The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 01, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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tt.t. 4 l '.t. i t.. iH' il'it
4QHH C. t0aOt,
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I I' f MimM 4wnit(i l.iii'ii
II n il)M M H
tltU I t 11 H.wt4
t Mlitt'N MtM
ttt i'i'I'. r '
. tl-t
" 1 Mv Mi'Mtt
lti I wisimv
I iV.t on l I -'!
.. n ..
. t'
1ti !m !t lt tint's " '
It I'M full tttl.l, MMlt l'Mh ' Mill.
ptln'tif HI 'ti'l .
Ill'tltil I HtlPMtHllil''t'MtHttH'
,.,.l.r. llt lit Atsit ll Ml mMiMU
r- -
Vf lliitiiHli- 1 1 (tut wf Hinllltl
' (m il M I titttttth
" ini'hi' fr iniiiiih .
" Itirlifi wr umiilli ..
I" Inrht lr luiitilli
In. Ii a, I rultimn, I K Hill- ... . .
ti.....u.... I. I'litil lnr 1 1 no.
fl Ml
Mi lt itiifHiiMi Fur Mi li ri" fur !
iUirilMjtii'hl. mhIpIh'Ih AniU m I'm
I ill in i ii In.. Aiit-rlllii lii'imrliiii'iit
(rim A Mwtttt'AM itn nirioor m.
I'tMTKITItl lUllmM-Tll Ulttl Of NoM
"JUNK l. IXiH.
I'ATUi'NI.H AMI'.UIl'AN advertiser,
At.TuM.U, tht anarchist-pardoning
Ami Home-serving governor of Jtllnol,
dlMltoM thHt ho Intend to resign. Tim
people are already resigned.
W'K urn very grateful to our friend
In Ohio for their assistance . New
from that state lgNl. The Ameri
can will make themmil vo fult In the
coming campaign.
Wt? particularly wish to cull tho at
tention of our readers to tho very able
and exhaustive article on "Church
Taxation" by Ho. Madlnon C. 1'oUiin
on j)Bgo 2 of thin iMMiiff.
OUR frlond at Htorllng, Colo., aro
making1 a grand fight to aocuro tho an
iolntmnt of an Aumrioan for Mmt
maxUir, Tby ihoulil mimasi. No
body but true American miiht bo
tilavd on guard.
W'K wUh to ackiiowh'dgo thu redit
of t:il of two new pajioni, Vie 1'orl-
lawhr and M ,Jrvmibr tho formor
liublUhod l ';0d, Orngon, ai.d tho
latU'f at iJ Auu'im, Callfornlfi. They
have the beat wlalion of TUB Amkhi-
CAM fof tl: If $UH'f.
TifK rfiort that Davo Murcor l to
ln married In Juno to Ml Ahlmtt, of
WanhlngUin, D. C, may not m the
truth, but tho boy out thin way will
hooo It In, bccauMO Homo of tho font of
thorn may tbn ttend a ahow of win
nlng lh In-arU of noma of our beauti
ful wenUirn girU,
A UAIX wan gln by Council No. 74,
A. I'. A., at Kanna City, and proved
mewl, Tho council had dodgori
printed with red and bluu Ink on
whlto paixsr and haJ(J, "A. I'. A.
Hall." Thoa wie btmi In mnw of
thomntetcarn and distributed through
out thu city, reuniting In a largo at-
Kvr.rtY patriotic mrmn nhould ul-
M'rlbn for TftK AMKidCAff, and w-nd it
toaomo a'(U.lnUrii'i afUir reading it.
Over i'WK) irona have b"ri beard from
roent)y, in every part of the atau,
who have recolvml ample wpla of
TflK AMKUtCAN oent from thta ofttt',
To puh tho work, you mut 'rid out
Wny U ii that the lawd of fire and
Kill(:iM:riiiiilil(nnr ran not make up
their mlfidn h to the action thy ahould
tk In Captain Cormlck'a cmw? The
cvldefi'4 wa coricluitl ve (tnough to war
rant hi (UtnUal from the fore, and
the cltl.'riK of thiN city will lw natl.ded
with nothing Im, No more truckling
to lUrme, Mr, ConiinlMUfrinra.
