The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 15, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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U.,.,,11 ( iltufl. MIWMifl .(.. ...HH-f
4t All
I 1 PMnninil
AtnmitsiNo uatm
IVr KKnimrlrl lino 't twntlh
" I inch lo r iiumiii . ..... '
" I In, In Hr iiMinth
" liiriix 'f month
im i., im. ...tint h . . WMt
t Inch . I ii'lnmn, I line ... .... i
Wo, Him imtliVd 1.1 ivnl line. W,
Moh ltMHI.' l-'r l'Ul rl fi'f !"
mlvcfiiwiiictim, miiiMiil'ti AHie rca
l.tsittso I'u., Ativt.ttlln iH'imrtmtttit,
MTTna Ahicii itm rnAnriow or am.
rHTintiu oiH.ims-Tn tmu or No
Patronlro Amkuioan advertiser.
Buy your ginnl of those who adver
tise hh American.
Tliw church that cnnnot stand di
cusslon net-lift Investigation.
TllK enormous accumulation of prop
erty by tbo Homan Catholic church in
a national menace,
It U said Altgold In a vory wok man.
Well, If bo la any sicker than tho poo
jtlo of Illinois over hi conduct of hi
office ho must bo vory sick indeed.
Morris IlernUl.
John, advance agent for
Bishop J. V. MoNamara, 1m at present
In Omaha maklnir arranuomont for a
lecture by tho bishop Sunday, Juno 24-
OUR friend can aid tm In our work
tiy InitlMtlnir on tholr nowmloalom
handling Tub Amkuioan. Will you
do It? Can't you upond a nlckol eai-h
wook to lu-lp parry on thla fltflit?
A kiuknu wrlton tm from llutto,
Mont., that Homo In working a douhlo
sbirt. curnlng a HvIiik dni'liitf tho day
and WHtohlntf tho A. 1. A. during tho
evening. They aro an uaual looking
for troublo. Tho American of Hutto
howovor don't hoohi to foar tho A. 1. A.
It 1H atiknowlodijod by tho Vatlwlk
Hun of BvrnouHo, N. Y., that out of (17.1
ranilldatoa only 7 Kornan Catholhw
wo oliM'tod. (Joodl Iiot tho good
work go on. Frlmuln, Mland by your
gutm, and noe to It that nonn but trim
American aro pi need on guard.
Tub wHilallMl of Now York have do
nouncod the A. I', A. Doiiounolng tho
A. 1', A. ban hcon tho oooupatlon of
the rlff-ralT portion of tho population to
long that a now eruption, evun if of a
mora Intelligent clan, doe notuworve
It from Hi onward courno. Imgllve
the A. P. A.l i'olltlcal oblivion to lit
detractor and opHinenU,
WHY 1m It that noma of tho city
ofilolalH who in ml 0 pniiiilweii to thn
Amnrlean l'rotoctlvo AwMdatlon ik
for tho taxi elccllon, nod brokci them,
now Mck to beoomo meinlmm of that
order? I It tholr Intention to run for
a higher onimt In tho coming elet tlonV
A liar may hoagiMid polilkdan, but tins
A. I'. A. diN M not want thorn,
TllK city ordinance provide that all
jwilleo oflleor rnimt reNldo within tho
city llmltM. Hueh Iwlng tho eao, why
1 Chief Ketvey peririlt'l to live at
Floroneo, a gmHl lx mile from polleo
huMdtjoartor? A ttio chief ha no
telcphono connoctlon at hl country
rt'Hldnneo, It I neo.twtary to and
mounted ofliner out thorn In ordor to
ctjmmurilcaUs with blm when oceaMon
demand It. The chief Nhould bo com
11 led to eomply with tbo cltyordln
an ce tho Name 8 anybody elite,
WB refrain from making any com
ment on the action tMken by the Iwmrd
of fire and police commlMMloncr at tholr
miMitlng lattt Witdnoitday eight a wo
undemtHnd they are not through with
the matter yet, but at tbo tamo tlmo
wo would like to iuggott to the hoard
that there are several men yet on the
force who are far more dowrvlng of
d luminal than wereaomo of thime dis
charged WcdncNday evening, and that
in ordor to thoroughly renovate tho
force they ahould oommenoe at the
fountain head.
