4 THE AMERICAN THIS AMERICAN ttfv4 ('.!. . ii . lw Hin t W t Ml II Iii'm' t 1H t W hi V HV TMI ilEElCAN I UCMSH1KQ COMPAKY, tifcaefhiHiin. r i ! tUl lai 1 I I M IIA1M I Vlf una Vi-sI. i coy f 4! " , ? . .i w 11m ntma tli In llil! ' lira full iwiMit-t. anil cssii mi "i-, mi ri,iii,iT , . nulm. imvaliln In Apkii I'l l '' (lirt tr AiVMtllINU IMTM. I'rr hiiiifi'l "in' l"'f imiiiiIIi . .. " III. Il t IlinllMI " a ii,'lii' iiihwiIi . " llnlii's ju t liinlitli .. . III llirhi n imi l.mlilll . .. 1 ...... I.hi lliutri ... i m 4 i III Ml 111 Ml 1 nA il t, It... I...-- I lll'f linn. hlt. hi'Ii lawmen- I r itvUI f ii 'f in' mln'illM iiii iilii. rlt in I li"" 1 1 1,11.111111 i n. Ailvwllslim ii.milniiit. MTTlIK AMtlHI ' IHTIKl'IMMIMOIIIir Al l HIH'1IC IHII'MIS- IIH 1,'HUSP " """" JULY 11, I MM. 1'atronUn A M ikican advertiser, The Amiiiuan eon Im obtained of nil wholesale newsdealer. Ak your dealer to handle It, I "HOT KMT A NT woman can II ml pcrma- nmit employment n housekeeper by rU Ht 121.1 Ho. Twenty-Ninth Ht ON tiHtca .1 if till Issue will Imi fining tho report (if the national council meet ing of llm Jr, O. U, A. M. at AnIih vll In, N, C. ANY friend wishing Information on any of tho varlou patriotic noelctle or organlntlon can olitalri amo ny a dressing thUnflleo. IT im the duty of every American to aubucrlbu fur it imtrlollc oarier, and send it u auiuu friend when through with IU oont'-titu, ThU kh'Min you, TuK council of the A. I', A. which w niccnf ly ntnrtijrl n I.ttmitr, Mo., I KrowliiK idjililly, nd promlMM to Ixi tin) rli'lilc fi Hlurfi In th futuw bido IT IM Itiuli i dUhhJ llmi milin! liKilillii'l'u of the A, I. A, liv iuit work with tho oUicr m'l'iki!!. It mi, tlicy nhouhl do nil in llicic iiiiwur to kcc tho jMiauu tttlll M4:t A tfOIIU l'ill.IIM. Ivtlm liM'i3" iifllce In Man Fran clico itici'C m) if btjf-iMivt'o llinrilitti sue otii, .In; la tlni county ;liirk'ni1lc tiiCB urt fif'y four lUiiimnUU will on d'liiliifiil, In ii" odtct fl ri. immitd thcrn rc lai'y c'ifht ml In the liitlU'r lifJIi-C rfly-flvn MHilt"i , out It will notttlwn '!, Th A I', A, In Hun Frwli''o l irowiir, TllK m.'Uoii i.f l'i(liliit Cli'Viiliiml in jiliiciiir Clili'iiL-o mid Illlnol undr mmtlitl !, will In luiilnKi'ii by nil jfood clu ii. Tho iiiin ifowl clti !ii will CMi'l'-Hin lli di!Uiry n'tum. If nut I'fiiiliiul iminlcMnc, of IlllnoU' mmrchl.t k'(tiTin.r mid ('im u"' Clmi naUttnl iimyor, In rinlttiutf Kllvn liinl to dtroy firlviiiii ro riy, HoMK t net i w offurnl I'.OiW worth of utiick in Tiik Amkkican Puim MmiiNtiMi'ANirforlc, V Imvo rii'iib no i-ffirt to h th nntcn, but If you wmt to t in building up ona of llm mmi f arU- chumplont of AmH' can lfiil'iilliiii, ihiiopjxirtmii'y Uojx-ri to yivu, a wj n'il bv few nloriMi U dinKim f at ttnlr fmw lu 1100 iincli -on najr tiMi, 110 diwn mid U0 jnr month, Amomo thmrtlcli In th July t'urvm U tm from Krwdfila H, Coudnrt, Nnw Vork Uwyr, who wHinon "The Amurlcnn f'rt','tfv Awlatl'm,'' cbmacv rSzlnif it m an un-Amrlcan, u cluiilui and unmanly vtrit'icn, and PMlwitsi inn iplnlon that th (fo-d Mtirn of thj A'fli-rlimn pipln will not lunar loh rn'w it, Mr, ('ondrt vldntly wr tcn on a ubj:t ftb'Mit which h knoaa nothing cxiwt wlut hi bu g Inn ni'd fi"i a fl'n-rulid pri, Awi'.iU' AN woiklnjfinnn may yinint thlc witl, tii) men who ar l;ttllnif attifiit th i'liilman company, hut it would tm a ml''ak for tho had ufllidaU of fcny bib ir o'axfzatlon U call thlr rncn init In order to ahow that thy nyiiputi',"d with the atrlljir, A morn tmi)',ih; p an would Iw to let every ui h n m u M fiiain at work and con UiUuUi itinUm of each day' pay to nupport ti.ii fi.millc of lh men whom lil t .iim!ll labor agitator