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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
THE AMERICA h V J AMERIOANS INDIOTED, K'm ( t) iUi U rJ With Xunli-r iVtn stt mi 1W ti . WW 'tM1 1iMr ! 4 l lwlt llh i It1l Jt? lt W ! Tt. !"! t of 0c ernl Ju ,n tt 'ith W "l tot. irv.i In to W 'fl !,:',,, tM Sir: lliiU1l! I lil Jl rvttt of ti fni jury. I simi-il It foeemstt J or.let f tb Jm Tli t 1in hot ntiH !jf );..!. In my i''iUn U julie i i.oxt il too . 'y th roust Mt Ami I'.uMr -mUr- r it tm4 lnnij enough. I Hi) ojiUiSort tW riot jrrt wit of tlx wult niil tn Wetter, In Hi msirt I news with th n-jwl, Imi cannot assent In ill of It H.WH-tfu!!y. "H, V, lnHrtN.M "To tlu Hon. John W. Wufford, ' Juilfi of tho Ci Itnlnttl Owirt. " Hip jji wnJ Jnrv of the, rt'fftiUr Arll tHt) or the court submit to you the following rc)rt: "We hswcrtroftilty Inquired Into all violations of law called to our attention ind have returned Into court lxty-nlo true bills and t wo no bills' an llio re sult of our deliberations, "A large part of our session has boon consumed In a careful and thorough examination Into the dlflleultlo occur ring In the Fifth ward at tho recent city election. "We have examined all the w Unease upon both Hides of thin unfortunate af fair, amounting to almont 100 In num ber, with a view to am'ortaliilng the caimo of the dlflicully and wherein the responsibility thereof rent. "For montha prior to tho election day this ward had been tho center of all the religious bitterness which hag existed In this city for some time pant. Feeling hnd run high; several riots had occurred, and hirge bod"lcsof Hllee had been repeatedly called out at threat ened disturbances. These conditions were to bo deplored, but none the less they existed and wero well known. There should have been sent a sufll- ciu.H force of police to that ward on el ection day to preserve tho poaoo, pro toot life and prevent exjtected trouble. This was not done, but there was sent only one policeman to one of tho threat ened precincts and two to the others, whllo at a single precinct, No. 48 In tho Ninth ward, a peacahlo residence pre clnctvvhore no trouble was expected JjfTjm ocrijr, o bad ever at previous r'- T)irtlons occurred, there was statlonod the chief of detectives, a sergeant of police, two detectives and four patrol men, who remained there all day, whosa presince In tho Fifth ward might have prevented the death and bloodshed which subsequently occurred. "Hoth sides of the rollglous fond, each fearful of the other, flndlnd they were not to receive the protection of the police to which they wore entitled and had the right to exioct, prepared to protect themselves. Each seemed to fear the other would Interfere with their right to vote, and that Intimida tion and coercion would bo employed; whether either side tad good reasons for their fears matters not, tho fact re mains that they were fearful and sus picious of each other. "On the day before election, about noon, C. K. Ilurnhatn, an attorney for tho A. 1. A. side, stmt out to Westport and called In J. J. Browning, constable of that town, and Induced i I in to con sent to commission a largo number of Iersons as deputy constables. These were sworn In at Hurnham's office in tho New York Life building at noon on tho day before the election as deputy constables of the Wcstport constable. "Among those so commissioned were aomo not resident of tho Fifth ward, but residing In Westport, a greater part of whom were eagaged In the fatal shooting on the next day In which Callahan was killed. After obtaining these commission Ilurnharn made a trl p to Westport and obtained a lot of Other deputy