The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 13, 1894, Image 8

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Tli A, P, A. OlflrMlon M Mrr!m
Turk 011 lit loutlh Wm Well
4rr 1htr4 1 HihmikI Vtli II(hh1 tt
llrmrhl I'MtrMlf AMitm f
'irMnil ltr, J. A.
it lulu h nn I'll A tiiftli'nh
NiimiitiMmiainjr iim
tlm itidihlotf of tln rout tli, Mi'irlum
itk Wit MM 'l '
nfU'rtnum. Tl irrotnol wm ft p i
nmrli ir iituiia, Imi tliat tlll not U i
Urn limtllt-r Dim from ivli-rnathnf,
Mtl llnnWHIIllll ( lOOlll! wlm Mllll'l-
juiUhI jpilttif t Mm A, I', A. Hilhr wm krUy '7 ' MimMwitnti
nUlttMtt oMhn rli'ini'iil ftr Mm mtn
il U Hr ilurlnif thn fiiii'iinon,
An i'iiiirUliilnif iri'i;mmMin wna
glmi, 1ml nhortor Mian tliitorlifliml,
eiwlnjf tomo linlf l tho liny Ix.lrijf iwt
tn-fitru tho idi'Miiiv-wH'ki'M nwi'itililoil,
Thn lftur l'rrlr' band hmMml
immlo for tho wimloii, ami did millt
U) tlm tiiiiiio,
An riiU-rtnlnlfitf addrww from Mm
lUUs irwddniit, J. A. Doitrborii, wm
ri'd by tlm iUto mrreUry, K. Hal Inn,
owlnif to tlm Inability of Dr. IVarUirn
to Iki irtiH'iil. In hla r he ald:
"It glviw mo unalloyed jilonHiiro t
kMk to you nttlnjf word of ifHwtlnu
on thl now doubly niimioralilo dny, In
my ofllHal rapacity m jirtwltlont of tho
American rrotcllv Awoolatlon of
the ataUif MImomI, I bid you wel
come today, As the roproiMtnUiUve of
tbo iibordlnatflcoundlaof Karmaa City
and Jm:knon wmnty, Mbmnirl, I csxUsnd
ln-arty and hncIbI wobiotno to all the
iubordlnate council of our nulKhbor
IntfiUU'rcltlo of Kana and to All
kindred patriotic order. Nay, but my
welcome U mora eomprclwmilve than
that, for to eory gunulnn American
citizen, fordjfn born or native; t nvcry
genuine American woman! to evury
American hearted ly arid t(lrl, and to
every baby that feed uxm the milk of
a (fBOulne American mother broaxt,
I tender my wldoal-moutlied and rnot
unction wd mo Ut participate with
ii In all the olylti of thU oociwlori,
and to unite with u in paying tribute
of honor to thl anrilvomary of the day
when, one hundn-d arid lhte5n yeara
ago, the American colon !! naid to the
nations of the world, 'We will bo a free
and independent jx;(le.
"And what a Mcta:le l here pre
aenled! The gri-at tat of Mliri
and Kantas atawjlntf aide by side totlay,
m brim full of old nevenly'ot a to
have Iocome aubllmcly forgetful of all
pronaI and state Idfonyncraclcs, all
atete lines, prejudices and hol'bles, of
all difference of political creed state
and national-arid with their heart
melted into fmeueM by the fire of
patriotism, they are ln'4-nt only on do
ing hrmor to the memories of that
heroic rsee of men and women who
gained for them the priceless berltag
of civil and religious WU-.ry which
they now enjoy, Yes, the sons and
daughters of Missouri bavegof visit
ing gone to spend the day with their
cousins, the sons and daughter of
' Kansas, in their beautiful sunflower
borne, where they will .hat and sing
and dance about the flag-staff from
which streams the stars and stripe,
and Ut wbkh symbol id their country'
glory they will pa in concert voice
this poetic tribute:
"flu lit lh r" li"f '' hope fi1 lidios,
h eriyel tin1 Ut vs'or irlvfll
Vli f ifi tisvs III thH welkin fttmm,
Ant nil Ilijf lim ei-r lxrn In lionfrn,
fofwt flout thl (fi'Uf'J lif't !
