The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 04, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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'( ' ". I ill ti nm t.j t i. ... m
I 1 l. ill l l h ,', l,. ill
ll It U i it S I rtt !..
t Mh wiiw- M !. sivaMh- !
I ll ! tiiil U tit k In Hxnp lb
B ' f lhl l Ims j . fl (
(l. til i f tki iv fun Ik All lt
Uiuii i f lh p !
. lt ... .I.,n, i tw n(ll tT. lit II.
IM. f i. m.,ni' '" I'1. J' I '
Mimti'itHitir N A.M.
I Hi flit ltlll d Iy thr IP M ) l
lwt.4ti, though tt Hf Ititt.ti tl anil
l"ii imial (,
1 ll I'uMIK fart tH-lthr IK ,... tin
Umml If lit vuUr k.i r,
Tlil lle I'liinit amii-allnl llml l I In'
fllml f ltf l'tittllltlhl, Ullrf (hat a gin) til'
Hhiit l I i4im titan.
Ik That .t ho In Ut Uis Uiii m
tf all littmaii Is mit Jinttiiiii'iil.
II, Tlml nil law I'lMiirmy In I In' run. Mm
ml din-fit uf, the Iuhhkii (in UIi tm i.( tut
U Tlml nil of llip on! I hatm-i of llm mih
rr utihi-altallliiil)' tai il')id.
l l. IV IMIHlll Hill CM II t) MKl( 4) otl
hum th m) h rt-niitiiititil'at(l.
14. l'rliU at futlii'i-t mill nnuUtm, pvi ii
Of prliii'ra.
I. Th ctrll law In drrlnil from matt, hut
'he ioclilaatl'l or cation Uw I )i-rl vi-tj
Olrmly front thai, t.jr which tin' pimtirT Cn
In i-otinm'tloli with htn tirvlut-. itmka nm
ttltutlotii for tun Kliuln i lirUllnii World,
niattr-r spirit mil, com-i-rnlnit thn salvation
df mm In, tin the rlxlit yovi-riiini-nt of thn
:litirili kti If tim-i-wniry JiuIko mid (1Unmhi
M nil thu li'iiixjriil gomMof all clirlMUim.
M. A lu-rctlc, holilltiii or tcachltiK falna
loctrlno conccrtilnii thu sui-rnmi'tita, I i'
'oiiniiiinli'ati.'d Mini (Irnrmlcil, ami liumliul
)vit to the w'culur court.
17, Htyulur prliicru uiiwIIIIiik to iwnur Ui
di'fctid llm chtiri'h iiitnli.t hi'ri'llr hn m
coiiiinuMlcaioU, utid tin y uru lulu uihIit an
IK The K(H)d of liiTiit lc re to ho con
flmjHUtd and applied to the church.
1H. Advocati'd or iiotarli', favoring hero
tics, or their defondiir, or pleailliiK for t hctu
In law nultJi, or writing (Iim-ii rut-ri t for tlintit,
urn Infatiiou and iUKpcndi'd from olhco.
20. Tha wfCulitr powcri, whether prm
nent or tetnporury, are hound to nwciir that
thry will extertnliiate. aci'inillim to their
power, all heretleisi?otidemiied hy thechurchi
and a temporal lord not purging hl land of
heretlrn, cx-coniriilinlcated.
21. Thow nlgned with thu cro for the
extermination of herelleM, n-jolcii In tlni
prlvllegq granted to tha crutifler tor the
help of the holy land.
2t They aro ulnulved from all ohJlgallotiN
who are In any wlws hound to herethw.
2.1. Whoever diet I" battle agalrmt tha tin
ttdlevltig, tnerlUt the kingdom of heaven
24. We do pot tem thono homlclden, to
wftora It may hav nauuened In their wal for
their mot her church agalmit the ex-comma
alcatud, to kill noma of them.
2.1 Thut Oath'dlij I'rlncen ars bound, both
by civil and common law, not to receive or
tolnratt heretic, and much mora ara not to
pnrmlt their rite, or other exercliK) of their
religion, or rather, their falrnt mutt, hut are
montwolemnly hound everywhorn, to repel
and expel them.
24, The following tomporal punUhmnt
are to m enforced on herotlciii lt Infamy
and tha continent dliuallflcatlonit for all
Civil acw. 2nd Intet,hlllty, an well active
apiwlve (that U, they can neither make
nor will Inherit what In left to them by
Other), 3rd Uxm of paternal power over
Children, 4t,hfyoi of dowry, and other
privileged granted to women, fit h--Con (loca
tion of all good, tithThat vaal and
ilave and other are free from all, even
(worn obligation due to their lord or an
Other, 7th"0aplt,al corporal punishment,
enpeclally death, and perpetual lmprlon-
1. 27, Thn canon law forbid all toleration,
2. That metropolitan and til ill op are to
-ooiiiniuiil:aHi hloi who grant llliert.y of
J, No oath I to be kept toward heretic
prince, lord or other.
lu. Heretic are to be deprived of all civil
and paternal right,
II, The pope can abnolve from all oath,
Every bUhop I ordinary Judge In
Caue of hereny, The reaxon I becau the
bihop can exwfflclo, and ought Ui extirpate
heretic, and Inflict upon them the due pun
lihtnenM, and to thl are bound on palnjof
depoltlon, lhtlde, are the lniuiiure
pnclally deputed by the ,potollc nee
Every bUhop In hi dloce I thought U be,
and In reality I, a natural lri'Ullf,or, (liter
ally born lnoulltor)( m a to have the ame
power with thoe already mentioned ln
caue of herey.
