THE AMERICAN. 111;: muiiimi i nun. , Mtl.iilll f Mir IflMttrmU attl I Hi- rt.llHi, f IVllH. Tin l.rvisti Hull el i i Unlit!. t.t i !t (.( i iij,!t ft tl)' l Met lull (if llllt HUH lit j, t niSht.'iiiii.'iil, trt. mij i tii it r (n'l i lix lH , m lite i timv I-. i( II. st i ! Anil II la Hli II. U tn view t ! I.ISI l'iHl IHftt Ii'" ln tll'Ct (l! tin i'U!, nl 1,1. tn l.y, tW it I ltiA in 1 1, ciitilnln incut ii liiiiimU miminf thflr niiik ttmn nr ( ittU-hl itiiil fen) nil) iiilicc eU r (f llm it I'll llf lu tlVitll (Hll.i.l.. Ilil' ",.l Limit." tn slimi. On' l'' Miitf llimnirfh lili li llm i'mlidlli' i (ittrvli tin IihmI Iter (snser chihikI 1ml ! iln fniiiiiliiUim of siiltleivl tmmi'lttiii. Utiintt litis lyn Irli il to Itiln In tui'iy (mini try In wltleli slm li Int.) fiMitlmlil, Klin lifts sought to make In iliiinlnlim li'ini'tM-nl, nut khIiHuhI, ami linn Hourly lwy siient iletl, ! Iihvh iN forn tin A ropy of llm Jlrvu n of Itrvku t of May, I ttU, nit Hi'tltln In which ntmwM lh rclmlvii Unman t'litli iille Hint I'roti'Htuut i(iiuliil!nn of Hut dlflWi'tit, countiii'H of l'.tmM'. Tlio llomitn C'ftllioili' ciiiintrle iw Ireland, Kriimm, Himlu, Austrlit, I Inly llollilutn, (irwiHi, Turkey, Knrtin Kpaln nnd Portugal. I'rotostant countries: Irunl Hrltaln (lormany, Finland, Hwnitcn, Donmark Holland and Hwltnrliuitl. From tho 1 toman Cathollo countries of F,uriio It 1h (f!iilly eoneoilnd, und fltftiroa provo, coiihj tho (frcat majority of our foreign-horn crlinlmds and pauper. Tho rnmndy for thin In the ruMlrlctlon of itiimltfrullori; hut Injury ham already boon wrought, by tho propagation of this foreign Idea which their ancestors brouirbt ovur from Europe and filtered In thin country into tho tnlmla of tho millions of do cnniluntH of foreign-born cltliwn. From tho l'rotnatimt countries of Europo wiirni our most IritolllKont, honest awl thrifty foroltfriom, tho kind that develop Into true American!, Lot tin look at tho crl ml rutin that the I toman church Ims dducated: Tin anarchist In France, tho socialist In Germany, Uu) nihilist In Itusslit, the Booths, tho Kurrat-U, tho (Julteaun, the doHpcrato Hlavlo find I'ollnhc'al rioter of tho United Btates; AfX arc Human Catholics, Tho truth of tho mutter I dawning upon America Chicago trembled under tho blow of tint anarchist In l'lj tho strong right arm of justice broke down tho barrier of Catholicism, and tho niiirdorcrii paid tho penalty of thole awful crime, A gain Catholicism showed her teeth, Tho Clttn-na-Oiicl stood b hind her, and Or, Cronln bit tins dust, In lH'Xi dho averted humelf onco more and tho World' Fair mayor wax tho victim of rabid CathoIlcUm, pomonlfiod In l'rt'fidefgiott, Andntlll again Chic ago felt tho knife, and a Clun-na Cttcl rniyor Mat in tho chair which Cotholl clnm hadmadw empty, Thin Catholl ciHin n,w (Jeim with t,ricago, Atm mi with the nation, Hho xintceeded In the ftwttnnJ nation of two preNlderit,f(lneln and (Jarlleld, Tho murder of Mncoln and tho attempted overthrow of the republic wit miido In tho dying hour of cociolon, a a Jat rcaort, J 'ope I'lu wa thoroughly In ympat.hy with tho rebellion, J( did all ho could to aid Itucftiwei It wa "all for tho glory and honor of Cod," A peculiar feature of llomo'ftailn Htlon I that tho tool ftlway plead, or are called, Ito-une, 'J'hu It muHt be, for "tho church cannot err," I Mil It over occur to tho public where tho mueh-abuncd Idea of tho "all hog" (I- C, II, It,) turnntllo had It eonecp tlon? It mut have oi'lglnatod In the head of imo )totnanlt who thought to adapt tho feature of hi Ideal heaven to thl lowly world of our, How? Why, on tho prlnctplo of "high money, high ma; low money low mai no money, no tui," Buy a ticket from Handolph treet to Central Htation, and If tho ticket U good, you ciin go through