The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 04, 1894, Image 2

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I I"
An Yptwh of Convent Life
fttkH4 ft. I fc 1 1 ttt M 1 f
1 i. A I
I tl.M'Tl H IV.
INK KH I t - tSH((liiM J,
Itttafttt f U't tvtt Ihrt HI
pHm to l ew ww tlen, tdUlftot
ktiwt.r thee, end teay t,.l torgi
we. If I tlure.n'l her! tUtl ti0
pleaded th cutn that .raullne had
tUlitM. Thitvftw father Jom-hlm
ruft tl hit UU'Hl ! until the
atvhet re-whord anew th til erlet!
then, thuktrg hint rlf, ill bathed In
tvtxptiatUm, ho twined Irt have mil-
itenly dlimrt'tl a new opiilleht; tak
leg the taered ) roWl, heappnmehtd
t'lnrttte and efTered It to her with
prayer, but Ihi arranged le auoh a way
thai the pw foil at from the twUr'i
hand tin) km broken In plecea on tho
1 thai! never forget the IntprAimlon
that tli falling erott produerd, nor
the honor manltcittd hy many of the
titter. They orn m dotlrout of cry
Inn "anathema" at tho prlett hlmtelf,
Ho did not full to Improve) tho opjHir
tunltyt after having pronounced tho
terrible tonlcnco which do voted poor
Clarltte to eternal damnation, ho coin
manded tho abbot to remove tho
tacrlllglout portion to a toeret place
until It thould ho known what wat the
pleature of tho eeoletlottloal author!
tloa. Mother Ursula received tho
order to remove her and wo wore called
to vetper. Tho evil one triumphed;
tho cnomtca of Clarltte rojoleed. Many
of the eye that looked upon tier that
night never looked upon her again, and
they never will until that aoloinn and
Inevitable hour when tho lecrota of all
will ho revealed.
The acono which I have detcilbed
filled our mind with terror. All the
terror of tuperttttton were lot luoao
among ua. Clarltte, hud illnapimared;
if they had permitted her to llvo in tho
mldtt of tho family wo would have
ahunned her a ft pottlleneo. One
heart tn!y teemed to tympnlhlzo with
her; ono only tried to plerco the my
tery which teemed to envelope her. I
am torry to nay that It was not my
heart nor mytelf. On the contrary,
that which I eontldorod an Impiety In
the. young nun filled willji nucha
Itorror that J M WtTFto "ronton Von
thetubloef. or that thov mlnht h
ckd; finely toward tho poor creature1,
Tt A. .. ...1 k M....1I-. l..
n in annum irivuu I nuuno wiiOi
alone In the limine, pitied Clurlimo.
, wnfeM with tadneta, th.t when th
uggcuted tho Idea that there had Iron
aomothlng amhlguout In the falling
of tho emu", I rejected tho thought at
an abomltiabla Impiety, Although
during the ttmo I did not participate I
thcto conjecture, I wiu fur from be
iraying my menu, niiq inmied me
and told me her tpprehermiont. After
while the scattered my prejudice!
and lod mo to adopt her vlewt, Wo
both reoognlxed that they had deceived
u In rofpoet to ClarlNHe, and that tho
truth differed completely from what
they had led UN to think. Nut thU
oonvlatlcn came upon tit only by do
Hut the fright oauted by theanath
ema wat onloted, and the tad uniform
itf of our lift had recovered It! court
when one night, a tutor, returning
from tho midnight tervloe and oroxtlng
the gallery to return to her coll whom
floor wat next to a window whir
opened upon the cemetery, taw a while
figure teated at the foot of the crott
that wat placed among the tomht. Nhe
thought her eyet had deceived her but
the looked again, and the tolomnly
deduced tlmt the had teen tho figure
run among the tombtand vanish like a
The tlnter who had thU adventure
wat one of the leant Intelligent of the
community, but tho wat riclthr tlow
nor gentle In communicating to u her
fright. Her orlet drew all of u Into
the gallery, and here the ablwtt
profited by tho Incident to give ut her
opinion! "I blame myanlf teverely,"
tald the, "that T have not tooner up
pointed a day offttllng toeiplate the
terrible tin of dropping the erott, Un
til that hn.ll lie done," tnlil the, "how
can wo hope that thlt holy limine may
lie delivered from evil tpltltt and do
mont of hell, and that our lady will
mile again upon ut?"
