The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 04, 1894, Image 1

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Dr. Psatcii,
lh Pullman IMUhp mr.-h.U tmnltstt
InMitutlnns sntl lit' I'hilrrilw
Am'.sllim Nitcmi j t t i.nnbtsit
Jesuit In (luring.
"Uonan ttlJ toi-tn and lh A. P,
A,M was th KulijiH-t f a p.rnim by
ll-'X. llliam 11. CaiwardSiio, of ttio
Pullman Mh'UkhI it Kplxeopal t'huivh,
last Sabbath evening, In which he re
plied vigorously to tlx) sermon of Hev,
David Beaton on the same suhjivule
llvetvd the previous Sunday vmlng
Tho church In tho Casino Building
wa crowded, great Interest being man
ifested. Mr. Carwardine chose us hi
text, Matthew 22-21, "Bender theivfore
unto Ciesar the things that nitCVar's;
and unto God tho things that are
Last Sabba'h Dr. David Beaton, pas
tor of the Lincoln Park Congrega
tional church of this city delivered a
sermon In which among other things
ho declared that the American Pro
tective Association is un-Amerlcun and
I have studied carefully tho princi
ples of their organization; converged
with those who are postod In its af
fairs, mid the discussions pro and con
concerning it in tho newspapers and
magazines. I have made myself fa
miliar with its workings, and watched
with intense interest the rise and do
velopment of the order, its effect upon
the Roman Catholic church, and upon
the polities of the country. In view of
this I take issue with those who crit
icise tho order, who seo no Lord in It,
and who mlsreoroscnt its principles.
I do not believe that the American
Protective Association lsun-Amorlean
noitner uo l nouove mat tins move
ment is a mere question of creed, and
an arraying of a sect against a sect.
am willing to admit in the outset that
the organization is not all that may be
desired, that it might be Improved
upon or enlarged in its scope in some
directions, and that among its ad her
ents may bo found some who permit
":.thiir zeal 10 hut-ride their liulirmnnl
and in the namo of tho order, commit
Rome acts whi.'h are whollv forelo-n to
, v n
the spirit inculcated by the principle
of the American Protective Assoclu
I appeal tonight to the deliberate
Judgment of every right thinking Am.'
crlcan citizen irrespective of creed and
party, to a calm consideration of the
condition of affairs in our country that
has called forth the organization of
this society. Let us examine its prln
cl pies, and true aim of tho American
Protective Association. ,
First As to the question of respon
It may be reasonably asked, who Is
responsible for this organization?
What has called forth this movement?
Who is tho instigator of It? What con
dition of affairs ha produced a demand
on the part of the American people for
such a movement? Why is It that the
American Protective Association is
growing so rapidly all over tho United
States? Why is it that the ranks are
being Increased, not only by those
whom we are pleased to term tho coin
mon people, but also by tho more in
telligent classes in every walk of life
the lawyer, tho physician, the clergy
man, the statesman, the Journalist, the
farmer and the mechanic? One council
alone in the city of Chicago has a mem
bershlpof 4,000,
Surely there must bo something
"rotten in Denmark," Surely there
must be an underlying cause for such
an uprising of popular sentiment.
History is full of great movements
great uprisings of the people, great up
heavals of popular opinion, and bock of
them thoro has been some eaunu$ belli.
The responsibility of tho organization
of the A. 1'. A. rests upon tho Homan
Cathollo hierarchy in America. Who
Is responsible? Homanlsin. Who Is
tho instigator? ltomanlsm. Where
shall we seek the cause? In Jtomanlsm
XNot the itoinan uathoiio church us a
church, but tho toman Catholic church
as a political organization. Not the
creed of Homanlsin, but the political
spirit of ltomanlsm. Not tho religion
of tho Komari Catholic citizen, because
be has the same right to worship God
according to the dictates of his own
conscience as I have; but that part of
his religion which binds him to uphold
tho temporal sovereignty of the jsipe,
tho union of church and state, to de
stroy tho American public school sys
tem, endorse tho order of tho Jesuits,
that would make St. Patrick's day a
legal holiday, and wave the groen flag
above tho stars and stripes!
