The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 12, 1894, Image 1
THE AMERICAN 4 WtlKLV kEWSPAPCR. " AMERICA FOR AKtSICAN8."W hold that all mtn art Amtrrean$ u A Swear Allegionc to th United Stat $ without a mental rt$ciiaticn in favor of th Pop: PMCC Fiti :tl Volume IV. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Fill DAY, OCTOBER 12, 1894. Numrkk 41. ROME IN WASHINGTON. Some cf the Doings of the Roman Combine at the Nation's Capital. The Bureau of Engraving aud Printing and Hie Government Printing Office Complete! Under the Control of Romanists. We are informed that since the at tention of the authorities in the several departments was called in these col umns to the fact that the impudent, brazen-faced nuns kept up their prac tice of levying tribute on the wages of the employes, there is a lull in the bus iness, and that in the bureau of engrav ing and printing and in the navy yard they suspended operations entirely on the last pay days. This suspension, however, may be only temporary. Speaking of the bureau of engraving and printing, these facts concerning the doings in that department have been banded to us. The assistant chief is a Romanist. All appointments and pro motions are submitted to him before any decisive steps are taken. The Romanists have nearly all the best places, and their proportion in numbers Is as three to one. Most of the Roman ist employes are coarse, common Irish, who constantly seek to abuse and insult any delicate Americans who may be placed near them. Some of the women employes in the bureau have not been In this country two years. The few Protestant superlntendents4aro so fixed as to be powerless. When a vacancy of any importance occurs, however, many non-Catholics may apply for it a Catholic is pretty sure to get it. Not long since a vacancy occurred -one of the superintents died. The place was filled by a lower official, a reputed Protestant, but his wife Is one of the most prominent workors in the Roman Catholio church in this city. The Roman church reaps a rich harvest from the bureau. A plate-printer's assistant was recently heard to say that she must have a promotion; that she could not support herself upon the salary she was receiving because she paid eighty-seven dollars a year to her church. She has a good position now. Black-robed sisters stand inside the doors with outstretched hands regu larly every pay-day to receive their proportion of the employes' earnings. No Protestants are allowed any such privileges. The Catholics do what ever is in their power to scatter discord among their Protestant neighbors. A quiet, hard-working Protestant is fre quently called up and roundly abused by a Protestant superintendent for some misdemeanor never committed, the invention of some malicious Catho lic informant We will have plenty more, and worse things to tell of this thoroughly Roman ized department of the government. The government printing office is fast becoming a most disgracefully de moralized department. Two character istics on the part of the majority of the present employes are conspicuously noticeable to any one passing through thatonce well-regulated workshop, viz., laziness and incompetency. It is a well known fact that in the first division especially not two hours work Is done In the eight, and what is done is of such a blotched character that the work Is necessarily delayed; to the In convenience and annoyance of the de partments of the government for which it is intended. i.The general demoral ization is the result of the wholesale dismissal by the present public printer of most of the old and competent force, to make room for a lot of botchers who are not skilled workmen and whose chief qualifications for the positions they occupy consist in their having been local political party workers in some "bloody" wards of New York or other foreignized and Romanized cities, their abilities in this respect having been recognized by some second-rate member of congress, who willingly be comes the Instrument in the hands of an officious priest who wants to secure positions for hisicross-marked disciples. A friend employed there assures us that in the chief divisions the sight of an American la "good for sore eyes." Foreign "mugs" and broken English gabberings meet one at every step. Places hitherto held by skillful Ameri can mechanics are now filled by men who seem more fitted to trot the bogs of Ireland than to do a decent days work In this great government work shop. They troop into the building when the whistle blows at eight in the morning with the visible signs upon the kneeB of their corduroys of having just risen from the dusty floor of St. Aloysius church across the way, to which popish joss-house two-thirds of the force, male and female, belong, and iter BifeHw h i 'i ; i ' I, u' ,rJ 113" k His Holiness: To Satolli (the through the Influence of whose meddle some priests, as stated, they obtain and hold their positions. A Mason employed there for many years who is naturally acquaint d with every other Mason formerly there, tells us that he has "kept tab" of every member of his fraternity dismissed from the office, and he has noticed that in every single Instance of this kind a Romanist and generally an Irish Ro manist has been put into the place. This, of course, is not the result of acci dent, but of studied intention, either on the part of the public printer or the priests who manage that annex to St. Aloysius churc-h, and who as all the world knows, are instructed by the pope himself to proscribe Masons In every manner and in every place, that frat ernity being under the anathema of the "howly father." In the medical museum a few weeks ago an official was being examined as to his physical condition by an agent of a life insurance company, and was, for this purpose, partially disrobed. During this time two nuns entered the building begging money for their church, and so promptly did said official deem it his. duty to respond to their appeals that the examining physician was obliged to'postpone his examina tion until the man could get into his clothes and hasten away to get a bill changed, out of which he could deliver over io the nuns his accustomed con tribution, as they admitted of no delay, after which the examiner proceeded. This business goes on there, despite the fact that a notice is conspicuously posted prohibiting begging, soliciting or ped dling. Thesei impudent white-hooded Romish mendicants have the right of way. They should be kicked into the middle of the street, instanter. An old lady sixty-five years of age was recently sent to the "farm" by the police justice for begging in the street for a crust of bread, while veiled nuns In convent garb flit through the depart ments auu aloug the streets, ;roni store to store and from house to house not asking for a crust to sustain life, but with impudent effrontery and brazen mien, demand contributions for their alread rich "God-houses" and to sustain a lot of lazy, wlne-guzzling, lewd and libidinous'prlests. We say, when this state of affairs exist in our midst there is something wrong, and Romish beg gers should be treated as beggars, and every last one of these motherless, un sexed females notified to "get thee to a nunnery" or go down to the govern ment farm along with the consistent and legitimate beggars. There should be no beggars, ytt there are beggars and beggars. United American. TIIE AMERICAN Espada). Don't show that red hat to use the sword on him. Wilt ON THE A. P. A. American Liberal League Organized to Oppose all the Order's Candidates. San Francisco, Oct. 8. Open and organized warfare against the Ameri can Protective Association has com menced in this city. Meetings have been held In every precinct and an or ganization called the American Liberal League has been formed by a number of prominent lay members of the Roman Catholic church to devise plans for the defeat of candidates In the coming elec tion who may be supported by the American Protective Association. The organizers of the American Liberal League have employed every available means to learn the plans and methods of the American Protective Associa tion. They claim to have obtained ac curate accounts of the American Pro tective Association meetings In this city, with the rituals and oaths of the various lodges. James F. Smith, an attorney, who Is a prominent mover In the American Liberal League, said: "Our league is an organized body; it is only by combination we can fight the A. P. A, movement. By thorough dis trict and central organization we will try to see that none of the A. P. A.'s are elected. The local Populist ticket is largely A. P. A. in its makeup, and the municipal non-partisan ticket also contains many A. P. A. names. In the recent Republican municipal conven tion there were sixty seven members of the A. P. A. and its ticket also has many names which the American Lib eral League will openly denounce." A Leisure Hour. In a leisure hour I have been glanc ing over a pile of the back numbers of your noble paper. Review is an earnest word, and a needed one, as In view of absolute or continued progress, we must seek ever to compare, improve and complete, in any field of action, with unceasing endeavor. Your paper's sterling Americanism, and bold stand tor uncorrupted freedom, educationally and morally, will not bo without its fruits in our dear land, so beautiful throughout its surfaces, yet so ominously threatened in a political, social, and even a spiritual sense, through that vampirous network of greed, wiles and black magic, the Cath olic church nd its. system, which is spreading its leprous touch across the paths and lives of a free and