THE AMERICAN "TRUE AMERICANISM. A twnrrl'N Prfi iblrftt Shrr Uid Jriull frl! lltr ltllii) til Ilii I'nllij hMiif iltHMnn ! fttlliilli (until htiftN lit I I MlltTlj llttMIt(llil' Mlth Hi llti itill f ImctlninUtit, '1 'lie i t.i..i,i . ip.( in', iiti'lrr tUt ii M ajt I't, I " 1, uiti( tu t Hi f'l'ini irintth H 'wtorn b) iilSiiilli' i til l btmhrt. Nl III Hkkil. Tin' nSil "l''it'(n i" Nlii iinntt, li So nill'ji'l t. "True A net jiUhUlll," Tin" lt'i'lfnl ('llll IrilHUI 'l'ill hilll wif iiii lii t njf M will nf till' .'"'"1 1 W, T, sin iiiiiim, wIiiiki' hU'h liillltdiy ,'lllllltl llilll lJllMlllt l'l t il'l III tit fl'lll'l' '( tin' Alni'i li'iiri I'dlni) thrimuliiiiit Uh- Will' llf I ho tl'IW'llinli, Iiii illl'0(l III" llMMll' ftlWHItf tll llltfhlt llilll till' tll'lilllti'Mt ltd tin' KCIIllI of fHtlll', 'I'llll li'l'tlll'l'l' tlltH lll'I'll III III' ll'IMIll llf HO k'loi'lotiM n fiithcr, but In Ihi'iv unytli linf In tin' i h'i 1 1 1 in t i i iii or will llii'i'i' ever !' In thit work of tin' nun, liny Hci oHiplUli tui'iit to which niii h it futhrremilil point ami nity, "lie U mi honor to rny riiiine?" Tin) mighty iiiiiriuiiiriit of r-u 1. 1 tu 1 1 to Hlii'i'inun, tint Mililict', given in lovcund honor by thu lntellfKciiei) of thin graml tint tuition of Hid world will ejow with ovrtritf hU;riintf ilriilor iilotitf tho wuy of eixlleM j'lmm, while- Kheriimn, tho pi'k'Ht, when the brief ajjo In which Iio lived. cxpircH will nltilc forever from thu memory of man, and no endurfntf murk; of hi existence ahull lie known. Hherman, tbo wildlcr, wont forward into thu cloud of war and boro aloft, with a hero's hand, fair freedom' ban ner of tho ntun. and fitrlpcH. Ill lofty purpowj was tho preservation of tbo nation' honor, and with a valiant uplrlt and the power of right, he run tied upon the foe, and rebellion' fierce, oj poklntf element went down forever beneath the falchion of the corujucror, She man, the noldler, drew the nword agalnnt hi country' enemlen agalnnt thoMi who nought to weaken and make contemptible tbo fame and prentlgo of th I great republic. And what I the purpone of Sherman, the prleat? To what end doe he array hi intellectual talentn, Bgiilnut tho yery principle hi glorioiiN rather rough i HI great oaiue to maintain? Can it bo nald of bfrn that ho i carrying forward by every honorable mean the welfare of bin aplendld heritage, and that he 1 a hero in the land of freedom, where emulation of tho loyal patriot i tho ruling pannlon of our young defender? I he trying to uphold, with all hi j f might, the vital Impulne of education, u,t.l,.l, ft, Ilii. mn I n.ul a ft 1,1 ,.l,rt 1 llt.t't l.V ' a No! Heeauke he ha worn in hi capacity of prient of the eh urch of f tome, to maintain the Int'-rcNt of the papal -o-a, foreign monarchy, which him not at heart the welfare end prosperity of the United H ate, Hherman, the prfent, call loudly from the public rontrum; ''Look at rue! f an a true American, I am lecturing on the rcBHOn why everyone who In willing to revere and honor the pope of ftorno nbould accept, blindly and with out ouintloR, whatever I ay agalnnt the aim and principle of the pojnV enemle, I am going to une all the elo quence I can get hold of to do my manter' bidding In r jfird to promot ing r'athollc political interent, 1 am Hherman, the prlent, but I nhall pro claim with limty lung that I am a true American, whether I am or not. I can bank on my father' name, and there fore It don't matter much whether f urn, at heart, a left handed patriot or not if f can only anume the nemblance of a true man of the people, and by ex hibiting myself a an elegant rarnplo of 'true Amerleaninm,' dlntract the atten tion of my Catholic from the real line my mauler, the pope, in making of them, f will make the fool believe that the American i'rotectlon Annoclatloo I the enemy of all I Coman Catholic beeaune they are not I'roteniantn, and