constables' commissions, signed by Drowning, In blank, where names could be tilled In as occasion might require. Constable Olden, who was the eonstablo of thu Fifth ward, late at night (the nlgbt before election) commissioned a number of deputy con stables to assist him In preserving or der at the polls on election day. Among these was Callahan, who was killed, and Drosnahan, Fowler and Fleming, who wore all dangerously wounded on election dny by the Westport consta ble commissioned at Attorney Hurn hara' Inst ance. Neither Prior nor any of his crowd, who started tho trouble the next day, wero commissioned or eworn in by Olden, but all of them had been commissioned month baforo by tho constable of another district. "About 10 o'clock on tho morning of , election day I'ryor' crowd made a brutal asttaulton a negro named Hew lett within plain view of tho policemen atandlng not twenty foot away, yot no arrest was made. A short time after wards, only a short distance from an other policeman and close to the police station on the Southwest boulevard, the same crowd of Pryor' follower H A t A iat-iinl :: )ti' ';. I t . (.....(. 4 tt m tif. 4 tJ;t Mj il - tt'l I , tt it i t-, ri ! '! t i.t i . ). I n '(itv a iHc-; --f h nt f iht tv Stul w i .ir-.t ' tmt f.-r t!' .f ViU't mHU i ttit.t ui st .''!' i tIUir-i i MISl Hi '.m t ! U bt'M.-)l t t S 1 tjusrlt ft fur hri r hih j.m!Hk , 10 nri i.l rn 'I tit'tible, It S 11 f:n ,t lt im j "Pate aed iOh r rti't d ntl to the lifh id and r ri,. Voiteg Pru't td ktarti'd Mm In cbsifceof il her to WeM)iotl. Tl) ) then tt inpted to Brii t olb'Mt who eiv pHlii; iiiijj, lor whom tin y bad n warrants. Tliew parties pmlvsiitl, a loud allereatloii arivm', which at liailidtl.e r I lent Ion of ever) body In that vicinity, and drew Callahan and large crowd of others from block away to the t. A single silleeuian clothed In uniformed authority, then on the sst to have Interfered, could havo saved human life and prevented the bliNNlshed which followed, but none was there, and so armed men, lilted with religious haired of each other, fought out a battle and thenescaad 'hi fore tlio solitary policeman, stationed only about a block away at that pre cinct, ever apeand upon tho scene. "After a careful Investigation It clearly apjear to us that If there had lawn furnished any adequate poll!o protec tion to this threatened territory, or If Lieutenant Houlware, who was tho po lice olllcer In charge of that ward, had promptly and properly discharged his duties during tho day this unfortunate riot, ending in bloodshed and death, would not havo occurred. "After a careful Investigation we havo returned indictment against those violating tho law upon both sides, against whom evidence could be procured, leaving several case not finally disposed of to bo considered by tho next grand Jury after further de velopment In evidence and after It is definitely known what may bo tho re sult of the wound received by some of the Injured parties, In order that tho grade of thoofTenso may bo known. "The thank of the grand Jury aro extended to Prosecuting Marcy K. Drown and to hi anslstant, Mr, Thomas A. J. Muslin, for their impar tial, thorough and painstaking elTorts to aid us in our investigation In tho Fifth ward dllllctilties, a well'as all other violations of law which we have Investigated, Ily order of tho grand jury. "8. W. IftWMON, Foreman." Those who wero supposed to belong to tho American Protective Associa tion, were, 8. 0. Pike, K. T. Coleman, J, M. Patoj E. C. Ott, 0. 