The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 08, 1894, Page 7, Image 7
1 THE AMERICAN, . m vj !. K rooM Til it. a. kM. ) M I,,,,, 1rt I t(n "Jim Ite'.! ,. t.umt FtL l'l , a bit Ivv.til If li .t ..,! ll'- littler riomlv ml trw-ions .lim I'M Itl i g ie!tt it- in-! !' if ll IsM'ijf a mn f ti.ii .1 K ,., , i ,, I fi t, t . 1,1 Shoot an mi pi H. it vi' ft ft, iii. I lioin (,. r,., h ,f hi lll lift ltl,lltll II Wlltlltl 11 ! from any sr ami ihiu'.jih'hI lUi'i'f-r l'l P!nl..iy Jin, !,! ham tm "CM In lu mlrttUtlitit. mi li.i iM. II It I; m1 n't lir lui h Wur llial ri si,t,totttjr from a wallow hot. at t iil of Hie rim. I. jitt as tlm . am a nSnk? The it ikm port fit nHSranei of tlm lr ll tf III lltll'sO Rllil tlll'V ran av Tluv tliilo'l run Inf. th mi ifli. l lio wacoo ptnu k n iKi')i fill In tlm ioa.l. llm cnn ff nilro k'lycorlno was knocki-il with such. Intro aaltm! a Mont? it tlm Waifoii JtHtml itiiwit tlmt It wa i k I'loiliul, Wlicn.lim canto tilmwas hniijjlntf H" top of iHtl fciiort flfly foot away from wlmro t Ito nltro irl.vccl'liio hml exploded, If m could jvi.ltf i from the hole half as Mi a collar1 tlmt yawned In Hie loud. Thoro wasn't h fi ajjinont of any Mil tin In I h t to Inilli-ato that a few hoc onls Iwforo there hud liooti a team of home and a apt'lnj? wagon where tho hole wan. Then Jim discovered that he only had one leu, Ills right ono having Ihkiii blown away from just above the kneo. Fortunately fop Jim sotno drillers hoard the explosion, and hurried to tho spot to soo how little there was leftof Jim and his outfit. They were anuiod to find so much of Jim left, and they quickly carried hlra to the tiearost houso and tfot a doctor. Jim was around all rljfht In a few weeks. No evldenco of tho previous existence of tho toam. waj?on or Jim's lost lojf had over been disoovorod. "Ono duy last wook (ieorpe lick on chopped clown a big: onk treo that stood In a flold .1)0 yards from the spot where Jim Roislniror's blow tip occurred. In a crotch of that troo, (ifty foot from tho pround, he found some funny looking- bona, lodged. Ho took them to Contor Vlllo to a doetor. "Why!' suld ho, 'those are tho lower bones of tho human lo;;! A comploto set of thorn, too! ' "Jim Heisintfor's log, sure!' suld Dickson. "Thoro couldn't be any doubt about It. No one olso had ever lost a log In thut locality and nover found it, and so It was Jim's lonjj-lost h'tf, and no inlstako. They boxoil the bones up and sent tliein to Jim at Prospect, whore ho lives now, and when I had loft liutlor county ho had just written buck and suld that while the leg wouldn't be of much use, ho wus tr I ad to boo It, and wu much obliged." Him Mil i Iii Him Tlrnil, "John," said Mrs. lllllus, "what Is t"v tho salary of an alderman:"' ' "I think It It t;l for each mooting." "And yet thoro seems to bo plenty of men willing to tuko the place at that pitiful suiary. How hard the times must bo when strong, able bodied men, willing to work, no doubt, arid cupable of filling fur high er stations In life are driven to tho necessity of taking Just such jobs! 1 am sure wo ought to bo very thank ful John, that yon haven't felt tho pressure of the hard times to tho ex tent of that, and " Maria." suld Mr. liillus, looking fixedly at hor over his newspaper, "you make mo very weary." I n i'rl ii t I ii fornix! Ion. A professor at tho university of T-oxiim wus explaining some of the habits and customs of the ancient Greeks to his class. "Tho undent (ireeks built no roof ovor their theaters," sal I tho pro fessor. "What did the anclont (ireeks do when it ruined?" asked Johnny l'l. elotop. Tho professor took olT his spec tacles, polished them with his hand kerchief, and replied calmly: 'They got wet, I suppuso. Texas Hlfl.lngs. A lllniir I . "Well, Charles," said tho proud father, "you are to bo graduated soon. What are your Ideas as to se lecting your profession?" "I think I'll be a lawyor, father. I am fond of ease," "KusoP I o you consider tho law yer's profession one of ease:'" "It cortalnly Is at the start. Young lawyers never