Second So much for responsibility;
now consider the criticism as to relig
ious discrimination:
Lot It be distinctly understood that
tho A. P. A, is not opposed to Horn an
uttnoiioism as a religion, This mut-t
be accepted as a condition in tho dis
cussion of this matter, Tho stock argu
ment of those who criticise the order is
that It Is "dragging religion into poli
tics," that It is discriminating against
a man because he Is a believer in tho
cred of the ltoman Cathollo church.
This Is an evasion of tho real point at
Issut j It is a subterfuge to escape from
tho true question; it U a misrepresenta
tion, whether intended or' not) it is a
slur cast upon the order by its enemies
td make capital agllnst it: " "
Paragraph 3 of tho principles of tho
order declares, "We attack no man's
religion, so long as ho does not attempt
to make his religion an element of po
lltlcal power." Again, paragraph fi
declares! "Wo regard all rellglo
poliUcal organizations as tho enemies
of civil and religious liberty."
Now, this Is as plain as tho English
language can make It, that tho A. P.
A. Is opposed to ttomarilsm as a politi
cal machine and not as a creed
Let the burden of proof rest where it
rightfully belongs, Lot tho ltoman
Catholic church come forth and prove
that the fears of American citizens are
groundless; that she does not meddle
with politics; that she is tot, In the
garb of religion, making an effort to
control the, political welfare of this
country; that she does not, as a church
bold allegiance first to tho ltoman pun
tllT, second to tho president of the
United States, Let her coma forth and
clearly prove all this beyond a doubt-
then tho mission of tho A. P, A. will
have ended.
Tho A. P, A. is opposed to the Horn-
Ish political hierarchy. Its members
are fully aware of the ahomfnahlo polit
ical practices of tho ltoman hierarchy
in every country and ago where its
power has been supremo. Its mornberi
hollove that there Is positive evld
eneo of tho same being practiced In
this country, and they call upon all
patriotic citizens to organize against
tho evil. Now the ltoman Catholic
hierarchy and tho ltoman Catholic
church are to all intents and purposes
one, I toman Catholicism as a iiolltlcal
power and ltoman Catholicism as a re
ligion are practically one. Tho A. 1
A, believes that tho liost method to
reach political Ilomanlsts, and teach
them a thing or two about American
principles, Is to organizn against them,
until they have learned to know hotter.
If, then, In organizing against the
ltoman Catholic church as a political
machine, tho ltoman Cathollo citizen, as
religionist, suffer therefrom, then It
Is his fault and not that of tho A. P. A.
Jt Is tho political aspect of tho mat
ter that tho A. I'. A, is after, and not
the religious.
If tho religious aspectsuffers, because
It is keeping company with the polltl-
al, then let them break up partner
ship, declare tho engagement olT, and
If they are already in rrled, then In
tho namo of'tho Almighty, and Tor tho
sake of all concerned, get a divorce.
It is an unholy alliance,
Tho ltoman Cathollo church in Am
erica will have to do one of two things,
either discard or purge herself of the
Ultranontano wing of her ecclesias
tical household. She cannot ride tw
norsos at once, bno cannot servo two
mastors. She must conform to Amor
can principles, and separate herself
from partisan pulitjos, or reap tho
slumbering wrath of exasperated and
angered Americans who have endured
her effrontery long enough.
If on firing on a rattle snake, a bun
tor wounds some bird of beautiful
plumage, it is no disparagement to the
hunter. We aro sorry for the bird of
beautiful plumage. Hut tho death of
tho snake may mean a lease of llfo for
many other beautiful birds. The v,!po,r
In American politics today is Jesuit
ism. If, in its hatred against tho viper,
the American citizen, sucks by any or
ganlzod ballot, to rid itself of the mou
stor, and if at the mi mo tluio a few lto
man Cathollo office holders (birds of
beautiful plumage) aro retired to prl
vatollfo, It were better a thousand
times that the viper bo destroyed, tho
ofllce-holders retired, and that the 11
public be saved,
The critics of tho A. P. A. ought to
go to tho root of tho matter. Tho
average citizen looks with disgust and
alarm at tho condition of things in all
our great cities. Ho sues these cities
in tho hands of tho ltoman Catholics.