0. llrlgham, A. J. and John Cove, W. 0. McCowan and W. If. Gumm. These men wero placed In Jail whllo tho I toman Catho lic "I'ryor gang" wore allowed to run at large, and charged only with light offense, yot, It Is claimed that they wero tho one who Instigated the trouble aad commenced tho fight by resisting arrest. Maroy K. Drown, the prosecuting attorney has from all time swung with the toman' as shown in tho McNamara case, and ha now another scheme of tho lloman against Protestants, and ha been assisted by thelUnan "puller" Walsh. Tho in dlctmcnts returned and made public by tho grand Jury are given below: "H. A. Pike, E. T. Coleman and Jer emiah M. Pate wero indicted for mur der in tho first degree, They aro charged with killing Michael Calla han, during the riot at tho Dolt line bridge on the Southwest boulevard on April 3, whllo the city election wa be ing held. K. C, Ott and 0. (I. Degham wero in dialed for assault with intent to kill. Tho indictment against them sets forth that they made an assault u)Km and shot Cornelius Drosnahan on April.'!. The shooting occurred at tho same place Callahan was killed. Ott and Degham were arraigned In tho criminal court yesterday afternoon and entered plea of not guilty to tho Indictment, Their trial was set for May ,'!() and they furnished ball in the sum of 1,000 each with John D. Htono aad E. II. Allen a uretle for their appearance on that date. Tho other Indictments found against participant in tho riot that were made public are, Jame Pryor, John Pryor and Edward MeOovern were indicted for feloniously assaulting C. J. Wag ner. John Pryor, Edward MeOovern and John MeOovern were Indicted for feloniously assaulting Andrew Hewlett. There Is a count in each of those In dictments that charges tho accused with feloniously wounding Wagner and Hewlett. Harry Arthur and Job n Me Oovern wero indicted for assaulting Jeremiah M. Pate with Intent to kill hlra and with feloniously wounding him, and Perry Fowler was Indicted for assaulting E. T, Coleman with in tent to kill blm. Ott and Degham Were arrested together with W. O. McCowan, A. J. Cove, John Cove and W. II. Gumm, by tho pollco shortly after tho riot for the murder of Calla han. The grand juror did not deem It ! .' '.!'';(' v m "? j . i ,.1 t. jtj !!. (m. it "-tj It., . H.rn t it ' . -.-., ni :.i f AU.m( !; s t 4 i (,! ,1 ; I i if III I I ( ttf Wiintii : .,t SfSUM M Mk n, Me l t - A,. I -l ) ' oi' M t. .m , In .!(!. m ).. i e t A Sftd IVjt. tester i,4u . . Iijrt Hlli I i t Sfjt1- the itnil Mb J 1 1 1 1- i t iM t .;. up I' iii iii .! ti.e Woit In Vs i'. I i! M't fc t ' n out l ! tin ttimK.e tt.i) Sie ttfi' n(t!l n in nut, iH'ii'itt: mnt Itttiioti si t tij. I ..... . IS .... .1 . ... I. .1 I. I f!mUtui,ly WtiitHtlun; t'. 3 Wawinl. tune ilito 1 1 im'usl etii 1 '! ! M it to the Imlit llio et II" nti t it a pit s ol Dot vol!), (e a ln'inl of '', Willi Jsutet Peiittt 1 1 t a itreij , fur hi sp in si ami- ftir ti (si. An ltilnlew, lelstive to the act Inn of the Rrsuil Jury, ! i nant II. I'm i r-al as fnlltiw "llernard f.. t'ort-igan, police coiu inUfloner, ued every emphatic lan guage lat night, "The grand Jury," he said, "has made a great effort to display this un fortunate riot a one which had Its origin In religion feeling. As a mat ter of fact It w a Nilllles, first, lat and all the time. The men who professed to Is! Catholics base Ih-oii Catholic In nan e only. It Is not likely that they have conformed to the rites of their church for years, If ever; nor Is It likely that the alleged Protestant have any better record, It Is polities, jsilith-s and nothing else. "Do you call Jim Pryor a catholic'." said Mr, Corrlgnn. "Ho may 1m, but tho Idea of regarding him as a repre sentative of the Catholic church Is absurd. I have no right to represent tho church, and I am prolmhly.n