Wr,, tfiaiiif the I'm hut fwlls trfor us
With ff(lrt' will ((emth out U'fl,
An4 1f6nui' tnner trrlf e'er u1
"lis the opening mnU:nm til thl ad-
dreM, I destnafe thl day a a 'now
doubly memorable day.' 1 m styled It
with purpose afore-tboogh, and for a
runum that I will now proceed Ut evolve,
This Fourth til July, in common with
all Koirth of July, I already singly
memorable, for the raon that all the
youths and rnaidrn of otrr wrarrwn
achool well know, but what I mean Ut
say I this, that this particular Fourth
of July yf the year lH.ti 1 destined to
became twlee memorable In the annal
of our emntrjmn'M memorable lx
cause of thl fact in the pt, the wrest
ing of our liUrtle from a powerful
oiUrnal foe, and inUm memorable be
cause of thl fact which still lb- In the
future tha preservation tA these same
libertfei from dmtnuilUm at the hand
of a far mora Insidious, powerful and
dangerous foe, tsomfortably ensrjonsed
and prrte;ted within the border of
thi 1'rotestant land, this 0M-n-JSIble
land, thi free school land, that wm
consecrated in a baptism of blood, to
civil and relfgUrtJ ilterty,
"Do jm still Mk me bow this par
ticular FWtb of July 1 to become
doubly notad In our country' future
tlsUry? I will tell you plainly, The
American Protective Aasorilation i st
for the specific task of preserving our
liberties and free Insiltutlon from the
graep of that subtle and mighty domes
tic foe -the Itorolsh hierarchy, Tbl
fourth day of July, Wti, 1 the first
time during It existence that the mho-
elation bM come forth b;fore the world
ojtenly and distinctively Man organiza
tion avowing that mission. At tbl
aame hour, and without any precon
tittr.l plsii. bttl Itt lit d , a 'Hiit
ptili'i' tnsllet t, tb" I""' of . A
IV A Im tb -e si ill) fl lmlai'
ti t-l lr I ,tn l. rwml Park, and
JoMf JtnltH'i'd ll pH Uii, v 'lit
Mnk Ibtw otil ti )'ii tbrwifch
j our ! m i ivlsi ) , U oiioi'i!( lln
tk, Vlt. I h iiil vl his ImtliHitf
In M 1 1 tu lliem Itl I r'H'Ol b'
ttinv other le nf fur fiMiiiiiy thai
I11.II11. live pad lot if tinnil"' I'ss drUfli
fni III Hit inemls i if our luible mil r
In ffli'liixte this ilny and ' riMhst"
rrale tl to Ami rlt en fi-inliim. I knuw
imt, but of Ibis I am fnH.v fiHivlun il,
fnuil the sl'iis of tin' lluif ami the
t if lid l rVfiils, I bat Ibf imliiii.i uf
I lie alr aily Itiauuiaitil nmifft 011 our
nil bftitn Anift'b'anlHm ami Human
ism will ho the triumph of the bu rner
ami tin illsiiimfmiurii of the latter,
ami I Vfitiini to pifilli t (lint this par
llfular r'uiirth of July will lfimi Ui
ftiUit-n gfiifiattiuis tliiubly hUtoi Id In
the nn rials of our country,
"Those two tblnjta Anif ilfiinlsm and
Itomaiilmn - as llny stiiml ilfllneil In
my mind, are synonyms -the ono of
freedom In Its broadest sense n pro
scribed In the lllhlu and the constitu
tion of the United Htatea, the other of
slavery In the wide and deep sonso, as
sot fin tti in the teiu'hlrig of the Itoinun
('athollu church, As such, those, two
things are Incompntlbles, and like
light and darkness In the physical
realm and truth and falsehood In tho
moral realm, they cannot ro-exlet. Tho
territory of the American mind cannot
remain indefinitely 'part free and part
slave,' but must, In tho very naturo of
thing, be either 'all free or all sluve,'
Which nball It bo? Tho aladltloniam
of tho American Protectlvo AsaiK!ltt-
tlon and of tho organized and tho un
organized patriotic sentiment of our
country say it shall be 'ALU KlttCK.
