The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 08, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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An of Con vmt life-
ttwattn June 1 1 0 'H;
the .UfcM liad tuvac. ut U-m c U
latrt; II tosd nnti 4 lnil iin'iitli
In thi umws and l,, w""1
ll.w rttil if s rtmU r ml ltli? id lm
.ttanic ''! '""rn ll'l " "'"'
(. ntaNdo to lo tiN the dnt
nhUh filled .ir heart tiurlntf thl
Ur.e . (Vir tnnUr had '"'n ir"1'y
diminished; ixtnd of us acc'tiicd til"1"
thix.tnt of tllli'tr, Mi'lh'T inrf rtl.
tafimnl very much hrvkin down, urtd
Ihf miju-rlor ir,d lmM of do
The rlrlor trouhliMt wore not h
than IholnU'i lor trmililosof the family.
Thn revolutionary spirit was li'l I
with hh'Ii vlolciioo at St. Slffren that
many of the richest famtllf wore
phllped toahandon tin) plrn'o. The ro
mil I it of these, movement sometimes
reached oven within our wall, " when
these symptom of tumult reached na
ns there are no m-h timid creature an
nun wo pressed ono ajralnttttho other
like a Ihx'k of frightened sheep.
One morning, after a night during
which onr it a we hiul hoon more
troubled than timial, Mine. Vcranl pro
edited herself Bt the grate, asking to
HHk to tho aldioas and myself The
abbes reHponded to her apiwat, and
leaning upon my arm, In a state, of ex
tremely violent excitement, wocamoto
tho grate, and I saw that my friend
wa very much disturbed. She opened
the conversation, Informing us of tho
decision of M. Verani' The tumult
were becoming each day more serious,
and they thought It would bo much
better to r move before things came to
extremes. She was about to continue,
when tho abbess, placing hor hand
tipon ray arm, cried: "O, Angcllqnel
what s'hull we do?" and throwing her
self backward Into hor chair tho burHt,
Into tear.
Mmo. Verani nt the same tlmo gave
me a significant look, and I succeeded
while occupied with tho abbens, In
placing myself between her and the
grato, and I received a package which
IslIp)Md Into my pocket. Having at
tained her object, my friend took her
loavoj (and as the eyes that used to
watch tho novices were closed forever,
I soon found an opportunity to ojMn my
packet In the presence of Paulino.
The news It contained was very In
teresting. There whs first a letter
from Mine. Verani to mo; another from
Edward Ileaumoiit for his sister, and a
third from the cousins of Pauline from
Switzerland. Thoy all had tho same
purpose. 0 They gave alarming details
concerning the frightful political con
dition of the country, and said that
they had heard of some roorts of a ro
llgleuso who had been Imprisoned
twenty years In the dungeons of tho
convent, and that the people threatened
to force tho door of tho monastery to
assure themselves of the fact.
These letters declared that the post
Won of the sister would bo horrible If
they were exposed, without protection,
to tho brutality of the furious populace
They ended with the most pressing
prayers, made In the name of friend
hip and the most ardent Interest, for
the three sisters, Pauline, ClarUse, and
Anollque, to allow themselves to be
persuaded, If ary tumult took place, to
make a knot In their veil, and to abun
don themselves to tho protection of
those who addressed them by the words
calling them "the sisters of the knotted
"What shall wedo?' raid I to Pau
line. "What we can," rescinded she.
"Are you ahlo to hesitate when Provi
dence oMns tho door before us? Khali
we not escape from this horrible place?
What will her brother say when ho
learns that she is no more?"
Wo wept freely .at tho thought of
this o devoted brother writ n he should
learn the terrlblo end of hi sister,
We asked ourselves If wo ought not
to give some alarm to the abbes; but
wo were arrested In this project by the
fear of perhaps hastening tho death of
tho unfortunate creature whom they
had shut up In the subterranean chain
ber. We dldi not dare to talk directly
about the subject of our letters, but we
poke to the mother and sisters of
may thing they had heard, asking
them what they would do If tho con
vent should be treated llko that of St.
Clara of Nice.
"If such a Hhing happens," said
Mother AImee,'"I will hide among the
debris and there give up my spirit, for
It 1 here that I have lived during tho
time that 1 have been under the long
protection of our Mere de Mlserlcordo,
and It It here that I wish to leave my
old bone that my dust may mingle
with the sister that have preceded
"Mother," said Pauline, who had
drawn Mother Almoe away from tho
other sister, "what would become of
Sister Agnes If the prison were
"Agnes!" said the old woman, trem
bling; "what do you know about her?"