havo much to do." Harper's Ilaar. A Miiiimiii of Km World. Mr. Vorarlch - Do not, do not answer hastily. I will glvo you timo to reflect If you wish. Miss Jfi'uutl It won't take long. How many (dubs do you belong toP "Well- cr-llvo or six, but" "Then I will bo your wlfo. I probably will not seo you ofton enough to matter." A Sow IV him l for l.iH-oiiiotlvn. Tfio boll chlmo steam whistle con sists In producing threo distinct tones, pitched, for Illustration, to tho first, third and fifth of the common musical scale, thus giving an agree able musical chord. It Is more pen etrating than the common whistlo. and can bo heard farthor. Hard ware. fci'cn-ly I Professor What aro you doing thero? Scholar, poring ovor his books Digging at Greek verbs. Professor What's that for? Scholar Oh, I'm going to soo If I can pull them up by the root You know I'm to be a farmer whon I graduate. A CT ON n t VI t . tfct N'i (.. it i i..i ! (M-? lUc II,, ir mlf X rni t, ilion K i' !'( Vr hbiI. at ISi H m. I H ii.-j-.t-t e f a nV, reihtiiufi, $a litivn In otto (..p.'t l, ,.i.- i II n n-.r titrltlitftt B tii-.i ni y j.i. t ftt tttil , )1 !((('' iii.Uhk tnjii '.! that it a h j-li 'si ftnitiiml AN lmtir liUtei y nt'tM ti f illa if (! life ir it linl. It did But (K tho b't bit .-t II til id It on n, and some whe aw it p i bmit were stun-k ith Its i.. ftp pi'srhnee "Ihls Hit! mMnml loft In chaise ff Mr Miei!liii.y in th ll!ntf riveitt by ; ly traieler I list II s biicti In a I'lii'iiee could W plainly sei'ii bv tin pivpnrstiom made by lt initiv lei It Journey, anil It a tlniKi, animal, trarln Its ni-etry to the well known Man fsmlly, whose ancient scat l on tb lle of " Man, says the NN anhington Star. "Hie kitty lere an old family name Tabby- A the female travelers Ullthercd about M;n Mi an un Denny, coinplimentiiig her on her (wl's frlBkNUiie and it- (lispollinti to be come friendly, one of th.-m aked; "N a not its lifH. cut nirr' Another nn.-wered "I have heard of cats born without tails, but this Is the llrst I ever saw." Still another h.-stander remarked: "I'ats havo no tails In the Isle of Man, so I have been told." "That kitten will never pin,- rlng-a-round-rosy with its tail; It may always havo a hnne and home, but It will have a hard job to make both ends meet." "No wholesaler Is wanted by that cat, It will over bo interested in tho retail trade," wore some of tho re marks made. Finally Mrs, Shaughnessy, to at tend to hor duties, was obliged to hldo the kitten during hor tomporary absence The woman who owned tho cat was en route from Ashevllle, N. C, to Boston, and brought tho kitten hero, arriving about 1 1 :.'ll) a. m. Helng unable to secure from tho porters of the Pullman sorvico tho necessary permission to take It In the sleeper and unwilling to trust it In tho baggage cur. she turned It ovor to Mrs. Shaughncssy with all the nccompunimcnts for Its comfort. Those consisted of a neat wicker basket, lined with raw cotton, for Its bed. a china saucer and a bottle for milk and a plentiful supply of red ribbons to lie around its neck. The fell no Is one of a litter of four, de scended on the mot her' 1 nido from the Islo of Man tribe, the mother being a native of that portion of her majesty's dominions. Two had tails and two hadn't. .On tho trip to this city tho con ductor, in common with the passen gers, notwithstanding t o rules of the Pullman company, beeumo much attached to tho playful and tailless kitten, and doubtless it would huvo been carried through to tho end of tho journey hud the porter boon more attentive, This party rofused to warm somo milk for tho animal and soured on the cat, saying that it should bo muilo to travel with dogs and other animals In tho baggago cur, anil consequently arrangements for carrying It first-class being Im practicable tho owner did tho next best thing, placing It In good hand 4. limi t l)litif ll, Mrs Green and Mrs. Gray woro walking along, chatting In a gossipy way, whon a man who had been watching them from across tho street suddenly rulsod his hat and smiled. Said Mrs. Green! "Who was that fool that bowed to jouP". Mrs. Gray That was my husband. Mrs. Green Oh, I beg your pardon. I didn't Mrs. Gray Don't mention It. I wasn't awaro that you knew him. Hoston Travclor. 