"Tbo 'irrepressible conflict' between
those two antagonisms I not a coming
conflict, but a conflict I'omo, Tho Issues
between them are well defined, and are
being tried hnforo the great American
people a the jury of last resort. Tho
ultimate and decisive trial of compar
ative strength of tho two parties Is
Inevitable, for neither will or can sur
render or retreat beyond tho reach of
tho power of the other, and the struggle
will not slop short of tho utter destruc
tion of the one or the other as a dis
turbing element In American society.
"I believe In tho ultimate triumph of
truth and right, and, hence, I have an
abiding faith that, by the help of that
Ood whose providential band has led
uthufar, and by the patriotic conse
cration of bead and heart and band,
our open Hlble, free school and Protes
tant country will emerge from the
carnage of tho strife, purified forOod
and humanity, and that the star and
'rlei, though begrlmmed by tbo
smoke and dust of battle, will be borrm
aloft by patriotic band and planted on
every hill top, mast and spire in this
broad land.
"To the noble work of reconsecrating
ourselves to the task of preserving the
blood bought heritage of civil and re
ligion llisrty, bequeathed to u by our
revolutionary forefathers, I invito
every loyal man and woman in thi vast
assembly, Having thus renewed our
allegiance to the star and stripe, our
government and our (Jodj and having
rebaptlxed ourselves in that rising tide
til patriotism which I flooding our
country, let u Imagine ourselves stand
lug upon a mountain top so high that
wo can Nweep with our vision ail the
outline of our vt and rich landed es
tate, from Maine to Texas, from Alaska
Ut Florida, from the lake Ut the gulf,
and from the restles Atlantic Ut the
reposeful Pacific, and then and there
we repeat In concert these lofty and
strong words of the poet:
"I love ir UiA, mr country, kind and kin,
Nor would I sen a do wroriirerl of Id lori',
MffJiunlry', If a wrtch a'cr arise
Out of l)i t eountlKss sons. Who would eurUll
Tly Ireviium, dim ttijr lory-wlill lis lives
Msjr allrsrib's peopl-eurrilrii forof all
lU.ttl.'iii m-mrvA t u MessliiKi-aed If oris
?,lt who would not arm for lliwrrjr,
lis lie, too, cursed living, and, when J.-td
U Hi I in I burM downwards, wlttt Uintiftt
lAMiklug Ut tlell, snd etr his i:otrJ rvs
Tlis lir sfciilk In lir form,"
Judge J. T, Hims, of Arrnourdale,
real the declaration of principle of the
A. P, A. and presented many point re
garding the same which assisted in
taking away the mist from some minds,
and gave them a bettei' understanding
of thn order' Intent, The address of
the lUtv. If, M, Hackney, on "The Day
We Celebrate," wm bumorou and en
tertalnlng, keeping the large audience
in an uproar, Through the witty say
ing would crop many piece of Instruc
tion from an A. V. A, standpoint,
From hi address many were taught
that the A, P, A, I not what om of
the dally paper would indicate by
their libelous article against tbe asso.
elation. Major William Montgomery
sang the old, yet ever new, "Htar
Mpangled Manner," No orator meet
with greater approval than tbe I lev
Williamson, of Kansas Cl'.y, and it wm
tbe general opinion of all present at
Merriam park, that hi address on thl
occasion proved to lie not only eloquent,
but sound and worthy of mature con.
sideratloo, He deserve an extra word
of praise. All In all, everyone wm well
pleased with the day' entertainment,
and the A, P, A. celebration proved a
decided succes despite the dlflleultles,
Tbe K. (J, Ft. , & M, It. U. have the
hearty thank of all interested for the
many favor extended, and should be
complimented on tbe handsome train
thf list) f llt Helpr!,
Aivint, K, .ti'r I'Hh,
I ilitr Till Ami nn Homw . u
1I1 M beet n blilf J-nt how wnee
.l,ifi ,: ".fie am we l," ur as llu
hi silo n lilm i' failli lly t'i.if" s
U, ' Is eh l!Uiin a falliMf, or Is the
t 'in in Unl eit'"
I'lmii lii 1. 1, null.. oil) In Dm N',
M. A b lat'-ly k'"i" forth the
eiliit, tlml Tint AMMiii AV, ami all
klnilii d psii bt le iac i, sba'l mi tuneer
Ih ki pl on tile In lis reaillhg rtmins.