'I ! ht lnl 1.1J," H-
li-lt i paw-lbf ;
' t .1 ! tKl )!, Hl i t it. I" ,
,li n , ltd t i t ! i .
Tl, l.. j,iw 111 Ul rt .
t ;k." Kl IVi'
A I. ' ttlot ti. Mn'tl.. r, !... I
) H'ri .H mi.!, tt liiit in h r
viht rMithed. ' 'h km !! II
MetJ l, ivy (UethU'l The t
llltt Joulig, lie fiel mei
thsn tighMn Jrsit l.l, and lf I
. set ly fitly If l U!I lh leg "
Kh l alhe, jimi kt.w i, my
"I iht rtol know," said the mother, "I
KfVer In their nnndeiit but 1
ImveaUa) hi aid that she dU'd 1et
nr aftr her Incarceration."
"Wholol.1 jou that she wasdesd,
my mii her?"
"(cannot rfH-all," said she, ' hut
she had known when my memory has
gone, Hid she not die with the
plague?" !
"Hid you not scRk of iior C'larlsw?"
anki'd Mother Almee.
"No," replied Pauline, "of Mor Ag-1
1 1 1 I
lies, s sue ucau or is sue sun in:
primmed?" "What! In this house, do you say?"
cried the mother, "How could she bo
still living? It Is at least thirty years
since that, I tell you."
"Hut why did they Imprison her?"
questioned Pauline.
"I don't know," responded tho aged
nun. "Wno am 1 10 pass juugmeni
upon my superiors? Have they not
dono what the church commanded?
Our holy church, is It not infallible?"
At tho sumo tlmo she made the sign
of tho cross, murmured a prayer, and
then fell Into her ordinary stato of Im
becility. "Poor soul!" said Pauline; "she I
not among those who deceive; at least
she 1 Innocent of this crime."
"Those who decolvo," I repeated;
"your principles change, then, Pau
"That is possible," said she; "but
this poor Agnes."
"God only know what ha boeoino
of hor," said I; "but I am tired with
all these mysteries. I have lost all
confidence In my spiritual guides. I
am ready to doubt all forms of religion
and to bellevo that they have been In
vented by ambitious men and women In
view of their Interests."
"Why," said Paulino, "have you for-
fotten Clarlsse and all that she said in
that frightful subterranean interview?
Are you able to doubt for a single in
itant tho reality of what supported
that young girl, so sweet and delicate,
In such terrible circumstance as those
In which she found herself? O An
gellquel there ought to ho In religion
more than we have been able to learn
up to this time."
I am unablo to recall the rest of the
conversation; tho event which fol
lowed have effaced It from my memory.
It was about four'day later day
during which nothing extraordinary
occurred, and which wo passed In tho
same course of monotonous observance
that, being in tho garden with Pau
lino, and deeply absorbed in eonversa
tlon iiMin the details which hud been
mentioned In tho letter of Mmo. Verani,
we wore surprised, during a paino in
our conversation, to hear a rumbling
sound like a distant cataract when it
alls In a torrent,
"Hear!" cried Pauline.
The noise continued and became
more and more distinct.
"It I tho wind," said I, for though
the day bad ticon beautiful, still there
had been a great deal of stir among
the cedar branches.
"No," said Paulino with a frightened
air; "no, it Is not tho wind,"
"It Is the mountain torrent," said I,
"and if Jt In that we will see If the
brook is swollen."
We wont toward the grate, but we
saw no change. Tho brook continued
its Kaeeable course between it flower
bordered banks, and wo looked at It In
"() Angellquo," said Pauline, "why
am I so sad, so full of apprehension?"
and Joining her hand sho continued:
"O (iod! God bo merciful, direct us,
guide us; If we are In error, dlslpato
the clouds of doubt and the shadows
which obscure our minds. Lead us
Into the truth; make u capablo of
placing our confidence where it only
should bo placed, and as to the rest as
to thl world, do for us a seemcth good
unto Thee."
In saying these word sho threw her
arm around me. and then continued;
"Hut If Hi Thy good pleasure, OLord
grant that I muy not lie separated from
my Angollque."
For a moment we were carried away
by our feeling, but recovering our
selves, we perceived that the nolne in
"Oh heaven!" cried Paulino, "St,
Slffren i in revolt. Ho you not dltttin
gulsh the sound of voices? It U e
general tumult."
