The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 18, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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1 lkt ttlft- IVl I k aa , , l,.a f ,
I'lh.a l,., I n, m,, Mini .a g a I
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I'l llikt d to' la tat l..ti II,.- r . I
I f kl (iim.Mi Inn k. )ii,i.ii i,i
Hit lit", nam , f It,.- 1,. , ak .n iali ,v i.f In
13 Ttml alt i,f Urn tiMinamt if On
r Ulil.i alla,ti,lj I ) ulal.-.,
14. IIP OH I, I lit I ti ll a na ,l MH
lixlii 111 sa li. i ,Mi, . .,.,
It, l'lliU iv lull.. Hi,,) i,i,M'lx, mil
f prlmi.
U Thu flvll law I d.rlxiil f mart,
Vi ravli-als-u, n , i a li.. ii Ink U il. rlv, J
flint My from ,!, f l,, i id,- .nrr run,
III rollllC'l lull Willi Ilia lllllll', 1,11,1,1, ,-,.l.
Mliuiinii fur llui li.,lit vliilvilnn u,irl,,
liintt.T KiirHuiil. ' tin knlvitiliin
tf Mlllta, Hint till' rilllH ht .f Hie
;lmr,'li; hih If luvc.HMHry jiulm1 mi. I ilKw
f nil I In' liuirnl giaaN of nil rlirlnllnii.
Id. A Iiiti'IIc, liulillnil nr ti'H.'lilim fnlap
luoirtun roncrttttiiK tlm mn'ruinrnla, U ix
Hitiimunlcnti'il Hii.1 ilvitrudi'it. nml IhiihIihI
vt to tlio mvuliir Cull 1 1.
17. (Ovular prliu'ra nun illlnit t.i awi'itr to
defend Ilia rlnmii lieirili-a m vx
cuiiituuiili'Hted, Hint lliey me lulu umler nn
Ik. Tlio good of lierelli'ii arc to Iw chi
fltM'aUKt ami apJleil to Hie eliur.'li,
19, AU viK'iitvn or nolarli'M, fitvorlnx liero-
tlos, or llii'lr UefeniliTH. or ilen.llii for llieiu
lo law uHj), or wrltliig (Iih-iiiiii'iiih for thum,
am iDfiiinoiiN and miKpeiiili'il from olla'e.
20. Tlie seculur p.iwem, wliether nrma.
ncnt or kmiiKirury, urv lioiind to wear tlmt
tliey will exU', accorillnu to their
power, all uertUl.'M condemned by Die eliiircli;
and a temporal lord not purging Ills land of
berntlcii, 1 ex-communlcatcd.
21. Thomi alKiied with Hit) crowi for the
extermination of heretli'M, rejoleo In tlio
privilege, ((ranted to tho cniHuders 'for the
help of tho holy land.
22. They aro ulisolvod from all obllKatlona
Who are In any wlo hound, to huretloi,
23. Whoever dkm 1 battle aKalimt thu un
telluvliiK, merit the klnj(dom of heaven.
24. We do cot esteem thonu homloldeii, to
w&om It may have nauuuued In their teal for
their mother church against the ex-commu-Bleated,
to kill lome of them.
29. That OhMidIIc l'rinuus are bound, both
by civil and (iotnnion lavt, not to rncolvo or
tolerate heretics, and mm:h more are not to
permit their rite, or other exercise, of their
religion, or rather, their false soi, but are
most solemnly bound every where, to repel
and expel them.
24, The following temporal punishment
are to be enforced on heretic! 1st Infamy,
and the consoiient disqualification for all
Civil act. 2nd-Intestability, as well active
passive (that I. they can neither make
nor will Inherit what I left to them by
others), llrd-IyOHS of paternal power over
V i h'-t, 11 h, !..,. it A. -nl,,,a
privilege granUid to women, lilh--C'onllsca-tlon
of all good, llth That vassal and
lave and other are free from all, even
worn obligations due to tlielr lord or an
other, 7th" Capital corporal punUhiiumt,
especially death, and perpetual Imprison
ment, 27, The canon law forbids all toleration,
28. That metropolitan and bishops are to
x-oommuiiltmte him who grant liberty of
tt), No oath Is to be kept toward heretic
princes, lords or others.
81). Heretics are to he deprived of all civil
and paternal right.
81. The pope can absolve from all oath.
82. " Kvery bishop I ordinary Judge In a
cause of heresy, The reason I because the
bishops can ttx-ofllclo, an! ought to extirpate
heretics, and Indict upon thum the due pun
Uhmunts, and to this lire bound nn paluof
deposition, llcsldo, aro thu Inquisitor e
pnr.Lally deputed by the apostolic see
Every bishop In hi diocese Is thought to be,
and In reality Is, a natural Inquisitor, (liter
ally born Inquisitor), so a to have the same
power with those already mentioned In a
cause of heresy.