Haying theto wordt, the took the arm
of the awlxliuit mother and departed-
after having given ordera that each of
ut retire to our cell and there meditate
upon our mltorablo condition. At we
believed that evil tplrlt had much
power upon earin, tt wat not very
agreeable for ut to think th t beoauto
of Clarltte, the evil tplrltt were looted
In our mldtt and able to torment ut at
their plctturo, nnd ttlll lett, that no
meant could bo found to appoamj thote
Invltlble powert we bad offended.
The next morning we learned that
our blthop wat on hit way to St,
Blffien, It wat decided to atk him to
exorolto the houto and to protldo at a
aolemn ceremony which wat fixed for
the day of hit arrival. They dkplayed
much seal and activity lo tho prepura
tlont, and it wat then that I learned
f f tt rrtt tin e -M) n i,Vt, it,
tt i4 It. evel llih In ,
- h tA t xiM'sef t tl-it i ' t.fh
Hi Iff htiUdle, s
iH f eie ir vmrview U)m
U t -h))A(vti t. If It t vt lo
t e e tt.lK Im ti tir tit IM
t fuUhfe, W ivimi U ht
oik men e ((.! tet vt their r
1w ttiU Hitn !t bat !' replb t
that the rne M"i be K ob!ifHl
In the t i,;lnlli(f to txiiM lhrM etet
ehamtet lender tli feitrt - tnt in
ven't that they hilgbt m rie apliH
el h'fiijf e to imithei vf their ot der w he
eit tint objt'tt if tMreeutlont ""n
aftr, tuinntHtlnit nile them dent of
lie that a It may, the ubiert iu'n
ptu)e ut our l.ouwt weiv very eiiten
the, The principal entianee-theee
wn many Mei-cl enti aueet wt by an
Iron grate, concealed by a wooden lttr,
A iinntiw ttalm'nte by many tueut led
toaeleeular chamber on a level with
tho foundation; from there another
ttatrwny ended In tho tubterranean
At the fool of thlt Intl flight wan a
largo chapel, paved with Ihig-ttonet;
at tho end of which wat a tort of tcrccn
of Carrara marble, perfectly white and
trantparent, and arranged In tuch a
way that everything that took place on
tho other tide could Ihj aeon by thoao
behind tho aerorn. lleyond thlt wat
the tpeelal chapel of Notre Dame dj
MlMorleordo, and ltt altar wat entirely
covered with relict tiul offering! of
lmmeiito value. Thlt tanetuary wat
made wholly of that yollow marble
which It called Mpnnlth brocatelle,
Tho roof of tho chapol formed a dome
eniTiiHtcd with a glitxt motalo repro
tenting II Im of whom wo are forbidden
to mnko any Impgo.
When the chapel wat Illuminated It
wat Impottlble nlmoHt lo detcrlbo ltt
brilliancy, Tho altar wnt made of
liipliehuull with coi'iilxhet of gold; tipou
It wat a ttaluo of the virgin, and at her
feet an Image of our patronett, ktMcl
lug, In the uniform of our order, pro
tenting a burning heart to the Ilmui
tho adored, Upon tho heart wero en
graven th( to wordt! "Given to Theo."
Wo were not abljtoteo thlt tplondld
tanetuary through tho tcrecn. We
wore employed In making artificial
llowcrt to ornament tho altar and flnlth
a foohiool that ttiutt bo presented to
the olthop,
bit I mut yet detcrlbo tho aubtcr
ratiean cliamtiert- theno tnd and torn
her region! that never taw the light of
day, Many doom opened Into the
chapel; from It a narrow corridor led
t3 oilier rbambert, apparently very
Tho day before the artlval of tho
blthop, Pauline and I having been tent
with tome Mower to the taerlttlno who
prepared tho altar, we tuccot ri d In
ctcnplng all obtorvatlon and com
menced the exploration of the long mile
terranean gitllerb t. They were vaulted!
t i );'.. ) t I ti ! 1 ) ( l ei
IP (, ttii he)
f ' r uriiD'" titut l. "Aipll.,t,e
lhtl.i n t'e) n that tbtpy battan
It. tt . ) t -r AtxntiH Uta't am I I ir r !
ttubbfi!), bull t't.nm il tti dlMto
l. h e'iiiititi.-., t y l,Hie, mt for
that tiHie, ln-Ht't it .I, , I,,
erioph'h-ly dm- h leg tt. tlatef.
