The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 22, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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tMMt ClIMi'
)tttif Ik tHt rt ttf-tlMlnf
inUtpHtft .t H.'i ! A till-
iti, , tiU mviH Um l lit
1 n.l tw r !.(- M I'
Hn it ri tt lliK-ali n lb -n-1,1',
U tf 1! )t':H' tiUitii tu rn im
ntv'lii ll.cK '
lntw'tf' ti--t. U ! ! tl i
W-Mt W " ,,,"'' "'''
i .1 .i 'f hv fi n r, ft l li i r r-
,,tn,. ,,r IU iw j)iv')r ',nti tl
ttM t r filcinl'j htw ami tnt,l, un
lil)t-1 Tliy ! tii
1lnftiUhMi. IImiMihi Hi Miitt. M ml
tit untamtlntf plUnt(i.n i? itsr tew,
Vh,,. ii(niUl lth Utr -xtviitUm
fchmiltl W tf tin' bij, fr. U i- for
lnml,v( Integrity unil Hy, Tlity
thould not U jvriolti.Hl fr nmntrnl
to nHow ItUti, j'rn'-l i"niillTtin tt
rmw, wvt or mmlitton, or ny (wvoi lmn
toi-ntcr into llii-lr dlM'Imrm' of ofll.'inl
JhUmi, To tll i-iitl tliv fhoultl W
u'1vImiI by ft roiiMuii U of patriotic
ml unpHitUHii dtUftm mul votom,
irrvmUiif vcty rrllsion ami nation
ulltv. In the ft rut liltu-o, (lie law U too lux
ami linliHl, the tnm hlnory ftr dot
and Individual examination too lnocn,
and lliti jH'rfornianoo of ofltclal duty
too cKroloao, Indifferent and liu'lUclont
to prevent the "uruWrahlo" Immigrant
from landing on our nhoiva. New men
at the port of New York are needed,
free from the entangling allluneo which
niako it the jHilley to pnaa every one In
diwrlmlnntely, The reck lex and Inap
jWtatlve foreigner, though natural-1
laod, who acts an gateman to the
country' domain, In tho capacity of
Innpeetoror other milHirdlnu to ponltlona,
mutt bo hold to an accountability. It
U all Very well to wty that thla country
Is made up of Immigrant, and that Its
original organization, and for years
afterward, waa largely Indebted to
them In numbers and influence.
Granted; but they wore of the kind
that by reason of bablw, language and
former pursuit could be tnot readily
atuilnillated and allied with the exiting
and )rogrelvu force of that and the
present time. Now fully three-fifth of
the new blood that U Incorporated In
the body politic 1 of entirely dllTorent
wake-up. Of tho Immigration of lute
year the proportion of the Immediately
unaiwlmlluble element I more than
three-fourth. Here stands the problem
to be iolved a to the danger of Immi
gration. Oen, James K. O'llelrne, late
A!tant United State Commissioner
of Immigration.
Should thc gate bo hut? Never
before ha thl quefttlon been axked by
to many American and no frequently
a In theee time of cholera eare and
buMlncHH diprcHtilon. To judge from
the t nice devoted in the public pre
to Immigration, It i a problem of tho
Very hlghcnt Importance to tho welfare
of the Nation, iccond only to the vtxed
silver and tar! IT problem. It I but a
very khort time vlnco only a madman
would have endeavored to propagate
the Idea of knotting the gate. of the
country against all Immigration in thU
land of the free, with It million upon
million of acre of uncultivated virgin
oil and it apparently InexhauHtlve
treanu'e of natural wealth, Up to
eleven year ago the only log!latlon
thl country enjoyid In reference to
immigration wa in the direction of
"encouraglng"Jorcpromoting" the In
flux of foreign ettler, laborer and
oonumer.rjThe most recent act "to
facilitate the enforcement of the Immi
gration and contract labor law of the
United State" 1 dated March 0, 1H9.I,
and ha hcrdly slx-month of fair trial.