tho turimtile, get on tho trulngund rldo to your dotb nation xafcly, Thl I tho atn prlri clplo upon which Homo doe lninlncM; glvo tho prlet co much money, and It 't (') til much, and he'll ay mil that will tuko you tralght through purgatory, high and dry, and et you down at tho golden gate with ttmlla on your faeo and a crown on your pato that 'will dazlo Ht, I 'cter, till you get throughtho gate, J ho fact that tho Idea I wulted to temporal affair, howovrr, I by no mean a ponltlvo Huranco to mo that It I "Infullihlo" In eroding tho "great divide," jow, uiko tlio amo luutrallon in a onlblo way, Hupioo a tlcket-ealper nhoiild idl you a hogu uhur)mn ticket) you could get through tho turn- utile, hut when you prowmtud tho ticket tho conductor would not honor It, and you would bo put off at tho next station. Well, tho Catholic church I doing a tlcket-ciilplng hulnoHj lin ha advor tlod lierelf a tho only truo rouUi to tho land of hallelujah; ho ha U tloned her prhmt about a bona Jlilc ticket agent; tho "ucker" may get through tho turnntllo, hut If ho doe, ho' liound tofgot iut off tho train, and dollar to ccnt'lt' at tho next station, which, I boltovo, In thlcao, I purgatory. Tt I t-.l.5r U't!,lit tilt lil ! i U.n k'lt.l ),! i. l-i -'tti. lit I'' (f lM U.i. 'i t tl.'.. ..i... .1 tnnl el tli.t p . ...i (.1 ti n !"--- . I . Ui niitM l i t- !t iif lb "!, kit fir t!n (f.m i tm. i lit In lln p I. IN MtUti. t l ti e I e'ti-1 '' Tliti l-.iMiUtli'H if fiHie, K'U , l n In lb" . i ii of I n I ' ; I .Hi, ii rtiii fmlii i''- !' I i Ihtt InllliU'r, Tlii 'ii.t.tii.t ltii '..-in of H.t; biiw to H,i nilil tbitl i U'l.t i (b ii II the rnUt' d '.il ili'i; 1 inn. till Nl t.i!ill Wli'l r lltillll d I Kit in, n liumiii t 'lUl.u li' Tiiluk i ll' One elslil of H e ipul!t'in cf i ity pi'miie'liiif 'l h r i eiil it llie ln niiir!lly of Hint i tljf Ami ji t tin ii' I tut ii'iiwii In't Ihitt Hie iiini' of nlTftlr i In !! rltle Of the Seitltlo Uil aruiv. W Hr ci'iit. Wi re fiui U'lii'i n; i2 h'r eenl eiHi KiilllMl t'lltlinlli'ii; !! Iier I'i'lit liml tin rcllgliin. AH of W hlelt tiH.. Vi lmw Hint linini I the niiithi'i' of crime; the lining n THiuumny Hall, whlen h&w rcccnlly been Ullclirltli'il, oi o the fruit of Iglllil' ftiu'it HUH crime, HUperilliluciHl ny C'iiIIihIIi'Iniii. II.. hi In' ('oehran urn "llm." Croker am linn bnllt vcr In the pitti'lutlKui and cllli'iicy of the Hi' man Catholic church; that III clllciie lou In pnlHIc there I no dnulit, and that In a far a It gne, 'J'ho old 1 am many of New York, well a the new Tammiiny of Chicago, ha amply proved that fact, Faith In the elllcacy of the ) toman Catholic church made Croker a mulll-mlllloniilro In a very hort tlmi It I making John l llnpkln and hi Vatican follower Hkewlo wealthy. To do away with tho corrupting In lluence of JcHiiltlmn In politic, wo munt tear tho plant up by tho root, Tho uiiHorupulou Tammany olllco-holder, ho they I'rotcnlant or Catholic, mut go flrt; Immigration tnut next bo pro hi hi tod to all foreigner except tich a aro law-abiding, Intelligent, Induxtrl ou and willing to hecomo loyal Atnerl cun citizen; Mtrlcter natural Imtlon lawM nuiHt then bo pimned; parochial wihool niut go for onco and for all; all convent, all charltiihlo or penal lntl tutlon hull ho opened to tho scrutiny of tho public, a tux must bo levied upon all church property, a well a AM, property, of whatever nature, and by whomever held; hint, but not Ioat, to mako tho work complete, tho voting franchise must he restricted I) all per son who aro Ignorant, mentally In- capahle, or lawless; thl will bar the great majority of Catholic, tho tools of tho Hopkins and Croker, A lawless man I ono who violate tho law In any material point, knowing or believing tho law to ho such that hi act will he