The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 08, 1894, Image 1
o v 4 Mtr '4l7(4 Nut 4f IW4 M i U , 4 - Jt r 4tri I I oiftrf f,.f. fnf ,, .., nttrs f .tew tf f fyP. OMAHA, NI-nUAHKA, I IUHAV, AVSV. h, m, iv." Volt Hit Nt'MfkH VI, BABYLON THE. 'REAT." Th "LlltU Horn" tVnoritotl in Daniel KprMnw Rom. A3 Am rnhc; l nrrtrlU tlif Terminal lm f ril I'ewrr lltmr In th War llt'Jtl r Sold. "WIllBW (iNlll tinif Itisa lima I'm, j,n, These word are a part of lh 1in"rl tion which Panlcl give of the "little liorn In thl chapter, Permit inn to make few remark alsiut thl "little horn" which ha mich it brazen face that ho would wither Into ubmllon, hi fellow, by thn very baik of Im pudence. By this wo wish lo how that the A. P. A., In opsslng papal aggression and attempt Ui overthrow our free Institutions, I not chasing itn "Ignl fatuu,"a mythic, (ffntly power, but a most formidable and tfrrlbl so cruel, filthy and abominable that It ha earned the title, "Babylon th great." Tbi I not a nanus, a mere epithet In vented by the A. 1. A,, but given by Him who shall judge th "great whore that altteth upon many water." I want the American pejrplo to w that God ha forewarned the nation against thl apostate, tyrannical power want thorn to ce that by bur sorceries thl "scarlet" woman ha deceived the nation and made them drunk with th wine of her fornication, and now tin the bold no to put this cup to Amerl can lip. Hball we drink the damnable mixture and become the vassal of the "MtJo horn'" The fourth bcatt of Daniel 1 rcpr tented a having ten horn, and there came up among them "another little horn ffore whom there were three of the first bom plucked up by the ror-t." These three horn were three kingdom of Italy seized by the pope and united In one, which constituted the apal tate, Thl wa accornpliahed by Pepin In VA, The ten born are the ten kingdom, Into which the ISorrian emplr wa divided. Thl I the ame beat which John aw in vision, with "meven head and tn horn." Ilotn l'roU?fant and tap- it agrees that the firtbeat f John, (iter, 12tb) I JUmm fagan, and that the beat of IJevelatlon J.'ith I the antl":hrltfao empire. Hut what power uweded Home pagan lflUry an wer, ICorneJ papal. It I true that for a time, aftcMntantln came to the throne.JiSome may le called christian but erelong Ucame apotitt, antl chrltlan ?l;m, lienee the beatt of revelation b'Uh I the beat of Itevei athm 12th chapt:r, In a new form; th crown ha4 fl-d from the )n-nU U the born. The empke wa divided. The U-n ;horn?reprewnt the civil power during the papa y Hut who. or what I Ihl "little hor i" (A panleloA horn lymbol of g rnment nd authority, h-gltlmaU' Of uurped, 'rot'tant have alway undertod the "little born" to S: em blematic of the papal pow-r, the w cewdon of poj. The claim of the born gr'iwlththe claim of the pope and I conolderd Identical with the "man Jof ln"' Je.:rlb-d In 2 The,, i, The(pal rxifton Dan, in the fJouny Bible, the lUmiUh verlon, ay of; the "little born"; "Tbi 1 commonly J underod of anM-C'brlnt." The am:uthorlty a of the "man of ln": "Cagwe with the great and wicked anti-CbrUt." We bev the papacy ,alw decril"d In JU-velatlon Mill, under; the ttymUA (1 a beatl:, "And I l:beld another l att coming up out of the earth; and he had two born like a;lamb, and be pak a a dragon," If thl I InU wJ';d t describe the papacy, a more approjrlate ymtoI fJiuU not have n ucd, ft U gener ally belirv'd that thl two-bornfd txat 1 the Hutw'tiH the "little horn," Both are associated with the ten-horned l-Mt, Ifence, while Daniel largely decrll! the "little horn," mak'' no mention of the 'two-borr,ed beait," while John deeiil(' the "two-horned N'iit," make no mention of the "little born," lfefic both are a ym)x of the papacy, Thl "two -horned leat" resemble a lamb by the two horn, but hi "look wa more tout than hi fellow," Under the word there I a murderous, brawn look, by which be would intimidate hi fellow. Ifow completely thi I illustraU-d In the foe in their Impudent claim to auprernaey and dominion, civil and re ligious, ftome put on a aalntly, mild, lamb-like appearance, htit let her fn-t.k her natural tngue and it I the lang uage of the dragoncruel and tyrannical-arid ha driven million to the take anddungeon of the Inquisition, J'lou bulne! What a caricature on Christianity! Just think of Christ a ino,ufftor-general, and hi ajotlc ple, to bring t trial and condemn to death tboe whom they have deU;ted reading the Bible and having family prayer! Thl two horned beat I more fully described Jn verc tl:J7, 1st the reader turn to the plaoo and e bow exw:tly iUimu I described, In her or ci;rle, false miracle