(lvyni)H Ktoxe, of MUwurl, the
anti-American, 1, again openly de
nourMng the A, J. A. We are glad to
Mehiiraert himault again. IUwm
to labor under the deluded Idea that
the IComan Catholic can ptaoe him In
any office bJifisaprUje maj dealre. For
one be it mUtaken and baa waled bl
p;lltlci "go" In Missouri,
, iHK itand taken by Qrftad Mar.hal
Hrnlth, at Ilrldg port, Conn., In refus
ing to allow the Hibernian Klflo
jxitlon in the Mainorlal I)y parade
in eminently correct one. No foreign
antl-American organization vhould be
aceorded the permlwdon to parade In
the utreu in any city of thie country,
cfrxUlly on auch day ae Memorial
day, Mr, Smith dee,rvea the com
mendatlon of every loyal American,
and we sincerely hope that tho example
aet by lira will be productive of
much good.
IT in not alwayt policy to denounce
the A. V, A., particularly 11 you are io
polltlca, Polltkiana who do not be
lieve in the principle of that atoc lo
tion rouat get their votoe from men
who are Americana for revenue only,
The membera of the A. P. A. have no
ue for any man who tella them be la
with them, but that It would not be
policy tor him to be a member. Hucb
a fcllov uaually hill the other aide be
l with them alao, and if be i elected
he ! invariably with tho other fellow
an abject tool of the prieoU.
, , 1"'I' Ii Hi lti'l!y kttl Mlif
anlhmUr In Mm bMmp , pfll ami
j'4.ill' ilh, 'i. ! for the bM.k
Hillni( lll i (t,M l Itl
PIH4 In-t i f. n.l tlirt il. tH
,ii'ien i ahb li pnHult In
' Tti.i I'aj illWimiwii," l.j It. It
II Uj, . hi . It- Itui
fitrdtet I) rililtif nf the Jintiiii
lit TliP l'U.iii I M.p H llfl
imtH fiiiii mill Ml, ait'l l m,litt t
' -lMwHng' lllnliity if itiiianlin,"
'ije l mm J t'lrt Tim piienf ili U
piibHohiHl utt pMgti !WJ, ami t tult 'U
Immii pat'it 111 ol a bunk by A J.timu r
I'liUMul "IbmiaiiUiti, thw Ibiagpf
Ahead." The irn'h publUln .1
on pni-afMl, fii2aut il, ami In taken
(nun "lliiwllng' lllntnrj' of II unnii
lm," pagntUiTi, Tho carilltiara na'h In
hut ipintril bf Iti V, It i) III bl Ixitik
Wit ciilnd II from the IMmlt 'ifr
mIii' , I mi i ii mi, mill tliat mief i reilltn
It to ltiwllng' HUtury. Them may tw
olim illftiriinni In tho phraailogy ol
lhi ulilha puhllnhi'd, but the wlitlnn'iil
and Ihn nivaiiiiig U tho aamo, I'ncept
Ing the jnmilt'i onlh, and that puitei
thinugli but two IhiimIm after It li ft
thiitn of the jcnu!t until It leaehinl u,
and w maibi a copy, liullvldiuttly iiml
Hronally, from the KnglUb tiannlii'
tin ii of the Sirnin Monitn of tho Hoclety
of Jtaua. Tho cannon law, an pub-
UIiihI, wiih oompilod by that grand old
patriot, Col. C. (. Minor, from Ummn
('athollo workM, We inlylit atop with
that I'xplaii'itlon and aay we bad un-
awcred our Interrogator, but we ahall
nut do o. We nhull, however, auk hi in
to Itiko bU piiior ana begin with
Article I under tho beading "Canon
Law." IMu IX. condemned the doc
trlno that "klngH and prlncca are not
only exempt from the jurladiction of
tho church, but are aupoilor to the
hurch in lltlgatijd quoatlona of jurin-
diction." If that mao anything, it
moan what Section I aaym,
Cardinal Manning, on page 74 of 11h
"Vatican Decree," quote Huarez a
aaylng "that tho M)ntlfT, in virtue of
hUapiritual power ami Jurbdictlon, 1
Muporlor to king and UmijMiiHl prince,
o aa to direct them in the uxo of their
power." lliillarmlno U quoted by the
Maine author, in the name book, on page
7'l, to carry out the nuino idea of papal
iiipremacy. No said: "Temporal
prlnetm, when they come to tho family
of Chrlat, Iomo nulthor their princely
power nor jurladiction; but they luxjorno
mibjoct to him whom ChriHt ha act
over hi family."
