The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 04, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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REV. J. A.
ItEV. J. A. ItKAllMlUX,
State PtvsiuYnt of the American Prolec
tlvo Association of Missouri.
Tho subject of the above likeness, J
A. Dearborn, state president of tho
American rrotoctivo Association of
Missouri, and resident of Kansas City
Mo., la of English blood, New England
lzed first and then southernizod. Ills
greatest grandfather on thin continent
was named Godfrey Dearborn, who
emigrated from England and settled at
Hampton, New IlampHhlro, In 1(S!10,
and was the paterfamilias of all tho
numerous families of Dearborns that
are to be found, especially In tho New
England states. His father, Jonathan
Dearborn, emigrated from Ilampton
and settled In Cynthlanna, county seat
of Harrison county, Kentucky, in 1810,
when tho country was a wilderness,
and where tho subject of this sketch
was born and christened John Qulncy
Adams Dearborn. Ho says "that al
though ho does not remember the fucts
of the case, ho was present on tho 00'
caslon." Six months aftor his entrance
upon tho stage of human li'o, hiu
father removed to Paris, Bourbon
county, tho country of good whisky
fast horHos, brave men arm beautiful
women, and there tho family remained
until death and removal carried all of
them away. Very car y in llfo ho felt
oppressed by tho weight of name that
hil father had placed upon his Infant
shoulders, and hence ho dropped out
the Qulncy. cut olT tho ''dams" from
Adums, and always, except when re
quired to do otherwise, writes his name
simply J, A. Dearborn.
Tho person bearing that much muti
lated namo was graduated from lit In
any college, located In that part of the
mutilated state of old Virglnlu now
styled West Virginia so mutilated by
having that section of her territory
chopped off by tho republican congres
sional legislative axe, and in tho parti
sanly patriotic policy and vain hope of
perpetuating, Indefinitely, republican
rule lu this country.
Mr. Dearborn chose as his calling in
llfo tho ministry of tho gospel, and for
forty years past ho has been recognized
as an able and reputable preacher of
that body of religious people known as
"Disciples" or "Christians." Long
years ago ho took noto of tho nature,
alms and growth of Humanism in our
country, and publicly and privately
often uttered the volco of warning in
tho dull ears of his countrymen, In his
early manhood ho became identified
with that spasm of patriotism called
knuwnothlnglsm a sentiment rather
than policy, When tho claims of tho
American 1'rotectlve Association were
presented to him In its early days in
Kansus City, ho saw its merit, and at
once espoused It with ardor, How
earnestly and persistently and well ho
advocated tho cause Is known only to
its friends in this city. No was tho
unanimous icholco of tho councils of
Kansas City for tho state presidency of
the organization, and at tho stale con
vention held in Ht, Louis in January
last, ho was unanimously chosen to
that high and responsible position, As
a public speaker and advocate of Amer
icanism ho stands among tho first,
Notwithstanding his advanced years
ho Is an energetic, constant and en
thusiastic worker, and Is highly es
teemed by all who know him,
In conclusion of this brief and Im
perfect sketch, after expressing our
sincere wish for a long continuance of
his llfo of usefulness and honor, wo pre
sent to our readers the following let
tors; first, President Cleveland's letter
to tho present pope of Rome, LeoXIIl,,
and Mr, Dearborn's letter to Mr. Cleve
land, inquiring about tho genuineness
of his purported letter to tho Iloman
In this connection wo may state that
Mr. Dearborn has boon a life-long dem
ocrat! that ho voted for Mr. Cleveland
"first, middle and last" for tho presi
dency of the United States; that ho
received no answer to his letter, and
coi eluding from Mr. Cleveland'! sil
ence that his letter to tho Is gen
ulne, ho concludes that tho present
chief magistrate of tho United States,
in writing that truckling, sycophantic
loiter, has degraded himself as an
American citizen, has degraded his
high position, has degraded our nation,
and for which act there is no justlfica'
tlon and no scmblaneo of excuse, except
empty olllcial courtesy, self-imposed
and party policy to win Iloman Catho
lic votes.
Romk, August 12. Tho pope has re
ceived the following letter from Car
dlnal Gibbons:
TON' Juno H, 1 HIM. To bis Eminence,
Cardinal Gibbons, Your Emlnoneo
Please permit mo to transmit through
you to bis holiness, uwAlll., my sin
cere gratulatlons on tho golden jubilee
of ins emsoopatu. J. he pluitsure at
tending this expression of my follolta
Hons Is much enhanced by the rcmom-
bra rices that his holiness has always
manifested a lively Interest in the
prosperity of tho United Htatos and
great admiration of our political insti
tutions. 1 am glad to believe that
these sentiments are the natural out
growth of tho holy father's solicitude
for tho welfare and happiness of the
mnssesof humanity, and his OHpeclul
sympathy for every effort made to dig
nify simple manhood and to promote
i n ii moral ami social ciuvailn of those
who toll. Tho kindness with which
hla holiness lately accepted a copy of
tho constitution of the United States
leuds me to suggest that. If it does not
seem presumptt m'n, It would please mo
cxoicuingiy to piiico in his nanus a
book containing the olllcial papers and
documents written by mo during my
previous term of ofllce. Yours very
sincerely, uitovrcit clkvklanu.