We will nit dwell M the Itnimslstfiie y
0 1 tlm lliliitf, or on the fuel that the
iiliictilfil iniuits'is of tlo V, M. V. A.
are aware that the .IfsuHb-al "Tbiunlf
si'iew," has Is i n t'liuiyl.t Into pl'.v. It
a HiHller of sill pi ls that Iberf sliiiuld
Im MMiiany Proleslant In this eu'tub
li hi d land, who know aUmt as iniu h of
I Im if si history of KoiiiMnlsut asthoy
do of thn Inhabitant of Murs, or they
would reallno tbnt I''a1lr Hllek, of
I'hiim, III , vuleeii tlm si iitlineiits of tlm
Itomlsh irli'sihiNMl, whfii he doe lareil
that "the Y. M !. A. was a hell-bole,"
and wiiiiH d Culliollii motlier agitlusl
allowing their nous to become minlHr
staling that "no decent young 1111111
could belong." A. F.
: , ,
J, J, llllss, Milliner, 1511 Douglas:
.1 .
John Ituibl, Jeweler and optician, .'117
North Klxteenih street. Watch re
pairing a specialty.
Utile Ida Melsner'a Theology.
"Do you know tbe nature of an oath? "
asked Polloo Justice Potts of 11-year-old
Ida Mulsner In tho Gregory street
pollco court, Jersey City, yesterday
morning. Tho child was a complainant
against Thomas Donnelly,
"No, sir," tho child answered,
"Do you know where children go who
kill IIoh?"
"No, sir."
"Did you ever hear of heaven?"
"No, sir; but I heard of hell."
Tho iud ire had been getting discour
aged, but the last answer inspired him
to ask another,
"Well, tell mo now." ho said with an
encouraging smile, "who goes to bell?"
"Protestants," answered the child
Justice Pott decided to omit tho
formality of ailmlrilsterlrik' an oath to
the witness, jvr.w writ mn, juiy z
Go to222.'i I!Bvenworth for estimate
on earjcnter work.
tf Dlf.T.KNHKCK it CO.
J, J, HIIhs, Milliner, 1514 Douglas.
F,at Dyball'sdt-llclousCream Candles
1514 Douglas Ht.
Itiuiie (lets There,
Kir Charles Itussell, tho now lord
chief Justice of F.ngland, Is an Irishman
and a I Ionian Catholic, Ho breaks a
long line of precedent in being the first
member of the church of Home to at
tain bis present exalted place since the
davsof the F.rig!h reformation, Hlr
Charles I just Ul year old. He was
made a queen a counsel n a mem
ber of parliament In WHO, and attorney
ireneral in 1HHU. Ill salary as lord
chief Justice Is imi.iUM) a year,
Stat or Ohio, :itv or Toi.nno. 1
t.ui'.A (Innsrr,
Khash J.I.'mkmsv iiiiike oniIi lloil lie Is
thn wnlor psriner of tlm nrm or v. ,1. rneney
At t ilolli liusliiess 111 in" ciiy or 1 iiieini
I'oiinlv mill alHln MfureKMlil. mid tl Ht Siil'l
Hrm will pity th sum of ONK lltJNIMlKI)
I ol-l, A its for such and svery cmsh of ( 'utarrh
tlisteaiiiiot Iw cured I'f Hie us of lUl l.'i
Catanhh i I'HSi ntivK J, 1 iir,.-r,v.
Sworn lo l r,irs ins and suliscrlliffi In tut
presem s, this nilidayof (X-eeinlier, A, I Issfl
. 4 NotHry I'ubHe,
Hull's c:al ami ;ur is taken iiiM-riutiiy itiin
actsdlrecily on th IiIimkI arid non-oils sur-fai-esof
the system. Send fur testimonial,
free, Y , J. t.ll t, T I w., nielli), J.
.raold by (IriiKKlsU), 7fa:. -l lum
J, J, Hllss, Milliner, 1514 Doiiglns.
Eat Dyball' Candies, 1511 Douglas
'11 AiMTkan IMmi, til Ht, Paul and
The Columldnn, of Milwaukee, paiors
rtarted to antagonize the A. P. A, have
ironeoutof existence. There seems to
bene lasting call for thern, Vallum
J, J, llllss, Milliner, 1514 Doiiglns.
