The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 13, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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I fcriit si 0.r, l Hit.
Jrtt ( . I Wt-i.h
1 114 I et Am,,.. m Itt t Mhi, t,
A IV k INimi .' (M V't I li l
IMI fat tkfc h ! t
v, r, i. riimi.i..
1 ht MlnHItt, t' I ttf tti I n idfi.t t,f .i In
flillit .i.ll, I f Hi National (. .11111 l ll(
A I' A l IVM.iiiii
' , HitK Ait't tl nitiom.
lna hrlllii r Mtth, li', ii tM-hfil, lt"f
l'H, li (t.i. (li-i h'iiii nil ni f..r luciiitn r
tl'l 111 (III1 Al..l tl.mi I'lllllH l Assta l iil 11
'Tlm Aim r Iran I'miwm A UHmii ,
not Niiltn iHy,hlil tl t. . r,,t,tt.,
Die iHitltli'itl KlIIIUIIxitK nf ll i.n ii.i.i ii
II t'i thrill t ! hiM hw If . tti In iln
ill lintKi uf Ihi'lf Hillll. al limit In iif mil
nf mt t jr llln , Imh iii Ii Ih-IIi i Hint nil
I'l-t Mihi iiuf mill Itiit tin r n iiln Kill ln
ImiimhI aolhl lf k rtitiatlfiitlmia ill Iuiikii i f
I hi' iltlllis nf i'lll(i'lilili I ft vilf ImlUliliifil.
"Vlillt tnli'riiiit nf All r 1 Til'., h huliu lot
RillOm'lhiii mill iiinirt Inmiy pullili' il hihi r
hill I'milmlli il I y A mi l Iriui i ll li ti4. hih
Whli-li rlnlintiiiul If tint iiMnlcr sun M'lunl f
I I I it 11 llio Kiivi'Miiui'iil uf llii' I'nlli'il HI11I1 U
lrri'ioiii'llitbli wlili Aiiii-rlriiii rlt Ixi'iinlilii. It
In, I liiTi furo, tiiitM'i lo till1 IihIiIIiik of i.llh'i
III Klnlt' or tmllmiiil Uuvi'i hiiii'iil liy miy mili
Ji'i't or kiiimii Iit of ailt'li rri'lfaliisllinl
"Vii iiilmli lliii fount It tit Inn uf llin I'nll.'il
IHlltiif AiihtU'h, itlnl lin i rlli II nf Il tnoltt
Hum It KUiiriiiili'iHif ri'llKlmm lll.i'i ty. Mil
tu linlil tliln ri'llKliiiin 1 1 Iif pl jr to In' miufiui
ti't'd to Hid hull vliliinl, nnil not lo iin iin Unit
UtidiT It proUirtloii miy uii-Aiiii'ilrnri t'crli
lllMt U'ltl power Villi I'lllllil Miy fthatiliitii I'nii
trol over Ihu ml in'Kl Inn of children, growing
up uniliT thn dl itrn mid ati'liit's.
"We roimldur tlm Iwrn-si'diii'liiii fnm public
tcliottl tlio biilwnrkof AniiTli'mi I not 1 1 11 1 limn,
tliu hi'iit plai'o for tlio oil iii:ut Inn of A NirNi-nn
clilldi'Kti, Tu ki'i p t lii'in mu ll, wo protest
ftXaliiHttliuiiinployiiii'iit of mibj irln of liny
un-Aiiiurlcitn oui'Ii'mIhnIIi'iiI pownr 101 oltlciTi
or Ii'ivcIhth of our public; wIkhiU,
"We coiidiunn I ho nuppi.rt. out of tlic pulj
llo truimury by dlruct Hpproprlnllon or hy
contract of any niK'tiirlun nrliool, rnform
ulory or ol lmr hint It u tlon not owiind mid
controlled by pulilli! authority,
"llnllnvlnjt that on'inpllon from taxation
1 Cfulvalnnt to a (tritiiKf public furidn, wn
dmiiand tli lit no rmil or piTumul property be
Oxnmpt from taxation, tbo tlllo to vhlcti In
not vimli'd In tlio national or mule novum
tndiitH, or In any of thnlr nub-dlvlMloim,
"Wo protiwt axalnut thn ciilNtrni'iit In tbfl
Unlttid Mtntv army, navy, or tlm Kill Ilia of
any mulu, of any pimoii not an actual cltl.i'fi
Of tlio United HtatiiM.