If tho Btato I aubordlnate to tho
church - the poK it naturully follow
that an inferior or aubordlnate Ixuly
cannot enact law which will aut hI(1o
the law of alilghor ljidy or tribunal,
Hoctlon 2, therefore, follow a a matter
of counts. Tho tmne if truo of the
third miction, and alao of the fourth,
fifth, eighth, tenth, eleventh, four
teenth and fifteenth. The aixth and
eventh wsctlon do not relate to tem
poral affair, therefore we refr ain from
barking up an authority on them. The
ninth I a blaphemou aMertlon, borne
out by every prlont in the land who
vet up the claim that be i a vice
gcrcnt of Cod, or Chrlxt; and it 1 aUo
Urrne out by the nineteenth aection of
the tontence or dlctaUi of 1'ojie Crcg
ory VII , which readaa follow; "That
he (the pope) hlmwelf ought to bo
judged by no man," Alao by the Cato
eh Urn of the Council of Trent (page
212) copied by Rev. I Car on page 227 of
hi book, "The Papal Contro vcry."
Tho I toman Catholic 'bltftorl an, Cor
menln, ia lo quotod by Hav. Itay, on
page Il'i'i, to Mubtantiate thi ame
Mo tion. The paragraph ho quote I
credited to Cormenln'a VHiatorjr of the
I'ojK!," and I to Iks found on page 2IM
Hwclioo alxUien U, according to the
decree of the Council of Trent, by
Walcrworth, page V to 21, fully aub-
tVvonteen U proved to be true by the
deposition or excommunication, or
both, of dozen of king, emperor and
prince between the time of Leo III
and IOui VJII, of France.
Had not a portion of the American
people boco i e oonaciou of the gang'
er menacing American Jibertle and
et aaiduotily about arouning their
neighbor, It U doubtful whether our
boasted freedom would not have Wen
engulfed, ia a very few year, by the
wave of anarchy better known a I(o-
maoUro which began at New Orlean,
gained atrentrth in Pennsylvania, and
which I In it prime thi wk lo troth
Indiana and Colorarlo,
Not only I property destroyed, but
live are threatened, and in some In
stance taken by the turbulent, anarch
Utlc, alien element coraponlng the
molw, and while the member are not
American citizen, they pone a Amerl'
can working men, and attempt to Influ
enoe by Intimidation and force, the
area who own the indutrlc ia which
they are employed; attempt by here
force of number to attain that which
the condition and demand of trade
will not warrant, and which their em
ployer have a perfect right to refuao
to accede to under exUUng ttrcum
itance. '
American capital ba right which
the alien, forelgn-ioflucnced, dobaned
and criminal clae are bound to re
aped. One of thoe right ia the right
to be a pnoduclng power for it owner;
Mother 1 to b a publl benefactor by
ln.Sftj? Miin d Ih if tumult lumlitt -
tit. i (I i h It l'l ''.t't wmk h i
Ann ! an Utmrn i i mi nn 'rn h
'- HiHn lf 1 lt lit liliililtii ti
) tt!fv I'Hhl I' if tilt llflli t t'N !!
tli'i, lnnttiir iniiiM-Htiatt tj a p'lii"1!
em Ui), li I Ititiil.l tv ) aMI. Iin'e
111 II... I
If i Ik uni lb iiniii at linn n-ii
litim If tliej ' alUiMtil t (.-ii
inn het f. lli t l liii'j of 'M hv
i hllielil a 111 tte a thing of ii ii!nli.iii
h1tt of a Well fi!UHll'l Iti I lot
that ft oii It U him i eiei) Aoit il
an to Itt'tfin tmUy n llntf the nijfim ol
lb" t ! nit' -mI); n wl.b'h B'e plain
that they lie., tin ni ! 11 lull - (l
he ithoiilil villi, lietvaft'-r, to eiailiinie
the lVll Wblt I) aril let the Unly pttlltl, ,
I hie lal thlii, In (hi I" to r -
Mll'lll ItUllilgralliill t't keep nut the
lllnlilill, tht virion arid the pimper
Iimwm in h li b are Maarmliig to nur
hoiit fittiii the papal euurilileit of
KuroMt-from Huiln, from Italy, from
Hungary, from I'li'mul, and from the
atnith Hint went tif I relit ml.