Neverthelcs clamor for new legisla
tion are continually raistd. Undoubt
edly a good deal of demagogy aeconi
panic thl agllHtlon; beta a rule they
are well meaning though not well In
formed people who cry for an Interdict
ujnm Immigration.
The problem I both social and polit
ical, It Include not alone tho question
of Immigration proper, but also that of
naturalization, and l beside badly
mixed up with quarantine question. 1
have read taternents, made witi. posl
tlvencs and Invariably distinguishes
incomplete knowledge, about the ex
haustion of all available land, A to
public land the truth i, according to
the very latest reports, there were,
about one year ago, more than f)0,000,
(KK) acres, half of them surveyed, still
unsold, without counting either Okla
homa or the "Cherokee Strip" Even
though much of this limd w unavail
able for agrlcultmal purposes, more
than enough U left to upply hundreds
of thousand of ettler, But upposo
tho land wore all sold, it 1 oot to bo
assumed that It ha been all really oc
cupied, much les can It bo assumed to
be under cultivation. Admitting, for
the take of argument, that no small
part of the demand forcttler I set on
foot and maintained by speculators
Individual, eyndicatea and land com
panies! not the very existence of
that large and energetic clas convinc
ing proof that, to ay tho least, a great
deal of "o)d" land I now a available
a ever? The subject of Immigration
hould be treated a it present itself
today, leaving the remote future to the
other generation. We still have need
of Immigrant. They are bound to
come. Immigration, like commerce, it
' II . ..i f . l.iU'Hdl-'i Il!
'atir 5 t . i ; M
! VA i . .! ' x M ( !
! tv 1 t i ti .t in ,i , ' ! '.V is
j- f I .'..'l l H i t.' l i t !,'
- fti. , . ( t m ihv !i '( i i . !
H!t .if 'ftt ttd ft, . '.
WtiHit 1 ti ti i t (.' i im i n
tn! . s int !!' iii t.;t:f
lint i. I U I . f . t i 'in tt
ttu'li !.!! o !v n1fi !!
f fi i. t;ui.f'i' .liw eh II
S M-f, I l l .l' I (liltl!!'tli r t t
lm'f cation.
Tin M-tiH!lc U -iii riii(j fnm,
ami t Mi lf in .1 hy a itf
totinn f tbti allt-K tirmi'it. That
t U'tto ti l hit i n sxM'.t anil tiilr g
In Oiir gitat cltlr, an.l ntnl. r the p. r
allot) of our suli'ldal ttattiialUatloti la
II I thus sHtcslly In i't(trol f lt
we call our "tntei of civilization "
We have ix-t-n ret vit lug ftti-t-lgiier
more rapidly than It has Ist-n 'itile
In anKltullate ami transform tln in Into
safo Ami'tlcau ritbons. The rtvfnl
cbaiigii In the quality of thl migratory
llisl has U'cn dictlnetly for the wortl
in two respects - llrot, the projairtlon
coming from the countries of Southern
Europe 1)b vantly increasftl; and,
second, of those coming from Northern
Kuropo a much larger jiereentage than
ever before I drawn from the discon
tented, unprosH'rou and dangerous
class of city population, while tho fall
ing off ha been chiefly In that most
desirable clement, the yeomanry or
farming peasantry of Northern Kurope,
the sturdy representatives of which
have hitherto peopled in such great
Dumber the fertile acre of our West
ern States,
This alien torrent Is not simply
diluting our citizenship to tho point of
weakness that would be easily curable;
It 1 vitiating our citizenship to tho
point of Immediate peril, it 1 rapidly
bringing to tho front tho question:
Shall we retire that Anglo American
civilization, which we historically
know to bo both congenial and essential
to free institutions, and substitute a
bnstard continual civilization which I
only tolerable and at homo under the
army-ridden monarchic of Europe?
Our naturalization law ought to bo so
changed a to bo uniform In the matter
of granting tho right of suffrage, and
tho required residence, coupled with
complete naturalization prior to voting,
should be In nocaso less than live year.