hav In dur. ij to h 4VU their xmltiiiu in a tlrm of unpin i doited bunlni'M deprelon Tiff, n-eii and womun wboaredentroy li'tr inoi'y in Illinola, Indiana and M)r!.ui'j (mi not A niericaii citizen. Wiih Inn!! a ainflo exception tb i!f Mim w!i( ra Jn;n ftrrti4 for un lawful d"irioiitratlona, or who bav h (n h yi' d by the aoldhira, have been !!, ar.il th womt and motd p aw d cl i-a at that. To b plain, thuy bv n Jt'inan Catholic Iilahmen, l'ol. ,' ia, Hungarian or Italiana, i.otom of whom waa entitled to tad dignity of Amorlcan cltiwjnahlp, yt't on nearly (ill of whom ha a corrupt and lUljorwat judlclarr conferred that Ifit ii-l iniwl " li ! lr mi' id 0'ir iii.naU ThU l-liij , ;al iiiki' )iiii n-i'iiM lli' a.liltrU bllllj 'ui dufimn bltinif ri ) i nm W Im In. I iavn li(, ai;i d III iiIiImh fit) . I liilni a I ('il"! In ImMiii? iiiiI Hull flual 'i A riliiiliml lia tin tlht lii l a ImIIoI tiif tin' filter, itiehl id lii.m-l and U abl'lliitf im n, ALIIN AUtNCIIN AND MNlKtH Tliini l im ihhhI of our liyliitf In !) (ImImi llm (m l that Ibi io am dark day ahead of tm a a nation, or that llm cru cial Urnl of our national form id liiivurip merit alaiul In Imi iiiadii. (Vilaln alien acurli' havo Imi-m at wnik iitidiirinlnlng uur cunatllollon and aiilatiinWIiiK uur public luatiltilhma fur a rel many yeaia, and bavn pne Krcaaml ni alcaltblly that they ham aim nuil hut a Very amall pinu tloii of tho Niiiplu, That Hirlbm which baa awnkciicd to a full realUatlon of tho daiitfura which nero iiieiuufuif our form of Kovcriimi'iil, our liiNtltulloua, uur lawa ami our conatllnllon havo been pruluatinH" for aeveral yeara, hut It haa only U'cii within the luat few liuilitlia- Incu llnwi recent Mini frequent !nlmr dlaluiha.icca which havu Inhiii luigun and carried on by men whoaro allenaln all anvil their domlollulhitt tho great bulk of thu Amcrlcun (Nioplu havti even commenced toplwu thu bliitno forthtiNii troubieaomu tlmea whuro H rightfully beloiiKa at thu diMir of thu Unman Catholic church. Von may not atrreu with na In thla oplnlun, but may wo not premium to auk you to lnveatluaUi thla matter for youraelvna, whIkIiIiix thla ulrcuinataucu and iiieaHiirlnjf tho conaequeticeiof that odd In thu Hiiiiiu milliner a an lntolll gent Jury Uiaia liifforo I'Diidurinjf a vnr diet whiiro thu right to llfo or projmrty la In quuation? You, tho Amcrlcun people, arc the jury, and th'i caao at bar la not "haa tho l'ullumii compuny paid lhiug wagua to lta omployva," but "ah all a fore of allena dofy our lawi, and under tho leadnrahlpof juaultloal freebooter, make It iinpoaalblo for American citi zen to purauo their uaual avocation in the puraultof 'life, lllmrty and hap plniia'y" Whun any cltl.on i forced to aban don hi mean of attaining a livelihood or i forced to act otherwlao than aa hi conaciencfl dictate ho I being denied thu fundamental principle laid down In tho original draft of tho declaration of indi'fndericii, anil thi? jraon or er- on abridging thoHO right beeomo at once a public enemy, anil aliould be in ml o amenublo to the law, Tho caao or tho prooaltlon la not al tered laicauao thu offunding pnrtle are lulairor or eapltallata thu aamo law I applicable in dither caau, That tadng o, whllo mob of alien, and anarchiNti arc marching upon and deatroylng privalfl property which thu atMto you and other taxpayer will ho called ujion to pay for at a later dat It behoove tvery loyal American to eo im if I pi ace and to alt in preaerv- lug law and order. Thi I eHpcdally tho duty of men who beliovii In tho principle of tho A. A., thoOranfe, tho Jr, O. U. A, M. and tho V, O, H. of A, llemnmber your a'icglanco I firat to your country, it flag and it