"Wo dctiiiind for tbo protiwllon of our cltl
wii laboror tbo prohibition of thn lmporta
tlonof pauper labor, and tlio rent fiction of
all Immigration to pornoim who naurnit nhow
tbolr ability and boniMt liiMntlon to bocomo
milf-Niippoi'tluK Amcrl an cltli'im,
"Wo (lomand tlm i'liaiinof tlm naturaliza
tion law by a ri'pmil f tbnai't autborlliiK
tbo naturullmitlon of tiilnom, wlihoul a pru
vloun (loclaraMon of lutmillorii and by pro
vldlnK that no alien fthull b naturalized or
peruillH'd lo voln In any Mate In tbn union
who can not uplink tbo liiriKunKe of tbn land,
and who cannot prove neven yoart' coiiwck
tlvo rimlilenrn In thin country from the dale
Of IiIm divlaratlon of bl Intention,
"Wo protiwt aiiliiNt tlm urmn frnKllKencp
and laxity with which Iho Judlcbiry of 0111
land ndmlnlNter tbn present toil urn .ligation
lawn, and iittnlriMt thn practice t;f fialuriillz
Ingalleniiat I bo cxpenno of coinfnlOeii or
catidldalen 11 the mont. prolllb; noureo of Die
pioment prolllulloii of American clllzeii'iblp
tl) tllll 1)11 '( ll".
"Wo demand that all honplt.alH, imylumH,
reformalorlen, or other Inillliill ,n In which
people are u nii r rextinlnl., bo at nil tlmen
mibjecfc to pulilli) Ififipecllon, Whether they
aro maliilatned by 1 ho piibllour by prlvato
Corporal bum or Individual,
"Wo demand that all national or tato
li'Klnlatljii aflVdliiK financial, commercial or
Induidrliil lnleret bo (enernl In character
and In no Inwtanei'ln favor of any onn sec
tion of the coumry, or iinyono cla of tbo
(111111011 1,111ft
1, Tlm ut Ion of prince urn hoi,
luperlor, but, mihordlnato U icclelatlcal
2, Tbo law of tlm emperor cannot, din
olvn tbo inil orcanon law,
3, It I not lawful for an omperor lo exact
anything oppoed to the apoKlollc rule,
i, HI not lawful for king to uurp tlm
thing that belong lo prlcl,,
6, No cimiom of anyone can thwart the
t nl 11 1 na of III" pope,
0, !,ot no rell unco bo offered to the
apoBtolh! (canon; precept,, but let them b
(alutirerlotixly fulfilled,
7 The yoke Imposed by thn holy ee I to
bo borne, tboiigh It appear Intolerable and
H, Tbo pontllf can neither bo looned no
hound by the eculur power,
P, That (ho I'ontlff wa called (iod by the
ploti I'rlmin ( inmliintlne, and that a god ho
cannot bo Judged a man,
II). That a god ho I far above tlio roach
Of all human law and judgment,
II, Thai all law conlraty to the canon
and decree of tlio Komau prelate are of no
VI, That all of I ho ordinance of the pope
aro unhoNllallngly to be obeyed,
III, Wo ought not even to upenk to one
Whom the pope ha cxcomiiionlcatod,
II, I'rlexl aro father (.lid mauler, even
of prince,
in, The civil law I derived from man, bill,
the nccelailciil or canon law I derived
directly from (tod, by which tbo pontiff can.
In connection with hl prelate, make con
ailtiitlon for tbo whole chrlHllan world, In
tnatter plrll mil, concerning I he ealvatloil
of oul, and the right government of the
Church 1 and If nerenmuy Judge and dlnpima
Of all tbo temporal good of nil chrlallan.