83. In every promlwtory oath, although
abolutly taken, there are certain condi
tion tacitly nndertood.aniongt. which aret
lt-If I can) ZidTo ave the right anl
authority of a nperlori Jlrd-When the oath
uppoe the honor Of the apotollc '-n to be
U. Thatthecouncll of Trent, (the lat and
great authority of Home), decree and com,
mandthat theacrod canon and all gen
ral council, alo the other apostolic enact
went lned In favor of ocliielatlnal per.
ion of ccleliMitical liberty, and again! lie
violator, all of which by thl preenl,decre
It renew, and mut ha exactly olwerved
by all,
ej( ., cardinal of the Holy lioman
Church, dopromln andwear that, from thli
time to the end of my life, I will he faithful
and obedient unto Ht, I'ttlnr, the holy apo
tollc Itoman church, and our mot holy lord,
the pope of llom", and hi uci;eor, canon
Ically and lawfully elected; that! will give
no advice, conent or altance galnt the
pontifical trtttjety and pironi that I will
never knowingly and advlnedly, to their In
uryor dlgroc, make public the councllf
entruftted tome hy t,hemelve, or hy rnee
ienger or letter! alo that I wlllglve them
any altance In retaining, defundlng and
recovering the Itoman papacy and thn regalia
of l'tr, with nil my might and endeavor, o
farae the right and privilege of my order
III allow It, and will defend them agalnit
all their honor and tiite, and I will direct
and defend, with dun form and honor, the
legate and nuncio of the aponlollo ee, In
the territories churche, n,oriaterle and
Other benefice committed to my keeping)
and I will cordially co-npnratn with them
and treat them with honor In their coming,
abiding and returning, and that I will rnlt
unto blood all pcraone whatwtever whoxhall
attempt anything agalrmtlhem. That I will,
by every way and by every mean trlve to
preacrve, augment and advance the right,
honor, privilege, the authority of the Holy
Korean blhop, our lord the pope and hi
before mentioned ucceor, and that, at
whatever) tluielanythlng hall be decided to
their prejudice, Jwlilrh I out of my power te
binder, ai MNiniu I (hall know that any
ftepe or inf-iwure have been taken In the
natter, 1 will make It known to the tame,
our lord or hi iucceori, or aome other por
tonbywhoe mean It ruay be brought to
their knowledge, That I keep and carry
t 4 p. ! i i. t .
i, !, (.. fkl, !!
Ituh-li It,' .n.. !,,. i
Ihn It If li).. fc. .., i ,!,
mi -., Ht lit l'lli i lUnthoi l i I tt.i
I1IH l .t(ft t , f !' i l ,j , . ,
It t M i'f l'tl !' ' I ii j
ri HtMMith lt.1 mil . h j,t.
l .", t tie ai,t M (,. t l n,i.,i
.l nti,iti,,i it I n,t..iuiti i i
I., n l', !,',. in. lit),! i (siif ,
l!e .- i.l li.i-.i.- .i I h l . lit', i,.
oih . . fc.. Uti I Hill ,tn tk 1 1 n I'lii
vuil I- '.ui
I Iilll i It.l H W I I III ht .
"I. , I ltf the m
.lt, -4., Im.iii l,i ii, 1 1 .1 III m fat,tn
n.l iii..lii nl t.i ft i ii t tin. ANin ami
lite II . I; liomrin i lum h, i, In eur lutil, Hi
llilly nll' tif liittiie, in, I til III Mll'tlmiir
I'siH.i.i. Hjf', ti m iihi r adtt
riitim el Imr itit ttetthlliit tlml tin y lhy lib
life l hieiiiN-r, nr llml thi lr nrili tuay I
m In d, or ImliiU In any wlw Inlil li'H tlni.
or any tnjuili mtin d to theni, under en
pn li ni whiilMn vt r. The poun I wit
whlrlt tin y dltnll Itii rtttt me by lhemmlv
tin Ir en ii iii i nr i iti , will not know
Ingly veH to any, to tlnir pri jitillre.
