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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1894)
THE AMERICAN. 4fl'(4 f! AVI HH tSX . "- H nnrf fftaf ( a-r JwfHrrtx aft Ha 4'bi. fn fa t'a'iVif Mnf mlnnsf retain H'rfvt(v I futei f Pur. OMAHA, NKMIAHKA, FI5I0AY, MAY Is, v. tl AKiPM, Von- IV Nl'MUMt "'I, 4 r M H ON 1 1I ft SI U lln 1m ir I. l Slnil; lUlln IftlUltllltf lITS Hi)! ltl'Ui I v ltiiitliit lii tihlrv limit a Sl l t...'n.l( iaiil riillitn n lotlf), I-Hi nhhi tin, M 4 Cnniiiy to r', hIh.V'h toil it Hti'il , tll' t'ltlill i-ceillliu In IJiilllMtl m l.iml I'll"" ll'('liij l) P'Htiti V' l) ItlteH'ntlllg f"ltt- tire. liU li In turn Involved uiii'X eted titx itk iiiiallHc lnilrt, mill the light iill nil, Tin- p!iiilitllK representing tin' Jr. o. V. A. M , took up their tea- tl'lH'IIV WhlTO II Wll left I'lT I UN I eVctl ll'g. A t bedny'a pria-eeillngn, several Nla-b-r of St. Joseph were tin lln stand, Including Sinter Miiry John, who taught room No, H In I lin (iitllll.ln school. Slater Mary ,li.lni testified Hint the garb of the order has no sig nificance except iih n distinguishing dresa, mid thiil there hud never Im-cii, so fur hn aim knew, imy design that the garb should I'Oiivc.v Instruction, rcllg lotiM or secular, Tho garb Iiiikincs no obligation to tench Catholicism or anything else. Tho eabMblmn In not taught by them In tho public school, nor him It over been referred to, or Mr mltted to ho utiiil led by any of tho pu pils during the regular school m-salona. Protestant children w-ire novel' re quired to attend or listen to recital of thl cabiehlsm, which worn condticb-d separate from and Independent to tho rctfulur Hiihool, hohhIoiih wore not even ojicncd with jiruyor, Tim HlMtorH Uo ti Miltlod that tho put 11m In tho Uiilllfzlri hcIiodIm, whoro thoy had tuuKht, wnro rn lthcr Wiilrcd nor nxpocti'd to aildrcw tho toucher uh " KImIuc." Tboxtruriffo iiyiiteiii of ((rad inu tb hcIiooIm, In which the lurtfor boy" art) taught In ono room and tho U In another, hrm no connection with the ruloH of tho order, Tho tune-born' kalai'loN were (flven to help aupport the conviiiit at which they reiilded. Maud JlyHonj,', aifecj III, ntat'd poult Ively that tho pupils were liM,ln!tly In tructod to addrec tic) toucher a "Hlntor." She wan corroborated by hor vunifer nUtor, Fourteen wbool grln word then examine', mmn of them nwi-arln that the teacher had told them to addrexM her an "Hlntcr," while others had not lieen told U) do no, but they did m an a matter of jnliu -neioi, All thuxp pnplln dtaUid that none of them were puiilnhed or reprli anded for not complying. In regard to thfj vMtn of prlenU at the xdiool, they tea tlfied that t hey were Inatrueted to rle when the prleat entered, and aalnto him with; "flood niorrilntr, Father,,' and when leaving to rlie and thank him for hi vlnlt. (Jj'ow-exatnliiiitlon elicited the fact that Niieh (f reeling were extended to all fltltor to the ehool, whether clerical or laymen. The eateohlrn of the Catbollo ehun-h, the pujill ntatod, wa taught ftr aehool hour to thOMi who wlched to receive the limtrucllon, The J'rotcntfint were not akd nor expected to attend. The preparation of the catoeblam lennon during Heboid hour byline of the pupil wan wn xlormlly Indulged In, butalway under cover, like any other violation of rule, and If (Uncovered by the teacher, wa immediately stopped. It wa a rule of the aehool that they nhould not mix up religion and aeenlar ntudy. None of the (flrl ever knew of the publle w. ori belni opened with prayer, They all testified that they thought the HI ter tried to win them over U their re ligion belief by aetof klndne and petti ri(f,- 'Wuhiirt) IMr.putrh, f elude A. V. A. Ihl ( luj (luun, Tif-I':iw)( (,, May ,', J MM To mem ber of the American Protective Anno tation: lnanwerto many Inquiring I am fdeaw d U) ay that the American Jlroteetlve Ao:latlon of Toledo,),, did not buy or contract to buy gun a ha been reHiiUd o widely In the country, Home memlicr of the order at a no dal meeting In the ant-room of their WMinell agreed to buy for their own tine (run. It wa thought beat bv theae men in combine for thl purchaae In order U wcure a low or reduced price, Thl wa not lit a regular meeting of any council that they iKMufht ffiiri. A dlpute arone Ixtlween the man acting a the treaaurer for thene purehaaea and the arty bought of, a to tbelellvery of a certain lot of ten. The trcamirer claimed no delivery of the ten (fun In (iietlon and payment therefor wa re f lined. Thene eron who were prenent at th Informal meeting were ued. A judgment wa rendered; tho cane wa Rpjcaled and will come up laU-r for hearing. f will nay that there have been cv crai caunen, Inducing leading men, ome of thern A. V. A., to buy and keep gun at home I will name two or more cannon: Flmt The jninwnnlon of arm by IM-- I"'- r I in, i,, - .-r-rr ' I 'll Mm. I'artlngton JlitHrirtw,) many church aocletle In Ohio and elncwhcro, Hrmd Thn entrance InU thla diy, uninvited by the civil authority and In violation of the ntnte and city etluijetU.' (to put It mildly) of a coinnauy of armed I'ollah Ifornan Cathollca from Detroit, on the occanlon of a IJornan church dedication March or April I Ml! here. They of eonrae were Invited by the local church authority, and the act rniiMt have been functioned by the I lo om n blnhopof thl dloecanr'. Third In Augunt lant, certain peo ple, mid to lie I'olen, made therniedve feared and dlntrunud In theoutnklrt of the city by depredation on growing crop Ac, Our nowapaper called em phatic attention to thene violation of law at the time, Fourth A very ffreat dlnllke ex lte and ft In nabl till exlnt ld,ween certain J'rotentant Oerman American and I toman Catholic Pole living con tlguou to the I'ollah ettlement. Threat on Ixith aide wer nald Uihavo been common, The A, I', A, had no part in the matter and It member w;'e not In any way connplciiou In the feud. Fifth Thl city at one time wa largely domln. ted by Ttornan lata-not openly alway, but weretly, Hence It may be aald that aome friction ha beep developed thereby, eaidally a to the Mchool truant law, Klxth One of th reaaon why aueh undue and fiillb prominence wa given Ui the "gun" affair wa'that It wa ael.ed iim by the Irxuil pre for imlltlea. And no jiafier heio'exwpt the llUnh. denied a word of the Ilea told ho frequently and inallclounly, Tho Annoelalod J'ren agent a imual, were prejudiced agalnat the A, ', A, and aent out falae reort, and dlaeolored fiwa Ui mil t prejudiced mind herein Toledo and abroad. The friend of thl American order can rent annured that no clty.f county or any other official wero In anyway connected with or reamalbk" for the private act of cltl.en who availed themaelvo of an opportunity to buy gun, No Hcnalble jxTnon now or at anytime ha conaldercd the act of the gun buyer a an act of the American Protective Anwoclatlon. Iteeetfully, WM, F, Thomcho!, Conveiit llormrxi The F-uroean pre gave an Aceounl of a convent In Naplea which for four centurlen had been abut to all and had been approplatcly known an the nun nery of the "Hurled Alive," It wa ouied in IMKi by the (hjIIcc and It aceret unearthed, A young girl had been hurriedly ' burled" there to cure ber of an unfortunate panalon; hut when KOMK'8 VAIN EFFORT her family afterward wlahed to com triunlcatfl with her It wa fjiuijd irnpo aible. An appeal to the Italian Mini ter of Juntice aeeu red an order for en trance, and, agalnat violent opposition, the jiollce forced their way. They found twenty nuna, raggul, wreUihed, and aome of them half Inaane, Fight of them had lieen immured