ID, A heretic, holding or leaching fale
doctrlnii concerning u,o acrameut, I '
CommunlcaM'd and degraded, and handed
over lo I hn secular court,
17, Mocular prince unwilling lo wear to
defend the church again), heretic are ox
(ommunlcaiod, and they aro laid under an
18, The good of heretic are to ho con
Oni'iited and applied to thn church,
III, Advocate or notarle, favoring here
tic, or their defender, or pleading for them
In law Null, or writ Ing document for them,
are Infineon and upended from oOlce,
i, The ecular power, whether permit
nent or temporary, arm bound to wwoar that
they will exterminate, according to their
power, all heretic condemned by the church)
and a temporal lord not purging hi land of
heretic, I iix-comiounlcated,
ill, Thoo ulgniid with the crone for tlio ex
i..,,,, . n ' ' 1 tu ii 1 1
I . I . I 1 he 1 1 f -I ll,w Irflp
,. it .' t.. 1
" 1 ' 1 ' . tu t ,. 1 t ,. 1 i
- l ' I 1 nil ft ! ' ,
; W i 1 , i:. In I nltr , '! ttif
I,, o. i t,.i 1. , 1 ,i I'.. t t , ! I . 1 ,1
j ? (1 ll I I. ,1 . 1 1 . II. . I i. 1.(1 III
I. 4, 1 II ! ,i It-,) 1 1 , In lli II l f"l
1 v 1 I , li.ii. Ii ' .1 llm 1 1 1 xikihh
, t. t,i titlt ..,!' . f lh. n
tV rnn I'uli in,' Tim .' t H,in I birth
t Ull H i O'.HIIHI ! ! I'l f' tllel
..(. f 0 h. Ii-il an I H 1.. o 11 iv no! 1,1
I" I, .ill Ibell lllv III llltn-1 HMillH lf tllftf
. I'nl'ie. ol liitn'f. I heir fl wl. I"il htv
I,, ,, ,i, i.illl f tnllHI'l FVI-I I l,"l I'l H I
Kill I I Inn,
w l'ii f ii.'W Hi iiiiimi iiintiiiii 01
aiK I.I I nt,,l.. I on In l.lli i l-l I nine I,
1 1 th ciniHiitit ill mliH ll,on f,il ml
1 till act In, I , Inliilnbllltf, ft Wi ll III
a ilv itlml U, Ho f cue neither n,l
not Will Inlielll lil I till In Until tf
01 her. I, ln - of pii 1 nil hiii Of 1 f
rhlblrnii lib uf iluwtf. ami litlur
pillli'l' xrmileil i Wiuei 11 Alh- I iiliHn
tl hi nf all (ihhU. Pill Unit Inaanl ml
Uii- and iithei at free from all, I veil
mil nl. dilution dim In (heir bod ol n li
nt In f ?lli. 'plll C'k,m p, l llllll'lil,
I'KpecUlly death, and per (h'IiihI lioprlaon
mi' nt,
'!". The cumin law furblil nil lolerat Ion,
', Tlnil uietfiipiilllaii and liUliop are to
i'-iniiiimiitileat I1I111 who mnl Utterly of
W, N ioath I lo !m kept toward lieretli!
pi luce, lord or otliei.
;m, Heretic t In be deprived of all civil
and paternal rlxhl.
ill, 1 ho Hipo can abaolve from all oath.
