The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 25, 1894, Image 6

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An Episode of Life-
1 kit A Mi
Tl! 11 ' ' IVltlltili.
Ylw initial Ma ti.Ui.lKt tin
rinti inat) Mn At H ""
llimM In lit unli t dull',
niul martin 1 vui-t I jf lit Tl
,Ut-r iIihI lli ln.ljr atr Iwsln
(amain first; Ihm ram ''' Nailtur
U.r rva, finally alt Ilia iltirr Mlownl
llyl. Aft-r ttntny .ta).tml
tnstmiili-a tlnMnniit s lHrn to llif
rfiiiHorjr, Wln-n It lia.1 l n itm t.t In
Umrarth, Urn rlsl Uirrw Imlv wator
Hmi Urn hllWk fctttl tuirtwil liui-nsn
iimn Ui ?rvi' after thai rrliiniml
to the rl)H U wnt'hiUnjr witf
V thai liavlnir ilotu for
tth IHlln mmllilato all Umt tha church
r-uiimamliHl, cvcrj lhlnir would fall Inlo
its mH UHlomwl order-, Ixil It m not to
Tfai so, and tho burial of Kiln m not to
be forgotten, Mother Ursula Insisted
pn kocplnjr wntch by tho alilu of tho
pravn, ami tho (fcd Mot her A I nine
pre tly irlHl thU dt'slrc, saying that
It showed tho InU-ivnt that tho aunt
took In tho eternal wcll-bolnir uf tho
child. I remember very well having
een tho pnoronthiwlaitiitrolehed upon
tho cold and damp earth when I went to
tho midnight rorvlofl. Hut thla wan
not enough; tho follow I ng day she
fasted until sunsot, and one of tho sls-tt-rs
who visited hor during tho day
cdlfled us greatly by tolling us that sho
found her kneeling before her own
coflln which shffl had provided many
years before. Tho coflln was orna
mented with skulla and bones; and the
mother panned tho whole day kneeling
and relocating Ave Marian beforo the
lugubrious object. Tho following
morning, when sho Joined us In tho
choir, sho looked llko a corpto.
Tho young rullgleuses love to have a
(rowl appearance as well as tho young
girl of the world; but there In an
epoch In the life of a devotee when an
emaciated and corpiw-llke figure ex
cites praise and gain reupcct. Mother
ITraula wan then stimulated to more
rigid privation, and when sho did not
apjiear, neither at dinner nor at lunch,
It was looked upon aa aomethlng mi per
human, Hut what waa the result of all
theao pensoees? The third .morning
afUir the death of her niece, Mother
Ursula was found not quite dead but so
near to her end that there waa barely
time la administer to her the last sac
ramenta. Tho extraordinary change which
took place In her isnly Immediately
after death, and tho fetid odor that
came from It filled us with fright; It
waa then that many of tho altera de
clared that they bad noticed tho tturrie
symptoms In tho Utile candidate.
An Inquiry waa made about the
nature (if the sickness that had taken
Klla, and It waa learned that aho had
len taken -suddenly 111 after having
la-en In a house where a sailor bad died
of a violent fever; and atlll more, wo
learned that many poor peasants In tho
vlelnl'y were alck with the wtrno
disease, and that two of our number
bad (wccumlicd In ho night. Nobody,
at least abut In a we were, la able to
dewrlbetbe effect that thla dUoovery
bad upon ua. The body waa there
)fcire ua, exhaling an Infectloua mlor,
Who would touch It? Who would bury
it? How would the neoeraarjr ecro
monlea for the afcty of her aoul bacv
complUhed? The ahlxa had doubttcaa
done well In hiding from ua tho truth
until the Intermrnt, alnce nothing
Vropctiatea an epidemic like fear; but
the fright bad destroyed every thought
of caution, and we were aerablcd in
the corridor before the cell where the
eoriae lay, wringing our hand, throw
ing ournolvea ujKtn our knee, weeping
and praying. Instead of attributing
thlevil to any natural caiuwwe aought
for aupernatural reaaon.
"la tbl,' ald Paulino to mo, "bo
cauao they have boon too aovere to
ward poor Clarlaao? Iit ua auk
Madame to give her liberty and wo will
prornlM not to apeak with her!"