In thl denth trap agalnat their will, Thene women were walled In with only a amall opening to pan In food, and were like bony akeloton. The midden exploration of convent dungeon In the T.'nlUfd Klate would veveal almllar horror, If the boiiat of the Jtoman church f true that ahe I ererywhere the name, MAHOXHUV TIIK COKXKK HTOK. riaee (lie freli-al lit KfllnKliiini ( atlmtlc In (he Tin Ilex. Kkhniwam, 111,, May 12. The cor ner atone of the new public m-hool building here wa laid today, The ceremony took place under the auplee of the Manonle fraternity and wa con ducteil by (irand Maaier La Ooddard, of Chicago, annlnted by O, If, H, Tolle, dejnity grand lecturer, of Mattoon, and C, Hohrbaugb, deputy dlntrlct grand maatiT, of Klnrnundy, under eneortof fiodfreyde IJoulllon coinmandery, No. M, of Mattoon, Fully o,0Ht H-rw)ii were InU-renU'd wltnenaea of the rltea that are aald to be a old a Rolomon. Of thl numlwr at leant 2,(Ki UmU part In the parade, which wa comjioai'd of Manonlc and other aecret order, city and achool olllcfala, and band. A algnlficant Item in the lint of the con tent aealed up In the nUme wa a copy of one of nine petition that wereclrcii luted during the week In thl city by mmbor of the Catholic church pa tenting agalnat the laying of the ntone by the Maaona, The only apparent rt nult of thl mlngulded effort i f the Catholic wa Ut call out In an extraor dinary number the friend of popular education and rellglou liberty. Fol lowing the Irnpreanlva ccremonlei of laying the corner aton William A. Northcott, of (Jreenvllle, head conmi) of the Mmlern VVVaaJnien of America, delivered a patriotic add re, Mr, Allcfl Wright Owyn, a member of tho Kfllngbam Hoard of Kducation, deliv ered a auholarly oration, and I)r Jame Newton Matthew, of F.fflnghain (joiinty, recited aome of hi line pre pared for the occanlon. An original ong net to the mutle of "John Hrown' Hody," and aung by WW nchool children cloned the exerclne. rrlinl'n hlave l it to Held Ofllrc. Take a good look at the II rat two or three Homan prient you meet on the ou,iM "'ii!!!llllllinii(i.i'' "' i ii ri i' )! H'itt m' i I r t i 1 1 1 1 1 J iM'.iMtltlli II f - wl,j!iifif,!!(!8ll,il U'-i wiwsiiij.'' "-(I TO STKM TJIK TJDK. ntreet and then ankyouraclf If you want to yot for a man, to fill any offfee, who will get down on hi knee .to ono of thene fellow and eonfen hi ln an though he wa (alking to Cod' Ilo you want U vote for a man who believe he can get to heaven only through the Jn tercenalon of nuch men? hi you want to vote for a man no Intellectually be netted aa to Indie vo that Cod I forced ny hi limitation to employ audi go between a th'-ae fellow to comniunl' cate with hi children' Do you want to vote for a man mi Imbecile a to be lieve the claim of thene pi le), that they are the only claim agent who can practice In god' court with any ahow of auccea' When you think the thing over you will probably conclude to do a the A. P. A.' do, vote only for free men. No prlent'a nluve I fit to hold office under a free government. Ifu man I a nlave of the ICornan Catholic church -the greateat thief known to hlatory M cannot be, entrunt-d with the administration of the affalra o a free people. (!iUlltthti Iterii'fd, I'll bl Ic Hell oel In Mexico, In Mexico public achool have lieen iHtabllnbed by the government, In which IComanlam I forbidden to be taught. The Mchool there had la-en under the control of the prh-ntn for over ,'tfW year, The remit t were what might be expected. There are I0.0IW,. MHI people there who never aaw a Illble, and If they aaw one could not read ft, A prient ha an article in the April number of the (UttlinUe Wwbl, who lately npent ome time In Mexico, and he given a number of atrlking fuct. The government nded and eonllneated 1,000 cathedral and churche