Saying theso word she ran toward
tho house, and meeting some of the
sUten sho spread the alarm in the es
tabllshment. There wa a narrow door
in an arch leading from one of the
chamber which oiened upon a narrow
circular stairway that led to a high
tower from which one could see the
whole village. This door was ordinar
ily closed; but the abbess, bearing our
cries, sent to find tho portress, and
,m in' ei ' J.r, .'!
tH tf ll t .! !. I l
(. t. i -! f l l h tt
I! ti if r -l f h Mfr
! wM. h li f MHr
, ), rti... tl In ! lrr th !;
I li t. m liis.te In Iht ' l, '!
in leg tlf !g - tt, ihf
It t-colim d flg. Ib!ltif l Ihi nmtiiil
i4 I ho ithilftl fnn h! h lhi !'
had Un oi it
"Ant'-n.nie." t.l Pautims "iho
titt- f'"' H'-e!!llin h -!: our dr
Hvnanco oi dt nlh Wcomlng, Hhal! e
k? Khali we 1. 11 lb Mk.s what
Iher l l fi itIv"
ie " I rndd, "lhl pr,
uhhsppy pwatxtv, would w hot g
gratale her xltloi No; let thing
Use their eoure, If they have com
muted Ihl crimp, they merit their
punishment, unless God shall protect
I hem,"
Al thl moment the ab!ess paswd
u, descending theslalrcaxe, with great
swiftness, and giving command to rail
Father Joachim. Tho aluV l'lng
awav, many of the aged nuns retired to
Ihelr cells, doubtless to Invoke their
wooden Idol thHt were about to Ihi des
troyed. The younger sisters remained
by tho tower window gn.lng upon the
village, and not noticing the approach
of night until the black outlines of the
village wall were seen uion the Hori
zon, and a new luminary appeared to
lighten the seene. Thlsproved to be an
enormous lnmflre that hud been kindled
In tho grand quare. Tho tumult In
creased, and tho most horrible howling
was heard In tho street, Hut as no
preparation seemed to be made for an
attack upon the convent, and as wo had
omitted vesjiers, we were called to
compline an hour sooner than usual.
Father Joachim was not present, and
another priest olllelated in hi jJaco.
It was tho laitdny of September, and
night had already fallen before tho
service wn ended. Just at tho mo
ment when It was to terminate, a
frightful noise resounded in tho long
corridor of the convent and died away
In tho chapel. Tho glimmering light
of the torches Illuminated the sanc
tuary. Kachofthe sculpture seemed
to detach itself and stand out In relief
upon tho wall. A terrlblo blow struck
upon tho door made tis tremblo.
Throwing our books away wo fled in all
directions sfwne to tho right side and
other to tho left, while Paulino and I
ran to tho cemetery, trying to open a
door which gave entrance to tho gar
den; but before we could ascorta'n
whether the door would open, 1 heard
my name pronounced, and the portress,
all in a tremblo, told me that I must go
to the saloon atal present myself to tho
mayor of St. Slffren
"Heaven!" I cried, "what now?"
The portress was not able to r spond
to this question, but tearing mo away
from Paulino for thl faithful friend
would have followed me even to death
sho pushed me before her Into tho
saloon, where I found tho abbes In
conversation with a man of tho coarsest
aspect, who wu sitting outside tho
grato, Ho was seated, though the ab
bess was standing, arid he wore thotrl
colored cockade,
"This young girl," said he, contlnu
Ing a conversation already commenced
"that i to say, the cousin of Citizen
Verani, I the person I wish to see.
Citizen Verani i one of my friends,
and that 1 why I wish to show some
affection to hi cousin. You havo no
need to trouble yourself a to my mo
tive, and I do not wish to hear your
Jargon. I know that tho rest of you
cloistered people are accustomed to
fabricate falsehoods; that Is why I warn
you that I know Citlzoni ss Cecllo HI
eordl, who ha lived some tlmo with
her cousins at 8t, Slffren, and I desire
to sjieiik with her myself." Then per
celvlng me ho said:
"Come on, young girl, and lift your
veil; show mo your face. It Is possible
that I havo seen soma less beautiful."
I looked at the ablsiss, to know what
mut bo dono, and thl short delay pro
voked a torrent of oath and blasphemy
on tho part of the reprobate, When
ho had looked atme tome tlmo through
the grate, he laughed and made some
pleasantries aliut the barriers of the
grate, and swore that ho would break
thorn down a soon as all the young
birds were driven into their nests,
"Ah well!" my beautiful clllzenoss, I
desire you to understand that you are
a free as myself, and that you can do
nothing better than to put yourself
under my protection; and If you are
not happy It will not bo my fault. That
I what I have to say to you, Cltlzcno
Hleordl. Hut to you," said ho, turning
towards the sutKirlor, his features agl
tated with anger and fury, "to you I
have to talk In another manner. Do
not flatter yourself, vile instrument of
vile hypocrites, that jour abominable
action are unknown; do not hope to
escape the vengeance of tho jiooplo.
