THE AMERICAN WM.N. WHITNUY Tan Shoes 52. GO. KrM I ftlM4h lit lit It, t i i f UntjivwU I " (f v 4 ft U.Mh, ...' (( . I t! I U I, it h M ! i 1tl U.f vth Shtl . t II ( Wtf ftttate'ttU " ltj (?,! icU l XhnS hxll.-ti fci to l(.i t (i.t ti I .(, U iHIKI.Ilf till ', t fVft, Mid, if I'll Will ) , to ti nunc Ihi m s r (v.t itl that tithl h tie f ni Oi i imr ruHU y itii II l niilir tli ivlnlit ntii l.n i tv Mil Jvnmillljr H: wis M tint u. nee . I n tur ni-r wenhlt, imr il,- mv ilimS'it't tiliHl, imr fmtet te in'il nil" tei kltik'HK n ! i "! ' lii.) iti li it jmHl i tl Tliiw mv not niece )rntl.itip, l!it rt tlu itotiml tinulltiimn which nm frmit ti. n hit the iiitlii l diil n to lht bett tnothi'il of t'lmtitit'p or eltliw r tln( thew tvcilillotm, Intuv (;iitoii tho qulckcni lltcthi'il In Hit' In nt Bliit lite Wnt methini In tin1 quick, nt. Wo hear from imr jnilit ti'littm that there aro various reunite lor thin (!' ' Olr-anter. Tin1 i''nililli'Him mill miil.v tuwurp uk thai 1 ho ili'itioci ul ro kh1.1v to Wamo lor It ami the ileinnerittn with ciiml nnlftiitilty Inform un that the io ullli'an aro nlnno to blame for It. Tho Nipuliwtn aftlim that t tn country need 1m free nilver, it ml I In1 tirohlliltiotilftN uhhoi'I that nil our trouhlo Ih tho rlTrct of nlcuhol. you hmI what nru thoHo comlit Ioiih, un thy real or uro they linuultmryy L' t niu jflvo you u few topU'H of thi' tlmi k from tlio Chicago titi.ulty TimtH of Juno 21. 1. Furclcal raid on ukuiiiIIIiij( houwo, l'apo 2. I'lilliiuin Htrlkom rely on BwHclitiioti. llllnoln minora aro nt It dldHUtlMlioJ. l'ujfo 4. Adjutant (loncral TarHiioy tarred and ft athorcd. A, H. W, con vonllon HdjourtiH, l'a'O ft.- Jury to try rrcndoriiHt'is cuho couiiiloto, Thin UhL Ih taken an a fair oxauiilo of prevailing condlllonii and I ohall quote from tho columim of tho Time on tho alxtvo HiihjoetH and try and nhow what our country noodn and what In tho duty of an A morion n. Juhtlcu Ih blind. Itlll Bkakol "raldod." Hut tho mimm of uhanoo are not 0U turbod. Ollloor Hon WlllIaniH took a Moaroh warrant, and accompanied by II vo oHloorn wont to tho ffuiiibllnir Iiouho, Bolzud a fow tablo and wont away, Then tho play went on and tho MM) players woro not rontlow or nervous from fear of arroHt." Tho above clipping from ailomooratlo papur nays that a domocratlo Catholic mayor ordered a Cat hollo chief of police to Hcml Homo Catholic olUcorn to raid a Catholic protected gambling joint and that tho above farco wax enacted; It Hoomn to mo that neither democrat, republican, popullHt, or pro htbltloulHt, cut much flguro in thin farce. It wiih a Catholic affulr from beginning to end. "Jtely on nwltchmen." "I'lillman Ntrlkera confident they will tttarid by them." Kveryono Hympathl.oM with tho pull man utrlkem who arc trying to obtain living wagoN, Why don't they get 11 v lug wage? Too much cheap labor of oouwi. Where tloen thU labor come from? Ireland, Italy and Hungary, (lood Catholic countrloN aro they not? ITeru again the Cathollcit cut (julte a flguro, They eomo over here iih pauper labor and Htiirvu out American, "Minora arc not NaUMIcd, "llllnolNopcratlvoMconilriua