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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1894)
THE AMERICAN. wumv wont. An UlriTllif rr tj Mi JUII Th fitlionlrg Ht.i are tulna ftvm r i tiinhnl "Vi (,' Wet li Mh A. I'. A ," hltH M t-'ran n im t iiii id I'miee!! No I " . A. I A,. Ktin I H, Mo, 1. bl. h all th A. I A. itmm-IU of I In l lty had !.. lutihd, ami . pint,. I h if 1,. ium' IVumll by J 1 1 Vu'ti: llW In t1 Mine (f th - U H'tit iriK-tit of the imliit fr i nd mil l 1. 1 nfCi-uin II No, I, llm ffl lo ji'IMkhIIiI, tnl In I It-1 r hetmlf in tend In v'il a hearty teH iitg aula Olllllll Wtlent0 Itl Out' 0ien I'OHIiell, Tlie iiu Mloin are fre.iieiitly aked; "What In the purpose of juiir organ inthMiV "What Bi Jimi doing?" "Wlmt are you rnptittk of ilolnyV' Woman who havo iner oltii In re form work of any kind know nil a'ami I,1icw (pwcl Ihiih; know how dlftlrull II In sometimes to answer Ihem, 1 will tako them one Ht a 1 1 run end U,v to an tlii'tn: First What In tno purpose of your Organisation? Our ttirMHe In organizing and your purpone 1 the siiine, mtt IrfM (Itffilflt'uiit and Imperative In I lie purisme for which wo urn organized. Upon tho wives, mother arid Intern no leu than upon our brethren ro.t tho responsi bility of iplaelng upon h higher plane our Amorleun Institutions, of Incident lng Into th tnlndH of tho rising (fener ation a love and reverence for oar country and her flag, and a desire for tho purity of tho hallot, As I havo bo oro suld, patriotism la a grout factor in our organization. "And thin patriotism ahull hlno more and more, Till it glory like noontide shall be; It (thall shine more and more, till our land from priestcraft U free; Till our nation Christ' glory shall aoo," Second What aro you doing or what havo you boon able to do? If oiio should paint a picture with only tree and smoking chimney tops, we would see only a beginning, nothing pleasing to tho (70 at all, hut if tho picture is painted high enough to tako In tho beautiful blue sky with hero and thoro a floating cloud, wo would toe aomothlng to admire, because the ar tist has reached the Ixsautlful sunlight and all that goo to make a pleasing picture. We smllo at the little hoy just learn ing to fish who takes for tho first time a string and a stick and a bent pin and goo to a shallo w stream near home where ha can catch nothing but min nows, hut after all the boy Is teaming to fish, preparing himself to go to larger streams and eateh big fish along with tho men. Bo it seem to me tho Woman's American 1'rotoctivo Asso ciation Is like the first picture I have described, and like the boy learning to fish. We have only reached the tree and smoking chimney so far, but after a while wo expect to attain to the beautiful sunlight and do better work. Wo aro fishing now with string and bent pins, but after awhile wo expect to cale.h big fish along with tho men. We aro not yet one y;ar old, but we are the mother council of 1Mb Kansas Cities, A few monthH ago we helped our re apected friend and now highly esteemed supremo president, Mrs, Carrie Osdyke to organize Council No, 2 and several councils In Kansas City, Kan, Coun cil No. 2, was a weakling, and grad ually decreased, I was going to any to almost a shadow, but In looking at my