valued at H0,(XW,IXW, and million of property and revenue belonging to monanterle, convent, etc, The orient re very much Inters ted in the education of the ltopln all at once, and are active In founding parochial choot In opaml lion to the public achool. Thl prient write that the public w-hoo! nyntem ha t-,en eatabllahed In Mexico In Imi tation of tho nyatern In the United State. Thl I certainly an encourag ing lgn of progren, Wimmn'n Voire. Tlir Vatican a Meat of Thieve. Kay the New York TrViunt: "Oniy two year Mgr. Folchl wa dlnmlcd from hi office and deprived of hi archleplai-opal rank for dlnhonenty In connection with the Peter' Pence fund, of which he waa the treanurer. Now it 1 learned that hi nucceanor, the Joault Father Ferrari, ha been guilty of nlmilar dinhonety, which ha led to hi ding nice and to hi expulilou from the Order of Jenulta." (.oimjia'm vuvmsmt mmvmm. Arlhm ut Him' Aiirthrii In AielnflriK Pat HhIiIi ii Hcnafer 1'enilcmiicil, VA'iUir Cranflll of the ItuplUl. HUnubirii In a recent Inane of hi paper ha the following to nay regarding Gov, Northen' appointment of a f toman Catbo Us to the United Htate nenate: "Argue how we may, Hon, W, J, Northen, vice president of the Kouth ern aptlt convention, and lion, W. ,f, Northen, governor of (U orgla, are one and the name man, And the governor, In appointing a iVitnnn Catholic to the United Htate aenate, In f) feted a deadly wound on the vice prenldent of the Hi.uthern liiiitfnt con vention, If our leader a, when In mi ilon, are not to proU-ct ua, ti whom ahall we turn' Cov, Northen ha not only proved dlnloyal to the church of .fenu Chrlnt, but Ui American Ifii'ltu tfon a well. What bonlne.a hii a nun to hold a public ofition, who, by a aolcmn and binding religion oath, owe hi allegiance to foreign iir'f Never, on a pcrona! ground, or for any real or financial advantage, will fbi paper ahrlnk from It whole duty, And a (iod I o,ir jod-, we believe that every word we have njtld, all that I written, In the great at k Inline, I true, and that our lw loved Nor i hen ha more than he aeema U le aware trodden the whftj' banner we have un furled In dirt and n ud, and eat a re proavih upon our whole peopf, that the corrialing t'iieh of time will not aerve to elTaee," - - -ItiiiniiiiUin In llelgliim, The religion atatitlcn of llelgluni for JMW, which were on!y publlnhed toward the clone of I Hat year, glvo the number of conventual Inatlt.ntlon and their Inmate In the kingdom- monnt-rle, with 4,77.1 monk, and I,,V1', convent, with lnu-i and nun. Thew have grown during the deende preceding from 'I'M monanlerle. with 4, 12" monk, and I, ,'ll'i convent, with 21,212 aiatern. The Inereane wa no no great a In tha period H70 WI, when many of the rellglou nectaex-l-l led from Pruaala ettieil In Ibdglurn, In the next decade many of the re turned, owing to the relaxation of the church law, Put there are ntill over W,(W men and women belonging to the various order, and biking the popula tion of llelgliim In I"!l at 'i.OOO.OOll, we find one "religion"-monk or nlU-r to evry 2W -raonn, A Niib-iK envi rted VrU-U Monnlgnor Kouland, who left Ibiman lam four year age, preached to 1,'WO Frenchmen In New York City re cently. Mgr. llotiland waa dotuertlc i hnpinln lo lie' mM, ind Imi nil lil MiHle ft lend Mud i Kin minimi of I Midi ohI I,hh Ii re In the rom in of hi w lliuill be rtld "The Itiuumi t'nlholht b in Ii baa trtki u nd i niitiig" of lh" nepm al iiui of i Iniii b and ntate In Ihe t'lill' d Hlale to linin into line great hi1Ii I body, or HUH hill' , ttlul the iblliger It pieneitt Intliii pi'i petdBllnii nf the Utilnii I Im minent. Pi'Ulentiuit bavii lii"d lii bo i iiiiii lie nil I lie alel l, becaunii the M'i-iirlly I be.V enjoy I falae, "If you do not limk out, Priientttiit,M be unclaimed, "the