Kansas City, Mo, Aug. (I, JHii.'l,
Your Excellency, drover Cleveland: I
see In the public prints letter purport
ing to have been written by you, under
dale Juno it, IHti.'l, and addressed to the
present Iloman pun till, Leo XIII., I
would respectfully Inquire whether
that letter is an authentic document.
Thero is, as you know, so muili fraud
ami imposition in this age that one
cannot feel fully satisfied of tho iranu
ineness or any writing ny its simple
publication in a newspaper.
1 am a democrat, voted for you, first,
middle and last, for the presidency of
inn united mates, am in tho lino of
descent with (Joneral Dearborn, of
revolutionary memory and fame; and
am a minister of tho frosts! of forty
years' standing.
Hoping that you recognize my right,
as an American citizen, to make this
inquiry of you, anil also your duty to
answer it, arid witti nign esteem, l am,
in the Interest and glory of our common
country, its repuiiiican governniLtit una
Its free institutions, yours truly,
1107 Michigan Ave.
Assaulted by Itmimris.
On Ha turd ay evening. March 17th, at
about half past eight o'clock, Mr, Tbos,
Campbell, tho former secretary of Cr
dlnal Manning's "League of the Cross,"
whose conversion to Protestantism hns
greatly angered tho llomanlsts, was
walking along Nino Elms lane, London,
England, when ho was suddenly at
tacked ny throe Irishmen and two
Irishwomen, of tho rougher class of
society, who savagely kicked him on
the spine, bit one of his fingers se
verely, and generally llltrealod blm,
until tho blood streamed down his face
and hands. After this cowardly as
sault they ran away, and, as they wero
personally unknown to Mr. Campliell
there is no prospect of securing their
arrest. That his conversion to Prot
estantism was tho cause of tho assault
thero can bo no doubt, from tho words
they used: "This is the man who is a
renegade, IIo sold his religion for
soup. Ho ought to bo killed," etc,
etc, Such are tho tender mercies of
Homo toward converts to Protestant
ism! Truly poor Campbell hassuffored
severely for his conversion.
Will Publish A. T. A. Members,
Chattanooga, Tenn., April 29. It
has always been well known that the
P. A. had a strong foothold in Chat
tanooga, and people have said that if
tho names of its members horo wore
published it would cause a sensation.
Now it will bo seen whether such a
publication of names will be sensational
or not, for In today's issue of facte, the
"V t r t tt Wg list
ilsittt A. I A t. (reSts In st J
l"WWn Wvm!U , We ih14 tw-t
Mset tfcsl tit) 1 f . nvt t
Unw i mi s tit tve t tVt-n 0t rmh
In (Sri, tsttsitei h. Ut-tv b t If
pulh!p till? H em)! tsse tr itn-mUtt
mii arjf tii tsiHilit Us the tth
- us Mi ime fltr-n a Mii"tl
ftbnwil. nt wivi-tll) ! n,bilfjf el
nuMiiit tti Hi.mi.i ii tmi, e
tlti pttblinh Uit-prt m. v M 111
ny thst nisy be stvrrlly eiit:tt t-wn
lniltet thf mMtt. ami 11 bo
estuint do wi rt ih Ivc a fiw athvr
tlemenl tf their tiefsi lu t'lettihg and
Houiiiii! i: ui ut u 1 1 it or hri iu
It IVimlU M,n t Msm II U Onn
Mli'r I'ajmrnt f Monrj ,
A oitrrt-stoiutent tf the ll.leti (Vfu
writing from Tuwulutn, Tenn., says:
Fnm a lettor over dato of 2.'td till., In
tho iiiiififif iVitmliinf, Waett, Texan,
written by the llev. V. I). Powell,
missionary of tho llnptlst church,
take tho following suggestive Items for
tho silttl declaration of all the lovers
and admirers of his "greediness" the
IKipo of Home, who claims to bo the only
vicar and vleo-gereiit of the pure and
holy Saviour:
"While traveling through, tho slat
of Mereloz, I passed soma of tho finest
farms in Mexico. They are devoted to
tho cultivation of sugar-cane, which Is
manufactured into an intoxicating
drink called 'Aguardento' flro water,
Drunkenness and debauchery abound.
