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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1894)
THE AMERICAN. 3 AN AMERICAN PARTY. Patriotic Citizens of Chicago Form The Independent American Citizens' Party. Declaration f rrlmlln, Platform and Resolution Adopted at a .Mas ("on veution Ilrld In Outral Mulr Hall. We believe the time has come when all who love our nation and iU inestitu tions and are true to iU flag, in order to be faithful to their obligations as citizens, must take concerted action as a free and lndtiendtnt voting phalanx in the arena of politics, with a view to meet and defeat at the ballot box those who, by the aid of partisan combina' tions, have corrupted our municipal, State and national governments. We believe that a crisis is upon us which threatens theoverthrow of popu lar government; that a military ec clesiastlciBm such as marked the mediaeval ages, supported by the im periali8m of dishonestly acquired wealth, has gained control of our politi cal machinery and that it is being used for the aggrandizement of un-American Institutions and to compel the recognl tlon of the right of a foreign power to dictate our municipal, state and na tlonal politics. Our flag, too, is dishonored at home and abroad and our institutions are at tacked, our legislative bodies are cor rupted, our courts of justice are in timidated ai d used to clear the guilty and condemn the rightdoers, our sena tors are made afraid, our represents tives are coerced, our constitution un dermined and might, not right, has be come the predominating principle of the old political parties while that dan gerous trinity foreign to true American citizenship, the arch enemy of freedom and good government plunder, hypo risy and sham hold high carnival with public trusts and divert from con etitutional channels an impoverished people's money. ONLY TRUE AMERICANS WANTED. We believe the time has come when in order to meet the danger that threatens our institutions America should be ruled by those who by birth or honest adoption have become citi zens and that none but those whose al legiance and devotion to our institu tions, constitution and flag are para mount to all other human claims upon them should be trusted on guard. We recognize the fact that there is an awakening, abroad among honest citizens born of the spirit of patriotism which demands attention. Protection for American institutions, for the na tion's flag and honor and for its educa tional system has become a living issue during the last few years, and as a con sequence a loud and significant call is being made throughout the nation by people who have heretofore affiliated with the various political parties for a purification of political methods, for honest and wise legislation and for the faithful execution of the same when it has become law. We believe the time has come when the American citizen who is true to the vital principles which underlie our sys tem of government must break away from the political bossism and corrupt ing intrigue which control the two old parties in national, state and municipal politics. These parties, which in the beginning of their careers served to a certain extent the great mass of the American people, because they were controlled by honest and loyal men, have today become the dens in which congregate the political thieves and robbers who infest our national, state and municipal seats of government. We believe that partisan politics is undermining our Institutions to such an extent that the virtue and morality by which only popular government can subsist are no longer known quantities among party leaders. This, the very foundation of American liberty, is dis appearing and the great governmental machine destined by the patriot fathers as a means by which our free and hu mane institutions should be perpetuated from generation to generation is being turned into an engine for their destruc tion and final overthrow under the con trol of unprincipled men whose ambi tion Is greater than their patriotism. Nor is the condition less alarming when we take into consideration the fact that these men are backed by the criminal, vicious and illiterate elements of so ciety, mostly under foreign influence, which form a voting contingent suffi ciently strong to demand and receive recognition. HOODWINKED BY BAD PROMISES. We believe that honest citizens, mea who desire to perpetuate a government of the people, by the people and for the people, have been grossly deceived and hoodwinked from time to time by cun nunlngly designed platforms and fair promises made by party leaders and manipulators, which platforms and promises have alike been ignored and forgotten when they were no longer needed as a vote-catching bait. We believe that the time has come when, in justice to ourselves as true and independent American citizens and out of regard to the fathers of our in stitutions and with respect to the graves of the heroes who laid down their lives to protect them and preserve us a nation and an unsullied