it:, Hvery buhnp I onllmiry Judge In a
cuiiicof heri'f. Thn reatoit I Ih'Chuo IIiW
hlhon can ox -odlclo, ami ouKtil to cut if pain
heretic, and Indict upon Ihem (ho flue pun
l-diiucnt, audio tlil aro bound on pain of
tlcpinllloii, llelde, are Iho lioUlllof r
peclally deputed by thn itpiMlolb' we,
Kvery bNliop In hi dlocewi I thoug' " to be,
and In reality I, a natural lmiilftor, (liter
ally horn Imiulxllori, o a to have the au
power with thine ulreaily menlloiied In
cauo of homey,
lt;i. In every promlory eath, although
almoluUdy taken, there are certain condi
tion tacitly undcrwtood, arnofigl which are)
11-If I can) 2nd -To aave the right and
authority of a wuporlori 8rd-Whon the oath
auppimn the honor of the apoxtollc ee to be
Hi, That Diocouncll of Trent, (the lat and
groat authority of Itomei, deoreo and com
tnaiiil lloit tboiwred canon and all gen
eral council, alothe other apostolic enact
merit lued In favor of eocleolaetlcal per
aou of ecclelaellcal liberty, and against H
violator, all of which by Ihl preaent decree
It renew, and mut lie olworved
by all,
( iirdltml'a (I11II1,
"t, , cardinal of the Holy Itoman
church, dopromlno andwearthat fromthl
lima to the end of my life, I will 'm faithful
and obedient unto t, f'etnr, the holyapo
tollc Keman church, and our moat holy lord,
the pope of Itome, and hi uccoor, canon
Icnlly and lawfully elected! that 1 will give
no advice, consent or aallano against the
pontifical majesty and person', that 1 will
never knowingly and advisedly, t their In
jury or disgrace, make public thn council
(intrusted Utum by tliemsolvo, nrhjf roes
eenger or letter! also that 1 will give tte 111
tiny assistance In retaining, defending and
recovering the lloman papaeyand the regalia
of I'etor, with all my night and endeavor, no
far a the right and privilege of my order
will allow It, and will defend them against
all their honor and elate, and I will direct
and defend, with duo form and honor, the
legate and nuncio of the apostolic see, In
Iho territories churche, monatrle and
oilier benefice committed to my kecplngj
11 ml ( will cordially co-operat with them
and treat them with honor In their coming,
abiding and returning, and that I will rlt
unUi blood all person whatsoever who shall
attempt anyt hing against them, That I will,
by every way and by every (eeansatrlve to
preserve, augment and advance the rights,
honors, privileges, the authority of tbo lb ly
Km, oin bishop, our lord the pop and his
befmn merit lofted successors, and that, at
whatever time anything shall be decided to
their prejudice, which I outof my power to
binder, a soon a I shall know that any
alepa or measure have been taken In the
mutter, I will make It known to the same,
our lord or hi iicceor, or some other per
son by who mean It may be brought to
their knowledge, That ( will keep and carry
out aid cause otlmr to keep and carry out
thrt rule of the holy fattier, the decree,
ordinance, dispensation, reervatlon, pro
visions, eposlollc mandate and constltu
lion of Iho Holy father ei,u, of happy
memory, a to visiting the threshold of the
Hpostle at certain prescribed time, wiord
Ing lo the tenor of that which I have Just
read through, That I will ek out and op
pose, persecute and flght(omnl conat.11 per
seculurumcl Impignalurumt against here
tic of scblsniatlc Who oppose 001 lord, the
pope of Home, and hi before-mentioned' suc
cessors, and )hll will do with every possible
(Signature) then nentlolbe pope,
IIIlmi Oitfli,
"I,- ,- elect of the-'
diocese, from henceforward will
faithful and obedient to!,. I'eter the Apostle
and to the Holy lloman church, and loour
lord, the holy pope of lime, and to hi suc
cessor, canonlealy entering, I will neither
advise, consent nor do anything that they
may lose llfo or member, or that their per
son may bo seized, or hand In anywise laid
upon them, or any Injurle offered to theM,
under any pretence wha('vnr. The conn
w I wit h Which they shall Intrust me by them
selves, their messenger or letter, I will not
knowingly reveal to any, to their prejudice,
I Will help thorn lo defend and lio
man papacy and (bo royalties of at, I'eP r
against, all men, The legal- of the plollc
see, going and coming, I will hole, nil, ly treat
and help In hi necessities, The rights,
honors, privileges and authority of the Holy
lloman church of our lord, the pope, and hi
aforesaid successors, I will endeavor lo pre
serve, defend, Increawi and advance, 1 will
not. be In any counsel, actloi or treaty, In
which shall bo plotted against our said lord
and lloman church, anything lo the hurt or
prejudice of their person, right honor, siaUr
or power, and, If I shall know any sudi thing
lo bo treated or agllaM d by any whalsovnr,
I will hinder It to my utmost, and a soon a
I can, 1 will signify it to our lord, The ordi
nance and mandate. of tbn pop", I will ob
serve with all my might and cause to be ob
served by 01 her,
"Heretic, sihlsmatlc and rebel to our
ald lord or hi successors, I will lo my ut
most persecute and opiiose,
"llerellco, schlsmatlco el fetrf'lle eldeni
I'omlno nostro vol u,ressorlt,u predicti
pro posse pcrseipiar el oppugnaho,"
"I will come lo a council whoa I am called,
1 will Visit Iho threhold of the apostle
every three year and give an account of our
lord of all my pastoral ofllce and of the
thing belonging to my diocese, lo thn (II-
I I, I 1 I I I I, , l- I- 'l" I 'l Ill
I I I' I ..,., I I 'If 1 ' 'O- HO I l''l' I'l'f
I 1. .II'.- l !(,' I l iKjItil l I S'-l
it. ! , ,,, I 1 Usfll II ,!.. ill 'l!. I
i, M , f ( ! I I 1 1. i lilt, I 1 ti
I , I I , , .1 I I , f ill I t I ll'l I' ! t ,1
In i 1 n u-t If . , on I ! i,n )',-!