I approved of the plan, and whilo we
diacuNned the manner of putting it Into
execution, Annunciata appeared at the
bead of the atalra; paler than uaualbut
perfectly calm, i'aullne ruabed to
ward her, and In the name of the
family ahe prayed tho aUtor to grant
her an opportunity to apouk with the
uirlor on tho aubject of poor Clariww'a
aufferlng; "for It 1 to her lufferlnga,"
aaid the, "that we attribute thia algn
of divine anger,"
At theae word Annunciata trembled,
but Immediately recovering heraolf
ahe aaked Pauline what led her to aup
poae that Clarlaao had been treated
with aeverity,
"It la the myntery which envelope
ber," responded my friend, fixing upon
Annunciata a long and piercing look.
Annunciata bore it without flinching
and replied:
"Thla li not my affair, Sinter Pau
line; If you have any auggeatlon to
offer, Madame will grant you an Inter
view,' Of what do you accuse Clariaec?" do
n anded Pauline.
' J an nw brr ll;," -piiid
(a M r, W j.!t"l
lti-r ai'llntia"
Nte H, MUl I'a.tHfto-, 'lUi tl ai
U.i tuUI th a lt t r nMi aHil ri
It hhi i m II er hi r. !f "
"Aw I iliti el IH hi'"" I U
I ah.e leMtiittl the Hii'in tin J
.a tkn wtth t titibappy "
tuie?" di luainli'd AntiiiKi lata. Inm
l.llejj lib iittHlv
"11 l a in ltiii In whiili, niii' iUr,
j, hi . II ,ae io imnl I lure lltui
h.i (! Iniim all In M .H. .l
fl li'lul, ho ni t In Iho lrl dl
tvinpdM il by the l( in I niftile fur her
In kiep Hll; "alti avl )"ii know very
n ll abat t'lai iiM' UnlHvi'f. and )mi
i iy el know, a!o, lliat It It nut that
which h l aiH'HMil if."
I nhall never forget the rx pnnlnn of
Annunciata whi n Pauline pminmnci-il
Uii'M Wimln, A livid pallor uverHpread
ber feature and ber eye glitter d
with Indignation. She made an effort
to breathe a If ho winded to n-ak,
Hut aho remained nllent many wemili.
Then aho pronounced tho following
word with ncalmneaa which greatly
aatonlnhed Hie and gave mo a high
opinion of tho control which ahe hud
over hemetf :
"Allow me, Klnter Pauline, to recom
mend you to talk uHn thla ulJectto
thoHO whom It concern, and not to a
ieron who, though iniloved by
Madame, la eonHldered tcn young to
enter Into her confidence, nut, my
alatera," aald abe, turning to the circle
which had formed around her, "I have
ticcn interrupted in a communication
which our reverend father charged mo.
Ho requirea your prcnence in the choir
toaHtilnt in an act of humiliation; for
bo fear that aomo grave offence bna
drawn uHn ua thla terrible algn of
In aaylng theae worda, aho paancd
rapidly to the opponlto aide while aomo
of the alNtcra axked If the dropjilng of
the crew waa ablo to bring on thla
Paulino hearing thla remark gave
me a ilgnlflcant look, but we did not
havo tlmo to apeak together. We ha-
toned to the choir, where we performed
a'aolcmn acrvlco accompanied with
chant and Htanlca.
Tho prletcnt u away, commanding
u to fiiHt and pray until Riinnct-the
very thing which wna tho btit mcuna
of helping tho development of the
malady, which could thu more cunlly
cl.o upon our empty Htomacha and
weakened nervca. I muat hero remark
that Father Joachlrn did net make any
allulon to tho fall of the cro.
Tho funeral of Mother Urania waa
held In tho afternoon. Matter wcro
expedited a promjilly a ponlblc;
after that the bouao waaaprlnkled with
holy water and IncenHO waa burned. It
la very probable that If we hud la-en
nerved with a good dinner and then
been allowed to rent in peace, we would
have escaped thocontaglon; but after
fatiguing day, we had a thin noup of
lM!n and a midnight aervlee.
The night did not pan tranquilly.
Kymptotn of dlneano ahowed them
aelvea In two of the aorvant and one of
the nlnler of t he black veil and the
ablM-KM made all hante to prepare- the
convent Infirmary.
The Infirmary wa a large rcwmi com
municating with tho houae. by a long
gallery; it wa hojMid that the dlatance
would auflice to prevent the aprend of
the contagion In the convent. They
told uathat It waa tho thurlmn, (black
death), a terrible plague, infectlouaand
very audden, It i lmpolblo to do-
ncrllm the horror of our jKmltlon, abut
in a we wcro with the plague, without
having tho poaalblllty of refuge in pure
air, and at the aamo time lacking the
only thing that wa ablo toconaolo ua
I wUb to y tho BHMiirance of aulvatlon
In Jeu Chrlt the Kavlor.