and tyrannical claim, Thl terrible j,wer I In our midst. It ha already begun a war of extermination on our free Institution, Borne ha ever iieen the enemy of what ha made our nation great, free and projerou. Take away our free Bible, free schools, 1-o pulpit, free pre, and we would ht like the nation that wor- hlp the Isast, American, awake and bow, your patriotism and defend your borne and liberties agfnttbfcrue1 ar,d Innldlou foe, I'erbap It may Ui Interesting to your readier, If you jrrnlt me to indulge In few conject ore a Up how long the papacy will last. The beast was to continue J2Myear, A day stand for a year In prophetic time, and YU'M day are so many year, When will tbi period terminate and tne papal pwer wme to an end? Home reckon from OW, when the bishop of Borne obtained the title of pope or universal bUbop; then the I2W year would end In JW, But that date seem to early. If we take W, the number of the beast and the number of hi name (Bjv, I:i;lfj the period would end In '.m, In aout tblrtythree year. Marvelou change may take plaee within that period. History I made rapidly these day, Within generation the map of the world may be greatly changed ud whole empire blotted out In fact, if the present d'svote of Borne were properly InstrucUid In religion and taught the true principle of civil and religious liberty, the papacy would not last a year yea, not a month, Home cannot live In the light, In the preenc of a free Bible and free school. Borne know that. Her exluu-nce depend on keeping the people in ignorance and shut up Ui a blind faith In the "lying wonder" and plou fraud of a lecher- ou priesthood, IMuir the Boman masse under the teaching of the Bible through an evangelical ministry and they would soon have no use for relies, rnlraeulou medal, masse for the dead, and would treat purgatory a a myth, a pagan relic! Keep the light burning, But If we take ?,VI a the date ;f the aritl-cbrlstlan empire, when the poje obtained the temporal power, the '2'M years would end In the year 20IH, Home take thl view, The end may come l fore that, and we feel pretty sure that thl terrible iwr will not m mr- mil ted to vex the nation, breed riot and revolution longer than about an Other hundred year. The prophetic period have run o WILL VllKK TI1IH COUNTRY FIIOM I'AI'AL nONDAOE. long, they must be nearly spent. It I a wonder that Borne lupclf doe not recognize her picture In the prophecle. Our conjecture will do no harm,, and may remind American that tbi "two horned beast" ha set It foot on Amer ican soil, and would stamp out our III ertle. Our nation I In great dangr from thl source, Corrupt olftlclan may entjr Into league with thl power Ut gain their ends, I trust that the A, V. A, will be true Ut God, true to our country and repel every attempt of thin wily foe to corrupt tate and church. CAJ.VI.V, "IMWJI WTIH TIIK I'OI'K," lleacllen In Hpaln A gains! Ilemlsli Avar. Ice and Bespellsrn. The riot In Valencia on the occasion of the departure of the Hpanlsb pil grim for Home, are like a atraw upon tbeurface Indicating the direction of the current, Yur more than a thou and year Hpaln ha len the happy hunting ground of priest and friar, Hhe originated the holy Inquisition, too, and In no country In the world have clerlcalUrn and cruelty had a fairer field. The result I apparent, Hpaln, thatonce ,-ntont her Invincible armada to crush heretical Kngland, I now a fifth-rate power of small account among the nation of the earth. But poor a the people of Hpaln are a pil grimage upon a large scale ba been organized with a view of gathering gold for Boman coffer, A considerable proportion of the populace evidently resent this, and hence the demonstra tion at Valencia, A cardinal and several bishop were mobbed and hooted, friar were Iwaten, and ornlnou crleof "fyong live Garibaldi," "frown with the Pope," &'; were freely in dulged In, Kucb scene are the In evitable result of a reaction against clerical avarice and despotism. It was the grinding exaction of the papacy that lost Germany to the ope, 8jaln i evidently following In the ame track, and It f quite plain that the HparJsh reformation I making con siderable headway, Ihihhn (JollioHi; 01 it Yi IU,BM 11001,, Why f it for llernUh Teacher If nt fur (( belle 1'iiplls, A Jtoman (,'a'holic priest said, some day ago In Buffalo, N, V that the public achool of thi country are not public schools, but sink of moral pol lution and nuraerie of hell, and that Catholic parent who send their child ren U such school arc guilty of mortal In, If our public school are sinks of moral jsdlutlon, why do they Insist that nun and other Catholic become teacher in such schools? I the Boman Catholic church will ing to destroy the oul of lu member by becoming teacher in the public ehool for a few piece of silver? Or will the priests, for a fixed amount of tint money thu procured for teaching In these den of vice, a they call them, pardon their sin and make them a pure a they were before? Home I al way willing to make a aacrlffcM for cash down A Protestant In Thn Vne A iinnwi, W HOOI, MJn'JOK COmNTM. Women and the A, Y, A. Take a Hand and Carry I'lielr Th kef. KAf,AMA.oo, Mich., June i. 