left ha'id I am confronted by its former president, who Is now our efficient and honored president, and you can nw she is anything but a "shadow" in any way you mar wish to estimate her, I know from experience that when wo happen to talk too much, (which women some times do, you know,) she can bring the gavel down upon us with such a rap as reminds us of the coming of a Kaunas cyclone, Hut may her shadow never grow Jens; tho remnant of Council No, 2, we held harmoniously with li May, We have had reason to believe that the donation of the public chool children have heretofore been given out Indiscriminately, and some deserv ing, worthy poor were left without a share of tho contribution. A commit tee from our council wa appointed to look into the matter, Tho committee aucceeded in having the pupil take their Christmas donation for the poor to their respective churches and Hun day schools, The result was so far as we could learn, that tho poor of every church wa graciously remembered. We feel that wo have boon a small factor In a great way of helping to at tain our late suocosnful municipal elec tion. And although wo cannot vote, I believe you would make It possible for us if you could, we intend to use our in fliierice for the election of bettor men in our municipal and county office than we havo heretofore had. Ho al though we haven't been ahlo to do much we "keep pegging away," We havo made mistake! What organiza tion ha not'' We have had more than the usual share of discouragement, bluff and buffutlngs, but wo are hero and hero we will stand. "For rl"ht I might, since God is God, and right the tiny int TihuM Ul v l.nnttj 1 T- U'tor Mn!d I l " IIhI I lux Ui Ut i ii Uo Whul it'fi ialii ( ili li f i m iml l t tid l J rwiUMntf I I I nmy U UUIntf M foieo i-f tltnl niii'l Ulli Win! Il.llik tlt r U but mm ibpr t.r ie ami lltsl pltr' I li'titiiUni bi ttn f.titr piar wsllt!1 full lii'ine. Iturtto ! eee lf hv nhU Of Humid 'lll Itlll llH'IH at ttir. i'l 1til l r nd Mn hUttn J of Woman' Wetk nV tin- Wnild'flf and tti" hUtitt ) ol oiiisnV t 'iHigii'M l tit" Win M' rVIr, to ln imtVitiiMl thai meiian's pli le are IhiiiihIIi II mliiry nf ii'ir lt. ir rvt nlil tlie imttn'f of iiittiiy ii"lii wouun hn i'ri'd th Ir eotihti y Ith untiring do Mitloii aiul si lf nsti ltli'0 with their g. title inlnltrntlotin f lit' tey fur the himimiI'mI and dying. Women whodetdiil thmi ve com forts to which tiny hud tioeii hoou IoiihmI, went thinly cln l, took the extra blanket from thulr b.d, went without ten and sugar Hint tie y might wind on unniliir butiditgn iirotind nouio soldier' wound, or give somci parched Hps In tho hospital some delicacy tttherwl 0 denied him. If it U true, "The world known nothing of Its gi ulci men," It Isntlll tnoro true of It nobl.t wmnen. (iod hlniiHilf keep this record, hut I have In my utlnds eyo another picture. I eo before mu a proeexulon of women, a little band, from twelve to twenty, coming from a church where they have been united In a prayer-moollng, dear mother In lsruel, grandma whoso hair is silvered, and young and comely maidens s o them pUHMlug down the street, silent, emjreshlve, y;t cheerful, deternilried, and they stop ut a drink ing saloon to kneel on tho dirty floor, or if driven from there, out on the frosty