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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1894)
B THE AMERICAN CURRENT TOPICS, llm f tnlrt I" rem Vntlou PUi Sti StHti, t. l' I. N - Nt W Y.'HK, AiU C" l ot lt.. nrM thin' lt 1 1 lil-l'ij ' Uk NIiiI tiuaiil t sltolt tlte i)iirMrt I'l K MHtiiinnmnV i ifc'ltl U m iii Mioml n Ujll"" w rilitMr lit lit In laralo Utl'iiilnl t nlwi-ru- M'Mkhhi i'til will ' I'rtU'Uilr iti'i'iln tl Into ,iiiiimi ttltfht. It l I lie fii-l Unit' tint tjiiftiotl if lllgloii til any fi'llll Lit. ; t hIIoWhI (ll lnVIMUO N sl"jift llf ilrt.iit.'. hihI NiiUoiutl (nmiilMii'i, lint tily In tliUolly, Imt all nr Un hmiii try itlitn'y hv alt tho mtfnitn'. Tim hivi't-ilfjHtlim will take jilntu Mt tin srimny of the HUty-tilntlt linlnlllnii, where four tHiH-t'oninitanloiHHl ollleem will ln eotn i emi t Weil. The order for the t,imt't-iimi'tUl tni'l lnt iiltflit hy Mwjor Hi'iinU Mi-t'urthy, niiilii!it of the lU'llmjiM'iH'y hoard. Tho allojf'Hl offender, H of whom sre SUaehnl to Company I, are inrttr mntr Sorjfoimt John F, Johnn,td OirHirnU John lloneh, J. J, Dlcklnmiii, and I'.. M. Mulnr. With the exception of IMeklnnon all re Honiftn Oftthtilk'H, to which church majority of tho Imtulllon hi'lonM. Tho Mutt', who are bucked up by nearly very tnotiibiir of their company, wiy tint tht'V 'wing nomiouted. Tho charge upon which tin y wlll'liBVOto fuoe n Yrt-iiiurtliil tomorrow-might Im th.Sv failed to turn oufln intrude wltliaNj itulllon on8t. 1'u trick's duy. Thuttll' ;J culprit take the t ami that tho puitiilo In quoMtlon wa nothing more than a witlk from tho armory to Ht. I'sirlek's cathedral, whore wervleen wcio hold, and then hock again. They nay that In every mhiho of tho word It wan purely a religion oluwrviuiee, it ml that their failure to participate wan not a breach of military rule, but that, on tho contrary, tho broach coiihUIm In charging them with tho offeimo. Sergeant JohtiHon U one of tho bent known men In tlm batalllon ' Ho wait attached to tho old reglimm fur years, and hi win 1 In tho mime .inipany with him. Iloth wore at th armory hint night, and at toon a Mijor McCarthy' order ran made k tiowiy Sergeant John ton aUi-tod for him. Ife denounced the major In thornojo vlgoroua manner. He ald thattlr o wan an outrage and that It the root of ro- llgUniw v Va guaranteed . r . 1 i III I lli.l.l 1 A 1 1 1 oy hid I'jiiiu i luwiiion. i have to nv...,, McCarthy I credited with ald, "U that if I get you before mo I will fine you the full jMtnaUy fir refunlng to turn out on parado." Johnxon then mudo Hie claim that In any event tlm nmjoruould not wit on the court-martial, a he w prejudiced. A long wranule followed, and tho men gathered around and ciuloraed all that tho rgcant naliJ. Hn far u I)lcklnon U concerned, the ganoral opinion miiin tolw that he ban a clear 1'iiwi, aa, not being a Catholic, ha had i right to Im ordered to parade at all to a Catholic church. That rule hold goo l In the regular army a well a in tho National Guard. In caw) the court find ngalmt the men tomorrow night, i he la t r will at once take the matter before the mi pre ma court on the ground t .at rellglouo liberty la at tacked. Auricular (iMifeimjiin, In aUernptliig to akall anything you muni first understand that thing and have lt meaaure, I am almut to ai"all thdo!trlne of auricular confewtion, V) long j;ractu! d and upheld by the dlnel plea of the church of Itome. Flmt, I will define It. "Auricular confcalon la a m cret oral confeiialon of all )our Irrn, either of the laxly or tho mind, made to a prleat, Ituimtt ho without rt aervo, tliat la, you are to omit no alna of any nature whaUoever. In order to prevent omUlon the prleat who In am the oonfi