tho fight for old rated, ThoHOHtrlkora have hiNt the sympathy of tho public on account of their Inter ferciicti with train, Tim following In publlHhed to hliosv who NUipped the traliiHi Hl,UIN(ili'IKM, 111,, Juno 2:1, Judge Allen In the W, H, circuit court wiih occupied all of today In hearing canon of tl.o Mount OIlvo minora charged with Interfering with tralim, All of tho doforidrtnU woro foreigner, moMtly 1'oIch and ItulhinH, Thirteen woro convicted. "Onco more Cathollcit to blame." "Treat Tarnney to lar." "Unknown men kidnap tho Colorado adjutant general." CoMJiiADoSl'HiNUH, Colo., Juno 2II, "Adjutant (ieneral TarHiiey wan kid .naped from tho Alono hotel a few mlnutoH after midnight by mankod men, taken in a hack to tho hii bur Iih and thoro tarred and feathered," TarHiiey favored tho striking minora and it Ih Hunpoctcd that ho wan tarred by wimo of tho foreign clement who want to work for lower wagon than tho minor aro willing to, I "U-neo again CittholIcH to hlamo." "J'anol U now I'.omploto." "Twolvo mon Holoctcd to try tho (hhiio in I'rcndergaHt'i cano." l'cndorgaHt I tho Catholic murderer of Carter II. HarrlHon who wan con victed and Honlenced, and who wan given a new lciwoof llfoby tho Influenoo of tho Iloman Catholic church of Chi cago. CathollcH Htlll. Thoftbovo proHH clipping- all tend to how that thoro Ih Homothlng rotten In llomc! Thin la uo way Ih an attack on Er smmmx w v ' " -rrfirfi! tho Catholic religion, It Ih a view of political Home an a factor In current condltlotiH, I',riim thin view it appearH that: (iambllng Ih poimlttod by Chlcago'H Catholic mayor. Tho Hull man ntrlko Ih canned by Catholic pun ncr labor. That tralnn aro wrecked by Foreign Catholic Htrlkorn. That General Tarnnpy wan tarred and feathered by Catholic, That Carter H. HarrlHon wan mur dered by a Catholic. That murderer I'rendergaHt Ih aided by political Homo. FrlondH, If all thoHo tht iign aro true our duty In plain. If CathollcUm U to hlamo for all our utrlkoH, outrage and inurdercrH our duly Ih to ei-unli It out. If CathollclHiu be, an It clalp'H, a religion, let u force It out of pullllcH and If It he, an I claim a politi cal machine, then wo luunt dentroy it for all tl 1110. The only way to do thin U to meet Homo on her own ground with her own wcapoim. Hoiiio'h moUo, Ih 'Cod II rat and then country,' (lod of courao Ih tho church of Homo, In thin country whoro wo want no political religion It nhould ho, 'America, flrat, hint, and all tho time Haimv (. Mack, liiiiiiiiiiny'M "Hakc-Off." Jt wiih Maid of tho HomiuiH(who knew a thing or two about plundering) that when poor they robbed otbora; when rich, theiiiHclviH, Tho dllToronco be tween tho old Homnii ring and tho one In New York Ih that whon rich tho New Yorker goon to Kuropo. Tho more expeiiHo, In tho light of new devclopmentH, enlarged after tho requlreinonlH of Mr, illchard !rokcr ho iih to include champagne for tho nhlpV paHHongori, would hociii to bo a matter of mere detail, an airy nothing, Latent intelligence afTordH all tho explanation neeoHHury for any nplurgo a (lotham "boodler" may attempt, an