THE AMERICAN c3 tiai l i-inep; .ln d llim-ji li t. I thi- trlifc'th aeil llrsdlh f H' t'nil.-d Mtiii within tl,i-pl. In Un -t if I'Mifclt j our jiaml j'tiUlU i 1 1 ) nf lion th Infm t',n iii'l rtinit iu h. It ! lrh 111 th p iifmt lien t lift"' l n-l thai tn M'i tl HU tli-Un it llm iltr,? l the pit Hon emhlnn of W" i en r the piihHe m hunt humus timing si-bonl hours AH cnilil to lhi who were InkhiihH'iiUl In it lni;lin: alum! this tv luM.tdv I, tur Mi h 111 find an H-lm In Ihe heart 'f rvcrv 1 Amiti fun: orr tt-lmlf tf the schiwilsof the 1'nlled Mates at Ihe pivwtil tin turn! tho mi' of Home IhiIiU sway, In one form nr another. In t '1lfm-nl mi attempt wa ivoi ntl,v made t have Myers' history taken nut of the jmliHe N'luxiU, because It dares to eak tin dcasant Iruth concernlnir Komaie Ism, a compromlso Mng rtTeetcd ao ctmijillHlilntf almost tho same result; while In a largo numlr of other and far western states, no text Ixmk In ad mitted to the public school until It has undergone the censorship of the local Romish authorities. It may bu In formation to mime of my hearers to learn that In nearly every state tho t"xt hooks of history havo been mutil ated, and all of throw portion tillm lnated which toll an unfavorable story of Romanism. Thoso eliminated pas sages miiMt 1ms restored, thoBo ui pressed fact of history reinstated, lu order that our children may know the truth the whole ungarhlod truth concerning tho event of history In pen eral and of Romish hlHtory In particu lar. Tho keeping allvo of tho spirit of sectarian hatred or religious bigotry In farthest from my mind, but our chil dren miiMt bo Informed, that they fall not Into the apathy Into which tho na tion seem at present inextricably plunged. Whllo our own beloved public school thrlvoH like a green bay tree, to nurture patrlotlHm and make the next (fenera tion a race of American heroes, a were their (Treat anccMton, I bid you bear In mind that sldoby side with It f'tuiiishoa an Institution founded o'.i treUHon, rooted In bigotry, and watered with the sllmo of retrogression; whero traitor are hatebod beneath our pyoa, by treas onous priest and fanatical women. I mean the papal parochial school, and I believe there In not ft patriot upon thin floor but what will echo my word. The school of Rome must go, for they are hatcherle of treason and all unlawful iscs. I alo advocate tho Issuance of all public school text book direct from a national lioard of education. I would IriHlMt, too, that so long a parochial school exist, no person who ha boon , educated tn thexu houlil bo permiited to (each in a public chool, Wociirinot afford to permit thl mutter to remain in It prchent condition; concerted action muni bo tiik..ti upon It at once by thl body, that the order throughout tho country may act In harmony to a common end. The nation' money I tlll poured out In many million for the mipport of wctarlan institution, In plte of the many, but disunited effort of the varlou branches of thl order to pre vent tho drain upon the public treasury of an almost bankrupt nation and a starving jsipulatlon. Here tigHln united effort I new scary that all may work to a common end. In opposition to tho true spirit of the American constitution, there exist throughout the country numberles sec tarian penal and so-ciillcd reformatory Institution, knon a home of Oood Shepherd, refuge, etc., where nun are tho olllcer, priest the overseer and American women and children the prisoner, in a captivity Illegally authorized by the state, and sutisliJlzeo, In the greater number, of cases, by the state, Here tho petml labor of tho poor, Incarcerated wretches I brought Into competition with free labor at urn meriso profit to the JlomJh church for while for each prisoner the church gain a convert! be reap a large pe cuniary profit from the labor of her tin iiald eai.tlve, These Institution should be Instantly suppressed, and m operative measure adopted by thl body tlmt the suppression may tie made general throughout tho country. Tho ballot, too, once tho proud boast of tho frei-mar., ha fallen Into disrepute through tho nefarlou method of un scrupulous politicians and corioratlon and tho brutall.ed, unwashed, unln tructod hand which Usi long have