anlon aka you concerning any alna you may have omitted-" Thin U a air, impartial definition of auricular confenalon and ia atrfctly a true one. The object of thla confcMlon fa that the jirlet may prcMcrlbe a penance for the alna and abitolvo the alnner, Thin dix-n not, on caroloMM periifal, aecm a very bad thing, but it In tho moot damnable doctrine of any religion that ban ever cxlwted kjnee the commencement of the worldsIt 1 wonie than theoulragooua 7'T.UtIcca of the prletita of Haechua, for it l noeret and their prwtlcea were open, Jt I worao than the lrifamoua orglea of the worohljra of l'otiapua for they sought proclytea only among oplo of notorioua bad repute, while thia modern horror invade tho home TjCnalilur th! dix:trlno of auricular con- fcaalon and mm what make it ho bad. Flrat, "Everyone, man, woman and child la to confer all (in, cither o( tho body or the mind, to tho pricat, Thia, of itaelf, doea not teem to very bad, but I ank you 'Would you whtb to have your own mother go to any man, no matter who or what he may be, and confeaa all the tin which the may have committed, either by thought or deed?" It r j iih il )iw ran tfr Ht (jut liim li tl C'rttm, Ikll M!i IiIbi H.nit-,,1 n m) t lit n't ht mniit !, p !. r IW ts-n a-kt jnii i-oiHtt MOjf m tin it ttiM ha itlUlft " I hf tli nlt h l( 11 HtO, Mt IHtl.tif, OittllK f.!lit t f II, bane ntlt'fl a of lb (((ixtHiten t.i li li i by Oiri ilt.M Wiiiihl like li gltrt ) npi- of wmm f lhi Unii. bid tin law f tlm I'litliit Mlr pii.tiH'tl ibi Ir (iiHISt athm l tin' I nvlih UtKiag. Siilb.v II li dnj Km qu. Uim aiw lm linSttehl for jml lu mI ion lii J on w a n( mj niiiaklng ).iir oioilii-r or your ti-r, nrour eel hi ait i'ii Ui'liii llilili me tmi olwi im i Im puhtNtteil I bae a ler, a nliv lit l llil' il llllii''lit JOlilig (j I I I aliiiiMt " her no, n U'nuU ful, a-'iitv eyed chiol Kiaiihiig biMieath llieolil oak lei-e, tiding, Jnnl a he hIiuhI when I left her, Nlioulil unj mail, pi bl or ho prlepl, ever pollute her liiiiocciit young iiiliul by asking In r ich qilenl loiim an a pl ieinl Hoillil ak her In the eonfeiwloiial, I would Invoiuo a tminliier in twenty intniilin. Many of you have when, ami aoine of im, thank Heaven, have awi'etheurl. Would any one of you w ant a mart to ak your If 0 or nweet heart mich (jiietdloini that alio could not think of then) with out hloxhlug? Ami yet there are thoiiHiuiiU ami hundred of IhouxaniU of young girl going every week to the confcuiional. Vou would not allow your own family to do audi a thing but you alt Idly by and lot thrxu innocent girl go atralght to ruin. Tho liut thing about Auricular confoxbloii la the fact that tho prlctit almolvo the alnner. Who In thia prli'Ht that ho ha tho Kiwer of forgiving alu and ahuohing the wiulaof the alnnerH? Who ia he that ha been mo elevated and favored by the Lord' Who la ho that ho ha been made ccjual with tho Croat Hon and ha tho full power of forglvcmW Who I he that contradict lllm who biiI tiM to pent In thy'Ttfo ailil T,hy"ljord will fiirglvQ thy tin In Heaven?' Who I he? In general Ui 1 a groat, flonhy, hlgh-llvlng, aenajji Irlnhman. r Daihy o. Mack. CAN NUT NCItVK TWO MASTEIIS. A HUyp' Oath Miit Conflict Willi HI Allciflnnce to Till Ceiintry. . (leorge Kftmtgomery, who, on Sunday lat, waa oonaecratud coadjutor blnhop of Monterey and Lo Angelca, took an oath on atimltig ofllco in which the follewing word occur: "I, GM)rge Montgomery, will Ihj from thl hour henceforth obedient to Uleaaed I'etor, the AMitlo, and to the holy lloman Church, and to tho Mont Hleawd Father 1'ope Loo the Thir teenth, and to hi huccchmoi', canont cally choaen. 