violation thereof, Ignorance In an American citizen I the not being In formed upon tho altdr of tho day and government, upon tho law of tho land and tho duty of an American citizen. A man mentally Incompetent to vote I ono who will allow anybody ol to dictate to him for whom ho shall vole; ho I a inn n who will allow anyone cine to govern hi opinion and hi under- landing of the right, I 'a a measuro cstabllwhlng the atiovo mentioned principle a the law and the great majority of Itomanlsls will bo disfranchised; tho Injurious clc merit In any country would ho thu di franchlsed, Then permit tho gentler cx to vote, under tho samo conditions, and th; purify of tho ballot I established, and criminal Home will have received dor death-blow, A, M, EltlC'AN, Jovcrnor Hlnim Criticize (he , V, , Coventor Mono, of Missouri, I very pronounced In hi view upon tho atti tude of tho A rnerlcan Protective Asso- Iiitlon and declare that, It will be vigorously condemned In tho nexl na tional domoorullc convention, Tho democracy of illlnoi ha already ex- pn sued Itself by resolution a opponed to tho embarkation Into politic of tny secret or proK-rlptlvo organization, ami, therefore, Governor Htone' pre diction f likely to bo verified, In n recent Interview, Mlsnourl' popular xecutlvo remarked; "The order I a revival of tho barbarous practice of past age, when person were prose- tiled for eonsclerico sake, It 1 un christian, un-American and snvago and annot hut meet tho condemnation of all right-minded mon," Governor Klono said ho thought many joined tho order out of puro hatred and prejudice against tho Irish and Cathie c, Ho dwelt particularly, however, upon tho belief entertained byblm that the A, I', A, leader arc actuated olelv by hopo of pecuniary gain and political proferment, Ho wa of tho opinion that tho organization ha assumed political proportion that threatened to hold tho balance of power, nnd said that Isith parties, tho democratic and republican, should tinlto In crushing It further progress, "Hut," said tho governor, "tho task of defeating tho alleged end will de volve unm tho democratic party, A tho day of knownothlnglsm It ITort were unaided no at tho prenent tlmo It must by Itself wage war against bigotry and prejudice, Nothing I to ho cxjHicted from a party llko tho re publican, which I almost Inseparably hound up with tho A. 1'. A,, and which depend tiwri tho work accomplished A I1. A ! s.b i In Hi (- ( f tt.e ti l r " I' t , v A IV As ilvu it., in', i I 'I- ,,f 4r. iOi,l MUiHiill, .! Iill !( I, .-Li til.ii tlf tli'tti.xi ' .1' iwi'j In lbs! '! hi l I" Hit" t rvtU tif tb ttbr mm ih nf M .nl i i iti.f St.i,n ssl.l, hi fur R I i ni .'il b i is, lt,t l tit. m'' i -hip liiiU. .1 l o tm t't u'f -'t ll'Hi, '"..I i -v't .! il i'll'-l t t J In li t',.!,.!,. ! l. l.l l'( A i' I ti.,( !ii!i r (f lite A P A, li.iti.itn In Ibid, hit ( AH in liber l ! Ir fH lle I ik'lUtt le, HKi-e He tboudil ll nlib r luiilili ltd limllt melt liii'l", wi b.l hud ii.i . ll liu lt H be' H p.H mi (if Hlnlntf iii'l'M I. I t In colielulint llie i'o el lit" MlUl "I Imte l(l y(tl ciinllilrliee III Ibe IiIh I l liillitt.'.l Allteeli'tilt '.'l.' lit think nl In Hunt HtAl tin' ciiiwtli i f the A. I'. A III b.' (.pltalllisllO, It Is A llielimii t .ur IiibI liullitiis, And a such can only I tv' shot I lived." As MUsntirl I likely to pif.'iil the ttHilii' of Covel tinr Hltine hs A presldi'll tUl cainllilitti', the H o.i Are A. m plug their Ihoiighl IIhiii hi llHlepi ndetit nlterrtiiecK ftiiui day to day.