flag, we should arls3 in our might ae one man casting off the chains of partisanship, and rehuke and punUh the inlllli-l wire-pullers, the troafheroua ring bosses and professional boodler who run the partisan machines of both the democratic and republican parties for their criminal dishonesty, la the con ductlngof public affairs. And, further, that the parties which they have cor rupted and demoralized should be rele gated back into that obl'vlon from which they have sprung at the people's command. They have become the tools of a foreign and un-American balance of power which 0enly avows its pur pose to be the overthrow of our liber ties, and hence have ceasrd to bo vir tuous and moral channels through which the true citizen can exerclrtj his fran chise without the moral taint of treason Furthermore, they have become instru ments by which their respective bosses have by corrupt means perpetuated their power for official aggrandizement and dishonest gain. In them the peo ple have been blindly led to indorse ad ministrations and leaders who have be trayed the sacred trusts bestowed upon them, and who have catered to a dan gerous and unconstitutional controlling power in whose interests legislation has taken place, to the neglect and damage of the true citizen. EITHER PROTEST OR BECOME CRIMINAL We believe that to longer suffer with out organized protest political sycop hants to reward themselves for their treason to our institutions by the dis honest spoils of office would be to en danger our self-respect and destroy our American manhood. Our knowledge of partisan machine political malad ministration compels us to either op pose and stand on guard or become par takers with the political criminals whose business is treason against the people's rights and liberties. We believe the present to be the right time and Cook county the right place in which to raise a standard rep resenting faith in American institu tions, purity in municipal, state and national government and protection to the magna charta of American inde pendence among the people, that they may gather about American principles and help to bring success to honest Is sues by exercising their voting fran chises for the election of honest repre sentative men, whose love of country is greater than their partisanship, men who are pledged to stand by our insti tutions and the principles which they involve, such men as would rat er suf fer defeat than gain victory at the ex pense of liberty and by conniving at treason, men who are Americans by birth or honest adoption and whose franchise can neither be bought nor sold, representatives who will repre sent the American people and not a foreign prince. We believe no standard will be more acceptable to the great mass of true American citizens who have in response to the call of patriotism thrown off par tisan shackles and hoodwinks than that which bears a name which expresses the independence of the American voter, and that is the independent American citizen's party. riufform. CIVIL SEHVICE. Civil service reform should be extended to all grades of public service town, city, county, state and nation. Fitness and not partisan nor sectarian service should be the essential tests, fide lty, efllclency and true Americanism the on'y sure tenurn of office The spoils system, by which lucrative olllces are doled out as a reward for un-American and ecclesiastical support to political part ies, is a dangerous enemy to our institutions and good government. MONEY. Money should consist of gold, silver and greenbacks. A'l paper money should be Issued by the government directly to the people in the form of national greenbacks and certificates of deposits Issued from a system of postal savings banks, in sums of ilOand upward, thus giving the people the same advantages now conferred by the gov ernment upon national banks. All moneys issued by the United States should be a full legal tender for all debts, both public and private. The purchasing or debt-paying powers of any dollar coined or issued by the United States should be made and kept the equivalent of that of any other dollar so coined or Issued. The Issuing of interesHearing bonds should be discontinued and bonds that are now out should be paid as fast as possible, and thus a system which Increases the bur dens of the people in the interestsof the non- producing money owners be aDated in the Interest of the investors of capital In com mercial enterprises and Industries. IMMIGRATION. Our Immigration law should be so changed and Immigration restricted that It will pro tect our citizen laborers from the evil inliu- ence and unequal competition of pauper and criminal labor, which, through the Instru mentality of European propagandist societ ies and the subtle assistance of their ecclesiastical agents here, are rap'aly sup plementing our free and enlightened Ameri can citizens in every line of industry, and by their Illiteracy and the superstitious. un-American Influence which control them are becoming a menace to our liberal Insti tutions. TRUSTS