You trornblo, I eo it, and you havo
reason. I have only to sav tho word,
and ajustly enraged populace will force
these door and oblige you to avow your
ecrctand hidden action. You have
only ono chance for safety, miserable
woman! Show u the unfortunate crea
ture that you have hold Imprisoned so
many year. Go immediately and open
her dungeon and bring her here, or
and ho pronounced a horrible oath
the people will enter here and tear you
in piece, limb by limb."
The uicrIor, more dead than alive,
I ivl.-.-) hef tl-Cl , Ktt !)( 1 . 1
Mtti ttil t.mi4 h .n cciit.l Htsrr
,i t,t ld Ui !! t ' lirr p
tfitm hil liner ! t, l bet
ktt li-tlff, a lit t( i-rttir chut v
tn Ihr 'il'!ertesn ut jfite
1 h ream hkti M lif iul "Well,"
aid h- I te !! )cr tn
.-.lull Im.HM.'ti , It I flnl'ln-l "
Aittl ittitt mortar m0 word, anurg
which w rmitil only nn.b itUnt witm
ilh which fshly fn0 th Mom) In
ittiricthft, he luihi-d j V sere
M ln-hlnd the gisie In a ti. (if Ice-
ivr lhat I bcjoiig my jsiwer of deci lp
Hon, HtiringlhU time all fear of the
milor )ti lift me, and when I found
myself ahuie with her I In-sought her
lo deliver Immediately the unhappy
erealur w ho was hut up In the mi 't-
terra nen dungeon, telling her Hist
she couhl leave her by Ihe door of tho
garden and conduct her Into a window
where nhe would le sheltered from the
populace, 1 offered lo do this work,
and I promised to prevent the prisoner
from saying anything against her cr
seen tors,
"I assure you that you are mistaken,"
said tho ahls ss, "and yon can liolleve
me when I declare unto you In the
Name of the Huler of heaven that at
this time there Is no prisoner under
this roof,"
(To bo Continued.)
$100 lie ward, If 1 00.
The reader of Hits tmuer will tie nleiiwil to
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ireiitiniMit lliill s i ii I ii nil Hum In tnken In
I e rn ul 1 y , ai'tlux (llrerlly on tho lilood iinil
iiiiieoiiH Hiirfaees of tlm nvhIkiii, Ihori'liv lo.
Ntroyinif thn foiitKliitlon of tho iIIhouno, utid
KlvliiK tlio patient strimKih liy InillillnK up
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ItiK ltd win U, Tim pi'oir!itoi'M hnvo mi iiinrh
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To push the work, you must send out
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In a bottle Hinall nlzo uml
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use it a man sua vino.
f AIITION A dlnerlinliiwtlnK Intel II
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1)VA hITT. t,mrn liotlln ami Mrtf
irofll - to tiimiriiiiilitii viilr do
not roiiiiMiintn for (lii of pain ami
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NAD esi.v II v
POND 8 fXTRACT CO., 78 Fifth h , Nw Yjfk,
Fifty Years -n Tim
Church of Rome,
l)V ItKV, CIIAH, (,'IIINimiV.
This t a stBtirtitrrt work on lloinaiilntii n
Il w,crt 'orklnw, wrIIK'ii Itv una wlioouxhl
to know, Thn story of thn suHitmliitttlon el
Ahriihitm hliifolii hy thn (iitlil tisils of th(
llmmui riiihulli' hiircli Is loiil In a dear and
I'orivlneliiK iimtninr, It a I no reliilim inant
fuels reaarrilliK thn iriteth'i of prlnt Mii
liuim In the con vi'iiU ami nioiiintirln. l
tin S.I4 t'llii'i. liiK", Sli'l la sent iiiM Ijfttrt or
recelot of tl'k liy AMKHICAN I'tltllJSII
INC CO.. m Howard Street, dunlin Null.
or. Cor, Clark aiel Hsiiclo!pli,CtileKO, III
(It TIIBt"
United States of America.
Miiiiisnpoll, Minn
THUS Wlf I.K1AN. Oriind Sni ri'lnrr.
Kvnrolt, Mass,
M, I., WMIK.
Hi in llowiinl Slri'Kl, Cinulia, Nti
UrirHiilwr for ileuartmentof Ni'hrankn, Iowa,
Kanaiis, Mlswiurt ami ( nlorinlci.