-Quimy HI, I,il,i II, fhl. A llll OF UIVIOItY. li'iic Story of llie I'sciiih' nf Olhht Meal I'liuii a llaltliniitn Niinuei j, llAI-TlMniil1-., Md.. July 2. Editor Till': AmkUiTan: In tho last Ihhiid of Till1: AMI'.KICAN (your paper should Ik read In every American homo) there I an account of tlio establish men of those priest-prison or convent. Wo were cursed by them a early a Kli In thl city. In 1h;i,' scream for help wcro heard tlmo and again from what was called tho Alsqulth street nunnery "Help! help! () Lord, help!" In August, Olivia Neal made her second and successful attempt to cscapo from this nunnery, The first time sho wa cap. tun.'d, forced back and punished by priest named Glldoa. On her second attempt this sumo priest tried to force her hack, but ho was protected by tho is-oplo. Tho first man sho nsked for protection from tho pursuing priest was an Irishman, und a Itoinau Catholic. Ho told tho priest (ho wa a bravo fid low) ho would see him or any mun damned before ho should lay hi hands on her, Tho excitement wu so great that hud It riot been for some of tho cooler heads, Tho nunnery would have been town down and every Institution of tho kind In llaltlmorc, Thl wa at a tlmo when oven tho slave-trader wa not allowed to run hi detention Jail without hi place being Inspected; but delicate white women could ho pun lulled and Imprisoned In these nunneries by foreign priests, and there wa no law to pro'oct thorn, They were even beyond the power of tho act of habea orptis. At that tlmo It wa the boast of every Haltlrnorean that any woman mid walk the street In safely, alone at any hour of the day or night. When I ho priest found that the people were aroused, Oil via Neal wa promptly found to ho Insane Her friend, who for nineteen year were not aware of her Insanity, and then not until b had escaped the second time, stood by tho church, and sho threw herself on tho public for protection, saying sho had no friend In whom sho could con- flilo, When tho growl of the long ulTerlng American people wn heard, sho wa sent to Mount Hope Hospital, run by tho sisters, where sho wa last heard from, Insane wa she? When H:v, J)r, Hobert lireckenrldge, "the noblest ) toman of them all," camo Into tho room where she was, sho cried con- vu!lvo)y, extending her arm towards him, and excitedly repeating hi name, said; "I claim your protection," If their rule required an Insane girl to hi lushed and punished by Imprison ment, what mercy for thoso who are fane and make the attempt to escape and Co not succeed'' Head chapter II of the decree of tho tweiity-dflh ses sion of tho Council of Trent concerning Hegular and Nuns," Can you go and arrest one of your neighbors, put him In prhiori a a lunatic, take nil hi property without u writ tin iinulrendo lunti.Hro What an American citizen cannot do, these foreign priest come and do, Do they care for our law? Any Institu tion which would flog and imprison In a dungeon an Insane woman, because she tried to escape should bo brought under our law or destroyed, Mule did our father Imagine, having bought liberty and citizenship at tho price of their blood, for themselves and for their children, that men from papal countries should come hero and erect their prison and call thorn convent, ai d In the name of religion mako sub ject of their children and rob them of their liberty and property. Where U tho American who can hear a woman cry for help and not go to tho rescue? From tho Insldo of theso hell come the cry, "Help! help! O Lord, help!" and thoso who escape call a Olivia Neal did, "Wo throw oursolvo on you for protection," Friend, American, are wo a craven on to glvo up all our father fought and died for? Khali tho subject of foreign potentate come hero and erect prison In tho land that hold their sacred bone and wo utand cowardly by, while from thoso prison of hell come tho terrified cry of our lstor and daughter. "Help! help! 0 Lord, help?" Whcrovcr that cry 11 I t si.!, i t.i ' Ik si.. I Vt , t i itt 1 1 tt,i i.n !.t ..! i. ' tl" - " N i "I It m, ' fc. I (,.,,. tt,t fc,t ..l(M I". Id, trl. v I.I .1,1 Ml- (,('. .1 f t t t. ... tin ,t I t It,. t. ll t, I,, t ,., hi, .. . (I. ,1 Ihf 11,1. i II..M.n fct..'