i-.,,l li..,i M l,i 1. f I s 'Ii I Hill Hil'I'X
l I' l IO I' Si', lOllH 'Im:H ',4.'M
l" It.,, It. 1 ft . ni 1 In li ii.r Ii -I ami
Mo l"tt f'" 1 i f (bl "
I tlfhslllM
, (. ),, ),,i i,,i..,h H-in I
I'llisl' U.llll.
' I . . .. . . i. In (be .i, .., e ,,f
Aliiil, lb. ,1, tbe to... , until M. the
I h ..,,1 Mb hn I li All titi'in I lb b i-mI
l ,I,,I.H llif titUIl, llnl lb -If Apostle HI
I'i Ii r ami HI Ibinl mol tbn Siinii,. h
fs.'lt l l,Hts of It, avin, ami l ,ui ii. lord,
lib 1 lie Iwte frotn I if lie II, Wllhnnl ,. lilnl
leservalloii Hint (be p"!"' ' ' hllt It' at
ii-lii'l arid is the I 'Me mid ulilf head of tbn
universal 1 linn h liinuii) limit the imth. mid
thai, by iiniie of Hie kt-Miif blielln and
liHMlog I veil Id his hoi I net by h ii I lul-l
h lots H,if ,i lb p,iii In 11 lb si kltin,
tulltces, a 1 ,11 , 1 iiiiiiiioiiwenllh and aovelh
Inoiita, all being llbn-il anient hi sni red
I'lililllmailno, ami dial tin r tear af If be
llealriiffil Till II file lotllM lltminl i,f In f
power, I will lb fuel Ihl iba lrloe and hi
IimIiiu ' rinht and 1 iiuitu,,s luitlnst all
Usurp 'i of the I'rolesiKiil authority what
soi' er, 'pecliilly aniiliisl the 110W pleteloleil
MUlli.'lil f and 1 bur, Ii In I nbilel Hod all d
here ils, Mi tegafd Hint llo y beuiitpl ami
lufi lb ill, ,.,i,i..le J I i" s m red mol her of the
1 linn Ii of Home,
"I do ilemoim e and dliown any nib itbim e
as due lo any l'rotetiil king, prince or
state or iilieilletico to any of ibclr Inferior
otllcers. I do further d"i lure the dis trine of
Iho chinch of Mulaiid, of the ''alvinls,
Hiuneiiol and ollor riolei,tniil, to be
ibimoabln and those o be damned Who Will
not foi,i!e Hie same.