better Catholic than Jim I'ryor. "Speaking of the polleo department I havo this to say. Tho force I not large enough to be omnipresent. One olllcer to each voting precinct I all that can Is; detailed, unless the night force and reserve are drawn upon, "Wo did draw upon that reserve when tho rumor of possible election riot reached us, and no less than five officer were stationed in the Fifth ward when tho poll opened, on April 3. Tho commissioner made every ef fort to avert trouble, and if trouble oc curred It wa in Hpltoof their vigilance, npt because of their negligence. "Had there been no deputy consta ble that day there would have been no trouble, I'ryor' character and record should have been considered by tho grand Jury before it made It re port. Ho Is not an obscure or unknown character." Tho Americans, Jerry M, Pate, H. A. Pike and E. L, Coleman, remaining In prison up to Hnturday, fUi, charged by a bill from tho grand Jury, with murder In the first degree, were re leased on bonds of f.7,000 each. The question was discussed by Judge Wof ford and Prosecuting Attorney Marcy K. Drown concerning tho admission of ball. After some consideration Prose cuting attorney Drown decided that the cases were bailable, and ho was not ure If tho rMto should try them ior murder In the second, or third degree, or homicide, Charles O. Dlrncy who ha been in California, has returned at the request of a telegram sent by Durn hum and Elliott, tho attorneys in the case, a he wa under the same charge as tho three above named. Ha ha given bond to appear before the court. E. E. Ott and O. M. Degham wero confined at tho sumo time a those be fore mentioned. The grand Jury found a bill against these parties for assault with Intent to kill. Their friend fur nished bond for them and procured their release some day ago. C. J. and A. J. (Jove, W. II. Gumm and W, O. McCowen were released, a no indict ment could be hatched up against them. Thl case ha been ono vile persecu Hon and those who have Instigated tho onusldod detention and rottenness of official should bo hunted down, These men who wore true constable at the time and doing their duty as such havo been persecuted to tho last de gree, whllo the "Pryor gang" whom they hod warrant for, and who re sisted arrest causing the riot, aro now at largo on bond of about rs'Kl, A tho Pryor gang were tho aggressors, being Ilomans, they are shielded by the Ho man sympathiser In tho official who worked tho case, It la time to oust thl rotten gang of county official and the chief of police Torn Bpeor In par ticular, Wants to !( HI Hhare. CiilCAOO, 111., May 7, JM)J. -Doing informed that there I a likelihood of a rate war on ocean vessel to Euroistand also a cut In railroad fare V) the sea board (and it may como to pass that It will enable an adult to travel to Eurojio for 111, It seem to mo that thl cut would perhaps prove a Issm to the United State, vl.: Wo have In our midst thousand of alien "of unquestionable political Idea who aro at present unemployed mil whoso tendenolei towards socialism are marked" who would gladly embrace the opMrtunlty to return to their re spective natlvo hearth, If they only had tho wherewith to do It. I believe tho iTnlted State could easily spare thorn, Would it not bo a great charity to tl.iltt.-il ItiM ! liM ttlfsKt t ir I I t t lit I i tl .il l.')t Ml l Ul. l.i tli h Hat i -.., lilt ) t itt, i I il I tn- fH' f.'l i w et tHfl hv ii!i t. ! W t f IliSi U I tl ( J tie' r. tt t Im-.-I Hint 1 1 m li-t tt.etti I ai k In ll. i H t .i '! II n-t' llol SihiintK.t ti Hit" lii'Mji St 'I ! it"! f tltlt I I 11. 