The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 20, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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An rpituvli' of Uoimit Mfo
i H i In
M i l
I '.. A
II I'l l II
" 'a X in- i ! ), If It I tbf In
" ' It) tlmt tiieMloi'!' I 'k
tint hi''. lwtutU', IllllWt"!, ItotllBH
('alhtttie rhimh,'
" I iitnlcmUiiil that: but IhU
rhiiMi ha a llllt UhH, I II llii
t idbit t; ItiUnlbliM hiitt h"
"AntHMH'lMA a lllll trotihlt'il by
luy mtitHitrr, hut hn rit'mtrvd lier')!
lniniotiliitl ami ltl:
" 'Tint t hutvh I ttiytli'l Ixxly
aiwt It muit It this holy "I'll It. It I
hut ablt to fir, tiito It U the aplrlt of
trtilh thai guide It.' (Theological
I'atiH'hlinii of the .lenull )
'"What In iitoanlby lit wonl "tu)
"Hho kIiihiIi her brad, naylng;
"Ali, ('lurlHKM, yoti are Mill In the
call of blUerue. What Id the aim of
ftll tll'll llllllUI'f"
" 'The trutli. What tin lou under
aland bv tho word ,'iiij'lleai"i"
'"Yon arrogate to yourself rlftht
Uittt doe not Mong to you. The only
place which In Hiiltiililn for nn lmploti
heretic 1 tlio rin k and burning, And
you wInIi to remain with me! Darn yon
ak wlmt tin- word "mytlcal" lgnlllc;
Do you not know Unit a niyatit'itl body
lit aomcthliig whowi myatorluu ijimllty
urpi"nr tliuetiiiipruhcnHlon of muti?'
' 'Ho, then, tlmt lioily which you cull
tins church I not natural but mystical
How, then, la It able to have ft natural
head, viz, tho pope, mid then preserve
IU unity, for you ay that tho church In
"'Tim trno church In In tho f)rt
place omv, uluj hu only onu faith and
onu head. Hneondly, l,o la univoral
mid portwHual. Thirdly, alio la holy
Aa to your argument that a iiiyntlcal
liody a not abbs to bavo a natural head
and maintain 1U unity, I do not under
'"Hut It I not polblo to tut now
wine Into old liottle, nor a plows of new
cloth upon an old garment. A aplrlluul
hi'iid a not polble to Im united to a
natural and corrupt body, neither tho
mytleal body to ls united to a natural
'"It 1 tho dovll,' aaltJ Annunclatii
with vlolunco, 'who baa limpired you
with them) arKumonta, ClarUno; and aa
I do not wlnh to Iki tho flrat to pro
nounce tihuthrma pHirawtlli'i upon your
miul, I ii clnnj lo you beforehand that
your principle will lead you atial(fht
to boll. May our holy mother give ma
pallenco to enduro you! Tell m
oM'fi!y, do you deny thu authoi lty, tho
purity, th'i uulverallty, of tlio churchy'
"'No, cuHalniy! 1 billevo Jn th
holy Cathollo church; I rwvgnha her
apiritual ln ad, who la tint Lord and
Kavlor, I bulltm, furllotr, tnat lusr
body Id a spiritual iNtdy. and, a you
littvu wild, la a myntleal Mly, wunpiwd
of all whom tho Father hath (riven to
the Hon In all cnturlea. I bow buforu
her authority and 1 recognize her
ItcKidy and hollneHN, magnificent gift
of thn Kiivior, Hut i deny that aha baa
ft vlolble must upon earth, or any an
thorlty over tho realui of enrthi and
Nine I bavo found my Father who la In
heaven, I am reoived never Us give
hereafter to any mrmm below, tho title
of aplrltual fitther. My berltutfo l on
hllf h, and there U my treasure; and I
auro you that my heart will be there
" 'From all that you have aald, am I
to coneludts,' aald Annunclata, forcing
herwdf ts cbtx k bur violence, 'that you
are retmlved to maintain your heretical
(pinion toarda and agalmtt in?'
" M know what It will cost urn, but I
hopo that I h ill I Ik! pn.'tt'rvd to the
end, lie who la for mo t atrongcr than
t)nm who aro agalrmt mts,'
" 'I citme to rclterato to you tha order
that Mother Urula baa ilgnllM to you
on tho part of Madamo, to return to
your dutlea. The abbcaa baa never
ljforo bad auch a cane of obatlnacy afttir
o many enani. Tell me, what niuttt
I aay to tho tblNtaa'j"
"And dint beard my reaoiiw In
" 'Kay to our reitpected auperlor that
I will render olwdience to her In all
thing which are in wcord with a
higher authority.'