83. In every promissory oath, alt hough
absolutely taken, there are certain condl
tlon tacitly understood, amongst which arei
lit If I can; 2nd -To save the right and
authority of auperlori Hrd-When the oath
upposn the honor of the apostolic see to be
84. That the council of Trent, (the last and
great authority of Home), decrees anil com
mands that tint sacred canon and all gen
eral council, also Urn other apostolic enact
ment Issued in favor of ecclesiastical per
on of ecclesiastical liberty, and against It
violators, allot which by this present decree
It renew, .and must die exactly observed
by all.
, ".cardinal of the Holy Roman
church, do promise and swear that, from till
time to the end of my life, I will be faithful
and obedient unto Ht, Peter, thu holy apo
tollo Human church, unci our most holy lord,
the pope of Home, and hi successors, canon
Ically and lawfully elected: that I will give
no advice, consent or assistance against the
pontlllcal majesty and person) that I will
never knowingly and advisedly, to their In-
uryor disgrace, make public the council
entrusted tome by themselves, or by mei
enger or letters; also that I will give them
any assistance In retaining, defending and
recovering the Roman papacy and the regalia
of ruler, with all my might uud endeavor, o
far a the right and privilege of my order
will allow It, and will defend them against
all their honor and stale, and I will direct
and defend, with dun form and hoior, the
legate and nuncio of the apostolic see, In
the territories, churches, moiiasterle and
Other benefice committed to my keeping)
and I will cordially co-operate with them
and treat them with honor In their coming,
abiding and returning, and that I will reslit
unto blood all person whatsoever who shall
attempt anything against thum, That I will,
by every way mid by every means strive to
preserve, augment and advance the right,
honors, privilege, the authority of the Holy
Human bishop, our lord tho pope and bl
before mentioned siicceshors, and that, at
whateven time anything shall bo decided to
tlielr prejudice,', which 1 out of my power to
binder, aioon I shall know that any
top orj measure have been taken In the
natter, 1 will make It known to the lame,
our lord or hi successors, or louie other per
on by.whose mean It may be brought to
their knowledge. That I keep and carry
evl ft-,4 rt t t t
. f HI- 'i tu, I, !. !.. .,
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ma . fci"l. t .kaV l l,
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tik,r?.i etM.
' t, .. f M-e ( H
,1 -a1, a tr,,,.. , n- r a . v a,, , fnHM
stid ' ,n 1,1 k, S.(I , ll,. , .
tf .v,ft ,..,, K i ln,i,,t l,,t II,,
,,,l- ,,f . h,. I l.i ftofta,,ft
, at,m,i. . ,. l ,,. HI,, f ,1,,
. ..e el ,.,-t hi , i).,j II.,, II.. I i,.at ,m
If,' ,l .H',U t M III ill 1 1,. , a la.ii, ImSV ,
a IK 4. l ISHIX la III ttnf if I ,ll tla 1 1. ft,
r m.) (iihii ii i', i i ih, i.i, iin.l, r mn
iO ll KM, ft, I, Kigali I 1 l,f ,, ,
lil, h Hi, jr khall lnti a n,i bv llii,i- l,
lie ir i. i.i, r or I, ii. la, I ul no! ttiuk'
li.tly reiesl to any, i,t ihtif ( n tu.ii, .
ill hi , ibem , ,, f. i m,, k pllie li.,i,,i,
m, y mill ilip iiiiulii.-t ,.f i S . r njnliiM
all lin'il, 1 I, lisle .f the saa,,ii,. ma
going mi,l rti,ii, , l,inl.y i ii hiii.
help til I. a ll.i'eaalti, k II, e rlv Ills, tlnnot-k.
prlvllvgiM a, el it v f tho II, i) tiomnii
ohiiMii of our lniil, ili hiw, and hi afore
a lit a lie, ',.. Hh. li I'll.leMViir Ut pl'MIV
lli'teml. In. res,, nml H Iviiii.e will lii.t ti,
III any roiinael, ii. n,.ii r treat r. In whiak!
aliall Im plotted mmliit ruir kuld I. ml km!
noinuii i hiiri'li, anyililiig lo the hurt or pre
jiiiIIi ii of ihelr peraoim. right, honor, unit.
or isiwer, mid, if I ahull know any kch
thing In Ih- tnuileil or iigltat, i by any what
soever. I will hinder It i my mm... ami at
iusiii as I run, I will nullify It to our aalt
lord. The ordinance uml nikndatis nf the
pope, I will obserie with nil my might and
ruuse to bo observed by otlie ."
" leretlcs, Hi'hlniiiiitli's mil rebels to mil
said lord or his sueceHHiiis, I will to my ut
moat persecute and ohom"
"lleretlcim, H'liUinatlciwt et Tv belle vide
Itoiiilno nontro vel succeKsorlbu predict 1 pn
posse perwiiuar et oppugnab t,"
'1 will come to a council when I am called.