Thoro are somo believers here, but tho
owner positively refuses to tolerate
evangelical services on tho premises.
Tho proprietor is Mr. Escanden, who
married his own sister. Ho paid tho
pope at Homo $.10,000, and was led to
believe his crime was purged. How
can virtue exist where Homo predomi
"A few moments ago, panslng along
a street, I saw somo well worn and dirty
priestly robes offered for sale. A young
man was closing a bargain for one at
twelve dollars. When usked what ho
would do with it, ho replied: 'It is for
my father, who has just died. Wo will
bury him in it, and the holy mother
church Insures us his spirit will not be
required to pass through purgatory.'
"In thinking of this t.'IO.OOO specula-
lion of tho cunning old pope, the in
quiry naturally arises, which of tho
two Is tho greater brute, tho monster
who married his own sister, or the
villain in tho pupal robes who author
ized and sanctioned the incest? Per
haps Satolll, or somo other learned
dago, might enlighten tho public on
this branch of Iloman Cat, hoi Id beastll
tiess, Ily all means lot us hear from
"Does the so-called "holy father"
speak and act cx-catlu dra when com
inlttlng such outrages upon tho laws of
nature and common decency, to say
nothing of tho sanctions of religion? Or
would this bo tho ex-ofllclo act of a
civil magistrate? In either caso it
does look as if such revolting and dis
gusting practices should bo punished
by Imprisonment at hard labor for a
long term of years, and banishment
from tho presence of self-respecting
and virtuous people. 'Holiness,' in
deed I It is enough to drive tho pure
and modest portion of bis followers out
of tho fold, or to demand, at least, a
gentleman to lead tho Homlsh flock.
Tho missionary, Mr. Powell, Is known
hero in east Tennessee, and all through
the southern Ilaptlst church, and to
say that this story Is not true, is simply
to say nothing to the point. Tho proof
of its truth is tho character, alxive sus
picion, of Mr. Powoll himself." Narlh
wMnn A rntrimn,
Arming the Jesuits,
In tbi city of Ht. Louis the huge
Jesuit college, whoso Immense building
overlooks the city of St. Louis, Is
plueed on a war fooling. Arms and
ammunition are furnished for tho
Jesuit In St, Louis, which will doubt
less form a mennee to any who may
dare to exercliio freedom of speech In
exposing tho deeds of darkness of these
Jesuits. The people of this state aro
not fully aroused to tho fact that wo aro
almost in tho hands of tho enemy, who
aro being armed to overthrow the lib
erty of speech and tho press, and con
trol tho state government, This mili
tary captain, in this Jesuit college, Is
to lo supHrtod by tho general govern
ment while ho drills for war tho most
Inveterate enemies tho government has,
Tho arms and ammunition are to be
furnished at tho expense of tho govern
ment. Tho citizens of Missouri aro to
bo taxed to put the Roman Catholic
Jesuits on a war footing. We do not
believe that tho state of MUsourl and
tho United States will remain asleep
mveh longer. HapUM Flag, St. Louis,
Cannot Employ Catholic Teachers.
GALLITZIN, Pa., April 28, The pub
lic school dlroctorsof Callltzln, Cam
bria county, wore restrained by a pre
liminary injunction granted fcy Judge
Barker at Ilollldaysburg today from
employing six Roman Catholic nuns as
teachers In the public schools. Judge
Darker will hoar a motion to dissolve
the Injunction next Thursday.
J. J. Bliss, Milliner, 1514 Douglas.
i. r. i m rum oi mil
tt bt!tf I torn t CtU f It mM
I w tMli t tv- l i-iw-s
Dm V.-im . tea. i : 1 1.
ih , .... in H t-i ,v An i H Pr
tmti Vw.l,, n m tt t bir t
CutotsU Wfttnt'st tfttttf at te
iYlik M,sttrt.M tt ! tt
t.t !,. oUn.t l.'i-H In tl.e A Mi I ietiti
Pivltvlm' A iwttiitt Ui tw .t it t.
sr I !! Ilkil-tf Mo ,t)Utiri
btiti l.SM ttU-ltt fur Mm ttt'sH
Otr-r .' ii. l arw r
t t tl tml uHlio Vt t1irft'a ti!
niftltt m lb tttptvhiit fivimell, Tbtt
UVv U Ititt -mat .sl In tiststtt-r, fti
r pit nUtivtMt tf the Pittli-tlnel 'm-
ttMlite Ai4ts'Ssllim, In I', K-i
land, Aiiftmlla and oil er ttmiilr,f
111 t iii-imw el. The tvMi al hihl.llt'
stale will m-ih! Ihe UlV"' h leestleno
sin! I', which bas ST timnetts ti
lli PwieMstil Pii'lHlive Aclatiin
will have a slrtnig it pivw iiUlltm.