1 will uimiri tlwm to retain ami defend auainalanu man whatever lite Human lUttmhmi without prejudice to my rank. 1 will take cure to pr ai-rvo, defend, and promote the right, honor, privilege, and authority of the holy Uoiiian Church, of the i'opo, and of hi aucceaaora, a aforeaald. With my whole atrength 1 will obxorve, and cauae to lie olmerved by others, tho rule of the Holy Father, the decrees, ordinance, or dlHpoltlon and man date of the ApoHlollo Hee," At a harty glance, it 1 not apparent how George Montgomery reconcile thl oath with the allegiance which he, an American citizen, bear to the United State. I'opo Iio the Thir teenth 1 a tomjxiral sovereign a well a a mii), II.) ha a court, a revenue, and representative at other court. Ill dominion are small, but be deal with tho aoverelgn of tho world a one iKitentato with another. There is no rcaxon why he should not make and curry on wars a hi predecenor did three centurle ago. There 1 no doubt that he could enlit an army from the rank of the faithful in Italy, Austria, France, and Hpain, If he could pay them, and he might declare war uKn the United State, a other oo de clared war on obnoxlou nations In the Middle Age. If this should happen, where would George Montgomery atand? Would he continue an Ameri can cltl.en, or would he obey tho oath he ha jut taken, and take the tide of the enemle of hi country? Kven without aumlng that the re'a tloiiH between tho United State and the papacy became so atralned that war ws the only alternative, it i K)lble, nay, under circumstance easily imag inable, it is probable that an embar raising antagonism might arlso be tween the government at Washington and t!.e government at the Vatican. Are wo to aume that George Mont gomery would, In that case, oley his oath, or would he stand by hi country? If he think It likely that the foi mr would bo hi true lino of duty, would it not lie fair for him to pitch hi tent at Itome instead of Lot Anifelo? The day of sectarian jwlemics has passed. Nobody seriously discusses theological questions in our day. A man who undertakes to asxai! tho doc trine of the real presence or pitches into purgatory may safely be set down a a crank. Hut the Horn tin Catholics aro more than a sect. They asiilro to be a "temporal power," and they swear allegiance to tho head of that power. Therein they differ from tho Jews, who aro also a race as well a a sect. Hut tenaciously as the Jew adheres to bis race, he carefully Identifies himself a to hit nationality with tho pooplo among whom he dwells, and knows no other allegiance. The London Roths child It an Englishman, the Frankfort liothscblld is a German, the i'arls Rothschild is a Frenchman. But the irh tlotesn i aHuilt.' 1 fit ) t. i suitjM. I iif li s )) -f It.-oit- In li lll, Uo .tlMTt J tl. s)) IV..IXK f t, , It t.. . (if M ltl.l.t j ,-,),! In Oi tt h uMi h li ix( Mimi "-) tli llit' SMimh"!!! V a ll ll.t inl im if . i i'. n' ) n tftisq pii !'' m linif a bin ,iUil, I oi l cm fl, 1 1 illi hi ilnlj a an Ami I lean t ttlfi n II ioiplv l. llf WouM o'xj.Slnl the llifi fi m-e It lrtHli!e thai II a t i ''i. I atitwi, t woulil ts luihj bj his tstth, ShlltiSl ! bnl - in it. lo ht ImtUr Isitil, the I nili-d httn i.f Ameriia, but lo the ' ll'ilimll l'oiiiliii," '1 hi Ar-'MiHif, -fcw . "Our Hi pi) I ltc, ltiitbnM I lini . hie. NlVVVnliK, April 'lOth, ll. l',l Itur AMtxmrAX Vour r ply t the r liij,' of one I lev, Goi'ilon stfaliml the A, 1. A In iii!itiiwi iaMli, but JiiiiI t nk was cany. For I he statement ef Mr, Conine were fals., Hd either knew they wer laine or he did mil kno vi hat he wa talking alsmt If we tlo not chargit thai be was guilty of groi-s, and In a minister, Iii" vi-u-uhlo k'noe ance, what other eonclu.on cHti we ar rive at than that he lied willfully. If we say he did not