1 Kill, l I II H tl 1 I llll j ll nil ltii -t it-Ht . I ' Mi iiong l I lillHM"lit SH, pilHiii j'H ill il I HI i ll lltuM l f.Hitut M Woniil i'nilo to tl., i t.:,.ilin i pun i' ticl i ul. 'e m Ustite, hi n)oi leg lln let lul !l fotl ifc'l't'l In tin ir IHlll' isiitl unit rlitdliig Mil ciiuiili) litun oil ot tiinlitli stile nni) tlisl Utiiil migi anu. I ltMi It o )nur 1'ilitnr lo i nUrfe'ii and litipnue litis etude iniggeslloti. Your truly, Pllll.lll Llt'H'I'KNHTAHf. - A Miimtiiii fn in Nrn link. I'.tlltor TliK Amuih an: hir: Per mit a chattel' tuelnlsir of theblilier council of your city, Lincoln Council No, 2, to furnish you with a few stalls lies that will make an ordinary Ameri can' skull sweat, The following Is from thu New York Sim of this date; "The National itcnguo for the protec tion of American Institutions has entered uhui Its campaign, ami during the list week has sent out more than KKl,(HKi copies of documents urging voters to Insist on the passage at the coming constitutional convention of the proposed amend inent to article VIII, as follows; Add to article VII of the constitution as now In force, at the end thereof, tho following: "Section 12, No law shall bo passed respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; nor shall the statu, or any county, city, town, village, or other civil divis ion, use Its property or credit, or any money raised by taxation or otherwise, or authorize either to ho used, for the purpose of founding, maintaining, or aiding by appropriation, pity merit for ser vices, expenses, or In any other manner, any church, religion donornT natlon, or rollglous society, or any In stitution, society, or undertaking, which Is wholly or in part under sec tarian or ecclesiastical control, "Ono of tho documents gives tho fol lowing as tho official figure for a year of tho appropriation of money for sec tarian purpose In the principal cities of tho state, except those from DufTalo, which have not yet been obtained: N unit! of City, Itmiisn Proles- Ifelimw, , Catholic, ,,l,i(l,t,iiw ,, m.ivi ill Mi ,. 37,7 IT KI.IKil , , liil.OOO sn l. Now York,,,,, MriMiklyn ,, ,,, , Alliitny Troy Syracuse Koclitister , ,,, , H,VI tMW IIMCHI J;i,il:!H sMtW M Totiils i,c;i.7;m uiw.hiz iss,77i Total of Hi" sin cities for a yiir lMi',M This list comprise only tho principal cities of tho state, but It will give an Idea of what percentage of the public moriie goes Into tho coffer of tho Homanlsh machine. It I high time to put a stop tt) this leakage, not only In the statu of New York, but every state in the union where public monies are misappro priated for sectarian purposes, The League I doing a good work and It should Ihi supported by every Ameri can that has the welfare of his country at heart, No public money for sec tarian purposes. No nun In our public schools! One flag and one tongue for all. New York, April 30, WH JflHKPH L, HlCHAHMHON, ft 10 Lexington Ave, To tho memory of our rsiloved brother, A. N. Whitney, who died In tho discharge of hi duty on Saturday, April 2, lHiii, these line aro respect fully Inscribed: Thou hunt left us, r)r hrothiir, for thn rlm of glory, Wlinrti Jnstisour Saviour In majesty stands, Thou hast dono well thn duty, whaiwMi'nr was htiforn l In'", That our laws hit snforciid, whatsmi'tir II demands, Thou evr wast tru to (lis duty a iimid thee, lliftiviir u n will m In Its smicutloM niittht hs, To tin) thoiiKhlof thy ssfuly thou said "Oct behind urn," That our town from I lm lawle mlKht svnr l; fmo, Wfl mourn thy departure, w deplore the ad end I UK, Of life so unvoted, so purs ihkI sohrsvn. Thou hast fuller, In death while our city d fenillliK, I'rorn the grasp of ths robber, by thu hand of a kiittVn, Wn bow to the fain that