Ill help I In' in Ii ill fi-tid nnd keipthti liiniun
p ipii. y and Hie niynlile uf l vt f aguim
all men, T t legale of thn hihwIuIIC imk
going utid ciHiiliig, I will hntiiirMhly treat am
help In hi tni'ilt!i'ii. The right, lionor
privilege ami authority of the Holy Itoinm
ihiinh of our lord, the pope, and hie a fun
aid KUi'i'eiuHir, I will endeavor hi prenerv
defetiil, Iiiiti'hi nml ii'lvanee, 1 will not I,
in any i'oiiiim'I, oi'tlon or treaty, In whir
hall ho plotted iitialiixt. our eald lord an
Koiiiiiii t'liuh h, anything to the hurt or r.
Judli'B of their pi'riiotm, rlKhU, boner, ntul
or power, and, If I -Ii u 1 1 know any nic
thing to he treated or ugliuj'4 by any what
wk'vit, I will hinder It to tny atmnet, and
noon a I can, I will lgnliy It to our enl
lord, Tin' ordinance und intnditte of tie
pope, I will ohwrvo with all my might ant
eatlxe to be olmerVed by ol heej,"
"'lerelh'M, Hi'hlNmiilli'N an I rebel to on
ald lord or hi Nin'cexwir, I will to my ut
wiKt pi VHfcutn and oppinm."
"Ileri'tlcim, iw'hlnmal li'o et rbelee tldi.f
Itotiiliionoxlro vel mu'eemwiilbMpredlc'tlapri
piwiio pewiUar ft oppintmibi."
"1 will come to a council when I am called
I Will Vlhlt the thimhold of the apoHllm
every three year and give an account of ou
lord of all my pnntoral olllco and of lb
thing Ixdonglng to my dloeeito to the dU
clpllneof my clergy nnd people, 1 will It
like maritii-r humbly receive and diligent)
execiiio tne upimtiiiic Commaml It I ou
detained hy a lawful Impediment, I will per
form IliO liroreal( l,y a tnember of mj
emipiiT or ii iirn'M, or n,jr oiiN'exe, roily to
Mrui'led In all lliliifi nlmve Mentioned Tie
IKMM'HMion neiongtu to tny tulile, I wit
tieit tier wit nor oilier M ii ieniito t 1 1 In mi
comniltliig the liomiui pKotlir, Ho help mt
uu uiim new; iiim KimpriM in ifiMl,
Cent t the iUtinlNli Munager
Tint Fcitlaii'g Oiilh.
'I wearby almighty Ood, by all In heave
and earth, by the holy prayer-book of my
holy church, hy the bleed Virgin Mary
mother of Ood, by brorrow and grief at the
crom, by her tear and walling, by the holy
apiMtle Ht, I'nter and I'aul, hy the glorlou
apoxtln of Ireland Ht, I'atrlck by the
bleed and holy church of all age, by the
holy national martyr, to fight upon thn
Irlh oll, to fight for thn Independence of
Ireland Ut fight until I die, wading In the
red goreof the Haweinifh (l'roi.elant) for
the glorlou cau of nationality to fight
until notalnglo vtlgM, track or footntep,
I left to toll that the holy oll of Ireland
w ever trodden by the Haenach tyrant
and murderer) and, morovr, when the
I'rotcNtant robber ami orute in Ireland
hall be murdered and driven Into the aetl
like the wlna our Lord Jeu CbrWt caused
to be drowned, then wo hall embark for.
and take Kngland, and root out every v
tlgeof the accursed blood of the heretic
adulterer, Henry VIII., and poe our
clveof the I!tt4 who have o long kept
our lland of afnf4;ld Ireland In the
Chain of hondage.d riven u from her vhore,
exile Into foreign lana. I will wade In the
bloodof Orangemen uu heretic (I'roMwt.
ant) who do not Join u and becotre our
EHcotland too, having given aid and miccor
to the beaut, we "ball live In her gore, We
xhall not give up until w have restored our
holy faith all over the ftrltUh Ile,
To all of thl 1 lncerly and eowtclen
tlouly wear with my eye blinded, not
knowing who to me admlnbitcr thl oath
Oat fi of (lie Clm-fin-Owi.
Tho following In tha oath taken by
the member of that fitniou IlmnMi
CbIIioIIc WMiloty:
"I (name In full) do nolnmnly wer In the
presence of Almighty (Jod, that I will labor
while life I left In me to estaldlsli and de-
find a republican form. of government In
Ireland! that I will keep secret the name
and everything connected with the Irish
brotherhood from all not entitled to know
uch secret! that I will obey and comply
with the constitution and law of the same,
whatever they may bej that f will preserve
the fund of thl order for the cause of Irish
revolution alone a speclllcd in the constitu
tion! that I will deem ll tny special duty and
mission to promote and foterentlrr.enUof
union, brotherly love, nationality, among all
Irish ('ttlhollc! that I will not permit the
nomination In any political caiid or con
vent Ion ef a person not. pledged to the prin
ciples or this society) i will ulwtiy give a
member of thl brotherhood preference In
all mutter of business, and Will vol-e and
work only for Irishmen for political office,
I take thl obligation without any mental
reservation, holding the miiim forever bind
lug upon mo, and that any violation thereof
or desertatlon of my duty to the brother1
hood I Infamoit, and merit tha severest
punishment, so help me Ood,"
Thl with tho candldutfl I alijurod to
keep at tlio lniziml of hi llfo. It wan
prlntod In the Chicago Jnfcr-O'-mn and
wan gworn to bo corroct at tho Cronin
trial. It wag roort!(l by nald paror
Doeemlier 10, JM.'I, IVIoHtaand blahof,
act an chaplalrii for thin holy (?) order.
i, 9
Tim ( nlhollc Hold Position.