falsify Intentionally, then we are forced til say he is Ignor ant, Ill-Informed and need to ueipuiiiit hlui'clf with putt and current hlntory. ICvcryoue will ailiulf that a mluUter knowingly maklngfalse statements in the pulpit or outside of It is altogether unlit to preach tho Gospjl of Christ. And I BHsert that a man who Is Ignor ant to the degree Mr. Gordon may seem to be Is also unlit to preach the Gospel or to be a teacher of men In uny capacity. Mr. Gordon has been guilty of one of those two things, fulslfylng, or donso Ignorance o( tilings it is his duty and privilege to know. Therefore ho is unfit to preach tho Gospel; there fore he should resign his charge and not disgrace tho church of Christ, if he refuse, his sheep, tho sheep of a blind or false shepherd, should drive him out. Let us pity the churches that have such ministers, they may exist. Hut the day Is fast coming when they will bo pulpltless, so far as American I'rot estant pulpits aro concerned. They will doubtless find pulpits in Rome, till they do they aro misplaced. The fate of Gordon will bo the fate of everyone who attempts to justify the Roman Catholic Political ohuro . Her deeds are tho deeds of durkness. From almost her earliest history she ha shunned the light, the light of day, the light of truth, the light of God. We may disagree with the Ro man Catholic religious church, but their religion la not our business and we don't want to make Hour business, but we American cltlzons will make it our business to save our free Institu tions from the withering touch of Homo. When she lays her destroying hand on our senate, our judiciary, our public schools and all our other Am erican institutions these hands must bo cutoff. They aro on now, let them be cut off. What state ha thrived where Rome has prospered? Without her these United Stft''t have grown Into the greatest nation on earth, great, glorious and free, free to all, a country wherein all may serve God as they please or serve htm not at all If they so please. Hut no sooner do we discover Rome Interfering in our poli tics and our affair of state than we site mlsgovernment and disaster on all sides. Tho church of Rome is a danger to any state. , Then why shall (I'l.OOO.fXK) of people be ruled by the council of Rome? Shall we go b.ick? Shall we b icome tluvcs? Generally speaking tho devoteis of Rome are uneducated, they have an in herited Incapacity for thinking, a con dition forced upon them by tho prac tices of tho church, and yet they are ruling our big cities, they are ruling tho Unik'd State, A nlco thing! A nleo thing for tho great American peo ple to confess! Ruled by the Irish, the Murphy', tha O'Connor, the Micks and the I'uddyt, the priests and tho nuns, and tho old woman over thf re in Italy! Hut its so. They're tho mas ters. How long, O Lord? Tho hand of Rome has boon working stealthily. Seeking to save toult for Chrlat? No, no. Seeking what she ha alyay been seeking Temporal power. Rome want to stand usin the State and say: "You aro mine!" Ho wo see tho shades of Washington, Lin coln and Grant corno forth. Let Rome not mistake, tho heart of Washington, tho heart of Lincoln, tho heart of Grant are alive yet, and, like llruce's heart will lead us on. We would hardly fear another St. Bartholomew's massacre In these day, but tho church of Rome never changes, it is tho same now as it was when "tho faithful" slew thousand of Protestants Paris and the following day the holy priests (?) assembled in Notre Dame (Mether Church) and worships God (?) and I he poo sent hi blessing. What a spectacle! Horrible thought! With their hands yet dyed in tho blood of their fellow men kneeling beforo the virgin, giving thanks to God and the pope to them God upon earth bless ing their wicked murderous deed, In conclusion, let mo say, I am not an A. P. A. man. I am an American citi zen. I stand to do my part in saving our public schools and to thwart every attempt of popish Rome to Interfere In J, T. ttUING A MHO t,iTTi U Mllftf tlrw,, H V.t Ml.