!ir t n (l.f ill tl.i -. ( -t I' I .(.. (lit .1 t I 1- I ll ill, It I , I.. I I II,, I ..,,a !': Alt i i i, l l 11 1 II ,.11, 1, 1 I 1. 1 ( I , . I, I. 1 Hill tin- .t. Vt Ill II. I I .lt f llH ,1 ktt., tt 1 l.n nuln l ftiiin il..- Ii . . null V1 n.j II. t. l.(. ...I. At"' ttiix. II 41 1. I,, f 1 1, n.i. tt It , ll. 1 1., . n -t.i'l It. i , 1 1 mi II .. I t !MI i 111. I (f.l.i II. M 1 l. I.l.i.t.t i.f ultra I'l.n ,tf t (llll T. tt..t.i' llif mill i t.ii. Tin i.. nil I.. t lii.. .i.t Hi h.,1, Ii, tin' n l,ft li I il Tin .' In II, ! tit!. i.f .IkIii.I I srililf ... r. tin' i.f Hi" I null linn- b.'II i.luli 1 1 1 l.i it Al tl.y f.'. l. I. nl lit. hi mi l rt-Mi'li l it V if, sml f.n. olil.lti mill mil, Tor., ilnnti III lt..l.ui.l null" Am) only ruin, iiiniki'.l I It y . tic liul In llm itli.. rliiti, i In-in yi l lli'lii.illii il h antik t (iiiiii. .1 . M.tmi' Win. ii ClirUl . In. i n, sml H'hI tn .ri.l II U .'i(ili nit. fiial , mill cik.iI A I li.l emiifl fl.nn Iliy ri'iil In iln, II 1 1 1 ih hi thy liitn.l iii. w liunl iiiiiii Till' r.'lna, HI.. I l...l .'Of I tt pi l ill I III I. A hi if... s i r t nil IIii.iiikIi Ihy kuihI Ami IiIiihIimI nil, Shi.'o llii'ii Ihy aim Una mi ly 1 it In Intuit I h. win . llefiir.i Ihy, itnj iilurit (lie ynkn (If lilxiilry uiiiin Hie nucha i.f inllllnim. Thy irllal.s, Willi (). cina, urn lli'itrlim lutlf lliii wurlil ')!. r.-HH their sIiin Ami thus they hlml a ehitln Ihitl IiiiI'Ih Tln lr vli'llinh aiirn, In siuiihliiiieii (if Iln. lutvly I'lirlal, Ihey euinii Into Tim hiiiiics, and li'iitn vlln red Murk nf sin to hint II iiii lly, Tim lit I k t ( nf lioi'iriiiii'i. Is Ii ii ii ix I .us I iln Tin. eiiiKs liml liuiiuN iilmiil Iln. ni.ek (if i hiwit who how to IhiiH, Thy (liilwiinl iuw'r seems hh urmtl, its e'er It dlil, hut Hi, hi net tul Influx mi tint Itrliik of ruin, Thou art Oiiilhlean old Ami fullliitf to deeuy, Iln. grimi yitwu ITiwn hi'Nliln Ihiid, ami sunn full li'UKlli Thy rnllliitf hulk shiili fall til rlsn Nn iiniii', Amkiiioo, llngiiiiillc (iildctlnard. This Inlrh'iili. wurlil, as we luurncy on IIu.iiihIi, And slrlvii In he liiinrnt, Just, uni lulil Itnil truii Ilnw iiiiiny liread Kuldi'-hiiunlH wit mi-et mi Hi., wny, Toelnliii our iillentloii ami lend ns leilrny! Tim pi ii ii h for snl l Ion, Hint hltfnf lnivi. triiei'd, Alevnry cmmiileuiiu iuikIi' urn iliu i.i, Ami eueli rjolnl thii wny to llie only Inn rmi. I, That, ImkI siiuIn lininorliil to hi itvi fi and Unit, And thus on our Journey tl.niioth II'". every duy We iiici'l, in ltd y Kiililii-hoiinls set up In our wny, rinit, cry to us, "Turn, Oh! Turn Into our im Hi, And li mm thu dnmniif Inn of Hiilitri mel death," TIiom! Kuliln-hoiinls, set- iii In the hlKliwny of life, 'lenlii hlllcr dlaeiird, conlenlloii and strife, Willi loiel-iuoiitufd (lefi'iuli r thai k thu cniili'ol Of pIlKrlm -thi'lr hiiKKHKii, llmlr hndy Mini siiul, AiiiumJ every uldii-lnmrd, fur nut onilm pliilii, Ar lili'iielilng ami rottlllK III" lnnea of the slalu, Of martyr and inlnlsters lilsliop and pOJII'S" Slid wrecks tlirou((l, the .mil (it limit hliioled llOpl'S, Then let ii ko on In our journey IhrnuKh life, And seek tn avoid Hils'iinti'iillnn nd strlfii, (In on In Urn way Hint, the Nniiri'iin trod And walk, an Inic lllif"iit luuiiiii of Und, July, h',i, -liox IIok, Plfly Mlh'MiN'Virrst Surround Hot Kprlngs, H, I), Arid very single tree yield It rpioli of the fragrance that make Hot Springs' air the most dellcnto on earth, The llurllnglon's local agent will gladly give you full In forum tlon about Hot Kprlngs, and also If you nsk for it a beautifully Illustrated folder, J, FltANCfS, Ii, I', V T, A