I w)! heap abune upon the A, Y, A, by call ir,g It member Mar, traitor, villain and Orangemen, I will make It appear that they are trying to dentroy the eon Mtltutlon of the United Htatc by de nouncing the Catholic chool and contending that our children should learn from ft better clan of book than our church cateehlnm. I will fix the A, V. A, for keep If they will only let me go ahead with thce lecture And not undertake to oppomj me, f don't think they have got any right to differ with meat all on religious or educa tional subject for the reason that f am sent by the pope to give these lecture," Ho say Hherman, the prient, that I to nay, he mean that and mnre than thitt of the same kind, when hi weak effort I analyzed, 1 li; I Jut the name In the summing up a every other official Catholic I when treating with tongue or pen tho subject of popery vermi I 'rote tan t. He avoid the real cause of all the trouble by talking all around it and never once touches upon thehiitnd that the papacy of itome hold for our American free nchooln, lie never (ell hi audli iif;en, nor will ho ever, that It I the ultimate aim of the (toman ytcm of politics to alsdlnh our republican form of goverment and usurp full control of the nation with a f ii Albeit iwiim .!! M to r''i,' s n No, Mi,-'ttiii, He' pile, ll.n ! iitji'ii ot litttlin'H l'riM Hilln'l m front tin' in J lhlii! Ibi ) limild l' jjhi II til hmm It tiiiil, It' un tlm. d li l iilhe;i. li a t 1 1 of tliiuiii i Itinllhe fiviili'iu Uii y h'l I Hi'p ' t)iiiiili ti ri'jo)' l li'tf ') , but milt I), 1i!i H fllllll tl"tl riiili f pi i (nlli'H nf m lug their nil i't bin testti r i tf fci''M pat tli'ti'ni H l li ill ,i; I hme iml linen i'liiMit;ll i.i u tu i i ii lit h pnl "'! i ) nne'li fi r HHit ilinin, tlin prlint, ii ii'ltiil't llli Sbei ii.ii, tl't' noliliti t'dii the furmi i', bile pAi'mllug lil 'h'" ltuiil"h tinlliu in trtke mi si 'I Ki'ilr tin Urtllli' nf ttiie Alnrl ieMir' Wlifft kind Alln'i VmiiImii In li st Which ' !li t'iiinii' tu i' polilHI nf the vntieiih W lu ll I lu l l' l plenty llf jnltle prinil Hint Mm "church" in the Implacable enemy nf "True A inei'li an! eii? ' Tin (ii h st tntiv H""l't Hi"! reiiHuerl I hat h" In an A nn i li nn piili lnt, but mi nniii ,tvi' n bloteil Igniiriilinin Will even ptil fal'll III bUcliilill, liiHUilne It In Iiiihik niblc to ri ciuiclle the regular biisliienn of the Ciitlinllc prlexl with Utiylhlng Unit pertiiliiH tu American freedom l.i t uh nee nf what vhIuii to the chum of America the sis column lulu re of lltolher Klicrmnti amounts to. If there are any points In i, they are nut sha" to slick Into anj body, Tin; ijiientlon In, what In he trying to do by delivering these long discourses? He nayn: "I have got the whole organ latlon on thu run, and tonight I am going to stick the bayonet Into them," What organ I.atlon dis s In- refer to? Possibly It In the A. 1', A., Injcaune he say further: "They are all coward and Mar, and not one of them dare to step forward and declare hi principles." High talk! but talk that will still further under mine hi already weakened position. Now, lire! her Hherman, an old hand at "True Americanism" will address a few remark to you, I want to ask you first If you really consider everyone a coward and a liar who look upon the Koman system with a different eye from yours? That i not a very beaut I ful sentiment for an humble follower of the meek and lowly Jesus to offer, but 1 suppose you want some lx millions of us to believe It, Your clientage will have Ui believe It anyhow; but pcrhnp you said It just for eloquence. We will let It go at that. You remarked In another place: "I am not explaining Catholie dogma, I am not defending It," No, I think you had better not try it, A full explana tion of the same would "raise hell'' in your camp; ar,d a for defending it well, tho very Idea wither and expire when brought face to f" with