On behalf of Ilia hoval Oriinua l,od of
thn C nit i'd Htnti'n of America, and with a
vlnw of eorractlnK tlm fnlm Impression that
nninln ara siiilnavorlliK to (ronvnjr to th
tulndnof rm-ri who ara uniiR'iuntiitnd with
Orantfe prlnclpli1, art) these frw atatninDt
Tha Loyal Oranica Instltiitloa I a brother
hood and. ltThiKid, hound for throa tin
Justice, Truth and KlKhtnousnoM.
It ha no hidden alms.
It I Fraternal and llnevolont"aUtlng
and protecting tnnnihnrii whlla IWIrm and
their widows and orphans when thnv are re
moved by death.
It uphold the rltfht of private )udment-
the untrarnmellnd freedom of opinion! be-
! - r im itl
ttt.lf t K !t A t.-!t I kl-ft
f r h l.iit ( m wiMa ri"t
k iiuttt t i lit , rtK -t
- k. u a iul ii'i, Hi ti. i-(
ll l !- inlntstf all, U 4nr In
IKS nf ao.i .!. It ! "!
tWH- an4 .v. it' i f tit rii ti
lltal lt lil, l mh,rfii hi,ul, a.4
naitrf an, iiivwiiii,Ti w r,miil t,
i.f.tdl t ike iiaic mt4 Itial i ir-
rlea nf aflMrrft la the trh l t h nt kM
tlM nf fn. hlw. r the ,nl of rvll,-
liii i'ntnl aulhitttif tltmilil im it .
rih,,r at)iiti th main
That II I the iImijf of IM) illrrn to n-
frail lh lawfully c,u.imiu d smli.-ill, aail
InMHutlim f iitr nniawy itlil rrriil
and InlMih ul lunm n ei ll atalaul
armrd aMMtlnntit, In the ead thai imr (lort
nua freedom be ii,ih xi ami lranuilttil
unimpaired In pmttrliy.
II eai-niiraaea hahtl of frutallty and I
duatry anion lu mrmlx-ra, and la proud lo
boaat that Oranfemen arlibiln lni'iune a
public cliarte or aiifpt pauper hread.
It U lli'ia In lh reauli'tloa of ltiitn!ra-
Hon and the r-pilnn of time for the natur
alttallon of rttlri'na, and that the ptiblld
aniusiiaii ne lulii tor art urn American clll-li-na
who t'Come wttlerit.
1'he l.i'Tnl Oritim limtlttitlon of the
t'nlli'd htHtK of Alnerlca baa cvrtaln
ri'iiiitrniiienta for luemlierahliil
That a man ahall lie an actual American
clilri'ii. bavin compllcil with the lawaof the
i nlli'il staK-a with ri Kuril to naluralliiathin,
ami without a munlnl reMrvatlon.
Ihat the aiiiillcaiit Hhnll he a I'rotiwtnnl,
anil alao that his parcnta and wife ahull be
That be ahall be thrifty ami succeiwfiil In
hla bualni'Kiii honornlile ami truthful In hla
(li'iillima with hla fcllowman, and shall be
known it a a liiw-ahhlliiK' cltlrcii.
Tliiit be will endeavor to Hive his children
or any children under bis charite at leaal a
(rood common school education, neing care
ful to avoid all poiilah doctrines, anil
That be hhaU Ihi In mm ml health at the
time of making application.
Itmakeano difference where a man was
born, so Imiv as ho mucin the forcicoln
Theao are thn uuallllcatlons red Mined o
every applicant to the order, and we do not
think that any patriotic American order can
otter a bet ter array of nrlnclples and leach
Inits. J. U. II. A. M.
A Loyal, Pul nolle Orifitiiliitltui, Fra
tcniiu nml liciiciiciiii, Mticlly nn.
rurtlsnii Htid Noii-Hcctarliiu.
The National Council of the Junior Order
of United American Mechanics In annual
aeaalon aiwomlilcd declare:
that the cotiHlant laridlnir tinon the ahorcs
of the bordea of Ixmiraut, vlclouaand lawltwa
criminals of t he Old Worldshould he viewed
with alarm by tho loyal and patriotic clll-
acna of t his country,
We Mill mi a warm and nearly welcome io
all Immltfrant who (iealre to belter their
condition and become a part and parcel of
our nationalit y, mit wn nave not one Muuare
Inch of room for Ilia unarchlNt, im soclallat
orulhlllsl.or for any one who In not willing to
bow allegiance to that Hint which Is powerful
eniiiiKh loalileld and protect llieni as well a
us, In the exerclau of all civil and rellglou
Wn altlrin our devotion to thn public school
syateiH of this country. Wn believe In com
pulaory education, and that all teaching In
our school Nhould Iih In llie Kiillh lan
guage, to the end that future generation
may he able to take their place In the ranks
of our country's workers, educated In thn
history, thn custom and manner of Ameri
cans, We guaraiiten to every man thn liberty of
woralilpltig Cod according to the dictate of
his own conac Icnce. and would give nverv a
alalancM to prwtect all In the enerclse oi hi
liberty, but we object moat atreiiuous to
the Interference of any church, no matter
under what name It may exlat, In tha tem
poral affairs of this country.
