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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
THB AMERICAN. THT AMERICAN, IMOV'ftOH, i I' rt nttt mikh m n lirat tnBUSElKO COMIT, si h- mn mi i , li,.!'. I' M.l! ,., IUI ! - ll HtniSMM 1 I Vc!.- e )r, "l i-t S " " " m I. n m I -V II afotir In rltili n tl twit trl (llll Htllftl--, Stilt l"h f.f IIIH, f.n."in until Kii.,l V rtmfl. Mrn l tHrr, 1 Hi Amh is 'nmm I) uriM CIRCULATION - 0.600 AtiVMtTIMMU tu n S-r incHl Htm ( tnimlh . ... I " t ln li f tmmili . I '' lix ltt t r immlh .,. H " ttirlm H t In. .mil HiW " In In, I, . iH.f li ,,,,, nt JlMiH'li s, I column, Itlie Mi Ht-mllim Iml (( lit ci'iit n-r llm, Iii-I, m'li n. ill. .li. tnr ms U tmi' (or Inrsn rti"HlM iiiinm. rli to I it A mm ah Pes l imn mi in., AiUiTiuiim innii'iil, r-" - ' ; ' ,. - v 'J kVT Aussie I rit ( it imos or am, rTinru' omosns-ths inuu or woss Al'lUL IW4. lilHHOI" J. V, McNamaiu nay ho Iihh liinl IntU pnukwt, nnd liu now want Mxrty. Translutlcm: Trlotl nn "iDvl;tiHl &t Inuoiwmlciieo, nuu B- jHmld to Lllxirty, Mo. Tilts "SlMtor of I'Kiftfity" havo Mtui'tcil on a rofiowtul anil jrcmn-nl ooglnif tour throtiKh MldHout't. A ruport from Ilttrrlnonvillo, Mo., road a follow. "Thor wro two Sinter of Charity here & day or two niio olleltliiff. Thin in tho flrft lime In five yoRW. Tticy rocolvcd a gcnoral cold nhriililor." Why do tlioy not confine thcmiHlvcB to tho nirmtxirs of tholr flock for support Jnntcud of bctrclnu Irwn I'roft'HtunU. TitK Amcrliftn 1'roUctlvo AmocU tlon in repeatedly chamred by ltd eno m!H of dratflng religion into polltlcH, That thin cbarfc'u l entirely fulno evident to any body who know any thing of tho prlnelpIoof thin orgunlza tlon. HimmrilHtn hit alwnyi mlxod up iti religion with polltlcH to mieli an ex .-. ton t that now It In Impoinlble to dla ' tlngulnh ono from tho other. The ob ject of tho A V. A, l to drive this roHgtoiii element namely, prleiitly In- lorfcrenee, out of iollile. TltEftK can bo no valid roanon why Thirl loth utroetrorn Ftoroneo toHouth Omaha should not be opinod up and made tho main thoroughfare botwtwri tboao two point. Wo ufiilortand 'tho majority of the Individual property rsftSX wmir m tho .a' reet rt e entirety in favor of It, tho only Drlou obmtaole In tho way being John A. Crelghton and the 1'Umian Catholic church, who both bavo property IntercnUi bordering on thin Htrect. It U nee(lleH to nt.ate here that what J. A. C. t-ay tho II. C. C. doca or hat the It. C. C. ) J. A. C. floo. Itihould U rt nienitxircd, how ever, that th la ntrei t reucho all the folio Ing ptae-fi. namc'ly: Ifaiuteom Park, Hemlnl'ark, i'ro)ect Hllloumo tory, The North End Pai k and Foroot Lawn cemetery, and luch being the cawe it certainly doe neem that tbo citizen of thin city khould compel tho Authorltle to 0Xn it up. Wk havd received aoopy of apamph let entitk d "The Patriot' Cateehlnm." The anther who I either afraid or anhamed to give hi name, ay Id the preface that ' the amphkt wa writ ten and printed by a I'rotetant who aneentry 1 IVot extant back to tho day of Cromwell, hn ofler It to thopubllo a patriot proU t auaint tho big otrf which ban organized Itnelf Into the Arniirli'An i'mtxintlvn Ayuiilnllon After reading hi preface and glancing over the content of thin ocalled Catohlm for Patriot or a it ahoulfl nave ren mere correctly aiyioti, a Catochlnrnfor (toman Catholic. We have como to the conchmlon, and we believe rightly, that tho author 1 no leu a pernon than a certain lawyer in thl city who wa formerly connected with tho Omaha ll o, and who In Da cembor, 18(i2, wroto ft lengthy letter to that pajKir lauding tho Itoman Catho lic, moro cdjKclally thore of thl city and denouncing tho A, P, A. aun American Ac Ac, Thl amo gentle man wa recently nominated by the mayor for a certain legal ofllco In thl city, but wa not confirmed by the city council. The Omaha Dee claiming at that time that the refual of tho city, council to confirm hi nomination wiW in connequenco of thl gentleman' wcl known antipathy to tho A. P. A, Thl -might pilbly account for the publico-' lion