AND MONOPOLIES. I, The concentration of wealth In the hands of the few means the Impoverishment of the many, and as a consequence their enslave ment; therefore, the vigorous prosecution and abolition of all trusts now existing in violation of state and United States statutes Is demanded, and the further suppression of all trusts and combines, such as the sugar trust, the cordage trust, oil trust, the whisky trust, etc., wheih are designed to enrich the few at the expense of the many. and which are In their nature and results contrary to the spirit and genius of our national Institutions, laws and government. TARIFF. A tariff for protection, honestly adminis tered. Is necessary for the encouragement of our Infant Industries. That the calamitous flnani-UI rulu orcjwkMHHi hj the fmjurnt agitation and t-hnugt to thw tariff iiikf be svoiihtl, ttirr? should be appoluunl mm prtii-.n rotiiiulwlou on tariff (oiupuMti of rrpre urntativrs fmiu tin- dlflt-rvnt limni-hrs uf buMiies ami UUir. Iiom duty It shall be to regularly r-oinniiid to cou gT such i-hliI- In tariff U as will pr-x-rvc mid pmttvl the ptmpln In cuiitrutim ut and pri rtt , and maintain llio govi rn-n.i-nt. and thus take out of partisan politics this econi-iiili' qut-Mloa whlih lias no proper place there. praue rrKi. Public funds, secured from the taxes and burdens tearing the lieaviekl upon the com mon people, are being diverted from their legitimate purposes and ued for the corrup tion of poll Heal partKau voters and political machine orgauliatlon Hy strong legisla tive action we should demand of our public officers, who are entrusted with the public fuuds, an houet and scrupulous care of the people's money and compel them to pay Into the public treasury every dollar of Interest earned on all such public funds. That all religious aud sectarian con Met between our citizens may tie avoided and public funds be propel ly applied there should be no appro priation whatsoever of any public funds to any sectarian Institution of any kind what soever, and all church properly should bear Its Just proportions of taxation. THE LABOR lttXl'R, Labor existed prior to capital, and Is there fore independent of capital. The conflict between labor and capital will be closed only when labor emancipates Itself from the rule of professional agitation aud machine poli ticians. Capital and labor are absolutely necessary to each other. The rlghta of each will ultimately be best served by an honest ballot, and not by the aid of the bayonet. Capital Is the fruit of labor, and Its surest safeguard la In the loyalty of labor to it fruits. There should be a systm of effective legislation which will Insure by arbitration the rights of labor and capital alike and secure Justice to employer and employe. I'MTKD STATES SENATORS. In order to conserve the rlghta of the peo ple and Insure a continuation of a govern nient based upon the "Vox uopull, vox Del sovereignty of the people and keep them In direct touch with the legislative depart ment of government. United States senators should be elected by the direct vote of the people. PUBLIC EDUCATION. As the quality of a republican form of gov ernment Is either good or bad according to the intelligence of Its people we demand that all nations, state and municipal non-sectar ian public schools and institutions of learn lng shall be protected from all sectarian interference, and that no sectarian school or Institute of learning shall at any time nor under any circumstances receive public money for their support, nor shall any sec tartan school or institution of education be at any time declared a public school for the pnrpose of drawing public moneys. PUBLIC CHARITIES. We demand that all institutions of charity which receive public moneys must be non sectarian and under the complete control of the nation or state, and that no sectarian institution of charity shall receive support by grants of public money or land or their equivalents. CITIZENSHIP No foreigner coming to this country should become a citizen until he has had a continu ous residence of not less than five years In the country, and has foresworn his former allegiance to prince or potentate who claim temporal sovereignty, be he a civil or eccles iastical sovereign, nor shall such naturalized foreigner be permitted to exercise the vot ing franchise until he can read in the legal language of the country the Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Inde pendence, and the Constitution of the state in which he resides. COUNTY AND CITY. The Independent American citizen's party pledges Itself that If Its nominees are elected the gambling dens and cesspools of vice which have been permitted to run riot under the reign of both parties when In power, in defiance of law an J subllc morality, will be suppressed so far as it lies In the power of the county officials so to do. We believe a law should be passed which would compel the recognition by the mayor and chief of police of the complaint of any ten reputable citizens who at any time