Purgatory with all of ita horror, pro
ent d lUelf to my eye; for If ono ray
of light had croawd my mind In conac
queni'e of the confection of C'larie In
tho aubtorranean chamlir, tho aupor
atitlcnia torror which enveloped mo
hadecllpMed that light and plunged me
anew Into the moat mlaorable atate.
During tho lx hour which followed
the removal of tho two Itra to the
Infirmary, we waited In anxiety; all at
once, at midnight, the funeral knell
told u that one of tho alntera had
pawned from thla world Into tho other,
and that another aUter wa nick In her
cell, Iwaadroaacd for the midnight
aervlee; tho wind moaned ad!y the
length of tho corridor and under tho
arche when the aound of the funeral
Ml reached my ear. I opened the door
of my cell, and having called a iter
who waa panning Into tho gallery, I
inked her what had haponed.
"Hlater Adeline I dying," aaid ahe;
"may the holy virgin have pity upon
ber aoul! and wo go to carry Biater
Marguerite to tho Infirmary."
"What, Marguerite!" I exclaimed,
"the beautiful had pure Marguerite!
May God help ua!"
Hut the alater waa far away already,
and while I remained atuplfled upon
the thrcabold of my cell, I aw tho
domcatlc carry the aged nun Into the
place from whence iho never would re
turn. We hod already Iot three alntcra,
without counting Ella. As tho Inter-
menU became ao numcroua and ao dan
gerous, tho services were abridged aa
much as poasible, and we were for n ti l.fl !. ll wj U b itiini-.i
lit VHiil lf !!'Uit 1 b
tt nUtf i i Inn inl IK MIliK
t f..if n iiiif lt,' j ( t it ,! i 1
1 tnflilil) 1 K" B'nl II, b In i ili
i-iii'il, llm j.ljtiiUn b'it-t
I lint ilitmUj b at '.-il ntlti M-l-
tlit ai.l I'lmin ami itnia.lil !'
e(hr ' li t bnutl ii 'tin ami m th
inn, n. The tm in Ur if n-rlie
imlmjlii lilly . injtilj d iliiillUliivd ,
Many tUlt-r wem In Hie Itifll mat V.
and a certain ri latiiii of llindln-ip
lino billnwisl a eeatili d In lid
iinii h tmiit lime wllli Paulino than I
bad prmlouiily, Il a about a w-eek
after the death of Mother Prnula: the
lllm-ane ContllluiMl tt ravage, when
one evening at nupn'r ll'iie, the n'port
wan npii-ad that riarlo had taken Iho
feu-r. We were In the iifit't4iry, when
Annu.ielat entered and Infunniil the
ahlmnn, that having carried uper to
the unhappy lnU-r, ho found her with
all tho vmpt4im of tho horrible
"Mere do Mlnerleorde!" cried the
ablM-nn, "I 1 1 nmnlh!c, hut In n ho In
In my apartment?"
"It I tho hand of an offended tiod,"
replied Mother A I moo who was next
to tho ahho, "may God havo mercy
upon her aoul !''
P.ach ono of ua made tho algn of the
crona while Annunciata awaited the
orders of tho abbcaa. After a moment's
nllonco, ahe aald to her:
''Does Madame wlh to have tho alck
ono carried to the Infirmary?"
"No, my daughter." renponded the
abheaa, "no! I havo protnlaod our holy
father, tho blnhop, that thla unhappy
creature ahould never rejoin the ala
ters. I have bound myBolf by a vow
upon which depends my eternal wel
fare that nobody, save myaolf and Sla
ter Annunciata, tihall enter her cell.
If aho die, I myaclf will inter her pes
tiferous remalna; If she Uveal will pro
vide for her net-da, Thoe who fear to
see ber are able to give me oil I Khali
need through tho grate, but I ahall do
what I have aald, and I hope that thla
sacrifice will servo to expiate thealn I
havo committed In leaving so long a
tlmo thla impure sheep In the bosom of
my flock."
"O my mother! my mother!" cried
Annunciata, playing her hypocritical
part with an admirable air, and kneel
ing at hor feet, while her veil covered
her figure; "allow your child to prny
you not to encounter this danger; tho
pliiguo will seize upon you if you re
main shut In so little a cell!" Then
turning suddenly towards us, her cloth
ing all disheveled (I understood her
trouble now); "My sinters," said sho,
"I pray you help mo to prevent our
well beloved mother from accomplish
ing this act of heroic piety."