KxiH-eled I)enil' of (lie 1'eire
Vjknna, July lb The lUiman Catho
lic hierarchy of Austria and Hungary
have received notle from Inline that
tbe physical condition of the op I
alupirilni Hurl the curdlnals have been
warned to e In readiness to assemble
at tbe Vatican at a moment notice
The notification, though not unex
iU.y.i,.,i il. llf of hi holiness bavlriff
(ieen long in I be Imlance, ha caused
tbe greatest excitemeni among ine
clergv and ellclt;d tbe liveliest Interest
and deepest sympathy among trie cam
olio people,
J, J, Hllss, Milliner, 1514 Douglas,
('rrwtl M-aled.
If either of tho political partle wish
to lie successful this fall either in state
or county election, they should see to
It that no man receive ft nomination
for any office who owe first alleglanise
to Home, Political llomanlsm In
America I doomed. The A. P. A, i a
mighty army and every man of thern 1
armed with a ballot, Nominate your
McCarthy, Mulcahy and O'Tools and
the battle begin, A word to the wise
is ufflclent.jfe (Minn.) Trilnviit.
The Value of Meed II read
1 appreciated by everyone, but o few
are able to secure uniformly good re
sults, Thl I often duo Ut the fact that
when milk 1 used the character of It
I exceedingly variable; j by using
Horden' Peerless Hrand Evaporatod
Cream you will overcome this difficulty,
Try it, f t j
J, J. Hllss, Milliner, 1514 Douglas.
Kdward Haumley, for livery, 17th
and St. Mary Ave.
July Shoo Sale!!
vou CAN
Ton ontl
Black Flno
Cash Shoe Sale.
Opiawltn P. o. 103 8. 15th 8t.
Undertaker Emalmber
lI'-orineHy with M. U, Mitul.l
Tki.kimion OW,
IS South I6th St., OMAHA.
W. N. SMITH. 7i
Tiioiiotun- nvenon nnwu cuccd
llniiin Turkeys. H. A W. I'lynioiitti Uocks,
l.lulil, llriiliniii anil rUinCMC
H. I WymiiloiMi wnivnuiiwi
HUs'k and Kkhs for sale, Circulars fri'ii,
Attorney-at-Law, Commercial National
Bank Building;.
HA I oiler iiinl by vlrl.uiiof 1111 order
of sitln on (li'i'i i'ii of fori'itlosiirii of iniirUitKD
IksiiimI mil of the iIIhU'IcI court In mill for
DoiikIiis county, Nnlii'iiskii, nnil to 11111 (II
nwii'd I will oii'l.lin I V 1 J j day of .Inly, A. I).
IM14 at 1 o'clock p 111, of said day at, tln
liorlh fi'ont door of Hie couiily coui t linusi),
in tlm city of (limilia, lioiiulns county, Nn
liraska, sidl at iiulillc aiertlon to tlm lilidicst
i.ldilcr for cmsIi, Urn )ioii'rtr iliiscrllii'd In
mild ordi'r of sale us follows, towlts
'l lin iioi'Mi oiin liitlf of Mm whmI. onii-lialf of
lot (lOj, Koiiiilii's H111 oud Addition to tli
idly of (iiniiioi, lioiivliis ci limy. Nuliraska,
as siirvKyi-d, platlid anil rucordndi said
iiniii'ily to l)i solil to sallNfy ,las. W, ('kit In
tlm mini of 01111 ami thlny-slx ami ll-KHl 1I0I
lars ii;m.j jmlxiiiciit, wlili ItiMin-st Minnion
ui in lief I'i'iit. (ut iiiiiiiiin frnrn Mm WMh day
of March, A.I), Ihih. and twenty mid 7H-KW
dollars (I9I.7SI costs lii'inln, timet er with ae
crnliiK costs In a JinlKiiiiint rendered liy Mm
district court of MoiikIus county, Nebraska,
at Its Miruary tJirin, A, l, lsi(4,Vi a cerlaln
action Mien anil Miem ik-ikI I nif wherein
.lames W, Carr was ilaliiMlf and llrlili-t K.