Tho winnowing of Intending emigrant
by mean of inspection on the other
tide should be more thorough, more
rigid, and should bo performed nearer
to the source of emigration by ollloor
of the United State fully In sympathy
with the purpose of our law. A stop
should be put to the present practice of
alien laborers, peddler and "fakir"
warmlng hither In tho spring from
Italy and other southern European
countries; without families, without
property with no purpose of establish
ing honestand useful citizenship among
us, and returning in tho fall carrying
their gains and earning with them,
Finally whatever changes aro neces
sary in our legislation In ol der to pro
duce an nctual reduction of one-half,
and that tho most undesirable half, In
the yearly volume of Immigration,
ought to bo made and mnde at once.
(Jen. A. II. Nettlettm, late Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury.
We want reliable newsdealer In
every town in the country to handle
Tim Amkkican. Write u for terms.
It I the best patriotic paper published
Fifty Years - -Church
of Rome.
Tills Is a slitnilnrd work on Iturnnnltiiii
lln Kecret 'Viirkliuin, written tiy unit wIiimiiikIii
ti know, Tim utory of tint lomnnttlnuUiin o
A linili liin I.lni'oln liy Mis pit Iti IihiIh of tin
Kinniin t'Bllinllc I'liuri'h Is lolil In a eli'sr nd
ronvlni'lnK tiiitiinor. It. hIho rt' lun msn)
furU rt'Kiirdlnit His ( of prliol an?
nuns In tliti ctinvi'iitti and iiiiuiioiii'rli'K II
liHit KU Vlmo. intiri-s. mid l nont uimtuitld or
rffflpt of U.lJi liy AMKKICAN ri'HI.IHH
INU I'd., imi lliiwurtl Hlri'i-t, Omiihs Nub,
or, ('or. t'litrk snd Hitndolpli, (IIiIchko, III
690 x:
or Tiia
United States of Amerloa.
t HANC18 C. C'AMI'HKLL. M. W. O. M.,
Mliuii'itpolln, Mlna.
TIIOH. MII.LICJAN, Grand Hi.crftry,
Kvttrtitt, Mas.
M. L, 7.(K)K.
IAI5 Howard Ptrost. Uiiinha, Nfb
OrjtKiilr.'r for dspitrtiiipntof Nfiiraiika, Iowa,
naiiKH. Mlmtourl and ColorKilo.
OKAKfE riilNClt'LRS.
On bslialf of the Loral Uranus lyodjt of
the United BtnUt of Atnrrlca, and with a
view of correctlnit the fitlse Impremilon that
enauils ar endoatrorlnR to convsjr to th
mind of men who ar unacqualnt( with
Ursuge principle, are thtma f stntsmenU
Th Loyal Orange Institution U a brother
hood and tUterhood, bound by three tie
Justice, Truth and KlRhteousneei.
It ha nohlddea aim.
It I Fraternal and Benevolent-amlttlng
and protecting tnemtier while lltlnn and
tbelr widows and orphan when they ar re
moved by death.
It uphold the right of private Judgment
the untrammelled freedom of opinion; be-
J t t tt ' t t- .WW-.