Thin can and iiihbI be ilnne. (lur
liiitlonal eongreiui hut im-i',l the (o'aiy
law to keep out the t'hlnofto, Why not
amend ll to include the Hpiiniiinl, the
Italian, the 1 1 tin, the Pule and the
pilent-riililtrn lrlnh? You will find
fewer criminal of Chi in no birth Until
of any nationality above mentioned.
Hut you cannot get t bene law on the
Mtatutu book union you aeek to place
American ProtoHtant not tinciwaitrllv
native born Protectant but American
Protectant who know, who realize tho
need of the hour, and who will bo
fearloM enough to iliHchurgo their
dutlwi who will vote In accord with
tho aonllmont of the people who honor
them by making them their ocrvant.
A many of our reader will aoon bo
called uHt to exerclae their elective
franchle, and chooio a congrcanman,
and while other will oxerciae it in the
aclcctlon of a United State aonator, it
will not bo out of place to advlo them
to move with caution, The man who
ia not right on thi question hould not
bo aont to congrca. Wo believe the
afcty of tho nation demand hi defeat,
and tho elector who vote for him,
knowing him to bu antagonistic to uch
legislation, deaorvua tho moat aovcre
ceimiire and the mot acatblng con
demnation of every patriot. Let u be
true to the intoroat of our country,
and we will lm doubly loyal to our own
It hn txicn nearly thryeara aince
John ICtinh atou&Jbcfore a crowd in St.
Phflomcna' hall and denounced, tho A.
P. A, and the dltor of thi paper, Thk
Amkuica.V, for advocating tho doc
trine of that order, vet thono three
ear have wrought a wonderful change
In him or be i practicing the leading
tenet of the aoclety of Jcu in the
hope of lulling Protectant back to
lcep. In a dicoure before tho Voung
Womeu' Christian Aoclatlon on
"American Cltlzennhlp" be aald,
Mpcaking of the danger tbreatenlng
thi government:
"The abuacNof the ballot box and the
flagrant disregard of many voter for
the sacred rcrtponMlbllltlcalntruMted to
them are o irHipanle that reformation
or ruin I Inevitable Men have ob
tained office by bribery, intimidation
and illegal voting, Ube aioon, too,
ha been an omnliKutnt facurr in txril
tic. We mut prouxst tho purity of
trie ballot oox ana urrouna it by an
atmoMpncre oi righteouMnen arm mor
ality. Incumbent of public oftcc
rriunt realize that they are arrrvanUof
tho people, A public servant nhoiild ire
tiorieitt, coriMClentlouN, courtennriBnO ab-
Bolut-ly Impartial. Jin should not Ire
influenced by race, color, religion or
nationality. Above all tilings, bu
hould aot be a bigot, for a bluot vlo-
ittUrsoni) o the mot larronant funda
mental principle of the constitution.