tnatltution. Htand by them loyally and firmly, and the jcult leal acheinu to array In lair agalnat cap ital and Involve thla nation In interna- eliu war will fall of it daatardly and unholy doalgn, ABSOLUTILV UNTRUE, Topkka, Kan,, July Jame A. Klley, an old Union VtU'SH (inglneor, who arrived here tonight from Kanaa Ity, aay tho accret nieotlng of 200 A. ;, V, men hold at Kanaaa City laat night U) order out all railroad fun- iloye, wero mumrmr or tho American 'rotoctlvo Aaia:iatlon ami tnat an A. ', A, leader from Term HauUi. who Claimed to rcpre nt Prwaldent Doha, atfttt-.i in tho meeting tiiat It wa tno dan of tho A, V. A, ;to get evnry foreigner In tho railroad aorvlco Ui atriko and then American would tako their place. Knglneer ftllejr wa ;reent, and b aay tho A. I . A I ackof Delia, tho odlixit being to get tho Catholloa to ipitt work, Under tho ruling of tho Oenerat Managr' A- (a:latiou ho aay they cannot get back and A r, A, inemiair will taxo inoir pli:ea, A moro untruthful atatemcnt regard ing tho A, I', A. wa nover aent out than that contained In tho above dl imleh, Tho A. I', A. do not bellovo in atrlke. Jl believe In arbitration, and tho man who aay tho A. I'. A. I backing: Kugeno V, IMm, I either :ray or a rank Ignoramu. It I a well known fact that Ieb I a bigot of tho worat character, who never mie an 0iportunlty Ui denounco tho inemNir of tho A, I', , It 1 even tated by men who wore raiaed ia the vicinity from which Deb cornea, that ho wa ra(iK-d a Itornan Cat hollo and I Ualay member of a Joauit church In aouthorn Illlnol. Wo are not any too eortaln In our own mind that tho Itornan Catholic church I not tho main atrlkerat tho prcnent timo, and that Deb, Hovercign, and othor labor loaler aro not doing tho bidding of tho pricato. Certain It f when a commlttoo wait on Vlijo IVeaident Wicke 4 tho I'uliman com pany and rwueat that tho atrlko lie aettlod It i headed by lloman Catholic Alderman McGlllen and Itornan Catho lic Mayor Ilopkin, and when Isb U arroated Itornan Catholic Hkakel and Fltgorald go ujam hl bond, When w know tbcao thing to lw m, and l,i ,i niiliv iliU an. I II. a lngi llii'i an i an uli at lu eUier im lnlnn lliHit thai tit la I punly and aliupty a H unan aU.nlti oliltie, ami iielli h Ainei li'NHi I. am lint ttiHltalail aiiit aii' lint upholding It) UNKIN lAtOMlNU Ml N The leadei uf tho aeveial lalmr or gaiil?allntia hM a great ri"nlblllly nallng Uaui them, and if Ibcy diMuil nall.i' that Imlay liny ha Mi right In la at the hi nd of lUganUallon Dial am fcr llm prolei ituii and adtau-menl of llm Inlereat of miUana In eei laln brattehea uf lradi, A mlaukn at thla tlmn mean a great deal on ire than numt men all. I hi able to realign In advance, It may not only bring iieaervlng and mudy men and their famllle lulu the precinct of act ual want through enforced hlliuiem If a general alrlkn I ordered and idwyed, but It may place loyal American in a Mwlllon whero tin y may Ini regarded a encinlea to their own guvernmenl. Nor am theau tho worat feature, and they am bad enough, of an !ll-adv!uil alrlkn, In our opinion thu worat thing that would reault would Imi the crippling If not the complete dlaorgarilation of every union participating. Wo aay, In our opinion, that would be tho moat de plorable feature of a general atrlke, for our government la atrong enough to tako euro of line If, whllo the laborer or a mechanic without a union I auro to Im at tho mercy of unNcrupulou capl tallnl, and omployor, Thla I not thu time for men without a well-founded grievance to leave their employment, Nearly all hruncheaof bimlricH aro being run at a Iomh, but If the are forced to auapend for want of men to do