'I be annual school election wa held In thl dly today, Two trustee were elected, the women and the A, P, A, electing their ticket by a big majority, Mr, Kmma K, Pollard and Heth It. Gray were thecandfdate elected. Two-third of the vote were cast by women. Ga,kmiii ;;, III , June lTbe elec tion here today for school director ba cnusid more Interest than any previous election In the city. At former school election not more than 2W or iVX) voK' have Is en polled, but today there were over 'UtO0 The Issue ha Jreen mwtly ltwe-n the A, P, A, and the Catholic, Hurlng the forenoon the former had thing alt their own way, and with Mr. M, Kvlyn Htrongon their ticket polled a large vote, The women took an active part In the fight, and with hack and carriage scoured the city and succeeded In bringing out about ,',00 votes, At noon the Catholics became aware of what wa going on, and after dinner turned out In full force, At time the crowd around the voting place was o thick that the door had to be closed and policemen employed to preserve order, One woman liecanio no excited over the proceeding that he struck a man over the head, breaking her para oI, In the city school two Catholic teacher are employed, and It was to get rid of them that the great fight wa made, It required everal hours of bard work before the judge were able to count the vote t hat had lsen east, and then it wa found that Mrs, Strong, Y, N. Thompson, and H, 11, In man had la-en elected, Mr Htroig Is the president 'of the Kindergarten normal ch ol. Mr, Thompson Is pres ident of the labor Assembly, and not only had the support of that organiza tion, but also that of the A P, A. Mr. In man was of the old board. Ht. Joseph' church In Penver, Colo , ha ued Priest Tboma Malone for I2.0M, which he I charged with con verting Ut hi own use while a tor of the church. Thl I one of the many canda! constantly arising In the cor rupt and divided church of Home. Mapping Out, The A, P, A, have been, during thi spring, mapping out work. They have before their mind the care of the na tion and U keep It from the despotism of an organization called a church. They are not making the attack, but are resisting the attack made by organ ization on the nation which desire to have some freedom. The church of Borne know of no freedom outside of abject ubJectlon to her dictations, Thl she call freedom, and she boast of her freedom; but It wor k on the principal of "tiead up I win, tail up you lose." The A, P, A. ha Ircen mapping out that the political apu t of thl nation and other nations may be more encouraging. The church of Borne ha presented Itself it a political organization, and the A, P,A, present Itself a such to meet the r qulrement of the hour, because of the plotter whose headquarter are Home, A a religion Borne is full of Imperfoo Hon, and It I not In our province to light Hon religious grounds, but there are thousand of Protestant against, whom thl church Is planning and (dotting, and It I for them to do some "mapping out," that thy may repel the attack made upon them ,y these plotter of old I tome, "The children of this world are wer than the children of light," and for thl reason, I suppose, we itr-e cone ladled to lake toourwclve tl,i thought that we snould excuse them to a certain degree; still they should very soon commence to do something In their line, or we will la-gin to think that we are wiser, to a great degree, than we had Imagined, The christian iople hould go to "mapping out" how they can take the church of Bomo as a body and educate them, that they will in any country be a bessfng lntead of a blight, Htop your saying that you have no use for the A, P, A,, and that the A, P, A, I going too fur, arid con vert these Borunn Cm hoi lea whom you sity are your friends, If there ni-v some Boman Catholic whom you say are christians, In your acceptation of the term, form a Bible claw of Human Catholic whom you consider not chris tian. There l plvnty of work for you to do, and if there I work for ou to do, and you do not do it, you are the man who I resiainsltd't for It. lo not m a "kicker," nut "map out" in your own line. JIickoiiv ( (i;i , ONiradj Joe hick for Trial. Cincinnati, o June t.