pavement, there to plead for the souls of tho men behind tho counter and for their victims. Tho women of- t.'n become tired and discouraged hut they go day after day, after awhile tho saloons are cloned with their mighty pleadings, liut they did not remain closed. Was the woman' temperance crusude a failure? No, a thousand times no. Out from that little band there went forth an inspiration, a mighty induenco extending from town to town and from state to state, The inspiration couldn't lie defined. Moo stood buck and listened with awe, and suld "Let them alone, it is of God.', Hinging and praying at tho saloons was given up, but the woman's praying crusade for the annihilation of this accursed traffic will novor bo given up, It has endeared and expanded from this little praying band into tho great Woman's Temperance Union, whose followers aro legion and whose bands of rlblsin white, now encircle tho whole peneirame glow, ui (disorganization Jtev, Joslah Btrong has said: "At no time in all the year, and at no place In all the land, 1 there so much of the saving power of the nation gathered together a at the Annual Convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union." I have mentioned three of tho noblest spheres of women. There are many others, Hut my friends, are there less noble, sclf-sncrllclng and bravo women In our land to lay? J tell you nay, Hut we must band together, we must stand to gether, In conclusion, I say again wo wcl come you to this, our first open meet ing, We again thank you all for all the help you have so kindly given us, and we again say that we have a pur- pose, to work for whatever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, and whatsoever aro of good repute until we are called from here to the Supreme Council up there where one I our Supreme Head, even God the Lord, tlj,iut g it i ei.i 1 ittixo, l.,i't a tmtMe, WMift lti emiw il tlin t.iN tHvdd m l Unl li any lmvvi ai tm In Mud t ttm tlmg itio bud Nr doing Itie Ulliitiy. and Wl, V hsM oil don't li k Ihst belhn: t .lo i.t, l.r imhi jot ttn ll Vliewniii a pntlinmj who In iti hiU-r' vtmlr, wlh Ulher all eer ie i'f It 1 f Ats j"te'd iel of lii chair and Uk.i g hi tint rT, "Iw, ilh )"U li T would llttt t tke that button iff that iri tttl. tntst' e.mti now pi ahmd," lly lhl lime ft third goiitli'itisii, who ftlwi lipiK ie d ! lie In the hoe, Jml !se d lnlh hl hatul to his hip poeki't and drawing two mvotvirn. mil, "If either of )mi molt, or imoiie Ue In 1 1 I town, daw t i luy hl hand on thin fc'tntli lean, I will Intro hint or them ih full of ho'i1 they will lever l heard tf turalti." This, rljiht there, ended thaafllr, hut the tiirtjitr anil chief of ollc, trnth Koitirtit Cut hoi le, filed In with the I'roteftiitit Ih and told the tinnuM) to eeane llielr till irt'elllig. as uiey nun Ihm'Ii the luntlgiititrn. Of Colli' tnln wan tint oi ly thing for tlu tti to do, an our Imys had the dead drop on them. Truly yours, A UtKIXI'.NT. a. v. a. roivmts. It Is the ttit.y of every memlier of the A. 1. A. who Is a nlnceru patriot to aid In spreading the gmd work. When one louil-tnouthod dog buy at the A. 1'. A., all ttio little fellow echo tho cry. What tho A. 1'. A. has to do In not to wante tiin.' trying to convert C ulho- llen, but to transform