'' 'Do you wlah me Us repeat the
worda whatever they may mean?'
" 'Yc, wh ate vtsr they way mean,'
" 'Very well,' aald he and the went
"A moment after I waa aummoned
before Father Joachim In tho parlor of
tho abbe, where ahe waa alao prcaent,
I aaw Immediately that the prlufct waa
In a violent temper; bla face waa livid,
and I do not know for what reason he
contained hia wrath. He trembled In
bla whole body, and during tho time I
apoke with tho abWa be walked the
room all agitated and giving vent to
ejoculatlona. Ilia threat were ter
rible, if I bad the obttlnacy to harden
rnyaelf In iy opposition, Madame waa
mute, pale, Immovable, and truly
frightened at what awaited me, for I
waa told repeatedly that the flamea of
purgatory, even though they were to
niiniw a itilii!.ii i t I t
a 't t.t tt t !!
' IS t . . i n'A it at
to I. ptiil I bad i-. li
M'ltii tttl.!t tuoiiid 14 ,ii
tiit , (nil tl r1 tl., tl m . t tt !t t. ,( I
n tiiu I is t It d limiMM I ItiM 4 t
in.'iilt.i; tin , bad b aiv.1, t join In
Ibit l , i .1 1 1 1 i n il ttiDitif t'f tb
t'liilM h, be ttilnlnaii.b d (nit ttt ft liti
lint kind of llf that I bad led for mtue
tlttio pat, It b't tint a ifrt at li tt
"A tllt't l! Hvtl.l an. I watt-f, MianN
bttittttttf itit ttltntltMt, partly by day an
paitly by itltfbt, In the prh att cbat
of lb abtaa, anil the ft petit Ion, wtuin
tlniiiii.U of tliin, knt't'lhig, of
Ae Mai la-It wa hutblng In eompail
Mitt to what I bad bared. Ileuti tbt
onler for mis l re-enter Into in will
tiiiln wa for ims Itkts a fenth al, for It
wa there I bad found this bleating n
(id. Oh, bow true It Ulhat 'the l,or
t ) elli the rough wind In the day o
the eiiht wind,'
I bail learned runny paitttai1 by
heart, which remained In my memory
(lining my hour of retreat, nnd I wa
nlwi eoniHiled by this oug ami rtltin
of this. (tottml that my good harm) had
taught tno at ber knots. Then, altto.
this moinory of my father, my brother
my plou niirec; of plain, woihIn,
lliiwera mid btdge of my native land
lighted by tho wuinmor aun -all thews
thing punHcd before me o lively In my
Imaglnntton that I alniont wept for Joy
tlmt they were pledge of tho love of
my Heavenly Father, anil fooblo image
of thorn) good thing held In rowryu for
lb oo who were lod to Ood by Chrlt,
"From time to tlmt I drew from It
biding pi net) my little Hlblo, and
quenched my thlrt at this aourco of
eternal truth. Kweet moment of con
aolatlon, w.ilch prepared tno with
trength for the thing which wore to
"I have learned alnce that tho inter
view between Mother Umultt, 8ltor
Ann unclutu and Father Joachim were
hold the aanio day that Slater Angollijuo
entered tho convent aa a boardur, and
that the aujierlora dared not ue any
violence toward mo bncaua of tho
pcllllcal event of which they knew
the progresi. Already the convent
had boon deatroyed in France, and clo
where thd cry wa agalmtt the com
munition. It wu dealrablu that I bo
rcatorud U obedience without any
evurlty exaperating the other mem
ber of the family.
"For that reason I wa loft in the
ti lott!t enlU!fice until tho day of HI
tor Angullque'a profoHalort. Then tho
abbe called me to her, and after bav
lug abowit me on the one hand what
repone I would cnj iy If I auhrnlttcd, hu
ordered mo to rejoin tho family.