"Immigration, be saui, must be re-
trict4:d, but that restriction must ap
lily only to the wicked and vlclou
clasae. We must co ut it that the on-
archist of Kuropr;, who:olT at God'
law and civil government, are kept at
homo. Tyranny and Irreiiglon have
creaUsd them and tyranny and Irre
iiglon should have no anchorage In the
Lotted otatcw. '
After speaking about the present
form of naturalizing n foreigner, Mr,
I tint h stated that many who bad
adopted thi country's color had
proved better citizen than ome born
in thi country, He si id that an
American citizen wa a sovereign
greater and mightier than any pope or
In all thi we concur, but when Mr,
Hush afd that he "wa a (IComan)
Catholic," and that "should the head
of the Catholic church attempt to dic
tate to him a to bl relation to thi or
any civil government in the world, or
to abridge bl civil right in any way
he would spurn the unauthorized act
with the ame promptne be would
should the queen of F,ngland make uch
an absurd demand," be must not think
hard of the citizen of thi community
if they do not believe everything be
ay. They know, and John Itush
know, that hi church claim politic
I a part of moral, and that she
claim the right to direct her children
in moral, and that those who fall or
refuse to obey her commit a mortal sin
and are 1 labia V all the torment of
hell. When Mr. Hush ald "the
christian ehurch"-and he will not ad
mlt that he referred to or believe any
other than the 1 toman Catholic church
deaervct that tltleor distinction "will
never attempt to infringe upon the do
main of the state," he knew be wo
uttering a black and damnable a false
I. t m'f j v t tl U i.f any
lt,H III' H l,U tt.l.'tll M il lil t
U lmt il.ti U ft i to 'H' J
ltl t It ftf Itl iHlt le (itllMllltl III
,n iiir i4 .. t ) I ts n Ii mi. i,. j
he ' t til tnlSsii iliiiuli" tin li.'ii.S" 1
I ull'ttilti eltnH It M lil ftt l ItttnltUti s
tiIHl.'' I
t tut i ! I't a I'm. ! -iMi't
InUitT ot a i Iv l naiUiial
..... III
II", w III
u Ittilt litt tnlw I l IH them
ix'tit of the l Mini bale the lni jtl
txtiuU liii.t'it, trept llit v is her a
i Isle tun of Ini-ii'
If a peiwie bus i
iMinit j tin in wt mi' aii) tiling tne
huitii preteiiiU to ham a itu le-t on,
If he ba no huutey ln-r l !
fulfill i Igiiniustt . We liulte Mr
Itush to dlsprow) I In wt MlAteiiientM
thnnigll tlieint coin nins,
Nit US,
The l.plsetipal churvli I not male
i entirely of imn nf the calibre of
Father Williams, There are some
minister In It who bt lieie In Amerl
an Institution firs), ami In church
m'IxniI alttirwarils. One of those Is
Hev. T. J. Mackuy of All Mulntschurch.
lie Intrisluced In the tute conforeiu'u
held In tht city last week a minority
roiort, In tho shapo of a resolution, on
the question of christian education, In
the following language:
KcHolvod, That this committee on
Christian education place on record Its
hearty endorsement of the public school
system ol the I nlieil Mutes a one of
our greatest safeguard from the dan
gers incident to u largo and rupldly In
creasing foreign population, arid that a
opy of thi resolution lie presented to
the public school hoard of thi city.
Tbo resolution canned considerable
discussion. Homo of the member of
thu conference, it 1 said, advocated the
abolishment of all parochial tchools,
but after all the talking wu done and
the vote wa taken on tbo two reports,
majority of the mcmlrerH decided
against Mr. Maukay' resolution. The
action of the conference did not meet
with Hev, Mackay'a approval, and be
publicly declared the ground which be
occupied in tho controversy Hunday
evening in a sermon in All Saints
church. The daily papers report him
a saying in part, that
"We should go Into politic not only
for tho welfare of the state and of our
selves a Individual, but for the wel
fare of the church," We muit, as a
church, exorcise vigilance In protect
ing our national institutions from the
encroach menu of any power, ecclesias
tical or otherwise. Our public schools,
a tho greatest safeguard from the dan
ger arising from our rapidly increas
ing foreign population, should receive
the hearty auprort of every man who
ha the Intort'st of hi country at heart.
They may not Ire perfect, but until
something: tetter 1 devised no church
man can afford to condemn them, or
strive by any mean to weaken or de
stroy their usefulness. We must op
pose every attempt to divert our public
school fund for sectarian education. To
do so would Iks to overturn the funda
mental principle of our government.
"We are founded a a nation uron re
sistance to unjust tavatlon, and it would
be unjust taxation to hand over the
money of the state to any religious brrdy
for the purpose of educating any por
tlon of the children of the state in any
particular tenet of religion. That we
are not free from thi danger 1 evident
to the careful student of current his
tory. Already large sum of money are
being taken from tho public treasurle
of various state for the support of
purely sectarian institution.