the work It I certainly very doubtful whether they will bo in any hurry to reaume when the atrlko I de clared ofT. To bo Ncmdhlo, how will your Injuring tho hualnea of your em ployer benefit tho l'ullman atrlkor? Thipk for youraelve and ad vine your leader aa to your opinion, A8 TO CHALK MARKS, Mr, II. 3. Taylor who ha been fur nlahing llluatratlon for thla paper I charged with having Infringed tho patent of Hoke Kmllh Chalk Date Co., by manufacturing and ualng chalk plat), Tho charge of tho tyurUlr Jkmld that Mr. Taylor had left for part unknown I not true, a wo In formed tho repreaentatlve of tho Hoke Hmlth Co. that Mr Taylor wa in Kan ana City walling upon a lck wife, Juat why Mr. Taylor ahou'd dealro U dee from Omaha tho pajer doe notataUi, and wo do not pretend to know a wo . . ... in ' nave never unuorauiod mo iiiinngo- meet of a patent Mubjcctcd a man ti anything hut 'damage. Until Mr. Taylor aettlcahi difference with the compuny we ahull not accept any of hi work a wo will not knowingly X any man In a violation of a law of our country, HurcafN r, Mr, Nendick, of Chicago, will furnlah llluatratlon for TifK Amkuii;an, and while wo regret tonee Mr, Taylor Involved In trouble, wo aball tndeavor U keep our own in Uircata out of civil or criminal court. j'HK board of education did what wa right when It allowed Ml Crowley an opportunity to hunt a ooaitlon teacher in omo other locality, and yet wo underatand the memtmra aro being beaet by her friend who Inalat that bo bo ro Inatatod. Do not her friend know that there wero more than adoen I'roU tant teacher dlmlcd at the aametlmo who wero her equal in every way? Juat why certain I'roteatant go wild over tho dlamUaal of one Itornan Cathollo ti-acher, and Ignore tho dl- mlaaal iA U-n tlmea a many I'riHoatant I beyond our (jomprebenaion. Again wo my, tho board did a wiao thing In not re-electing Ml Crowley. Hchool that aro not good enough to educate J toman Cathollo children In aro too good to turn over U Iloman Catholic teaiher, C'KHTAIN ahort-algbted or totally blind MKsular paper profe to find much Ui commend In tho paatoral letU r Arcbblahop Kcehan, of Chicago, ad- dreawd Ut hi clergy laat week, and aaaert that 1'roleatant mlniater could follow hi advhM with good effect, Thi I not o. I'rtetant aro not diaturb- Ing tho ix-aco or deatroylng pr0irty, and thoao Home-ruled d all lea are aware iA that, Moro, they know that Feehan wmld aay one thing for publication and another for tho government of hi fol lower and not endanger In the leaat hi cbanee of alvatlon. It U the doc trine of tho Jeault that tho end Juatl- fle tho mean, and the church I al way figuring to Imi on both aide of every queatlon. IT IH tated that when tho governor ordered tho Hibernian Hiflc-a portion of tho National Guard of Illlnolto turn out and help preserve tho peaco laat week, that that jxirtlon of Undo Ham' army refuaed tnoliey tho order. Huch action, together with that of tho Kmrnett Hide of Jackaon, Ml:hlgan, who oaed reaolution denouncing tho governor for calling out tho troop July 3rd, how uito plainly that Rome favor tho trlko. Mft. W. J. II. Tkavnok, uprcmo president of tho American I'roUsctlve Aanociation. ha an able article in tho July N'rrlh AwrtrMn JUvkw, In reply to Mr. Latbrop In ft former )iwi or tno Ibrljin. Tho article of i'rcaldcnt Trayuor la well worth reading. THE POPE IN POLITICS Wllr Sim Uriur on Hntna'j InntiPtira In America.. Am I Hut mini and I nllimlanllr liathrr. In In ( Vnlial Nnli 1111, ( lihaire, I mh r tnilci f Ihf A. i At (Vnlral Mnalu hall waacruwdid Hun- day aflei niam, July lt, by the member and friend uf thu American I'mlcllvn AaaiM'lallou, who aniM'tulili'd to