ItornnrilHtn hero a In tho old world,
in a political machlno and will ally It-ex-If
with any parly that will further It
It I a well known fact of thu clerk
dInmlMW!d tho I'rottant preponder
ated, while- of the now appointment
tho majority aro Catholic, A nhort
thno a i;o In the bureau of printing and
engraving twonty-ono promotion wero
mudo In ono day, nineteen of which
were Calhollca. Tho cohmilHaloncr of
peDHlona ! a Itoman Catholic, to altto
his first atutlstant, and tho chairman of
t'ilH td iliiiiMl n tii - liUlli u
U 0 lii fatlh. Nine U l ilt if li t)
iti tk am lii-ti ahUle fnvi t Ib
n im1 M at i it Jialf tl
I'OiHik Is tin j.'tU itHutal li atl
1 1 t'tv lti'tt atili
'I n Is? an A tin tii nn i in t a ill"
ijunllf i ellun fur I flU4, In Hi" Ian!
i fT.i Ihri I bit! rite i bl f if adl Mi lt
epi'lnln iibdi'f llat ilw t Im n llfi
hi n nl HH!i'tt, and he t a Hit
intililst. In Diii'iHiUb'it In llm prttllirt
t ll'if ln n Ibetn atr f.Mj i letk IIiimi'
tit full) III ittftfitnta.
hi )tu fniiiiUr Ibal patiloU are
lislnjf up all im-r Hu latid, rlstnif y
hv mi lilt in a, In (ut iliiwti tlu Inter
mi ddling l y 'on lsn allb d i-i lilsic
wllh tntr boito aflatttt?, II itnii.otifi
A'urntnd JNrtc,
Til K AMI It It 'AM inn Ut obtained uf
all whiilesftta tin wsd rale . Ask Jour
thaler to bit ml In It,
1ltr I'ulm of ( Ii li ngo.
In the year lMi:i, l l.Htm nlea eatue
front KtiiKpu to tho United Hate,
Twelvo thotisnnd five h und ml of them
were Hi niun Cathollcit. Two thousand
five hundred of thorn) were minor, h av
ing 1(1,000 adult Itoman Catholic l'olea
a the nault of tho year' emigration.
The question in will they make good,
law-abiding cltl.eim, or will they still
coutlntio U olM-y tho priest' tyrannical
I nil all not attempt, In any way, to
answer or decide that qunitlon but will
glvo you a few good, aolld, actual facta,
which have notno bearing on tho nub
jeet, and let you answer tho question
youreelvcH. A you have probably
noticed alwvo, tho ratio of these l'olea
a regard Catholic und Protestant, Is
six to ono. And theso Ilomnri Catholic
l'olea aro completely and absolutttly
under tho dominion and control of their
parish prlettt. If ho order them to
boycott a certain man or a net of men
they obey him without a question a to
tho rcatton for mt doing, Thl U wrong.
Wo want peoplu who will not obey any
order from any prlet of any religion
denomination, no matter what tho
reason 1 for tho order or how sensible
and wlso tho order may )ns, We have
priest and minister for rplrltual ad
vmr who advise ti for tho good of our
Immortal oul. Doe It In any way
affect the good of our aoul or hurt dur
Kplrltual welfare If we happtin U) buy a
pair of ahoei from a man whom our
spiritual advlor ha had a religion or
political quarrel with? No, it doe not.
Ye theo prleat order their Ignorant
follower not to purchase- good from a
certain merchant and they call thl
boycotting him. Vo tho prleat lue
tbce order beeauw ho ha been the
cause of r pi ritual harm Ut witna mem
her of the priest' flock? No, tho priest
ha boycotted the merchant because ho
refus d to contribute to the mipportof
the mother church or because ho re
fused to mtpjiort one of the pom' f to
ll tlcal pet who wa running forotllw
In hi ward,
ThfM) I'ole, a niHin a they have
lived here the noceary number of
year, neeome natural Izeu ana usurp
the privilege of tho ballot box. They
vot Jjusta they are told to and will
noverdlrobey thebrfetIn thl matter
Thl prostitution of tho ballot box I
what make the f Cornan Catholic church
Itwer In the United 8taUi, The
IMtlltleian are forced to recognize the
church of ltome or else bo turned down
at the next election. We must not have
thl church of ltome, thl mighty tool
of Leo XIII. become the ruling political
power of the throne of liberty, the
United Htafc! of America, and grandest
of all, oun country. Why I the church
of ltome uch a great political power?