"My ucar Paulino wa alruck with
the effect of my appearance, and a I
would not promlae to follow again tho
Idolatroii obitorvancea of the church
the abbean, who dcalred to porauudo
me, but In vain, Its dlgu!wi my no be
lief, aton took other rmnure, Hho
deolared publicly that I wa under the
influence of evli apirlK, and that if this
ntlll ke)tmo in the houo he mtint for
bid them talking with me, From that
time I wa able Us co tbe implacable
hatred of the alavt of tho poio, At
thl time poor Annuuclata, thinking Us
nerve Ood, would not ak even that I
bo pardoned.
"I waa bealde myclf with Indigna
tion, and I let them oo It. Hut if I
talked then with harahnon may God
pardon tho exceaa of my expreion!
And yet what were thews trial In com
parlnon with the ufferlng of those ex
celleot of the earth, 'of whom,' aald
tho Bot!, 'the world wa not worthy,'
-Hob. 11:38.
"From tho time I wa denounced a a
demoniac until my public anathema, I
wa forced Us alt in all tbe wrvlce
of tbe choir, a painful compulsion Us
me, klnce I wa obliged to a'tand with a
heavy cxtlnguiahcJ candle in my hand.
"I had, It I tiuo, more freedom In
the houo; but It wa atlll a refinement
of cruelty, w elng that everylsody bated
me, except good Mother Genefrlde,
who from time to time gave me a lgn
of companion that my rHir heart ris-
celved like a drop of oil, and my awect
Utcrr i'aullno and Angellouo, who
were the mean of my receiving a let-
Utr from my well kdoved brother, a
letter which wa tho enf aurkr to
my marvclou deliverance,
"I iuccumbed Utthe lnceant fatigue
of remaining atandlng during tbe long
wrvlce. A few altUsri having ahown
ome lnUsret for rno, they dtwlred to
turn them by tbe proof of tbe cro, at
which all tho family alted. Hut the
crucifix having fallen Us the earth, I
wa forever banlhed from the aocloty.
a a reprobate who merited eternal per
dition, "It waa then that I wa compiled Us
drink to the dreg of the fury of that
idolatrou church, uponwhoao forehead
I written thewj word: "Myatery -Babylon
Mother of abomination.'
"From that evening, expelled from
tho family, I wa returned Us my cell,
where, during how many day I know
not, I aaw nobody. My food wa paed
tno through the opening, and my door
waa not opened exccptdurlng the night,
that I might go and pray at tho foot of
the croa in the cemetery. Kvcn then,
In order that tho alatera might not eu
me In paIngto the midnight crvloc,
I was covered with a heavy dark cloth,
"During thcao cold watebe, and in
il.l tin.s t 1 1.'-, ti i Ihi i.HaiiiMi ('
nfl, n if ai t !.).! tt g U kt ii .t
nn'y o at I bM it ) In .l It in
.t.iU M.tiv tbaa ttt. p mi ,.
,.,i,, II,, j K l lWM of lb,
l'mi tlmt tit' wliut lifu.l tnj iiing
and '' r I'iotil.i tt llif a'.ai m, fix
t Mulber l"tu!a iipHHnl nt
WStll tj Winn I Ivintrivil njt (U,
' M il a I )n ili.d In my n -final to
ttliaei, I wa placid In a toll innte
iiltblt, tin ) kk'tt. a i h aunts a
hi,U' N una unabln bi
eittiiil fur the inothit that b Ut tliU
rliangn, but I learned tin in warn af wr,
l athi r Jitai'blin bud a friend, a
.Will like blm'lf, with whom bt bad
tttmlltHl In Nbw, Thl man, named
Julian, bad gmie to ttnino when Father
Jonebliii bail count to St. NUIren, and
be bad bs ttiine the favorite of (-!'
dlnal. I'bU eiiit bad tlveii bin) a ulaee
III the lliirllltliili with other I 'Hire (bat
pi in cd blm under the authority of our
"it wa then a grand vicar Ui the
bishop that Father Julian t amo to Nt.
SI IT re n, In order thai nil preparation
might bo mndii for tho reception of hi
uHtiior; and Father Joachim having
talked with htm concerning nut, be
blamed Father Joachim wjveruly for
the Indulgence that had hecu ahown
" 'The louder inorclo of this wlcki
are cruel,' wiy tho Hcrlntuic, Thl
man made himself well known. Thottgl
the treatment that I had already en
d u red bad been of auch a naturu that I
should have HUt'cumlscd without divine
aatlHtauco, ho judged that it wa too
guntlo, and ho instituted another with
out delay, lie attributed the alarm
which had boon In tho night Us negll
guncu on my part; and the sumo night
Mother Urula camo to find mo and
conduct mo by many winding corridor
to tho apartment of the abbe.