We all olTorcd our services, praying
tho superior to allow Clarinso to be
carried to the Infirmary,"
"That Is Irriiswalble," said sho, "you
are Ignorant of tho motives for my
"Rut, Madame. ' cried Paulino, "wh
do you fear that any harm can lie done
by the dying Clarlaao? Our principles
are well est Wished; her opinions can
not disturb our faith In this religion
which alone Is able to give us repose."
Paulino continued, and according to
tho rules of the convent tho superior
would not havo interrupted her In this
outburst of sentiment. Hut ignorant
of what might havo como from the Hps
of Paulino, and almost overcome with
fear that I had lest sho should reveal
our subterranean visit, I seized her
hand to draw her attention and ssld-
"My sister, have you forgotten, or
aro you Ignorant, that Claris Is under
tho Influence of a demon?. How can
you believe, then, that one is able
without danger to como Into contact
with her?"
Paulino blushed and was silent, but
Annunciata, looking at her fixedly,
said: "Our sister seems to have some
false! Idea as to Clnrlsso." And sho
looked at tho ablx-ns aa If to toll her
that It would bo well to question Pau
lino. Hut tho abbess was rising from
tho table, and taking solemn leave of
us, aho departed with tho air of a mar
tyr going to tho ecaffold. Ah! tho
hyierltc! Would that tho Lord had
changed her neart!
They Informed us from time to time
of the progress of Clarlse's sickness;
finally they told ti that there was no
hojio. From tho beginning wo had bo-
sought Annunciata to allow u to go
beyond tho grate of tho abbess and see
onco more the beautiful Clarlsno, but
she bad always refused. Finally, the
second evening, meeting her in tho
gallery and finding her moro gentle
than usual, (for sho had broken down
even to weeping), wo repeated our re
quest, and she responded that If we
entered softly at midnight Into the
apartment of tho abbess, sho would ex
cuse us, but at tho same tlmo she
warned us that we incurred tho great
est danger In entering the infected
Having obtained thla permission we
watched until midnight, and went
without nolso towards the auperlor'a
apartment. In one of the chambers
was an altar surmounted with an Image
of the virgin stepping upon the ser-
ocnt. A second chamber communi
cated by a grate with tb cell of Cla
rlsno. There was a brazier' of burning
incense to counteract the influence of
the plague.'" r"' C r j fZT3
i "i (To be Continued.)
IHNIf W-.1tr
Hot mni. , Vl. Voi H -Theaw
nn) nnti-f lii n of llii t t boUe m lt
IMM'I WiMvt.iitn wan raiUnt tvtmtef at
ii o"i lt k Uil hfomii g In llariUt'a
bail l t'tiitmn tioliHV Ser, of the
! a) eotlnttM Var Frank timrle,
,if St,i L.J en, t I.tMi-iI ll it. !eknl..
to the etty. Mr, K atwr, of Mil uk-t,
n Wloltt of the tt wi'i1lon,
thanked th ntir and Mn -Htn of
rhili)fc'n for the ret pi Ion aivottted
Iheiii. The b stiirw of Ibe day wan Ihe
en al parwd-t. In whh h JM' Mien par
iiitd, It wa fuinted mar Holy
Name church and irvei'il Um princi
pal Mroet. All the rmldencr and
liunlnenn hou along the line of march
were dmwated, and fully ., people,
including visitor and clllena, wit-Hen-ed
tho parade. A picnic wan held
In the park, and this was followed by a
May ball In the park at night, In which
fully o, ooii Moplii took part.
The FoRco Habit
! (llfllrull to throw i IT, eM-i'lnllP If one's
I'lili'iiremi Mule li'Riln to tin-uw ef (lie (lull
llunlen Kimle llrmid 'iniileiii'il Milk In I li In
wrnilur iH'Vpraan. llnnniM-rliirlly U en-am
In Hilnillled, Kli-li flavor and uniform con-nlnli-nry.
The Nun of kcnmiirc.
MlssCusttck, "Tho Nun of Kenmaro,"
la doing great work in England lectur
ing on her experience of convent life
and reasons for leaving the church of
Home. Tho church of Home realizes
that Miss Cusack cannot bo contra
dicted and therefore leave her un
answered. POND'S EXTRACT
In a bottle small trize and
in curing that troublesome
from which you are Buffering,,
vHUIIUH gont iiurnhnner Umimiiiln
QUALITY, I-arga bottlnn-aiiil lui-Bo
firoflU to unncrupuloiii vender do
not ooiiiieiiMta for day of I'hIm and
nl(lit of tortura tliat limy tm avoided
ly twilling that no weak iilicltul
1a onnrnd in iluea or the (JKM ISK
Maui oNi.r sir
PONO'8 IXTHACT CO., 76 Fifth Av . Nw York.