The h it day tafatdaj; eWiit
a!li t. IhI.ii ixt ihl until i,,,
Tlu'y i tv u tin a totip of tt-ati. and obltgrd to f.t until afnr the
reivioony which would te brld at tun
l, Tbe tuburitnt an chapel ttull
luminal d, The llln Intntlu.vd
with hit tlear and hither Jimebhu,
and mm died Into the unbpie rhtt'l
tinging tme of our mtt aolemn lltnl,
in iteM'rllm again the eeremonlet
would tmabdlout trpliltlon. It It
noee.tary to ttkn part to know how
empty they are and vol.l.of lutertil. It
only In the tubterranean chattel
that Iheaorylee dltTored from ot hett,
lint raullne had tit Id of Clarltao
weighed heavily tiin my heart; and
when tho blthop told ut that the hor
rlblo offence of which tho apottato alt'
ter win guilty, would cauto tho do
ttruetlon of the houto, and bring een
w MUird br t er hi re! tbeni wall ar
tur?i b m y ibli k
Haying thrte otU tit t'kit tronn,
ii a MrutlifUleg . k ahlih mad ut
ilia faitbrr Into our omltr hl.lintf
(Tot tltiiiH )
(Ml Till St tllH JtM1ltlliH,
r viMttt i.f I'blUdelphla IbfWt tt
Allen at) Other l ltg te I bmltlirr If
li peedence Hall,
Major l.dwln H. Htuait tbvllnod to
ermlt the I'nheital IVtco Union to
float ltt Hag oer lndeeiulene hall In
piaeo of lha ttart and tti l;t, when It
bold a celebration to commemorate the
tlgnlng of the arbitration treaty at
Wathlnglen April !, IMHh Mavor
Htuarttal.l, "I have alwayt n fuwd to
allow rfiiy flag other than tho American
(lag to le raited over Indejiendence
hall, and mutt decline to grant your
requitt. No flag, excepting our na
tional entlgu, hat ever boon perm I tied
to fly over that building, and I feel
that you and your union, uiKin renins'
lion, can but tcroo with mo tin t under
no elreumttaneo whatever thould tho
American flair, which float there
throughout tho entire year, bo per-
j Jl"i7
Si ;
4 m-.mxrT S Vt ttt
iVX tn.tit
'm an bo
thlt HtaoliM
ORGAN 5343
If you Imy it now.
)'t- ft IJ Itl.
tM" W f. t .
I h' tit, ' M
!!. 't--4 rf
Ill rl hHi I ttu
Urn mil M ti h i h k tttrn li ft '
It'"!'"! l' .. . . t..t, ai mn4 iHt MHkai
4i j. I (mm i MtM nii4t n ,U ittnl in j. hi hinn,
Crjim from $39 up. PIirsi from Ji53 up.
..! iM,r Mil rt.-l.r lw (. ,T IiAtp mm nWt mh i-ivntt. l . i..l,-0 tl It. hi iw trttlMiatl.
OualMi. h !, t hhi.Ii. Min h tumult
t . a iti n
Marchal & Smith Piano Co,,,T?.vr
138 CAtT liar BTHttT, NEW YORK.
It a Itmik that contain thowholo argument against Itomanltm.
jtiatpBld for 250, 'y the Author,
Atchison. Kansas.
W. II.
P. ALbF.N,
John o. cuitTKLrou,
Interest Paid on Deposits. Savings Deposits Solicited,
Corner Fifteenth and Harney Street, OMAHA, NEB,
f 4
turlet of torment uimn each ono of ut, Tlu'u 10 "fl "' a,)Wn to bo ro- T f yf T? Q A " 7TTvTi C D A "KITS'
unlett we weredellvered by prayer and ,,B,wl b n, ""iUer what Jy 1 1V1 XL O-Tl. V 11N VJThD -DTlIN XV
fatting from all participation In thlt "l,v uw" r "mJ or repretonn.-
gn'nt inuit, 1 wat tel.etl witn tucli a I Tim ,
tivuiy loeungoi lilt rtltelKMKl mat If I vDrfiM t,.n...m ). .tm..f-
had dai-ed, I would have torn off my Lf tild n,mm corgJ to orUMn that
vow anu toturiied into tne world, at the im mini lnt.o.tll..nrn. tt ,,f tt,. .