"I do fiirllier declare that I will help, awlst
and advise all or any of hi holiness' agent
In any place wherever I shall be, and Ut do
my utmost I'i extirpate! lie I'roOsinnt doc
trine and to destroy all their prelemlcd
power, regal or otherwise, Idofuribel prom
ise and declare that, notwithstanding I mar
he permitted by disponsat! 01 to a 10 me any
heretical rellgloriirroMislant denomination
for the propagation of the mother chorch'
Inlcreat, to keep cre and prlval a.l her
agent' counm ls a they entrust me, and not
lo divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word,
writing or circumstance whatsoever, hut lo
execute all which shall be prop'raed, given In
charge or discovered until toe by you, my
loost reverend lord and bishop,
"All of which I, ,dowear by the
blessed Trinity and bleel crmenl
which 1 am aleMl Ui receive, Ui ytlntmon
my part to keep Inviolably, and do call irti
all the Heavenly and Olorlou float of
Heaven to wline my real Intention Ui
keep thl my oath,
"In teiimony whereof take thla most
holy and blessed Kav-ramenlof the r,o hrlt,
and wltries the same further with my con
wtHU'A band, In the presenc ni my holy
bishop and all the priest who il him In
my ordination lo f b priesthood,"
KutrcitM! Otilh pf fitt? irnuM,
f, f,w In (be pruiv til
Almighty Ood, the blessed Vtrgln Xary, (he
bless d Michael the archangel, lh Messed
S,hiU the Haptlsl, the holy Aw1U XI,
I'i tr and HI, I'aul and the "lol and awref
hostof heaven, and Ui fill wf Khoally father,
the suprlor general of the aor.ptf 0 Jleu,
founded by Klot naiu Isifiil In the pon
tllh allon i4 I'aol the Third, awl rimtitiwl
Ui the pr'!eht, do, by the wombof the vlrzln,
the matrl of Orel, and tbo rod of ceoa
(!hrlt ddare and swear (bat h! h'dlrese,
the poi, I t'brlat' vh'-gereit, arid I the
trucao'' orcy bead of (h f;aMioll tr mil'
versa! 'huo'h throughout lh earth', and
that by virion of tic key of blcllog and
lorrslog given Ui hi holiness by my tttvpif
,fcsu(.'hrlit, be bath yer to d pow Ic r
etlcal king, prlnc, slat's, crrmmooweal h
and goverumeofs, all being Illegal wlhoo)
hi a'red conllrmafton, and (Icy may b"
safely dest royed, Therefore, ( the ulimmi lit
n.y wer, ( will defend fhl do'trlond his
holmes' right and r.mUiM mniuoi all
usurper of the heretical or l'rortant
aulhorlry whata''Ver, espectally (be lUfh
eran church of (iMitmiif, Holland, liflilnUtU,
D widen and Norway, and the no prefnded
authorttb and I'Uunhim of t,iigtAtit and
Xcotland, and hrancfc of the o,e how
established In Ireland, and on the Orof Inent
of America, and elsewhere and lldh rent
In regard hat they be usurped and heretical,
opposing (he ntwff( church of lliinit,
t (In no denoun a nd tl ifN any alleg
laece a due to any heretical king, pr Iwm lit
Stat! UAUIK( t'ftrilHll1, Of lA1ltll lit
otdlence f; any of their law, mag;iirafti
or officer,
I do further rl" ar Miat the; Aiif.ltlM 'if
tha chorche of f,n,nd and KcH,lnd, of
the'-'alvlnlst, Huguenot and other iif tb
name of I'rnUmiHHof f,lberfls, ) tm Aw
aatl, and they the,fv Ui Im (imuwA
who will not forake the an,e,
I 6n futtliKf decla (hat I Will help, assist
and advls all or any of hi bollnW avgenl,
In any play-- wherever I shall b, In twtier
land, Oermany, Holland, fenmark, Sweden,
pt'dway, England, Iceland or America, or In
any other klngdrm or imuirf, I bll coi
to, and do my inmost loe(lrpat the hereti
cal 'ro(iant or Mitral d;trtn", and tr
destroy all their pretended prwer, legal ttf