"It wa the llrst time that the abbes
placed before mo the alternatives
either to abjure my error, kneeling
before tho crucifix, or Us boahut up In
subterranean dungeon In eternal
" 'No, not eternal,' said I, 'I know
whom I have believed, and I shall not
be confounded,'
"At these word Annunclatii changed
color, but sit Id nothing. Then the ab
be suld to me;
" 'Do you understand, ClarlsHo, what
tho church say of heretic? It i true
that many do not know their error
there are a few, however, who do not
doubt; and even they are unable to
have any knowledge; and wj they ard
able neither to love God, nor Us do a
single thing that will be Us their merit
In the matter of a!vatlon.'
I had learned ny heart thl ex
ordlurn, I knew then from whence it
came, I do not remember what I ali
In response, Our interview wa long,
and tho ablwis made every effort to re-
Uro me by leading me to retract, but
(lod austulned me. One thought rul
all the fear of my future torment, and
and that wa that they would compel
mo Us change garment and so discover
my dear little Dibit;; fori had taken it
from it binding and bound it Us my
Mo. Happily they did not wardi me
Finally, the abbe having lost all hope
oi winning me, declared Us mu that my
fate wa Irrevocable, and that I must
aubmlt Us my condition willingly or bo
forced Us do o.
"Then at a signal from tho abli,
Mother Ursula and Annunclata camo
forward, and each of them taking an
arm tried Us draw mo from tho room,
They vere obliged Us uo aomo force,
because I bad thrown myself at the
feet of the abbe to ask pity of ber.
"'Do not kneel before mo, miserable
apostate!' ho cried; 'never bend before
mo those knees that bate the symbol
of tho dying Jesus.
"Then riing, ho uttered a terrible
cry and said:
" 'O miserable ClarIttoi Would that
I bad died Isifore aeelng thl day!'
" 'My mother, my dear mother,' I re-
piled, 'hear tno, bear your unhappy
b lid I I do not bate the cross of ChrUt
No, I glorify It! I live by It; Hi every'
thing Us tno I Hut I cannot adore tho
"I wa akiut Us go on when Mother
Urnula struck mo on the mouth saying;
" 'Do not pronounce your blasphemou
word in thl holy cbumbor!'
"Then wdzlng my loeve with ber
nervou grasp, ho drew mo through
tho ante-chamber into a cell situated
by the side of tho porch and facing the
"Two candle woro burning there,
Annunclata took one and Mother Ur-
aula tbo other. Thl cell wa made of
wood and covered with panel of tatm
try. Loft alone, I fell upon my knees,
not Us implore pity of those who had
none, but Us ask of tho Lord III aid acd
atrcngth. I wa rudely raised by
Mother Ursula, while Annunclata,
pressing a spring concealed in tho
wood, oik! nod ono of tbo panel and re
vealed a flight of narrow, circular
stair. There camo a cold and humid
atmosphere that made tho flame of tho
candlo flicker, Tbo sight made me
recoil even Us thoopX)slte aide of the
chamber, where I reilted with all the
aowcr of my strength when they camo
Us sel.i) mo, I wa beldo myself, and I
addressed Us Annunclata aomo re-
proachc of which I afterward often
rejiented, 'You will have remembrance
of thl hour aomo day with anguish and
!) aiii
i-,UiP .i.. t tlii y.,i iMufc1'
' Mm t tt.l paMtii, in, I l.i' t i pin'
h m i"i t'f i r fli ( At,! t 4
lit-i J.llfctf ttf till' I i; l ll.H t l l,
t,i it l.l tit t.gth tvt, d (h
! ) Htb.f, m tl, t',.t.
BtlJ ivnfiinHj irvti!), linn nf lb.-iv
niaimii r il l. ai tin, l ,t ,ij
ititti.l tikit a ftlglttfitl Mifbtman, (it
wbbb act uiniilatttl at) Ibe boiMti ttf
I he Infernal siftf! b, k
Ibr) t mild hot M ar lue fimn at in of
thn Fu-ihal!
