THE AMERICAN 1 v v, .... . . A , lr W iP III!' illfilffl MU, - - X-V l?-?--. - i ""' . .. J? A n Unci, Ham "AIJH, TAKIC HA TO I I, I HACK TO UflOl" ins last ki;jli:ht f ii,nu,i:i. The Henri of ft Masonic, Martyr Inferred Willi Impressive Ceremonies, OAKl.ANO, Oil,, J ii no UXTbo heart of Yuaolo Herrora Cairo, Masonic; martyr, was today burled beneath tho granite foundation stone of it monument which will ho erected to his memory The site of tho monument Ik a slight fmlnonoe at tho northern end of Moii tain View cemetery. On thht u todiiy wore HNwrnhled liundrodH of piiopk who wltnenaed tho ceremonlen Bttondlnn ono of the Htrriifettt Inelderiti) In tlio hlntory of Vim Masonry, Tho ih'oiwhcIoii wn formed at iha KiiU) of tho eetneUjry nod winihoadod hy tho Onardfa Jimrez, tho Mexican iriill tary company of Hn Franclmio. Th:y itcted a tho 0N ort of tho heart of ox Governor Cairo, which wn contained In an oaken cunket draped with a Mexi can flittf and torno by four KnltfhU I (ono Croix, following thorn marched a dolegallon from thu Mexican Lad leu' Uonevolent Hixflty, under tho loader hlp of Mm. A. K. Coney, who convoyed tho heart from Mexico and promoted It to OcthHcmano ChajUsr No. 6, Homo Croix, Then camo tho Grand CorwUtory of California and U ulorjlnato bud leu of tho Ancient and AecepUid Hcottinh Klto of I'Vco Manon ry an general encort to tho following Maxofilo hodlon: Oalj land IMlgoof i'erfeetlon, No. 12; Verba IJuena Lodgo of I'crfectlon, No, fl, of Hun FmnclKooj Cethwjmano Chajiter, No, ft, of Hoxo Croix of Oakland; Verba lliiena ('hnpter, No, 4, of Koxo Croix of Han 1'Vanelnoo: UeMalay Council of Kadoh, No, 2; (iodfrey do Ht, Omar Council of Kmlimli, No, I; Manonla Veteran AHMiHilatlon of tho racillc Coant, ar.d Oakland Lodgo No, JH8, V, and A. M,, acting an tho M, W, Grand Lodge of V. and A, M. of California, with tho ofllcom of tho day, Tho grand Koorotary enumerated coin, newMjiapem and other thlngM which ho had placed in tho box with tho heart of llorrca Cairo. Then the copper cunket wan lowered Into a cavity In tho hugo block of ooncroto forming tho foundation, to tho accompaniment of tho rejortn of tho rifles of tho Mexi can (told lorn. Mm, Coney wan encoded to tho tono, that alio might who that all had been done In accordance with tho hint wIhIic of tho dead, and an tho hugo block of granite wa lowered Into placo tho Masonic choir ang tho "Martyr'n Hymn." Grand Orator Kdwln A. Sherman de livered an addrowi. Throughout ho wa extremely anll-CatholIo. In reviewing tho life of Vgnaclo If r roar y Cairo ho charged tho Catholic church with being tho caimo of bin death, "While governor of JuIIhco," mild he, "ho dUcovored a plot of tho Carmelite frlam ugalnitt tho govern ment, Ilo put them In Jail, and from that moment ho wan a doomed man Tho church did not forget him and did not lowonightof h 1 in, hut in time worked out Un revenge," In conelimion ho told how Cairo, fear log aHiiHnl nation, exacted a promlNu from bin brother Mawmo that If hu wan murdered they would pronorvohln heart and glya It Into tho wife-keeping of Memo Maxonlo chapter an tho heart of a man who bad died for hU devotion to Manonic prlnclplei, When Cairo wan nhot hU Miwonlo brothem tiok from tho body tho heart and proHomtd It In alcohol, and now after thlrty-fl vo yearn, on tho ovo of tho annlvomary of tho martyrdom of Ht, John tho IlaptlHt, tho promUo wa completely fulfilled. Wan in i'im Kxumiw.r, Convention of Knight of John. HUKKAfA N. V,, Juno 2T.l)olo iratoM U tho convention of uniformed commandorleii of tho Jloman Catholic order of K nigh t of Ht John attended maNH at Ht, Joseph' cathedral tlay, ladng