We believe Unit, the Itlbln should tie read In
our public achoolM; not to teach aectarlanlNiii,
but to Inculcate It teaching. It I thn
recogul.ed standard of all moral Slid civil
law we therefore believe, that our children
ahould be educated In It teaching, but that
no doitma or creed should be taught at the
nine t'lnin
We believe that pat riot lam and love of
country ahnuld be limtllled Into the heart of
children, and that, with the word of
' Mother," "lloiiHi" and "Heaven." our chil
dren h In hi I il be taught that our Hag In the
symbol of all that iicikes a "home" for u.
Wn would place a Hag upon every public
Nchool In our land, and a Hlhle within, and
the object leaaon therein act fort h ahould he
a beacon light In every storm which threat
en to engulf us.
In thl noble and patriotic work we aak the
cordial and beiu'ty co-operation of all good
clileiia, in thl grand work wn need the
helping band of al) organization holding the
miinii view and principle, We hum no time
for jeitloiiNle and bickering, but with a
milled front we hould march forward,
shoulder to shoulder, rememberlux that
"United wetand, divided we fall,"
In the strlcteat eue wn arn a national
polltl al organization, but we oppiwe with
unanimity tlm llghtet taint of parllanlm,
"Cur country" I our motto, and we keen
thl motto steadily before ll, We arecognf
r.itnt that there are great and powerful
eiieinlea within our mldt, requiring the
atrlctcat aurvelllancn of all who are at heart,
word and In deed Amrlmm, Wn, a member
of thl Order, altlrm our allegiance to thn
object of llin Order a paramount to any
iiarllaiin attlllallon, and urge upon the mem
berhlp hiirmouloii. united and Intelligent
action In carrying out the principle,
OII.IKCT fir Til OllllKII,
Klrst-To maintain ami promote thn Inter
eat of American, and ulileld thiam from the
(Jenreaalng elfect(if foreign competition,
HecondTo aalt American In olitaliilnit
Tlilrd-'J'o encourage American tn bual
nea, Kourtli To eatulillah a sick and funeral
Fifth To maintain the public school y
tem of the United Slate of America, and to
prevent aeeliirluii Interference therewith,
and uphold thn reading of tha Holy Hlblr
uire that an applicant shall tint
A white male peraon born In thn United
Slate of North America, or under thn pro-
tectloih of II Hag.
Of mod moral character.
A believer In the exlalence of a Supreme
llelng ua the Creator and I'reaerver or lh
Oppoaed to any union of church and atme,
Kavorable ti free education and tha
American Public School ayatem,
lie) ween PI and AO year of ag for bene
tidal memherablpl over ft) " r honorary
The word "Junior" in thn till ha no rela
tion to the sgu of member. It wn adopted
to dlmlngulah the Order from thn O, U. A. M,,
and ha no other lgnlllcance,
Nor I the word Mechanic" lobeconatrued
llier iilly, It refer In no manner to artlaau,
but embrace every pursuit,
Wn want a Council of thn ,lr. O. It, A M In
every clly, town and village In tlai Unltud
Hlate. , ,
It Is the leading American tiatrlothi and
benellclal organl.iil Ion, and the strongel
and one of the oldeat, con 11 imd to native
born, It. I only necesaary tn makn Its object,
iirlnclnle and working known U) eiwlly
ux'iipn eiioiuh diurler member Ul start a
Council, A Iberal premium will be paid to
any oun organiing a uiuncu, roriunuar
ii,.,,U ,i,l,,.y.. II. A. K I II UK
National Councilor, New llrunawlck, N, 3.0
N O-ll A Klbbe. New llrunawlck, N ,J,
N T :--.( O A Hlchler, Moil ilsT, CanUin. O.
,lr V N C--,Jami;a t'ranaton, Ho V, 1'ltts-
N He'c'v-Kdward N Keemer. I' O Ho, 7a.
I'blladefphlai oltlce rooms No 111 and 17, Kit
Cheat nut st reet.