When a Roman Catholic prlent Ixv
tray and ruin a young girl hla fool
parlahlonert proient blm with a purae
containing hundred of dollar, but
when I'rotontant mtnlater kbwte one
of the Nlatera he i tried, convicted and
expelled from the church. la the firat
inatanco the crime 1 condoned by tbo
pre), lu tbo latter it la magnified and
publlahed throughout tho length and
breadth of the country, I it poaalble
that Rome owna the public prea?
Kurely ltome la mbtrowi, who aita on
the aeven hill and who i drunk with
the wine of her own fornication.
iMi tt)f amtMiOH
v t,e
' . lv. t ) H. i ) 1 t t'lltM
n n i f- ' l-i' i- ' v in
4rM IK.) Ui I S'l-'l !
ti., al t Ui. Ir Mtr
men I" N. '-lta U '!
t'lfS-l f4vMr )l HKH'MMIIr",
kn,t UI ! (US(itv i tinw I
I'nMt lt x 'r Th 4 !U, n (
mr) -t't iw of that i'ttimei.niai'K
a )eii'5 !atfft.J In tln4
IW stucm.4f tl ) t a
of a inlfcrtij , tt Um and llts ia!
a man '4 thw teb bo i!l
t,lwne lltelr lert e1 by U'""1"
ing f a) !''), At
their ar Hut ttw men Wing Mt ltnil)
intittWh iixl In t"iHiiirvUin Hh Jhat
rlU' tn the reptiblHan ld" then
rt two aire wed candidate and Mr,
R.water' blaek hm'. Tin tt a if
Hon. T. J. Major, the prvwnt lleuten-
ht gtivenior, and Hon. Ja k MeTall,
bile Mr. Ibwwatr' dark horw l
Hon. A. K. t a1y. Agalnnt nimo of
thew men havn we a woi-a l aay. in
the favor of any one of the in we could
aay atmu pleacant thing, but in favor
of two of them we could tlnd no word
too tttiMitg ti picture tho wwilldcniH
nd tho cutet'in In which tho public
ild them, Thtwo two are Tom
Major and Jack Mct'all. Col. Major
I an well known to tho pt oplo of Ne
bnotkathat It would bo tho womtof
iioiimnm! for u to ay anything In hi
Hthalf, and Jack MoCnll I uch a
wholo-aouled, halo-follow-well-niet aort
f man that everybody like blm who
meet him. Ikwlde, Tom ami Jack aro
tho bent of friend. Tom ay to hi
friend, "If you can't nrnko mo muko
Jack," and Jack toll hi boy tho aamo
thing. Therefore, there aeem U) no
llttlo ahow for a dark borne. Hut ap-
icarauoca aro often deceptive. Clr-
uniMtaime often alter cane, and they
may in tin inianeo. 10 oo pmiu,
Mr. ItoHowater 1 JuhI now very Otwy
building fence for hi preferred candi
date. For a wonder, he I not abuhlng
anybody, but hi lk'noo ha a mean
lng. It I tho defeat of both Major
anil MoCall I You may wonder how ho
expect to aooompllnh this. Wo will
tell you. HI henchmen and political
alrlkora aro not working for Cadyj they
are tint atnming loin iviajor, ou nicy
t t a I 1. .a. i. t. ....
are mi)iortlng Jack MoCall. Why?
HociUHO ho 1 recognized a one of tho
leading candidate for the oftleo of
governor, and If hi vote and lorn
Major' hhould bo at all clone In tbo
convention, and tho convention could
bo thrown Into a deadlock, It might ro-
ult In tho defeat of both MjCall and
Major, and in tho nomination of A. 10.
duly. Ktmowator ha no more uo for
Jack McCall than ho ha for Tom
Major, but by outwardly appearing to
bo in favor of Jack ho may be ablo to
defeat both tho k-aJIng candidate for
the nomination. It thereforo become
tho duty of every delegate who favora
tho nomination of either man to keep
from hi coming entangled In any trade
which appear Innocent on their face,
but which conceal a dagger ready to
lerco the political aitplratton of With
Tom Major and Jack McCall. Hotween
tho friend of MCall and Major there
ahould not Im any uplolon of foul
play, thero should bo tho mot com-
oleto harmony and oonfldenoo. Do not
allow yoiirHiilve to lie betrayed.