may charge that unlawful business of a criminal and de moralizing character Is being carried on within the city limits, and which would, In case the said officials refuse or neglect to investigate according to law such charges and if sustained shall take measures to abate such unlawful and criminal business be sufficient ground for an action In im peachment of either or both of said city officials. Whereas, It is a fact that at several of the state conventions of the demo cratic par 'y there have been resolutions adopted denouncing all secret political orders, and especially the American Protective Association, and thereby in fact declaring that they were opposed to all patriotic orders: and, Whereas, The populist party in con vention assembled has also at different times and places, by resolutions or otherwise, declared itself opposed to such organizations as above mentioned: and, Whereas, Several leaders of the re publican party have by public utter ances expressed themselves as opposed to such organizations; and, Whersas, No political party, up to date, has in any way shown a disposi tion to defend such patriotic associat ions by word or act; be it therefore, Resolved, That we,the Independent American citizens party in convention assembled, hereby indorses any and all patriotic associations, political or other wise, which have any or all of the fol lowing sentiments embodied in their declaration of principles, to-wit: Protection to our constitution and laws. Protection of the stars and stripes. Protection to the free public school system of our nation; radical revision of the naturalization laws: restriction of emigration; absolute separation of church and state: no public funds for sectarian purposes and be it further Ilesolved, That a copy of these res olutious be mailed by our secretary to each of the patriotic newspapers throughout the entire United States. 'No more cunning dlot was ever de vised against the freedom, the happi ness, and the virtue of mankind, than Romanism." Gladstone. A TRAVELER'S EXPERIENCE. 1k YlrhM Uo MU,I t p o l s I'SHisa Was Im Warm. "When I was in Switzerland." sal 1 the ifturnod traveler to l'-t nit tree l're man. "1 had au aivitlent happen to m that almost caused in -death. I was to,imr at a hotel at the foot of a aud otto ol t'io hottest uight 1 ever felt anywhere. 1 went to my ritmi. and, ojning up everything, I went to nsd and to sleep, for I was dead tired after a long hard da, 's climb on tho moun tain. I don't know how lou I dept. hut for a Ion,' timo beforo 1 wclco 1 was dreaming that I had died and gone below aud had struck tho hottest plaeo that locality had to o er. 1 rolled over In torment and ijuirmed and had, really, a of a time, but at last 1 came to my senses enough to got up and see what was the matter. Then 1 discovered that all my windows had been closed, a tire made in the big stove in the room and a foot thick of cover laid ovor mo. I was so weak I could hardly stand when I out of that actual hot boil of satan, but a few minutes at the win dow, which I opened, refreshed me very much, and as soon as I could 1 got down to the olllce. Thore I found a mild-mannered chap, and I am ready to bet he never got such a tongue lashing a I gave him before he had a chance to either apologize or fight I knew he wouldn't fight, and after a while he began to ex plain. The first thing ho said was to the effect that I ordered tho fire and the extra covir, and then I went at him worse than ever. No doubt I would have sailed In aud kicked him through a skylight, but my racket raised the proprietor, a very nice feilow, and he came out to see what the matter was. Well, it took a long time to get it straight, but It seems that the wire from the tele phone In my room the hotel was new and had all the latest wrinkles had somehow got mixed up with a wire that led up to the other hotel on tho mountain above the snow line, and that a guest up there in trying to telephone to his hotel chap that he was freezing to death and wanted fire and cover, and the whole business got on to my wire and my hotel chap had got the message, as he thought, from me, and thinking that Americans were semi-savage anyhow, forthwith sent a servant up to my room, hot as it was, with in structions to heat things up and give me plenty of cover, and by no meant to disturb me or I'd kill some body. Just what took place I don't know; all I know is that I didn't get over the effects of It for a month, and now I muzzle any telephone I catch in my room, 1 don't care where it leads to." ,(5:4. p. m. at Omaha 8:15 a. m. at Chicago." The new vestlbuled train running on the "Northwestern" east daily ROME'S SENTIMENTS. "The state has no right to educate! and when the state undertakes the work of educating, it is usurping the power of the ch urch." Bishop McQuaid Protestantism has not, and never can have any rights where Catholicity is triumphant. C tholic Itevicw. "We are purely and simply Catho lics, and profess an unreserved allegi ance to the church, which takes prece dence of, and