"I bave no prejudice against the
church of Home save that it is an ex
otic, owing allegiance to a foreign po
tentate. I believe that the great bulk
of it people are patriotic Americans,
and 1 have no fear of that church in a
fair, open contest for the supremacy in
thi land, but hen greed for public
money ha grown so great and the am
bition of her hierarchy so overreaching
that Nome step must 1m taken to chock
the one and defeat tho other. The pro
posed sixteenth amendment to the con
stltution ba Koine, a necessity, Jt
read a follow;
"No state shall pas any law respect
ing an establishment of religion or of
prohibiting the tree exercise thereof,
or use It proircrty or credit or any
money raised by taxation, or authorize
either to be used, for the purpose of
founding, maintaining, or aiding by
appropriation, payment ror service,
expenses, or otherwise any church, re
llglou denomination, or roiigiou so
ciety or undertaking which 1 wholly
or in part under sectarian or ecclesias
tical control.
"With laudable pride can we point to
the fact that our own church, through
her bishops, has addressed a com muni
cation to both house of congress asking
for tho passage of thllxteenth amend'
ment and relinquishing all government
aid in carrying on our work among the
"T.e committee of bishop declare
that ill manifest that there wide
spread and Increasing dissatisfaction
with the letting of contract by the
United Btat government to religious
societies firf tho ostensible purpose of
educating the Indians, but in many In
jrtanee, as the last commissioner of
Indian affair pointed out, for the pro
pagation of the particular form of faith
held by the tliuVeh conducting the
school, the other and main object being
secondary and remote.
"The wtnaaHtoc goes on to declare
that: ' Tf 3(hly convinced that the
whole iyw of government contract
Uh e ti in liuilti!.'ii itH'iiitfin
tlif p?i it ot the n.-eiln. i nt t ! ftri.
tlitilut ff Ut 1'riHed Mti Ih o Pro
tiint t i'iii opal ilitiih It pUttt
iu iip,i, tt ,,i( m ilixonntt'iisttt it f
I hrt t,Hi ! t in' i f ki.t i i im.i'hl .i ,.i is,.
llnti i. 'n MiM-n .' "(t f'tf e i'l Ihil-
m 'n h Mtittkltlit', ttiti(. It at a
Ifrtfttliw tl tlitt I,, I mini) Ht'tli nt till
ll.Htti, Tht I'tilnmlUt fiirtlff tt,
f !Mii I! l It Uko tht t tlon to -Ut
In rttipltasl itig and p. risiitiaiing the
t itllr-t
m i si inn nf i hurch n ml Mtate
i. . ... .
in ine i niieti riu oi
int-rli Ttit
tin will be utirtitl by the A Hit i U nn
jHtiple W not for a nnnm-nl ieii to
tlttul't, am) that thi lnV 1st thotx
ginning1 of a omit. mi i.t which will re,
milt In the awakening nf nil thoughtful
cltlt u to tho d anger that threaten ti
from Cft li slaittU'Ml t lli ltiKi hllirlit let II
hos mid pray V must awaken pub
lic sentiment on Hu m' questions, which
concern u a a church w hich com urn
all Christians."
Hy iiHerliig those st iilhiienls t v,
Mnckay hs but demonstrated what we
have always Is-lleved that bo la a
thorough patriot, a hroai1itiiudel, a
progressive and a brond-giingod citizen
whodis's not love his church less, tie
cause of his loyal devot ion to tho public
Institutions of his native land. Tho
F.plscopal church nceils moro Mink ays
It needs fewer John Williams.
The scurrilous attack made bythe
Ike in iU columns on tho Thurston
HI Ill's was entirely uncalled for and not
warranted by thu facts, and undoubtedly
wa a piece of dirty, unscrupulous spite
work on tho part of that paar. It Is a
well known fact that the lire uses It
columns for the purpose of villlfylng
anybody or anything that Is American,
coriscqucntlv the Thurston Hillos,
which Is an American organization,
comes under the nan ol that llome-
servlng shojt, and the people of this
city aro led to form a wrong Impression
concerning thepersorwrei of it members.