Thk Amkuioan denlrea to ak tho
congrcmon from thl atate what they
ntend to do toward aettllng the preaent
(jontet, and preventing a recurrence, of
tho ame, which the alien miner and
ourcltlen mine owner aro engaged
in. ThcMo contoNta have ceanod being
tKial dUturbanne, and have become of
national eonm mnmce, and It 1 the
bounilon duty of every aunntor and
every oongronNtiian to tlnd the root of
the evil and lay tho axo to it.
They have read of property being
duMtroyed by howling, frenzied mol, of
of live Ixtlnj taken by tho umo unlaw.
ful and unruly crowd, yet what have
they done to restore oiieo, to bring
back confldunau? Nothing! Nor will
they do anything no long a both
brancbti of tho legllaturo are filled
with corrupt, unprincipled and dla-
honoNt iMilltlclai) who have forced
theuiNolvea upon tl.t people by art and
trick and double dealing.
lint tnintlng, Ixdlevlng and hoping
the repreitentatlve from thl itato are
not like a majority of tho ratwtal who
make law for u to live up to, and
which they break with impunity, we
call uiMin them to do their duty to
make the Geary law appliaablo to every
peraon who ha been guilty of commit
ting an Infraction of tho law within Ave
year after they have declared their In
tentlon of becoming citizen of tho
Unltod 8tatea. Hy doing thl tho fear
of a m of Ignorant vote would not
deter any congroman from voting hi
bonnt aentlmenta upon any and all
aueatlon. Give u tbla reform. The
people demand it.
Laat night between five and alx hun
drod of the follower of Hov. T. V
Ievdon met at the roHidonco of Tho
McArdlo. corner of Claim treet and
Lincoln avenue. Tho house would not
betfln to hold tho crowd, and the lawn
waa appropriated. A puree of WOO wa
oom made up and a committee dis
patched for Father Leydon. Upon hi
arrival Lawyer Galvin presented him
the purae. Kev. Leydon wa visibly
. , t 4 It S I. 4? n a.l. n ,
4 rwtul u a fj-inj,' . ! -
1'Kat ti .4t :. fc.
I. .1 n . I, . ttntiaiM bl it a
. l .t! lii t.U aih Hh
fl.iiMr, l k tim ih 4Uji
4H.lbtiHw Hh M4iy i eu . In'l
l.lni m l). i ftcr! and h.i. tt r4.
and U ,! al- atd ttin(
.t il.i. ti h'm hiviiitn'w t.ip
tarn t'V Hie l.aa.l, omn.. at j tv4lii;'
M hmt bii r wmdd 4
in hi ti!Ui'd rar, and H tli4 j4t.r,
4, lttit.4,',.it, trtittng ad vhfidlig
mat.t. ti ttai j. iU In I t r rlalm tf, and In hi jviiidi, irn
her )Ht wi4it!l a C4mnen t- i 1 ;
I, her .tl, and tf h gne
weary of her burden and it bn aloud In
her anguloh. jtw al her and Ml her A
hahu. titvat tit!; Miat a n-iigion:
immiitatde a the U ef (ixi let SU'wIa
Ctiiimtlia ii in I n ami when the great
Anhlltt't of thl unlveine civa!e
nd dcllnt-o the jut and the unjiint,
w hen he tnituro out unerring juttlte,
I'rlefl I.ydon lll auffer the torinenv
of tbedamned while Stenula Ciiniinlng,
thti victim of celllialo hiHt, will wear a
rown In heaven,
The manner In which the newly
lecled otllelalaof thoclty of Milwaukee
aro carrying out the wUhe ol tho ieo-
pie who elected them I Indeed rcfrenh
lng. Usually when the A. 1. A.'