I will visit the threhhold of tho apoNtli
every three years and give an account of out
lord of all my pastoral olllco and of the
things belonging to my diocese to the dis
cipline of my clergy and people. I will In
like manner humbly receive and diligently
executo the apostolic command If 1 aa
detained by a lawful Impediment, I will per
iiuiii ine iirorcsa i iv a inem ler or n.i
unnpier iir ii iii-ieav in my lllocfKO, ItlllV in
structed In ull things above mentioned The
possessions nciongiiig to my IiiIiIh, I will
neither sell nor ot her wl-.ii iillei.ini, wltl,.,.,,
coiiNiiniiig inn iiuiiiiiii poniiir, ho help tuc
mi'u uuu Liieni; noiy iiuspeis or noil,
fetit to the Komlhh Manager
Tlio Fenliin'H Outh
"I swear by almighty Ood, by all la heaven
and earth, by the holy prayer-book of my
holy church, by the blessed virgin Mary
iiimimrui wuui uy utirwirruw anu Krim ui uio i
apostle Ht. Peter and Paul, by tho glorious
apostle of Ireland Ht. Patrick by the
blessed and holy church of all age, by the
nuijr ii.uoiii,. niiftiiars, ui iikiii. upon uie
Irish .oil. t,! HKht ih i.wi,,,,,ie..n ,,r
Ireland-to fight until I die, wading In the
red goreof the HttHsenach (I'roUistant) for
the glorious cause of natlonalltyj lo fight
uiiih hoi, it snime voshkb, vrm:K or imiutuip, i
Is left to tell that the soil Ireland
wa over trodden by tho Hassenuch tyrant
and murderer; and, morover, when the
Protestant robber arm iiruw in Ireland
a.l...H 1.. H,l,.U.a1 .....4 1 t I
nnaii u iiitiri.iiiTu nrm uiivmk uiiii? mn nvn
like the swine our I,ordJN..s Christ caused
to be drowned, then we shall embark for.
and take Kngland, and root out every ves-
tlgeoftho accursed blood of tho heretic
aiiunerer, nenry vtil., ana posses our-
selves of the heist who have no long kept
our Island of nint-oid Iroiand-in the
bains of bond ago.d riven us from her sboies,
exiles In U foreign liinu. 1 will waile In the
bloodof Orangemen mm heretic (Protest-
antl who ,1,, mil. b.ln os ..nd lieeo., a our.
Dcot land too, having given aid and succor
to the beast, wo shall live In her gore, We
i... n ....... i i. i .i
niiiftll inai,i ,, u.ll'l. Vi IIIIVD ,,-ni,l,-u liur
holy faith all over the llrltlsh Isles,
To all of thl I sincerely and conscien
tiously swear with my eye blinded, not
knowing who to me administers thl outh
Oalli of the ('Ihii-iiu-IJiioI.
The following is the oath taken by
the memlMirs of that famous llomlsh
Catholic society :
I (name In full) do solemnly wear In the
presence of Almighty Mod. that I will labor
while life I left In me to establish and de
fend a republican form of government In
Ireland i that I will keep secret the name
and everything connected with tho Irish
brotherhood from all not entitled to know
such sec rets i that I will obey and comply
with the constitution and law of the same,
whatever they may bei that I will preserve
the funds of thl order for the cause of Irish
revolution alone as sneclflerl In the constltu.
tlon; that, I will deem It my special duty and
mission to promotii and fosU'rent,lmeniof
union, brotherly love, nationality, among all
Irish Catholics; that I will not permit the
nomination In any political caucus or con
vention ef n person not pledged to the prln-
Iplesor tills society I will always give a
member of this brotherhood preference In
all mat ter of business, and will vole and
work only for Irishmen for political ollice,
I take thl obligation without any mental
reservation, holding the amu forever bind
ing upon me, and that any violation thereof
or desertatlon of my duty to the brother
hood I Infamous, and merit the severest
punishment, so help me (lull.
This outh tho candidate Is abjured to
keep at tho hazard of lih life. It was
printed in tho Chicago lnUr-(kmn and
was sworn to be correct at tho Cronin
trial. It was reported by said paper
December 16, lfW.'l. I'riests and bishops,
act as chaplains for this holy (?) order,
They Jhith Flew. I
NOUTH PliATTK, Neb., April 29,
1 Hill. Editor Thk Amkmican: I write
to ask you a question, please answer it icUor came and cheered me up again.
In tho next edition of TilK AmuiucaN. Suddenly tho letters commenced to
Did they fly the Irish Hag from public Kr0w fewer and fewer and finally
buildings in New York city on St. gapped altogether. Then camo a let
I'atrlck'sdayandifsowas tho An.orl- tor from her sititer Informing ,,, that
can flag under or above it, answer and
oblige a ' IlKOULAit Kkaijkr.
Headers of The Amkuican who hap
Don to have anv coins dated before 187,'l.
. .
may llntl among them a quantity of
varieties which are worth many times
their face value. Tho National Coin
Co.. 8.12 Stock Exchange. Boston. Mass..
. 1 k i -i , !r iik )..
