takes place. Through
their emigrant the nation are acquir
ing In tho great republic an influence
and an importance of which they will
one day be able to make great profit.
The nations have an Immense interest
in their emigrant being represented
In the episcopate of the United States
by bishops of their own."
Be suie to read between the lines of
what I here said. Cliicago Standard.
Ik rneoiistitutlonuli
Congressman Linton, of Michigan,
during the lost session of congress
made an able speech against granting
money to denominational jnuian
schools. There are two main points:
First, that tho granting of government
aid to sectarian schools is unaonstltu
tlonal, and second, the money has not
been fairly divided. The first proposi
tion is very evident. The second is
easily proved by figures. The Roman
Catholic church in the laBt year re
ceived for the education of Indians
t2,3(W,416, while all the other churches
have received 11,400,000. Congress has
no right to vote any money to any sect.
It has no right to vote the money of a
Protestant nation to the Roman Catho
lic church. Hit Midl&nd.
Lunched by Sutolli.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 4. Mgr
Satolll gave a luncheon today at his
residence to Cardinal Gibbons, who
will leave this country soon on a visit
to Rome, where he will have ata audi
ence with the pope. Bishop Keane,
who recently returned from Rome, Dr.
Papl and Father Gillespie, McMahon,
and Dougherty were among those
present. Some Importance Is attached
to the luncheon, as it brings together a
number of prelate actively interested
in the (Roman Catholic university at
Washington, concerning which some
announcement is expected from the
pope this winter.
Something Will Drop.
New York, Oct. 9. The report that
charge have been preferred by Satolll
against Archbishop Corrigan at Rome
still continues to be the chief toplo of
conversation in Roman Cathollo circles
of this city. "If charges are preferred
against Archbishop Corrigan at Rome,"
said a Roman Catholic pri68t yesterday
"there will be a sensation in New
York. Two priests who are now re-
garded a braggart will see an oppor
tunity to vindicate their characters,
and will reveal some inside church poli
tics that will astonish the clergy, as
well as the laymen."
Bishop Sued for Libel.
Grand Forks.N. D., Oct. 7. Bishop
John Shanlcy of Jamestown diocese is
the defendant in a libel suit brought by
Joseph G. Perrault, a priest, to recover
$o0,000 alleged as damages sustained
by Perrault on account of the promul
gation of an alleged libelous letter or
writing by Bishop Shanlcy which in
eluded a decree suspending Perrault
from the priesthood, depriving him of
the emoluments of his office. The de
cree of suspension was dated Gc'.ober
lz, 1893, lor a period or one year, and
yesterday Bishop Shanley indefinitely
extended the decree.
Can Sever Be.
ROME, Oct. 8. The pope in conver
sation with some of the cardinals said
he recognized Prime Minister Crispi's
praiseworthy intention as evinced by
his recent speech at Naples, but that a
solution of the question of church and
state in Italy was impossible without
restoration of the pope's temporal
"A Rank Kip Old Snorter."
We acknowledge the receipt on our
exchange table of The American, pub
lished at 'Omaha by The American
Publishing Company. It's a rank
rip old snorter of an A. P. A. paper and
gets there 'with both feet CaUaway
(Neb.) Tribune.
Bigoted Spain.
Madrid, Oct 9. The excitement
over the recent consecration of the Pro
testant bishop of Madrid is increasing.
The papal nuncio's lotier supporting
Cardinal Monescillo's protest against
the consecration, has added fuel to the
ltrlisriti Libert i llaairarj.
IK'da PrSTH. Oct. 6 In the upper
houo of the Hungarian diet the bill
granting liberty of worship to all re
ligious belief was adopted by a ma
jority of thrwe. Count Kawky, the Cal
vlnUtlc bishop. Soai-ze, and other in
dorsed the declaration of the minister
of worship that the bill U the outcome
of the spirit of the times.
Te Restrict Ibmr'a Power.
iir.KLIX, Oct. 9 In view of the prob
ability that the town of Wurteroburg
w ill pas to the Roman Catholic branch
of the reigning family through th
failure of main Issue, it ha been de
cided to submit to tho diet a bill pro
viding for the transfer In that event of
tho religion prerogatives of the crown
to an ecclesiastical commission.
I.eo to Kccelve Zola.
Rome, O.-t 10 In spito of tho state
ment that the poiw will not receive
F.mlle Zola, the author of "LourJes,"
a current report exist that the Vatican
is favorable to hi reception. Success
grt ally depends upon how and by whom
an audience is requetted.