lect a man he become an arrant
coward, or ha liccn, all along, a mottt
despicable hypocrite. Tho Milwaukee
brand 1 certainly refreshing, and wo
should cultivate it, even if it is neces
sary for us to bury a few of tho assaiiine
trump who have aspired to lead uh in
the hope of attaining political prefer
ment, and who, after being elected, full
to attend their councils; are too cow
ardly to aland up for tholr principles;
and too dlshonost to be faithful to their
friends. Some of them will be up for
ollleo thl full, and wo should lot Homo
support tlrem if she will; wo want none
of lliem. Wo want no nnui who ha
not tho courugo of hi convictions, who
I dishonest with his constituents. That
thero aro aoitio filling ollleo today by
virtue of tho A. l A. vote, not only In
thl city, but In thU county, district
and state, who have been a false to the
men who voted them into tbo position
they occupy, a Satan wa to the Lord,
no onu wilt attempt to deny. Borne of
them aro member of congress, other
ure state otllcers, ami a lew are found
administering tho alTalr of the city
and country, They each and every one
pludged themselves to certain acts
which not one of them have had the
courage to perform; to act which were
essential to the growth of tho Ameri
can movement and tho liberties jt Its
member. Yet in each and every In-
stiincu tho Instinct of tho politician hu
overcome tho judgment of tho man, and
tho relief wo voted for ha not been
afforded. Tho 11 ro and polleo commis
sion Is a abumo, a delusion and a snare;
tho congressmen who wero to bo Amer
ican first and republican and demo
crat afterward, aro Just tho reverse;
county commissioner who wero avowed
A. 1. A. 'a have violated their obliga
tion and ahould bo expelled from the
ordor; city coundlmen who wero
elected on the reform platform go on
junketing tour with Roman Catholic
contractor, and Judge who alt upon
tho bench by virtue of our votes, hand
down decision, make ruling and issue
mandamuses, Injunctions, etc., favora
ble to tho Roman church and
against the spirit and letter of
tho law. They do these thing
to please that gigantic political
machine which did not elect them but
which they fear will enoompas their
defeat ahould they ever aspire to a
second position. To all such wo havo
thl to uy. You hate mado your bod,
the A, I', A.' will make you Ho in it,
They aro tired of liolng deceived. No
man can expect tholr vote hereafter
who la not an open and an avowed
friend of every principle laid down in
tho platform of tholr order.
W aro very pleased to nolo tho fact
that a certain G. A. R. post revised
their programino for Memorial day,
after Comrado ''ri." spoko right out In
tho meeting, protecting against a Ro
mish priest participating In tho exer
cise, although the committee had
previously arrangod for tho presence of
thl Judas-hearted emissary, of "Old
Glory'a most implacable foo. It 1 a
genuine pleasure to aeo that while to
many American lack "back bono,'
those old soldier are not victim of that
sort of "spinal affection." It doe not re
quire further proof that they recognize
in Rome the same undying hatred that
animated hor when she prompted our
outhorn brethren to fire on the ame
flag she yet tear from the bier of a
dead oomrado.
Foil a "clean out" exhibition of cool
effrontery, commend u to the Romish
element In charge of the parochial
school In Atchison, Ka., who sent
word to the committee of the various
patriotic organization furnishing flag
for the publlo school, that "they
oooded two!" Tho reply waa brief, but
to the point: "We're not furnlahing
flags for sectarian schools, thl year!"
The Ameiucan can bo obtained of
all wholesale newsdealers. Ak your
dealer to handle it.
MiU t H4 llttKh wt a l.
4,1 M a4 t t5 t4tl k !44W.
Ait'. ' tf tiir it, art inn t ti U'i ;
tn H a r f.r f On- iMhtttttn ;
,.t th In.tuUHie! I mf f tt
I, a,-t 1 M hi !i 4. m tf '
tut bm-M and Ct!'4 I'J ;
u ici i lit rriH'H (, ii ill tli nnn
hit a, b ,1 a t4t.tilt4i h ! hs ;
lijtmiM hj the mt deta ed l'W! t
UK ami C4ttai ! I that l Uj Hme,
tMllth tiU lf tnl l!rHt(; !)
ili It, tHi!d, tf !, dare, Iw a rvUnt
U um tul t nirl a the tu In tli at. In
Hte r ttrd if the cnirt f Nin In tb
HillUh muwuui, and la many other
), hav almiUiUly twrect a-
cDiint tf btw the rrvtthl, r Hibltt
rder. as thry er mtmiUiincal)),
uffered alien In tho power if IUnit.