- ft-4 I i .1 il. am) hffU-
ti mnlial,
M !l I lit ' I w ) I "! I ' ' tH-l 1 !
iltti k ! V tin nr V-
k , a i .l . - J i Int. I '
a ti.i,..ft I' jii
la Oik lill.f 111 lUi .
iu -i. Mat 2, - in am i
I, i. i..L In . In i:,i kit n
1,1 mi il.kt I r tii-inni r, awmk
f,t liaiinfi llieiu an.1 I am j'r,4 t
pli J mi Un in ain In llii Imii
A U' jrai !, I was H Inj
In Han I'tati' Uns I lm I Willi aq ai I
ili'iit aiiil wk ftsmiiv ii il in fci ,i H.o
iiMiiilry for mv ln'aliti, I ilii'Llinl Ui
go Ut Un- mill In rn jmil f I'alif.'i tita
and w,i k M r 1 In a small town
In Smile I'nir iiniiil. It tii a Naull
ful llitle iU.s'; a iitIIj Itttlfk .!)!.,' v,
nf li rlirtlx tt lintiilr, il lnuiaek To th
i l was a 1 1 lire iiiouiil'iln; in thu rasl
ami tho north a clialn of lillk, ami
tlii-oui;h llii In-art of tin' .Ulat' rat
ctvi'k that 1iJ Its mmi-i antnow hurii ta
Uh' hill. Tho vti'. k wa laliinl lov
ciiH'k and novor wa a ultvam In'tU'r
niunoil. It whin narrow rlivwni i nd
cnino ilnwt, nviii' iiiu rinks in mile
waU rfnlls. Its) ci nil's,! wax thrinih a
valley that wan Uiiilon J by tn', and
tlio (li'iimi fulliic;o kept thu valley, fur
thu most part, tn shadow. Hero and
thtro tho Hiirllv'ht would rift down
through thu loavue and nutko moiiio
llttlu wakM-full swm like n torrvnt of
sparkling dliuiionils. And (KHiiiHion
ally tho iiiiHlilno full lug on the ninny
colored loavi-M aa an autumn fudod troo
would ciiHt their bright colore onto
BOino eddying mmi1 of wator and make
It doom a jfiTiit, ovorchano;liig, ojiulo-
eci'tit nianH of living; llro. Thin ntroam
run through tho vllliiyo and guNhod
along to tho nou'h until it wuh loet in
the diMtant vallov. Tho hoimoH of thtf
village wore neatly all llttlo white
cottagoH, and the village, with its con
tnibt of white agalimt tha donne greon
of the giant who wood a, and the brook
liko a thin thread of Hllvor showing
here and there, looked, to me, like a
veritable F.ilun, this village had lte
BoriH-nt as you onaii boo. i am an ar
dont deelple of Iaak Walton and spent
much of my time at thu creek, trout
flying. Quo evening, coming homo,
f4 .!.,-, flutkK... T k V..
wno ii veu in hub new e.uon. standing
in the gateway of one of the oottageB,
stood a charming young maiden. With
i awnfit wlnHomo fttco anil line aim
nor "woot, winHomo iaoo, ana nogira
P' country air, she Doomed to me, as
ho Htood in her white dreHs bonoath
the vino covered arch of the gate, an
- i atl,rlln,, tha nnUm of liB..n
ftnKcl SUndtng HI Ul gttlo 01 HeaVOB.
I pHHod on and went to the Iioumo
where I was stopping. I spoke to the
aiv of the house about the irlrl nnd
, i . t,.t,i i. ........ ...... 1,'... 1..-. tl l
khoBaldhor "ttme Wtt9 hwa llub
bard, and that she was the sweetest
girl in the village. The next day I
WHs introduced to Evelyn Hubbard and
,, , , , ., . .., .., A , ,
""""" i. ..m u.
y HfO' 1 found her as Innocent as a
dove and as simple well far too lnno
,.,, and slmiile for unv niaen but that
,,,, ni.... .1.... t
vJ ntwr uuy 1
met nor, anu uay alter oay sue crept
deeper into my heart. Thinking of
her. one mluht trulhfull v aav:
- i
And while 1 muse ad own the way,
There trips a little maid
Whose form grows fairer every day,
Whose roses never fade,
A woman almostscarce a child
In beauty' opening bloom;
A flower that seems loo iweet and wild
Kor mortal' common doom.
The lovellght streaming In her face,
The bloom of happy health,
The Innocence that lend a grace,
The blush that come by stealth,
H wee tor and tweeter she seemed to
me, until one day 1 awoke from my
dream and realized that life, without
her, would not be worth the living.
Finally, 1 declared my love, and loft
, , , ,
,lur MVaI lover. 1 hen my
dream of bliss win realized and all the
world seemed sweeter than ever before
f,, . The roses sootned to blush a
brighter pink when she was near; the
the daisies wore more pure and inno
cent when her feet passed by them,
and each tendor, fragrant (lower
breathed in a sweeter porfutnc when
she via nigh. Kach day she trrew
more fair, each day found her more
sweet, and each moment she was
dearer to mo. Hut soon, far too soon, I
had to leave, We purtod, as onlv true
loners part, with words and vows Urn
sacred to repeat. I wont homo to think
f her by day, to dream of her by
night, and to love her more and more
each day. Often, very often, I hoard
from her, and her letters were, to me,
like drops of water to a dying plant.