eoort(!d thither by local knight. In tho forenoon oiHlon addroMHe were made by IlUhop Hyan of tho dlooowi of HulTalo, and Mayor Jtlnhop, and to thoito I'reiddent Wllholm rooponded. Tho enNlon wan rnada brief In order that tho delegate might bo prepared for tho parade thin afternoon, In thin prowwdon were represented all tho cominandorio of HulTalo and vlidting commandorleii from I'ittHhurg, Clovo land, O., Detroit, Cincinnati and other cltioM, Tho doeoratlorm along tho lino of march were an profuno an thin city ever unfurled In honor of any visitor, Tho purado concluded with a drill In tho state annual. This evening a re coptlon will las held In the arsenal, In which tho prizes won In tho drill will bo distributed. Another Man Overboard. Another man has loft tho I toman Catholic church because ho could stand It no lunger, If It keeps on at this rate tho old J Ionian Catholic ship will Is) called a "lighter;" It Is not only tho small men who are falling overboard but tho heavy one, Hev, Sylvester Harrington, a priest of tho faHMlonlst order, Is now In Christ's Mission helping tliat ex-priest, O'Connor, that the Jloman Catholic church has no use f ir becauso ho I giv ing tho fellow on their ship something which help! them to tumble overlsiard, Handy Hook, mint in; ami:mii:i. Adelces From Unite, Mont., Nliew Hut .Neeeotllr of Amending I lie atiinillii lion Laws. It Is alleged that four year ago M. Daly, tho millionaire Irish Itomnii Catholic, voted six hundred votes at Anaconda, with each man hearing a card furnished him hy Daly, which road as follows! "I CAN NOT I OCA I) Olt VVIUTK, HUT WANT TO VOTH TIIK FiuV L(;wno tiokut," This fall, It is alleged, ho wants to remove tho slate capltol from Helena to Anaconda, and In order to bo able to control the vote Is sending tho smelter men In droves to Ilutle to bo naturalized. Tho local papori are considerably wrought up over this wholesale making of cltlzoos, We(uotetho following editorial from The Miner, published at llutto; The scenes enacted at the court houe during the past ton day have aroused the Intelligent people of theeommunlty, and Indignation over tho wholesale naturalization of men who can neither road, write, speak nor understand the language of the country, Is general. Tim Mlmr has the highest restet for the Intelligent and worthy foreign Urn cltlens, many of whom are among Mon tana's hrlghtcstaml most public splriutd men. The foreign born Inhabitants of this northwestern empire have done much toward developing the country's resources, and have in filed Immonsur' ably to tho general wealth and pros iierlty. Hut many of tho men who have been presenting themselves for citizen ship during tho pant two weeks do not belong to that class, Hy their at tempted replies to the fpiestlons of the court they nave proved beyond the pel adventure of a douht that they urn utterly unlit to exorcise tho right of suffrage, They have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the most obtuse that If they vote at all they must do so when under Instruction from some guide, bos or employer, It is nothing short of disgraceful that these we lies should continue In the ooun llghtofday Inaeommunliy which InhimIs of Its enlightenment, It is more than disgraceful that a professional wltnosa should bo able to "swear In" droves of men, of whoso character and qualifica tion bo can have no definite under- standing; and tho fact that an applicant for flnalpaisu's stated that one witness demanded ( Istforo be would act. is an evidence of tho flagrant disregard of law and decency which I holm orao. tlced. ' No man should be admitted tocltl ell- ship