wielded It In common with loyal and educated men, Tho American ballot must bo rcneuod from tho grasp of such demoralising and destructive agencies, We need, It seem to me, an equol fianchlse, and equal right to every American alivo tho ago of twenty-ono years, who can read and wrltfl tho English language, and under stand tho fundamental principle of American citizenship, and I would also Insist that a residence of at least ten year In tho United Rtote bo mttdo a prlmaryrjeendltlon of naturalization hereafter.D Although I would not dis franchise' those whoso educational qualification enable them to Intelli gently wield tho ballot, I would not cruple at any risk to deprive all other of thejpreclou privilege, for It I to tho two orthree million of Illiterate voter to whomj the value of the fronehlso I represented In a glass of beer or a drink iif l.t-fcr, ! ", !fc i(tp n,i ftMt- this iMilUHfcl r UM hm U'.'i 'xm , ! tl4 Hm ti.tnol rttHil lsUtW lHvt. IHkImmI.-,I, Wit ffien,l, t.i , t.f tt n lt unn thU tibvt ib'!-;1 fmm Nr Yi, t hl (.'i, M IdHilt, Kn I'tniH'i"., si J Me olhr Uij,e I'HUs vf lh I'pSImI hll( hnvtn fi'iTlifiiUin, ivrrnptltm and tl llu ia. ) be liml emupleU iy tM-ltiMH the sun of liU f tJ , 1 IHl rt'ii ndeiil that Vim Ultnt have thUivn tin'lcn until Jon have taken aieple st li bring a's'iil the deslnil reform at Ion. H,,i leaving this nlijei-l of the franchise, I ls-g of Jen liMMiislilcr the matter of woman's suffrage. It mmiis moiistroii that while the Illiterate, dngi roii IVile; the anairhlhtle Hun, anil the gutterdniuallon of Sicily and Kouthern Italy wield the fraii hle usm aneiiiftllty with an A meiiean citizen, your gentle, cultured mother, youredu cated and American sister, daughter and wife are denied the freeman' privi lege, (live the women tho franchl; It will purify Killtle and strengthen our hand. Wo come now to that Infiun in fea ture of public taxation, which exempt from assessment the projiorty of all ec clesiastical Institution. Under thl exemption, nearly three billion of dol lar worth of real and oronal proe erty belonging to ecclesiastical corpora tion, are every year exempted from taxation. Hy far the greater Krtlon ol thl amount I held by tho Komun Catholic church In but not of-the United Htates, In trust for the popo of Home. Of this, again, not more than ten per cent. 1 actually Invested In tho churches themselves, but urea much business investment a those of any commercial corporation. Under tho guise of hospitals, retreat, houses of the Oood Khepherd, Industrial Institu tions, etc., a thriving business 1 done under tho head of charitable Institu tions, from which a handsome revenuo I derived. Ruch, for instance, lathe Dearborn retreat, adjacent to Detroit, valued at half a million dollars, whero wealthy inebriate pay princely sums for treatment, and whero only two per cent of the Inmate are paupers or pa tients dependent upon charity, and these hilior for their living, A mile distant U the Wayne county house and Insane asylum, to which patient from the retreat are shipped a soon a their funds are exhausted, In C'o'orudo and many of the far western state, the prlet have become even yet bolder, and farm out hundred of thousand of acre of land which are classed a church property, and upon which no taxes are paid. " For all of thl the people are taxed, In the midst of poverty and hard time almost beyond endurance. I am well aware that there are many who propose to exempt religion edi fice of minor value, In order that the churches and denomination may not suffer, hut whaU ver may be my private feeling In thl matter, I recognize uIkivo all thing a non-sectarian coun try, and that It I u unconstitutional to exempt a dollar' worth of ecclesia Ileal property, as would be a govern ment donation of a million dollar to any cctarlan Institution. Compel the great religion corporation to pay their Just tribute to the stale, and tho smaller one will thrive all tho more by tho Increased oblllty of their mem her to contribute a larger amount yearly from their turf saving, I advocate, therefore, the taxation of all property public property ex emptedand recommend that thl ordur throughout the United Hlati- do secure the proper legislation to attain thl