the record of tho "church." We will at tend to this diverting subj ct later on, 1 assume, friend Hherman, that you are American enough to wish that the principles and processes of the Catholic church were more honest and lens f reg riablo than they are, I think you can not know the history of the church's doings, It would be surprising If you did, because a man while studying for the priesthood in a preparatory college where he ha to fill himself to the neck with papal eccleslanfle, can never gl a chance to study history enpcc'ally the one 1 refer to and for that matter, he never seem to Inform himself on the subject afterward cither. We all understand, of course, that the tenets of the papacy forbid the acquirement of any further knowledge than what Is r ojilred to confess the girls, swing the smoke-box and jabber In Latin through a ritual of alleged prayer, ar,d go through a spectacular 1i'Ojrnnimti hi tween n ms ui candle light and a mystified audience, Of course you know how Infernally impotent the Catholie church would be In the matter of saving soul or creating devotion If this vapid, theatrical buffoonery were abandoned, ft will he kept up though just so long as Ignorance enough can be found to support It, It in like a formid able appearing breast-work armed only with Quaker guns- nithlng hutahm; and let me Intimate to yon, my dear Hherman, that every Intelligent jeron on earth know it. You, of courn't, should understand that tbegreater man of the American fieofile who have a much reverence for Cod a you have look upon the bombastic piety of tbee Catholic theatrics as tbo acme of "fiutn rnldlddle" pure and simple, Jf you don't understand this Idea perfectly at the first glance, look It over carefully, commit It lo memory you have need to think of it when you are lecturing to others who are more critical than your Omaha audience wa. He clcuinnecl, brother Hherman; we are not living In the middle nge this I near to the close of the Nineteenth century, cold nason and common sno are taking the place of deceptive assertion and left-handed piety. You will have to b! exceedingly clever at fooling people when all your trick machinery I In full view, You will have to do better than Hermann, my d ar Hherman, Now let n nppone that you have seen the drift of these remark so we may change to another turn In the cane, I am going to a-k you some real plain question and a you seem to be an Ir.U'lllgent man you will dou biles get "them all on the run," and, per haps "stick the bayonet Into them" by answering In a learned and exhaustive manner: 1, Do you know the real reason why tho non-Catholic people of thl country I cm ni rsi'iil'r M lei? lute nmntit .li r lu tisme ef tln Ann rlcsn I'nn tin) As Ulloii t mi Ju l Ml no' ! Ilu' t stl n'.ii i MMm n i" tu'hl In h i ii inn n limit M hi It tlie IK) ihl (hi 'ii! lies k It, l i it' niIU' . t(isl )iti mi ) a fl iici n' m il! i' nf I'd ni'St Inn I V h) It Hull the " bun h" wil l ot n'i,in Ilic Ibtile In It tiimilli n in selino!? I Ale Inl lite picl if the lllble (lie fntunliitli'ii 1 1 1 1 -it liiili nil IhiU HiiiiHv I i,i;i Wluit Is the lull nl ion ol till' t mOi nii' church In Hum si pnmi leg, by Hid si cu t ca'ml illi, l i t' nil lii ielit Inilli the renter pnliiev ii, Why do all champions ot th lin IIiIkIi i'iiue hill p nil religious ililh'n m en n tin' caune iif iill Hie fust lllnl ftlelil eli Hie I y any eipNinHt ion of the church's Hllll'J f 7, Why Is (he chinch no afllilil of the A, I', A.? In yuur stj l of pray lug IMil'ehen lulu hi a Veil so I it I liil leg to everylniily en that millions of men the bulk of an Intelligent 'nple havi illscnvi'ieil In It a national danger? , What. In the reason your priests are debarred from marrying, which Is in direct opposition to Hie desire of nature and the command of (1011? I), Are we to li governed by the tomfoolery of the Koman vullcan In stead of by the sublime precepls of the Almighty? io. Are the Imprisoned women In your nunneries used for any other pur pose than to give comfort, etc., to the priests, through the most delicious kind of amiability? 