A pitmilneiil iiieiulior of the oi-ganl
?sllnll, who Is here, lleo Ulehsiilwill
Illinois state orgm?er, of Chicago.
Tho supremo vxeeutlvo eemmittett Is
thocondeiimd jmwer of over I.fiOO.iSKI
members of the A. P. A for tho re-
mrt shows that the organisation has
that milorshlp. AetMutllng U the
rcHirt tho roll Is growing at the rate
of 1,000 dally. Tho Protestant ProUc
live Asioclntiiin has a niemliershlp of
lfiO.OOO. This enormous growth Is the
result of a meeting of seven men in
Clinton, Iowa, lawyer's rear office six
years ago, and tho order, though tho
youngest of the seventy patriotic asso
ciations of America, is said to be the
largest and most aggressive. Tho re
ports of tho Illlaols state council show
that Illinois has H'l.OOO A. P. As., and
Iowa claims 4-1,000. Newa-Jitcord.
The Supreme Council.
Tho supreme council of tho A. P. A.
is in session in Dos Moines, la., this
week, and bids fair to bo tho most nota
ble gathering tho order has ever par
ticipated in. There are representa
tives present from tblrty-four states,
who report a combined membership of
2,000,000. Canada sends representa
tives from 978 councils; London, Eng
land sends representatives from 15, and
Paris, Franco, from 5. It is a gather
ing of representative men, being com
posed of ex-governors, lawyers, doe-
tors, mercbunts, laboring men, capital
ists and railroad men and oflleluls.
Henry F. Rowers, tho founder of tho
order Is present, and is counseling the
younger members, among whom none
Is tuklng a more actlvo Interest than
Leo J. Richardson, the organizer of
Cook County, Illinois. Our brainy
friend Thoo. fJustefeld of tho same
state Is present accompanied by State
President Johnson and State Secretary
Newton of Illinois, Nebraska, Kansas
anfJMl-sourl aro ably represented, and
this can bo truthfully said also of
Massachusetts, Michigan, California,
Colorado, the Dakotns, Wyoming,
Utah, Indiana, Minnesota, Iowa, New
Jersey and Wlsuonsln.
It Is understood that the election of
ortlcers will occur Saturday, May 5,
As no slates havo been agreed upon,
It is Impossible to forecast the next list
of officials.
This paper will contain a more com
plete report next week of tho proceed
ings. Hot In rellllcs.
Somo people say the Catholic church
Is not In politics, but we Insist that it
Is. Head the following from Washing
ton, D. C., under date of April 20, 1891,
and we believe you will say that we
aro right:
Ex-Postmuster Edwards, accom
panied by Rev. Father Hrennan, of
Webster City, la., arrived hero this
mornlnir. and in comimnv with Con
gressman Hayes they visited tho post
olllee department in tho interests of
Mr. J toward, wlio isacanuiuate for the
post.olllo, Tim term of Postmaster J.
J). Hunter expires on the 1st of July.
As Postmiicter General Hlssell had
gone to HufTalo ihoy did riot succeed in
aeeom pllshlng anything definite, but
they suw the acting first assistant and
made a vigorous protont against the re
moval of tho site of the postoftlce from
tho location win-re it has existed to a
place a block and a half west, as sug
gested by Col. Wilson, of Hamilton
county, jV. IK. Awriran.
go 2,000 miles to reach tho land of the
prune. Tho Irrigated lands of Idaho
along tho lino of tho Union Pacific
Hystem aro capable of producing the
class of fruit seen in the Idaho Exhibit
attho World's Fair, Why! by stopping
In Idaho you'll save enough on your
faro and freight to make the first pay
ment on your farm, Investigate.
Advertising matter sent on applica
tion. Address, E. L. Lomax.
G. P. &.T. A., Omaha, Neb.
mtrmxY at home.
Tho irrlgatod lands of Idaho possess
that peculiar qualification which is
Woolly adapted to the raising of
apples, apricots, jieaehes, cherries,
pears, plums, gratis, prunos, hops,
alfulfa, corn and potatoes, which al
ways find a ready market and bring a
good price.
You can't overstock tho United States
with these commodities.
We'll send our advertising matter on
application. E. L Lomax,
G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
The permanence of the A. P. A. de
pends more upon the wisdom of its
friends than upon the attacks of its
WWH mAn tW I w f ttt4,
I. a V, AU ? - T.
lb . IVi ).! WMw. c4 tb It-
t'tti. if 1i. t V.' !.;:;
b t.,,H e.,1 tint t miltb t. t. !k
"ftafcH I b? It t b tt b
bt-", t-,t tbt M MsJ" vbtttvtl til
' tl, !ht-r!! t bun b 4 I teiw
tbt.. AU t, " i ! .1,!.