It was the hahllot the prieU and their
murderous eenfedcrate to denoittHM' Hi
tin Inquisitor men, women and tit 11
drvn usscUh1 ol I'mtoaUnttsm. Wo
men who nfumd to minister t the vile
lust of prlest, and men who refused to
allow their wive and daughters to lo
outraged, or glvo money to the church
whenever tho priest demanded, were
also denounced and arrested.
After arrest the accused would bo
brought beforo one of the inquisitor
and aked to confess. A prlsouer, on
refusing to comply with tho Iniquitous
demand of the iuiqulsltors, whs Im
mediately conveyed to the torture-room,
whero no light appeared bet thatof two
candle That theories of tho sulTei-er
might not be heard, tho room was lined
wit h a kind of quilting, covering all tho
crevice and deadening tho sound, Tho
prisoner' horror wasextremo on enter
ing thl Infernal place, when suddenly
he wasurrounded by six wrotche,who,
after preparing tho tortures, stripped
him naked to his drawers. lie was then
laid on hi buck on a kind of stand,
elevated a few feet from tho floor. They
began by putting an iron collar round
his neck, and a ring to ouch foot, which
fastened him to the stand. Ill limbs
being thus stretched out, they wound
two rope round each arm and each
thigh; theso being passed under tho
eulTold, were drawn tight at tho same
Instant by four of tho men. Tho pain
which Immediately succeeded wero
Intolerable; tho rope, which were of a
small size, cut through tho prisoner's
flesh to tho bono, making tho blood
gush out. A ho persisted In not con
fessing what tho inquisitor required,
the ropes wero drawn in this manner
four times successively. A physician
and surgeon attended, and often foil hi
temples, to Judge of bis danger; by theso
mean hi tortures were for a short tlmo
HiiHponded; but only that ho might re
cover to sustain further torture. Dur
'fngthlsoxtremltjrof anguish, while tbo
tender framo 1 being torn, a it were,
In pieces, while at every pore It fool
the sharpest pang, and the agonized
soul i ready to burst from it wretched
mansion, the minister of the Inquisi
tion look on without emotion, and
jttlmly advlso tho poor distracted creat
ure to confes hi guilt, that ho may
obtain pardon and receive absolution.
All thl, however, was Ineffectual with
tho prisoner, whosi mind wa strength
ened by a sveet consciousness of inno
cc noe, and tho dlvlno consolation of
religion. Amidst thl bodily suffering
tho physician surgeon wero so barbar
ous a to declare, that If a ho died under
tho torture ho would bo guilty, by hi
own obstinacy, of self-murder. Tho
lust time tho ropes wero drawn tight
ho grew so exceedingly weak, by the
stoppage of tho circulation of hi blood,
and tho piilns ho endured, that he
fainted away; upon which ho was un-
Hised and carried back to hi dungeon.
Tho Inhuman wrctche, finding that
all the tortuiesthey Inflicted, instead of
oxtort'ng a confession from tho prisoner
only served to excite his supplications
to heaven for patience and .power to
persevere In truth and integrity, wero
so Inhuman, six week after, a to ex
pose him to another kind of torture
moro severe, if possible, than tho
former, tho manner of Inflicting which
was a follow: Thoy forced thl arm
backward so that tho palms of his hand
wero turned outward behind him; when
by mean of a ropo that fastonod them
togethor at the wrists, and which wa
turned by an engine, thoy drew them by
degree nearer ouch other, in such a
manner that tho back of each hand
touched, and stood parallel to each
other. Hoth his shoulder wore thu
dislocated, and a considerable quantity
of blood Issued from hi mouth. Thl
torture wa repeated thrloo, after
which ho wa again taken to the dun-
goon and delivered to the physician
and surgeon, who, in setting the dislo
cated bones, put him to the most ex
qulslto torment.