almost every office is controlled by
them. Every ono knows that It Is the
result of Jesuitical scheming. We
come into contact every whom with tills
secret organization, and patriotic Am
erlcans aro absolutely helpless and
paralyzed In their efforts to overcome
Its nefarious influence. In this state of
mind tho American citizen meets with
the A. P. A. At first ho realizes that
its methods of attack are severe but
concludes to join it. Do -you hlamo
him, if ho allies himself with it? I do
Lctusceaso this talk about "drag'
glng polities Into rollglon"-this non
sense about un-Amorleanlsm and un
constitutionality. If unorganized effort
will not overcome the evil of ltoman
Interference in American polities, thou
let us try organization. If kindness
and christian charity and pleading and
moral suasion will not do, if Uomwi
Catholics havo not patriotism enough
to give up this selfish and unnecessary
cry about our public school system, and
kindred matters, then In self-defense
we must do something. I welcome tho
A. P. A. as that something.
Third Consider tho charge that the
A, P. A, is un-American;
It has been charged tnal tho A. P. A
Is un-American. What is American?
What do we mean by Americanism?
bollovo American stands for liberty of
speech, free political action, non-interference
with personal religious convic
tions, entire separation of church and
statu, free press, free schools a free
Americanism, I take It to mean
loyalty to American Institutions (even
If a man bo of foreign birth), love of
country, opposition to foreign inter
vention In American affairs, desire for
reforms beneficiary to tho country at
Now, in tho light of this definition. I
contend that the A. P, A. is as Ameri
can as any other organization of tho
country. Does Americanism mean
loyalty to country, irrespective of birth?
Head paragraph 1 of tho principles of
tho order, which says: "Nationality is
not a bar to membership in tho order,
No man Is askod where ho was born."
Does Americanism moan froo polltl
cal action? Head paragraph 2, which
says:, "We Interfere with no man's
partisan politics." Also paragraph PJ,
which says: "We are in favor of put
ting into office honest and true patriots,
who aro tho best qualified to fill tho
position, regardless of political part
Ihould advise you all to purchase
cotftfs of TH 8 ClUOAOO vAmehhjan
roitd the declaration of principles, and
Judge for yoursi lvos.
Americanism demands that tho
sacred institutions peculiar to tho
American government bo maintained
at all hazards by Americans. Itomo
standi confessedly avowed tho em my
of our public school sjstcin. Washing'
ten aid: "IK-ware of foreign Inter'
ventlon In American affairs." Every'
one knows that Lo XI I. and his
Italian emissaries are continually In-
terferlngnn American affairs.
J It un-American to repel these at
tacks; and is it un-American to do this
by using tho samo method, employed
by tho enemy In attacking me?
Cunning, craft, deceit, and political
trickery of every description has been
brought to bear against the most cher
ished institutions of American citizens.
J la! lots, not bullets, Is the true Ameri
can's weiiton of defense. Open politi
cal warfare has failed to bring hint re
dress. Ho therefore comes .together In
secret conclave, and obligates himself
toopjstso tho enemy by ousting him
from oftlco. Is It un-American to meet
in a secret society? Is It un-American
to combine together to unite our votes
againsta common enemy? What about
the secret caucuses of all political par
ties, and tho hidden counsels of cabi
nets and parties In times of danger?
So long as tho members of the A, P,
A, do nothing immoral or dishonest,
and do not violate tho laws of tho land
they havo a right to meet In secret
council and agree among themselves
not to vote for certain persons.
Tho un-Amorleanlsm Is not In tho
actions of tho A. P. A., but rather In
tho condition of affairs and unholy an
tagonism to American Institution
shown by ltoman Catholicism.
It Is not always pleasnnt to do some
things, but it Is sometimes expedient
that they bo dune, Expediency, the
salvation of tho republic, demands that
the ltoman Catholics be defeated. Only
one thing does Home fear and that is a
powerful secret combination against
hor unpatriotic machinations. My pa
triotism, my love for America, my de
sire to save my country, and herohcr-
shed institutions, demand that I use
against tho sworn enemy of true Amer-
citnUiii the only weaion that will
bring hor "to her senses. 1 contend
that this Is American.