end, and lie assisted and advised thereto by this body, that the move ment may be made general and unani mous, I also recommend the Introduction of a bill In eneh stute legislature, whluh shall place upon the same Imsls a private hospital, Insane asylums, and other private or senil-publle Instllii tfons, all convents, nunnerte, refuge, house of Oood Khepherd, monasteries etc,, which are controlled by any pri vate corporation, or u'son, to public Inspection at any reasonable hour of tho day, um application. I would In elude in thl every Institution whero men or women, or both, are confined, with or against their consent, Tho hoisting of the American flag beneath any other emblem or alien flag, or of any flag save that of our glorlou union over any publlo build ing or school houe, I would construe Into treason to tho state, and would suggest a federal measure, making It eumpulsory ujsin all principals of .all publlo schools, under jienalty of a heavy fine, to pi act! tho star and stripes over every public school during certain hour of tho day. I should )o lacking In the duty which I owe to 'this body and to mv country wero I to, close thl address without more than ittslng'alluslonand great a may ho tho provis-utlon to shirk the discussion of the subject un which so many disagree I should feel myself unworthy of your confidence If I wero U) neglect to place before you what ton month of continual travel ha taught mo, that the IuImhJ trouble and the money question of thl country must be adjusted In-fore we can hope for .iivi Hi tr Wus rvMi- I f nil ititiHifhtnit M Uil fitnri tl-( rv fr a mti.'si U j teem ) bt Ibaa ! at r m ttt, and t m. that Oi nathn bsH ib t tn tKtiiei anil ball tne Its cur rvlicj dirn t, lint j ii,'t .t i-f the pivt- til ) stem f hstiniisl bi'h. a ji'ie' motiv), in slml t. w lib h Wl'itld deuiup the ei at n mriv of our own I'lmiiti j. ami thus pinii-t llm l'iuvsnh Meg hiir, tho MothwhHiW. and ether mnlii-j h alleg 'il l'tlli, the let.-f, el j;atht i-en fur the pupe'ii millions, from i-oi nertug the money ol tMseotiiv try, paralj lng our biiiin, ami bring ing u to the verge of ruin Another ami pressing demand which neither lh HopU of the nation nor we a an organization, can dare to Ignore, Is the pivxslng ncrcsnlty of supplying wl b Immediate employment the mil lions of unemployed ami starving men In our midst, When a large army of such I kins-king at the disir of the very capltol of the nation, there must lie some other arguments than lend and steel brought to boar ujhui the subject If wo would avert lmendliig revolu tion. While many of us condemn tho meth od taken by certain reform hod lea to secure rellel, we cannot hut admit that tht'uomnnd themselves command re spectful attention. I believe that the many million now devoted to the building of ironclad for which a nation uch a our ha no practical use, and the erection In many place of what have proven to be uhoIoss breakwaters, etc., might much more judicious1)' bo employed in opening up the, Inland re source of tho nation, and thus not only giving to honest laisir tho mean of existence, but by proper method of Irrigation and good road, open up hitherto undeveloped and Impracticable territory for the support of the toller and millions of Idler. I allude especially to tho navy, for the reason that It Is an arm of the publlo service which Homo most particularly foster In order that she may accomplish the doublo purpose of diverting It to her own end, whllo providing for her own subject remunerative employment. I would also point out In passing that the militia I largely in her hand, us wit ness the attempted court inurtlnllng In New Vork of several member of a regiment of the National Guard of that city for refusing to pa rade to a Hoinun Catholic cathedral upon Ht. Patrick' day last, Thl I no exception to the rale, I ussure you, Confession boxc and Homan Catholic chaplain are now a part of the In quisitorial Institution of Home which ha been graftei upon our army and navy, where loyal soldier and sailor of the republic are transformed into mihjoot of an Italian priest. Another matter which should now re ceive our greatest attention Istheques tlon of partisanship, which In some sec tion of the country will