Kach time I received a letter from her
brightened up, but soon commenced
to feel downhearted atraln. and trrew
p - ioomler and irloomlor until the next
I,:voIvn W(lH uuad. i u..0I)mul nv(.v.
,,..., t.,ok tho ,.,., t. ...
town. When I arrived I was stunned.
I went to take one last farewell and
r,i,r,,l ta r.,i ,1 ., -1 1 I - I.
""iok, iu ner
wHn, with a tiny dead infant in her
ttnua' 1 wa "Poorness wltn astonish-
mentAfter tho funeral I heard the
?!! . ' t k I ;' iiiih
PHI. .. t !l , HI tl- ' I..J,I,
I i !' Mi" hi tin I,,, ad
avl r if na )i .,. Ki-t m lft
i .,'k.. win i.t i.,
f "I 1 l al 4k I 1 i. br H .ti
f'i I I ti-.. !ri ,
lt t M n
i ui 4i nn on it!,
Ii' pt1 lilfti-4 Til ., KHk ln,ftt
.. ,a a-,, , ,
I hsina.
Tl! iia i Si is .'cxw in iil iM,a i hi
hi tm ft.u-,i'j ili'iiiS'i,i ,,, la.i,,
(t-alllutiii In I ,. at At tlift ksllie . n,,
Hi. iv Siv rl ila w In, h ,ajll f,,, ,, ,,s
Hi1 r'canl, im Hie t.m I, ami, ln
rigtmiiia in a. i c, k s.'sie.l Ibn I hln. a.
m dh,-ri.u ainl ilantiiltit; ami, in
tlieidlioi hand, llu piiiiiiln ihui aie
i ... . i , , . . , . .
ainiiftai un, iiaueiijfiHi i-iiii.'iniioii ii
iuivI;k, r in llilt iiiuntl v. a i-Vi-ll nmtv
datj!inimi. and damacliif;. Siu-h eiut
.iMtum Ininli-n thl Uml a Uh the si k
the blind, tlin fiilili, lh Uulfllosa,
the Id lull,', and (he Insane. It vnalilos KilUialllalll Ul klllp til UN an III
frtluatiHl HipulatI.ui, in view of getting
the balani'i! of power against our free
timtllulltMi. ,Si,h emigration imint
the way to aiuin hlhlsaiul tin lr klnili.Ml
dt'splavrs of giivi'i iiiniMit lo loave their
nests of w iekednoHs in the old nurld
and flock to the new world with their
brood, Hint, they nuiy make war upon
the American Institution.
That the American n.ay well be
alarmed at the Increasing evidences of
Human power, is shown by the fuel that
already five spued, is nuido impossible
incur larger cities. Hopeatod Inter'
icrcnrus irom mot) violence under
priestly instigation, with sjieakers who
t a t . .
have sought to call attention to tho
perils which threaten tho public school
system and our republican Institutions
generally, from the growing arrogance
of this foreign church, should awaken
the citizens of tho republic to the fact
that one of our most cherished privi
egos the right of free speechIs
threatened with destruction at the
command of an alien hlerurchy.
Ilocent events show that tho old
spirit of persecution Is still dominant
In tho papal church, that It is now, as
always, Intensely hostile to free thought
and free speech.
We call upon our peoplo everywhere
to demand of municipal and stato au
thoritlos that they accord fullest pro.
tectlon to every man who seeks upon
the public platform to disc uss tho rela
tion of the Roman church to our form
of civilization.
While Prot'.'stan'ism Invites fullest
discussion, Catholicism must be com
pelled to permit II. Suppression of
f speech Is a orlmo against tho fun
damental principles of a republican
government, which must ho resisted at
any cost and every hazard.
Our free schools, in which our chil
dren aro trained to become subjects of
the best government on earth, are the
main hopo of the republic, and Ameri
cans have rea-ion to bo alarmed at the
persistent efforts of Hoinunlsm todlvert
the school funds to their own parochial
and religlo-polltlcal schools, whereby
there must grow up another govern
ment with tho iioim for its head and
fesults for counsellors. Our people
ought to arise In their strength against
the manifest intrigues of tho Homan
Catholic church, and thu defiant atti
tude It has assumed toward freedom of
speech and press. One glaring instance
of this Is seen in its persecuting hostil
ity to a secret organization known as
tho American Protective Association.
Its own (Mscullar wnapon of secrecy,
employed by this organization, It ma
liciously assaults, while its wrath
know no hounds when tho association
speaks in favor of 1'rotostaiHlsin and
American Instlutlons. Homanlsm Is
tho same desplsor of free sp tech In this
country that it has over been else
where, Wo earnestly protest against unjust
laws for tho Chinese; agalnstloose laws
on emigration; against all laws that
distinguish in favor of Homanlsm to
tho exclusion of American institutions;
against laws on tho liquor traffic that
could not bo applied to theft, murder,
or any other crime; and against all
interforenca with our free Christian
I hereby certify that the above Is a
correct copy of the report adopted by
tho Kansas Conference of the Metho
dist Episcopal church at the session
held at Abilene, Kansas, March 7-1,
lW'l. KlHVi.V Lockk,
Hcc rotary.