111 her wise,
I do further promlne and declare that, not
withstanding I km dl 'li nsed with Ui mmiiiim
any religion heretical for the propagation i4
the mother church' Interest, to keep cret
and prival a I her agent' council from
time Ui time, a thv entrust m, and not Ut
divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word,
writing lit ctrcnm(ance whatever, but (
eecul all that ahall Iif proposed, given In
charge, or dlovored unUt roe, by y,u or my
gboiy father, or any of (.! cr d con
J do further pror,s and declare that I Will
have no opinion or will of my own of any
mental reservation wh)svr, even a a
corpse or cadaver 'perlnde yf edvn, Irtt
will unhesitatingly obey ab and every
Command that I may receive fnm my upr r
lorsln lb mllltlaof the pope and of Ju
Thai I will go Ui any part of the world
whlih roever I may Im nt, to tb frnrn
region of (he north, the burning and of
tbedewrtof A frlca, or the plntrle of fndla,
l; thn center of civilization of V,uttii,ifUi
lb wild haunt of the brbaroo savage of
America, without murmuring or f plnlng
and will be submissive In all thing whatso
ever, co emuntcMted In me,
I do furthermore promts and declare lhat
I will, when opportunity present, make and
wage relent la war, wereily irt openly,
against all beretfc, l'roletanl and f,f berala
a I aro dire td to do, to extlrpalx Ibem
from the fife of the wlcrle earth, and that
I will spare neither age, eirrcoridllln, and
that I will hang, burn, wssl, boll, flay,
strangle and bury allv tho tiifttiinnm
herelh'aj rip up the lornach and woiolm of
their women and crush IbHr Infant' head
again! th wall In utdt Ut annihilate their
ii'iii 1 1, ,1 11 . n i 1 1 1 e 1 x.i, 1
m it .. , ) . i I I 1 r. I f i. II I in , iii i.e ii ., ii?... 1 1 ,-f I ll.l M' t
II II,' , n ,1 I .ll'l- . . I, 11 t I I, fill
,t, I I'., . . (Sis itll.Uf,;l ,lt,.llf
lit II . 1 . n 1 i ., , 1 1 L it. ti 1 if I.
II,. i , .-. ! i'.. 1,1 I I. i HI,, I ),, in- i,l (t( .
SI.' I si "l In ' 11 ' tl'" ltd S I ,l
I 1 I 1 s 1. s , I i f ll.e n j.e 1 ,.i,, 1 1.. i f
lb. I ,. I . i ..( , f ,i . If I, Hi, t 1. 1 I be
t t 1 1 1 f I, m
In t .1 in,, n,. 11 1 I sbi, b I i, . t f ib .Id si
I I lib ii 1 ,n and sll 1 , ! h i tii .(, ami
With Ihl llsffel Will, Il I l, (ixtlli I Will
!,'. II' (. f hlO ', Wltltl'H III (i f .,l III
I, oi' ini 1 Mo it of 1 and aliiiiibl I plot f li
oi wi sto n i i f ib 1, null, iMi.ii, i.,sf ii f
I tellm n ami f' ,,w sol lo is nf Dm I1II11I of
the lie 1 ui i rt 11 hsn ts suit tef (, et. and
li.f tlii, ...I (mum i i tu esr my Im ttf n'ot l
Slid Sulphur luiriied (ton In, Willi all Die
I11111M11111 til Ihsl 1 n l I0III1 ted lipmi me on
esiili a in! inf mil be tnlluieil by 1I1 iiioik In
11 i ti ial hi tl f.irevi f.
All of wbli Ii I, .do swear by
the lib n.i.,1 liliillf, and bli awi acrineiil
wbb lilani How torn 'lie, In pi if, ,1111, and
on I, nii I 1 keep lotlolal'tri and do call
all Iho In a m ut r and Klnrtoiis bo-t nf heavi 11
1,1 Willie IIiI'sh, l,,f (i al lull nil,, In, lo keep
1I1I mi until,
III lcllmolif hereof I lake Ihl tius.1 holy
and l,li.c' . 1, i, in, nt of Hoi em loirlsl, and
Wilms the same fullbrr. Willi li,f IihiiiN
wrllleli Willi Hi" Hillil of this iblii f. itli ,
III Inf nan blisiil, and si ,il In Hie fn e of Ihl
ho) f ciiii i'iil
I He u i elves Hot wafe from the uib,r
lin, I Minis his inline mill 11," point of bis
ijaiio t iiim in I, n 1, n i,l,,i, l ib, 11 from
on r 1 lie to m I I
'I he letiliiu'.lb.lli.