tho cor rected returnn nhow that Tammiiny levied 20,0(M),l)lili blackmail tin No York every year and got tho money, Thin explain why a Tammany chief could go Into tho vineyard after tho third hour and ootno out a millionaire before tho nteain whlntlo noumlcd (I o'clock, Ho wan a part of a, Hyloiu of organized plunder, and tho accumulated miignlllcunco of hln "graft" would put tonhamctho peacock throno of India and tho ton of jewel that nhed their light on Itn gold and gem. Ai 1111 all around machine for pur ponenof blackmail, nothing wan over ooiiNlriicted that would (Kiial Tain numy, -Vhlntiji) Nam, Unl Kvrii (Villi tlio I'iIchI. Hkauinu, I'a,, Juno 111, Ht, Mary'n I'oIIhIi Catholic church wan tho ncenn of coimldorahlo excitement thin morn ing. The trouhlo wan canned over tho funeral of a member whono body had been taken into tho church, Huddcnly Father JaiuiMkowlc, arono and In hln native tonguo wild: "All pornom hack In their church due will vacate their pewn and cither Miami or leave," Tho rcijucHt wan repeated thrco Union, when at IoiinI 1M) poiHonn aroHo in their neat and demanded tho I0 which had been paid for man and which wan returned. Tho hearer then carried out tlio ro maliiH, followed by tho frlemln. Thin wan followed by a tremendou uproar in AND TIIIO MOUIINKUS WKKH WAV. which tho prtent wan knocked down. Tho roiialiiH woro then taken to the cemetery, whoro one of tho ineinberi of tho BtanlilauH noclety olllelated. Arc l'i In ArniK, Ciikjauo, Juno 17. It lookn very much an If there would ho a Herloun religion war In Chicago between tho HwoiIoh, who number between liuoou and 1(10,01)0, and tho Homan ('athollcn, During tho pat live year it In claimed that at leant live Hwudo citizen have been nhot down In cold blood by Irlnh police olllcora, and tho Hwoden aro up In arum. F.vory Hwodo in Chicago, nervnnt girl, banker, merchant and laborer, all alike, aro making regular contribution to a fund to light what they coiiHldor a vlcloun clement. Tho fooling him boon nmothorlng In tho breiiHtn of tho Sweden for novoral yoarn, liut not until tho murder of Hwan Nel non lut ChrlHtmiiH evo did It break out in open warfare. Ho wan nhot by I'ollce men lleulcy ami Moran, who claimed to have taken him for a burglar, Kdltor IJndtraud, In an editorial In a recent Ihhiio of tho HumlUh-Avu ricuu, point out to hln countrymen tliu nco elty of organizing and culling upon tho Hwoden of thin city to form a Hwed lh national nonlety, The aim of nuch a noclety, the editorial continue, would ho to hoc 11 ro nuch political recognition an would protect tho Intorcnt of their country men, Luther Hallln Mlllnand Hurry (Hnon have been retained to awlht tho ntale'n attorney In pronocutlng Olllcorn Moran Mfid lleatey, Tho trial of ( )1lcern Mormi and llealcy In net for tho early part of July, Whip Her at the 1'idln. KiUTiut Amkkk'AN! My pen grow rentlenn when I rend and rollout on tho great problem that I hoforo tho Ameri can peoplo today, one of greater Im portance than wan nolvod In thonlxllen, FVcry Inntltutlon that in wrong, that linn not tho Mplrltof Chrint, weuii to rcHidvo Itnolf