Omaha, Neb, l.",00 to (,'olorado Hprlng and re turn via the Union I'acllio July 21st, nd and LJ-'Ird, Account Mystic Khrlno meeting, Hon me, H, I', liKCKL, C, T, A U, I', Hytem, J.'iu'J Farnan Street, ..MIM ... Nkwhokamciw can obtain Tub Amkkica.v from any wholenalH news- eitler, Voio' customers will want It ut It on wiiii ciiiinli i.. . , . ..... . Imlhir I llol In rs. To Denver and return, to Colorado Spring and return, tol'ueblo and re turn, vIa tho Union I'acllio, Ticket on sale July 21st, 22nd and :ird, Account Mystic Hhrlno meeting. For further particular call on H, I', UKCKU C. T. A,, I,', 1', System, I .'102 Farnam Street, Kuiiie In Ciigland. Homan Catholic bishop In Knglond havo Issued an olllclal document, In tended ti ho tho basis of a bill to Isi presented to parliament. They demand for their children public elementary mool under Homan Catholic) manage ment, and tho maintenance of these school out of tho public fund. 15.00 to 1'ueblo ar.d return via the Union i'acllio July 21st, 22nd and 2.'lrd. Account Mystlo Khrlno mooting. Heo me, II. I', DF.UF.L, C. T, A., U. I', System, 1302 Farnam Street, I Itsitif id? Imr, Un 1 ' t "i.,li t ll i'"'b, II I I'. It ' t bit-.) till I.M.ia t I,. , tall irstt. tt, In t 111. S.ii , i.. I.t tL.ila l nut In i..' tit p itt I . , . ;'! . . 1 1 l ' tit i,l It , 'i p tit .liiit I mil lUi), i tv ii.) t , st i ll p 1 1 i M Itt !' 'll n In I U I'ttit I (t i l, tt I ,v I A iiti M r i,. nn ni , V .V I A Tup . linn nl l'i. .l b nl Tlett In I 'in 'Ha, t lil. nd1. i nn. I I Mi ,.i .liul. I If Hi! nl liK, Vli v lliLifl.t l ll L'lhul I lit ii li 'Ib.t.f antni- tn.l till fell III itllil. 1(111 lu iMiAl.itV , ii uni 1 1 iitiitisi i nn ii I. ii.., ni iinii.iu Slllll . hll (,'I.V II III'! Hliil I llll rt( tl I '10 1ml, it. I ii.ittni, in ii i tmiuiit Mil, ii liinbs In ilitiny plhlllt1 plt'l lt,V. - M'linio Ui iitt i ninl i. liii ii via lht fnl.iii I'liilllt' July I'lsl, IVml Hint I'lnl Aei'lUHil Mlallt" Hhrlne Ittfi'llltg. Ht... in.., ii p. in ri i V. T. A., I', I', MjHinti,, l.ioj Fin nam HI reel " liiiniig lln lliiitts," Tlie I, ninl nf lllg lii il Apples, Is nn Hllniellvti Hint liid'i r.illiig liiink, IiiiihI solnety llliistiiited wllh view if Hntith MUmnirl pet ii.-i y , Including the f.iinuii lllilell fruit flU'lll llf .'I.INNI Mi ri'S 111 Mow ell county. It pertains In fruit raining In that great fruit belt of America, Ihe southern slope of I hit ( Iarks, and will prove of great value, not only to fruit growers, hut to every farmer and liomn seeker limiting for a farm and a homo. Mailed free. Address, J, K l,(ii l win Hi, Kansas City, Mo. A MM 01 (JOHII IIIIOKM. 'oxu'h Hook of Mnrlyr. A Ini'Kc iuarlo vulinini nf I.NI dniihli1 euluiiiii i.iiKi'", mid Is a standard wm k In every imrllniilar, t'lnlh, f:i .Ml, sent hy en press, Iii'C'iiroii tlio Hpy (lives a hlslory nf llm Fenlaii raids nn Canada, ami n enmplele evpimii nf Hndr plots imalu llm llrlllitli Koveriiiiieiit Paper, Ml rents, "III) AnMaBnimifioii Of liilM'ollI I an bilemtely liili'ii'MlliiK vnliime written ly T, M. Harris, one nf (he mil itary commlSHlnii willed tried I he as sitsslri. (Toi h, f .i.Wi, I'laiii Talk Aliout Itoiiiiiiiim of Today Hy lleV, 1 1 null MnnlKouiery, This little work I hv mi lueaiiN uolof ereait lou- H draws a cmiparlanii helween popery and l'rolelnnilsm, ami contain much lilslnrleal Infnrmallnii, I'llrn In paper cover, Ml ceiits, JlomiuiipHii Not ('lirifUuiity lly liev, lloht. liivii, This Is (in exi'i lent work, and I well worth ruiidlng dy every I'lilihilli! sludmil, Price, paper, fi'ieenlK. Tho Aiiifriciiii (Jitizon Iibntry Conlaliis runny liilereslliiKslurles, such as, "Cnnvenl Horror," "Anrleular !nn fessloii nml Popish Nunneries," tt Mouths In tt Coiivunt," "William nf OniiiKe," and olhers yel, In fnlluw, one eich mnnlh, Prle.i, f'J.OO per year, ' All the iiliiivn Imoks will tin furnished by Ihe'as I'l'iii.muisol'oMeAsVal prices mimed, liui ranh iniist iiecouipany Hut order, m no notlcii will lie taken of It, )o you Aiibucrlbo und pay for Tiik Amhik'AN? V'e or no will decide how much you are Inter' sled In the advancement of Americanism. I Errors of Youth. I ttO ftl'f'H'KH'.'t I'koM JTrtfci tanni IklclilY. HmlM m friM YOUH OWN PHVUICIAN Ms.if, fe.l" I'." i If" I "I f.iHI.Iiil li..'MI !', Invw ,,,',,,11,1 l,'.l Hftf hi WPtll,."