' I si"ir by ulmlifhly hml, by all In heaven
ami earth, l y the holy prayer tssik of my
holy c nircb, by )h blessed Virgin Mary
mother of (bid, by her r row and grief at lb
cross, l,y lo r tears Mini waitings, by the holy
ap'istlesat I'eter and I'aul, by ibe glorlou
apostle of Ireland l, I'alrh k by Iha
blessed and holy church of all ag, by Iha
holy national martyr, to rVbl upon the
Irish soil, 10 tight for thn Independent' of
Ireland to flht until I die, wading In lb
fed gore of lb Kassen h ll'rol"slanl 'of
the glorlou caus of nationality) to Ught
until not atngl vetlge, track or footsip,
llefllutllthat th holy noil of Ireland
dim ever trodden by the kasst'Oach tyrant
and murderer) and, morover, when lb
f'rotestanl robbtr arm inmm in Ireland
shall he murdered and drive loot II, e
like the wln our Wd Jimint Christ caused
tr he drowned, then we shall (,,!, k tut,
and itn England, and rtert (rut every v
tlgerrf th yv!ured hfood (tf Iha heretic
ivlnlirer, Wmti VIII,, and po oor
selves of the heist who have o long kept
our llnd of lt Old Ireland In tit
chain of bondg,drlve u from hut shore,
exile Into foreign lunnn, I will wavl In lh
lhtod of (liitiifiiiKii i.11 4 twit' rl'rot
ant; who do hoi )iA un and fnuvm out
evc, Kc'rland ton, having given aid and uwvsir
Ui the beast, w hall lift l ef g'tre, W
shall not glv up until w hav restored out
holy faith all over the Itrlllsh ((',
To all of Ihl ( ln;rely and conscien
tiously swer with thl eye blinded, wot
UtiowiiiK who Ui tnn almlntsfr thl oath
(Mb nt I he ( SmumaAim S,
''Sin, ftilUiwltx U li mih tkn ff
th ini-inU'-rn iif that fntuiu lUnnfah
Cull it ilk; vr:p!ty;
"iMiiimn tutu floo1iiiiiljrwvt in th
WM iimol Alrnlgbfy od, that I WjI labor
while life I U ti In ti,i et,al,lsh and de
fend a republican form i4 towtMiifhl in
ifi'ltmi; lhat I will keep xcrt the tame
and everything witiiuu-u-A with lb frtsh
UtoiliitinHtd ft out all fr't entirM Ut know
,( 'rf) that I will oiK f and cn,ply
with th rjiMntttUm mill la of the uniim,
mlinu-txt they may'; (foil i mill prerv
the fund of thl order for (he cause of Irish
revolutpn lon pt'jf)ed In the con-it ltd
tlon; that I will deem II my special duty and
mission iVr promf and foi.t wuiii,ulmiif
iiiilnih Iftotln iif to, naO'nalHy, among all
Irish f'rhol!c) that t will not permit, th
tioiiiiimtlMi In any political caucu of
vent ton of apt ro tnii pledged Ui lb prln
ctpleaof thl vn'U'ifi I wilt aly y)v a
ion,t'f of thl Urnitu rinA prfrc In
all matter of bualnes, and will otM n4
work only fot fitun for political ofiim,
i Uh tlil obligo without any mtsnutl
twriti,,ih holding lb n, forever Wnd
Ing tittoti in, tut that any v)l(h tliered"
ttf (lKflSi,ft of tli If lty Ut th it'ftikf
tnnA U Infamous, and merit We rfH
punthn,ent. i help ha fiA,"
'HA ontii tt,v MiAiAUi U nbl'trrA Ut
itMp ut th humr( tA hU Ufa, It wmt
utifiUA in thn ChUwt littef'OwMi rA
wan nwrrt Ut virw.t t th Crotiin
tfM, It whs rtytrU'A hy wi4 m,f
IfrwriitmrM, IW, VrSeAtmwA Shn,
w,t m ctiHpMr, for thU hnSi ('() irrfar,
m .. S '
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amoaljn, nn4 Him fn'.U"t from W'
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