Into one particular form of evil, i.e. tho nmdal ovil, that wan 0110 of tho Mllmlont ulcer on tho dotentablo form of nlavory that nnomn to ho the mimt withering blight that tho corrupt Church of Homo In breathing from her nontrlln today. I havo read tho "Hecn t of tho 1 Nunnery Hevealod," by Maria Monk,-an escaped nun, that wan plaited before tho public nomowhero In the thlrlloM, but wan not given the credit duo it until tho light of nubno (iient event have proved lu truth, I havo rend tho Theology of J'utor lien a Homan Catholic, and other workn of llko nature. When tho Italian con ventn wero oMined to tho world by (Jarabulill, all doubt an to tho truth of tho nlalemontn of ex-nunand ox-prlcHt iniint havo been nwept away, I nil I pulablo evidence ujKin lndUputable evidence hat boon added, until It In proved beyond tho nhadow of a doubt that tho gnwHont Immorality oxlntn be hind tho bolted and barred doom of thoNO no-called holy odlllcen, Can wo find for a moment that canon of thin kind aro Inolalod and tiiiHano'iouod by tho church, or iniint wo fool In tho light of mo much evidence that prlently Jul tory In an tnuuh an inntltutlon In tho Church of Koinn, an polygamy wan In tho Mormon church. IC01110 hat hocu rocked in tho cradle of American V liberty for over a century, and ntlll nho In riot an American citizen now. The rod Hhoiild not bo Hpiirod; whip her lit tho prliiiarloH, whl 11 her at the con vention, whip her at tho polk LVMAN MinjKIC. All liver) Day Iteallly. "1 had a dream which wiih not all a dream." Tho voll wan lifted from my cye I could hoc a building with nlgn, "I'olloo Department," From each win dow wan beaming tho "phiz" of hovoniI pul Icemen from KHii'h into. IiihIiIo 1 could neo novoral more ntrlpplng a citi zen wtio had boon clubbed Into IiihciihI hlllty, and they woro fighting among tliouiMolven for 11 dlvlnlon of tho npolk In front of tho Mtatlon twoof thorn wore garrotlng a countryman, while cltlzuim were Hewing away from them fornaf jty. A llttlo farther down tho ntreot a drunken policeman wan nhootlng an In olTonnlvo citizen, J could moo further along two palm of dot' Cllven, who hud evidently mlHtaken ouch other for citi zen, urid each hud attempted to hold up tho other, and all had drawn their revolver ami lining thorn liidlHcrlml natoly. Further along I could mo a boiiMo In which neveral police had lined a dummy to decoy a porou Into tho houo, and ho wan being ntauiped to death 11 ml robbed by tho guard lann of tho publlii, Over and above It all i could nco tho gleeful, cunning, crafty phynlognoiny of tho popoof Homo, In bin hiindn nn opi 11 hag, Into which win Mowing a nlrciun of dollar from o.toh of theno dllTerciit group, a pay for abno 1 11 1 ion , Overall wa the nhurp, pointed legend, "N0110 but irlnh need apply." The dream became no ivalltlc that I awoke and found I wax In Chicago, where mydriatic In an ovcry-day reality. "Vkiiitam," Impenloii (11 1'lihilc Hriillmcnl. Mg. H11U1III and tho Calhnllc who want tho ntato Ui appropriate public money for neetarlan nebimln mutumlor ntiiud that In thi they are running counter to an