Iiurllngtoii Itouta Dining Car
between Omaha and Chicago
Omaha and Denver
St. Louis and St. Paul
St. Paul and Chicago
Kansas City and Chicago
are now operate I on the cafe plan; that
is, passenger pay only for what they
Ticket and information about Bur
lington Route trains and rates on ap
plication to nearest ticket agent or to
J. r RANC1S, U. f. to T. A.,
Omaha, Nub.
Fat Dyhall'sdeliciousCream Candle.
1518 Douglas St.
Nothing New.
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 11. Atthe
meeting of archbishop held here yes
terday, it was decided that the Roman
Catholic church recognize the Ancient
Order of Hibernians.
Edward Bauralcy, for livery, 17th
and St. Mary Ave
The Republican county central com
mittee, with C. L, Chaffoe as chairman
and John Lewi as secretary, has
opened up headquarter in rooms 1, 2
and 23 Patterson block, 17 th and Fan
am streets. Their telephone is No. 1701.
Every citizen of Douglas county i in
vlted, cordially, to visit the headquar
ter as often as convenient.
Eat Dy ball's Candies, 1518 Douglas
Mr. C. M. Gilbert and family have
removed from Chicago to thia city and
will make it their home in future. Mr.
Gilbert is the son of our old friend, G.
W. Gilbert.
A Chance to Make Money.
I have had wonderful auccexa si'lltDU Dish
Washers. Have not made loss thun H any
day, and aomedaysllS. Nearly every funilly
buys one. 1 ney are cneap. auraoie, ana ao
tlio work perfectly. You can wash and dry
the dishes for a famllv In two mlnutep, with
out touching your band to a dish. I believe
any lady or frontleman, anywnero, can ao as
well as I am doing, as 1 had no experience.
Anyone can sell what everyone wants to
buy, and every family seems to want a Dish
Waalier Write to tho Iron City Dlh Washer
Co., K, E. Pittsburg, Pa. They will send you
full particulars and help you as they did
nie. I do not write my experience boaBtlngly.
but because I think It a duty I owe to others
In these hard times. Martha B.
Americans should be on their guard
against those "patriots" who become
so enthusiastically patriotic during
political campaigns. A a rule they
are not to be trusted, and their protes
tations should be taken cum salia.
We are Catholics first and citizens
next. Bishop Oilnwre.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.
In the district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, Zachary Eddy, plaintiff, vs. Carrie
P. Allen, et til., defendants.
To Edward u. Lewis, non-resiaentaeien-
You are hereby notified that on tbe 11th
day of September, IHW4. Z.achary Eddy, plain
tiff herein, filed bis petition in the above en
titled cause. In the dist rict court of lHuglas
county. Nebraska, against Carrie P. Allen,
et al., the object and prayer of which is to
rorciose a certain mortgage executed on me
17th day of April, 1S1, by Carrie P. Allen and
Harry II. Allen upon the property described
as follows: Lot tM'teen (la) In Cherry Oar
den, tu the city of Omaha. Douglas county,
Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain
Sromlssorv note for the sum of two thousand
ollars (SiOUO.OOi due and payable to The Mu
tual Investment Co: that there Is now due
and payable on said note the sum of two
thousand dollars ifc.000.0Ot with interest at
the rat of eight (N) per cent p r annum from
the 1st dav of Mav, lsst:j. f.-r which sum. with
Interest from the 1st of May. Issfl. plaintiff
prays for a decee that the defendant pay
the same, and that In default of such pay
ment said premises may be sold to satisfy t he
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 2tith day of November. Ism.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska. October 4. ts'.H.
By Tiffany & Vlnsonhaler and W. H. Russell,
attorneys for plaintiff. 10-5-4
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county. Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on the 6th
day of November. A. D. IS'.H, at 1 o'clock P
M. of said day. at the north front door of the
county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described In said order of sale as
follows, to-wit:
Lots one (1) and two (2) Barker's sub
division, in section thirty-four 'J4, township
fifteen (15) north, range thirteen (131 east of
the 6th P. M. in Douglas county, Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy The
Dime Savings Pank the sum of one hundred
ixty-thrve and 93-100 dollars ffit.i with
Interest at ten (10) tier rent. ter annum from
September IS 1W3. together with costs of suit
and accruing costs according to a Judgment
rendered by the aistnct court 01 saia wug
las county, at Its September term, A. D. imu,
In a certain action then and there pending,
wherein The Dime Savings Bank was plain
tiff. John Haley, et al.. were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. Octobers. iwt4.
Snecial Master Commissioner.