( 0 ,.'I ,l.,,,l ll,,l ih a'.'l 1'. I- 9 lliul l,4 ,, il,,.l III, ti ,.,! '' tti ', r. ' ll hntug "ut ' ntlitf t i.inyt m rt (i'- .ii)i i.tH't,- f mm 'I l-,l l, ,yl,i,,, l,i lie f,'i ','," w line., () i tn '( $itiftttit (' if t' Hi 0 it.ti it, fMf.r-f'ir f'ti'ti i itvitt'l rut if 'u t'tt i't ' ' "'. inif-'I-"f t w ' II I I i ttt Uttu4 tt it '('' " 'CK'tii fr "' nt'i-t ml t t't'-"t i I'mIh t'f ynt- Atk ifif.'l,. t,U li'H'l f) "! ui " MM"""'"'- nf III - 0 ,1- r.,l l,in i ),i., i ,! Ii'i.pi I ift'hUi. m tit ItMlMfl ft A I ii irui ,.,. ituUM-, 'it w f jfi(Mr.r,ri, u tu , t, 0k U,vL;'t Z Mkm rii 'h-1 i-i'l ip "t n"itft W wNkMf t, fihr, ,t4 --v f" ,ii,'.L( tt" hi H' i t' i '(" i" " a f n,. ti ,t"tn' -?r nit- niii iif'i mil ! i .fH,iil''l f"t n .ff'. fit, int. . msi. n,,i it.,-..., . id Ii) Hlile'l IH.ffi-l fod'I 't"U i lH "I IH' l w ti m,u 'I'm Hi,i ! U A I" (,f In ,,Mft! H t II I' ', ,..,i:,, il' h.. Ii l. u i,l I,, Ii ml I...... I',, ,,,,, H 111' It UMil t'll i 411 lilt'tl ti'iniU'i.ji j, ft o "I t't .... f.,' U ..... .I.,,!.. ll.A M 4k Hit Kh'-ininl t of it Jit mi,, i It ill t itt t Uit 4 i'4'f"fl 'WW'""' l 1(1 l,nlUI miilniinoil'Di 121 f rsriturt Uiiw, llnatnn, Ms, IPr.r.DY (.ml I-AfvTINO ItCHULTS FAT PEOPLE, VrSSSSrSa fi'iiUfJ Ml ll.l.i, t.ll. '. ."". WT OIMSANIII CtlMI MriHvsil lour msnsy. frlm f,(iO ir hofil. tnit ti Isflrsslia. TUf-MUM f Mf.OK'AI. CO., l.,1..rt, ' WANTIO Atleuis in eiieh fnwii ni.d en ii lil y In a. I l,e yreitleal Imnlt nf ll, He, r.rinra nf llm llnmioi I sllinlle Inn. Ii n lid lis liillueii'i' mi llie lie lie in! l,,,veri,i,n III I'litV, Willi lllalnry Mini I'rnvreaa nf Ihii ini rli'ii ii I'mleell ve itanoi lnl Inn i A P A I over '('mi pnto'a nud lllual ruled wllh t full pnre eriinvl,iKs send Virion al me,, fur rni,,pel nuHIl ninl terms. Spei'lnl Oru.s Klven on nlher fnat selling Win ka .1. II, II AM III' H ill., it QH l..,.,l ttl , SI l.i'.lia. Mil all smra ,r u fn,,,, n j m tu,i an, .!sl,.in IrtMi rWOII il,, ( MuffSf airil, bum Vin , I'OltSAI.K l'i In Vi per Inl In , fill Slid KrowluK auliurli, Hnli't I N !,. null il,. ll, la. Addreaa fiHim II S,,ulliiiial enrimr I lurk and Mt yihiiV lUmiiilpIl l reels. 'I II A MKIOCa "Convent Lifo Unveiled," Hr KHITII O'OOKMAN. Thlsllllle work Nlat thu hitler pipinrlenr! of yuiinir ludy wlei was ludueed thrnuiili Hi en f, i, I n K nf ihtt Jesuit lint Slsler of hsrlly In enUT it rim vent. Her slnry nf His luiarlrnridlii wenes emienut In ll,i,.. sinks if Inlnuiiy is inld In s rt.nvliiriritf slyln, l'rl: In clnlii II 211, sent pnslpalil hy , AMKIIICAN riJUI.lKlIINfj (JO,. IHII lluwsrj St,, UHsllA, Nil 1HC COM ISO AlillUCM CIVIL WAR. in It lit MIM.I 1. I. a In t ' , HIHH..I t . f I II,. A I". l, tK l(, lit,. I I -, t ' a . 4 . . I. II . la I ' HI ,. .. 'I. tllll . t ll t II I . , -.1 1 id t all, . I t I li. l ( l II . ) I'll.' till t 'lll, i M ).,.t, il I . h . . 1 1 I il.l.n If IM AMMUnN I l!!l I MIINii (p, 1- iV ll t ll H..I I III, at, 4 fVlill I N.J Vl il a I lit M i, .1 II I.. I , I t .i. III nl l . t t I Tho Singing Pnlrlol ll V Ml V O I MIIMMAV, A. M. II, 0 l l... n al ..He. ti, ii , ',.i. i, i. Si ii-i r v. r efl.tiii 1. 1 Iln ii. Me lit ('.if .,ti,, It.ya 1. 