Catholic octopu will III tell year envelope America." A for hlinnnlf, however, lather than again yield to Home's "unholy dicta- Hon," he would die the dentil of a martyr, Thl outburnt wa received with loud npplauae, AS OI'I'.M I.CTTKK. Tu I,. II, Hmllli, 1W ('um. ii. A. It. Km Inn, Kan Hiawatha, Kan., May 1,1, IMil. Hlr; You are certainly awaie that If you have Invited a Catholic iii leat to olllclate on Memorial day, you have dlngraccd the honorable ina nition you hold, illnhonored the grave of your dead comrade, and Inaulled the Old Flag. I the name of High Heaven! and the name of your dead Vtmfn rm, bow could you do thl thlngV Ood forbid that we foater war-engen dered nnlmoaltli-a, or detract from tho honor due thoae Catholic who were pal riot In aplto of their en ed, which wa a primary cauae of the war. The iowI I out of place benliie the "Army- blue" on a day like tbla, and the nyn- onym of all traltorou element that "declared the war, a failure," We may have mlneorialtucd your mo tive, Perhap you will have the crn- laaarv. of aouanl foreign power, read the letter of Pope Plua, IX, to Jeff Davl'. The trial of the anaa)n or our martyred Mncoln, It were mln ntlv fitting that on thl day, you De pict the burning zenl of Home for the union! I 'ere ha new you will hav bullded, better than you knew, for draatlc meanure are ii-.ded Ui waken the ProtenlantH who a yet, realize In mapaamodlc fanhlon the danger, noon to lai lulled to nleep by the nlren voiced Jenuit who nlng of the day, when the "Mon and I,amb ball II down togetber." N. wJp.ii tb'"' Homlah lion, and the American lamb, lie down toiiether," The p(r little lamb, will not fie vlalble lo the naked nye If we interpret aright, the an pi ra tion of J ,eo XIII. for "a return of the robuat Cbrintlanlty of the Middle Age," (to Include the J bumtw-erew, tack and An-to dfe), In conclunlon will only add, "Do not try Ui curry wab-r on both ahoulder," A, V. Ili f) lag the Fahrlipie, One of the hcavlet burden renting iinori the French Itoman Catholic of Quelac l'rovlnc I the fabrlue law wherepy the people are ciniieleJ w Contribute to the ecclclaatical fund according to the will of the prient and nhmm. When a prieat take it MM hi bead ibatb'i would like to build a w church or a convent, the law I Immediately et Into oaratlon and each Huntiu Catholic of the par h I obllgixj Ui contribute to the building fund under pn'n of cx-coin- munlcation, The Fr- ncb :auadlan ave ! groaning beneath thl ere mt and tyrannical la for many y ar, eld In otatilienee to It by a ui-rl itl- Oii fea' of the ecelenlatiel fulmlna- lon of lh ' holy 'at her. It I gratify ing bi know, however, that aign of de- veraiic are at bund. The rrem h anaillan are gralually appreb ndlng the policy of the holy metier church, and many of them are declaring their emphatic refnnal Ui make any further Inventmenl In her b k, preferring b bey the Injunction oft hr)lbi "lay up reaure In heaven where neither moth nor runt doth corrupt and where t,ieve do not break through and nb-al." Ilifwk Oiniidinn. irow Kranllc Oyer Hip A. I'. A The Chb'ago ihratil grow frantic over the ei;ret non-partian A, P. A. political organization, but I nJJeril over tha greaU nlnecret (mlitical organ ization that ha ever exlnb-d. It I the secret jaditlcal organization headed by the prletboaJ that ha given rlo b the A, P, A. One aceret political organization will produeo another secret iollte, organiii tier). f,et the Ittraltl turn IU atb:ntioii b the many onth-laiund secret anti-American political organization In tho Itoman Catholic church If ahe would be connlb-nt. We agree that ccret political organization ara dangerou b) am-lety, I't'ipk't Union Nkwhukalkiu can obtain Tint AMKUtCAM from any wbnleale newa dcaler. Your cuabtmcr will want it. Put it on your courier,