Fourth As to the criticism that tho
. P. A. is unconstitutional.
Tho argument against tho constitu
tionality of tho A. P. A. is as fallacious
as that against its Americanism and
IBs apparent discrimination In religion.
Tho A. P. A. is declared by its critics
unconstitutional, because they affirm
that it discriminates against there
llglonoftho Homan Cathollo citizen,
and Is therefore a violation toarttclotl.
of tho Uni ted StaUis constitution, which trlotism are all very well for after
reads: "No religious toNt shall ever tie dinner oratory (vldo Archbishop Ire-
required as a qualification to any office
or public trust under, tho United
Now it might bo a proper question to
ask right here, "Do tho wordsv'Ilo-
llglous qualification' refer to tho tak
Ing of tho oath of office by tho candi
date, or to tho motive of tho voter who
places tho candidate in office. I b
llevo that thoro Is a distinction, and
that a fair, and wiuarejsstj
ogitimatoiy 111 ado on that question,
Hut tho criticism can be answered In
another and perhaps more satisfactory
way. I havo already shown that the
A. P, A. is not opposed to the Homan
Catholic citizen 011 account of his ro'
llglon. On Jlio contrary, It Is because
that very clause Is In the constitution
of the United States that there exists
today un A. P. A. it Is thi dlsorlm I-
nation that being made today in
every part of tho country in favor of
ltomanlsm that has aromed this spirit
of opposition.
It has come to pass that the politic
of tho country (especially municipal
politics) has virtually passed Into tho
hands of Irish Catholics all over the
land. Head that remarkable article In
tho current number of tho Forum from
the pen of Mr. John Paul Ilaboock en
titled "Tno Irish Oonuuost of our
Cities," and you will soj tho force of my
remark. Talk about "dragging religion
Into politics," why, my friends, rollg-
Ion has already goi control of politics,
and 1 ho mission of tho A. P, A. is to
drive hor out of politics and pluco her
In tho holy and snpreme realm where
she properly belongs.
To obtain office now-a-davstha Amor-
lean citizen must either become a Il4-
man Catholic, or got their patronage,
Tho fathers who framed our oonstltu-
tlon never dreamed that such a state of
affairs would come to pass. It Is a rwi-
dltitm and not a nrlndnle that faces the
American uoonle. lain kd to vot
against the ltoman Catholic hecauso
his church has committed Itself to a
policy that Is a violation of tho consti
tution of the United Slates, I contend
that I am an American and an upholder
of tho constitution when I comply with
that request.
Tno spirit that rules and iroverns In
tho councils of ltomanlsm Is tho solrlt
. . .
tion of tho United States in narlloular.
To veto agalust that man everywhere
and anywhere is lith American and
Tho A. P. A. charge tho papal hie
rarchy with hostility to our American
liberties and wltn seeking to supplant
them with thosplrltof servile oNidlcnco
to the pope of Hume. The A. P. A.
charges the papal hierarchy with
plotting to overthrow our civil Institu
tions founded upon tho will of the kh-
pie, and to re-construct and found them
IIIHin t! llf III A II. 1U. l.f I?,,.....
Iho A. P. A. believes that tho prln-
clple of tho papal hierarchy carried
of Jesuitism, and the Jesuits aiotho irresiocnve 01 imwoimmy, coior, or re
sworn enemies and undying foes of ro- "a10"' lM ll "lw,ur'tfco free schools,
publican Institutions, and tho oonstltu- resolve that not one dollar of money
out In this country means disloyalty to Amkrican from any wholesale news
the state and disobedience to tho civil dealer. Your customers will want It.
government. The A. P. A. charges Put it on your counter.
rtcf mi cm
Nt'MKRR 11
- " 'f
thfl 1 hlrvl't with tt'tnf htMl
ttv Nttt(MI kn i t ih 4
utUintf ih ib!u ti hittti wtm.
Xh A. A. tvp-nttsh ! Hietr un.
AwHiisn and ttivBvHnthr l.lnm,
ami demotes hr twrrgjr to uphold
rat hor Ihsn dtt thi ivwutlltiliini of
ll..' Ktt.