AstH- - IVsr nr. I mn a .,b
stttttt-r tit jimr ttiti r at
itbaf tiie to U jott lh.w tbat
ptcrjiblrf In the I st U A. ,
am jutnid f tl, fr I am a trml r tl
ttiat intr tnym If, and tbtnk that rttn)
bjt tt nn Inmbl he, Rt, tt j,,ir
ls r ti a tvk, am) nlj Uhthst
It s inibll-bi tt rtrrr dsy. Wn t.a
aetmiH-il in mi ll ! iml . riien
slitnu tre, but larg ctunih Uintegh
Ihf eemily to ket-p tin w lionise it
of t ftiee. IIU rlotwt by aklng one
(jiu lleii; hat can Jetl seiid -tele
to liysn (or, thit a is.t-k? I think
thai I hav a Uiy who can introduce
the pcr In this tewn. J. W,
A I'lrnwant lbtncf.
J. L. Templeton, V. J, Jameson and
J. M. Kcanlan acted as tho dimr com
niltlint for one of the most enjoyable
liom of tho sernton last night in U. A
R. hall, Council lllulls. Our secretary
was pivKent and ho reK)i ts that every
one went homo well pleased with the
manner In which tho affair was con
John Lewis, formerly deputy sheriff,
may lie found at suite (MM New York
Lifo building. Attorneys having any
business relating to tho securing of evl
dence, looking up defendants, and other
special work, will And that Mr. Lewis
can bo employed to tholr advantage, tf
INVESTIGATE tho irrigated lands of
Idaho and you will find
them the cheapest, tho
best and the most ac
cessible to markets.
EMIGRATE to Idaho and you will
In) happy. It s a now
country, It's for the
poor man and the
smaller farmer and
fruit grower.
IHHKjATE the lands of Idaho and
you will havo a surety
of crops and fruit in
COGITATE! Of course you will, then
send for our Idaho ad
vertislng matter.
E, L. Lomax,
G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
An error occurred in W. It. Dennett
& Go's, "ad" last week which quoted
Excelsior Flour at fl.00 per suck. It
Bhould havo read $1.10. Noto the
ban go.
John Rudd, 817 North Kith St. Watch
repairing a specialty.
Abraham Lincoln Council No. 2 Jr.
O U. A, M. meets every Saturday
night, 8 p. m. at A. O. U. W. Hall,
Opera House building, El Poso, Tex.
Opon to all visiting members.
FOR SALE, Fresh milch cows by
L. A. Pago. Enquire at engine room,
Ilarage block.
Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, At
torney!, Merchants National Bank
HII... IJiiiliir mill liv vlrlui-iif un nnliir
of sitln en decree of fort'clonu rw of miirlKHtfii
iMMiiee oiil. or the UlNt.rlet, coiiM for HimikIum
(unity, NeliritNkii. hihI Ui rim Inn-ted. I will.
on thii Mh liny of Jiiiin, A. ll, H'.4, st lOo'eloek
in. of mild diiv. Kt Mis nort i f rntil, door of
Mm con nly eoiirllioiiNii, In Uihi-Iiv of Omulm,
ins county. neiiriiNkit. sell hi, public
siii'Mon Ut I hi liWhi'Ht tilddi-r for chmIi, tlm
iroierty dcw-illied In said order of sale in
'oIIiiwm, lowli :
Tint west twenty mi) feel, (,f ,,(, three (!i,
HI'd lh-iiiihI, ten ((li feet, of lot four (41, III
lilock fmtlftlfif Iteed'it Third Addition to Mm
Cllyof (ItiiiiliH, I itiuiClHM eoioily. Nehritiiliitt
mtld )i-oM-iiy Ut Iw Hold to sitiwfy John M.
(Jouritdl, tlm h ii in of elKlilenn liiindred and
forty-Hlx slid Mi-1 1 HI dollurit ( l,H4r W sed
ciwu lieridn limed ntnlxly mid M-Km dollim
IttSl.KI). NiseMmr with sccrillnu eimts itr-eord-
in ic to s, iliicren rendered hy Mn- dlNlrlct
ourl of hiiIiI lloiiitluii I'otiiily nt lu Miiy tn iii
I, I), Ni,, In a eertulii ni-tlon Mien Hnd theru
pendlliK wherein John M. I 'on mill, wiin liliiln
1 1 IT uud JohHiiiin M, Mill Kllen ,lj rtiid
1i-MH I.IIJI wi re defenditnlN.
Uiiiiiliu, JNelirHNkit, Mny y.