has no overtaken Our hrothiir In virtue, In justice and lev n, Kvr knowing ths trusting are never for saken , Ily ths I'ather Of all, who relgiieth allocs, Wo tumor thy rneriiory, thy virtue, witJI knowing, Thy faes at our council wn ns'er morn shall see, Thn heart of II member with grief Ison'r (lowing, Our lovn fur our brother forever shall tin, And now to those dear one thou hast left In mourn then, Wn e me ml to them sympathy In thl their dark hour, Wn'el walflli o'r the welfare of her who hast borne thee, And pray Ood to keep her by III all divine power, K. W, Mll-I-Klt- Memtier of Anchor Council No, U, Junior Order United American Mechanic, of which our brother wa an honored member. Mo, Valley, l April HO, I!m). i Tlir. AmkrioaM can Isr obta'nedof all wholesale newsdealer, Ak your dealer to handle It. . 1 v. a tv Iti. - !,,, i, llr M I l'ltl lO-lt HHtl t Ol ! SMlI'Miril.t i Miii hinrn i , T1t i it, koi eel litiism t"l i in siel ! ' mi tin a ! MABCHAL & SMITH PIANO 'SEVEN SERMONS on ROMANISM' r, Him ik that contains the whole argument against Humanism. Bent postpaid for 250, by the Author, K. H. URUMHAUQH.D. w. it ut'siri.t,. w i'. a 1,1,1 n, jiiiin o, coim t.fuu. 'riilileht. Vlt e I'reslileiil. "ashlsr DIME SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL FULLY PAID, $40,000. Interest Paid on Deposits. Savings Deposits Solicited, - -WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Corner Fifteenth and Harney Street, OMAHA, NEB. Of 'a certain year, and I5.75 for ls?s;i quarter dnlliir, Wn also pay thn hlt(ht premium tin eleven hundred varieties of 1'hllwl State anil ferelKii coin and stamps; also confederate money. Knrlose stamp for pimf aioi. and wn will send you, free, nur IH-piiKi Illustrated catuloioie. showlnv what wn liny. Ho nut delay hill semi Onlay, Kiv,Iiik your eyes open, yuu may pick up coin or stamp that will hrlritf a lari amtiioitof money, NATIONAL COIN CO., Sl2 Block Kut'hunKa ilulldlriK, llostun, Macs. TO I'ltOIIIIHT HWJTAKIAS filHS. NtroiiK I'ressiire for the l'iisai;e of the Ameiiilinent l New YorkN ('otisl Million. Nkw Yok, April ;Ml.-ripeelal The National Leafim for the l'rotoc tlon of Amerlean Institution ha dur Iritf tho last week Hooded the State with more than 100,000 eople of docu ment urging tho voters to Insist on tho passing at the coming constitu tional convention of tho proposed amendment to Act 8 of tho Constitu tion of the Htato of Nw York, as fol lows: "No law shall bo passed re specting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, nor shall the statu nor any county, city, town, village, or othfir civil di vision use Its property or credit, or authorize either to be ued for tho pur pose of founding, maintaining, or aid ing by appropriation, payment for ser vices, ex jsinses, or in any other man ner, any church, religious denomina tion, or religion society, or any Insti tution, society, or undertaking, which Is wholly or In part under sectarian or ecclesiastical control," IKItlMATKI) Fill IT USDS. Did you see the fruit In the Idaho Kxhlblt at tho World's Kalr? Nothing finer, first premiums and all raised on Irrigated land. It's sure, It's abundant, It's profitable, It' your opportunity. Tho country I new, tho land are cheap, and tho eastern rrtorkct I from f00 to J.fioo" mile nearer than toslrnllar land In Oregon, Washington and Cali fornia. Advertising i alter sent on applica tion. Address, K h. IrMAX, O, V. U T, A,, Omaha, Neb. In tho A. I'. A. tho Jesuit have tt last found their match. There I no llrfler Investment Than a lot In Kdgemont, Houth Dakota. It's safe; cheap; can bo purchased upon easy terms ('t Ui a month) and will double In value within