hear an addreaa by I'roteaaor Walter Him, I,cu Itlchardaon pi-ealdeut of iiiin of the Chi cagu eouiK'lla of the A, I'. A, prealded Mr. Him not having arrived, Mr, m J, Itlchardaon 0h-iiciI tho mm llng, a follow: I, ail lea, gentlemen and friend: Tim oecaaion of till meeting I not of our own making, The rcuaon why we meet and why wo gather In auch largo hodlc on audi a (lay you will have ex plnlned to your aallafactlon I trim! thla afternoon, after the arrival of our a'uker, I'rofeaaor WulUtr Hliu. (Ap- pluilae). I received a telegram from htm dated 1 tattle Creek, Mich., you know there are only two thin;: now: tuxo and atrlke which read a follow; 'ilATTl,K CltKKK, Ml II, Meet mo at Michigan Central train at 'I o'clock.' Now, there ha been a later telegram received from him, and ho will he here in few moment. I think It wine to open thi meeting In tho tmuul way of 0crilng an Ameri can meeting by rlalng and alnging, "America." Appluuito.j Look lug to ward tho organ to algnut the orgunlat : Tho American Hug accnin to hide thu organ yea, and wo will have that Hag hiding tho vie of many other thing before tho end of another your. Thoao who cannot Ing "My country 'tl of thee" might uao tho word "My adopted country, thee." "America" waa here ung with ft will. M; frlcnila, thi la tho Kabbath and I think wo had bettor ojxtn thi meeting with prayer. You know our forefath er ald: "Hotter tho day better tho deed." I'rof, Kim hero entered and wa re ceived with enthuafaatlcapplauao, Hev, Or. Cox wa Introduced and opened the meeting with prayer, after which Mr, Itichm-daon introduced I'rof, Him, u follow; Now, friend, a I at a ted, thi meet ing and other meeting of like nature held throughout thi country, are not of our own making. Tho institution, under whoau auaplcc thi meeting I given, and which I forced to adopt thi way of Inviting tho piioplo to bo pro ent, ha oound Haelf pother under the name of tno American 1'rotoclivo A aoclation (Applauav), Wo aro uhuacd by an unfair pren, a a rule, the great dully papers of thi country, which form and mould public opinion, are al moatufraid to aay a word in fiivor of an inatltution that eck to prcwrve thi country inviolate a long a the tar and atripe abali wave. We lillevo that every free man of every clime hu a right In thi country If ho I boneat and mean to Ut a good, true, loyal American cltlwtn. We alo believe that ft man In order t be a good Amer- can citizen cannot owe am-giance to any foreign potentate, king or power, Applauaej, Wo find no fault with tho manner In which ho worablp, but wo do not pro poe to allow any man or nt of men through any ytm of religion to In terfere with our American inatltu tion, and eapuclally with tho public achool. Iu4 applauaej. We believe that tho public achoo! of Mncidn, Waahlngton and ail tho great men of thi country I a chool good enmigh for tho children of any man in thi country. lApplaune.J Our enemy find fault with the public chool, but wo propone that they ball keep band off for ail time, (Applauao, A voice, "Amen, "J I havo sometime thought that it would bu tho proper thing for the people who think our educational loNtltutlon aro not what they ahouM lie, to kindly migrate to Hpaln, whero tho Itornan Catholic have done all tho educating for many year, Applauaej, We only need to go to Now Mexico and Old Mexico Ui find tho reault of tho education of that church. Wo do not wantapyof that education In Illlnol, Applauac. I believe it I a near to heaven from IhmUm a It I from Chi cago, luaughtorj, row, frienoa, i on not think It neccaaary for mo to go Into diculon of the principle that gov ern our aaociatlon. We are a 'x;lcty without a necret, Tho