About two months after tho second
torture, the prisoner, being recovered,
was again ordered to tho torture-room
and there, for tho first tlmo, made to
undergo another kind of punishment,
which was inflicted twloo without in
termission. Tho executioners fastonod
a thick iron chain twice round hi body,
which, crossing upon his stomach, tor.
mlnated at the wrists. They then
placed him with hi back against a
thick board, at each extremity whereof
was a pulley, through which there ran
a ropo that caught tho end of tho
chain at his wrist. Thon the execu
tioner, tretchlng tho end of tho rooo
by means of roller, placed ata distance
tl la .i..u ,,. l.r t tit!
.l'tt t r l r Tfcrj .vt .-c d n4i l
O f tn fe a ! f r O l t
H4., a . '1 .,( ,.. ,1, . n
.l .;. ai-, 1 Iik-j .-, V'C'4 4 r, 4t
t 1 H4 tl44f., tall tl, tnt
it Jit M(1h, rt.a.lo him t4tit
,t l. ! lih..'H-il tiip ttHttttv It iCHin.i
litup, hh h he tMila'.hit lth ijital
ttaiii y and niSHii.m lit tb a
rtitairnliH ti diirf c.ft, tt'dt"l ty
U4 KtiigM.n ti i)r M but hmi4 and
lli J t iHliclil, and lttt
h44cmUniMHt UH their Jail dolhery r.
itwtrj hi in to a ntrrt,lt fiwilum In
thl world, w their Auto da V
moved htm Ui a U-Uer tu - r'r4nf
- -n-
Maul I I RAttti-htanI
Wo copy tli4 fttlUtalng dilti lal frtm
the New York Mning M fetrfiwr, May
2i, l"tH;
"Htimo part of the democratic pre
ha act alsmt a niercllts crusade
against tho American Protective A
Mttdation, the moot vehemently iiwmI
weatsm In tho attack Ix'lng made that
It I un-American. Thl naturally
take an outsider's breath, becauho tho
csK'clal claim of tho friends of the as
sociation is that it is, first and foremost
American against everything.
'The Morning Adrr(mr does not
caro to enter on any afflrmatlvo defense
of tho A. 1. A. Thero may liecrlslse In
the affair of a ooplo when tho danger
that threaten can lie met best by secret
societies. Hut they should bo a last re
sort, for almost any score ' political so
ciety U llkoly, sooner or later, to out
live it use, and even fall into the
bunds of those against whom It was first
directed. But It is claimed for this so
ciety that its object are not secret, and
before It can be fairly denounced as uu-
American those oojects must be shown
to bo so.
"They are said to restrict Immigra
tion, to increase requirements for natur
alization, to bettor tho quality of voter
by requiring a curtain degree of educa
tion, to make all alike attend public
schools froo from any church lnlluenco,
to use no publlo money for church pur
poses, to tax all property not owned by
tho state, to open all private schools,
convents, etc., toolllolal inspection, to
exclude from ollleo all who feel allegi
ance to any forelgh authority, whether
of church or atuto, and to reserve all
publlo land for homestead purposos.
"Somo of those thing tho Mommy
AdvertiHcr bullovea to bo unwise to agi
tate, now at loai-t, but it will require
moro than tho assertion of any demo
cratic editor to provo any of theso
thing to bo un-Amorlcan. As to one
of them tho educutloual qualification
for voters- thl newspaper 1 already on
record in it favor.
"And now, brother democrats, read
over thl statement of tho paluolplcs.
If they aro not all tho creed, or not cor
rectly stated, provo tho fact. And then
ask yoursolv4j, soberly, whether op-
dos nir them l noi praciicany conios-
sing that yourselves are un-American,
to say no moro.
All this is cold truth.