One reanon I that every Itoman Cath
olic doeJut what tho prletay, If
he I told to vote for a yellow dog he
goc to the poll early in the morning
and vote for the dog. At norm he goc
and vote again. Then Jut before the
poll close he goe and tu(T the ballot
box, In thl way the whole church
work like a unit, The ot her reason
forborne' twr I that the United
Htate I jopulaU-d by a lot of weak
kneed I'roUtetant who have not the
ourttgo Ut protest against the damned
Iniqultlo of the church of I Come.
Wo cannot allow the church of Ilorne
to bring Ignorant foreigner over here,
have them naturalized, and then con
trol their rote, Ily o doing the
hurch of Home I being represented
In uvery jtoiitical and legiNliitlve meet
ing in the land. The church of Homo
pay no taxe on her vust possesion In
the United Htat! and yet ha far more
representative in our legialutlve bodio
than all the rest of the people of the
United Htate. In 1770 our ancestor
. 1 I 1 . .1 tilt 1.4 . '
reoeiic.u against taxation without rep
resentation, and wore auoctwuful. Let
u rebel against representation without
taxation and we must succeed. Let u,
Ilko our anentor, rise up and fight,
and carry tho war Into tho enemle ter
rlUry, Kngland wa mUtros of the
toa until America took tho title from
or. The church of Homo I mlstrrs
ol the ballot boxc and wilt tie until we
take tho namo from her, There I only
ono way to lake tho namo from her and
that I to go to the ballot tioxc early
In the morning and then kwn the
mlatre' from gaining control of them.
The honor of our country and tho
glory of our (lag rout In tho purity of
the ballot box, and that will never bo
pure If wa lot tho church of Home use
It for purpoae of political proatltutlon
11 ttii lnn Ann-than, l-f trim
li.i In !' ii i, tt l. l ,ain
V it . uUUi n wMbntil taiailevt' an
l allie fur UiK pull't uf Ibi Wti.i
i-ann !') hi iiU fur poiljr i
lilt J is. h In BO iloliU pi to
Mt-iitv a Don ItntuatiUt iS'Htti a ni
Hieiil and Ihi n o w ill, Imb il le tit if
U, Mm k,
- - - - .
lltttttr 1 Mat In-Ills ) nl
I it animtt mti ii" rt t at a it re
llk'inti ) kin lit, IhiIiIIdi Itsati) id lltt
ihs lrlnea uf ho ihttuMan ii-ligitm In
iHifnttinii w III) nmtiV ibs'lt li't a li'j'tis
fn tti iacanlstii and olbt r ihs It lot uf
the ib-i ll, In (hi ttfc ht Id siiiml U iv-
gardnl a aetllileg but lUngetini,
iliHt pllnn and a fraud, Hut tiub r the
Altierloan I'tuiMlhilloii It itittst s
l.ili'leti'tt, a are oilier rolltftim )s
t tii. Hi'iiiiiiiUm I alsD a I'tillili'
orgatibnllnii, All Hoiimn Cut hoi',
are lltti'd for their silltli al t art er by
(he priest and the laieehlsm. A
crafty, tinsenipuloii, blmul Ihlrsly
siiltlt'al Hiwer, Home must Is- every
where opposed, A a religion Issly wo
can meet Home on religion ground
and with religion method, A a h
1 1 tint I orgatilnllou must timet he
with the ballot and law) wo hope neve
with the kwortl, yet Jeeti said; "They
that use thu sword shall perish hy the
word." Ha not Homo used thetword?
WmUynn Mdhoilint,
Not Mauled In lite I'eiiltenlhirv.
The Chicago Inter Ocean of April 11
A correspondent at Fort MinHson
Iowa, write the Inter Ocean that N
N. Join1, warden of thontuto penlten
tlury at that place rofimc to ttipolnt
nr. r a, Jrevltt Htiriroon to the iienl
tentlary, assigning tho only reason
for Ms action t hat the doctor I a mem
Iter of the A. 1', A, It worn that I)r
Trevltt doe not deny the charge, but
rather giorle in I lie met that It 1 true
1 lie doctor' friends, bowever, are up
in arm because they ay that, a mem
bernhtpln that or In any other uru an
Izatlon 1 no gtKid excuse for, refusing
to make Much an appointment, nnd that
Mr, Jone will hear from tliem In fit
Well after all, takingcvorythlng Into
consideration, any men her of the A, 1',
A. would acem rather out of place In a
penitentiary, The Homanl'evidently
want to maintain a monopoly both on
the official and Inmate, Kltrroit,
NKWKliKAf.Kig can obtain TflK
Ameimcan from any wholesale new
dealer, Your cusUjrner will want It,
I'ut It on your counter.