newapaper talk lavily of u, that I thoao who are owned and control M by prleat, other tell tho truth, yet we propoao to have moro truth told hero to-day on the platform and to tell tho truth and noth ing but the truth, that I all, (Ap plauncj. And now, ladle and gentlemen, 1 tako great plcaaure In Introducing to you ft man whom wo think I tho great eat exponent of American principle on thi aubjet In thi country; a man that ha been a democrat, but ho I not working at It now, Laughter. I take great pleaaure In introducing to you I'rofewior Walter 81m. I'rofeaaor Him wa reculved with up rouriou app!aue,and poke a follow ; Mr. Chairman, ladle and gentlemen; The chairman ba ttatcd that ho ha glial pleanure In inlrmlui leg Inn, IK baa aal, l,i,tig a'aml the gr al plea me thai lia In nnw (leg witli ju.i in ltil, llm im li,'ni) ui ll,ii el 'I bli afl iiiui, ii ) 'ii a da) whit I, a liileii,,,l fr 1 1,,, ri.t blch hitlne 'i'iil,lilice ,a . .(,,,,! H, ilt weary, i ammt be mnf i appmpi lately or puilllalily in'i'Uplid than It l at the pf'taelil iiiiilnelit In Hit bmiae, where i gHlber Ut iiak lli'u Iheati auhjm U which aro of ueh grenl lull n t to ua, and which ao greatly concern our fu lure, and hen we meet In lllm-lia thiiae aulijecl In an American manner, and act In an American manner, and urlng our American Intelligence to tautr, and a good Auierlcan eltletii render our verdict, tho verdict of pub' lie npliiluii! and a wo render uur ver dict and that verdict find wltnea from the eaat and thu weal, and thu north and tho aouth, Il may perchance give ua an opportunity of warding off what at thu pre nciit 1 1 urn appear to Imi llm coming calamity, (Applauae.) We havo a nation, grand and mug nlflcent, unique, virtually, fur theru la not another like It, and none that ha been Hatched by tho atateatneii of the old world with keener eye, and none before which tyrant have trembled, and tho crown of klnga have mated un comfortably; a nation rcproaonled by a (tag that ha waved In the ruldat of battle for our llhurllc for a period of over one hundred year, and which ha lawn tho emblem of tho grnndeat and moat mag nlflcent Kiicccaac that tho human family bncver witni-aaed in re lation to corporate, collecllve, nodal and governmental Inatltution. Hut the celebrated hlatorlan, Macaubty, nrophcelcd with grcnt force an it In dent of hlalory, that thi nation In tho latter part of tho Nineteenth or tho be ginning of tho Twentieth century would come to It crucial teat. Ho wo are coming to our crucial teat, we are com ing to tho timo when It will bo demon at rated whether ft conatitutloual form of government audi a wo toaaea will and can endure In tho mldt of the greaUiat trial. It 1 evident today that there 1 aornethlng wrong In our coun try; that a power which I weakening our government I abroad - The wheel of commerce havo tagnated, our rail way ayatem aro tied up, men cannot go here and there a they deal re, com fortably and aftfo and all thla, my frlenda, come becaiiae, I preaume I waa a democrat and voted with the demo cratic party at the lait general elec tion, (Laughter,) Now I am not ap ak Ing In thla manner to offend the demo crate here thi afternoon, bccau I be lieve the good democrat, like layaclf, acted In good faith; you did not under atand, a you all do now, a we all do now, tho al Illation, and henco wo be lieved that the democratic party with (Jrover Cleveland wa going to lend ua into tho land of I'uradlac, (Lnughter,) W are in the land at the preaent time, and we have not much like or it, (Laughter ) you will aik why it fa that audi a condition of affair cxiat a it do eit in thi country, grid you will uk, and rightly, i