persist In lore- Ing Itself within the council chamber. Member of thl organization cannot too early learn that before all things come tho republic, and before parly the demands of tho organization. Pre siding ofllcer cannot too decisively sit down upon all debate of a party nature, nor too completely squelch the ambi tious olllce si eker, who hobs up so ubi quitously about election time, Iet the olllco seek the man. flood men lire plentiful, especially In thl order, and loyal men are quick to discover them, 1 am pleased to observe In many part of the country that partisan line have entirely faded away, and If you ask to what party a member of the organiza tion belong, you are Immediately an swered, "the American party." liot it be remembered, also, that as loyal men as ever trod the earth are to bo found In tho south-men who lire pleased to Identify themselves with us for tho principle which we advocate, There must be no Jar no discord, IM uu severely censure the waving of the bloody shirt a we decry the advo cating of partisan politics, It I only a wily scheme for catching vote hy northern politician, who, for the great, part, melled powder.when they melled it at all, from a safe distance from the ceno. of action, Kven a carpet bagger Killtlclan wa tho bugalsio used by a like class of southern lltl clan to servo their own nolflsb end, We must welcome our southern breth ren to our heart a friend of truest worth and the A. P. A. Is a link never to bo sundered which shall ro-unlteth, north and south under one grand ban ner against a common enemy of both, Our southern friend are chtvaliou and bravo, Iet nothing Im printed or Id which can give them just cause for offeime, The patj gone tho hatchet I burled the bliKly ahlrt, once the delight of ring politician, should 1st torn Into fragment and scattered to tho wind, leaving behind only a mem ory and a warning for the future, Hlnco we latmet many change Jiave occurred, many oc,letl and o-eu!led patriotic organization have been ushered Into existence. Homo of these, lam well Informed, have been organ Ized by our enemies, and are composed chiefly of tho norehend of thl organ ization, dlsapslntcd jiolltlclan and political trickster, who too latedl covered tl at they could not use thl body for the gratification of their own peraonal ambition, or a ladder iiHin which to climb Into odlce and emolu- W'rul .! l ! H ii- u t It I n W isi-iImI h-( tl! (Hit !oa1 o!e iMo lltii- oiU', lotl-r-i-itil itit Wtt y ins n--i. ilu, -ituH etl ,ii i.ii-n In our tsulin If ii siosnt nut ! I, u-iiiiii) a'on, 1ti J III !) ttle itftttimt iti !, t il an- li lo U ti., ,t lm ,liHi ii miv U tttnli.',ii , lion of Hoioan t 'atbolie ji'litiinl lutw with hi h oiimMeg Mi1Mie It te I bey tetiM l irj iil Oiflil with till' 1 "llltS Of I III tl I ft,!l! I'J Ibis tiitio, for tri r 1 1 me the) liMe inn up SSlut the A. I', A. He J' tie Ou t will, nothing bul ilul. r, aiul l'ae not, n far a I he Is en able lo b in, ile VeloSHlaey capaelt) b r eitl mure than an Item! Utile peop-iiltv lor lnol blsy and worw lsMr, They aiv Iim l m b an d, llieii-foii1, than tbelr less out ssiken asissialos ii-fi-ti-ed to, There I a mou-meitl on foot haviiit? for lis olijii tlho auirtlgamntlon of Hip aiious pnttiollo oryNii Will Ions of the United rilates, eoneernlng which your choson repi-esentatlve In this matter, Col. F II. Hellers, will more fully In form you, A mueh needed reform, which I think we would do well to urge, Is the entire suppression of convict la bor lu the trade and manufacture, and the bringing of the convict-pro duced article Into competition with that produced by honest lalsir. Iot convicts bo employed In chain gang to improve state and county loads, and dig il Itches and Irrigating canals; In other words, I would have them per form the lowest and most degrading forms of necessary lalsir, In order that honest men may bo enabled to produce those article which are now manufac tured In penal Institutions. It must long havo become apparent to tho thinking and more progressive members of tho order that the associa tion has long since outgrown It primi tive necessities, and thut while the Imslc principles remain unchanged, some Improvement and changes are needed, both In