James B. Meikle, attorney. 10-5-5
Dime Savings Bank vs. Haley. Doc. 38. No.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween John A. Kramer and David Snyder
under the lirni name of Kramer Scydcr,
and doing business at Forty-second street
and Redmond avenue. In the city of Omaha,
Douglas county. Nebraska. 1 this day dls
solved b, mutual conaeat. KRAMER,
A. Bevins. attorney. 8-H-4
You necl a strong, durable Shoe
for School. We have
Hoys' rvhool (-born, lace 1 ) o
Youth's Kehixtl Hhoes, lace ... iiltiJtJ
Child's Kangaroo Calf. Spring 1 rTfi
Ueel atll.i5ud V
Misses' Kangaroo Calf, Spring Ul) tf
Ueel O-
Child's Seal Goat, Spring Of
Misses geal Goat, Fprlng ! if
H.j1 57-rl
Misses' I Kin gol a, Patent Tip. Qt) if
fprliig Heel atfl.3& to
You will Get Good
Value for Your Money.
103 So. 15th Street,
Oct. 2.1tl, '4, to (Jcnim, Harris Co., Tex.
under the tunlee8 of the TEXAS KEAL ES
TATE li IMMUittATION CO..: North lilth
St., Omaha, Neb., vlaC. K. I.& P. and H.T.U.
ltoute. the quickest and bt st route. Come
with us to Uenoa, Harris county, Tex., on the
main road lietween Houston and Ualveston.
and we will show you some of tho linest and
most fertile tracts of land you ever saw, with
r;ood wat- r and a healthy climate. This land
s loeau-d fifteen miles south from the boom
ing city of Houston, and is sold at a remark
ably low prlee and easy terms. Now Is the
time to buy while It Is cheap. Homeseekers.
don't let Mils opporunity goby. He sure and
have your ticket read via the above rout to
Genoa. Hous on, Texas. If you trade with u
you can depend on being treated fairly and
squarely Eoi In formation, railroad tickets
and particular call on. or write to TEXAS
T. Eiil.tNO. Sec. 3IW N. llith St.. Omaha, Neb.,
C. A. Eduno. Mgr.. Perry Block, 1015-2 Con
gress St., Houston, Tex. tt-7-2
We Cannot Wsih Your 6oult,
But We can Make Linen White Snow.
1110-1112 - DODGE - ST.
Telephone 628. Secretary and Mgr.
Notice ta Non-Resident Defendant.
In the district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, Caleb J Camp, plaintiff, vs Joseph
M. Hamilton, et al., defendants.
To Joseph M. Hamilton and Amanda Ham
ilton, non-resident defendants:
You are hereby notllied that on the 22nd
day of August. W Caleb J. Camp, plaintiff
herein, filed his petition In the above entitled
cause. In the district court of Douglas
county, Nebraska, against Joseph M. Hamil
ton, et al.. the object and prayer of which Is
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed on
theSlh day of June. 181W. by Joseph M. Ham
ilton and Amanda Hamilton upon the prop
erty described as follows: Lot five (6). block
one (I), Bedford Place addition to the city of
Omaha, to secure the payment of a certain
promissory note fcr the sum of eight hun
dred dollars f00 00) due and payable June
1st, 18U5) that there Is now due and payable
onssld note the sum of eig it hundred dol
lars (HflO.0O) with Interest at tbe rate of eight
(81 per cent, per annum from the 1st day of
June. 1818. for which sum with Interest from
Is. of June, 18'I2. plaintiff prays for a decree
that the defendant pay the same, and that
In default of such payment said premises
may be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the2flth day of November, 18C4,
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska. October 4. 18!4.
By Tiffany & Vlnsonhaler and W. H. Hussell,
attorneys for plaintiff. 10-5-4
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.
In the district court of Douglas county. Ne
braska. John Woodford. plaintiff, vs. Hormlan
S. Wallace, defendant.
To llermian S. Wallace, non-resldont de
fendant: You are hereby notified that on the 2flth
day of August. 1&4. John Woodford, plaintiff
herein, tiled his petition in theaboveemltled
Cause, in tie district court of Douglas
county. Nehraska, against Hermlan S. Wal
lace, the object and prayer of which Is to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed on the
14th day of January. l!'i. by Hermlan S. Wal
lace upon the properiy described as follows:
Lots tirteen (15). sixteen (itii. niocK two cji,
Ames' Place addition to Omaha, to secure
the payment of a certain promissory note
for the sum of four hundred, fifty dollars
(450.00) due and payable to The Mutual In
vestment to., that mere is now aue anu pay
able on said note the sum of four hundred,
fifty dollars iS450.00) with Interest at tbe rate
of eight (Hi per cent, per annum from the 1st
day of January. 18rf3, for which sum. with in
terest from 1st, 18W, plaintiff prays
for a decree that the defendant pay the
same, and that in default of such payment
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before tlie 2(ith dav of November, 1K!4.