11, What do they do with all the children tho Holy Chest cause tho conception of In your religious Institu tions'- 12, Do you think it would bo objec tionable for other Christian churches to worship Cod with similar collections of entrapped women? I'), For what purpose bus the ridicu lous villainy you call purgatory been established by the Koinlsh church other than to scaro and rob of their hard earning tho poor and Ignorant representative of tho wash tub and the hod? I I, Why do you discountenance and enrdemn as heathenish and blasphem ous all forum of worship in which manu factured Idol or Image are set up and worshipped as tho' at! ves of spiritual deities? J.", Did it ever strike you that .the necromancer of the Catholic church are now and alway have been running the most ghastly system of Idolatrous worship ot tho face of tho globe? id. What do you say to the sicken ing spectacle of the life !zo figure of a dying man nalh d to across arid stream ing with blood and painted in a repuls ively natural manner and stuck up In a church chancel for the deluded and ig norant to bow down to and worship? 17, For what purpose do you parade before your people that unnervlngly distasteful and shocking symbol of a human heart stabbed full of knlve and screwed or pa) ri led on a woman' breast? IH, Why do you maintain that ri- diculonslysanctlmonlou host of wooden or planter-parl idol of the "saint" and advertise them in o connplcuou a manner inside and outside of your Insti tution if not to force a reverence for those they represent down the throat of your Ignor ant and timid Catholics? J(, He honest now, and toll rne If your Hindoo or Chinese worshipper swear allegiance ft any more idol than your Nineteenth century Catholic doe? -0, Do you, as an intelligent rnern lierof an enlightened community, in tend to keep up thi Hindoo business in the future and not us- your Intellect for the Improvement of the Catholie mind? Now, Jirother Hherman, I might aik you more question and some that would be harder to answer, butyou will doubtle agree with me that they will do for the present, J shall lw Krniif ful If you will enlighten me on these point with "rcon" but will overhaul a few of these pwullaritle myself first. The Am-.rnn Protective Asnoeio- lion! What U It Instituted to protect u from? There I no armed Invader approaching our shore The small pox or the cholera could be taken care of without political dlssention or the or ganization of such a oclety. You will scarcely need, then, an txplanallon, Hrothtr Hherman, of the reason why the spirit of "forewarned-forearmed" ha begun, even at thi eleventh hour, to Infuse itself Into a Uh-long trusting and unsuspecting people, If you know the character of Ilomanlnm-which I will wager you do, about half a well as the Impartial student of history does, you will be able to see without a tele scope why the American pioplc at large have felt the dangerous menace that underlies the stealthy encroach ments of the Itoman Catholie orders under the cover of religiousobnervance, IM nth tell you sir, that the door of popery' chain ber is being forced open and the insidious trickery that the Church" ha arrayed against prorens and freedom will be dragged forth by the relentless hand of public opinion and the Iron heel of a nation' c nsure will grind the villainous hys.erisy out of it. I'olltical prestige is the aim of the church in this country a it I and ever ha been in every other. When that ha been fully attained education dies anil t ems 111 1' lull, In (he'jncnti il peiip'i In IU ib M.t, iink' 1 nibi I't m p llll sn,pt,le iitiiii la.'Ml hi k hii n I en Hie pmrr i l H niin hs fi!liiy 'i n will m 10 mi t