tho constitution and ritual, all of which your coinmltteo on sumo ha under consideration and will doubtless present to you during this session. Careful observation and frequent con tact with tho varlou bramMios of tho association throughout the country havo convinced me of the great hooch lt,y which I most, pressing and urgent, and for luck of which tho growth and welfare of the organization has been much retarded. I allude to a reliable source of news, Independent, of thedallv press, which, being us you lire well aware, almost entirely In the hand of tho enemy, suppress nnil garble the new In the Interest of the Human hierarchy and time-serving politicians, , I Mtrougly urge upon thl body, a a remedy, tho establishing of an organ of our own an organ which shall not Imi In the nature of an Individual enter prise, but belonging exclusively to thl body, established at Washington, with Mih-ohico in m.1 1 the principal cities, In order that tho member of t he organi zation and tho public In general shall he correctly Informed week by week of tho movement of their representative ttt Washington. With such n sentlnel, under the supervision of the supremo executive board, or other isiard ap pointed by thl 1 dy to report In do tall, Irrespective of parly or creed the act of tho people' represenlatlvi , the Homish lobby would be broken and scattered ere long, for latesiuen and legislator alike would not dure to con spire with the enemies of their country with the gaze of the entire American Protective Asoclal,lon focussed upon them. Our loyal members In cougres would be strengttiHied and supported In the knowledge that their deserving act would he presented to the people In an ungarbled condition, and the un rlghteou plot of their i nmle ex posed, What would practically be a source Secrets of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, A thrilling talc of truth that is stranger than th c wildcs flight of fiction, hy Hudson Tuttlc, relating the terrible trials of an inmate of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, the authenticity of which the writer vouches for. A complete exposure of the infamous depravity and cruelties practiced in these convents when unmolested by the laws of our country. A BOOK THAT EVERYONE SHOULD READ, Send in your orders immediately, and he supplied from this edition. Cash must accompany all orders. PAPER COVERS. 25 CENTS CLOTH COVERS, SO CENTS. AMERICAN PUBLSHING CO.. Hnom 17, S. 11. Cor. : w,ini . 1. ,..,:,! Im unintii ! ct ioiml lvin-ii. tn h al-iti.- nlit ! i-IH ,lli ,1 IsMm i uli Mti !t-liuo- iihii- V t I A, tl '' til,iHi Vitl lt t. fi liHili t i llf IMU'ti ittt t H,i tivio est, 'si nl imi,;c list tlttri.t, I , dull ilrliillleg iiii ri, eiiemUlt ot m iilteg for at lvst o.n inii'i In es, b i!ili Ii t, si t lt,, r oi f anU-aHoW of the lut, i On ni.f I have fiiutid Itml the eoiiUll Sillipiil tx-anl nh lei) well, and lii iiioe.1 nit,li for I he (,ii!-r pail, and I ' nit i hwii why the slate beai-ils shoulil tmi act a i flit tliely. That the onler u,j act the iuoiv liar liiolioiisly together throughout the eouiiliy, I Udlevo H to ln to the ls-"l Interest that all stale wn-i-elnrles sheiihl Im put In toinii with i i li other, ami the mimes and addiTs-i-s of em h Inter changed. I would almi advise that a committee Isi apsilnted to nu t with a committee of the supreme . A, P. A., In order to arrange a sign of recognition, etc,, ln tweeli those two Isslles, In some sections of the country, I re git t to ulato tlmt t have noticed a ills piihltlon bitemsni?e with the enemy to truckle lo the weak knees and tho opinion of the press, Huch a policy, If pursued, cannot hut be disastrous to the order. There i no road but the right road. We are well convinced that our object are honorable, loyal, and neee- ury, or wo should not im here. lift u pursue our way Independently and alone, oblivion of the stab and sling of uninformed weakling, many of them member of Protestant corporatU lis. A for the larger portion of tho presH, let us Ignore It, a wo have done here tofore. Wo have demonstrated lioyond all question that It cannot Injure u or our cause. Ask the pre of Detroit for Information upon this point. Five year ago it horn of aggression wero of