NO OH J KCl 1 0 I'l 0 I II K 11 tl I) S I Ml i; K
Stale Superintendent St lmefcr I pliolds
the 'I caching' of .Nuns.
Hkaijino, l'a., May U.S. C.
Hchaefer, Hate superintendent of edu
cation for a'cntisylvaniu, has given his
opinion as to tho matter of nuns In tho
public schools teaching tho children to
address them as ''sister" and also ad
dressing priests a "father." Ho says
that ho himself is a Protestant clergy
man, yet ho would consider it a breach
of otlcjuotto If ho were to fail to address
a priest or a nun by the proper eccles
iastical name. lie gives other reasons
at length for this assertion.
Newsdkaleus van obtain Tvk
Amkuican from any wholesalo news
dealer. Your customers will want It.
I'ut It on your counter.
tl.iUI HrifttU,
ti.M Ctitril,
0.M Mi.l i Cwtrtl Burt,
n.M MinU tit Any Klml.
TONKIN. It ilor tit turn,
acrt't t,imt , lull
It.tttu tiiiM. t1otilk a lor
. AMfl CO,,
rlion tAtk, III
W ft. ft.ll I , ., . ft,. ,
l.hi iliit!. ni.t an atttai
lift ! uplift iiii,i, no, t mr,, I
raii'h I hn i if Mm rv,tr. Tin
A V Mill I. V 11 III )M(S, U m
lm ntk(i for
1 11 iuIi at lnn t uh kir Mian j mi can
rtt Mm aitli le nn nk'.i.iig
J nut- Idea, rll and kaft u at
li. IfuwaHl Uii-u Omaha
mt i aiiiiiM call, we will m ini mir
Kngiaterlo m Jon, If yen !
Tvlophono Ml.
If j on live nut of town, Just writ
vnur idea us brief as isslli, and
semi II In, We'll clve vnu a ihh-
ell drawing; and don't forgot to
for return answer, Write all
names and mill rosso plainly.
ISi) Huwkrd Htitkt,
The Bible Cabala
- sr-
N. A. IIT.
Now Rcdiscorcrcll.
I'HK'K, U W.
'hi Smirst oT all Binnti, Thl Troth nr til Truth
iiltiios ill sll Hiiiaimm, Art Prnssrvatlvs of !
;tliloa ot all lit
anoiniit nrii, iiini io
nr f),UUU y.kri,
tiiilglon ol all
Tnblit of C'oneirili
11, ATK t. TITI.S t'AIIB.
I'I.ats ii, I irritomtOTios;,
Thn Nonir of tint Vineyard (Isalali, I'll, V
vs, 1-71 anil Its "l.'iilmln.1' In vcni Ion ami It
diirlvatlons. Thi living t rut hi tht th'lt n4
hmultrtatl (htm. Tim II iirmony of Naturs,
Hitliuico, Ktlile ami HellKluu,
Hiinii of tlm ItiiviiliiMmi il'rnviirhs VIII. v.
INI-ilil) anil IU laiiiini "Oaliala" tlis unit
urlKlnof tliu Law of tlm Unlviirsii,
TI.M U .1 U ,. i ,1,.l.l.. .. u 1...-
Ini'ks tlm inrsii.i'liius slriiiiKliulil of InlHIlK-
fiii'ii, i'iiiiIiIIiik us tit milks a iirantinal
"Kiivlsliin" of III" lllliln, Hutu V10 Mt nr.
Hlvti It frturvt. lull ml II Hail twn dtrnl A lotmtr
ttofliiinformtr aft, Tlm lllliln tliu "TaUilit
Ullli'ir nr scliMii'n, r i.lili', llnllKlon, tliu lu-
viuilliiiis of tlio Patriarchal Akii.