111.' Hi-r-rrl, ut Ills Sui-i-cm, "The beauty of this medicine," said Dr. llybold, writing tho direc tions on the buttle and handing It to the nurse, "Is that It will make him too sick to cat anything for the next threo days, That will glvo nature a chance to tuko a whack ut him. When me and nature can work to gether on a patient," added the doc tor, putting on his hat and gloves, "wo pull him right of tho kinks every time." 1 lii Two lli'ilnni. A young woman applied to tho mayor of a Texas city for relief, ( "Have you no meuns of supportP" asked tho olllclul. "I am tho only daughter of an old, childless father, and I support sev eral younger brothers with my own hands. " "I am an orphan, too," ropllod tho mayor, "ami It is as much as I can do to tuko cure of mysolt" Toxas Hlftlngs. Iliiilillilal nml ( lirlll lM. It Is suld that tho lluddhists of Japan are awaking to tho fact that they must have a statement of tho elements of tho Buddhist faith to set over against tho dellnlto and com pact creed (if the Christian teachers, and are debating what they will put Into this statement. Sh f ii I iiiiiikIi. "What! You rooming on tho top door?" said tho first drummer. "I thought you woro too afraid of flro. " "i'horo won't bo any flro hero to night," said tho second drummer. "I overheard the lundlord say thut hi insurunco had run out." I'iihiiIIhIi I. ova. Do If you loved mo you would marry mo while I am poor. She you do mo injustice. I love you too muoh to havo your precious health risked by my cooking. Wait until you can afford to havo servants. Lifo. It.. , I I Mrf t J'. L r ll. . !,- (. t,t, i., U 4 ll I t ( U I'd i . ? ttf kt , .tlr.t i-!-l l I !(; I-.- : , I U .. ( Ufil I ! . (. . . It l 1 I 4, (.1 H. . n. l.'.. .! Aft ll n I IK. l.i lf III. tt" a l.i i't ., t uStt-i.t i. it.. k..,' .. !,,, ... . t. .i I 1 1-' I ttttllMvit! t 1l In ! I I (lit lu!( "v 1 lit I l.nil.ll II ( ( nt lil4i '. i ,t .ti lM a' l- 111 l'-Mllt i K iKh. In ("-.I , nl..t I f l.i m III l ).(. 1'liSI It.w t'l.nn at ( -lt.l lli I J It,. ItHt I'rill.-f l'vl-lntilitn llil k.l I". lili( tr Jil.l tl m InKH. tii 1 .l l.i-( tr ii hr "fi. ll t nil hiimiin U sinl tu.Uiie il II, lhl Sill .-I.IIIV I.I lll C ll it. Hi Ht ll.VMtHl t.f (lie llol.iHll !f!nl. HI . Iti- tttv. it. Tint nil ,f Hi.-iH.liimii,'. i.f th t,, imli.niliikl) in ! i.u ti-,1 t,V W I'llklil iil t ll'K III -k l (Hit htmt lli '- li . i I c.iiiiiniinl.-li'il !(, I'rliNti mv Inliii I ll n, I limnli-m, pt.-n t irliiet. I. The civil law l ili-rlt.l fmin mini, tun mi tsvlt.nliuidi'iil ut-ch nun U In i. rlntl itrivlljr fluid I'm!, hy lili-lt I In miiti(f cull. ii eiillinvtliili llli hln jiit'lun n, iimUc cuu Ulutlmin fur tin' wli.tlc i ln Ulliili ui lit, .' ' iliitlt'lm Silrltill. 1-eln-criiliiS' tin1 milt nil, ill f snilln, mill llie rliilil (inn-riiiiii-til nf llic linn Ii; suit If In riviity JililiiC niul illsinnc f nil tin ii-ti, m .1 ii I itinnlnnf nil chi ln( Inn, K A licrt-lli', li.ililniK er tcai-liliiK fulw .octrllici Ciiiiccrnliiil llic niii-riiiiH liln. N i--iiiiiinuiilciiti-il niul ili'U rmli-il, ami hiiii.led ivrr to llic neciilnr court. IT. K-1-ulnr ii'liicin mm llllntf to nm-nr to rfi-nil tin' clitlli-li uunll.Kt hi-n-tlcn nn i-x-otiiiiiuiilratcil, Itnil tlicy ii it' ti i ix ii ml, r mi UcrdlcU Ik Tim iriiiiilit of heretics sro to tie con-.hi-hIi'iI sad HiilU-d to tliu cliuri-U. 19. AdviH'atcs or nolarlen, fiivurlnn licri. ic, or llmlr di fi'ndi-ri. or nlcndliiir for tin-in law HultM, or wrllliiK diH'iiiiii-nls for tluiiii, ,ro InfiuiiDiiM and HUKiciidid from ollit-e, 2(). Tlio Beciiliir powers, whether pertna Knit or li'inimruiy, are lioiind to swear that hey will exterminate, acconlliiK Ut tlielr ,owcr, all lieretlCHCoiidemni'd hy the chui-i-lij aid a temporal lord not purging his land ut' leretlcs. Is ex-coniinuiilcated, 21. Them) signed with tlm crows for the xtermlnallon of heretics, rejoice In the irlvlli'gc granted to the crumidcrs for I lie Kilp of the holy land. 22. Tlicy are alwolved from all obligations ho are In anywise hound to heretics. 