SOMK week ago wo published an
artlclu regarding a suit which Maggie
Murphy had instituted against tho Her
vlto sister. Tho action wa to recover
$i',000 for fifteen your orvlce, a a
member of tho ordor of Survlto sisters,
from which she claim to to have with
drawn somo tlmo ago. Tho case was to
have boon tried April 21, but tho com
plainant failed to appear. By agree
ment, however, tho case wa rein
stated and sot for Juno 12. When tho
trial day cmo around neither tbo
plaintiff or her attorney wore present,
and tho caso wa again passed. Tho
Sorvlto sister aro In high spirit over
tho continual failure of the Murphy
woman to pro icuto hor suit, and point
to it a proof positive that she has no
caso, and cannot provo tho charge of
immorality she recently mado against
tho mother superior.
AN artlclo in tho Vtwland (N. J.,)
Imbmmknt contain a busoly con
structed llo, wtilch read a follow:
Tim mi.iit.loM of rullirlon. or rather
u.M.t. Iium n(it.hlntr to tlit with the ra
tional consideration of tho emigration
question so far a tho United Hiatus is
concerned. Tho effort of A. 1'. A.
lm (which might more properly bo
termed A. V. lm, inoo it it mn a
copying of Kuropuan forma or sec
tartan Olgoiry.j mi create in vnntwuu
try a spirit of antagonl i. to Catholic
Ism 1 despicable and dangerous.
Thl naoer once posed a a patriotic
paper to lncroaso It circulation, and
afterward turned Into a Roman lUtno-
lie heot.
ANY friend wUning information on
any of tho various patrlotlo societies or
organizations can obtain samo by au
dressing thl office.
Killed hr Manor.
"A nrloBt. named Dldolot, chaplain
of the prisons at Nancy, has met with
his death by a strange accident, lie
had descended .Into hi cellar to glvo
light to a workman who had brought
him a cask of wln-j. At tho top of tno
steps tho mm loi hi hold oft tho bur
don, and it fell upon tho unhappy prlost
and killed him."
Certified Milk
Every dairy upplylngourcondenserlo
is under supervision. Milk 1 produced
under rigid hygienic rules. Tho com
nanv's reoutatlon is therefore ft certifi
cate of the absolute purity of tho Gall
Borden Eagle Brand Condensed M1U
MV tMt A r A uwos
l,4i,i4f! 'it,.T I1 41 i."44 M
i(t a 1. i: (f ;(( leg l n- ik t at
( W, and ) Id Xhf 4t.4f
t Htnvtt 'h r.! '- 4") a R,.i.H t H..
4;H' , . 'j tm i4i44l M'K !tt
a 4.4n,i t! tM fitm h,i i (ht
t.d ' A A aM athin
ti l an 4 1 e i (,! oa ki'd aaj
inm H. (friiit'ii.ti A ft hud l.4
wsi aith tt ait4 tittl ,!, b 4le
the pwiprit tr a ad tb t!,i4 t4 c.
t initio ta k It rn.Unl
and ih. rdit.r Wt h tlt !,! d..vr it
high dvidginn. Th pfvpil. lf tullte!
and ttt.4 to aid u It dd hha
w4 had a t U4 r w lhed blm l. hva4.
Ht ttk It and tvd tt thrugh. It
fom a lady ut of the city hodelnid
ui to find a mnvhant who Lad the
courage to ad vcrUvo In TllK AwtittCAN,
so that he and her friend might know
who to trado with. When In flnihed
reading it wvsaid: "If ywi denlro tho
trade of our kind of opte we would bo
plcam-d Ui place a nia!t adverllwroent
for your hou in our indumns.' He
said, "1 do not can; to take side at
present. You saw that man talking tt)
me? He wanted me to pay him 'too to
make a cortvcllo't. Ho said he had
published our house a anj A. P. A.