Hiieeliil MitMii.r I ',(.i,i.lteMl,iiii.r.
Hsiindern, Miu finlimd & Uli kev. uiiornevs.
1,.riu v,l I, TH, 1,1111 IJ til.
'iK-ket;m. No, in.
Attorney-at-Law, Commercial National
Bank Building.
HA LK.-I'niler iind hy virtue of hii order
of hhIii on deeren of fon-cliwiim of iiiortiomi!
iHHiied out of tlm dlotrlet court In Hud for
IioiikIhh county, Nelirukii, hiiiI to mn ill
roeUid I will on tho 41 ti diiy of Junn, A. II.
In'M, Ht I o'clock ll in. of mild dny nt tho front diMir of Mm county court, Iioimii,
In Mib city of Oimihii, IIoiikIm county, N
liriwkA. mdl at nulillc Hii'-tlon to Mm hlulit-Mt
Lldder for chmIi, the iiroperty di-wrllied 111
Hitld order of mile an follow, Uiwlt!
The one half of the went one-luilf of
lot (Id), Koiintxii's Heroinl Addition lo Mi
clly of Oiiinha, I' hi u I ih reuniy. NehritHkit.
lot mirveyed, pi n lied utid reconledi tutld
pro.rty to lm nolil to mttlHfy Jan. W. Carr In
the mini of on and llilrty-itl and II-IIK) did
lar li;Sl.ll)Judiiieiit. with Inn-rent thereon
at 10 per cent per annum from the 2nth dny
of March. A. I). Imn. and t wenty mid tS-l(S)
dollars f1l.7Ni costs herein, tiiKet-iPi- with lie
cruliid costs In a IikIkiiii-iiI. rendered hy tho
district court of lioulits county, NHliraskit,
at Its I'eliriiury term. A. I). IsM.ln a certain
action tlmti and theru ihmiiIIiik wherein
Jitnies W. Carr was platnlllf and llrldKet K.
Kord and John Kurd were defendant.
Omaha, Nuhriisks. May . isin.
HMclal Master ('iiinmlHsloiier,
Office removed from 113 North 18th street to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 0. : OMAHA, NEB.
WANTED-Hasso and baritone (loiter for
" trio Obtecla to sins at lodirn surf r.
ceptlons. Must be an A. P A. In sisid stand-
ng. Address, "Trio," Chicago American.
" " 1 t 1 1 1 1 m
(Vuih iI lv,?, At!mlU mrhtv
ron TMr ortT
. ,! tit tt.,n st
HVkNUlntl, lei M O HUM,
f ist Mattvr CmwintiAmt Kslit
t I t . In .tin
'e . -I i.Ht. , . mt.
",.t .1 Itir t. I t , i.m .m I .. I ,
. t.-k , ,. .t .., (M
m rtt 11 Mt t lH l li 'rl,t k H
et u tt SI hI I fl.i. tlt
,-,,.lhl, r,.,il lumw In tt,, I m ,,t tH..
It, t ...1 t V t Mil St H,:.i
'"" l tlx I i, I.. .I .i,l,, f. , ,s
e -l itt tl. .. i 4 ,H i. I, ,.f ssik.
Mi., t.i i
1lt .nih tit th(tvl . ,4 Hrlit ' In
M,lli-lil,lt Mnr," lilhrill) ,,l ln.aliv
Itolmlsa . ,,.11,11 Ni litsuls !t t.i
I. ...t In nihti t thi. I l),.-p .1,,,. "t,
N..IIIISI..I. IB M.ilil .lfr )nHilit t
Ii. snd !..! I.t iiif jr the mmmts
.In.- I ml bM.,,, Itn'ili if ttn-sti ami
Hie N !!. 1 nil.msl ttsit ef Dteslis.
l.-t'.-lll. t l i Sil'lllllif einla ,'.MI.IIH i.i
IihUi i.-nl k,i,l ,(., ,,.,. n-e-l. I ll,,. t(i..
itiif itwii i-t Mill m-nsis- cimttty, si tl
S, llli lulw tetHi. A ll lij, snd nl
sequent dre- reiirtiM-il ly .
eimn in a et-rtsln set ton then and
llierf nilinu. i,nl t- it- istntisi
lunk of titiiahs wss iilalnlilt. and
Myer II- IIiiirii. Msrla Iti-llinsit. N.-.ri.a
NhII.iiisI llsnk ef I Unslis. I lie Nriliwiu.lern
MiMiial l.lfn liillliiiri.iiinmny, Altsnih-r
Mnerfsd. (i-orne l.ettls. anil Johiisim,
(full ami nl tismit unknown! psrliiers a
(leoruo Ij'I A rniiimiy. M il Maul, ad
mlnlktrator of Ihe estnin of A. II Snowden,
ili-ei-sm-it, (i.-nrv" tl, tVtilllis'k, Uohiitk W.