fl.ATi v
Tl.n lliirflmi nf I'liriil I I, VIVi lli
Plan of Urn Arcliltiiet fur tlm llullillnii of
llm Uri'itt ryriiinlil-llliislriiii'il
Itruiiis, tlm iiassitKn hikI clianilmr of tlio
siiiini sliowni linw
Illlllllsloll I'.llllflll'lll to III
u tit k.tvnt.. A lilril. wlitt
"Ualiala. Mnanliis of KkvdI,
ii mini i i-yriiiiiins wnrn nil I I j im jiisrov
ruraof tlm 'J linni (irnat Law of tlm IJnl-
vnrsii, How ti) nitrn till" "( liilnilii" and masa
It IntnrnstliiK and Instructlvn, Tlm "tJalialu"
must lm known til uiiilnrsland Mm lllliln In
all Its Mt!aiiliiK,Mi:lnc. Kt,lilcaiii Itollsluii,
I'l, ATS VI,
Tlm Hnna of .foslina. afliir lm i-niiiiiiiiiiiliwl
I lm Hun and Moon to "stand ssfll," Tlm llins
tlinri'iif and Its innaiiliiK. Onrtaln linrls of
rsiiliii. ' "Knoidi and "Jaslinr" coiiiiiarfd
tn ili'iiTinlim tlinlr rulallve axu, and tlmlr
ri'lati'il orlxlii,
I'i,at vit,
Tlm liroimss of allotting and mJitptltig llllils
lMratnrii, In Nailuti llolldliiK, from tlis
Unnit Modnl - tlm Ijnlvmsii, 'I In, ,)w did
not wrltt) Urn lllliln, nnd why, Tlm dlspursioii
of tlm Author or tliu lllliln, and llmprohalils
tlnni, and why, I'roliistiinllsm and Itinnan
Ism, who and how dellimd, and whim and,
I'l, AT VIM,
Tin) Abstract of "llahala" a shown In
thu "I'salins," "I'rovKlis," .foil." "Isaiah."
KurliislasMis" ft ml "Soiiifof Solomon," li'orin
f till) "Cllllllllt" II till tlinlr 1 1 . a - la 1 1 1 1 1 Lf I ht
lllbli 'fafurrathl" mn "lli.tU" divllinnl, "ths
lalialii" ruvnals tint hlildi'n truths of wlili li
It Is tlm symhol," Kxamiiln of Hi., "(lalialn."
KlviiiK versus I toft, Isalali, (!h, XVIi also ths
iiiimljiir and linn showlnx "Ualiala,1'
ri.AT ut,
Author and lllsiorv. Tl.n I'uf rliLrclm .
tlm mmirilnu tlmri'of, Poslllvn svlili-n,'.. that
tlm lllliln was wrltton In llrluln, Tlm Twin
Dins, at "Alinrv and Stoinihiniun." lull It, Iji
dnmonstraMi Urn llvlnu law of tlm IJnl
VI' ran : " tlm IIkiiviiiis. and Un. ... l 1 1 i,l I.
tlmriMif, DAhlliltnd on thu plain al Stonn
hiiiiKD, In rallliiK your kindly atlKiitlon to tlm
oiiMint of tlm "lllliln Ciilmlu" aa linn
slrnrti'd hy tlm Hards of llrltaln, pnrmll ins
I,.!,, jncakurfi ui say.
This In no wlsn I'onllh'lJi with ths H'r4 &r
Vtru "latnU" coiistrniiMiii hy and aa Klvnn
In ths "Wisdom of Soloinoni1' this "!" of
Solomon snums lo Iihvii lii'iui madii fur tlm
liiirii'.a,. of iiriisi.rvlns an Onlrr tl Ihi Htuhi tl
IkitUblt, This "CaliaTa" of Solomon. I sun-
sms I tlm "(,'ahala" so often r.'fi-rri'd to in
atnr Jnwlsh and olhnr liirtnr down t,i
tlm iirnsKiit tliiini II of IMwIf pri.anpiiosi.s ths
fialsliiiirsof a "Ualiala" limn I'alslliiK In tlm
Iti'mliiri', and I i:oiistriictlon atromrlv In-
tlmati'S that tlm knowlnd( of tlm form of
tlm (envious or oldnst 'Cabala" hart bntm
thnii lost," so that, tiiKs.i f ik'ii "Cahala,"
Tlm "KlKiirn Cahala,"
and tlm "Word or Vnrsw (Jahala",
assist luu'h iitliiT. Iln'fr sliowliiv tlm 'Mid.
fnim, I;thli's and Ili'llKlon of tlm flunk of
tlm llllilni tlm SKi'niid show nit nn ordnr and
arriiiiiti'ini'iit of Iht Hunks, In Dm llllili',
Si. ml nanms to Tmk Ammhican, I'M r Howard
slri'i't, for subscription, without moimy.
Mnu Doirlu A nn'rli'im ('harts. Vol. I, Photo
flUff nBdUJ l,lth, , :;.fxi Morr.H'.'o. Hl.Mi,
liivsliiulilii to tlnisi. who ilnslro to bi'i'omi, ac
(iialnlJ'd with thi. Si'li.fii'H and Invmitlori ,of
tlm aiirli'iit s shown lm tlm lllliln.
Oiiiuif tlm rli'lit hooks iiiIiIUIiih1, Klvlii
th Ponipliild i(H-rlini'ii of tlm famoui Monk
I,aw, Mi'iid for II i uli' It.