so call d Ameri can Into Aniericaus 01 Hie siaiwart sort. No matter what may be, said to tho contrary, tho A. 1. A. Is becoming a niont important motor u ovor me country, and Is working for tho good of all. Hy ballot tho A. V, A. will arouno a slumbering people to a nensti of the need of seir-proU'ctlou agulnnt a glgan tie enemy. Hev. Frank Dixon, of the llaptlst de nomination, biJvIhos all the people of ilurtford, Conn , to join the A. I'. A. "Tho A. P. A. did It" Is getting to be quite a common expioMhlon on the street now, its power is being duly recognized. The permanence of the A, l A. de ponds more upon the wisdom of its friend than upon the attack of It enemies, ' In tho A. V. A. the Jesuit have at last found their match. lowing It Trey. In these day, when the A, I', A, and other similar organization are cutting so wide a swath through Jfcmildi scheme and hopes, we opine that the KomUh schemer who supposed their plans were all working nicely for "the church," must now feel like quoting sadly Hobby Hum' lines: "Th hnnt'luld pinna of nilco and men (taut HflUKleu," They oe their hopes of Home's unl vernal rule postjxmed Indefinitely, And It will tako more than the help of all tho silly I'rotestant pastors, of whatsO' ever name and hue, to stay the tide that I setting against the methods and aim of the old scarlet hag, A few silly pastor and party-blind editor may bo fooled by cunning Hornan pro testations and pretenses; but tho people are waking, and will not be fooled. They are not ready to be JComanlzcd nor to have our free Institutions Ho- manlzed. Bo the old Octopus Is losing It coveted prey, 'flit l'rtxjrtmrt Thinker. - ' ' Dared Them Ut Itemove Ills lluf tori. Ma.vjmw, N, I),, April II, 1801.- EdlUir TUB AMEfUCA!: Yesterday, while I was in a barber shop, a gentle man carno In, followed shortly after by two Itoman thug of this little town whocorr rnenced to talk about the first gentleman to one another loud enough to make themselves heard to all. . The conversation between these two thug kept getting hotter and hotter all the time. They used all the profane lun guugo Kjsslblo until at last It got so Dublin (Silhouette. Daniel Horgan 1 now ex-chlef of police. He 1 a Komun Catholic, and Menirs Hart and liellnnkl are relieved a fire commissioners, and the world do move. It is reported that tho Duluth dlo- cose Is too wor for a separate bishop. Jjulutu ana Ht, uiotia win 00 consoli dated. All because Protontant do not appropriate money to Homo. lAwrlifi editor has received a second letter threatening his life If he does not discontinue his paper. This time the threat comes from Bt. Paul, Hecause the A1 ' it-Tribune published an unoolored report or the blnih- Honnelly debate, tho JsnrthvmUm (papal) If ilncMK wants it boycotted. President V, rover Cleveland has ap pointed a ri')W potmator. Ho Is Tneo dore Helluskl, a PolUb-Catbolic Amer ican, A Priest Forbids Children te Participate In a Public Hrhool Dedication, Tho citizens of tho town of Wabash, Indiana, aro rightly indignant over the course pursued by the Homan Catholic priest forbidding all the children of that denomination from attending or participating in the ceremonies attend ant on the recent laying of the corner stone of a new public school building In