ten ilm l. il lik. S at h-il, iim imii hi nitit ,'. p. 1 ,, i, i. i, i-,.p i!,!,!" t lnphe 1 it n lin l kinii! It mm III Ciilti'h innie tjfiiin an! I tut it Hisl when Hii'" c hrtil Ilie s ite in ei nnti ill nf I he imtntiiy ami kepi IhIPsi i .. il. liniment Sl Hie trtlliiili. Ittlv Mini ll'Mlie, the popes liiiiiliiiiti tel , till' nlli 1111 ctsniple til l)n Min il nl whul t'nllioilc ni i y s, nml It Is tii ll Si, on 11 mi tliitl t'tlHiidlt'lsll., I' left til ton ln eoin sn nni In cki il, would ultei lv lie Ininn Mild pl'iwtltnli' Hie W liiin Wnl lillll Ihiee yenernlliuin, I'opi iyU Hut niily fi m 1 1 1 11 1 id 1 1, 11 1 1. in nvi 1' liml, ami with an I n 1 pi in 11 1 l ' , n H'l umh 1 hiimleit iiicHiihI nf plis-eilnrii It lines thefcUel plltv (if deception tn ilUlnni Ilie public eye from the spider Web It tn Went Ing lib nil lhi'ltilln iif America lliother Sher lliail, It, in til tench a much lieeib ll lee son Hull the A. I1, A. him culled 11 halt 011 the iniit'i'li iif Itnimiulum; and let me liil Vii nee the bleu that while you are serving the church of Koine In any other tlmi a purely religious sense yon eariiinl boa trim Aiuericnii, If you con sider your glorious father's principles worth iiin lhlii)', mill wtint te be a pillar of the tuition, renounce allegiance In your foreign master, the Italian line- worker, Marry a loving woman an your father did - educate your free, American children In the public school, ami you won't have lo set yourself Up as a target fc paradox that asserts True Americanism on one side and an tagouism lo It on the other. You know well enough that the Ciith ollc parochial school is nothing more nor less than achurch trick of breeding slaves to its will. Commercial ethics, history, tho eternal precept of tho lil hie and all the sciences that enlarge the mind are crippled and subverted to allow the ascendancy of tho papal code through an abundant provision of Ave Marias -catechlntlcal absurdities and that confusing and useless tangle of mind -weakening trash, the "Lives of the Halm." You ought to be ashamed of the office that preacrlbes the teaching of such a dismal butch of ridiculous fable. There I a little truth In the general mass here and these perhaps, but what i the use of it to our children? They are not expected to serve a martyr to be burned at the stak' , are they, In emulation of some of these poor fellows? The saint bust nets, Hrotber Hherman, I about worn out the market is weak ening and In a lit lo while it will have to be stuffed and put in the museum. Did you ever take the trouble lo find out the real character of a majority of tho counties gang that the church has anonlzed? Uncover the life record of the most prominent by reference to conlemorancou history and you hate a lot of mbgufded fanatics, plou fg noramme, sfallawag and crim saturate d scoundrels to whom the tit'e of devil would bettor be applied than that of saint. To sum It all up, my dear Hherman, your church militant with Its saint building and I'lble-defying doctrines, along with Its general "cnsednens" In tho way of politic and blasphemous pretention, has long ago forfeited its claim to bo cnlh d the church of Christ, The pure and CodDke teaching of the spirit which we call the Havlor, were human, grand and encouraging. He practiced no A ecplinn but the elaborate amalgamation of questionable pieties which maki s so dl gustlng a parade of the corporeal suffering of the "Hon of Man" ha a great deal to answer ror In the flay or wrath. J his I the church which exclude 'he leaching of the Mas'er, as net down In the IJIble, from It followers, The reason for It I apparent, Our great Oonorai f rant said to the American people, "Hold fast to the iilblea the sheet anchor of our liber ties, wrlto its precept on your hearts and proctlee them in your live, To the Influence of thl Hs-k we are In debted for the prog r s made In true