generous, then fore unsuspecting people. Let us awake to conditions, and to that which may result in our unfortunate future as American citizens. New England is pierced through and through by Catholicism. We must BULL-FIGHT. of your's quite 60 conspicuously, retoember this means the abolishment of free education for our children, for what is that education which consists only of an Ignorance laid down to hold the masses subordinate to the law of the priests! And without knowledge comes darkness, preceding destruction and disaster. This would be the result of papal authority, which may be likened to a cancerous growth, Insidious, hidden, yet so fatal in its ending. To the free hearts of a free people an ap peal must bo made. Let America be ruled by Americans, and let fearless souls and patriotic spirits put shoulder to the wheel in every political campaign and In every decisive action. Ella Gibson Magoon in Progressive Thinker. BARBAROUS TREATMENT Of a Scotch Priest In a Roman Catholic Institution In Germany. There has just been published at Ilagen, says the Pall Mall Gazette a pamphlet telling the story of most ex traordinary and wanton cruelty prac ticed upon a priest. This is the story: The Rev. Alexander Forbes, now about 49 years of age, held till about three and a half years ago an active prefer ment in the Roman Catholic diocese of Aberdeen. At that date he got in volved in differences wHh his bishop. His ecclesiastical superiors arrived at the opinion that Mr. Forbes was a diffi cult man to deal with. They proposed, therefore, that he i hould take tempor ary vacation from his duties in some home of rest, and suggested that of the Franciscan Sisters at Bruges. The institution kept by the Francis can Sisters was reckoned by Mr. Forbes to be a convalescent home, and so It was, only most of the convalescents were idiots. He lost no time in intro ducing himself to Dr. H. Moulart, the principal doctor, who informed him that he could not be received as an in mate, since the home was intended only for the mentally deranged, whereas he was of perfectly sound mind. There upon Mr. Forbes, who was traveling alone, went on, upon the advice of a Roman Catholic sister and with the consent of his bishop, to the large Alex iar cloister, conducted by lay brethren at Mariaberg and at ix la Chapelle. What he saw and experienced there for more than three years is, at the end of this century, almost Incredible. Mr. Forbes arrived at Mariaberg on Feb ruary 18, 1891, and found immediate ad mission. His board was paid by his su periors at Aberdeen, and he attended, with the consent of the archbishop of Cologne, to all the clerical duties of the asylum. But this did not last long( Satolli, or you'll never be able The barbarous punishment inflicted upon the helpless wretches nervous, epileptic, and insane which he had almost dally to witness, grieved and disgusted him bo very much that after vain protests he at last threatened to bring the circumstances to the know ledge of the authorities. That moment saw the end of hia lib erty. Since then he himself has been most unmercifully handled, beaten, and cruelly maltreated, for more than three years. It has now been clearly proved that an official bad at the time, but bo. hind the back and without the know, ledge of Mr. Forbes, procured from the district physician and private sanitary officer a certificate Bhowing him to bo a lunatic. He was deprived of every free dom, assaulted and struck by four ol the brethren at the same time, and this on many occasions. Re was straped and pinioned repeatedly, and even thrust into the dreadful cell or dungeon reserved for isolated confinement. In this there was neither chair nor table. He was kept in this awful place night and day, without any food whatever. Even a drink of water was withheld from him. Every communication with the outer world he was utterly deprived of. The letters received for him did not come into his hands, and those which he wished to sund off were held back. A German Roman Catholic divine also had the misfortune of mak ing the acquaintance of Mariaberg, but through a ruso he contrived to escape, and gave a description of the outrageous treatment of Mr. Forbes, as he had often witnessed it. Some German pa pists Interested themselves in the case. Herr Mellage, a hotel keeper, of Iser lohn, took energetic measures to secure the release of the unhappy man. After vain application to the clerical authori ties, he succeeded in enlisting the at tention of the procurator-fiscal and the chief of police at Aix la Chapolle. They directed a radical examination of his mental state, and in the end, after every obstacle on tho part of the pious brethren, Herr Mellage succeeded in bringing the unfortunate man In triumph from his prison. Mr. Forbes was set at liberty, his deliverer, Herr Mellage, being