gives rule to, our allegi ance tot.hi) stats." Vtkolic World. "Catholic votes should be cast solidly for the democracy at the next election. It is the only possible hope to break down the school system." loledo Cath olic Iteview. "Tho Roman Catholics of the United States owe no allegiance to any prin ciple of the government, which is con demned by the church or pope." Tubltt. Rev. J. Hogan, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "That the sacraments are to be refused to Catholics unworthy of the name, who in the education of their children patronize the public schools." Judges of Faith, page lO.'l. "It will be a glorious day for the Catholics of this country when under the blows of justice and morality our school system will be shattered to pieces. Until then modern paanlsm will triumph." Cinri,i'nriti Vtholie Teleqrph. Ask your friends to read The Amer ican. POND'S EXTRACT THE ONLY ACTUAL CURATIVE AGENT OF ITS KIND. FOUR THOUSAND DROPS in a bottle small size aud EVERY DROP EFFECTIVE in curing that troublesome CATARRH, LAMENESS, MOSQUITO BITE, PILES, SUNBURN, BRUI8E, WOUND, OR ANY PAIN from which you are suffering. USE IT AFTER SHAVING. PlTinU A discriminating tntolU UftUIIUHt Kent purchaser demands QVALITV. 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V s. .riuim. )ffi' A w it. t!Ml ,m !.. ti'.i--Vl, Ijrtlwt w a I t irf t !(, 1 cruy. p ! 1 I i ! ! m . ami nthY V on .ih t- U'l Hit rvmt k 1p! u r 9rak U mlwr CM"' '' 1,1 i-tir. nultii mtius tw-w I wu'' a WiM.Mvrvt.f tlut i.t-'ftnf mtr -l.iiu.lni.. nrt ll. w " iMimt.(vt. itCM cviM.ili. tw ! il mw w k lit'- !! vigxr .mill turfrr totrfoaln W ff - tf (fvfii I i i A nut nriitl laltoraNi ill nttitulilrt(. lt. nr win "" "" r we furr.icli 4 ( itwisfir eMMsAji. ft NEW EUGUND MEDICAL INSTITDTE, J - . 12 Trsmont Row, Boston, Mill. s IP you 1bIpo to anhlbt the cauxe sul Bcrlbo for The Amkkican. ra THE BLACK POPE." OR Jesuit's Conspiracy vs. Americanism IS IN THE THIRD EDITION. ThU was tho book that the Romanists burned while In the bindery. Nearly 300 pages. Ovor 1K pictures. S)eeches from worthy representatives from most of tho patriotic orders. IT WAS THE FIRST A. P. PBICE IiT CXiOTII. pl.CO. A cheap paper cover edition Is being prepared at 60 cents." FOR BALE BY 1 AMERICAN I'UBLISUING CO. HORSEMEN, DAIRYMEN, POULTRY RAISERS and DEALERS IN. FINE BLOODED STOCK Will Consult Their Own Interests by Using Lockhart's Nutritious Condiment. IT IS Purest and Best Horse and Cattle Food nAKUFACTURSP TOPAY. Absolutely Free From Poisonous Matter of Any Kind, HGAPQUARTeKS Mi' London, England, New York, Chicago, HAVING investigated this Horse and Cattle Food, and havirjg become convinced that it was superior to any preparation on the market today, I have consented to take the general agency for the Middle and Western States. It is now being used by many of the leading horse and cattle men, some of whom testify to its worth and money-saving qualities. Among the number who have ndorsed it may be mentioned: Robert Bonner, Esq., of the New York Ledger; William Lockhart, Esq., Veterinery Surgeon; Dan Mace, the famous trainer and driver, and II. E. Bonner, Esq., Veterinary Surgeon, all of New York; II. M. Hosick & Co., Tallow, Hides and Wool; The Lincoln Park Commissioners; John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour & Co., Packers; Miller & Armour, Packers; J. C. Pennoyer & Co., Teaming; Gen. Tor. rence; Lincoln Ice Co.; A. II. Revell; William Thompson Ice Co.; Gen. Newberry; Consumers Pure Ice Co.; E. K. Bond Tacking Co.; Thos. J. Lipton & Co., Packers, and others, of Chicago. This Condiment is recommended by a dairyman who saya his cows gave one-third more milk while he used it during the winter. It is just the stuff to build up all stock, and is a great feed-saver on account of its nutritious qualities. i Price per Barrel (150 pounds) $11.00 100 Pounds 8.00 50 Pounds 5.00 25 Pounds 3.00 Sample Package Containing 8 Pounds 1.00 Send in a If vou use it once you will never be without it. Address, JOHN C. THOMPSON, Care American Publishing Co. A SANITARY NECESSITY. UIV tkUHX VIM MUD CABINET OR BFUKUOtf it VMiilif j j Utmamttjw4m0tmm,mm4 l a t I It mmf rM.i(.h mif I -J I i.,, r . 4 mm mtpmwm s4i SnMsf i Is atk. ls km tm mm as. A600HTO WOMEN ANOCKILDREN sllfcl slr mi r. " SM - Um rffx Lllh (, aM!.!..,!.!!! Ih.l tu.. I. I... W-ktt srd l . Suiaft, ss fl-". M.II4 tn,tU p r,.- r. In IhM fff. s I" 111 I 01 ' nnitUDKFNNrDY ft SlH. InmnrsnoOt. Mix. I would it. toon adniliilhtrrMU-rsmcQt to a dog as to Catholics who M-nd their i-hlldri'ii to iiuhllo t vhooltt. Father Walktr. 'IK) you believe this country will eve" hwome Catholic? In changed to the quchtlon: IInw noon do you think it will come to jiatti.? Soon, very noon, wo rcjily, If statistics he true." Catholic World. Here Is a cclmcn ot Roman Catho He morality aa told by tho xpo: "A He told for the purixtHe of miHhuding tho enemies of tho Catholic church, la not regarded as a Ho by almighty God 1 THE A. BOOK EVER PRINTED, V THE Glasgow,1: Scotland, Omaha. Trial Order.