' t - ' fr t ' ( t lt
t' !. t ! ' ' . . Mr,
t. I 11 , I, . 1 M
t .. t- In . k i w W . tl f
. ). l -I I t 4 t t ft- W
It : - t. t !,ci
i r . . .n V 1 It iiti it t tt
i f .! t ( tm ,1 h !''! 4
l l t-' !. .! u I t ! I .-t
t ftt-f , 't fctfr lr f Mt'4
tlil! IK li t ' !!' t .1 t lit n
fU-m -f .- t tt iw I- l lf
I 1 1 I f fi. . -.f t i--i. i ft. ft f i.$
t.u .t n t'lml n ..tfi l if t M
tli 4 tt t -,t tivt i t-
1t t it K it t. d.if , f nni t tiM i U
ft 1.4 it.f U f.iilf i...iiisn .1 Htki.ttty stl
lt.i(ttol i f ttif rousitf tt .iwtwiit
til Ittsi. h l II Hllittt
ft, r.l KnlUttl I.. Il.r rti, It.itt out (
tm ft..ih I i.tiil. lr.1 M ttmttt.ltt4
unlit I'S'lvil l.i (ki. fitj
It rttr,illHi- Imlll tl ft,ll;l M. la
lluXlf tt ! On ti,rttilM. sstl i itinnt tti
lmt tti wt OmtiKtmi-n mImih Itvutn
Hulllt clintirt" tit ii "l t lirfsil
It ttfVt in llio ntitli tliiM tit Itttn Iff
tlnti unit lltr rtti'tnl.n of tltt.r for tl tutliir-
hfHiion of t' mul Hint iIik imlilio
nioii I,hII I In lit fur tt't uftl A ttu riinn cm
trm lui lif,nsi' tilt r
The IothI Oihii.' Intlliitlin ef Hi
I'nllril SbIi- ..f Amt'ilea loti ttMlB
rt-utiirt'itit'ititi for tnfiniifrliiii:
Tlit s limn nlntll I mi m l unl A itifrl.'sn
rliit n. Imviiit con iillftl wild Hit' Uiif Hit"
i mi, ,1 siiiii n w tt It rril lo mtUiritlif hUhii
mul It Inttit n.iniitl rt -M'rt ntloti.
1 li Ml I ttf H )il 1,-ntit lnill In' a I'rulr.lniil
snil Hlwitlint til inn m mul ttlfn ulinll lir
Tlml lii' IimII It Ihrlfiy suit su.vpwtf u In
hla lnii.iiii'k: mul trui d f vi I In lit)
ili'nllnv Willi liltt ft lltiwiiiHii. mul uluill l.r
ktlllWtl H It llW-tl.,l( I'll If I'll,
111 tt t In- will I'lnli'ii vur InKlvt' hl rlillilron
or nnjr t-lillilrt'ii r til I'hnrtif st linm a
rui.'il niiiniiiiii "m'IiiiiiI filu.'Hi inn, lielng cHrf
fill toitviiUI Mil iihiiIkIi tdtt t rltit-tn. itml
Tlisl lie hliull l.i. In atiunit lifitllli at the
tltiiiMif innkliiii itmilli'ntli)n,
It iuskt' no (lliteri'iii'it wIhti- a msn wm
linni. so InnK us lie mi'i'ln Die forrKOln
Tln'Ht. rf Mm (iiitllfli'iiiliins rtiiilnit o
rrrrv npiilti'iinl In Hie nriliT, unil wit do not
tli In k tlinl Hiiy pulrlnlli' Atnrrlran oriler citn
pffer butler arrav of nrini'lultts ami U'sch
Inn. J. O. I . At M.
A I.o) ill, I'nt net Ic Ortriiiilziitlon, Fra
ternal and Henellcliil, Strictly on
rartlsan mid Neii-seclarlnn.
The National Council of Hie Junior Order
of llulti'd Aiiierlrsn Mei'lmiili's In annual
('""Inn ntiHi'iiilili'il ili'i'liirrit;
Tlnil I he rontttant. IniiilliiK upon Hie Nhori'i
of liin liiii ili'ii of Ignoritnt. vlrloiiN anil IhwIi'hh
rrliulniilK of tliit Old World hIiooUI Im vlttwud
with Hliirm by tint loyal and pnt riot Ic cltl
tfiiit of HiIn country.