1. li t a. n . sml all a ... I, iti. i nf It nl Inn Win. is mtii M titvii , leu ros, lo tnttgn, frit t I sms, f-iisli.Mi.l. r " THE AMrfllCAN. HTAIITLING FACTS - (IM - Deeds of Darkness Exposed, Hr llfcV, 3, ll WIIITIC, This eveellent w.its ileitis Wll Ii I he ti.illllisl liii'lhuilsnf Hit. It, ii.iiim Till I,., lie 1 (.null It i', ml ulna nun It fi.d fur lli.i'i.M sml Ink a. w it rm A ini'i ti n ns will liml II liiiei eai lus res.l- Ins ll Is iii tilled III U I .clear ItrLiit, slid liiniiid In efiilh. I'll, i, II V... ti.iHMi.ilil hut nil. hy AMERICAN I'UDL IHHINQ CO., Pim IliiWltnl Hlreel., OMV04 Mil fir, I'nr It'tiidnlpli and I lurk, 'Ii I, .in , i. Ill MARIA MONK; Paper Cover DO Centi. 1'hla llllln HiIiiiiiii relates Km lei rlhl.l M nerlenci. nf a null who wu eniilliied In II. ' lllaek Nunnery" nf Miiiilrniil ll has lruli- iv lil v Hie liiiKest sain nf any w,,rb nf Ihtt kind ever piihllnlied, and sevural Altvmttm tn Hupfn'i'mm It liavs linen iii.nln, The urlcw Inelnlli I PM, ami III paper M rents, I'nr sain l,y AME.MICAN PUBLIHHINU CO., Iillfl Howard Siniet, Omaha, Ndb Main HI , Kansas I !l.y. Mo, Fifty Yoars Tim- Church of Romo, lly IlKV.CIIAM, OIIINIVUV. This Is a standard work nn ItomiiiiUiii sn4 Its aeeri't ,,i mIii, wrllleu hy unit wIumiiixIiI Inli now, Thu slnry nf Hut itHaasliiaHni, nf Ahraliiim l.lnenlii by I (in pi.ld Innls nf Hi Itirmaii Oal hollc I liureh Is Inld In a clear and eonvlneliiK mariner, ll, ali.n man rai ls reiiiliii llm practice nr pilesl, and nuns In On. ennviuils and mnuanli rles, It has KM l iino. puio's, and Is neni, pni'initid on reeelpl nip.i), ,y A M l',H IDA S I'l III, IHII - inu (,(,, inci in, ward siri et,, iimuiia win. nr, I nr. I liu k and llumlnlph, ( hleaioi, III, PATRIOTIC LITERATURE. Hind 1n Cunts In ftilvsr fur Biinipl, The Most Ik-fiil liver Inilructivis ami to lb f'ofnt. ALL NEWS5" THE PATRIOTIC TRACT CO. Lock Don 34, Station I CI f VILAMO, OHIO. Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed. Prion 40 Cntt, SUBSTITUTION 5 MARRIAGE. Prtan BO Cnni. lie v, ,ln( i,h Slalleryls die aulimr ,,f I,,, in of His al,ne hunks They ,tr I,,,,, whul ll,s lilies Indira'!', and are prlnod In yni.d, i Inn Ifpe Slid imuici in paper cover h. nl, l.y prea nr mull A'liln as, a,mi',ici':an i'i;i;i,i.siu?.f iai , IH ft Howard Slreel (imahii, Mnll, ir, "7 Main i"i , Kunaus I n y, M, or, t.or , Mars and Itand.ipl,, Mileacu, li. WHYPRIESTB SHOULD WED. If V Oil Jf.'s'J'l ll, l l.l.TON, Thl I nee nf ir full'... I,, ..I l,nk It leula Willi Hi" in ii in, ,11 of ,, nf O.S it.'allmnil fmm a rellilnua aluu'li.nlni , aisii Iln ,i.l and l,i. . i, I ),lni,,ry nf l,e Knii sr ( nil,,, lie I liul, h, I'liee, i'lnl I, i over, (,0 Sent pnal p l,l lill ren lj,) ,,f yi i , , l,y 4lVHMIOAN VUUUHHIHQ CO,, Hll.'i Howard Kin-, t, OMAHA, NKH, DlClinC 'Vlllii.C I'l nnme a flrl i lu li niLHUi) ei. me wllh III, I,. t,.,i,i,le, ,,l,"iid aeeiire ii.e injem y f,,r Our M.ii,' Wull I'up. t r leaner, a ml Our Hlnyii- I'alnl und (a, pet (leiimr 'I I,' y ai II H,i in I ii a I in i,da,,i.y ad'lr. fta f,, ,i,i 11,'iiluia, MA.HWKI I, I I ,, i ,t I'lum SI , i lie liiiiaH. (i, "'; t I'HIt I nit ( VIM ; In Ural ileaj ,1,1 illi lieaa, nil ),,til, Se,'l I"'' flit n und Dir. elluiia ll. ;t. 1 ), I, , ill. , ( I, A CRAND DISCOVERY I w AN'f'I'H -4 I n" in Ut rrr m ti,tfi,it r in Mil hHl ' Mffl f il.lil lit t At kiiifM Vmk tu m H)ivr M'fifl ' "I hiii '..Im '. i V H Ui IP r ft, M'"f(fit4 f' 9f $ I It'" I ft. I H iti'itlt tilt) i0ll (l-tt it llf J ('4 i (( X Dm i ffl 4vfM fvfH IM, $U0i pmt ck l.ik ik.U 4 $9i 9 ttl.. ipi (fft if Wit lMf"l f"f tmt 'it4 il! ' FonlNUiAN 1 tKMIIUHf. THE CHCROKEE STRIP, OKLAHOMA, FT. SMITH, LITTLE ROCK and HOTSPRINGS.AIW Ticket (lff. 1. 1 Cm. r nth ; J I'lfm-o KU ,f0" KHftoHo UIT I, 0 H ft w m mm m MS ST. LOUIS roN,Nf.u SOUTH and SOUTHEAST. Drift Ofllv, I, f. tm't ntb ml hmm Ntt,