civilization and to this we must loek as our guide In the future," General Orant was a (rue American, He who serve a system that doom not indorse these sentence I not a good conservator of the law of ilberty, A to the matter of educating your Catholic children apart from those of non-Catholic people, J would say to you that the very Idea proclaim that you are forming an Isolated system, and the constant practice of It give out the positive assertion that there Is an un- American scheme of usurpation at tached to It, A scheme that olw rvant people can see the bent of, and If you do not understand what this parochial school bilninesn in tending to I will tell you that Its purfsme. Is to make Cathol icism so antagonistic lo our Institutions of freedom a to some day disrupt the republic, I a prornotor of a scheme like this a true American? You call every oppon ent of this jesuiHeal trick a traitor to hi country. What are you? Canyon claim to Ui loyal lo our nation' prin ciples and the right of man while you are fastening with all jour might the very element through w hich the church Intend to break down and subjugate the lils rlie of tho United Htaten? You cnnni tin. V ru.w utt lt,1u ttr,ilt-i,,i. IkI,,.!. man, and you won't need to lie reminded, ' x 1 hnp, Hint Ihe Aim i n n ot'l r t iM si e Hie J-'i-e Sell I A t bin ! ? 1 1 In In iniili.g lit If slili'ly lie 1. si, Hml the isiin hist i tunil ) .-It nt Is be ln( l'plnlle.Mii en Ble a Itninail I nth nlie tut," tilk t !nieN It ti'k't n-tusily nnib I Mtlnv eei)Hilnfc lion I l hnlle e In htliilf.M l"l, Ibe inlire el nineiil tllnii I Ibe bltj,' lit !iiJ bniel nf Ihe llnimtn pontiff Willi, He ll Sin the lmlt.i I he t ttl l...le pi I, .lies it wml l Ul' t me n elk ley In Hie ilitis to HienmplUh Hit llltmlmt'le lle-lll whli h I lone nni llm .1. The A. IV A, l Wnlklng Willi pi lll ntntti d bnuHilly nyslm.! Ibetn, and will i bet klllille Hie iuiii by nlllig 1'rtlbn lien mil nf nlbcii wtieneter II inn ln ilnne, lint In'i itilsn Ihey Hie I iithiilles, lint Ih i',1 ie Hie porter Hint liepi II Ibeni In the I'OUIllry 'n I llelliy . The pill mimc of the A. I'. A 1 their line, In lii presertn Inviolate from (he sillntlig llllliienee of mpi ly Ihellls'i l h'Slif America, It In 1 uy tn n, e In Hie light nf Mil living tiulli who lie I nil torn are. It In not a sunt in of wonder 1 hut t 'at liolleli'in In America Is afraid of the A. I', A, Tim determina tion tnilowu UomIiiiii emus vllhiiny that tin' church In practicing nui 11 peace ful people In lis deep rooted tin was the "spirit of '7ii" Iii Hi" In 111 Is of an out raged populace, You are sowing the wind -you will reap thn whirl-wind. Iteinember Hie comlltlon of Mexico under the rule of Catholic curse; re member the fain of the brave, but bigoted Maxlmllllnn, who peilshed while forcing his monarch lal and eccles iastical extreme upon the people. Do not forget tho revulsion of feeling that swept like a tidal wave over tho tui cakahly corrupt methods of salvation that the Holy Catholic church had brought upon the suffering country a Hcnlto Juarez drove hi sword to tho hilt Into the vital of It villainous by Kerllcs, He saw the pliable wreck that the scoundrel of the church had made of the country and It people, and with an Iron will ami the spirit of a Just retaliation ho rebuked their high handed deviltries and brought his fair Mexico out of the hell that tho accursed (Continued on I'age H,) HOKSEMKN, DAIRYMHN, I'OUIniY RAISERS and DEALERS IN. FINE Will Coniult Their Lockhart's Nutritious Condiment. IT IS Purest and Best Horse and Cattle Food MAHUFACTURSP TOPAY. 