23. Whoever dies 1" hat tin against the un- ellevlng, merits tho kingdom of heaven. "4, We do Dot esteem thos homicides, to (Hum It may liavu uauuiiund In their coal for tholr mother church against the ex-coniniu-ntcatud, to kill soma of them. 48. That Oitlhollo I'rlneus are betind, both by civil and common law, no', to receive or tolerate heretics, and much more are not to uormlt their riles, or other exercise of tholr religion or rat hor, their false sect, but are most solemnly bound every where, to ropol snd expel Uiem, 2). The following temporal punishment! sre to be enforced on heretics: 1st Infamy, and the consequent disqualifications for all Civil acts. 2nd- Intestability, as well active as passive (that is, they can neither make nor will Inherit what is left to them by others), ilrd Loss of paternal power over Children. 4th boss of dowry, and other privileges granted to women, ftth ConlUca tlon of all goods. 6t!i--That vassals and slaves ami others are free from all, evea sworn obligations due to their lord or an otiier. 7th--Oapltal corporal punishment, especially death, and perpetual Imprison ment. 27, The canon law forbids all toleration. 2H, That metropolitans and bishops are to x-enmmuuloate him who grunts liberty of conscience, 2, No oath Is to be kept toward heretic princes, lords or others. 80. Heretics are to be doprlved of all civil and paternal rights. 31. The pope can absolve from all oaths. id.Z K very bishop is ordinary Judge la a cause of heresy. The reason is because ths bishops can ex-olllclo, and ought to exttrpata heretics, and Inlllct upon them the duo pun ishments, and to this are bound on pain. of deposition, llesides, are the inquisitors es pecially deputed by tho apostolic see Kvety bishop In his diocese Is thought to be. and in reality Is, a natural inquisitor, (liter ally born Inquisitor), so as to have tho sums power with those already Mentioned In a Cause of heresy, 1. In every promissory enth, although absolutely taken, tliero are certain condl tlons tacitly understood, aiMingst which are; 1st If 1 can; 2iid-To save tho right anil authority of a superior! ard When the oath supposes the honor of the apostolic see to be Illicit, 114. Tliatthecouncll of Trent, (the last and great authority of Rome), decrees and com mands that tiiesacrod canons and all gen eral councils, also the other apostolic enact ments Issued In favor of ecclesiastical per son of ecclesiastical liberty, and against Its Violators, all of which by this present decree It renews, and must be exactly observed by all. CARDINAL'S OATH. "I, .cardinal of the Holy Koman church, do promise and swear that, from this time to the end of my life, I will be faithful and obedient unto St. Peter, the holy apo telle Koman church, and our most holy lord, the popo of Kome, and his successors, canon Ically and lawfully elected: that I will give no advice, consent or assistance against ths pontifical majesty and person; that I will never knowingly and advisedly, to their In uryor disgrace, make public tho councils entrusted to me by themselves, or by mes sengers or letters) also Unit I will give them any assistance In retaining, defending and recovering the Koman papacy and the regalia of l'eter, with all my might and endeavor, so far as the rights and privileges of my order will allow It, and will defend them against all their honor and state, and I will direct snd defend, with duo form and honor, the legates and nuncios of the apostolic see, In ths territories, churches, monasteries and other benefices committed la my keeping! and I will cordially co-oporato with them snd treat them with honor In their Coming, abiding and returning, and that I will resist unto blood all persons whatsoever who shall attempt anything against them. That I will, by every way and by every means strive to preserve, augment snd advance the rights, honors, privileges, the authority of the Holy Koman bishop, our lord the pope and bis before mentioned successors, and that, at whatever time anything shall be decided to their prejudice, which Is out of my power to binder, as-soon as 1 shall know that any steps or measures have been taken In tbs matter, I will make It known to the same, our lord or his successors, or some other per son by whose means It may be brought to their knowledge. That I keep and carry lw ."' ! l b . tntk.l !