rltk of undergoing a punithment ttiy mit Mldrett pretontod by tho clergy to
.... v tci i i mo ono no tnrnntcmi Arehblthon Fabre:
i.n. 1 i-rKiti, WIOOUOl, ino JUHUOIIOI my "TIlO l-nvoU of (hrt nlni-irv airaln.t
..l..l....l A.. I ... ....... ...mJ
r, .,, K,ea, nrm m uavo, inougn civil Inttltutlont It becoming accontu-
ti.u mm, a loeino ray oi ug',t punotrat- 8ted. There wat. the other dav. at the
ing my deep darknott. , Archbl.tami'a Miilni'C. a ecul council of
When tho ceremony wnt terminated, war Hinder protetieo of the foatt of
wo lufl the tublerranean chapol and Arohblthop Fabre, Our pi or clergy,
went to tho refectory whore wo had a who cannot pay taxet, prctcntod lilt
light lur.chj after that they tent u to Oruoo with a fine purto containing five
ourcoUt, I wat not yet ufidretted when hundred fl no gold pound in order to
ft light rap upon my door canted mo to allow them to fight tho jutt demand of
trcmblo, Having gently opened the tho Cumuli Jicvue, deprived of it
door 1 taw raullne, Bho beckoned me property through an liifiultltlon and
aim proceueu mo to ino onu or too armirttry moature, ino oeeation wat
gallery, She tloiiped at tho aublor- a good ono to give full vent to all the
ranoan gallery; the Iron door had been rancor and hatred of thoao holy toult
unbarred tlneo
Interior wat
mat too naa teen Hitter Aiinnnelata ino cnargo mat it wat too enemy
enter mere tome momenta prevloiitly too i.atnoiio tarth, tbo Hrvm tayt;
and that tho had heard the tlldlng of a Thut It It well undomlood. Tho
bolt but did not atturo hortolf that tho partt are changed. Wo are tho enemy,
door had been clotod. Pointing with tbo tormentor, Tho rnplno commenced,
her finger to the door the mid: uavonlng wolvet penetrated Into our
"Would you llko to follow Annun- "J wl'o'l our hornet; monttrou
Of a certain ynur, mid W W for m imarter doHnr.
I, fr
premium on eluvor, liuriilrnd vttrtetlut of linlunl Htito.n urnl f.,firr, ..i.i.,. L
tliimimi almiriiiifiMlnrHln rnoni'V, Kmi'I( tl.nmii fur iiohLiium. nnd will m,.nd
you. rrne. our m-uiiuu iuitu .uii. i...u.i,.., u.i. . i..... i... ....
"tt","'!!1 ,"",liy' """i'1"? y.n'r "y "p"i ou 'w pick up point or tump ui
will tirliiK a luruo aniouut of tiiumty, UiTinu.i wu
nniivnnb vuin
m Block KtelianRt llulldlnn, liuttoe, Matt,
MoNTHEAfi, April J2.-Tho hearing
of tho famou cate of the Canada Hovuo
nee the ceremony and tho tgalntt tho audaclout jmoplo whoclalm agalntt Archblthop Fabre, which hut
i opened, I'oullno told mo the liberty of tpoaklng freely." At to boon proceeding for teveral day, wat
,d teen Bitter Annnnclattt tho charge that It wat tho enemy of onUuUA ,,,f,.r ti,. n,.t,- i ).
being perverted not only tho mind,
but ftlto the bodlo of our children;
rapaolotit being anatvh away tho brood
from our mouth to tatltfy tholr bun
toon the ophn door, wo hud formodlho or ,,,r K"w ml "Hn forwlou dorn and tee what tho doet? It It now
or never that we thall bo able to find
out what they have done with Clurltte;
I J i t Ml ....
ii iney too u wo win tay mat, noyau?
concluded boforo Judge Doherty In tho
tiiprcmo court today, Mr, Flllatrault,
the proprietor of tho paper, wat exam
ined and tubmittod a comparative
Mtatomontof the financial petition of the
Canada llovue, before and after tho In
terdiction, At tho time of the Inter
diction tho circulation varied from 3,000
to 4,000, Tho cott per week wat $152;
tho tale In Montreal wat about $1 IS, be
tide about tlx or teven hundred city
tubtcrltjeri at $!I a year; an average of
rotolutlon of patting the night at the Inatorai put their foot on our throat to f0Urhund red papora wat told wcokl y In
rooi, oi uio aiiar or wotro Dame u0 """' -ri""""" u"I""mi""" (Jliioboo, about M In Ottawa, 75 In fit.