National OrganliterHtenhtm Collin. Ho
7ltfi. I'llletiurgh, I'a. ,
Meet In Aahnvllle, N C, third Tuesday In
Incorporated Kehruary 24, isinl.
0 C--T II llrynon, wto Wentworth avenue,
H V C-Thoa Howan, 7 Union st. Alton.
Jrl'H O-Tbos i Cuen. 4H7 Hheltleld ave.
C8'cHfe'y-.Joseph H Ilcynold, P 0 Bo 718,
Chicago. '
M lex
Vt i, at AM. f rtina M.l, ta mi
t i.M 1l
!. r IS . t il H,i i
ft.) , 4 .! I I ' i .. I v S,
litH lltlll !l . ,fc t M
run , tic n,il,li H t'4 Wauw
. i ,i iii a, I.
I ! 'ia . . I Sh I T't
t , i ,i Mr, i .. r I I. a nin, K a,
I l..m,i ! I . ,J
l,. iiiih il S.i jTi aalnr-laf
. , i ,. ul I i i I tail .ih Mi hi ta
,,!,, tt i,, Ii a i,.i
f t ti i ii or en!
C - VIM T KM II' aha
a V c - I M I I', sunt m o.h
a f Hn t - titil I I r N !Y I' O w 719.
a I ' Tee- ' II ltf "' mnana
C.,e,l,i, l..r II S H Ml I IH 'I I l'ltnmith.
Want.n IV a M.iMHV, S Omaha
ai niinri il li an Mi VI is Hi, no, Omaha
H IV lail.MaM.uinaha , .
Mt hiii,lIIVM,i l nniiu'll UK
r. hNM'IV H I. OA V. W A MMSH'H. I".
a M. AI l.t ;V ami i. VV Hot I'M
1'he net) rruular mit lln will lie held oa
the third Tto-U, In July. I "St. at Omaha
r?HANi KKV COI NCII, N,, tueeta
every I'rldnv evening al , A H. Hall,
IMattamiiiiih. Neb. Vlxl'lng lirniber er-
dlally Invited. VV. rl. t inii tmi,
evia v Krtdiit rventna In Ooodrtch hall.
34th and I'mnalln at reel a. Vlltln bmlhera
always welcome, J. C. t'Aii. Sim: y
T INCOI.N (Xil'Nt ll, No.
IJ coin. Nelinuik a.
I, meet In l.ln-
pOl.t'MIHA CotlNt'll, No, S, meet ever?
Tueadiiy evening In 1'atn raiiii lilm'k, 17th
and Karnam street.
I, T. wmtn a, it. aec-y,
I, ml Jackaon Htroet,
fJAHKIKM) COUNCIl, No. 5, meet every
'rmiaihitf tilirht In Houlh OiiimIim.
VVtl.l.lAM K A im, Heo'y.
I IHKHTV COD NCI I, No. 7 meet every
Tucaday evening, I. O. O, V, Hall, Louis
vllln, Neb, T. II. I. urn, Heo. Hec'y,
VVINoNA COUNCIL No. 4. meets every
' Haturdiiv evening In Red Mens' Hull,
Continental block, 1,'nli and Oougla Ht.
(illO. M Ml A V Ml, HeC. Nuc'y.
COUNCIL No. 20, A. I. A Cameron. Mo
meets every ecoml and fourth Monday
evening, al fraternity Jempio, viNitirs
No. ti, nieeU the first and third Tues
day evening of each month, at H:(ki o'clock,
M. L. ZOOK. Hecy.
! t l .lr
n, c,. I' . , iioruen, iiiunen, mo.
H. V, C.-Hev. II. A. Hlaughter, Warren,
burg, MlHHiiurl
H. 0. Hec'y-Holla (J, Carroll, Warrenaburg,
Will meet at Hannibal. Mo February, 1SB5,
lx every Friday night at loin Walnut street,
II. 0, Hill, Mil Woodland, Hoc, Mecretary.
"10LUMHI A COUNCIL NO, lH-Meet every
vy Hattirday night at the corner of Twelfth
and Cherry st reets, W, V, Hheaver, Uncord
ing Hecretary, J4U7 Madlaon street,
pATHIOT COUNCIL NO. Ill-Meet every
1 Wednesday night at A. O, U, W. Hall,
1421 K, Klgbleentb street, J. IC. Klsber, Ueo,
Hecretary, 2421 Klorn avenue,
' Krlday nlgbt at Westport, W, II, Hhllnk,
Heo, Mecretary, 1221 K, Klgbtli street,
f.ATK CITV COUNCIL No, 44-Meets every V
u MoMdav night, corner Itllh mid I'enn Hts,,
over drug store,
" every Monday night, between Hist and
H2iiu on itoimes,
" Hhellleld every Thuradiiy night. 'J'houia
Hmllb, Hec, Hec'y, Hheltleld, Mo,
can I'rolecllvn Aaaoclallon tnents every no
ond and fourth Wedneaday of each month In-
I. O, O, IMiiill, llatl,moii(,b, Neb. Visiting
member are welcomn K, I', llrownHuo
" Meets every Wednesday afternoon at 1
o'clock, at the A, I', A, ll.tll, 4117 Minnesota,
avenue, Kansas City, Kan.