- t u ,-ll- lt.,1.. .4 I!., Itnt I h.t .... K'Ml l,t.ll,1i.7ll, I I I . l t. in . . , , , III. at.. I- t A t - it, -1 .-I I 11 I , I. 1 til. I- ., ..(i ). I, I,,, , 1 I.. I I . 1, , .. ., ,.(( I- .-. Hi, , I.I ,.l ,,! I - ' . t 1' I-.., - t -.! SitHl -t..n ti,t a .. ,. "t .M l.. t.t I k,( I U (,,- .:l ,I.,,,. ,J I ." I l.. I :) .1.. i t(. j t p.t,t.i,. (I;, tl M , I I,. I,.' f.,l ansos'i etls. , .. . . I. I ..f llir lti tn.1) til. .. f.,l f..t m.l .i Imp fnilhf,,: nti.1 it'.li t ( .t i Iti.i t !. I,. Ui t,4 it (Ii. II, .l Ii, mum i hm. Ii. -ml i.i ,.4 (hi It.t'f til"' 'f lintue, nl (ii kin itt,Hmit fi..iili y 1 1,(. i ,i.k , nil) i u In fMlitf l-irtim I l.f l.t n ihlHif Dim ll y t, I ff t li.l It.t.-I. n( Itisl ll l !..(, .,aT twit, ot linlit til mi V ! I ii.l HK-n lit. In it an) iniiiii.- i. , i,t Hu tu in,. i. r sni pit . liar l,,u,v,r 1 ),,. lui,,,,., VM lii. h III. I l,il lnllit( .,r ,y (),. u, -a tt . tin ir in. -t ii,-. r. .s- t-lit i v I !ll ii., I ) IliFlV It ti-nl l,t nny . I.t (h. ir ti ili,i Hi lit li tli. ln I. il, fi ml nml In-, , B, vtitti Hint (he in) nil ln,f M 'i I, r iik i.ldsl sll mi n. 1 lignif of ilii- nisi,ii,. bhh IT.illig ami .'.unlnii, I III, j (irnl smi help Ifl bin litvi-w.ll If. Hi.. Ilitil, httli.ttv pell Uvgeii niul niiiln ii ti j uf (In- II,. I)- II. H, ,i,u i-lniri h i.f uur liii.l. t ho imp, and his afnrt iiiii Mn-i-i-wirn. I t ill oml.-nvor t.i pn w i t ili ti lui, Inrn it-.-:iinl ii l urn t- I will not In In any ttmiist I. iii ilim or term v. In hl, I hall ls pint iimI iisiiihe.1 uur sulil lortt ami Itiiiicin i-hiin h iii llilnit t.t he hurl or pri juillce nf thi'lr M'i'kiiiis. rlli, honor. Mutt or Mii-r. and, If I -hull know any nurli tiling to tic ireaietl or agitated by any hai-sis-vt i-. I will hliiil.-ril lo my tmmt, and at niniiiiisl cnn, I will signify II Ui our wdil lord. The iinliiniiu-e and miDdatca of lie isipe, 1 will oliM'ive with all By might ami cause to lie otisi-rvrd tiy othe it " leretlcs. schismatic mil rvbrln to urn said lord or his kiicci'ssurs, I will to my ut most pi-rnecute and oihim'," "Herrtli'os, si-lilsniallcos ct rels-lli-s fides 1 lomino nost ni vcl siiccessot Ihus predict Is pn posse perseqiiar ct oipiiguab ) " "I will come to a council w hen I am railed, I will visit the threshold of the npostlci every three years uml give an account of oui lord of all my pastm-ii! oMh-e and of tin things belonging to my diocese to tlm dis cipline of my clergy ami people 1 will Ir, like manner humbly receive and diligently execute the apostolic commands If I am detained by a luwful liupcilin cut, I will per form tint aforesaid by a member of my chapter or a priest of my iIIih'cso, fully In structed In nil things aliovu mentioned The possessions belonging to my table, I will neither sell nor other wise nllemnii without, consilium; the Koniiin poinliv. ho help mt tiod and tliese holy gospels of (foil." (Signature), Hen! to 1 hit Komlsh Manager Till Ionian's Oitllt. "I swear by almighty Ood, by all In heaven and earth, by the holy prayer-book of my holy church, by tho blessed Virgin Mary mother of Uml. by her sorrow and grief at the cross, by her tears and waitings, by' the holy apostles Hi. Peter and Paul, by the glorious apostle of Ireland HI. Patrick by the blessed and holy church of all ages, by the holy national martyrs, to fight upon tho Irish soil, to light for tho independence of Ireland to fight until I die, wading In tho red (core of tlio Hasminauh (Protestant) for the glorious cause of nationality to fight until not a single vestige, track or footstep, Is