Kurd ami John Kurd were defendants,
Omaha, Nebraska. June l.t, IH',14.
6-1.1-fl feudal Master (Join in Isslotier.
NherlfTs Nule.
Cnder and by virtue of an execution on
transcript Issued by trunk K, Misirns, clerk
of Mm lllstrlct t'oorl of HoiiKlns county, Ne
braska, Uiou a jiidioiieiit, rendered by (Jen.
H. Hinilhi a Justice of tint I'coen In and for
liouulascoiiiiy, Nebraska, iiiiIIhiiiIi day of
lleceuilier, Is'.i.l, III favor of Mtto Nobi'lln
aifaliMt Nebraska MurimiKe I,oan l'omiaiiy
ami Jacob M, KmuiliiKer iliideiided with
James II, Johnsoio a traiiwrlit of which
JiiilKiiiem was. on t le Iftlh day of Kebruary,
s(i4, duly II led and diH'kctcd In Mm District
Court wltb 1 11 ami for said lioiivilas County, I
have levied uiun the south half iH, Hi of I t
two tii, bbs'k two cii, I'liddis'k I'liu'e, an ad
dition to Mm lily of Omaha. I lunulas county,
Nebraska, as tint proierty of Jacob I'.ninilii
iter, am) I will, 011 July li. Ism. at Klo'clistk
a, 111. of said day, at the KAHT front disir of
the eouiily court liou In Hie city of Omaha,
I Moulin county, Nebraska, selUalil uroieriy
at public auction to the lilitheitt bidder for
cash, to saliafy said enecutloii, the amount
due thereon hciri ninety and no hundredths
dollars if.m.'itii ijuimie and Mm and forty
live hundredths dollars ilu.4'n co.t of suit,
with liilerent thereon from the 7th day of He
cember, A, It, Isttil, until paid, and also Mm
furiher sum of four dollars ami thlriy cents
14 1101 the costs of IncreiiMi on said JililKineut
ami the a'cruliiK costs thereon,
Omaha, Nebranka, June I.V sli4,
Hherllfof lloiixlas County, Nchranka,
Inane Adams, attuiiey, l)-,V
ill Ire le Non-Kesiileiil Irefeitdanl.
Charles K, Warner, Mary K, Warner, and
O, l lliipklus, llrst niiiiie tnikiiown, will take
nollcn Mint on Mm Kill day of May, Isiit.
John J, Morinll, Jr., Inecuoir of tint estate of
tJllbcrtc, Monell, eeceasee. piaintiir unrein,
llled Ills pel II lull III Mm lllnlrlct Court of
lioiiiflns county, Neiiniskn, anainst sain
fenduiils, the object and nrayerof which am
to rorei'lostt a cerl aln uiorliiH exeeuOiil by
Mis defemlants, Charles h, and Vlary K.
Warner, lo I lie plaintiff, euoti lot nlueiihlii
bbs'k seveiiMeu 1 17 of Central I'ark, an ad
dition to Mm city of Omaha. Iiiiiik las county,
Nebraska, l" si-enre Mm payment of a
promlswiry note dated May Wth, Issli, for Mm
sum of seven toindred dollars (i'WHh, dun
and payable In llveyears from dnl thereof!
that there Is now line upon said hole ami
moHKiiK" Mm mini of seven hiimlr. d dollars
irim,ii, for which sum with Interest at ten
(liii ,erccnt from Novemls-r Snh, isio, plain,
tiff prays for a decree that defendants b re
uolred In pay the same or that said prune
Isss may b sold to satisfy the amount round
(jVoii am required tt answer said petition
on or In fore the -joih day of August, Imi4,
Omaha, July 2nd, lam. .....
JOHN J, MON M-l.. J It,,
Fxeculor of Mm estate of (Jllbert C,
Monell, deceased, I I Itl It 1. 1 IT.