I MUm-d I but sowiihI the prln
clpsl ai-gumtMil ntrtnt this oifantia
lion. Hear with nm whlla t offer a
Word of inhoilstlim.
Then' iievir was a lima when Amor
c iuimI.mI Hie help of all pAlrl.tlli) r
stlt ut .Ions mom than the dm at prowenU
It Is a pity that there Is atuHVsslty for "
such organisation as tho A. P. A.
None deprecate that fact more than
myself, hut ll cannot bo helped. I am
atiiaed that some milliliters of tho
gospel and Homo loaders of opinion
should rlso and dunounci! with suuh
vehemence and unthinking denuncia
tion these organisations. 1 believe
that they do It Imcauso they utterly
fall to seo tho real cnust) underlying
the A. P. A., and am not thoroughly
alive to tho dangers that besot our
bisly politic. We aro being litorally ,
forced by tho current of events to do
something to save oursolvos from the
schemes and ploUlnirs of the ultramon
tane and Italian elements in tho Human
Cathollo church.
I am willing to accord all honor to
Archbishop Ireland, and all patrlotlo
ltoman Catholic citizens, who follow
his lead, and who claim to havo no
hostility to our publlo schools, and let
me say rigut Hero mat there are
thousands of Homan Catholics in this
(Hiuntry who aro as patrlotlo and as
loyal to our flag as wo are ourselves.
But they con never become trulj
patriotic until they break away from,
l,1,JHB Influences,
Protestations of pa-
land's lato magnificent address to the
Loyal Legion in Now York), but lot th
archbishop and his followers come out
from among their unpatriotic brethren,
or else anvo tnem out irom tnetr
mlds ",htya-o, will beliove ia
thrlr patriotism.
1 '
Ono of two things Is going vJhappoa
in tho near future: Either patrlotlo
Americans will split tno Homan c .'.h-
I olio church, or tho ltoman Cathollo
tuurcn win spilt America
I would not utinecessarlly arouse tho
fear and antipathy of men, but when
danger lies ahead of us, It Is well to
seek a method of escape; when disease
Is abroad It Is well to take steps toward
Its eradication Wo have pursuud the
do-nothing jsillcy long enough. We
have taken soothing syrup from the
Jesuit siioou long enough I It Is time
wo wore doing something to protect
ourselves. Every day from all parts of
tho country, and every hour, come
evidence of Homo's treasonable and un-
American designs.
Ltst Friday wo celebrated tho birth
day of ono of tho noblest men America
has ovr produced. A man whoso name
Is the synonym for lllsjrty In every Am
erican heart, whoo picture adorns
tho multitudinous homes of our people
more than that of any oilier American
besides George Wahington and Aura-
hara Lincoln I refer to Ulysses H.
Grant. All honor to tho hero, the
silent rimn of Galena, who now stoepa
beside tho placid waters of tho pic
turcsnue Hudson. Too message of this
man, delivered by his own Hps to Am-
erlcans, will never be forgotten as long
as the Stars and Stripes shall wave
over this frea and United people. He
says: "The froo school Is th promo-
lor ' thttt lnU)llljfnoe which Is to pre
,)rvu ,"' mo n"um' wa to
ttV "''" iu" " v' near luture
' "' national xlslenco. I predict
tbat tno uiviaing line win not 00
son's and Dixon's, but between patriot
Um and intelligence on one side, and
superstition, ambition and Ignorance
on the other, Let us all labor and add
all needful guarantees for tho more
I ""'fi.'ct security of free thought, free
ssocn, ami ireo prtss, pure morais,
unfettered religious sentiments, anil of
rights and privileges to all men.
It I 1
appropriated to their support, shall bo
appropriated to the support of any sec
tarian school "
Americans, we havo seemingly for
gotten tholr words, and, now, to arouse
us out of our lethargy, to awaken us
lout of our sleep, to nerve us to action,
liiHcuino, anong other Incentives, tUu
agency of .his much abused, and yet
marvellously vital organlit ttiou, known
as the American Protective Associa
tion. As one, I am willing to give It
the right hand of fellowship and bid it
I"C,I,I Ml,..,,l "
Newsdkalkio can obtain Tkr
J -