I did not fall to offer objection; but
the oiiiiriigtMriit raullne dottroyed thorn
ono after another, and I accompanied
hor to the bottom of the ttnlrcute, We
had toaroely reached the bottom when
.. A Ii.. HI, . . m j
t T r 1 . B"a Ifyilnthe,andabout20In fiorol; the
our head, 1 hon wo are called cnomlot. ,.. ..., ,. ..t......
,, , .... nu iviuiiim wm nnM;n win uuiniii Tiw,in;
ie, woarvuieonomioior aauiuiry, or 0. m ,m - T),., ihauA
vtf (ma.
crime, of robbery, of autocracy; but ro- mn.lU wora worth mm, tu,mn'u
7WW7 Bro T uup tlont, Tho retult of the Interdiction wat
followort are legion, and we wllldltarm Lmmlnt mint,, -h nflft,w...
Paper Cover 60 Cents.
Tliltllllln voliioifl rnlittet tint trrllilfl
P''Hiim-n(if n mm whf wnt eoiilli,ii(l In the
" I ni'k Nunnery" of Mniilrniil, It hut pfoh
thly t,h iMi-KKtl tdlii of imy work of Iho kind
evor pulillthiKl, and niivuml
Attomjttm tit Rtipiwv It
have bnnn miido. The print In el'ith It IIW.
tnd In pupiirWj cntiu. For tulo hy
uitn u , 1!"' 'wl Htraet, Omaha, Net)
or, 807 Main l Kuntut (Jlty, Mo.
Deeds of Darkness Exposed.'
their wall drli.m d with moltturo. The " ? .... " . " ,..,, ,. 4... , ' .., ' ' '"ip.ovo ruin v
" i i " i ii i.tii i m t ii.ii.i.. .1.- .... . i i iiii v n ijiiii liiii iiifiiiii'tiidiir it rri iiiiiaiaii i m . . .. .
,w,r,.i.illP im.i i,in. ,i,.,. ti). ii r"" m u.o tanetuary .;; reoucea now to a circulation of 1)00 or
corridor had many tide door, but all
wero cleted and had Iho appearance of
not having been opened for many yonr
Wo noticed mnnv narrow ttalreatot
which led from the corridor) near one
of thorn we found little piece of black
ter go having tho appearance of having
mm kirn violently away from another
piece by lelng stepped upon
l 'tullno picked It up; It wat a bit of a
nun'i veil, Bho looked at tt attentively,
tbone In our cyct. Hut there wat out- v o. our oniiuron taie, l m M(, f()f hu,,;n mmht Ul bjltJ
. i t At ...... . I lint liilltr ltt'ttuA vit,4dtii.tA 1(V...4. I . ' m
tiuo ino tcreen tumclont obicurlty to ' ; i- nw,on forced to beg to keep up the work
proveniour Doing neon, Hearing many -"" ,""". The docreato had been greater at cor
voice In the Interior, we came at near .,,,. , ..,,, ..,. tain period, aowrdlngtothe Influence
..,....v...,.,np J IT I. .., .1.