-.i irU. t M J imit.J ! U' i' f J,-t M l f!f ftlhw iul Su at " ttn i iwt I sit i " liny f ji-nr l iiUMn A till! H liutiff lulai Isiilxtl till shlll I kv, TV, II int. II 2,i ami II I V. A! full I. oe lf eoi.wi 4 1iilU at m, :.v ii mi, ii n ,, A fnil I iii .f ti!nbtm,-r at V, .IV, Ivaml T.V jn-r garment, ll, miiv to en ur V'htUati il iiii ii r esr I tore btiji'ig, lliwat plle' whieh isimot I rijiialleil. jut think four pair for .i eciitu, or K'tler how at !h Tic, I'V or three pair for ,V, llisek In l.V, two I sir for 2.V. F.ei lletil ijuallty si 2V pr pair. We hau a full linn of the latil noveltlo In inckear at Tie, le, l.V, 2!e, .'IV, 4!.-, ami !'!', Ciiibnlas at IV, .'H'., (.V, tV, H,"m, m i, n ia, II ti i ii u r, 1 .', IJ.T.'i,, : 2, IM.T.. and II !Ci, liint think of thi aiiir!iueiit. SIIOIS. We si-ll oar new style (an Oxford' at (fl 2i, Regular Oxford's aULil, 1.4,1, 1.7.'), l llo, tiMsl, 12 4.1 ami 2,IHf, Men's shiNi at I.IH, 1 2.1, ) fiU, 11.7,1, M.ihi, 2.2.1, 2.41, 12.IHI, f:i 2.1, :i fid and 1,4.1. 1 1 ATS. A new line of the very latest shape In Derby, Fedoros and Crusher at very low prices. Just come in and look them over. Also tho latest styles In straw hats at 2.1c, 4tic, 74e, IWo, 11.2.1 and 1.4'.. Come in to buy. Wo will treat you right. Do not forget tho number, 308 North Mlh street. WM. N. WHITNEY Tan Shoes $2.50. $3.00, $4.00 AND $5.00 FOR MEN'S TAN SHOES. $1.50, $2.00 AND $2.50 l-oii Ladies Tan J Russet Oxfords WM. N. WHITNEY, Opposite P. O. 103 8. 15th St. our political affairs. And therefore, I wish the A, P. A. and all its newspa pers success In their God-given work. Thomas Hell, New York. Tope U'o Taunts the Jesuits. Romr, April 21). Tho popo is much annoyed by the fanatical Intolerance of tho Jesuits at Pluncantls, where they wished to burn some books they con sidered wicked. Among theo were certain of Kmllo Zola's works. Ho Is vexed at the affront to tho author of "Lourdes," Just when bo is beginning the publication of his famous trilogy, in which the place of honor will bo for mystic Rome, Ills holiness said: "In stead of burning books they think wicked, it would bo bettor If they would try to write good book them elve." J. J. Illiss, Milliner, Ml Douglas, Go to 2223 Leavenworth for estimate! on caqientor work. tf DiLLKNliKCK & CO. J. J. Hllss, Milliner, 1,114 Douglas. The Coffee lluhlt Is dinii:ult to throw off, impeiinlly If onu's epicurean timlo leads to the Usm of the On 1 1 llnrrteti KiikIii llrand (.'on'lniiM'd Milk in thl popular lKjverHK. lumiperlorlty to cream Is admitted. Hlch flavor arid uniform con sistency. Fat DybttH'sdcllclousCrearn Candies. IM Douglas Ht, J. J. Hllss, Milliner, MI4 Douglas. Kdward Uaumley, for livery, 17th and St, Mary Ave ii Eat Dyball't Candles, 1.113 Douglas J. J. Dlis, Milliner, Ml. Douglas! Tho Cabinet R4tliable Gasoline Stove it Warran tod for Three Years, it it the Most Perfect gasoline stove made, W. F. STOET.KL, 714 S. 10th, it agent for the west. J. J. Hllss, Milliner, 1,114 Douglas. -- 1 1 1 Tako your repairing to The Drum mond Carrlago Co., 18th and Harney St. Up p. the County Jail. J. J, Hllss, Milliner, Mil Douglas. Any man who pulls old glory down and runs up the green flag is a traitor and should bo treated as one. . m ii J. J. Hllss, Milliner, 1.114 Douglas, i Reader of The A mekican who hap pen to have any coins dated before 1873, may find among them a quantity of varieties which aro