prodigious length but It ha drawn them In, pleco hy piece, under pressure from our councils, until It Is a horn less a a muley cow, and a harmles a a worm. One by one tho leading pa per of tho country, once so active to abuse and misrepresent us, are dropping out of sight, or changing their coats. Wo havo not gone upon our km oh to them; we have not prayed for their conversion; they aro super Ibious; we do not need them. If they would bo in the procession, let them fall In behind with other weak knee and place-huutera. Kver since thl order wu created, it your loyal and noble past president, the founder of tho order, well know, the object of tho enemy has been to place ns upon the defensive, Kvcry lawyer know what that means, and understand tho disad vantages of such anjuiteiiablo position, Wo decline to bo placed upon the de fensive; wo havo nothing to defend, Inscrllied on our glorious constitution are our principles; they need no modi fication, no explanation; uuHcrupulou politicians and the press may accept or reject them, or not, a tin y cIhmiso, The result will not swerve thl order one hair' breadth from lis course, The sumo rule applies to parties as to I ml I vlduals we lead, let them follow, When measures Hnd men arc acceptable t'l us, we can alTord to accept them; hut we cur i never indorse any parly a u party, nor puy tribute to It leader, !ot me cmpl uNlzo thl statement. My friends, In eomiuslon, let me tea flfytotho unselfbhand generous sup port afforded me during my term of olllce by the ofllcer of thl council, AH has been harmony, pence, good will and true frh tuli-hip, arid though tho busi ness of the order called me thousand of miles from the supreme olllco, I was enabled to pursue mv way in the pleas ing consciousness that the interests of the order were well cared for by my brother officer during my absence, Wo have much to be thankful for today, and more yet to rejoice over limulnlph tt Cnrr, t-OW , ll . it i ft V, ! it Wl II (l i" M. IHI l.,THtl! l V, ,iil. fm rt,i- ,i( ti,t t liaise In 1 hi it. w to l H tan ! . (n ! thr- fiiti.rv, fe.f U. 1-nl i w e. n r l.t. i. it mi j .-fi ! !' H.f ,M itoiip lm so (omit irni St I at It )-i M B.iuiii -wl It, !!,!,, I In- plil, uf Ihii m 1 I,.,, In U n I'elliil siwt.-w. Is tm I hi i will, tU on- ot'i I til III W the Wi- t-e if be oiiler I'poe one ib bti iim it-MHhe fiitmeof out j,i l i pnbiii lul fin fihttiin iiul i, m lliw i !, t m. him i i nf ,U iiuiiii U tuft, i-efti ea of opinion nomlaitw, diftett ni st lo ttiesns Hoisl Imi di Imti d, ele we should nut I belli, Imi Ihe mot I n prlmipbi mtit lie I he ssmii Ibiiinghmit. t When the pios-r liiiiiiu l I at lives I shall surrender lo jm r lu.ial hand my jewel of oniiv, as untarnished, I trust, as when lh graeloiis r-nitilem w as de livered lain my keeping, ounselous thai like all humanity, I may have eriiil In matter of detail, but Well hssuiimI that never for an Instant have I taken my rye from the star of my pledge, the Miivaof the American Protective A siN'bitlon. My Country, my Hag, my Order, have Is-en my watchword, I have found them all suuielotit may they prove ao to you, my friends, I the heartfelt wish of your friend and presi dent, W. J. 11. ThaYNOU. There I no Heller Investment Than a lotln Kdgomont, Houth Dakota. It' safe; cheap; can Is) purchased upon easy term (95 to f-.' a month) and will double In value within two year. Kdgemonl ha railroads; cheap fuel; a MO.IHKI Irrigating and Power Canal; splendid climate and powerful bucking. Let it send you our pamphlet, mice list and plat. Heferenee, too, If you like, THE EDGE MONT COMPANY, J.L. TAIT, Hoe '.Nob. Omaha, NlcwmiKAf.K.KH can obtain TltK Amkhioan from any wholesale new dealer. Your customer will want it. rut it on your counter. In the public schools of Ht. Paul Ho man Catholic pupil number 10 orcont and Homan Catholic teacher 81 per cent. JKrrianff!, The Cellce Habit Ih (1 1 fill-ii 1 1. to I II r-o w (i IT, espeeliilly If ens'i I'lilrtirViiti instil IciiiIm tn t lm lisn lit I lie (lull lliii-ilnii IUkI" IIi-hiiiI ('(iimIi-iixi'iI Milk In I Ills popular lievoriiKu, Hssuperlorlly to cri'iim Is admitted, Hlcti lliivor and iinlfuriri run slstinicy. 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