that city, Tho children were told by tho priest that it would bo a sin for them to participate Jn such proceeding Jlew's Thfsi Wo offer Ohh Hundred Hollar IteWHrd for ny rne nf ( iilitn li tliiitciiiieot liu cumd lif Hitll'n (.'utiirrti cur, V, S. WIKM- V A CO,. Propii,, TnlMo, O, Wk the loulecxIicrH-d. Iiiivm known V, J, elieficy fur tint lithl, IS yi'Mm, nnd lieli- Mm pi-rfeelly liolioliil III nil IiihIim-m, ti-BfiNiie-iinfi hii'1 WiiimeiKlly hI.Ih lo curry out, liny iiiintoiiioii niioiii iririr iirei. W lHfldln Plte!, oe rirtilng Ut S ft -U iln tii! Indn oliiat, e!itf a lui. UiS 6 ilirid l-y an eftUvf tj lent , tti tlt tt utimi ( the teiiidtooof a bawd iv.( on lUjioM sifvrt, im i-rtiii t eiinid.'!ii II l W bl ditt) to krivt thetitn,e aetHtg tndhlitoul, and lb Ulr tmk a btMili'd 1 1. In tii inet bed'(ioili'li, whi n' It w dlHH eti d thnt the nottai he w a fulw one, aed helnp- ttiriti-d lull tn li' a titan ipii t ndirg M'lcM. 1 tie lsll r e plalniM that be w on hl aj t ni l i bU old tilettd. " Father" l i hiHamler, wbon he W liluiu lf surprlw-d. Whi n he dinrt-id that bin story wntild Iml wah, and that he a In dnnti-r of sni)iltng a lilgtil In a cell, he m ttt (or one nf llUhop Foloj'n pi let toidoiitlfy him and tentlfy a to hi purity and go mI Intention, after which tho pibst wan Hi-mlttid to go en bin way rejoic ing, minus lit faUe munim-he,-. Hotiult I'fttrlo'lc Ainerlenn. ltifi rono t IMil l ll'M Pr.CDT it LASTINO ItCSULTS. FATPEOPLEHX (mm any Injiirimn iitnian., tl M U101 ilCOHIin IID5CID. W0tlHHtU OIISE wrutund tur mnn. Prlpti S.IMHivr hiilll. nd f. Inr Irculli.' 1KKMON I' MKIHCAl. CO., Iloatuii, Miua. rv i( ' it 1 l1 S3 r rr iMii or ii ytito Durr warna. ron ALL PAIN Rheumatism Fcminino Complaints Lameness Soreness Wounds Bruises Catarrh Burns Piles 9 OTBACT It will Cure. Men Wanted Itvrrlim or eitlliM-ltn i'.pi-rii'iii'it mu. iiih-kh- mm nry. siiii(lyiiniliiyini.iit. turmii. Writ id ne ml ei-itri i lmlrn of terrllory, 1 ALUN NUHSIRY CO., Hochnltr, N. Y. THE MO.MK. IWiil li II !. hito-ll IM f."i i. i .- rf i. Moab ITS A IIUER, PRICE $I.C3 i .i-m, 'ai t"-io1 II f iit. I' vifr lhiH A(rntMnlMi i.tonitim Arf.ln- chao. w, Hire. MAYhVIHX, KV N itl li f k Wrmted K 1 1 It let f I nenrwi tlnn. .iili-p tthi-r I f m u hil nl llttwl tiiiYiMit of Inn Ami 01 ' m i IMi l nHfui , .,r.inil-i ilxty loiih.iHem) iiii.t.-t t lo l of I. ti- soot- il N tr.b mni .l.iti.g ImiIih-m Hi 1 iiimtm In i.Mittlfi iounlf Iti nLI nti, A 1 lliio I V of A 1 II. liHi of tin-of -I- IHU..II of lt INi!nlllf mi.ii-l. il M 0 h t f,m., 1,1 n ; ' ' Arllt'lo I V Thl ('Rillt to.'ll of t It lO (Hlf lHii4lli.ii linlll-i' llfo . n llioiinlnl IN-mul,.N Ur itnitiil lio.i oikh loiiiilril mol rt'y Iiho i-f iiiio loimlo-,1 il-illnm i-, h, I., h hull I fllllf IHl,l lli-ll ioii-l Iwalll-ll Hull it Hi ininlin, Ni-limiilia, A pi II tlh, lw.14 Itireelor. .Ion 0 TttitMeno, riwititiim, W.l'. hul l . SiM-MMitiy. I mm V. riioMmos, I rvninirur M. I Kmik. ... n-i YOU WAN! AAh tnllN RKIUftTMIt. Ot, 1rm Tmt Jffcj , J cimi Mi istftM sm rsatw MiinaM, uiMai, in. 3 s-iU44UiUUUi4iiimtiiiUUUV3 rcMioAoo, moo Ctnlln nil Rhmit THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. Hoffmann' Catholic Directory, tho olllclal directory of the Catholic Church In tho United States, published by Hoffman llrotbers Co., Milwaukee, Wis., gives the fullowli g statistics, showing tho growth of tho Catholic Church In. the United States. Alli;illllOI'KlKn AMI HllH'KxKn. HAIriMuUK Clin i Ichioii Itll'lltaioilll SI,. A -'SHiNi.ttin. . . , ,, HltVHIIIIIlll WIiiii'Hiik Wl mliiKliin Nori li Curollna,, ,. ItOH'l'ON MiiriliiKlon. , Hurl font MitiielH-NUir ..... .. I'url liiml I'l-ovlili'liet) ,,,,,,,, SiiHiiKlli-ld CMU'AUO Alton , Iii-ll.