Kdltor Tliic Amkhioan: Hurrah for T Ti , 7 i
the A. I'. A. I am pUatod to Inform rr,W" b r,t.Urn.d "fvhV
you Of our elorlou. weeolor vlntnrv 1 1 l"'r") '" nnatvert lino lUKon ujn
Arriving at a, recett wl ere no
could hear ut, Paul I no tald to met
"Vou have turned a deaf car, An
gollquo, whenever I have xpreed my
fear concerning the treatment that
hat been vltlted upon Clarltte; vou
a pottlble and concealed ourtelvo In
an obtcure tilche whore wo wore ablo to
hear at d toe everything,
I have often atked mytelf tlnoo how here for tchool truateea. Thrn frlond. thuniiwlfo to return It without being
two young girl had the courage to Lf our nobl order, the A. P. A were ftuthorl"1 10 Co m- At tho time of tbo
venture In thlt manner, but we were ,,,.ia ,m,t ,n iu,.iiL',..ii.. Interdiction wltnet tald the member
mini yen. nnif luuti'U tumin'iin vpi v, I .,, , . . .. .' , . , ,......,...,, ..rri.i.iUU n ww . . . , ,
and It teemed to bo tou.a warning not l'" 7"'M ,w cur oti y reia- popo't minlont did not dare to put up r,J. ,r
to advance farther into thote rnytterl. llv Clarltte of whom we fttly of their kind agalntt thorn, to our urt I rovcnt the e.rcula Ion of the
t.. a.. iir- - i i . a.. ... i . i " j ""iw ie j mi vwiiiiiiiii i i. r i Pi in rtiftn mm tiiiii r i :m ..! ma i i w,r
out .nuet, vvo nitvim nntw, w rei.rii.-ij . , , ... 4. """ "" ,...,., tl1,u tj, rl.,rn ,i,
,.n i, t.,..-ia ui..m fi.ii .r . " n inn, jn,ifi w iv ttiiiu i i anu true vote. In vottfir v' c t, .. "" """" vr..r.;.,
w... "... ... ...... .w I.,.. ...k(jA . 1fl..1-. .. .. .. ' . ' W tnott' twn 1 tl a ama Wftni nriw ,n
.v.......... ...w ...,. .iw nt brer i i,utm uin rilil. niltlA Ar,.,.1nM l.(., " ' .....
one 1nl,Wn B''"'b"(l refloo- elected tlx out of eight men, and every in dollrorln tho paper at the
t lent; tho blthop' vicar, a member of 0M llt tho llx ttr true ftn4 ," ftl Amnr'. w ore which receive it. Atlomptt
too rtoeioty oi Jetut Jctultt , tho hoana. and nt aWntr ti, 'mm r"m,o w prevonnnom, out
mother tuporlor, Mothoi Urtula ind t.u .!. ..' ,Vl they had not been miccettful,
Theblthon tmike ... ,t...... , . . Judgement In the eaaa wat reterved
t , fm..n n,M. Hiuiil Mf .I.H.Y Ull 1,1 ft I I m At. V....... , I
eaiwu iiixin. on tim nnv wimn om
"Jtitftuimouit trralr," tald he; "I American people will order thorn to
treat her with barbarity? What hat . . . . '
"'" I '1111. I. II r.M llii. Ilrri.l T i.r..
I. nr.. I J ...,, , .... . . ,,,,
vo.ii.,mu, - repiiou fliauanie, -uiai nir vou w m .maod .n,.h .
tiiewoiiiu repent; we hetltatod to ro-1 fAVormMo reoort. Yourt. A. I'. A.
torv n oKireiiiij meaturot.
"When a memliep It Infected with
gangrene, my dtughter," rutoonded
Hitter Annnnclattt,
trio oono to Incur their hatredr Oh I
AngoIIqun, Angellijuel What would I
not give to be able to tpeak with her,
If not for more than five mlnutetl Oh,
the iKtir unhappy creature! Thlt bit
belonged, I AM tore, to her veil. Ily
what violence wat It torn away? In
what dungeon It the encloted' I have
heard tell of nun burled alive pnd
walled Into their cellt, and I know that
Hi nun I not to far dint ant, that a per'
ton, ncouted of any olTcnco, may not bo
taken to tho Inqultltlon tecretly and
"Jfuthl" I cried with a thudder,
'raullne, do not tpeak of tuch hor
rortl Hut If Clarltte I truly lm
"If," retprndod raullne, "If alatl
wero tho ttlll worto, It torture ablo to
change hor?"
"You talk In oiilgnmt," I replied,
"what do you with to tay?"
"Nothing," tho retpondod, "but In
every way the It worthy of compaction,
In tho Ittttom of my heart, I believe
that Father Joachim bad a larger part
In tho dropping of the crott than ixtir
Clarltto hortolf,"
"Mere do MIterlcorde," I exclaimed,
"I)o you believe It?"