Wit it 111 Tin a warm and hearty welrome to
all liiimltcranlH who t'lre to iii'lter Ihelr
coniilllon and tieeome a pari and parcel of
our nationality, but wt hiivtt nut nun wiunre
inch of room for the iiniiivlilnt, the socIiiIInI
or n Hi 1 1 Ul. or for any mo who In not wllllim to
bow kI Ion) utii'o to that Hug which In powerful
enoiiKli to Kill). Id ami protect llieui as well as
us. In the excri'lHC ol all civil and religious
Wit alllrm our devotion to the public school
syileiM of t hin count ry. Wit believe In com
pulnory etlucallon. and thill, all teaching In
our nchooU should Im In Ihii Kugllsh lan
guitgit, to tlm end that future geuernllons
may lie able to tnltn ihelr place In the ranks
of our country's workers, educated In I lit"
lilNlory, Ibu (MiNiiinm and milliners of Ameri
cans, We guarantee to every limn the liberty of
worshiping (loll according to t lm dictate of
ti Ih own coiiM'lencii, ami woubl give everv a
olNtance to protrct all In Hie enerclNii 01 his
liberty, but we object mimt Nireuuous to
Hie Interferencn of any church, no matter
under what name It may exlut, In the tern
pom! a IT it I m of Ihls couulry.
We believe that the llllile Nhould lie read In
our public m'liiiiiUi nut lo li'in'li NecliirliinlNiu,
but Ui Inculcatit lis leitchlugH. It In Hie
recogulKcd Nlsmliird of all moral and civil
jaw ; we therefore believe, that our children
should be educated In Hn teachings, but. that
no dogma or creed should be taught at tho
tin tt time
We believe Hint jutt rlnl Inui and love of
country should be timllHcd Into Hie hearts of
children, and that, with the words of
' Mother." "Home" and "Heaven." our chil
dren Nhould be tiiught. that our ling Is the
symbol of nil that neike a "home" for u.
We would place a tl it tr upon every public
school In our Intnl. and a Millie within, and
the oblect leswui therein set forth should be
a beacon light In every storm which threat
ens to engu!f us.
In I bin noble and patriotic work we ask the
Cordial and hearty co-operation of all good
cill.efiN. In this grand work we need Hie
helping hand of all orgiinUat Ions holding the
same views and principles. We have no lime
for JcalouilfN and hlckerlngN, but with a
united front we should march forward,
shoulder to shoulder, remembering that
"United we Nt and, divided we fall."
In the atrlrtest. sense we are a national
pollll al organization, but we oppose wlt.h
unanimity I be slightest taint of partlsanlsiii.
"Our country" Is our motto, and wit keep
this motto steadily before n. We are cogni
sant that there are great, and powerful
eiii'inlcN within our inliM. requiring Ilia
slrlctcNt surveillance of all who areat heart,
word and In deed Amtrttani, We. us member
of llils Order, alllrm our allegiance to the
olili'i'ls of tiie Order as paramount to any
fiarllsan alllllatlon, and urge upon Hie int'in
lemhlp harmonious, nulled and Intelligent
actlouln carrying out the principles.
(iii.ikcts or Tine oaiicn.
Klrst To maintain and promote the Inter
est of Americans, and shield litem from the
depressing efTeclsof foreign competition.
Second -To assist Americans In ohlalnlnp
employment, .
Third To encourage American In busi
ness. Kourth To establish a sick and funeral
Klflh To maintain the public school sys
tem of the United States of America, and to
prevent sectarian Interference therewith,
and uphold the reading of the Holy Bible
this giijti,irieTioN rim MKMnKiisiiip,
liaijoire that an applicant shall bet
A while male person born In the United
State of North America, of under the pro
lection of Its Dag.
Of good moral character.
A believer In the elsltnce of a Hupreni
llelitg as the ('realm1 and Preserver of Hi
Opposed to any union of church and state,
Favorable to free education and the
American Public School system.
lie) ween 111 and Nl years of sgtt for bene
ficial meuilierlilpi over Wl v" rs honorary
me mhcrhlp,
The word 'Junior" in the till ha no rela
tion to Hie ii i, nf members. It was adopted
to dlsllngulNh Hie Order from the O. U, A. M,,
and has noothersltfiiltlcance,
Nor Is the word "Mechanic" to be construed
literally. It refers In no manner to arllsaiUi
but embraces every pursuit.