-vlll.) I'eoiln ... ,, , CINCINNATI .... Clevulioid Collliiiliun Covlniuori Del roll Kurt Wayne .,, Urn ml I(hiUIm biiitlnvlllu ,,, N itoli v 1 1 1 h ,,, Vliioelinen, Hl.'Hl Vt K ( tieyi'iiim ,,,,, ,,,, llitveriport ,,, bllll'lllll ,,,,, Omaha MH,WACKKK .... (linen flay ...... I, II Cl'OHHM ,,,, Mlll-ioll'IK! ,, NKW Ulll.KANH., f 'llllllH ,,, Oflycafon. l.fT Tin Hack Molilln Nau-he Nuteliltoelini Man Amoulo ,,,,, llrowimvllle HulliiM Territory , NKW YOltK Alliany ,,,,,,, Hrooklyn ,,,, Huiriilo Newnrli , Oieli'iinliiirK , . ,, HiK-lienler ,, ,, , Kyriieiixij 'I renloll ,,,,,, ,,, OKKlili.V Motw, City lli'li'MIl ,,,, ,i-iiiully , Vancouver ,,,,,,,,,, I'llll.Alll-.I.I'IIIA r.rtn llarrlMliiir I'litMUurnli , neranloii ,, nT. HOI'IH CorteorUlii ,,,,,,,,, lianaanCity, Kan Kauian City, Mo,., t. Joneeli.,, ,., WleMlii , ST, I'Al l, Hiiluih, .laiiii-niuwri .,.. hi, cioiel SI0111 rutin .... Wiiionii . ......... S AN I- IIANCIHCO., , Monterey and l,o Aniii Siu'raineiilo..,, .. ,,,, Sil I, l,ak SANTA Ht la-nver ., Arizona ,, Tot At, leu ci.Kiiur 171 TI ill ml HI 2.1 II 8 Ml iHlt Wl m tin l's m r,i im i.'inl I HI) If flH l::i s;i li.-. 7 ln 1ll 11.1 Al m r ir 27 - 17 in 87 IN fi It H ;im tf 1 ai;i 1-1,' l.v, sui 74 I" I 'il Itl ft-.l lHl Ml V IK st'.: .17 r.i 2:1! ;ii ii r. 1 1 t I Hi; Itf ti it" 1H 241 i 2 h f! 4 H II SI 'I III s 1.1 1:! IS jii;i m 1 5 2!l HI a III 41 7 2 S il 24 41 14 20 II SI 4 ti I" 21 '"'li' il I' Id 171 70 l.'i l.-i IV 7 (' V. M 'Jin 7 4!l if'!! It' if 7 r. Hi! 14 km 21 I II "I 1 ii:i 24 ill H.-i 211 In 417 Iti 2i4 77 si 1 Ml IIHI iN7 n 7M 141 241 2'( 117 nil mi 7; l'!'.l ill S: Wl 9M V. lrt Km if I f 41 27 21 III Kit 2i (S.V 2iW 211 211 m aV M (lit r.i 1 10 m 1 7NI 2"Ni l:!l 40 I 1N if ;i 111 w 207 7i ila: ''i h 7,2.11 1 J.4HII 7l7l N.7',",i' ft,70 S 9 in 2- 4ft 2.1 21 70 a; 17H 71 ir,N :t 74 no I'M 2Vi lilt IM lDO IH.1 217 Its ill 17 ;u 1 l .-.wl iWl r.i! sou u VA m 141 81 l'.H 2IN1 70: 14N -41 Wll ' M 'l III 21 71 17 2H 21 I.Kl l!4 Mil I'.l 114 110 S.I 101 III 27 il7 hi N I7H III W ltd III 211 J7 7r M 4 l!l: ilt r.i so lit4 70 liml 7i '.ii! Ml ;n 14 Si 0 0 hn m u 1 11 r 1 1 1 it 1 ' t-; IHI Ml 40 HI (to 4N 1 40! (121 111 N llll 4.1 50 in 11.1 17 111 SO 40 S7 mil Ail M JIN ill 111 SO 47 110 40 n fto 2'.i ll'l 11.1 An 7o in in no im im lio m 110 2H' I M H nil I'M1 111 im 17H 7 lie, 4't Wl im 2 7" 41 4-1 In ill 2n 41 4: s: 1! ft": ir: tm f, r.N 4 2N ino II- 2 . 5 JB 3 u jS L. 4 i& a i): 110 J3 J. 3 o A a 1 il 1 21! 2i 1' ?! I 11 A 21 24 II 14 II! II loi It 4N III 17 ilN 27 ill A7 to 11:1 1.171 llll im in 7o 4:1 7ft 2o 11.1 litt I 41 CI ill 14 11 111 M l ii 17 .2J ill 2l 2.1 IN III 1 I'll 40 nil 21 .11 in I):! lie 1 il 17j "'ir (HI i ll'l 2111 1 II An H7 M U 70 II III 40 In IN 41 I 7!2 S.4.1N 2,itlii 1,200 e.ii'i 2,ii irnri ii;i,ih) n.1174 20,1100 11,11(0 H.lie I'l.ANO IA.S71I 4ft ill I 7.AM7 fl.AHA 7,HI4! 