two years, Kdgwnont ha railroad; cheap fuel; a 1(00,000 Irrigating and f'ower !anal; splendid climate and powerful backing, Li'i ii send you our pamphlet, price list and plat. In ferences, too, If you like, CHE tDQEMONT COMPANY, J, h. TAIT, Hec'y., Omaha, Neb. r A CRAND DISCOVERY I WA -A II" mn of wumwt In mry m r fiirfHrnllllfl I Sill, III . th yt Mil wur ' fwwmum mttwww a I . ffkaft,,il Simmiii. I, mm W I .UMt.r. r.i lii, m-ll ulills M ll M rf i"l usrsnto1 1 wr HSHiKMi li'Wl I .....J...,,. l1,.l,,.ll.r. II,. ,!, of i III. I sua. I tltinil im4ritli ilmniniliUiriirr"i "'l"i' (wr ",'" ,.rf villi rmvtr l ii-rrsli-r., mi r" wis il,.iiit fr nur'f Mih.I 0l, Oim lln Ma il,,!. ImlKn' -rtli in li'r '" "ii Vrmm. AWt Sif.lr4 Hirmmn ., Itrpt. il). Ist, Mm. Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed. Pries 40 Cent). SUBSTITUTION MARRIAGE. Prlo BO Cwrtta. Hv. Jisstph Hlattory Is thn author of both of ths ho hook. They are lust what ths title Indicate, Slid r printed In sotxl, clean lyp and hound In paper cosr. sunt by nress or mall, A'lilrnss, AMKKIOAN I'UMldHHINO CO,, IS it Howard Street. Omaha, Nsb, Of, W Main St.. Kansas Olty. Mo. orCor. UUrk and lundolph, Chicago, IlL Vv AJ A All lull I 111 1 Piano for $145 ir you ouy it now. j (I t I ' M !. . HK- i. I I h I I" I t.a.,1 ,.. t I ! I lini,h. .. , i.isil-l '' Sn,i H'lHekifoii'l .ini,.ieti lt" i, t.W H-snlil',1 '! Oi t II liv ihr, Si .nil ti l,"t lanMl'l l'l. I .lil I I re.i t " l " 01 " (""" M lit t 'e I t Slltt l UK) " J"r or.. ....... . 1 1 .. I ... IIIIF li'U'llllHI I Stnill t I'Hi' I I mm" If nt t C' " 1 1 '. ""t ir Til llHMI,StMll. Itsek. i' tisixH sml nfn-l "' 'i ht si hito ItM,"!" Sl'Sle "S-ll l ' ' ! sn tiiininiir j ei'Mit 1i CO., 235 1. 2IU St., York. J D., Atchison. Kansas. MARIA MONK. Paper Cover 50 Cents. Thl little volume relate thn terrible si perlence of a nun who wa conllned In th ''lllaik Nunnery" of Montreal, It has prob ably the largest sain of any work of the kind ever published, and several Attamptm to Huppvvmm It have been mads, Thn erics In cloth I IKJO, and In paper AO cents, rorale by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., lolfl Howard Struct, Omaha, Nsb or, fr7 Main Ht Kansas Cit y. Mo. STARTLING FACTS Ott Deeds of Darkness Exposed. ly ItEV. J, O, WIMTK, This sxcellent work dealwl h thfKilltlRl ' iriet.noiior Mi" luiman i.airioni' i;nurcn. II contain much fund for thouxht arid luk warm American will rind It I lite rest. I UK read- InK, It Is printed In Hood, clear type, and iiouno in cioin, i Price l, VA, postpaid- Kor sale hy AMERICAN PUDLISHINQ CO., ' IHI.'. Howard Street, Omaha Ni or, Cor. Kandolph and Clark, Chicago, II 1 the comma American CIVIL WAR. My II, A, Hl'NTINOTON, Thl I amimx the litfe.t publication and rank amon thn best. It deals with the for eign eerM"iln political affair of our coun try by the Human Catholic Church, r,vry American should read It, J'uper cover, I'rlvo fiO Cont. Sent postpaid fin receipt of pries, by th AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., WH Howard Street, Omaha, Nb, or, tfl Main St.. Kansas City. Mo, or, cor, Clark and Kandolph, Chl!af), III. THE PRIEST, THE WOMAN, ASO TH CONFESSIONALL Hf ItBV, CIIAH, CUmWY. Thl work deal entirely with th tiractlnsf of the Confessional bo, arid shouhf b resrl br all I'roUisianl a well a by lOtman Cath olic themselc. The error of the Confess ional areclearly oolnM'd out, I'rlcn, In cloth, I,W), enl postpaid, Mold by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 101,1 Howard Hi or, Cor rtaudn WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED. fly lilt. JUSTIN l. 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