accepted as bail for his residence in the country till the end of criminal proceedings which have been taken. Mr. Forbes is now living with nerr Mellage, at Iserlohn, in West phalia. He has been deprived, since his deliverance, of his right to officiate. Pope Leo a Born Diplomat. Pope Leo XIII. is a born diplomat, equal to Metternich or Machiavelli. He is politically a Republican, a Democrat, an Imperialist, a monarchist, a social- lot, or a prohibition!!, if lv any moans he may advance tho power of ": doin. Ho never We sight of the 1. m'sh sU'ttityed motto, "The end junilliea the mean." Ill remit rrcynllcal let ter, addrctthcd to all the fal'htul, U the most artful, plauxibh; diplomatic docu ment that hat ap'ur, U in r.:oi.Vrn eo clexianitlcnl literatim-. Ho poj-'x at a unique and conspicuous reform r. He looks out upon the world of in: 1. kind with the eye of worldly winiom. Not once does he apie:il to tho written word of God a the arbiter ef christian unity, a trie solvent of the eucloblahti cal muddle, but balancing hlmtelf upon the odettal of aptmtoUc sueeension, he assume power and prrrogallvis which alone belong to Jesus Christ. He is lu favor of reforms which ornanato from thequirlnal of Rome, ard which lead by all road ba-k to tho Vatican. Hia octopui-slan tentacles ex toad ail over mankind; and he wouid suvo all niuu by a system of salvation which origi nated in tho dark ages und which ha been filtered In the mystic wat . rs of liubylon. "Come Into ujv rosy bcuau," said tho epldor to tLc t!y. Four him who comes bearing Chrlsliuu Leader. THE A. 1 A. DENOUNCED By (he Civic Union of New York, a Ro man Catholic Political Organization. Nkw Youk, Oct. 2. The Civic Union held its oountv convention ut 1137 Broadway last night, und adopted a resolution endorsing tho caudidacy of David B. Hill for governor. John P. Brophv, the president of tlio organiza tion, presided over tho deliberations of the convention, which was attended by forty-three delegates. The resolution adopted waa offered by Thomas Carey, and U as follows: "Whereas. The seventh plank In the clylo union platform declare for 'the absolute eciuallty before the law of all citizens, regardless of birth, belief, or legitimate calling; and Whereas. The constitutional rights of American citizens are thrcatonod by the secret conspiracy known as the A. P. A. 'sandbacgera io politics, as its members have been aptly stylod by the Hon. Richard C. Kerens, of Missouri, and, Whereas. This rovlval of know- nothinglsm has made iu appearance in our own state, and tho issue has been squarely and manfully met by the Hon. David B. Hill; therefore bo it Resolved, That the Civic Union, com posed of 10.0M enrolled voters, without distinction as to religious or political belief, records Its unqualiScu approval of Senator Hill in his noble position, and on that issue takes its place beside him to stand or fall in behalf of our proscribed fellow-citizens." Mr. Brophy (whose name sounds very Roman Catholic Irish, the president of the union,) was appointed only a few days ago a deputy to Internal Revenue Collector Edward G rosso. Jurors Were A. P. As. Denver, Oct: 9. In support of a mo tion for a new trial of the suit of J. K. Mullen and Charles D. McPhee against the Wets-?rn Union Beef company, ex Judge Vincent D. Markhart filed an allldavit made by the plaintiffs, allegiag that the jury, whicn returned a verdict for the defendan's, was packed with American Protective Association men by Sheriff Burchinell and Matt Adams, clerk of tho district court, and would not Kive a verdict in accordance with the evidence" for the plaintiffs because they are Roman Catholics. The affi davit, which is vcy long, repeats the oaths known to bo takpn by numbers of tho American Protective Association and declares that they are unfit to serve on juries, esfiecially in cases where Roman Catholics are concerned. The suit of Mullen aud McPhee was brought to recover $10,000 damages for cattle, which they alleged died from diseases contracted from infected cattle which tho Western Union Beef com pany introJuced uion the ranges. Priests Preach Sedition. Managua, Nicaragua, Oct 6. Ia view of the continued disturbances in Granada, President Zelaya threatens to place himself at the head of the troops and end this state of affairs. Priests throughout the country are preaching against the government. Two more have been arrested. It Is known they furnished the Indians with arms and ammunition. The govern ment maintains the closest censorship of the press. Mail correspondence even is being Inspected. A False Report. LONDON, Oct. 6 The Rome corres pondent of the United Press telegraphs a denial of the statement recently printed in the Paris Fhiaro, that Mgr. Satolli, papal ablegate to the United States, is to be made a cardinal at the papal consistory soon to be held.