-VVhen Father Domlnlck O'Grady was called In Judge Kuuik-r' court today to an wer the charge of murder in the first degree for killing Mary Gllmartln he did not apiaar, Br, Heche who has been attending the prisoner, said that O'Grady wa not able to come Into court. The Jury wa discharged and tbe caae passed until the July term. A SCHOOL FUND ROW, fmisml by a rrejMHlon to Vot Mony Ut SeeUrUn Srbool. Meellng laded Amid l ult.m.M Catholic Ihmrwl In tht tltj, Hnl IIhIii Ciui hi He Transacted. Hon la t !T, N. Y June I, mi,Om of most exciting ta-hisd meeting nver held In thl city occurred thl afternism, It resembled tnnre a heated political convention thnn a gathering tu advance the cause of edm-allon, The school building In which thu tneetlng wa held I situated In the very heart ol Ht. Mary' parish, of which the Hov. !i U. I,. Hiirtsell, iiiiw In Home, I pastor, Thl public seluHil district has Ismui thn scene (if a bitter suctarliui feud for year. Aluminum inn i uiriuuo cut Hient predominated. The iKiard of trustee were member of Ht, Mary' church. P Thousand of dollar were levied annually, and much of It spent without any accounting. HTATK All) HICCIJIII'.II. When Jacob Hardlnburgh wiih slnto senator for thl district ho managed to get a bill passed appropriating $1 1,000 of state money toward erecting a build ing fur Ht Mary' parish, adjoining the church, to be used a an orphan asylum. For Home reason It did riot prove a sue- oohm, and tho handsome building origin ally Intended for a charitable Institu tion waa turned Into a residence for soinii C inetnisir oi . mid rranuiacan Brotherhood. The then board of trustee of the public school district, under Qthu pretext that the public school wa not mifllektntly large to itc- lomttiodiite the pupil, hired the Fran- Iscnn Brothers' homti at an annual cnlal of 1200, and In addition secured thu service of three of thn brother to educate pupil who attended thl branch school. Thn oregular studies of the public chooI gave way In a largo degree to religion Instruction. The riori-Cathollu a few year ago bcgHriHo outnumber the Catholics, and year after year a trustee, wno, al though a Catholic, was of the liberal and reform kind, waaehctod, until the efurmer had control of tbe board, Thn school principal, who hud held the fort for tw tity yearn, wa removed, 'rofessor Hubert Kadle, of (ng laland !ty, appointed. The educational In terest of the district rapidly advanced, HA Mill, K AT TIIK MKKTIN'I. Two of the present trust e Post master Henry II ck and ex-Alderman JoPm Wt'isa though (,'alhollc, favor school reform In the district. The third member, Aim Commllonr David Mulbolland, wa selecbul after hard fight, and I linked nin a riot being dcNlrou of permltllrigHt, Mary' parish to lose It grip ujani the public chtx money, The special meeting called for talay wh for the purpose of providing m una to etilarge the school building and sup ply it with modern beating an,l ven tilating auparatu, A house to house visitation was made by the opponent of tlni movement to make the necessary Improvements, and thU afterrnam they packed the building, selected Martin Ward a chairman, and h: refused to eta ballot be, taken on the appropria tion asked for, although Itwasappar- nt that it would have been voted down. Many prominent pro'esalonal and business men were present, but a rabble gathered for thu purpoee made such onfuslon that the more resjaeliibto itlzen and larger taxpayer could not la! heard. The meeting broke up ainld threat and wild excitement. At present not more than twenty jht etit of the reaident of the district Hie athollcs. Principal Power and the majority of the laiard of trustee will bring the matter to the attention of the state superintendent of public In struction, I lag KaMiigs, Ohmkomi, Wl,, May .'II. A flag raining took place at the Foster-Hafnor factory on Memorial day morning at It o'clock. The flag belongs lo thu ern- loye of that Institution, the company providing the flttg start, Aillreea were delivered by Judge (,', I). Cleve- and and Mayor Oellcrlch. The Colum bia band furnished mush-and the Kouth Hide rnllllla company participated and fired a salute. Hsv, A. J. Benjamin delivered the H'ldrcss at the raising of a flag on the A. P. A. hall on Algoma street at 10 a m. Memorial day. A (lag wa alo raised at Ht. Peter' Cath olic school. Thi flag wh not placed on the school building, but in thcyard. ANV friend wishing information on ny of the varlou patriotic societies or organization can obtain same by ad dressing this oRlco.