overwhelming Hontlmenl. American lovo their public nehool nyn W'lll, riot beeiiuno they believe It In per fect, for they know It In not, but because It In wholly divorced from any neetarlan teaching, Homan Catholic often nay that thin attitude In duo to the pre judice agiilnnl their church, but thin 1 not no, Jt would he junt an nlroiig If the plea for ntate aid were made by Kplnoopaln or I.utheraiin, who alo be lieve In parochial nehool, Mt.m York Tribune, lie) roller Hiicd. A a result of tho recent mptcd boycott by the HomariUtn, a writ ha boon pul into the hand of proper olllcern preliminary to a nuH for dam gen on behalf of a local party who claim redrenn for injury to hi bunlncnn by rcanon of bl being iu'ciihuiI of be longing U the A, 1'. A, Thin in under ntood Wi be but tho hegluiilng of A urlon of null to be brought againnt thowi who havo tried Ui make It appear an olTciiN.j U Imicoiiio connected with an American order. The ouU-oino will lie awalud with interent, Xtw Jliimp nhin J'rokHtiuit, Wk want reliable newwlealern in every town In the country to handle TllK AMKKICAN. Write tin for UTinn. it In tho bent patriotic pupor iubllnhud anywhere, II ,1 1 m J A , rii it i 1-1- t 1 At p. a. roivnm The church property of the htato of Ohio, which 1 llloKiJly exempt from taxation, amount to between forty and llfty million of dolliirn, Why nhould a political machine In the name of religion bo nerinltled to rebuild corrupt tho people any more than any other organization 01 trick nter. Jt In tho duty of every member of the A, ', A. and every true American to aid the caune of pntrlotlniii, and tho bent wny to do no In by extending the iiiHuouco of T1110 Amkiiiuan. A young timi with good referoiieon can nee uro a handnomely furnlh'd, comfortable room, by applying at thin ollloo, or to lull) Washington boulevard Tim Order of I'ri'i'iliuiii Tim Iilaiik form an glyeti below, mint tin from Kimiwih City, Kan , will explain tho object of tho order named Tho Order of Freedom: KanhamCitv, Kan,, Wi , To the Hoijrotary of the Order of Free dom, KunwM City, Ka; Dear Hlr: I herewith nubmlt thin, my iipplieatlon, for momlHirnhlp In the Order of Freedom, anil nhould tho nme meet with favorable eonnlderatlon, pledge inynelf to mipiiort tho objectn of the noolety, diMig all 1 ft my power to ltd vii nee It liitcroxt'i, My age In- , my occupation my reilgloiin belief In - -my renld ciice In - - , married , nlnglo , lUvo you or have you not been a mem ber of the A. I'. A? i If ho, are you willing to renounce the name'' HigMature - - Wo hereby certify that Mr.--tho above applicant for iih iiiberHhlii In the noclety of The Order of Freedom, In to tho bent of our knowledge and be lief worthy of favorable coiinldoratloii, Kigned -- It would ho well for American bear thl noclety In mind. Wi 'A lining (he Ozark." The Hand of Dig Hod Apple, Inim attractive and lutercHtliig book, bund oniey lllimlruled with view of Houtb Mlnnourl wieiiery, Including the faiiioun Olden fruit farm of ,'1,000 acren In How ell county, It pertain to fruit raining In that great fruit belt of America, the noutlicrn