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. October 4. 1S14.
By Tiffany & Vlnsonhaler and W. 11. Russell,
attorneys for plaintiff. 10-5 4
, Notice to Non-Kesidcnt Defendant.
In the district court of Douglas county. Ne
braska. The Mutual Investment Co., plain
tiff, vs. Jacob Myers, defendant.
To James F. Forster and W. II. Stewart,
not -resident defendant :
You are hereby notified that on the 27th
day of August. 18!4. The Mutuel Investment
Co., plaintiff herein, tiled their petition In
the above entitled cause. In the district
court of Douglas county. Nebraska, against
Jacob Myers, et al.. the object and prayer of
which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed on the 2oth day of June, IswJ. by
Jacob Vyers upon the property described as
follows: Lot three (3). block nine (9), Park
Forest addition to the city of Omaha. Doug
las county. Nebraska, lot two (2), in block
two (2). Vandercook Terrace, to secure the
payment of a certain promissory note for t he
sum of three hundred dollars ($300(0) due
and payable to The Mutual Investment Co.;
that there is now due and payable on said
note the sum of twentv-sev-n dollars and
thirty-three cents ($27.33) with interest at the
rate oi ten (lit) percent per annum fom the
lstdy of June. 1893, for which sum. with in
terest, plaintiff prays for a decree that the
defendant pay tbe same, and that in default
of such payment sajd premises may be sold
to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 2th dy of November, 1894.
Dated at Omaha Nebraska. October 4, 1894.
By Tiffany & Vlnsonhaler and W. H. Russell,
attorneys for plaintiff. 10-5-4
Builders' Hardware, Culleru
1404 Douglas St. Telephone
Best Goods la the market.
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days
C. LANG. 718 South 16th St.
1406 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb.
You Can't get too Much of a
Good Thing!
Among a thousand other good things at
is sung in thousands of homes in Omaha. We have a car-load
on the way all the time; yet we can hardly supply the demand.
One barrel of Excelsior will make $10.00 worth of delicious white
bread. Our price per sack of 50 pounds is $1.05.
Crushed Java and Mocha per lb. . . .17c
No. 3 Rio 22c
No. 2 Rio 25c
In spite of the fact that the JAPS AND CHINESE are too
busy fighting to raise more tea, and the prospect that teas will
advance to a war basis, we continue to sell the BEST TEAS IN
THE WORLD lower than ever.
B. F. Japan, per lb. .20c 33o 43c 48c 68c
S. D. Japan " . . . . 33c 43c 48c 68o
Gun Powder " . . . . 33c 43o 48c 68c
Young Hyson " .... 33o 43c 48c 68c
English Breakfast. . 33c 43o 48c 68c
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases, cloth
ing; cleaned dyed and remodeled.
2107 Cuming St., 0M1HA.
Office removed from 113 North 1,1
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 90. : OMAHA, NEB
Celebrated Female
r)r n-ver fail.
ff and ttiro (tfter tailing
Iff. B- A. VUL, tttc iMjr. avuon aum.
Hardware Co.,
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
LADIES SHOES worth I.V00 tail' , at t3.75
Golden Rio 28o
Mariacabo 30c
Best Java and Mocha, 35c, 3 lbs for. .11
Ceylon 43c 48c 68o 88o
Oolong 33c 43c 48c 68c 88c
Our Special Blend Tea 48o
Tea Dust 13c and 15o
1502-12 Capitol Avenue
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty
12 South 16 Street.
Undertaker Emalmber
Formerly with M. O. Maul.l
Telephone 699.
613 South 16th St., OMAHA.
Full Set
Teeth Extraoted in the morning and New
Set made the Same Day.
TeetH Extracted Withont Pain for 25c.
DR. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk., 16th and Donglas,
Omaha, A'eb.
Successor to Drexel & Maul.
Undei taker and Embalmer
1417 FARJiAM ST.
Tel. 235. OMAHA. NEB.
Omaha Express and Delivery Co.
Mouing and Light Express Work
Trunk and Parcel Delivery.
Household Ooods Packed. Stored and Shipped
Office, all) Nort h ltith Streot. Kranch otllce,
N. E. Cor. guth and Lake Streets. Tele
phone 1575. PK1UKS KEABONAKLk.
fW Piano Moving a Specialty. Manager,