IM order U) prevent a rejietltion of
tho recent disgraceful effort toabrldgo
the right of free Kpoech, Thk Amkki
caw ha undertaken to rale a fund
witn wrncn to prosecute i" peraon
hereafter guilty of Much en atU-mpt. It
matter not how mall tho um, every
American who prize that boon hould
help awell the fund. Wo do not ask
any one io go 1ito thl, but will receipt
for any amount ent In for the fund
We havo received contribution from
Oregon, Arkansh, Iowa, Nebraska and
other point. f .The money o raised will
be used to prosecute ail violation of
the law guaranteeing free apoeeh, Our
proposition I contained In thi blank
which contributor sign:
a e
"1 a
2 A
M J)
4 "o
g u C3
r ,77 On
I ltd
at o A
,g H I-
A 1
s z
ft te s,
o a
Ti d
Q 2
u g
in a ,9
A many of our friend a dclre to
rK-!ome contributing memltcr ol the
Itague can fill out and aend to our ad
drt-s tho alove form, Thoe who only
desire Ut become honorary mernlter
can do so by needing In fifty eonl and
applying for icertlflento of member
ship, Irtuee
what can be done on
tbl line.
NKWHDKAf.KiW can obtain TllK
AMKftlCAJ from any wholesale news
dealer, Voitrcunfimier will- want It,
I'ut It on your counter.
THE littleglrl who wa laken from
the Ifouso of f Jood Hhepln-rd, In Kansas
City, some month ago, will in all
probability loose her eye-sight. If so,
It will lie due Ut tho treatment which
the child received while In tho custody
of thi institution.
The necessity for taxation of all
church projiorly become dally more
apparent, when the vast amount of
projKtrty owned by tho Itoman Catho
lic church In thl city, a great portion
of which I held purely for -culallon
purpose, I taken Into consideration.
High Five or Euchra Parties
should acrid at once to John Hkiiahtian
O. T. A.. C. It. I. A 1', IL It, Chicago.
TKN CKNT3, In stamps, per pack for
the lleket card you ever huf!lod.
For 11.00 you will receive free by ex
prca ten jxtck.
a ...
I tait turiatavst t'r ia niliatse
Stniulnrd Anti-Roman Catholic Books
Whlili fvery rnlrMlo Auifritau iiltl rt-n-l in uftltr lo
Vrej ltlitirlf tslpi ii hmi t Ii e nHittiiln vt Hit irjri
Riv. Chtntqus Books;
1 nr rv i- Mt is thk m ut ii i'
Ill Ml r 't !rf f !
"I nil-l' iltivtl S AM TDK litMIM
SHNAI." tl. .!
Fullon'i Books:
"WIIV t'HIMt SttiM I.IMM i "-l'si
Ml i', ,il., , ,,lh, It ill
tt AsniMtni lit 1 ll K t. a r nr
UttMH"- I' M
T. M. Harris' Books:
"AsAf ATlttN nK I.IMtHit.!".(1olk
ti 4i Moifi i n, aim,
Mr. and Mrs, Slatterys -Works:
nixvrnr it t-k rxi'tisni"-vv,-t,
i-ii ut.
"KM itn of ItttMlsil l'itll;sT KX-I'tlHKIt"-
I'rliK, nii'mita.
irl.l llitwnrtl Htrvvt,
Bald Heads,
Bald Heads Cured,
Bald Heads Cured Sure,
Bald Heads of Any Kind,
TONKENITE docs the busi
ness, 2-cent stamp gets full
particulars. Bottles $l. Ofor
$9. AMES t CO.,
Edison Park, III.
V"Mintlon C'lilf hko AunTlriin,
The Bible Cabala
N. A. L.I4BT.
Now Hcdiscorcrcd.
PUK'K, I3.S0,
fh 8fl of till Bsofeull'. VTfiilh of ill Trnth.
I'ilituo of all HolnnoM. 1ft frMnrrstif f sll
of ill litlil'i, Anolnnt Art, Lmit tor
inllglou ef til iUligloiii, f 0,0MU Isrt,
Ttthlm ut Vtitttmnt i ,
n.Atn i, -riTt.a fin,
ri,4T ll.-ISTIIOIilfJIO,
Tit Hun of l.liM Vliit ysnJ alli, Ch, V,
i, 1-7 sml Us 'ilubiiln?' Invniliin srid It
tlnrlvst lofis, Thl living Irulhi q Iki lUhlt mud
Hkiu in rind (him, Thn If urroonjr uf Mnturit,
Heleneu, Kllile nml ltllKliiu,
vi, htn ut.
HoriK "f (lis IOi tu u Mori jl'roerli VIII. .