Nat i Common Salve or Ointment, but 1 SPECIFIC
Uitd for Rectal Dlteatet Only.
A Oul'fc ll.ll.l anil I'.i.lllr. Can, fur flllnit,
lilMulIng or 11,'hliiK I-IIm, or I'lIM
In Auf I arm,
HEAD Tnmrmlnl
$1.00 PER BOX...
CQiriinO WIIIInK Ui tiutkfl a llrt-claNii In
inlLllUO coiiik wild lift I . Iroiibln, Hliould
4-ur thH Htfi-iii-y forlJiir MukIu Wull i'apnr
Cli-Kiii r, hiiiT Our MnkIc (' I nt and Carn t
t'li-Himr. Tlmy wll llimimnlvii. Krli-iidsotily
adilri-nn for pitrtlriilari, MAXWKI.L h VU
21,4 i'liim St., (.'Iiiclliiiiill, U.
or TUB
United States of America.
MlnniiapoIlN, Mlna.
THOH. MILL10AN. Grand Hcrtary,
Kverutt, Maas,
M, li, ZM)(C, ' w
Howard Htrt. Omaha, Nb
Oraaiil-r fur dupartmnntof Nnbraaka, Iowa,
Kaiimis, MlwMiurl and Colorado. ,
On bnbalf of tha Loyal Oranife UiAiu of
the Unlu-d Htats of America, and with a
Ttew of cor rue ting tha fain Imprwulon that
nemles ar endeavoring to convey to tha
mind, of men who ara unacquainted with
Orange principles, ara theae few statements
Tha Loyal Orange Inatltutlon Is a brother
hood and alaterhood, bound by three ties
Juatlce, Truth and UlghteouaneM.
It has no hidden alms,
Ills Fraternal and Benevolent--analstlns
and protecting members while living and
their widows and orphans when they are re
moved by death.
It uphold the right of private judgment--tha
untrammelled freedom of opinion) be
lleres the public schools ara an eMentlal
aafeguard of tha atata, and should be kept
frea from ecclealaatlcal or sectarian control
and that peraons disloyal to the government
who hold a mental allegiance to tha pop
of Bome-ahould be rlgoroualy excluded from
teaching therein.
It believe, primary allegiance is due to
tba government which protects the lives,
liberttei and properties of Its cltlxem, and
that ecclealuHtlcal authority should oof
under any circumstance, be permitted to
meddle in the affairs of state, and that coer
cion of acltlzen in the exercise of bla or ber
right of franchise, under the gulae of relig
ious or spiritual authority should be pun
ished as a crime againat the state.
That It Is the duty of every citizen to de
fend the lawfully constituted authority and
ltllil, , if rtMif , iwnfl
4 tn'n l. l !. Will ,?iftit
at, ) i 11 ih i-n4 it( tif ,i.i
pl ril,B Urn 1.4 4 lfHt.titllS
Il r.Mif tMU t-f fiHC:i, a4 I
ii In inrftWa a4 t r, ii4 Hi
t that !., 4.! Wt-oM a
iml lif i'h l !., t .rr4
Il U ) la ll, rlrt.lti f lniif
II. k4 ti p1r-mH ,t , Iho aalnr
!iil. ft MUhM, M l. ll. ftalilic
,! l ll l hrU I Hut Ait.i, aa rtil-
S '! li 'irt.v wjllrf
1h . ifnf i-iiiiiii.. (.r .
I nii.-d sii i.f v,M. a m i-tiia
fviMlr M.rfil f.if nih,lwthHt'
Tl' n 1 1 t an . nnl a
rliin n n. ,-,, ,.hr. ni il, Utf il,r
I BIM ii HS Trl . naiutallfaili.
an-t nliii a formal .'ai inn
lil th aiill anl diall a litl.-liil.
atol alxilhal hi pan-ma ami mstt aliall I
t l, l KtlK
Thai hr uliatl t itniflf and aiiiHvwful In
til Iiii'm; lnm..ii lt and Itutlifiil In hi,
Icallnia Wilh hit fi llnanian, and aliall li
kirnan aa a law-aliUling i ttin n
llial hn will pmli-avnr tiv rtillitrrn
or any i hllilrrn umli-r hl rliarft al IraM a
tmHl iiiiiuiiiin m himl pilni ailiin, lirlng rare
nil loavniii an iMiiiah iim-irim-a. ami
Thai hi kliall Iw In anuiid In all h at Hi
tlinnnf niaklna Ninillcalliin
1 1 in ak ! no illffiri'mn lirr a nian wat
burn, an lung aa he inm-ta (lie fiirrguln
Tlmi arn lt" quallflcalliin HqillriHl 0
evprr aiill-ant In Ihn nnli-r. and we do nut
think that any patriot lo Annrli-an order raa
offer a lnm-r arravnf tirlni'lpli-a and tai'h
American Orange Knights,
Thla order la formed of peraona whoae ob-Jei-ta
la Ui malnlaln the aiiiinitnaoy of law,
order and ronsUtulltmal freedoiiij ti pre
aerve Inviolate the rltlf.en', frani-hlae: to
perettiaU) and defend Die iinvi pta and free
inaMliitlim, of civil and religion liberty
gimrKiiU-ed by the Oonal Itulton of the t!nlUd
Btatei and eatabllahed by our forefather,
pro A his it room.