Jas W. Carr, alOirm y for plaintiff, 7-H-
A Patriotic Tajier Honored,
Vvuvrn, Minn,, July 2. The corner
stone of DulutrY new rtoard of trade
buildlriK will hold among It content a
copy of UhtrUj, our patrlotlo paper,
The Issue of June 23 was placed there
sndaolonif a the beautiful striuture
stands, Iet u liojie that Lllxirty will
aUi flourish. It Is now in order for the
tiirrlhrnnUm WUwm (papal) to call for
a vote of "no confidence In lllierty,"
Tbl 1 the first city In the Union to
recognize and honor a patriotic paper,
tl'j.00 to Pueblo and return via the
Union Pacific, June 11th, 12th, 2.1(1 and
IWth. City ofllce, I'KKJ t'arnarn street.
J. J. Miss, Milliner, 1.1J4 Doula.
i m
Wr, want reliablo newsdealers In
every town In tho country to handle
Tiik Amkiucan. Write us for terms,
It i tho best patrlotlo par published
v you desire to assist the cause sub
scribe for Tub American.
Lobcck-Linn Hardware Co.,
uulldGrs' Hardware. Cutloru
M(M Douglas St. Telephone 279, OMAHA NEB.
The Low Price Pwlerchants.
It Costs no More to Buy tho Best From
Us Than Inferior Goods Elsewhere.
W'AUlvKAUNKKS' PRICKS arc mnking us new friends every
hour, nnd holding nil our old patrons with
a grasp liko iron.
Little Prices With Big Values!
fiOlb sack Bnow Flake Flour 4Hc
lib package Com Starch (4o
Bottle Plckloa (J8o
2Mb itack Corn Moal 2fo
lib can Biiklnsr Powder 15c
8 bar B. B. Soaj 25c
Bottles Mustard .05c
Sweet Chocolate , 04c
21b can Corn Ode
Tea, per pound 20o
Coffee, " 18c
Butter, " 10, 12J, 15, 20c
1502-12 Capitol Avenue.
14(16 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb.
llitNt Ooo'ln In tlifl in
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for 80 Days
C. LANG, 718 South 10th St. '
W, P, AI.I
Vlen -
Interest Paid on Deposits. Savings Deposits Solicited,
Cornar Fifteenth and Harney BtreeU,
Oma rmiioved from llil North Irtlh iilretU)
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 00. : OMAHA, NEB.
Watchmaker anfl Jeweler,
Fine Watch UKPAiitiNa a gpRoutn
612 Houth 16 Htronl.
HurawMi ir Ui Iirexwl A Maul,
Undertaker and Erabalraer
1417 PAItSAM NT.
Omaha Express and Delivery Co.
Moving and Light Express Work
Trunk and Paroal Palmary.
Hoiiwiholrt (iiB(U I'm'kcd.Hiri'd nnd Hhtiind
OBIen, Wt North Hlth Htrnnt. liriinirh iiffleB,
N. K. Cor. Will nnil ,nk f.riu. lulu
pl.oim 167B. PBICM 'Y'tUUNkV,
rWTIioio Moving a Hpeclail jf' ManaVef
1 Irons Glnhama 05o per yd
Scotch Lawn 05o per yd
40 In. Grecian Lawn 15c por yd
Regatta Sailor Hat 25o
Men's $1.50 Nejflljroo Shirts . . r 75o
Men' $1.00 Notflltfeo Shirt 50o
Men' Hobo, por pair 05o
Straw Hat at half price.
Crockery price Hinaahed.
Hardware, WiHidonware, Shoe, Drug
lower tha'j over.
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
l.AMKH HIIOKH worth fMK) will ( at HI. 7
i 410 a 00
' " 8.IKI " UM)
" ' (.Ml " 1.75
5,(K " H.7H
" n.iie, " i.ttfi
" " a,wi a.w
- K.N.
joiin a, ooitTKhvon,
W Ounnot Wh Your Inuli,
Out W can Mailt Lliinn Whlta a Snow,
1110-1112 DODGE - ST.
Talaphona 630, hi'i ri-l nry (1 Mxr,
Firoi Life or Accidental
It will tiny you to nil I on tlm iirn1nrfcnAi1
riin-i)ioilliii4 wvunil A Nn. I linturitnea Coin.
IMn I'lixlim lllook,
pinpioT fit quarantmd.
Taath litraoiart In iha mornlnn and Naw
i mini ma aama vay.
TcctH Extracted Without Pain for 25c,
DR. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk,, lOtb and DoogUa,
ttmnhn, of.