left to toll that tin) holy soli of Ireland was ever trodden by the Hassouach tyrants and murdorers; and, morovsr, when the Protestant robbers ami in Ireland shall be murdered and driven Into the sea llko the swine our Lord Jesus Christ caused to be drowned, then we shall embark for, and take Kngland, and root out every ves tige of the accursed blood of Die heretic adulterer, Henry VJ II., and possess our selves of the heists who have so long kept our Island of saints Old Ireland In the Chains of bondage, driven us from her shores, exiles Into foreign lanns. I will wade In the bloodof Urangemen auu heretics (Protest ant) who do not Join us and become our selves, LHcotland too, having given aid and succor to the boast, we shall live In her gore. We shall not give up until we have restored our holy faith all over tho Krlllsh Isles. To all of this I sincerely and conscien tiously swear with my eyes blinded, not knowing who to me administers this oath Oath ef the ( lan-nn-loiel. Tho following is the oath taken by tho members of that famous Komlsh Catholic society: "I (name In full) do solemnly swear In the presence of Almighty (Jod, that I will labor while life Is left In me to establish and de fend a republican form of government In Ireland; that I will keep secret tho names and everything connected with the Irish brotherhood from all not entitled to know such secret! that I will obey and comply with the constitution anil laws of the same, whatever they may be; that I will preserve the funds of this order for the cause of Irish revolution alone as specified In the constitu tion; that I will deem it my special duty and mission to promote and foster sentiments of union, brotherly love, nationality, among all Irish Catholics; that I will not permit the nomination In any political caucus or con vention i f a person not pledged to the prin ciples of this society! I will always give a member of this brotherhood preference In all matters of business, and will vote and work only for Irishmen for political ofllce. I lake this obligation without any mental reservation, holding the same forever bind ing upon me, and that any violation thereof or destination of my duty to the brother hood Is infamous, and merits tho severest punishment, so help me (Jod." This oath tho candidate Is abjured to keep at tho hazard of hi life It was printed In tho Chicago lntcr-Ocean and was sworn to bo correct at tho Cronln trial. It was reported by said paper December 16, 18i),'i. 1'rlests and bishops, act as chaplains for this holy (?) order. THE COMING AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. Bv II. A. HUNTINGTON. This Is among the latest publications an. ranks among the best. Il deals with the for elgn exerted In political alfairsof ourcoun try by the Koman Catholic Church. Ever; American should read It. Paper cover, irfoc tiO Cvntm. Sent postpaid on receipt of price, by the AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., tills Howard Street. Omaha, Net or. 807 Main Hi.. Kansas City. Mo. or, cor. Clark and Kandolph. Chicago, 111 tUM, D ili! MiU, D,M MM1 Cutfil, O.tUI He.tii Cttrrd tor, O.tUI Mr.iU of Alt Klitit, TONKt NITC dor tho urn. 3 rrttl t.tmt uU full Mt tlcil.t. Dottle (. Otot 95. AMU ii CO., t iltaon P.ttV, III. IS'" Sll f,tl 1 'III, .- Bll I i. linuntvlnu t.Ht an adii'iii. (in-ill an allrae llif apn-at-aitie, and It 1 suiv ti h tttc elf of tte reader, Tlli AMKlt N lt tlUKIHXil lit. will furnish fur .V wn m it is . 1 quicker than vmi can write the article on iiftiiig lour t.lca. t all atitt " us ai It lj Howard utiw-t, Omaha If vmi c limit rail, we will send our Kng taier til sh yon, If you will Telephone ). If you live out df town, lust write your Idea as brief as MNtsiltle, and send tl In. We'll give you a ion- ell drawing; and don't forget to end Sititttfts for return answer. Write all names and addresses plainly. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., tij Howard Stmt, OMAHA, NEIi The Bible Cabala BV N. A. LIST. M RcfliscoTcrci. PKK'E. t: 50. OONTAIN3- ..nd EXPLAINS: 'tis Booret of sll HsoroU, Ths TrotD or au iromi. sntmiosol'all Hoisnosi, Art Prfwervstlvs of sll Ithlotof sll Dllilm, Anoleul Arts, Lost lor tiellgloa of sll Kullglont, over 5,000 Vssrt. Tnttlo ot Voiit out mi ll,AT I. TIT1. PA(1. I'l.ATS ll. INTHOIIUOTION. The Hong of the Vineyard (Isalali, Ch. V vs. l-7i mill ll "(IrIiilIil.11 Invent on and Its UliriVltl.lOIIS. I nt lll'lllf I'lm, fff fn kmutortad Ihtm, The lliirinony uf Nature, ocience, r.Liuus uuu iviuik'h"- 1'I.ATK III. Honii of the Itevolutlon tl'roverbs VIII. vs, 20-;iil) and Its tamims "Cabala" Mio unit origin of the haws of mo Universe, I'l.ATR IV, The advantages of the "Oabala," It un icks the mvsterlous st.ronuhold of tntelllg- mic.n, eiiiihlliig us to make a practical "ltevlslon" of the It 1 1 lis. Hmu vt a.,. cur- trlvtt to prtitrvt.JHlt at il had him dimt by tormn fenfllti intirmtr uti. Tho lllblo the "Patent Olllce"of ricleni'ii, ICthlcs, Religion, tho In ventions of the Patriarchal Age. PLATS V The Ilurden of Mgypt (Isaiah (b. XIX), the Plans of the Architect for the llulldliig of the Ureal Pyramid Illustrated by IHa grams, the passages and chambers of the same shown i how dimensions conform lo the "Oabala," Meaning of Kgypt. A hint liy so many Pyramids were built. The Ulscov trersor tho Three Ureal haws of the Uni verse, How to learn the "Oabala" and make ll Interesting and Instructive, The "Oabala" must be known to understand the llllile In all Its Meanings, Science, Ethic and Religion, l'l, ATS vt. The Hong of Joshua, after he commundiid the Hun and Moon to "stand still." The time thereof and Its meaning. Oertaln parts of "Psalms." "Knoeh" and 'Masher" compared to determine their relative age, and their related origin. CI. ATS VII, The process of aduflinf and adapting lilhle Literature, In Nation Kulldlng, from the Ureal Model the Universe, Tho Jews did not write the lilhle. and why, The dispersion of the Authors of the lilhle, and the probable lime, and why, Protestantism and Roman Ism, who and how defined, and whim and where. PI, ATS VIII. The Abstract of the "Oabala" as shown In the "Psalms," "Proverbs," "Job," "Isaiah," "" and "Hong of Solomon." l-'orm of the "Cabala" and tiuSr meaning. Tkt ttiblt "paragraphi" art "Caiala" dwuioat, "the Cabala" reveals the hidden truths of which It Is the symbol," Kxampls of the "Oabala," giving verse 1 to 5, Isalali, Oh. XVI: also the number and lines showing "Oabala, l'l, ATS IX, Authors and History. The Patriarchs the meaning thereof. Positive evidence that the lilhle was written In lirltaln. The Tem ples, at "A bury and Stonehenge," built to demonstrate the living laws of the Uni verse;" the Heavens, and Hut Constellations thereof, exhibited on the plains at Stone henge, In calling your kindly attention to the contents of the "lilhle Cabala" a con structed tiy the Hards uf lirltaln, permit me the pleasure Is say: This In no wise conlllets with the Word Vtru Cabala" constructed by and as given In the "Wisdom of Solomon: ' this "key" of Solomon seem to have been made fur the purpose of preserving an Ordtr dJ tht Hookt tf tktlutili. This "Oabala" of Solomon, I sup pose Is the "Oaliala" so oftisi referred to In later Jewish and other literature down to the present time: llof llnelf presupposes the existence of a "O'uhala" llieu existing In the Literature, and Its construction strongly in timates that the knowledge of the form of the pievlous or oldest - Cabala" had been then lost," so that, these wo "Oabala," The "figure Cabala," and the "Word or Verse Oabala", assist each other, Uv firtl showing the Sci ence, Kthlcs and Religion of the Hooks of the lilhle: the siicond snowing an order and arrangement of tkt Hooks, In the lllblc. Send names toTns Amkrioan, I ill. 5 Howard street, for subscription, without money. Now Ready American Charts, Vol. 1, Photo I, lib... MorriM'Co, l4.Ni. Invaluable to those who desire to become ac quainted with the Science and Invention , of the ancients s shown Inl the lilhle. THE MONK. One of the richest books published, giving the complete experience of the famous