"I wa diafgetl In kptttml my rfntt
Ui ibe Uiitmu of lhe hiding ttray
ami through long an IhhI coiildm and
winil r I'haiiiU iti wbert tho ft'
WBMittiitsd. Finally w taiee loan
IroB diHir, and I Ittavo jnu to sni tnl.e
my tlioiiglit when I saw tbe it alica of a willtary and ikmih innl hn
"The IrsuitliHir opened and turned on
It rusty hinges, Ib'foro I could plen v
iho shadow that auritiunded ine, my
ctuiipttiiltm bail pushed mo Into the
dungmm and closed In hind me tho Iron
door with uch a iioiss that thu rvsrt
must have been beard in the upicr
story. 1 hey departed; I listened n iius-
inent Us Hit) echo of their footsteps
then everything lapsed Into silence.
"Hut I wa not left In a complete oh
scurlty a I had thought, I wa In it
largo chamlH-r hewed out of tho rock
From thepmik of tho arch bung an Iron
lamp; It spread, It Is truo, a vacillating
light, but 1 found it aulllcleiit for all my
need. There woro aomo bit of furni
ture In the room, one bod In the angle
near tho door, and a second on tho on
IMisiti) sldt), with a tublo and a footstool.
While I asked niymdf If this wu all
prepared for mo alone, a uhudow raised
Itself from tho farthoM bed, and Inclin
ing on the aide gave mo the indistinct
outline of a human creature. Nut bav-
Ing any Idea of finding a companion In
thl somber place, I wa seized with
terror, ani acrcamlng with fright, I
fell upon tho lloor onules. You re-
gard mo with astonishment, my friend,
but you recollect thl Ague whom you
already know, and whoso Interesting
hlsUiry I will relate Us you later.
"It wo los a human being than a
specter, Dear Agne! tho little tlmo
that wo p issed tegethor ha united our
Swuit'Su nuiH.i t.ntin .,n, 1,1 !iu,, 1... ,1. ,l,.i,.
In lonir vnuru undor iif.hf.t 'twiiim r.n.u
"Iwa uncoiiselou for a long time;
wncn i rcguincu consciousness inn poor
nun wa buthlng my forehead with cold
water, When h suw that I was about
Us faint again, she said to mo in a
gentle voice full of tear:
" Toor child! do not bo afraid of me!'
"I asked her who sho wu, Kho re
counted Us mo her history in a few mo
merit. 1 wa filled with astofilsbment,
not having the least Idea that ho still
"Sim wa very small in l,o, and In
appearance of an advanced age. Her
face wa drawn, and of a severe ixprea
slon; she whs bent almost double though
she wa notmoro than fifty year old.
She tried to lift me, but wa not trong
enough. It waonly when I wa some
what restored that he conducted ran Us
ono of tho bod, where I atretchej my
iu, wtioro i airoictii'ti my-
i aurfaco while be arranged
bo alonthir covering; thnn
elf upon tho
about mo tho
ho m ated horaclf unon tho aUsol
" 'Hpottk to mo! apeak Us rue! To you
I tay that I have beard a human voice,
that Kwoct sound of heaven! Why are
you hero and lnco when? Have they
aeon enough of my mlory to give me a
i'i t in " I 1 1 1. 't) I l'-t
ZriZQy Frco From Poisonous Matter of Any Kind,
that I had fallen into a mortal horoy,
but I have been rolorod to thu church
by a ttvorIty which I call goodric, to
rejoice In tho jronjwct of
from fire and thl mortal body
'Have you, then, retracted?' aid i.
" 'I bavn rccnintiwl mv nvfiir ' audi
"1 lghed d!Cly and bitrt IntoU'ttr,
My tear aolttccd tno,
"Vc they have brought yon here,1
. ..... .
in III May jio grant that our coming
together In thl prion hall become
the mean of our reunion In glory! Ro
I mn !. I , U .f C,J ll, ,,...1
...v ... i, rauMi,'l
tak before me, Domini n,ljuailum
vis fentina. Ant Marin, ymtia pUm,'
After thl be alcrned bcrilf rmtntf
i niniio nu reH)riu,
'It will bo ft bleed work,' ho con-
kuiiivu, w mmwii y.iu i rum yuur vrnir,
HTl ..1 . . . . ... M .11 ,
w liiiL miir in iimili. fir irip h iriv miiim. I
I, 'of
g the
my child.'