22.47ft a;i ft4o N,iu;i fl.a:i:i 14. SAW u.miN 10, l!)H 7.W4 2,117ft lit. 170 13.At If I! 5,01V K.000 Z4HIN 12 m m,:;ao A.lifl I4 4NI I. Me K.iiVi 2.01H I. Mi! I.lll ll'.i; 2,IHM Wilt SU4 40. 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NUN 20. 7n; H,!I70 II, 11 1 II 1H.22X I II. , 1.111 AI.7I4 n.ftim B.77 H A.VI 21 004 i,iim 7.2HI IH,;ivi, lo.ftim io,inm S.02,1 M.W )4.2'm 2im a,m i.4'17 4,7iM Wl.iKi ja.ivm H.AAO ft,.i;i7 1H.I1' 2.4NN) 2.7 1 ii 7'lil 4,4it Vi M.'fit lfl.21'4! iCi.itl', "211'. ll'l 4 7.1N 1I.1H! Hvm 7.N07 ,:!nii l,Sil iw.oonl 7.01m 5,7'm ;:M I'MlWl 2.1.'!'V 1.4117 A,7,f! 4 4n' ,:KII ceil IXifm 1.4'm 7V ft :;iki 2 Nf) ill I 2n.:i:i'iO t. til! I. if. 2,f.i:! 4, mm 1 o u 2:11.0110 . a.000 22,000 lil.fUKI 211,001) 20,000 VWI 11,101) B75.ISSI AO.000 2BO,imO s.i.imi) n:i,oim 2'" l.'KI 170,'mo AAO.WSI 7ft.oo' fw.imi) 110.001) -rlHll.AOO 200.000 Aft.imi) 4-4.1.HOO no.imo -Hm.imij 1 lo.ono 18.0 (I ti;i,a4l l,niimo a 1x0 MMXM 22. 1 V :i.47' 2no,'m( liftonf) 7A.000 70.000 n. i(oo 17.000 I7.AI0 Hi, mm ifi.imo AO.O'l'l lo.wio hoo.'iiiO Isi.issi 2"'l,00(l ino.'mo 2iN,(mo 72.'KO so.imn Wi,ttt) mttn ilil.ftOI) D.I'IO H 1.1 mo 4(),IM) ' 4'10','llVl lo.ino wn 1111,010 ,I,:W) fio.mxi in.imo 7,:in 30'1,'m') 2:!."0 20 o-m wi,im iW.'MI 22o.o"i WIIKO 21,") mm l'W.'mo iy.oi iiNimi siyt.ipil n wi,it Went and 'I'rua. l.-.lo. 11, Wul'llns. Klnnan liolenalit HriiKKlnts, To- & Maryllt, VVIiolemile llrilllNI. 'l oledo. il. Mull ( niitirli c:urH U taken Ititernally, aelln (llreeily ii.on Ihe lilood h rid miii'oii mo fiiecii of Hie yli-m. I'rlen, 7fte eer IiiI.Hb, Snlil ly all driiKKlNtn, 1'enllmiiilal free. , Look id a Miip Of South Dakota and you'll find lodge ment U in the aouth west corner. It' location- at the Junction of two Hues of the UurllngUm Ilullroaxl ha made It a twin, Our fwyjoo Irrigating and I'owor Canal will go further it will make it a df. Let us send you our pamphlet, price list, plat and references, free. They will explain why a dollar planted In lodgement now will double lUelf Innldu of two year. THE EDGEMONT COMPANY, J. I TAlT, Bcc'y., Omaha, Neb. Change of Time. On and after Hunday, April 2!th, tho Mlnsotirl I'aclflc train for Kaunas City, Ht, Loul, etc., will leave depot at l,th and WebsUir itreeta at MM a. m, and 9:.'W p. m, Trains will arrive at 0:00 a. m. and 0:55 p, m. Nebraska Local leave dally, except Sunday, at 5:10 p. m.; arrive 0:20 a, m, J. O. I'HILLIPl't, A, O, F. & P. A. THOMA8 P. CODFHEV, i'. & T. A. Ileturo lni!oiiiiltt. $i cluinen from liwt year' report. Secrets of the Convent of the Sacred Heart. A thrilling talc of truth that is stranger than the wildest flight of fiction, hy Hudson Tuttlc, relating the terrible trials of an inmate of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, the authenticity of which the writer vouches for. A complete exposure of the infamous depravity and cruelties practiced in these convents when unmolested by the laws of our country. A BOOK THAT EVERYONE SHOULD READ, Send in your orders immediately, and he supplied from this edition. Cash must accompany all orders. PAPER COVERS. 25 CENTS. CLOTH COVERS, 50 CENTS. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO 1 IOW Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB. J ' 1 . tv