Tho young men who comprise this
military company known as the Thurs
ton Hides are far from being Abe black
sheep the Ike would have Its read
ers to believe, but on tho other hand
are young men of high moral character.
Tho fulsome adulation bestowed by
the Ike on that anti-American organi
zation known a tho Ancient Order of
Hibernians, clearly shows where that
paper stand, Had the Thurston HI lies
Ken a H'iman-oontrolled organization
Instead of being erwentiilly a Protest
ant one, as It Is, and one that patriotic
Americans are proud of, it would bave
Ignored the circumstance out at the
The Ike has simply mode a mountain
out of a mole hill.
A dispatch from Palatka, Fla.,
dated May 27, read as follows:
This afternoon John Kane was shot
in tbo head and dangerously wounded
by Krnest Wolfe. Wolfe Is a German
and a member of the A. P. A., while
Kano is an Irish Catholic. Wolfe is
under arrest and Kane may die. About
a month ago Dunford and Nix, A. P, A.
agents, who were trying to organize a
lodge or the society at raiatka, were
set upon and nearly Iron ten to death for
saying that all Catholic women and
priesu were immoral. 'I ho shooting
today wa the outgrowth of the affair.
Foi ling run high between the faction,
and it 1 feared that there will Ire
further trouble.
If that 'dispatch is true, but we doubt
it very much, and Dunford and Nix did
charge that "a Uutlwlde women and
prU'Mn were irnnurral," they got no more
than they deserved. Our reader wiil
not believe for a moment that all t 'ath-
olle women or oil Catholic priest are
Immoral, A large majority of them
may be, but wo believe there are many
pure men and women In tho Homan
church, and it is wrong to brand them
as unchaste.
Governor Flower ha vetrrod Assem
blyman Lawson' bill to prevent the
display of foreign flags or emblem on
public buildings. In hi veto memor
andum the governor says: "It is a
questionable wri t of patriotism which
seek the enactment of such bill a
this. Hucb legislation as that proposed
find lUinsplra.ion only in Intolerance,
in religion or racial prejudice, In tho
false patriotism of narrow minds. Jt Is
un-American In spirit, and is opposed
to tho liberal traditions and progres
sive alms of the American pcoplo."
Alhamj (N. V,)
The people should bear Governor
Flower ia mind, and every American
should remember him In bis political
career, a this is evidently done with
tho Intention of catching the Irish
Homan vote.
Thk American Protective Associa
tion must now brlngevcy point to boar
upon the coming election and work
with harmony, This organization
must not allow the fact that it ha an
Immense membership to detract from a
compact campaign, A few well organ
Jzed, working In perfect unison under
one Command, can accomplish much
more than ten times the number, who
do not work systematically, Th Is or
ganization should OH every office with
American, and it can do so If close
work 1 given. It will Ire Impossible
fjltber of the old political parties to
elect their men to office unless endorsed
by this association.
YOU do not know why the Homan
Catholics control the large cities, just
pen your eyes and look about yoif.
. Who is In the employ of the Homan
Catholics? Are they not nearly all
Iti'ttitst.t I ii siv iit !i.)d tj t
Pett lt-.ti rv ihtti titw h!l iti tto-m
U,.u.Miiit tii , th- it d )tit i iptt t
a Pt,iitUnt to ;uk tn ill; (ol
i tvimh to f t t a tlt Uon in J
Hl It ill. lit llt Ml I tht V t totvvj
tt ) ti e t lltt s U It irt-ll to )'!
A Hi'Mlf ttloi!c llet at Mlt-
IstjtrMii, Mit h , itilivMtil lht li, A Hi
In hi i bun h ll MnitiUj. The mil y
thing ll Kctt.MnUt it and priet
luuli tl ptf s qiintt- feolll Itl hl snutl
i thU in i id toloit to the A. P. A:
"The no!)' ilniitf! r and iiilf'oiliiiin
which now st'i'tii tit stt ii and jttn
paitllmi the e' ami hpptne of nur
ltr lam! Is the palouM, halml and
envy of that bigoted IsslVt inenilsr of
which tie vi r suii'lled istwtler, encept
that of Tiri cracKers, ho move slmut
I he country inalignlng their fellow cltl
n it", ami who act turn l'iho!ic and the
Catholic chioxh id disloyalty to our
country ami it law and Institution,"
H l Ai Hev, Mad iron C. Peter' ar
ticle on "Church Taxation" on page 2
of thi Issue.