"'Are you wholly atire,' Baked
btilni now morn unt of bavlnrr thn
truth than at vour entrance into thl
jl ,1 li .... . .,l. . I f... .Ilila ttf. tttu tn i , n ,,,, . i 1, ! .,1 ... ! 1
uuiigtHirir iiiiir moirior, lime i anort
for you, ami you have little mean for
your iriainiciioni nui ince we are ws
I . A a I ..J l ,
gcwiur, wgt'vner lev u examine ine
truth, Do you know tho Scripture?'
"'How ahould I know tbem, my
child? I have never eon them,
"Uy what moan then did you
acquire your principles which made
you incur trie (Jlpltaure of the
" '1 received thorn' of a young girl to
whom I taught Italian, I wa young
liomM I wa obtlnato In my error:
were evero toward me, and I lot my
reaaon. I oocame a maniac, or rather
wa delivered to uutan; but they hnve I
' I' ' St J I t ill S.. it t t
t!i'.' a i!a! t front tl.e b.iM,
Mil IT U l-tl Im if f l tin l.t'n k!;. i o' Hit
H I Iti t Jswttl.Ui f,tf 1H Id bow
lt) Hftitt Mi fsnll,rit: Ibin
t ' log ittis tua I'.e i", ta t ii e
Hat I I sti ltii,j li I, 1, jf .. i,,)
t Mid, sltnv I rt tt'tttii l t.iiSm i,., , ,,i
tht bun b '
' A i-il aa it to i.btflin ihrut that
Jot! bM Ivttai I'titl, fti) liintbel'
" 'No, I btttf li st ,kvt Ml ihhic
iiiltti d that sin, I bad retiat lt d long
l ftim they gat? (tiki Hgbl, Hull,
iimrft ttf tiitui Ubiin nt and wmie mai iiu r
"'ibslKt pialHd ibal j on nan say
that! It'll, dear mother, let u pray
lugi-ther; let u rxaitiliie with Ibis aid
of the Holy Npirit, celestial truth, and,
nol Blshliig to base any otht r bo, b l
u attach Oiirwlve heartily Ui what the
Almighty show it to las III truth. If
our spiritual guide art right, the
.Scripture arc- wrong; but If the Serlf
lure are true, the H.m.ish church I
corrupt, deceptive, and alsmilnablti.1
'No, my child, 'replied tho old ro-
llgleUM-, Joining her withered hand,
no, do not talk so,'
"Ami she looked around bur with
affright, ami lgnetl herself many
time Invoking the saint and repeating
thu lltuules.
"Hut a you are doubtles In a hurry
to know the rest of my history, 1 will
glvo you ut another tlmo more of the
detail of my conversation with poor
Agin . 1 will only ay that a few day
after I became her companion In tho
dungeon, whore she spent thirty year
in military confinement, I Isocamo to
lck that for many hour I wuu com
pletely Insensible and Incapable of mov
ing. During all thl tlmo tho dear
creature guvo mo all tho care of a
mother. What mean she employed to
comfort nits! And with what vivacity
sho gave me an affection that for ho
many year bad lacked an object ujion
which to concentrate it force and ten
dornesi, and which ceased only with
ber life! I have soon alnce, what I did
not understand then, how thl lively
affection wa Us prepare her mind for
I . '
' Will Coneult Their Own Interest! by Uaing
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? the New York Ledger; William hockhart, Kaq., Vcterinory
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r), ..,,. ,.. Kiuini Ull'l UI1IVI, III Ml Jl, i'J,
Homier. Run.. Veteriniirv KnrL'Oim. ill nf New Yorl" If M lf,,i,i.
. ,, ,' .. ' ... "
huhhui in.j,, T.niiiiuij uuiumi, nu ui i ui K , i 1, HI , J lOnlCrC
& Co,, Tallow, IlidcBand Wool; The Lincoln rarkCorniniHioner;
John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour & Co., l'ackcr; Miller
& Armour, Packers; J, C. rennoyer & Co., Teamirnr: (Jen. Tor.
,r, A .... . Vnt-hw 1 ( !.., a
..lllfMin IHUNUIH, l Ui 1 bll lllll
rence; Uncoln Ico Co,; A. II. Itovoll; William ThompBon leo Co.;
'i' Newherry; CoiiBumers I'uro Ico Co.; E. K. Uond Tacking
- 'f'08- J' hipton & Co., Packers, and others, of Chicago.
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