pilOMl'WT COUNCIL No, ill, A. I, A,-Mnnta
1 every Monday evening at thn corner of
Twenty. third and I'roipect avenue, Kansas
City, Mo. I'erson desiring to Join may en
close their name, street and number, ward,
agn and occuiiatloii, and direct to bo 621
K annua Clly, Mo,
CUKKKA COUNCI L No, 1, W, A, I', A-Met
u aeeimd and fourth Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock In the A, I'. A, Hall, Houtheast cor
ner Packard and Osave avenue, Armourdala,
Visitor are cordially Invited to attend,
' tueeis every Krlday night at Kith and
L Itoad, Orlgsby's hall.Kansa City, Kan,
' meelsnvery Monday afternoon at8:iW at
Hell' hull, Hoiilbwest lloiilc vard, near sluta
linn, lloaedale, Kalians, Krlemls of other
councils are cordially Invited to attend,
Kvery true American (inly I Invited to noma
and Join ii, and alst In thn good wotk.
dilation fee fUKi,
" MeetJievery Haturday evening at 4.(7 Min
nesota avenue, Kausii City, Kit, VlMitor
cordially Invited,
COUNCIL No, 7, A P, A. -Meet every Mon-
oy evening ai, i nil
tin in ber of Commercaf
Hall, Klvervlew,
viaitor cordially Invlwd.
fOUNfllL No. , A, P, A,-Meet every Hat
v unlay evening at southeast corner Pack
ard ami Osage avenue, A rmourdaju, Visitors
cordially Invited,
roUNUILNo, 11 A, P. A.-Meet at Wood
v ward' Hall every Tuesday evening at p
in, sharp. Third streetaml Lafayette avenun,
A cordial Invitation In extended to visiting
Menu, p
n Meets every Monday night In Noke
Hall, Argentine, Kan, All visitors welcomed,
TOPKKA COUNCIL No, 14, A, P, A.-Meet
every Monday evening In A. O, II, W, Hall
41 Kauait avenue, Topoka Kunsii. All
vlNltor will be cordially welcomed,
Oosldyk Council, No, I, W, A, P, A, of Kan
as t Hy, Mo., meets every Krlday afternoon
at 2::m o'clock lit Imill I'enn Hi. Address, Post
olllce bo Ml. Kansas Clly, Mo,
Hunllower Lodge, L, O, L No, 2(14, meela
second and fourth Tuesdays of each monlli
at p.m., at Olalllu's hall, comer of Mill
street and Oaage avenue, Kansas City. Kan. k brethren are cordliilly Invited to at
tend, John Davidson, W, lit,, Win. M;
Naughton, Hecy., 7IA Hey hold Ave,
Liberty Council, No, lit. Jr. O, II. A.M.,
meet every Wednesday night, corner Pack- '
ard and Oange at reels, Armiiurd ale, Kansas.
Tho, Holf, secretary,
Meets Hrst and third Tuesday of each
month at p, m,, In A. O, U, W, Hall, corner
Knurl h stiect and Minnesota avenue. Kansas
Ollv, Kan. Samuel Harrison, W, M, Win,
Hallagh, secretary, ft;ff Northrup avenue
Visit ing brethren cordially Invited,
American Orange Knights,
This order Is formed of persons whose ob
jects la Ui maintain the supremacy of law,
order and conslllutlonal freedom! to pre
ecrve Inviolate the cliluon' franchises to
perpetuate, and defend the precepts and froa
Institutions of civil and religious liberty
guarantA'ed by the Constitution of the United
Htates and established hy our forefathers.
Kor Information regarding the formation
of new Commanderle. or supplies, write to
the supreme secretary, M. L. V.OOK, Hec'y,
J. M. liAsaaH.C. C HUft Howard Ht '
Haganaw, Mich. Omaha. Neb.
WANTF.D-Posltlon a Janitor, or genenil.
worknan In wholesuln house. Ai
uri'M r. a. r. care ill im oince,