the only party to blame the democratic party' My friend, I will anwer you "No," both tho old partie have been to a certain extent dominated by a foreign influence, and It I that foreign Influence that we havo come to gether to d ieua not tho religion part of tho inatltution, bocauae we are American citizen and wo give tho right of religion liberty to every re ligion organization in the nation, The f toman Catholic church ba the ame right to exerclaolt devotional aervice and Instruct It jople a any other, o long ft It doc not intruct thoao people In treanon, and conapire politically agalnat our government and our Inatl tution, (Applauae.) Hut my friend, the entrance of the church Into politie I un-American, becaoae our eoHatitu tloti jr(x;lalm the fact that congrea hatl make no law relative to the c tabllahment of religion. You ure well aware of tho fa ;t that If tho Method lata ruled In congrea a n organization they would naturally lie Inclined to mak law that would uphold Method lam, bceanao wo ludieve tho Methodlat I boneat in hi Ndief, that the route of tho Methodlat church I everal mile hort!r and nearer to Heaven than other, If the HptlU had an organ ization that entered politic, or tho I'reahyterian, they would do tho rno thing; but our inatltution known a I 'rot tant lntitution, though nc arlly l'rolelant, do not Include re ligion, for we maintain tho im i that I Voteatttntlarn I a living principle of Amerlcanlam, and that without I'ro leatantiam no man can ho ft good Amer ican citizen. (Applauae.) Therefore I will tell you that a man may be a JVo teatunt, who 1 not a religion man. Now jxtrbaji you do not exactly gather my meaning, I will try to rnako it clear by aaylng thi; Kvery time you vote, you are a J'rotetant, and wo are preparing to rnako thi fail one of the grandeat prot-,at thi nation ever made, (Applause.) I am to havo a chance with ail other good democrat to p''"tent agalnat tho preaent adrninltrtlon, which ha been run In the InUsreat, virtually, of the Kornan Catholic political church, (Ap plauae.) Now, in remarking that a I'rotontant 1 not neceanarlly an American citizen, and an American citizen not noccaaar l)y ft I'rolcatant, we ruut como to our primfai lui iv aUlciiii i I of In-n would lx hnlMeg fur lb k'lM el IHIn'lil of Jl'lir jiiitgiuehl. In llm n plain we ilea He In ealnlx linh llui aft, i iiKnii the fn t Idat I he aim In Aiiieilcan aitllli ilaliii llm rlghl In ciiulml llm fiaiu hUe of the Itiuuau Calhulli' cplu In Aim i li I prupiHN) to pi-oto Ihl In you oul uf hi own iiii'iilh, Wo are (old that the holy father haa nothing luilu with pdltlct at all by amue, hut arc told that by the lay iiicmhei uf tho i hun h, Now, while I havo thu grcAteat regard for the Hum 'i Catholic, aa hfl follow In tho lino n, hi Ulih, and I iiiimt nay, a certain amount of admiration for him, laH-auao ho I o true and o abiding to that felt yi I, nevertheleaa, I liiuat ul Jeet when he any ho I a free man po litically. Mo alale tlil, hlmaelf, but ho know nothing about It no moro ha he to aay regarding hi liberty than tho ten Ihouaaml aheep on tho hill of thi country who are led by their Mhcphcrd, Tho Human Cathollo lay until I directed and controlled by tho hierarchy, aid tho Homan Cathollo Inatltution ha been, and alway will no a foreign Inatllutlon. hocuune In every way It I entirely foreign to our Inatl tution. (Applauae.) Thu wliolo Homan Catholic church I moved by a button which I preaaed -In Home, Thu pope prene the button and tho curdlnul aro moved; tho card inal prca their button and tho bishop are moved, and o with thu prluat, who move tho people; but the people havo no button - their In simply to obey, They