for Information regarding the formation
of new Comiiiamlerlea, or auptillen, write to
he mipri'ine aecretivry. M. L. V.OOK, Hec'y,
J. M, lUaaKK. (.!. V., ltllft Howard Ht
Hugitnaw, Mich. Omaha, Neb,
J. 0. U. A. M.
k Loyal, 1'ittriotic tlriraii lat Ion, Fra
tcrnal mid llt'iiollcliil. Strictly 'on
l'artisan anil Kon-wetarlan.
The National Council of the Junior Order
of UnlUid American Mechnnlcs In annual
i-HHlon UHHembled di-clarea:
That the coiiHtant landing upon the shore,
of the horde of Ignorant, vIcloiiHund IhwIchh
crlmliiiilH of the Old World Hliould he viewed
with uliirui liy the loyal and patriotic cltl
sen of thla country.
We alllrtn a wiirtn and hearty welcome to
all Immigrant who detitre to ijelter their
condition and become a part and parcel of
our nationality, hut wo have not one no u are
Inch of room for the unarclitat, the Hoclallat
or nlhlllHt. or for any one who Ih not willing to
bow allegiance to tfiiit Hag which powerful
enough toahleld and protect them aa well aa
ua, in the exercise of all civil and rvllglou
We affirm our devotion in the public Rchool
VHtctM of till country. We believe In com
pulHory education, and that all teaching In
our hcIiooIh hIioiiUI be In thu Kngllah lan
guage, to tlie end that future generation,
may he able to take their place In the rank
of our country' worker, educated In the
hlHtory, the cualoms and manner, of Ameri
can, We guarantee to every man the liberty of
worshiping Ood according to the dictates of
his own conwlciice. and would give everv a
ltance to protect all In the exercle oi hi
liberty, but we object moat atrenuous to
the Interference of any church, no matter
under what name it may exlat, in the tem
poral affulra of Uil country.
We believe that the Hlhle ahould be read In
our public choolj not to teach aectarlnnlHiiii
but to Inculcate It teaching. It I the
recognized Nlandiird of all moral and civil
law ; we therefore believe, that our children
ihould be educated In It teaching, but that
no dogma or creed should be taught at the
tame time
We believe that patriotism and love of
Country ahould be Instilled Into the heart of
children, and that, with the word of
'Mother," "Home" and "Heaven," our chil
dren ahould be taught Unit our Hag I the
ymbol of all Unit m-ike a "home" for u.
We would place a Hag upon every public
choiil In our land, and a lllble within, and
the object lesson therein nt forth should he
a beacon light In every storm which threat
en to engulf iin.
In till noble and patriotic work we ask the
Cordial and hearty co-operation of all good
citizen. In tbl grand work we need the
helping hand of ail organization holding the
mime view and principle. We have no lime
for Jealoimle and bickering, hut with a
united front we should march forward,
shoulder to shoulder, remembering that
"United we stand, divided we fall."
In the trlctHt sense we are a national
polltt al organization, but wn oppose with
unanimity t he slightest taint of parllsarilsm.
"Our country" 1 our motto, and we keep
thla motto ateadlty before u. We are cogni
sant that there are great and powerful
enemies within our midst, requiring the
trlctet surveillance of all who are at heart,
word and in deed Amiricam, Wn, a member
of thl Order, affirm our allegiance to the
object of the Order a paramount to any
partisan affiliation, and urge upon the mem
fjershlp harmonious, united and Intelligent
action In carrying out I he principles,
OS.1PXTS or tii a nanait.
Klrst To maintain and promote the Inter
est of Americans, and shield them from thf
depressing effect of foreign competition.
Second To assist American In obtaining
Third To encourage Americans In bul
ness. Fourth To ctabllh a sick and funeral
Klfth To maintain the public school sys
tem of the United State of America, and to
prevent sectarian interference therewith,
and uphold tha reading of tha Holy Htblt
Iisviutre that an applicant shall bei
A white male person born in the United
State of North America, or under tha pro
tection of Is Hag,
Of good moral character.