11 iri'ss, pri'puld Ciui't s. iid It by mall
U. S. (jiialSKiiBtiiiiin tiiki-n, AitnntComiiliii
outfit Il ls), Aildrt'ss
Notice of Aiiirinli'il Arlli lr of IiirorHira
Nntlrn Is hi'ri'tiy nlvi'ii that at tlm spuria
mi'i'tliiK of 'I ii Amkiikmm rrni.isn
imi ( iii',r, a corporation duly authorlini)
iindi'r tlm laws of tlm cfiitu of Ni liniska and
lloltiK business a! (hniiha In DnilKlas I'oiinly
In said Htatn, Arlli'li, I V of Arllrl.-s of (inior
pnrut Ion of said Companr was ami'iuli'd Ui
ri'ad aa follow tn-wlt :
"Artli'lf I V. Tlm capital stis-k of this cor
poration shall Ik llfti'i'ii thouaiind 11.1, inn ilnl
lar illvl. Ii'il Into mil' hiiiiilrcd and tlfty
shari- of oim hiinilri'd dollar piu'Ii, whlcfi
shiill I in fully pull) uli ! n sitnm is Issued.
Iiiiti'il at Dinaha, Ni'braska, A mil in lb,
Illri'otor. Ji in . (', Thompson, President
W r. Kti.i.RV, fiM-n'tarv.
KMA V. Thompson, Treasurer
M I. Zook.
row IN Dl A N T ER t?l TOR f,
Tlfkrt OfflffJ. It, (ornrr l.llb antl Firm IU
Ul. LiUUlU
Tkkrl fllllrf, X. I-;, (ornrr litlb md r'urn.m RU.
ramont. ElKhorn & Missouri Yallif'
Waiioo, Lincoln.
SnwAiti), Suricition,
David OitViSYorc,
A0 hl,
Northern Nebraska, Black HIHs
Sioux City, Minneapolis and
St. faul,
Ticket Oftlcci 1401 Kurnatn strnnt and WabiMt
Htrmit Union Htut.lon,
. 0. HUNT, J, , aUCHAMAM
(inn I MnmiKiir, llnn'l I'aMAd.
Chicago Short Lino
or Tm
chicle a o
Milwaukco & St. Paul R'y
Tho Best Route
Train Itally-ronalstliiK of thu Urst I'AI.aoi
MlmipliiK tiarsi Ki.koant, Kiik.k ( hair Car,
liimiiiiiiiliN t'oai'lms, and tlm Klnimt IHnlBf
Cars In tlm World,
tor ThroiiKh Tli'knts, rail on tb tick
aitmit at IV 1 1 Karnam strm'l and at Uiiloa
1'iM'itlit di'iint,
K.vnry attention paid to passnniiiir bf
courteous umployii of this company.
r. A. NASH.
(Icn'l An t. Omaha. Nab
nd Tn 0nl. In (ilvar
For amnlii,
The Most Useful liver Published.
Initrucliva ancl lo lli Point.
Lock Box 34, Station I
I pT-AOfNT,IOidlhom
li!''' Imiihh iii,Mtiu
Ulitirw, 4jfnl,mn PitiMI
!.l flf $A -1 Ml',
1 - ll klft-tatrf Hi'ifl ('fl $'i4.
Abiih-h ynimth Ami
li'm'ia li"-' (i4iiin fti vif
i,.ft llwiflU rMHIM'i" I'tftif.
H.l t'tltw) H ttl
! W ! I I 4H. HHjif.
ti., fMl 'i-f ' hiiim rr.
. Dlno4Co, 0ft. No. Columbus, O
WJk m r r II -A tin mss or wntnaB In rnry,lr kliaf . Iikft. I., klraa'l. a-.r-d k
rafiraa-iilaliv. b, Mil nut "atftftkalftllk Mllkftftr
1 kill, III MM tin K !,,. K,.l.a,,d Saa..ia lu rem-
kk.n.1 n.-lkl kl.llaa. ilftkr. fto filal. lo
Ikaariilli tfua.ftiitaa to wr.r IIMliu. a.1
i .l,.,ull.i.a.i.llilltaliir.llft-M tha I'ti.iin. ol 111.
. I lm i .i.ta .-.ran tn.m vl., a II. bar vat, k.i4
' l,.aal,ll .a1 .r-rrahara, si, fflakl I. II).
I ,.l.,.(l f..r ,.r S,,ll,l Mrial Oiaala, Dm (la. Mil-
M'.n Is.llkri ftv.aliln itail. uia. I aa n?
Vr. AiM.M. Nlikntlarl Mi t,rkkrl
o., Ir,l. in , lloaluai, Mavaa.
f V C"0 Vou WANT A farm;
g J Cm O IN THE Wf9T. ,
ill nrw i.a rr Iks tint y thai
cmica(io, acea iiisr racing a. m.Z
f cali.kd Tit h WESTtKS SETTLERS
tult all alioot II . will bfimit FHFl?;
r t Ul..., Saaft lilfta. tM tlMXt kall.aai, C,... III.
mm. UOOtniLT Hill ..I. 'J
frnm any inlunoii. .iib.isr.raa anfaa M
Llial AlCOWDTI lmnctll. akaak
If OUsNANTt t a CURI m rktun four rkhim.
Prl SLoOnrr initio. nd 4. larlnifll.'
TH1CMOMT MtUlCAL COa, Bolton, .
I Ml (It)