VI-Mi unit it UriKiu "('sislit" tli unlt-
orllnor in lsw ut Ui ijnlverss,
Tim slvsntuio- of llm "CHtmlii," It tin
loi-k tli numuirliiii strnriirliold of liitxllltf
fiim, uniilillri u to riuSs a inu'ilrn
"in-visiim" or inn Wt;l, lirm vn eilnpi vur
it I vl l lo trintvl.juit mi II had bit dnni it far mil
finIn iHormir ugn, Th lilt, lit llm ' TuM nl
uniw'w wwh'h, r.tiii'-, in.iiKion, Hi in
fi-mioin oi i mi i'inriiirrini Ann,
Tbfl Kiirtlen of l.c.viii, ilmiluli Ch, XtX), thi
einn ut tn Af-riiM-ci, inr in iniiiuiriy or
thn (Ifi-iit. I'jfrs.nild-lllii'' ,,ti) hy rl
ttrsrii, tli inwHiiiri' srn. iiit,nr tif Id
ame ulifiwn; liow illi,ii.i)nin lututntm to ttis
";il;nln," ffiimriins of Kifjfpl., A hint rijf
sMimny I'yrsinld cr luiflt,, Tli lilsco.
irnrsof tli Thrift Ornat .nw of tha lnl
Vfrwi, Mi- Ui li'nrn thn "(.'iilisln" sn'l inhkn
ll liili n-mlnir ami insiriKttlvii, Tl.s ' Cnhala"
miiKl n sniiwn to iiihiitiii1 t hs nil, In in
nil It MsMtilriK, ':'-":, l-.thlctsna lli-llslon
r-M-ra i,
ThsSnnifof .foshnii, tur h fiomnisndcd
llm Sll ll Slid Mnon In "l drill .1111." Tim limn
thi-rwif mill It riK-snlriK, 'Jsrtsln prt ui
"rHiHi r.ri'X'n srm ".iinir runt yaffil
to iMvrmUm thtdf MiUitltr nun. and Umlf
ri-miu origin.
Ths urorKim til ipnt mid aJatllnt 1111,1
fluirsliirn, In Nsllun lliilldlns. fn,in th
uri itidiiiii -inn i riit, ins ,tsw niu
not wrlUt llm ltill. snd whr. Ths tl uwrahm
of ths Authotof tii illhln, nnd thsprnhshls
tlnm, snd why. I'rolntmitlsrn and itoman
lum, mint unit huw duflniid, and whn and
rr.iiTC nil.
Ths Ahtr't ot thn "Cahala" a nhown In
th -i'ali," TrovMrls," ioh," "Isaiah,"
"w:riiais arm "nontr or Hoiomon' vunn
of lh "f.'ahala" and thHr nKsnlnf.
IIUiU 'fHragrafhi" mn "(mtulu" dlvlihm, "t,hs
C'ahala" rv-l th hidden truth nf which
It Is thn jrmbiil," Ksan.iils of the "Cahala,"
trlflriK rw I t S, lluh, Ch, X Vl lo th
numinr and llm Kh'irln "Cshala."
n.h'tn it.
Author and lllntor, Ths I'lttrlarrha-
thn nifanln Miurrii1. rolt,liri syd' n-s that
inn liliiln ia wrlli. fi In llrltuln, Th 7n
lli-s. at "Ahury and rumi-Utiit." hnl i ti
(jmonstraM ths lliri hw uf ths I nl-
Vi-r.i':" tin. Id'Hi-i'i.. mmI llm C.n.l, lll !,,
thi-ri-of, shllll'd vn ths (luln at KUn.
In railing runr kindly attention to ths
coritnts of tli "lliiiln Cabala" a ron
trucUid by Km Hard of Hrllaln, prrnl, mn
tin1 pli-Miir to mm y $
Thl In nn i-iintlli'ts with ths H'erJ 0f
Vim "(iilmla" (iimiitf hf Slid iflvnn
In ths "Wld';rn ut Puiimintir this "key" r,f
Siiliiimin M-i-iin Ui h bi-n mad fur tim
(Mirti'mi- ot tifi-m-rvlii an nrilim ihi H,hi
tkt lliili , Thi '-Cabala" ut KoIhihmi, I snu.
wmmi I ths "Cabala" H,ift4ri rufurri"! l'i fn
ai-r .ti-winri arm rrt.hi-r IIM-nitiir rtun In
thn proM-nl t,linf: It (if Itwlf (rciiiii(. lbs
xlt..rrf a ' attaia" thi n ssiatimr in His
l.ii.-rainrc, and ll frnt ruction trunslir In-
tlms to thai iha kntwl-di( f tha fur to of
ths pritrlmi or ulili-.t --Cabala" had l-n
thun iil," iki Hint, the" I wu ' l.'abala,"
and tha " Word nr Vrmi (Jabal",
asalst fsfh fit her, llmfri h'twln ths',!-
iiii-f. r.thli- and Hi lliflufi ut lite llitnk f,f
llm It I lib-: Ibx .wo ml nhna-liiif an orili.r anil
armnifiiiiii-iit. of Ihi Honk, In llm IfiMn,
s.tnl nittiif l.t I'm a Amkmii;. I -. 1 1 Il,,n1
trnnt, for iiibin flptloii, without nioni-y.