1'lllson. J. J. Mnlllran, lloanl of hiiM-,
of MiilldliiKs foi- Mm nty nf Omaha, Marl
iii'iiinsii. r.tei-iiiru or His pslalo or
lli-llinsn, rteetased, wero defendants,
viiimiia, ieiiittKii. April 1 1, iwit.
i.hiiKlih. A, IIKNNkTT,
Hpeclal Mimli-r roiiiiiiliwlniier.
First National
Hank ut tiinaha
vs. Myer
INm mi. No, IU.
Special Master Commistloner't Sale.
Under and liv vlrl iik of an order nf snln nn
(lern-eof foreclosiirtt nut
of Mm district, court, for liouidas rounlv.
Nebraska, and lo iiim directed. I will, mi Mm
!!2d day of May, 1SU4. at, I o'clock p. m
of said day, at Mm north front, door of tho
county court, house, In tint city of Omaha,
noiiKias county, Nehraska, sell at pulillo
auction, tn Mm hluhest lildder for cash, tint
iroH-rty descrllied lu said order of sals as
'ollows, to-wll i
Lot thirteen (t.'Dsnd fiiiirteiin (141 In block
nine (ll) lu Miii vlllititiiof HeuiiliiKl.on, Douulas
county, Nebraska.
said nrooert v In be sold Insatlsfv IIumiiiIum
Lumber ( oiiitiiiiiy, oliilnllir herein. In Mm
sum of two hundred thirty-four and (IH-Iim
dollars fSM( jiidicment with Interest
thereon at, ratu of seven (7 per cent per
Minimi from 1-ebriiHry HI It.
To satisfy t'brlsMiin Hlelmirl, defendant
herein, the sum of llft,-seven mid IM Km
dollars (.'i". (Ml .luditiuent wll h Interest, t hi-rn-on
at rate of seven (7i per cent per uniniiu
froiii February nth, ISHH.
To sutisfv lli-niv Hliiioiisen. defendant.
herein. In the sum of thlflv-tliren n.nil 71 - KM
dollars (,i;i.7l ludKiniint with luleresl
thereon at. Mm rate of seven (7) per cent pur
annum from February din, IHIiil.
To sat sfv Mar M. 1 iiiiklns. defendant.
herein, In the sum of eleven hundred and
Hi lee and II'MIXI dollar (IIHKI.IUl ,iidtfment
Willi Interest thereon at rain of eliM, IH ncr
cent per niinuui from FebruarT H, Ni;i,
in sai.iHry inn A-nericnn n njotiiu nans,
nefeiyi'silt, herein, In Mm sum of t o hundred
I wenl y-n u- and iCI-HNl (lollnrs ttZ'AM) with
Interest ther-vn Ht Mm rate of Uit (III) per
cent per annum from Heiitember 21. IWI,
To satisfy the sum of nlKlity-elslit unit
IW-InO dollars (hh.mi costs herein toKulher
with accrulnK cost' accordliiii to a JuilKiimrit
rsndered by the dltl rlet court of said Ikiuif
las county, at Its Frtbruary term. A I), iwiil,
In a certain action Mini and there pi-iidlnu,
wherein Hamilton Lumber ('omimiiv was
iilalntlfr, arid Seldou H. Moddnrd. W H. Lewis,
( lnirles K. HI nil Ion. F, J llulcliklss ami
others were defendants j
Uiiiahii, Nebraska, April 17, wl.
. II. llT.OMAH. (
Hpeelal Maiiiler Koiiiiiilloiier. 1
.l,W, f!arr. iiltoiney.
Spscial Master Commissioner's Sale
Under and bv virion of an nrib.r of an In nn
decree of foreclusure of iiioi laaifn InsuikJ out
of Mis (llHlKrl, court fur llouuliis county, Nil.
hnisi'il, and to Inn directed. I will, on lha
JmiIi dny of May. A. ll. Isli4. at I o'clock l', m.
of said day, at Mm north front, door of Hut
'oiinty (,'ourt House, In Mm clly of Omaha,
IniiSlas coiuily, Nebraska, sell at, imhllit
Hili lloii to the highest lildder for cash, thtt
in-operty dewrlbed In said order of snln as
fllllllWN. Ill-Wit,!
i.ols one (I I, two lib. three (ill. four (41.