Shetuddcnly placed her hcudupon
my Up, and tuld:
A Wonderful Iteeerd,
There It no Heller Invetlment
Than a lot In Fdgemont, Houth Dakota,
It' tafoj cheap; can bo purcbated ujion
eaty torrnt (M to $i' a month) and will
double In value within two year,
Mgeinont bat rallroadt; cheap fuel;
a, $00,000 Irrigating end I'ower Canal;
tho blthop, "no Idea
tlon thould prevent tit from
It. l on have terloiit
our holy mother church, Hut br bur
tho teeuti'd hither; I with to tpeak
with her mytelf,"
He returned to hit meditation, At
a tlgh from the abbe, Annunclataand
Mother Urtula left the chapel; we taw
them depart without hearing thetound
of any door,
The blthop' vloar began to talk, I
learned bit hlttory tome tlmt later.
Ho wa a Jctult of Llvourno and eon-
fetter of the blthop' houtehold. Jfo
alto occupied a potltlon In the Irnjultl
tlon, He wn a terrible man to look
at, though hit feature were remark
l fif 'fultfl tL , h! I)"r,n Mm'''' wn6imi B,,(1 mtul "plendld cllmato arid powerful lacking,
from ami t It ZuZ ",rn"",h"' tho ""rllnffUm'a "Denver JMu tend you our pamphlet, price
J ln 1T1 , i U"""A -"nvr on time to Hat and plat, I'tofomiioea, too, If you
ly tinned agalntt n.n kluu,tlA m ,utt t ut )),. m. 11
tho teoond, 2H out of 81 time.
no oilier lino, no other tr ain, cn
thow tueh a refiord,
The Limited leavet Omaha at 4;50 p.
m., reaehet Denver at 7:.'!0 tho nei
morning, carrle tleeplng, dining and
free chair cart, and It the train of
train for all point wntt.
City Ticket OITIco, IM2i Famom St.
NKWHitiuf-Kiw can obtain Tvk
Amkiiican from any wholotalo newt
dealer, Your cuttomer will want It,
I'ut It on your counter,
J, h. TAIT, Heo'y,,
Omaha, Nob,
iiv iiKv, j. 0, wnim
Thlt ftxwllnrit work dealt wit h I de oolitic!
iiiiilliorltof Um lioiiuui fJaf.hollf! ;hureh. It
conniliit much food for thonyht tnd ukt
wurm Amnrleitnt will Unit It, InOimtUnt rl
lit. U. It jirlntefl In K'ti'l, clear lypo, tnd
hoiinil In I'rl... II !iA. ... ..i.T.I it...
It-lot ' ' "
tl llowarit Hiredt, Omaha Una
or, (lor. Randolph tnd Clark, C'hleo, II I
Thlt It triiong tho lnu-.t pnhlletMont tnd
riinkt tniont t,h h-t. ft'lnla with thtfor.
Inrtij In politic! MTtlrtof 01rconn.
try hy th Itomtn fJatholln Ohurch, fctrf
American thould rumi tt, f'tpnr cor,
Vrloo ti(i Qutitm.
nt pottpuld on retpt of prlet, by th
1HII Howard l,rft, Omaha, Nib, MnlnHt, Ktntiit f)lty, Mo,
or, cor, (Jliirt and Hiindolph,)hlnto, HI,
the priest,
the woman,
Uy HKV. C'llAt, CIllNiyrjy,
Thlt Work floul. ,.ll.,.lv mm. ,i. .
of Hit onfi't-lomil lix, and thould ho rnd
if (til l'roM.t,inlt lit wi.ll h. hy IU,n,n (laih
oIlct,h,,,w,,, Thn .rror of i,l, (,.
Inn ill true Ifkr iw.l ,.., i,.i.... i 77
I .Ul, trtn t p-mt pal'd . told hy ' ' "'"
1015 Howard Btroet, OMAHA, NKf).
or, (Jor llandolph and Olark, C.himim, 111,
I VV A IT II A lln nun it vomit In turn ,
, II wnintr niiwi iiv .iir.,i .
.11 our "ii an
"' A ,
: I,. Mil .in, "mtmuMitA hiiii
mil, III UTtl HniifM, r.rk.... tpimi. t m.n. I
I .1111.1.1 tilii iriMiftl wlill.M filMi, n,i ulita fa, I
iwamni bikmi. ffiiar.fiu.n ut wi.f I r m. i .
L tli'ilHuii.ti.iliiUilirftli'.ri Hi. ,.Fiiii(mi of I I
Ettio. i i.iil4v.ratfn from "itotl"t' iwr w.i,ftii4 ,
r riniMt win, ritv .li- v.rwltr., an r.t I ill :
fur imi, k,.HA M.f limrfl.. IIvm lln. MlU I
b II. hi li'iUtr,1 M.ti, In dailf u... Ca. of aamii I
i rrmm. Annraaa aiaktafliarrx nil.paa.akrai .