We want a Coundl of the Jr. o. U. A. M In
everv city, town and village In Hie United
It Is the leading American patriotic and
beneficial orgaul.Ntlon, and Hie strongest
and one of the oldest, confined to native
born, It Isonly necessary to make lis objects,
principles and workings known to easily
secure enough churli'r members to start a
Council. A liberal premium will lie paid to
any one organising a Council, for full par
ticulars address, II. A, h i II UK.
National Councilor, New Brunswick, N. J. 0
N C-ll A Klhhe. New Brunswick, N J,
N T C--.I (i A Ulchter, Box iis7, Canton, 0.
Jr V N 0 James Cranston, Bo 7Un, I'lttl
burgh, I'a.
N Hec'y.-Kdward H Deemer, V O Box, IM.
Phlladelphlai ofllce rooms Nos 1 and 17, Bill
Chestnut strewt.
National OrganlrerKtephen Collins, II ox
W. I'ltteburgii, I'a.
Meet Id Ashevllle, N C, third Tuesday in
Incorporated Kebruary 24, wii,
C O T li Bryson, KM Wentwortb avenue,
M V C--Thos Rowan, 7 Union st, Altxm.
.Irl'H C-Tho J Corn. 4U7 Hherheld are,
otfoc.,y--Joseph 8 Reynoldt, VO Box 71,
I 1 t. I. f ! ! t
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M l n t It M a,.tth it.,l,s
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Stioii.ti tt It Mlt Kttiti'li So tu,,l,,
tt I' I"' I MAX i"i.,sl,
lit im t tilmlte to Nl roun.-lt WM
f hNAI I' II I. IV W A K, I'
M.'AI I l-V sn.l J W lit il t ill
Tin' tint ii,iUr l,.... I les will Iw hrld tie
Ho. ililitlTiif.,U in July at titnnh.
?KAM kKvTTirNl'lt. N. mret
every I'rlilsv evening l tl A It Hall,
I'lMUinoiit h, Nell. Vlklllny broibers ror
dully Int lied, W. fc t .mm Hhik
lit'C Sec,
'ASMIilTO tlTrNi ll. No I meet.
" met t rliltiy evening In t Jootirlch ball
34lh stol I'ritnkliii streeu, Vlltlng I, nil Item
always welciime. J. C. I'aiiK. Sec'y
T INCtil.N COUNCIL No, S, meeU In Lin
11 coin, Nebraska.
(til UMBIA COUNCIL No. a, meeis every
v' Tuesday evening In Patterson blis'k, rib
and I Km am Streets .
. T. Wiiiinas. U a. c y,
I ml J a.' kit i n Ht-eet
JAHPIr:Lll COUNCIL No. IS, meets ettry
v" Tuestlay night In Mouth Omaha.
tvii.i.iAsi rAHit, eec. j,
TIIIK.UTV COUNt'lL No. 7 meeta every
" Tuestlay evening, I. O. O, K. Hall, Louis
ville, Neb, T. 11. Lucas, Hue. Hetfy.
WINONA COUNCIL No, 4, meets every
' Halurday evening In lied Mens' Hall,
Cotitluc ulal block, 1Mb and Houglas Ht.
Uoo. M. hiiAvaa, Kec. Bec'y.
COUNCIL No. l. A. P. A., Cameron, Mo.,
meets everv second and fourth Monday
evening, at Fraternity Temple. Vbtltir
No. 2-1, meets Hie tlrxt, and third Tues
day evening of each month, at S:ii o'clock.
M. ZOOK. Hecy.
H. C.- I'M'. Borden, Hidden, Mo,
H. V.C.-Uev. II, A, Hlaughter, Warren
Inii g, Missouri
H. C. Hec'y Holla (I. Carroll, Warrensburg.
Will meet at Hannibal. Mo.. February, 18011.
' every Friday night at llilll Walnut, street.