concern, but bail slnoo learned ho wa
mistaken, and for f.00 ho would make
the correction." We remarked, "Tried
to blackmail you!" to which ho replied,
"I would not say that, exactly, .but ho
wanted money for doing what any hon
orable man would be willing to do
gratis if he found ho hud mado a mis
take. When I refused' to glvo htm
$."00, ho asked mo for $.100, then for
250, then for $ MO, for 00, for 10, for
$., but to each demand I mado the
samo answer. Finally ho asked if I
would glvo him 6 cents'to correct it and
I said 'no, I will not give you oven five
cent.' He then told mo Jhe intended
to lssuo 40,000 papers, which would bo
sold on the streets, and unless ho wa
paid for tho correction ho would again
publish our firm as au A. P. A. estab
lishment." After a few minutes' con
versation we bade him good-by, receiv
ing a cordial invitation to call again,
When we hear of such occurrences as
this, 1 it any wonder the' A. P. A. Is
such a glorious success? I it any
wondor business men hall It with de
light? I it any wonder thoy want to
help u stamp out tho evil effect of
Rommlsm? Chiaiyo A mvrkun.
Annual Meet lng of the National Assocla
Hon of the Loyal Women of American
Tho Loyal Women of American Lib
erty will hold their annuttluconvontlon
at Wosloyan Hall, Hromflold street,
Boston, Juno 20. Dalegates aro ex
pected from various parts of tho Unltod
States and a good programme is la
preparation. Thero wlli bo an all day
And an evening session. All members
are requested, to make a vigorous effort
to be present. Tno evening exercises
will bo opun to tho publlo.
All church estate must lu placed on
an equitable bail wlthiothor property
tabulated asjtaxablo.
American I'rotecllve Association,
The pundulum It iinHlori iwluu,
From lilKti'Ki low, from low to lilli
A moment to tint enrtli It clinx
Tlinn leap exultant to tlotjsky.
RriKiilfiid In yawning chasm lie
The sturdy twlmmsr of ths (l"t't),
Who, on tha comlitX wave hall rltt
And thro' thtl hluu triumphant swttitp.
Tim bsntlliitf hjw suiiitumli to ttt.riitiiuh,
Aearthwitrd drop thu oarlio lark,
tint it nIi ill n 4" It forco at length,
And hurl the arrow to tltn mark,
Accept thl cheer of royal birth,
A hurliiiKij to orrow Klvpn,
That "Truth," tho' iirnly"rudi4 to arth,"
Shall unruly "rUti aitaln" to Heaven.
Mo (lid the KoiK ditxcrlhed n mi'ili,
When wounded on celestial plain,
To earth cam i down, whom ImnlliiK touch
Hut nave them atreiiKth to rlwi attain.
ThroiiKh iiiystltiohanKi) life may creep)
A IhoiHittid year are a a day
Ho, throw fli the end less ages sweep
The iiilnhty cycle of decay,
Nation and rar.ei Mho and fall,
In rhymlo eadiiace down the years,
ittiKartlleM of the iiioiiareh' call,
Tho wld iwi' or tin orphan' tear,
lie thl the heat that hrliiK u low
We oon shall feel the mounl.lnx curve)
The crested wave Nhall overflow
From depth reclaim the man of nerve,
llraw tlKhtth bowstrlnx, urasp It welt,
The wood, elastic, never breaksi
The time Is near when from the dell,
The prisoned arrow motion takes. .
Then woe betide the luckle wliiht,
Who would oppose It fearless con rue,
The day ha dawned to shame the nlxht
The nlifhtof Krror and of force!
Here Justice hold her scale abeam,
And Keanon grasp the equal poise,
To weigh Ambition' Htful dream,
Aiialnst the hearth' domestic jny.
Man, to hi fullest Ntatur sprltiK,
Complete, self-con II tlent and Ntronm
No loiiKor slave to tyrant kliiK,
Nor mythic monster' cruel wronn.
Ao to come nhall bless the day
Shall bio these heron of the strife,
That frun f ro n Htipertltloir sway,
KtinawliiK freedom' preclou life.
The plastic force yield and build,
Secure and Hrm, f (limitation strong,
Where the IcotioeliiMl ha killed
Th priest, In temple of the wrongl
Tho glowing conllagratlon weeps,
In living flame across the sky,
Where, 'mid old Krror' musty heap,
The dead In dust and allies I In I
Take heart, y brave, the time Is near
Thecrlmum curtain show the day
When broad America shall cheer
The Patriot Heroes! "A. P, A."
Isaac A. Pool