! A believer in the existence of a Supreme
fining a the Creator and 1'ramtrver of tha
Opimsed to any union of church and st ate.
Favorable to free education and the
American Public School ytem.
Iletween HI and ISO year of age for bene
ficial niemberahlpi over SO v-r honorary
Tha word "Junior" in the till ha no rela
tion to the age of members. It was adopted
to distinguish the Order from the O. U, A. M.,
and has no ot her significance,
Nor 1 the word "Mechanic" tobaconatrued
literally. It refer In no manner to artisan,
but embraces every pursult.
We want a Council of the Jr. O. U. A. M In
every city, town and village In the United
It I the leading American patriotic and
beneficial organization, and the strongest
and one of the oldest, con lined to n all re
born. Hlsonly necessary to make Its object,
principle and working known to easily
secure enough charter member to start a
Council. A liberal premium will tie paid to
any one organizing a Council. For full par
ticular address, II. A, KIHHK
National Councilor, New lrun,wlck,N. J.O
N O II A Klbbe. New Hrunswlck, N J.
N T C--J O A Klchter, llox iis7, Canton. O.
Jr P N C-Jatiie Cranston, Box 706, Pitts
burgh, I'a,
N Hec'y F.dward 8 Deemer, P O Box, 7SS.
Philadelphia; office room Nos 16 and 17, KJl
Chestnut street.
National Organiser Stephen Collins, Box
70S. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Meet, in Ashevllle, N C, third Tuesday In
incorporated February 24, tsitt.
C C--T U liryson, 6X15 Wentwortb avenue,
M V ?-Thos Bowan, 7H9 Union st. Alton.
JrPH C-Thog J Coen, 4X7 Sheffield ave,
8 C Hec'y-Joseph 8 Reynolds, P 0 Box 719,
8 C Treas-E il Sample, &ii Armour ave,
Chicago. K !,-, ,-htii 4 la AtV
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ChMlt. II I, IH V. W A Wl ll K. I,
S M AI I IV M 1 llnl I I U
1 hr lirll M i,lr hnltli Will Iw held OB
the Itili.l 1 ii. .lr In July, Ht. at Omaha.
pilANi'ts KKV iiil Ni'll, Nn. S meola
ever v I rhlsr evetiie, l tl. A It Hall,
'slliiniilh, Neb, VHin brniliers ra
dially Int lied. W. ti. t mii iisi.
Ui-C. Sr.
' every Friday evening In lmHlrlch hall,
24th and Franklin slrerl. Vlslilug hrolhera
always welcome. J. C, I'auS. atc'y
T INiXH.N XH'NCIL No. , meets t a Lin
li coin, Nebranka.
poI.rMIIIA COUNCIL No. a, meela every
TueiHlay evening In Patterson block, 17th
and Farnam Htreeta.
H. T. Wmoias, K. Hec'y. Jackson Street.
JAKF1F1.I) COUNCIL No. 8. meet every
y Tuesday ulght In South Omaha.
William Fass, Hec'y.
TIBF.UTY COUNCIL No. T meet every
14 Tuesday evening, I. O. O. F. Hall, Louis
ville, Neb. T. 11. Lucas, Uec. Hec'y.
V,N0NA COUNCIL No. 4. menu every
" Haturdar evening in Bed Men' Hall,
Continental block, 1Mb and Douglas St.
Una M. Hiiavsii, Uec, Hec'y,
COUNCIL No. 20, A. P. A Cameron, Mo
meet every second and fourth Monday
evening, at I raternlty Temple. Vlsltora
No. 221, meets the first and third Tue.
day' evening of each month, at S:m o'clock.
M. L. ZOOK. Becy.
8. C.-F. C. Borden. Iloldnn, Mo.
H. V. C.-Rev. 11. A. HluuKlitur, Warrens
burg, Missouri
H. U. Hec'y Rolla O, Carroll, Warrensburg,
Will meet at Ilnnnlbiil, Mo., February, 1895.
lv every Friday night at loia Walnut street,
II. 0, Hill, Ilia Woodland, Wee. Hocretary.
pOLUMRIA COUNCIL NO. 15-Moets every
Hat urday night at the corner of Twelfth
and cherry streets, W. Y. Hheavor, Record
ing Hocretary, 1407 Madison street.
PATRIOT COUNCIL NO. 81-Meets every
1 Wednesday night at A. O. U. W. Hall,
1421 K. Klgbteenth stmet, J, E. Fisher, Uec.
Secretary, 2421 Flora avenue.