twenty ( (ii, twenty-one (21), twenty-two tit,
twemy-Miree and twenty-four (41, In
block two Cli In Moe's sub-division of lot
three Cli and llfteen lift) of Tut tie' anli-
division of the south one-half (H. Hi of Mis
northeast iniiiMi-r I.N. K. and Mm north
oil" half (N, H) of the southeast ijuarter
IH, K, (t section live (5), township llfteen
11-1), raiiiee thirteen ll;n, cast of -lie sixth (Hlli)
i'r. Meridian, In Mm city of Omaha, Housla
county, Nebraska, as surveyed, plaited and
Said property to lie sold to satisfy Julia H,
llrviinl, plaintiff the sum of two thousand
one hundred and nineteen dollar (W.lllll
Judidneiit. wllh InM-rest on two thousand
dollars i(&Kiii thereof at seven i7l per cent
perMiiuum, nun on one hundred and nineteen
dollar itlltiiKn thereof ill leiillm ier cent
per aiiniim. ami an rrom may iwi,. isu.i.
To satisfy i'harle K, Hales, defendanl. Mia
sum of elKhtv dollars Hsii.ijii) Jinlnnienl Willi
liiN-rest Ibercin at ten iIOi per cent per
annum from May 1st. sn;,
io satisry I wi-niy-niiie anil lil-imi (lolliir
t.'l) III) eosls Willi Inlerent, Miereoii from Ilia
1st day of May. Isii.i. loud her with accriilmr
costs according to a jinli; nn-nt rendered by
i ue district, court or sum iiouuliis county, at
It May term. A. i, Isim, Ins certain action
Mien and (here pemllnU, wherein Julia H,
llryaiit was plaintiff, and Anna C Mini,
Henry A. Moe and olbers were di-fenditlits,
luiaha, Nebritska, April :oili. l-M
Special Master Idiiinilssloni r.
II. I". Thomas, aiiornev,
.ryantvs. Moe, His-, .17, No. 211. 4-57-fl
Special Master Commissioner's Salt-!
I'nder and bv virtue of an order of aule on
decree of foreclosure of tnorlsiiKii Issued out
of the dlslilcl court for lioiiKliiscoiiiity Ne
braska. Hint lo nm illrecMut, I will, on the
iliilnvif May, A. tl, lso4. at i n'chs-k p.m.
nf mi 111 tiny, nt the north front disir of tho
t'ouniy t'oorl House, In the t'liy of Omaha,
UiiukIiis coiuily. Nebraska, sell at nubllo
Mlli'l nil to the hluhest bidder fnrcasli, the
iioperty desi-rlbed In said order of sale as
ollows, to-wit :
I ..... , .I. .. ...I I.... 'IV l
blis-k number si and one-hulf iS V lledford
I'lin-e, an adilltlon to the city of Omaha, Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
1.1 1 1 H ll ll ill in I . J...- 1 1 it iwii i ll 1 1, i ll r. It,,, I ll
toifctlicr wllh all the appurtenance there
uulo Iii-IiiukIiiU.
Said properly lo las sold to satisfy Alfred
K. Uiifii-tie In Mm sum of si thousand two
hundred thirteen and J4-limil,illiirsin.2l3J)
due from John K. llitiiilKon and llenjamln V.
N'kie, with tuieresi at tell (l-D per cent rrom
February lit h, s!h).
lo satisfy Hen II. Wood In Mm sum nf
twenty-one hundred iilnety-seyen and Tl-i')
dollars i(E.'l!i7.7i due from John It. Hamilton
Mill I mures A. Hamilton. with Interest at tea
Hn percent from 1 ebruary tlth, Ists).
To sutisfv Mm sum of nfly-sl and M-VtO
dollars i ,''-. - costs herein tosetber with
Mccrulnil costs according to a Judgment
rendered by the dlslrlctcourt of said lious
lus county, al lis February term, A. I'. Isv4,
In s certain a -tlon Mien and there pending,
wherein Hen It. Wis id Is plaintiff, and John
11. Hamilton, Frances A. Hamilton. Thomas
V. Kennedy, llasli M Webster, Alfred H.
Ihifrenu and the First National Hank of
Omaha are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, April 27th. IsfH.
i haIu.ks i,.tiiomas.
Hpeclal Master Commissioner.
iHixtrr f Thoinas. attorney.
WihhI vs. Ilamlluui. 4-27-6
CD I CM nC WiilliiK o inske a first-class In
iniLnUO come with little trouble, should
secure the sio-ney for tur Manic Wall I'aper
t'leaner, and Our Music, I'alnt and t'arpet
Cleaner. They sell themselves. Friend only
address for particulars, MAXWFl.L.A CO..
2U3 t'luui Ht-, CliK lnuall, O.
FOR9ALK-Hnu.perlot In s btutl
ful and growing suburb. Don't miss this.
Address room 11 Hoot beast comer Clark aud
Kaudulpu streets, Tus Amkhican