and given the sacred right of frau chine In this country unless ho is able to speaa ami understand tho Kiigllsh language and has some conception of tho rights, duties and privilege of s voter; nor should any man 1st admitted unless ho Is vouched for bv two well known citizens of good standing In the community, There is something in A morlcancitlzenshlti deeper and mihlor than tho mere breathing of all, It in volve Important questions of state In which the dearest Interest of tho pco- pie are at stake; Imposes gnivo respon slhllltloM and demands sincere and Intel llueut action, ''' Mlmr trusts that the people, tho authorities and espec ially tho courts of Montana, will Insist upon such regulations us will protect tee franchino ngiilnsl a repetition of the outrages which have been perpe tin led upon It In tho pu4, ' MA MM AM A. I'. A. Ilesenl the A Hack Made 'pun Tln ni ill the I'eoplo's 1'nrlr Hliile ( niiteiilliui, l-'OllT Hiiott, Kan,, June 2H The American Protective Association of Kansas has resolved to fight tho peo ple's party candidates on tho slate ticket In retaliation for the paagp of the resolution denouncing the orgaulz wtlon hy the people's party stale con vention, Hlate I 'resident 11, M. Wood's council of this city, today Issued 75,000 elieiilars containing the following reo- liitlon: Wiikkkah, Having seen and read a certain resolution Introduced by one J, r, jviciionaiii, or tins city, and adopted at the roiient convention held hy the people' party at Toiska, Kaunas, do desire to say, and hereby enter our protest that the resolution alwivu re ferred to Is an Infamous lie and slander nisei It face from heilnriliiif to end. and that the Introduction of this reo- lutlon into the said convention of the people' party was done wit h a view te prejudice the people at I a rife Hualust the American Protective Asuwlatlon (A, P, A.) and that the introducer of the said resolution and those who par ticipated In its adoption are slanderers of a noble ami patriotic organization, whom members are componed of the loyalty ami Intelligence of this nation; and wo further say that the said resolu tion is vile and wholly void of truth. and that tho Introducer is unworthy of the respect and count' iimice of a (bid fearing and country-loving people, and, Whereas, Tho people's parly having seen (It to adopt the above resolution; therefore, Itesolvcd, first, that wo 'denounce and condemn mii.v political puny that will endorse or adopt any such rcnoiii tlon; and we further declare that our purpose Is not te disrupt labor oi'ganl zatlons, a Is set forth, hut on the con trary wo uphold ami maintain these organizations to the fulhnt extent; neither Is It our purpono to army one clans of citizens agalnslajiothcr In thuir religious belief; and further, llesolved, Heeond, that wo own alleg iance to no political party or seclarlan or ecclesiastical bodies, and wo hereby counsel all memls'i' of the American Protective Association (A. P, A,) to use their utmost endeavors to licfeui any party that would so lower Itself as to adopt such a resolution, I 'resident Wood says that the A. P. A, will, H Is said, control ll,,'iiio votes in Kansas, President Wood Is now pre paring an orllelal circular advUlug tho members In regard to the coming e lec tion, Judgu McDonald, who offered the resolution, lives In this city, and whs appointed on the hoard of pardons hy Governor Jewelling, llesiiliillou of N)inpntliy, W II Kit io am, It has pleased Almighty God to call homo Mrs, Gates, tho kind and affectionate wife of our brother, George Gutes, therefore he It Unsolved, That wo, the members of IlluffCIfy Council