nlope of the Ozark, and Will prove of great value, not oh I y Wi fruit grower, but Wi every farmer and homo necker looking for a farm and a home, Mulled free. Addrenn, J, F, IM K WIHlll, Kannan City, Mo, !' NKWMUKAf.Kiw can obtain TllK AMKIUOAN from any wholi'aIe new dealer, Yourcu'oiiioM will want It I'ut It on your counter, HrTM or nine. i'n v or Toi.kuo, i Lee cni'nr, ( I'lMnn .), I MKlcr untie' mtlli lleil 1, 11 la llin wnler linilnur of tin- linn of I'. .1 ('liiuiny I'd., lining lniliii In Him city at Tiili'iln, ei ih 11 1 V 11 let aliilii Hfeli'-uul, Hint I'nl il'l linn will liny Hi" mini ul uNK III MMlKII iNil.I.A li for I'licli mill 1'VKfir cum' nf iilm rh Hull I'liiinul III' I'lirml li the 11 n nf lUl.l 'n CaioiiiiiCi'ik I HANK .1. 1 IICM'.V. H 11 lo licfiirii me nml Niiliwrlln'il In my iiri'M'iH'ii, thU 111 Inlay of lii'i i'inlier. A. Ii lt. Ihi,1 A. W. l.l.KAHMN, NnUry I'lilillc 1 1 11 1 I'n Ciilitrrli Cure It liikiui liiurmtlly mel ncU illri'clly mi Mm lilnnil itii'l iiiie uni nr-fni'i-K f if lliii nyiti'iii. Hi ihI fur el linniilitN, free. V .M'MKNKV A I'll , Tol.-.l.,, Ih I r(4(l by (IniKiilM, Vh;, il-iii-lmii ,nt I'lllinilill. Tho Union Pacific will noil tlckctn to Fourth of July cxcurIonlHtn at one fare for the round trip, See your nearent U. 1'. agent for full particular. IK you donlro to ailt tho caune nulv ncriiw forTiuc Ami;uican. MIH), I.IKI AND S.tH)rOR Ml N'S TAN tMOtl. $1,50,1.2 tH) AND M.50 H'ti Ladiet Tan- Russet Oxfordt WM.N. WHITNEY, o, ,HH. I' o IOJ 8. ISlh St. is m:. r t ti)ni.iNi.Hn. Wn (' niiiinl Wmh Yum Hmtlt, Hut V 1 Kit I ttinn WluU Snow. 1110-1112 - DODGE - ST. OMAHA, NKtl. JAMtS AIN8COW, Iclciilmi, Mill, Hecreliiry nml Mur. pHOTOGRAFHERO 206 N. Slnloonth Strnet. M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Mntlc to Order. (llllllllllleCH II lll'l fl'l'li III III lilt I'llHI'H, (llllll- llltf I'leiineil ilyeil mill reinuileli'il. I! 1 07 (11111I11K WM OMAHA. M. O. MAUL, Mili'Ci'flMnr 10 I li e e It Mllill, Undei taker and Maimer 1117 FA UN AM NT. Tw 225. OMAHA. NEB. Omaha Express and Delivery Co. TKI.ICI'IKlNir, IDI4. Moving and Light Express Work Trunk nod Pnroal D.llv.ry. llniiNeliiilil Ouiiiln I'nekiiit.MOiriMl nml Hliliuinil Oltli'ii, lllll IMnrili Hl rieii,, uriiiii'ii iiiiinn, N, K, tinr, nli itnil liiiloi Hirei'in. '1'nln IiImiiii. IWft. I'HIUli: ItKAHONAIII.K. ' ,1, I,. I'UKNKV, t Vl'litiie MiivIiik n Hn'i:liill.y. MaiiHinir H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL piRECTOR KMM ALMISF. Oltlee riiiiuivi'il friim li:i North Ifllli nlreotto 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 00. : OMAHA, NEB, CHRIST. HAM AN Watchmaker anil Jeweler, FlNIi VVA I'CII I iKi'AIKINU A Hl'KC'IALT bVi Month 10 Htrccl. OMAHA, NEB. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Emalmber I'nriiiiii'ly Willi M. (I. Muni 1 'J'Kl.kl'MOKH ll'.Hi, eu touth leih 81., OMAHA. LADY ASSISTANT FUNNI8H.D. uA NTCd -To tiny, li ii' or Iriulii fur i-lnnr 1, 1, nne Mini Inl. live or len ie'le of litliil wllliln ten mile of (Hiiiiliii, AiMrenn, "Ao rminl Kill, I li Ih nltli'i', 0. F. THOMAS, Attorrifiy-ai-Lnw, Commnrclnl National Uank UuildinK. SI'K'IAI, M ACT Kit I'llMMICHIONKIftl HA 1,1'. - I' inter met liy vlrtui'iif mi ordur nf mile nn (leel'i e nf fnreeliwiiiH (if innriUMiiH Ikkiii iI mil ef Mm illnlrlcl cniirl In nml 0r inililii coiinly, Ni'lirHnkn, nml In l" 'II I will mi Hut I'iili ilny ul July, A. II, M',i hi. I n'eliH'k 11 in. nf mit't iIhv Hi, tlin linrlli frniil iliKir nf tlin roiiiily coiii t Iujiihh, In llierlly nf lineiliit, linuKlitn rutin t y . Nn drunk, w it ul iiiMli' nuellnii In Urn liltflixnt l.lilder fur ciiNh, Urn KKiiiny ilenerllii'il In 11I1I nriler nf mil" iih fnllnmn. liiwlli 'I lie Kill III line Imlf (if I III! went illll'-liulf lit Inl 1IO1, Knuiile' nenifiil Aildlllnii Ut Dm cliyiif I'liiHlm, iiiiii'ln i'i uiily. NeliniBka, u .urveyeil, iliilui mill' ri'inrded 1 nnld iKiieiiy I'i tin .old In iillitfy Jim W. l iirr In (In. .11111 nf iiiie nml ililn y h mid ll-imi dnl Urn il.Hl III (iidniiiiuil, Willi Inlcn-.l. llieri'iin hi in eer i'ciiI iier Hiiieini frniii llm WU duy nfMnrcti. A O. h;i himI Iwinuy and "H-HiO diillum it'll 7hi ('(mi. (n-relii, liie't vt will, ite eruliiK I'lwln in Jiididiienl ri'iiilered liy Him 1II1.1 rlel I'iMiri nf liniiilim luiniily. Nelirimkn, HI. lln l eliriiiiry I'Tiii, A H. iwd.l'i M eerlHln net Inn Itieii hii'I l" n iii'iidlni wherein .Imiiio W.l'urr wim iiliiliiUlf nml llrldni'l K, Kurd nml Jnlm Kuril Were defeieliiniK. Uinitliik, Neliritln June I!'!,, lll'N.IANilN K. I IIUMA. . Ift.fl H'i'lul Mimier I iniiiiiU.liiiinr. Mirrlir Male. I'liiler Hint li,V vlrlne nf nil eni'milluii nil lruii.erlil Uued liyl ruiik K. AliMircn. clerk nf Hie lu.lrli'l ( (Hill nf IIihikU. cuiinly. Nn litunkii, ilium Jiidnniciit rendered liy lien. n ninlHl, It .l'll lee (if Him I'l'lM C Ill lllid fur lluilKlii einll.iy, NelininUii, nn Hie "ill duy of l -il,er, l'U, III fiivur nf (Mli Nuli'lliiH uKHlml .Neliriiki( MnrlKiik'n lmn 'iniimiy nml Jiniili M, Kiimilnncr ilniileiided J,,,,,!. II. Jnliiiwini 11 lriini'rlil nf which Jinltlineiit wrni. nn I .( I 'Hi diiv nf If iriniry, lull, duly Hied Hint ili keled In lln-Hl.trlet Unirl wllhln iind fur .iild I'nuKliU Cimiily, I live levied lliuii (he suulli Imlf lH. Vi of Inl Iwoi-Ji, till"' rwui'Ji. 1'iiildiM'k I'liu'c, nn hiI (I'llnii in I In' clly uf OniiiliH, HeiiKlun cuiinly, .NuliriwkH, h tlin liruiierly uf Jm-uti K111111I11 KiT, nml 1 will, 1111 July U, ld, l Hio'cliH-k n 111, of nitlil duy. Mt Hi" KAn' frnnl diKir nf the cuiinly cnnrl Imiiim' In I lie clly nf (iiiihIih, I iui( Iiih ciiiiiit y . NeliliiHkH, .ellmtld nreieriy Hi liuldlc ttiii'llnll In Hie liiifheol litdder fur chIi, Ki .iHinfy wild eieiillnii, llm MiiiiiHiit due 1 hereon lieln iilie iy nnd no liuiidredHm diillitr. , inn diimiiKeii Hint ten nnd furty II v- tin nil red thia dullum ijimfti ennt of unit, Willi liiU'ii't tliereun frniii Hie 7 1 It duy nf lln ceinlier, A M. Iil. until inthl. Mini nlmitliii fun her .urn of fmir dnlliim mid thirty cciitu ,H ;iui i In- I'oktM of IncreHiM' nn tiild JU'lKineia Mild llie Hi'i'iulli cut therein. u,i'h"'s,,,,r"k'J3:virnitKXM hherllf nf lluiinlint County, Nut)nik, lanitc Aditiii", itltoiuiy. tt-ll-4