Monk Laws, Send for it quick. ITS A HUMMER. PRICE $1.00 By express, prepaid. Can't send It by mall U.S. postagestamps taken. Agents complex outfit II. W. Address CHAS. W. RIFE, MAYSVILLK. KY Notice of Amended Articles of Incorpora tion. Notice Is hereby given that at the specia meeting of 'IK ic Amkikuan I'ihi.ihh inci Oompaht, a corporation duly authorised under l he laws of the State of Nebraska and doing business at Omaha in liouglas county In said State. Article IV of Articles of Incor poration of said Company was amended to read as follows to-wit: "Article IV. The capital stock of this Cor poration shall tie fifteen thousand itl-ViOi dol lar divided into one hundred and fifty shares of one hundred dollars each, which shall tie fully paid when same Is Issued. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, April 2th. 1IW4. Directors. Jens 0, Thompson. President W. 0. Ksi.l.IT. Secretary. Kmma V. Thompson, Treasurer. M L. took. 4-27-41 f Wngi! Mb BEST HUE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA roR INDIAN TERRITORY, THE CHEROKEE STRIP, tsM OKLAHOMA, FT.SMITH, LITTLE ROCK nnd HOT SPRINGS, ARK Tlflrt (IIIIm.I. K. forsir .1ik m4 Final IU KANSAS CITY, FOR ST. LOUIS POINTS SOUTH ano SOUTHEAST. Tlflrt nillff, H.F.. furnrr i:ilh snd larnam 8U. Fremont, ElKhorn & Missouri Valltj JZJLTTjTi.OJlLJD. ' 1STOTJ.TXI OOTJTTI Fremont, Hastings, Waitoo, Lincoln, Seward, Superior, David City. York, Albion, Norfolk. and all Northern Nebraska, Black Hills AND CENTUAL WYOMING. ONI.T IIIHKOT 1,1 Nit TO Sioux City, Minneapolis and St. raul, Ticket Ofllce 1401 Karnam street and Webstsr Street Union Ktalloa. H. O. BUNT, J. R. BUCHANAN Uen'l Manaiter. Uen'l I'assAll, Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed. Price 40 Cents. SUBSTITUTION ! MARRIAGE. Price BO Cents. Iter. Jnsenh Hliitterv Is the author of both of the above bunks. They are lust what ths titles Indicate, and are printed la good, eleaa type and bound In paper covers, sent by ex press or mail, Adurt'wt, AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., ill 5 Howard Htreet. Omaha. Neb. or, 807 Main St.. Kansas tJll y. Mo. or, uur. Ularkt ami iianuuipn, uutcaKO. Ill, STARTLING FACTS OB Deeds of Darkness Exposed. Hr HEV. J. O. WHITE. This excellent work deals wit Ii tin-political methoilsof the Human Catholic t'hurch. Il contains much fund fur thought and luke warm Americans will Unci It Interesting read Iiik. It is printed In iMnil, clear type, and hound In cloth, l'rlce II.2A. postpaid. Kor sale by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Howard Htreet, Omaha Na. or, Uur. Iiandutph and Clark, Chicago, III I yes: YOU WANT M rnm j IN THE WEST, ntw ninrr Is.uiMI or Ui3 chicoo. moch fscific a. a. 'it sfifiFIbt sUJIillj tiirpT ju e r tti r o r- UAiiL.iu inn ..11. .11 aKttt II m- Atni-m JOHN HKHaSTIaS. IJ.. Tlolai a4 f A aBI fr OMuw, SaM Itiual w faSa S1iim4, Ca.4. III. 3 WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED. ' Br DIt. JUSTIN I). KULTON. This ts one of Dr. Fulton's best books. It deals with the question uf celibacy of ths priesthood f rom a rellirliius standpolnt i also the pant and present history of the Komaa Catholic Church. I'rlre, In cloth cover, I.OO Seut postpaid on receipt of prli-e, by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB, MARIA MONK. Paper Cover 50 Cents. This little volume relates the terrible n perte nee of a nun who was confined In ths "Mark Nunnery" of Montreal It has prob ably the lamest sale of any wurk of the kind ever published, and several Attempts to Stipprc It have been made. The price In cloth Is ItOO. and in paper SO cents. Fur salo by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., litis Howard Street. Omaha. Neb Main St.. Kansas City. Mo. $25 to t- nli mi ls, tt-in r Milt .. KHUtiir I'lnler. (tres'itt s). . ii. n-piu rtuly tii mutt. ips'Tit-nw, t"iiiM'Bj armmhthfTf. Thirl plt iwrilon-. Ion 5 l Ho finish wh' tiikfo rnth iitr. rmtlr h pl'lf to fafc piminr -M- rt-RitD pf-fJts lr. W. r. Harrtao t , Ua rrTTT. JI. sjb aw . iUXXsiill 13 ri?'.jnTM