aro like hecp, and I Nitppoao that I why wind 1 o cheap. Laughter. I muatglve you evidence to provo tho blind olaullence demanded in tho Ho man Catholic church. We havo aorno eminent men of tho Homan Catholic faith, who havo okcn of thi matter, Horo 1 ft reaponnibiu witnoa, Cardinal Manning, HI utterance can't bo denied. Tho word of a priont can lie denied hecauao ho 1 not In the church proper. Ho only give order to tho nhcep, Tho bishop aro tho lowest official of tho church. Hut thi doc not destroy tho organization. It I one of tho moat perfect organization In America, Macau lay ayt It iiollcy I the most perfect In tho world. After centurlc it ha perfected ft machinery that control and deceive tho, people, Cardinal Manning ailu it wa tho duty to obey tho civil law ao long a It doe not oppono faith, Ho laid that dootrlno before the Hrltlsh public, for tho British havo had to fight tho fight which we aro now making, They bad to fight for their Magna Charta a wo are now buttling for our conatltution. Cardinal Mannlntr uaed the word I have quoted in Jtinuhoc'n Mmjazim of December, )HHH, He indorsed a book written by a father Bhopo, In thla book are these word; 'The civil law are binding upon the conacli-neeonly ho long a they are conformable to the principle of the true church,' Now, hero i a blow at o ir civil law. Hero U one of thecauaenof tho anarchy that I beginning to app -ar throughout our land tod y, The American jcopIe have received an inheritance conform able to tho law that have been passed down ton-a constitution that govern by tho people and for thep ;oplo. Juat 0oonatho people begin to believe that tho law are not binding on tho conscience, o long aa they do not agree with ft certain 'eoclela, justao soon will our constitution be undermined, Car dlnal Manning reported to Oladton that tho Hritiah citizen must learn hi duty In Itomo I have voted for Orover Cleveland and ho ha been asking at Itorno what tho dutleaof American ub Jeet are, Loud applauae,) And we are today proteating becaune we believe In roe America, We can know our duties, and wo do know what tho dutlea of American citizen aro without going Ut Homo to learn 'tbem, Yon are not fating exhortod today to rlot: I do not wish to aay one word to arouse angry feeling, but I declare aolemnly, In the preaenco of the God who gave u ii berty, that we aro pledged to aland by our conatltution by every peaceful method, but If It ahould be neceaaary for u to give up our liberty or our llye, our live will go out, Ioud and continued applause, Cardinal Mann'ng said another per tinent thing ft very pertinent thing when It I applied to American politic. Ho ald that a contract to which Homo I not a party, made by a Homan Cath olic, is not binding, We have been electing Homun Catholic to tho moat Imoortant office In our government. We have truated them because dltrut I not one of our Amnrlmn principle. Hut when we discover that tho prornlHO which congressman make to hi con tituent 1 not binding nnles ratified by Home when wo learn that In the event of ft conflict of duties ho must obey Homo, then It I time to conwider if thi trust J to be continued, Tho obligation of auch ft man ralo ft very aoriou consideration. Von have heard ft good deal of tho A. I', A'; If. ha been stated that our obligation I U boycott Catholic, A a member of that organization I know of no uch ob ligation, Applause Hut one obliga tion aucnsd to your heart and acred to mine I tho duty of every free Amer ican citizen to Nocrlflce hi own selfish ambition and gain in order to atand for the common good and for the con atltution of tho United Htute, There fore I would way to ail truo American