worth many times tholr face alue. Tho National Coin Co,, 832 Stock Exchange, Boston, Mass., tends out a 16-page circular with Illus trations of United State and foreign coins, stamps, confederate and conti nental currency. Cut this out and send stamps, and you will receive book by return mail. Send now. It may mean a fortune to you. Lobcck-Linn -Wllol I h.O Builders1 Hardware, Culleru AND TOOLS. TRY US OAOf FOR LUCK. 1404 Douglas St Telephone 3 TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS. REPAIRING DONE. Douglao Street. OMAHA, Neb. Y of all Dent Qoods In the market. Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for SO Days O, LANG. 718 South 16th St. W.R.BENNETT CQ. The Most Popular Merchant in Omaha. OUR GOODS ARE BEST, AND OUR PRICES RIGHT. Our Famous Excelsior Flour, $1.10 per Sack. We get this direct from the Mills, and can Recommend it ahead of Anything in the Flour Market. A PRESENT IN EVERY SACKI Imported Sardine 12 jc per can. 31b can Pineapple 124c per can. OUR BUTTER DEPARTMENT Is always Crowded. We get our Butter and Eggs direct from the Fanners, and thereby save our Customers the Commission Mun's profit. GOOD FRESH GOODS, LOW TRICES AND PROMPT ATTENTION. OUR WOODENWARE DEPT Has been enlarged, improved and a larger and much Finer Stock put in, and at Prices that will count every time. It is Situated in the Hasernent of the Annex. OUR CROCKERY DEPT Is also here, and many Improvements have been made in this also. Our Millinery, Gents' Furnishing. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Furniture, Wall Paper and Carpet Dept's are Strictly in Line. Do not forget your Souvenir-and Real Estate Coupons. Our Next Distribution June 12, 13, 14, 1894, WIS TASAnOTilBRS 1H)LTA)W! ORIGINAL OMAHA SOUVENIR DISTRIBUTORS. W. R. BENNETT CO.. 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. CHRIST. HAM AN. Watchmaker anil Jeweler, Fine Watch IIbpairinq a Spkcialt ol2 South lfl Street. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker r&Embalmer 11'ortniTly wll.h M. O. Maul.l TKI.KI'ltoAK 8Mt, All South 16th St., OMAHA. LAOV ASSISTANT FURNISHID. Omaha Express and Delivery Co. TEI.KI'IIONK UiH. Moving and Ligh t Express Work Trunk and Paroal Dallvary. lloiiHi'liold 0km1n I'nrkn'I.Htorrd und Hhlpp5 Office, HIO North Ullh Hl rHMl. ' llrnneli office, N. K. Cor. Wh and liiko Hlr-i.u. Telu phone IMS. J'UIC'KB KKAHON A HI.K. J, L, TUHNKV, PTIano Moving Hpticlaltjr. Munniror M. DALEY, MERCHANT TA,LOR Suits Made to Order. Guiiriinloi'. a imtipi v m.n all cimog. Cloth OKeli'ancU, dyu(i and ruiinxlolud 2107 Cuming St., OMAHA W. H. LANYON. M. D Physician and Surgeon, Telephone 747. Office H. W. cor. Blitwnth and Chicago fit Offlca hour :00, to ft:0U p.m. Kelduce, 2711 Charlea Htroets. TaUphona 1368. Hardware Co., K AM UITAII.. 279. OMAHA NEB. GUY YOUR TRUNKS WHIRS TMtT ARt M ADC AND PATRONIZE NOME INDUSTRY. feiUfc. H. FOR BY, M ANlTACTt'ttKIt OK SHOES BOOTS Kinds for the Next 30 Days, GREAT REDCTION. LAIMKS SHOES worth S.OO will ro at 9X175 4.IKI " 8.(11) " 3.() " 2.S0 " " " Z.m " 1.7,1 MF.N'8 KlIOES " 8.IM " 4.50 " 5.IK) ' 8.TS ' " " 8.IH) " 2.IW " " 8.50 " 2.0U M. O. MAUL. HuccoHor lo Drexul k Maul, Undertaker and Embalmer 1417 Farnnm Street. TsLEPiiows m OMAHA NEB Full Set -or- TEETH $5 CIRFtCT FIT OUARANTIID. Taath Etraotd In tha mornlnar and Naw Sat mada tha Soma Day. Teeth Extractei WltHont Pain for 25c, DR. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk,, 10th and Dooglaii, Omnliit, Moh. w II F,S YOV AUK IN NF.KD OK Fire, Life or Accidental INSURANCE It will pay you to call on thn undnrDlinnd rcpriwuillriH Buvoral A No. 1 lnnurarn:o tJom- pauleN. FRANK BURMAN, m I'm ton lllock. PHOTOGRAPHERO 205 N. Sixteenth Street. any i