No, 7, Jr, G, U, A, M,, tender our most sincere sympathy to llrother Gates In his bereavement, and bo It further llesolved, That a copy of tin to reso lutions ho mulled to Urol her Gules and one to Till'. Amkimi.'AN fir publication. Mil, f'ANNINO, O, TAI.MOTT, K, T. Waoknkii, ( !ommltioii, " ' ' ' A I'alrlolle I'd per Honored, Dliurni, Minn,, July 2, -The corner- stone of Duluth' new bo.ird of trade .b'llldlng will hold amonu Its content a copy of lAhirlji, our patriotic paper, The Issue of Junu i't was placed there and so long as the beautiful slruiliire stands, us hope that Liberty will also flourish, It is now In order for the MmlluiiHlrrn Wlliim (papal) to call for a voto of "no eoiilldciieo In liberty," This Is the first city In the Union to reeognlzu and honor a patriotic paper, Zknith, fin; Miles of fores! Hiirround Hot Hprlngs, H. D, And every slrgln tree yields Its quoH of the fnitrriince that makes Hot Hprlngs' air the most ib llcute on earth, The llorlliiten's local agent will g'ad y give you full Information alsiut lloi Hprliig, andalso-lf you ask for It-a beautifully Illustrated folder, J, I'HANCIH, G, P. h T. A Omaha, Neb, - Stat or oiiih, ivit us Toi.siio, i I, nets i 'iic i r, j ""' ('MASS ,1, I'llKShV Inllk". (mill Unit Him senl'ir Iihi Uihi "t Hie llriu of V. ,1 rlimn-y k I ii,, iliilntl liuslriess In Hill elly of Tnliniii. i'iiioiI y iiihI I ii l.i ufiiri'niiil nml Oni ,ii (I r i.i will inty Urn sum nf nNK III Mil(,i (ail.l.A lis f'U mii'li nml t-vory cuse nf I 'nlitrrli Hnil I'liimiil ln i n l ii lit Hiii iMn nl lltl l.'s I 'ata ii hii l I us I HANK ,1, rill NI'.V, nwinii in nernrit inn mm siiiiscrliieil In my liirsi'iu'x, i his nih iliiy n( liei i ini,i r, A. I Issfl hsai, A, W, lil.KASii.N, N ury I'iiIiIIk 1 1 nil's Cut mill l Hi'' Is I iik en liiiirinilly uml le'ls illieclly mi Ilm mmI nml iiiiii'iiiis at,r funis of On' nysli-m. Semi fur O i-I Imnlilitls, f''" I''. J. lll'NI'V iV I ' i , lnli.'lii, o. If Hui by ilriiKKluls, fie, II 1 1 Imu .Voder, liitrll. Id Circle, I, miles of tho (1, A, It,, have changed their meetings from the llrsl and third Thursday evenings to the second ami fourth Wednesday afternoon, Meetings ul Kaufman's Hall, U, F, THOMAS, Allorney-al-Lsw, Commarclnl National Hink llulldlng, OI'KI'IAI, MAHTI'lIt HOMMIHHIONKIl'H fj SAhl', Pmli'i' iiihI liy vlMiiiiof an onlur nf hii ! 1 111 ilni'i'i'ii of fun rlimiini nf muri i(iiKi, Inniini oni, nf Hiii illslili'l eiiio'l, In anil fur I ii hi W I ii m mi in I y , Ni'IhiikIiii, nml In inn . ii'i'ieil I will mi ilm liili ilny nf July, A. H. h!i h,, nVliirli ii m, of snlil Hay at I lis inn III finiit ilniil' nf tlin ciiuiily I'niii'l, liiiiisn, III I lie I'H y nf Oiniilni, lliiiislus I'liioil y, Nh. ImioMii, si ll nl iiuhlli'. iiicl Inn In Ilm liislmst I lililup fnc ciisfi, I he iniii'i ly ilMseriliiiil ri snlil iil'lel1 of "ill'' us follows, luwll,; 'I lie mil Hi nun liulfnf Ilm wnl oiii'-linlf of lot dm, Itoiiulii's Sin nml Ailillllnli In Dm elly of I'miiliii, I'lHuliis eiiinly, NiiliriisSs, us sniyeyi'il, iiliiileil nml leeoi'li'il i sitld ii"i"Hy in lie snlil lo siiilsfy ,lns, W, i 'ii rr la lie sum of one nml Ilili l y s nml II-Hid ilnl. ms iti.UMIi liiiluniiuil,, with Inlernsl Hinriuia hi I'l in1 r ''' hi pi'i' iiiiiiiini from Ilm nli ilsy of Mmi'h, A, Ii. Ih'i, imhI twenty nml ?.ifli ilnll.ils if !H 1S1 nisis lii'ii'ln, Ioiki I. if r Willi se i'iiiImk I'osis In s IiiiIkiiihiiI. riielii'i"l liy His illslili'l i'niii'l, of IiiiiikIus i'liioily, Nnliiiikn, ill lis l elil llill y I " rni , A, l, SIU, I'l H eerUlll iiclloii llii'ii nml llii'iii iieinllns wlii'niln liimi's W, l nrr whs iiliilnllir