WEHTI'OHT COUNCI L NO. 87-Moet every
Friday night at West.port, W, II. Hhlink,
Rue. Hucrettiry, 122A E, Eighth street,
f.ATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44-Meet every
u Monday night, corner and l'unn Bis.,
over drug store.
u every Monday night, between illst and
32nd on Holme,
Hheflleld every Thursday night. Thomas
Hinll h, Rue, Hec'y, Hhetlleld, Mo,
can Protective Association meetji every sec
ond and fourth Wednesday of each month In
1. O. O. F. hall. I'laltsmoulh, Neb, Visiting
member are welcome F. P. Brown, Hoc.
" Meela every Wednesday afternoon at 8
o'clock, at the A, P. A. IU1I, 4;i7 Minnesota
avenue, Kansas fit y, Run.
every Monday evening at the corner of
Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kansas
City, Mo, Persons desiring to Join may en
close their name, street and number, ward,
age and occupation, and direct to box 6'il
Kansas City, Mo,
u second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock In the A. P. A, Hall, Southeast cor
ner Packard and Osage avenue, Armourdulo,
Visitor are cordially Invited to attend,
" meet every Friday night, at 10th and
L Road, Urlgsby's hall, Kansas City, Kan,
" meets every Monday afternoon at 2:1)0 at
Hell's hall, Hon ih west, Boulevard, near atate
line, llosedale, Kansas, Friends of other
councils are cordially invited to attend,
Every true American lady Is Invited to coma
and join us. nod assist In thu good work.
I nlatlon fee 11,00,
u Meet every Saturday evening at 4:i7 Min
nesota avenue, Kansas l.'lly, Kas. Visitor
cordially Invited.
COUNCIL No. 7, A 7A-Mets every Mon
v day evening at Chamber of Commerce
flail. Klvervlew. Visitors cordially Invited.
COUNCI I, No, , A, P, A.-Meets every Hat
urday evening at southeast corner Pack
ard and Osage avenue, Armourdulo, Visitors
cordially Invited.
COUNCIL No, II, A. P. A.-Meet at Wood
v ward' Hall every Tuesday evening at 8 p.
m. sharp. Third street and Lafayette avenue,
A cordial Invitation Is extended to visiting
n Meets every Monday night In Noke
Hall, Argun ll nil, Kan, All visitor welcomed.
TOPKKA COUNCIL No. 14, A. P, A,-Meets
1 every Monday evening In A.O. U. W, Hall
418 Kansas avenue, Tope k a Kansas. All
visitor will be cordially welcomed.
Oostdyk Council, No. 1, W. A. P. A. of Kan
sas City, Mo., meets every Friday afternoon
at 2:H0 o'clock at 1009 Pi-mi Hi. Address, Post
office box (21, Kansas City, Mo,
Sunflower Lodge, L. O. L., No, 204, meets
second and fourth Tuesdays of each month
ats p. in,, at Clallln' hull, coiner of Mill
street and Osage avenue, Kansas City. Kan.
Vlsltltg brethren are cordially Invited to at
tend. John liavldson, W, M,, Win, Mo
Nuughtou. Secy., 71.1 Reynold Ave.
Liberty Council, No, 15. Jr. O. U. A. M.,
meets every Wednesday night, comer Pack
ard and Osage streets, Armourdulo, Kansas.
Thus. Rolf, secretary.
,v Meets first and third Tuesdays of each
month atS p. in., In A. O. U. W, Hull, corner
Fourth stiuet and Minnesota avenue, Kansas
City, Kun. Samuel Harrison, W. M. Win.
naiiagn, secretary, r.iy nortlirup
Visiting brethren cordially Invited.
TJLUFIf CITY COUNCIL No 7- moat every
" Wednesday evening in O. A. R. Hall,
Council Bluffs. la.
Patriotic Order Sons ot America.
TyAHIIINOTON CAmP No. I, P. O. 8, of A..
' meet each Thursday evening at Red
Men's Hull, Fifteenth and Douglas His.
WASHINGTON CAMP No. 12, P. O, . of
A Council Bluffs. Meeting In their
hall over 419 Broadway, every Wednesday
night at 8 o'clock. J. B. Van Pattan,
IIan Wanfrl Totttk Orders. No de-
ftlgll WHICH livering or collecting.
r.A ri i.,in:n uifi, IIIIITIIS
sary. Steady employment. Best term, Write
at once and secure choice of territory.
ALLEN NURSERY CO., Roohrtter, N, Y.