II, 0. Hill, Hill Woodland, Roc. Hecretary.
Halurday night at t tin corner of Twelfth
and Cherry streets, W. Y. Hheaver, Record
ing Hecrelary, 1407 Madison si reel.
TlATKIOT COUNcTTTnO, lll-Meels every
1 Wednesday night at. A. O. U. W. Hall.
1421 K. Klghteenlh street, J. K, Fisher, ReC
Hecretary, 2421 Flora avenue.
" Frlilay night at West port. W, II. Hhllnk
Kec. Hecrelary, 122.1 K. Klgbib street,
r.ATF CITY COUNCM.'no. 44-Meets every
u Moniliiv night, corner IDIh and I'eun His.,
over drug store.
every Moiulay night, between illst and
H'.'nil on Holmes,
I'll.'ll, I'Ml'Mell V,.,,.,t
Hhe Mil-Wl everv 'riiiirulluv tilirlit. 'I'lintnas
Hnilth, Kec. Hei!'y, Hbellleld, Mo,
can I'rotecllve Association meets every sec
tiiid and fourth Wednesday of each month In
I. O, O. F. hull. I'liittNiiioulh. Neb. Visiting
members are welcome. F. I'. Brown. Hec,
" Meet every Wednesday afternoon at S
o'clock, HI the A. I1. A. Hall, 4117 Minnesota
avenue, Kansas City. Kan,
DROHI'Fl'T COUNCIL No, Al. A. I', A.-Mcrts
1 every Monday evening at the corner of
Tweiily-thliil ami Prospect avenue, Kansiti
City, Mo. Persons desiring to Join may en
close their name, street and number, ward
ii Ke and iH'cuiiatlon, and direct to box A2I
Kansas City, Mo.
CUItFK A COUNCIL No. I, W. A. I'. A -Meet
second and fourt h Tuesday aflerniHin at
t o'clock In the A. I', A. Hall. Houlheast cor
ner t'ackard and Osage avenue, Armourdakn.
Visitors arf cordially Invllt il to attend.
meets every Friday night, al Kith and
L Hniiil, Orlgsliy's hall, Kansas City, Kan,
lJ meets every Monday aflerniKin at 1:11 at
Bell's hall, Houlliwesl. Boulevard, near slate
Hue, Hosedale. Kansas, Friends of other
councils are cordially Invited to attend.
F very I rue American lady Is Invited lo com
and loin us nod assist In Hut good work.
I illation fee (I (Mi,
v Meetsevery Saturday evening at 417 Mln
nesola avenue, Kaunas I'll y, Kit. Visitor
cordially Invited.
fOUNCIL No. 7, A P. A.-Meefs every Mon-
day evening at Chamber of Commerce
Hall, Klvcrvlew, Visitors cordially Invllfd
COUNCIL No. H. A. P. A Meets every Hat-
urday evening at soutbeasl corner Pack
ard and Osage avenue, Armourdali), Visitor!
cordially Invited,
COUNCIL No, II. A. P. A.-Meet at, Wood
v ward' Hall every Tuesday evening atp
in, sharp, Third si reel anil Lafayette avenue,
A cordial Invitation Is extended to visiting
" Meets every Monday night, In Nokes
Hall, Argentine, Kan, All visitors welcomed
1 everv Monday evening In A. O. U, W, Hall
4IN Kansas avenue, Tope U a Kansas. All
visitors will be cordially wcicomcu.
Oosldyk Council. No. 1. W. A, P. A. of Kan
sas City, Mo., meets every Friday afternoon
at IM o'clock at blow Penii HI. Address, Post
olllce box A2I, Kansas City, Mo.
Hunllower Lodge, L. O. L No. 204, meets
second and fourt h Tuesdays of each month
st p. m.. at Cliillln's hall, corner of Mill
street and Osage avenue. Kansas City, Kan,
Vlsllllg brethren are cordially Invited to at
tend, John liavlilHon, W. M., Win, Mc
Naughton, Hecy., 71ft Reynolds Ave.