mnl liililicl M. I'oril mnl J i ft I'liiil wi'iii rlefi'inliinis, III It ll 11, Nulll'tlnl. s ,lllll Ift, I "'if llKN.I AM I N C, 'I IIOMAN, il Ifl I r i"c I ul Miisier (lomiiilssloiiiir, Mir el IT's Hale. I nili'i' nml iy vlriuii of an eii'ciitlon on lriiiiw'ilil Issued liy I'rmiS K, Mimiiks. eliirlt of Ilm Illslili'l Coin I of IiiiiikIiis iioioily, Nn liiiisltii, iiion a JmlKiiiMiit reiiilnri'il liy oo, S, sinllli, m .liisiini of Ilm I'l'iieii in sn'l for IiiiiikIii. colli I , Ni'liin.kii, on Hi" 7 r it ilny of ienmlnr, Is'.'T, In fiivnr of Olio Nohi'lliig iiiitlii.i Nnliiiisiiii Miirismoi I .mi n iniiiiiiiiS uml .liirnli M, I .in in In w r UiiiiIkhiIkiI Willi ,1 ii mis It, ,oIiiisoiii n I ritiiBirl l. of wlileli jii'lKiiii'iii, whs, en I in Ifiiliilny nl f iiliriinry, h'i iluly llli'il mnl ilmi.i li'il In Ilm lilsirlri I on rl. w I Hi I ii ami fur snlil lioiiulus Coiuil y, I Imm li'Vliil iiiiiin I In' wiiii h dull iH,Vtlofl"t I wo fit, lil'N'n two C-li, I'hiIiIih's I'limi, nil sa il l Hun In I Im elly of I in, nli n, Huiiulii county, Ni'liiiiskii, ns Ilm iroinMy of .Iwnli I'.mmln. Ki'i', nml I will, mi July ?, nl ID ii'i'lis lc ii, in, nf mill ilny, nl Ilm I'.AS'I' front ilisir of I lie I'nuiil y con it liousv In iliti ell y of llnuilis, I mill 1 ii- inn ii l y, Ni'lii ns kit, sell snl'l pruH'riy ul iiulilli' nui'iluii In ilm lililiini lililUnr for I'noli, lu snlisfy snlil 1'tiii'iiilnii, ilm tuiiuiint iIuk llmreiiii tii'lus iiliii iy nun no Inimlii'ililis ilullnis isi iso ilmmuots nml inn nml fnriy II UK llllllllMUll llS l.lllllllS 'lli;H I'llSt, llf slllt, Willi liileii'sl llinrnoii friiiu Hii' Till ilny of m i'i-in in-1 , A, i, isii.i, iimil nili, nml nlso Ilia fiinliiT sum of four ilullnis nml lliirty rums ill Ilm ilm costs of liiiTmiMi on Miilii Jiiilumi'iil nml Hie ni'i i iilnrf I'osls I lii'i'iiiin. Oiiniliii, Ntilirnssit, June I i. Is'U .lulIM f. HKKXKI,. SlierllT lif Ilium I its I 'nun I y, Ni'lii'iimi, loiiiie Ailnuis, niloini y, H Ii fi-A Nnliee te .oii.tesiilciil Id fi iidanls, I'lnulis I'!, Winner, Mnry II. Wurimr. met (1,1. Ilupliliis, llil iiiiiiin uiikmiwii, will I n kit liiillii' Hint mi Hie lull ilny of Sluy, Is',i4, J i ill n , I Miini'll, ,li , I' tiirulor uf Ilm i'l nl uf lnliii'il I , Mi, i, nil, il u, i' it-.i i) , iiliilntllf lii'ii'ln, llli'il his tii lllliin In Ilm Hlalrli'i I nun uf IiiiiiiHiis I'liuiny, N I j it n k ii, iii itliihl mi lil ilit. fi'iiiluiils, Ilm iilit'i mnl iirnyi'r nf wlilrti art 10 fuii'i'liHii' n i'i rutin inorisiiKu i'i'i ulei li Hni ili fi'inliiiitn, i liiiil'ni V., nml Mnry K, Wiuie r, In ilm iilitliilllt. iliiuii ii iiluii (Ul in lilm k si vi'iilei'ii il'i iif I eni nil I'm S, nil ml 11 I hni In li. i I'll y uf I On ii tin, i.iiiiIii I'liunly, Niilini'li n, In sei'ui" Hie iiiimii'iil of n liromlssoiy noli' ilnii il jVlny J'.iilt, lis'i, fur Ilm sum nf skvi'ii liniiilii"! ilulliirs ','""i), ilim nml liiiyiililn In live yi nrs fiom ilule lliiueiif Uml I lu re Is now tfi t ilium snlil inilii nml inorlfnK' Hni stun of "vn liumln (I ilullnis i list urn, fur w lili li sum Willi Inieri sl nl ten ilm m i ri iil fiuiii Niivumlii'r "'Hi, Is'.m, iilnln 'lit Uiiy fur il ili i'li i' Hull itefi'iuliiiii lni in. iilln il In tit y Hie mini" or Hint snlil iieiif i"i' limy lie sui insuiisfy Ilm mnouiit fuumt lllli'. !: Von nn reiiilii'i In simwer snld petltliin mi ur in fun' lie iuli ilny of Aui(ul, Ii'1. Omiiliit, ,lul J n 1 1 , Is.u, John ,i, mum;i,i jh K.An'uliir of Hni n iinie uf Ulllierl (,', .Muni'll, ili'1'i'in.i'il, I'liilnllir, Jus W, Cmr, mini liny fur iilnlitlllf. 7-0-4 V you desire te assist the cause uN serllio (or Tint AMi:itiCAN,