HejsrUr should he careful how they
make tho statement that tho Hon.
Hourko Cock ran used a warning gest
ure with rigid forefinger under tho
archleplwopal nose of Archbishop Cor
rlgan. When reporter do this It put
tho archbishop to the trouble of re
questing Mr. Cockran to write a card
uenylng it. it likewise put Mr. Cks k
ran to the trouble of complying with
the archbishop's request In oultu elab
orate language. A cm York Morning
Tho above seem to sustain the posi
tion we took two weeks ago on this
Cockran-Corrlgan affair.
WRITING from Cuba to a friend In
this country Mr. E. P. Jones gives ex
pression to this belief:
"I can safely say that tho people of
this island have been taught from
childhood to lie, cheat and steal. The
laws of tbo government are so made
that the people are encouraged to do
this. The Homan Catholic church also
fosters this Immorality. The church of
Home has had complete religious sway
In Cuba for 400 years, and as a result
the mass of the people are ignorant,
superstitious and very immoral, hav
ing no regard for the Kabbath."
Head Hev. Madison C. Peters' ar
ticle on "Church Taxation" on page 2
of this issue.
TllB National League for the Protec
tion of American Institutions, bas
started a fight against the government
appropriating funds to tbo Homan
Catholic school. They represent that
during tho past elht years a total of
2,.KHI,41f have been given to tho Ho
man Catholic school out of $.1,767,951
appropriated. Even with theso broad
figures Homo bowl and says sho is not
In Kill tics,
Tub good cauo 1 prospering at a
rapid rate In northern Wisconsin. At
Ashland recently no less than 132 mem
ber were initiated in ow) night,
Tit (5 persecutors of Hlsbop McNa
mara have backed out again, so bis
case will not come up until Juno 27.
Meanwhile he Is still lecturing,
liKAf) Hev, Madinon C. Pctor' ar
ticle on "Church Taxation" on page 2
of thi Issue,
TIICKKK-Itrwilla. May U. tWM, axed .'W
Hucb was the brief announcement
which startled tho many friend of Mr,
D, Tucker, and which apprized them
of the death of hi wife, Mrs, Tucker
was sick but a short time, being al
locked with a hemorrhage about 10
o'clock at night and dying near 12
o'clock of the amo night. Hhe wa
tho mother of four bright, promising
children, who survive her. The funeral
occurred Sunday, May 2'llh from the
Wcsleyan M. r church, The remain
were laid away in Mount Hon j corne
tcry, Ut whlch'plario they were followed
by a largo number of friends. Mrs.
Tucker wa one of the best known
christian workers In the northwest
part of tho city, and those who bavo
boon accustomed to receive words of
comfort and cheer from ber in the past
will mis her counsel and ber cheerful
dlsprrsltlon. Mr, Tucker will receive
the sympathy of a largo circle of
friends in hi ad bereavement.
In Mcmerlam.
Today we rnourn tlr Nation' noble Irrav,
And sprnitd th synilruls ot our love upon
tliclr Krsvss,
Wlilla mnriiory turn Ut cn ulrllmtly
Km rid,
Which thirty year o llllnd ll the land.
WhmirriarshalM tlifiiisanda Jirlrmd Indnadly
And Kladly died to nam the country'! life,
O. who could stand unrrrovtid hi. fore such
Of valorou men and boys, and nolrle wo
men, too,
HtruuKllriK firr home, for love, for liberty)
Dying, that w from slavery' stain he free,
Then let our (jrawful tear Ire freely shod
O'er all the grave of our heroic dead ;
bet flower, vweet emblem of Mis hope that
He scattered o'er them In the passing years
-II. U. Ii.
Omaha, May 't. Ism.
OHkad Rev. Madison C, Peters' ar
ticle on "Church Taxation" on page 2
of this issuoj
IUao Hev. Madlslon C. Peters' ar
tlclo on "Church Taxation" on page 2
of this issue:
i - ' . t
I i