MrtlK Dfl-lfllf A itifrli-an Charts, Vol. I, I'hotfi
llUW noflUI l.iih, It; vij Morrm-i-o,
Invsliiabl lo tbow who do.lrn tfi lammm tu-
iiitlni.-d with tlm iii-ni- and in viitlon ,of
inn Mriritiltl. a Mftowri till tuff llllllft,
ff uf
rfrma)nffirif; iirM In ? f m fl...
return ut id at In mttf t-,rm
f'ttrtiMi fn Um fw'-1 ml Hmm u
mt'tf mm hrm, ittrr Ihm fmttim ptUm mrui
tn't-r Mim Mn iriirUilwj M(1 wl'ti
ttuMm mhn fn-tvf o t'inm hr. t
will fviifrvt Ut mtm lhm fr tt-hnA
fimHtg, rtUirivi i
In I '1 awl
Mir fnlltd In mir if, m,mt ntn
nim mm. rh.flfi,f S v,rtii
ltAiw.MriM,il,ll, SIAAlh.
Ill.i.v of Ri,"ll, lim lri,rMwnr"r
llj.lilll. n,H,,l (.,. Ionian,
tiiiml mull ur Wla I'lpMM,
,ll.,,.rrwt w. lk,ll,. IhanvMit
nt,mlln,tl0 0ni0 M h,$Unyi II,
ttwl't nr tlMil W nnn;l turm, TU
illiM hu alir.r. l,piM Hi tint
of lit nunl rmtnnf g,hitciuM, capital
brhlM eMir,lli.rtil r iarsnlAa.
Al'lnlt pr-.,fr wui UmX w L,WI-
UluR. J,,HM,
iihik aruEnr ro
a Ml IimS Tmms OiIm, ca.
Edith O'Gorman's Woik's:
fl.'th ll tS
Rir. J. 0, WhiU'iWoks:
i I lHK MA Ith SKs"- I'rlevla lM
"ltuHMM Hfiiri'' I'ntwr, M ,
"A lo lArtlKl It' I V M A M ITll
iiiN-l Ht At V " In- in iiif, tl tta,
' I At I li'UlllK .ii,K'4'Hlk
Thomas E, Uydin's Works:1
KM'ltr'T INim itlttNT JMUITI
'urn itirNtiiV"-til.sBii
"MARIA MONK"- I'H'-o, MpW,
CAN - ll m r hiiiiilrmli Mn ir lhusi
ttiilleiit, I ip iil.
Tlfket Offlrr, I l.'tmn nth an hrfiin IU
roR HrasflS CITY.
ill, U. K '
rn is lt rtolAND
ui, uuiiiuvormb
Tl-li l ma, I. f (mt im tni hrmm IU.
Fremont, ElUhorn & Missouri Valley
BtwAHtt, Hvvmion,
Davih CnYYont,
A uuox, NonroLr,
-AW AUtr
Northern Nebraska, Black Hills
Sioux City, Minneapolis and
St. Paul,
TlckniOffli-s jo rMrnatntrit and Wstiitr
lrct (j'nfon Station,
M, 0. HUfff, i. atCMAMAN
Of-n'l Mansrr, Ih n' ,'anAff,
Chicago Short Lino
ftr thk-
Milwaukee & St, Paul R'y
Tho Best Routo
- roa-
SOf.JI) VKHTinUf.EJ) (r
Train liilly-f,iil.tlnirof llm Ikt I'
. r,,.w,mnT, rttr ( llrtir I .tl, i.'m turn f',,M'l,.. m,.,i i.M n. . i ., . , 1
i , .V . , "'. ''. II,"W I'lllltll
Car In tlm world
Vur IhroiiKh Tlikfifa, rail on lha ticks
aifntil at IV-I rarnam struct, and at linloa
i'ai'lflfi rt-.t. "
fr.virif Mll.mft,m .,uM t. -
i ,,- fc-. ,wnrr. II w
eoutUum uiupluynt ut thl company,
Ofii'l Ag'i, Omaha, Hsb,
$12.00 rittMlM!:,Q;tiM
r", r-, imrium rT'rr"f Wlr f,if.
nlaih hut mm uri'l truvf) ihrtmiU fticoiiiirf
A l-fii, IhoiiKh. U nut iifiiiry, fllT
V lid' ttf lm In I 1 m n a ii.l y.ttt.. J . -..I
r,r , . Ift, Wf
H'""! nTi irr wij iiik Mil MfJ
i(itloiiM opH.r(uii)if for iroHihiiMipI(if
fllKflL. Mltua-a llj.isrM B..MM I ... . a.. . .
dntaif. It r . JullstN At W Ulh anil
Malntriwis, Kictinionil, Va,
u-u, . ...... f SACIICAL
PL f li Ot M 0. rum.,
mi m.. ! .'i tmmi9
I'm i-m mii, riM..
I I IL W ML, Jj 111 ... ,,.1 ,4J, , M m,.m urn
vpV li'-'ri fc.i'.1-) m tor,
pttfr I'll'IM.E M ItHItt M lf
W".KHai0 tO, Clrk Ho, 16, Clsusiliu, Ohl.
J4tf)0m m