, ., Itpl. J), loalata,, nana.
The memlxtr of the A, V. A, charged
nv, iii'iiii mit I' liiiinn wcru runinra I ............... .
ably bandNorno; hi face cairn and cul- wlth k,,n t'"raifcl In eltMitlon day SflCrGtS Oi HOITI lh
i -. ii . . Uffrtw In Wim,. I Ml., l l(t r,-i, w v- V UkJ Wl IWJUlllJll
Priests Exposed.
tured, and hi volee onorou and
rnolodtoui. I called him tho lrifpiftllor
beoaute I wat then ignorant of hi
name, It appeared that the blthop
bad atkod hltadvlee, for he rotponded:
"I would countol her trantpor tatlon
to Home, where the affair would bo
promptly arranged, If I did not foar
"I tell you they are pure green; if j that during hor Journey tho might bo
you tay to tho contrary, I will tay that retcued, The popular pattlon are to
you have gone with your eye doted
tlnce you wore born. I refer to Sitter
excited agalntt all arbitrary methodi
The thing ought then, lfpottlble,: to
end lo thlt home. Tho matter could
affray In Kantat City are In jail. They
were attacked by thug bftcaute they
Itilongtvl to that ottoolatlon. The
trial will dornontrate whether or not
It I an offontn punlthablo with death
for men to belong to an organlatlot
wbleh claim that It only purpote I to
uphold American principle, -jV. Y,
Mail atul JSxpmt, Ajn-ilO
UVHMKHH mon will find TnE
Amkhioan to be among the boat
advertltlng modlumt, Thoutand are
old on tho i tree U every week.
Price 40 Oente.
Prloe SO Cent.
j It thn author of not.h
llt, JiMfiph Hlattnr
r thn aliiivt hiHikt. Thiiv urn In
tltlnt Inillcatx, tnd ant printed In
tvbii anu hound In n
prntt or mall, AdlriMi
int what Uii
ihkI, lilnaa
iipxr cuvnrt. Hunt hy
.lire.,, n.Ui'n.,
lit 111 llnwurrt Hi ,!.. Otnahn. Nah.
or, OT Main tt., Kantat ally. Mo.
or, vor. uiart ana uanaolph, Lliicajo, I1L
should wed:
iir Mi. ji.'htin i), yvtroN.
Thlt It mi tit In. I. .n,..,' t i,.
(limit mill, thn oiiimflon of ei.liliitcir ,.f'n.
pr ntlhood from a nllvlou ttandpolnM alw
ht piMitrind primunt r.l.tory of I'hi, ((onotn
( Hthollr- ( hnrch, I'rlcn, In cloth eovnr, I.OO
tent pottpiud on rnetdpt of prlcn, hy
Jfoward Htreet, OMAHA, NKfl,
Fifty Years hhim.
Church of Rome,
Iir liKV.cilA. (JlilMiyrjy,
Thltlt Httiindiird work on IComanlmn and
U tncrnt -trorkltitt, wrliKn hront whooutht
M know, Thn .try of tht aoli,t.o ,,
Ahrahtifi Lincoln l,y thn paid t,ilt of tha
lOimaii (Jat hollit t hnrch It lold In a clnar and
ConvlHi'lnt manner, It alto rlaUt man
fact ri-xardln prrw'tlcn of prints and
niint In Hit c.onviml and monatlnrliit, II
hatt.14 Kino, paact, and It, pit,,ald na
INO (.(., lOlft Howard ttrimt, Omaha Nnh,
er,t!or. (Jlark tnd Kandnlph.ChleaKo, III,
"Oonvent Life Unveiled,"
Thltllt.lln wink rxluiai il. i,ui,.....-.(..
of tyiiiintlailywhowatlnUiicudthroiiKh th
e.unnlnn of Iht Jimili. , thn rtlttort of
(Jhtrlty U itnUirai!onint. Ilr ttiryof tht
htarlrnndlnx funnt nait.'d In thiMt alnkt of
nli,ull.y it kild In a convlnelng tiyln, l'rica
la II.2S, wnt potl.pald hy
1019 Howard tt., Omiia, Ni