Liberty Council, No. 15. Jr. O. H, A. M
meettt every Wednesday night, corner Pack
ard and Osage streets. Armourdaln, Kansas.
Thus. Rolf, secretary.
' Meets rlrst. and third Tuesdays of each
month at p. m In A. (. U. W. Hall, corner
Fourth slieet, and Mlnnewita avenue. Kansas
City, Kan, Samuel Harrison, W. M. Win.
Ballagh, secretary, M7 Norlhruu avenue
Visiting brethren cordially Invited.
Patriotic Order Sons of America,
WAH'MOTON CAmP No. I, P. O. H. of A..
" meets each Thursday evening at Red
Men's Hall, Fifteenth and I long I a Hts,
UAHINUTON CAMP No. 12, P, O, H. of
" A Council Bluffs. Meeting In their
hall over 4IU Broadway, every Wednesday
night at o'clock. J. B. Vas Pattan,
IJU'KK CITY COUNCIL No 7- meetaevery
' Wednesday evening in O. A. R. Half,
Council Bluffs, la,
AN experienced double-entry book-keeper
a. .... ....... I. tl..u. m.f... .1
A nnw.,iin,,i,,ir l Hb ,, l,-,. n HUH
laind, If required. Address, "Accountant,"
this ofllce.
l)l:AI.I;KS IN.r-
Will CcntttH Ihfir 0 MmMli v Uiea,
Lockhart's Nutritious Condiment.
Purest and Best - :r:.r;.:: 2
:v::::rHorse and Cattle Food
Absolutely Free From Poisonous Matter of Any Kind.
London, England, Glasgow, Scotland,
New York, Chicago,
HAVIN(J invt'stigntotl this llorso and Cattle Foo1, ftnd liaving
become convinced that it was superior to any preparation
on the market today, I have consented to take tho general agency
for tho Middle and Western States. It is now being used by
many of the leading horse and cattle men, some of whom testify
to its worth and money-saving qualities. Among the number
who have endorsed it may be mentioned: Kobert Bonner, Esq.,
of tho New York Ledger; William Lockhart, Esq., Veterinery
Surgeon; Dan Mace, the famous trainer and driver, and II. K.
Homier, Esq., Veterinary Surgeon, all of New York; II. M.IIo.sick
it Co., Tallow, Hides and Wool; The Lincoln Tark Commissioners;
John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour & Co., Puckers; 'Miller
& Armour, Puckers; J. C. Pennoyer & Co., Teaming; Gen. Tor
rence; Lincoln lee Co.; A. II. ltevell; William Thompson Ice Co.;
C Son. Newberry; Consumers Pure Ice Co.; E. K. Bond Packing
Co.; Thos. J. Lipton k Co., Packers, and others, of Chicago.
This Condiment is recommended by a dairymun who says
his cows gave one-third more milk while lie used it during tho
winter. It is just tho stuff to build up all stock, nnd is a great
feed-saver on account of its nutritious qualities.
Price por Barrel (ISO poundi) $11.00
100 Poundi 8.00
60 Poundi 5.00
25 Poundi 3.00
Sample Package Containing 8 Poundi , ; 1.00
Send in a
If you use it once you will never be without
it. Address,
Mi'titlon Tub Amkhk.'an,
Have You Enlisted? The war on
Political Rome is Waging.
YOU are the man wanted. The cam
paign of Nebraska is here. Will you assist
in the struggle for Americanism ?
It is the duty of every American to place
Americans on guard.
sist in this work by sending in your sub
scriptions to THE AMERICAN at once,
also a list of friends who do not receive a
patriotic newspaper, and we will send a sam
ple copy by mail to them. To win we must
work. Are you with us ?
Trial Order.
Care American Publishing Co.
Badges, Buttons, Pins,
. . Charms and Emblems.
182 Madison St., Chicago.
You can greatly as
ima Howard Strvot,