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Ilosick k (',, Tallow, Ilidt's and Wool; The Lincoln I'ark ('omtnirihioiuTrj; John J'ord, Mctrojolifitn Market; Armour A Co., Tacker; Miller A Armour, IV kern; J. 0. iVnnoyfr & Co,, Teaming; (Jon, Tor fi'iifi", Liuoolrr cn Co,; A, II, iN vcll; William Thompson Ico Co,; icn, Nf;wh''rry; ConsuncrH 1'ure ho Co.; K. K. Horid Tacking (Uh', Tho, J, fjjiton & Co., Tackorn, and otht rs, of Chicago. This Condini'.'iit i rt'commrndcd by a dairyman who nays h in cowa javo one-third more milk while he uncA it dur ing tho witiler, It is just tho stuff to huild uj nil htoek, and i a greut feed'Savi r on account of ii nutritious qualities, Prk pur R jrrfcl (150 pound) , $11.00 100 Pound , 0.00 M Hound, 5.00 25 Pound 3 00 2srriil6 Pflck.iye Cont.nining 0 Pound 1,00 Send in a Trial Order. If you uso it once you will never bo without it. Address, JOHN C. THOMPSON, Care American Publishing Co. THE HORRIBLE BOOK. I tit Si It f Mint II. !lim!o!. l Vttll.l el I'rlff Due )m 11. i.,. k Hb 1 .n. .,1 . 1 ... ,, n 1,4 lli mil f limn Ml tl- M. ' N.alrtl 1111 lln i-rt .,,! I rf 1 I , Sl l'l'.i, 1.1 t,, nl 1 ,, 1 tnip ttl II, ,,. 1 S . , 1. .ii, 1,11 1, iti .1 . 1 1,, ..e ii t , f l Ifs i, I . I, 1 I . ,,,l, fi ,,,(, li.,,,!,.,, ,,f I. .. (.,, I .I.Mlllll ,,ll I.I (. I HO- l, i I'MH nil lit lit' nil, I f f ,19 1 1 ., I 4 "' (" I. 11-11 ,, ll - I't ll,, ,'' el 11,-tl I t 11 ii,h,ii 1 'iilti tiitt..,i I 1 1 1 . t A,1 ,,t,t 'i.,i,iti i,li. n ii.i 1,, et, t, tt, tt in 1 l,,ti,t i l.t le'lil i, . ..11 i.,,ti,l.,,i ef f o, . 11 tl,t ii .1. i.i 11,, 11 ), t,,u lefcitU tie t..i. , ilitt'tt 1,1 et M, ': el fiewt t,t ,i,t e'lit 1 et lit ,i,ii, , r ,,n 1, 1, It I ,,f tuts i,t it M 'I ton, i f Oil" It - nit.i e I It ,1 ly lit lie' I ell. , m(.,i, b ltf uh 1 li n V it -01 . i-ttu 1 i , 1 , ,t 1 1 1, , -'i, i.i It 1 1 1 1 1' I 1 ll, t -1 I t, lie I lit It, .1 1 II I , -11 1 't liil , Iii Hit. I,t,s In ,i . an ,1 M 1 111,111, t, 1 lit II, 1' It, in f Unit II li, mill In' i.,,. i (-ti, lirml ef S f til, lit ill llm I I, ten till, lllill-K 'I ,l,,l", llll- !'t,l!!llll" I, h't I lull tt-lt t't'llt l 11, in 1 1 .elii ill 1 iiiinu liil,! Hie lll iif em lli nii ll , Iii i ulii n Ml lie our silt tntH In 1 I mil, , tit II I I I, 1 III 1 . ill (III , III pit u I 1 tin r 'Jle I it ,i 11, nil In s t t e,t , net tin,, nmt tinlri Ail'lit t nil nnh I l-i. chas. l. none & co.. 1 nti'it(ii, irrfonfs) Mhs, sin.nii iuis I.ii e-Wohk, Alt- I. Ili In f a Cnnvriit, 1 1 1 I'l 1 tint 11 1 t n Hi'liee nf Mill if ill ef I, Slii'p lii i.l iSliler stiiuiliilt 1111 Aileliililei, iif llm illlii l ull, I I entl'lil II1UI11I llu hlliil tllinilinli il. I! inn. 1 I11II1, $,0O; lot I . ?ht'l'liil V nf Mm, Slii lilii'lil llf" em ei iU In Inn real iiiivlliinu Mint i nnii' fmni llm 1 1 1 1 v -1 1 , 1 pen, Tin, iiiv'ili'iy sin riiiiiiilliiK llil iriiiiiH nniiiiorn iieil i iiieef I in 1 w fur Ihe Mi-i 1 1 1 1 m' nvi-iili'il llei iiiilelilnio iiiihy it m y Irnly tu i iilleil n emifi snlnii, tthli'li, llniiiuti fliink. I'nnl nlnn intlliliiK II111I eniilil Iml lie leml illnilil In I lilt nil 'leil iierlln'l nf llm liiiini'. I mr A inei li nn w 1 in 1 11 1' sliimlil n nil Ilie llilllllhK iihiiiiII Hi nf II1I1 iliilirn I 1 1 mini 11 n iiilvi'iiliire. Him will llieii lllllllb lllH Knoll I illlilTnf till fur t ill' (ll llil ll Hell viilli'llsnfi'il In liernelf. Adlll'i's llll llfilers, C, I IIOIUJ A CO., Chleiigo, 111, Merry Tales of the Monks, lll!Uil ll AMI Kni'1'KO II V i Stephalius. VI inn., chilli, f 1.25; in mr, llliiHiniled i nn-r, BOo. In lint "Merry 'I'slen nf Hut Monks" tint iiiiiiisnleiy iliiuin sri- Ihrown iiihii fur t.lis In sid'elliin of llm I'lirluus, Tint secrets nf Hut cull fi't,luliHl srn Iiitm ri'Vinileil. Tint linnk Is I'l'owiliul Willi Ini'lilenl I wit, liiniiur Hint n Hrit urn Httuiileil cliitiineln fur li (llsjilny nf Hielr powers. ''II111 ln-iii," riilluilelplilH'. "Kn-n Monks tell lili-ri'sl lux titles when tiluiiii, Hint when Hiesii titles Hl'iuif llielr own enierleni'ii, I ln-y si i' (liiti lil y InleresHiiK," A'tilrenn nil uiileis, t!, L. IKiHC & CO., Chicago, III, BLOODED STOCK Own Irilereiti by Uilng THE Glasgow, Scotland, Omaha.