of thl CatechUm, or it may bo that it form part of tho programme! mapped out by certain politician ofj thl city who are controlled to a groat extent by the editor and proprietor of an Omaha newipapcr, to do troy the influence of tho A, P, A., and place tho municipal, ttato and federal office once again Into the control of the pope' fol lower. Such taotic however, will only reiult In a general awakening of Americana la this city and atate, and thehiatory of the fall oflSUwlllbe again repeated, and aa overwhelming rebuke administered to Rome'i political tool. MI0UTM1.IUIU MIMSIIKS. ,., fii.nj ba urn I u ft cpy f lb , ,, (! Mfc Mkan CM), lt thill) ll)l H (if tIMtl U'lhv-d by 1U?. W C lMitit, ptir if th t (n i;tteoal iliniih if Ul i'Hj, Mr H I, lt"4, Ui Mjl i 1 tnUiUn TiU.n .Hfc A. IV A,' lll Kti i j lntiM hmn i Untrii) W tv Hh III bmlM n.t not with hi lu(Hti, It jmi niM nil IT.! Il.ii i Hi ! In t Hmvti hiimU r of Hif I -Mmi y jtn Hi m i i i niiii'iivt i nt..ii rinn , 1. 1. i. ti n, i minui.i not mi ii.ii nmtil t -nk uium tbt nutijirt at ail, f.irthe tnhli til tlr, tilailtien are wnttite, ttileiaiit, t'hrtntlan TbI ftttH Cathode ingatitralloti h rlnnilalil iTpoil In thn nej'r of arte Mug cmealed In tli ba menu of i atliolle rlnm he, nf fnni lieltig evtlv ilrllleil In theelwiiint, pri iiiitllv to lake up tlm nnonl ai,'Minkl our government, Mut net a tingle fact ha bti'ii peotlutSHl to mihutaullate tteh a atalemenl. Notaligle firearm ha tti'en ttiuml tnaliomanCHthollechureh, The facta have given m nr more reamm In liellevn that Hot ( atholle are pre paring to umirp t tin mi-r or our tuvi rnnient, than that tho Mitbodinti or any other religion lunly are pivpar- Ing to exeente mien aaaHUirillywlieine. It I etabl lulled Im'uihI ii-aminalilu iiouitl that tin we wihi join Hit ami Cat hello wM'lety take theo t wo cardl nal ubllgallon. r'lrt, a proml never to ravor or aia the nomination, election or apjHilnlnionl of a Itoman Catholic to any political otilco. hk!oiiu, the promUi never to employ a Koman Cathollti In any eapaelty If the norv!oo of a ProtoNtaiil can Iwob'.alned, What an oath for a liberty-loving Amerhmn to tako uiKiu hi life! A Hat conlradUv tlon to tho uplrlt and the letter of tho oouHtllutlon which expreHHlytuteH that ni religion tent ahull over lo required a a (uallllcation to any otilco or pubilu triiHt under Wio united Htatr We am living in an ago of toloranoo and Intelligence and Much an organiza tion a tho A. P. A. ought to bo hanltdicd to tho dark age with tho Htako and other lmitrumontMof pcrccu- tiou. it a noman uatnollo I tit men tally and morally for any public ollleo. 1 aliould llko to know why ho hhould not bo appointed or elected to that olllco. If bo I tho bent man in char acter and ability of all thorn nominated or too poxition, i know ot one l'roua Hint vote that ho I ure of. If Itoman Cat hollo I ablo to perform any ervlce of which I am In need and for which I am able to pay, I know of no rcitMiu why he Mhouhl not do it, And tho man ha not yet appeared who I able to itate a rennet) why thl nhould not no done Homo of tbo document forged by the member of thl .hmhu'IuUoii are mot fooilnh, and declare their fulnlty upon ttintl' flic. A finnMiirvfil I vn AiltfYit nu cently mvid of one that I a fair aamplo oi al',,"It wa tho work of aomo ono who mendacity has Intoxloatwi bl owi m Iml to auch a decree that thouch bo obvlounly wanted U llo he eould not do it nrewdly," I said in tbo beginning that tbo organization 1 wrong in principle, It In mo became itattcmpt todlncrfmlnaU) agHint a man Dochuko of hi honet re llgiou Ixdlef. It 1 wrong in method beeauna truth and experience havo ahowa that the way to correct a wrorg m not to commit a econd, wow even If the accusation raado agalrmt tho Catholic were true (and tho fact bavo ahowa that they are not) the way to help them would bo to bow them a letter way. A it In, tho attitude of the Catholic 1 a thoimand time moro Chrbttlan than that of tho A. P, A. If a man docking political ofllco I a bad man ho ought to bo oppood and defeated, whether be bo Catholic or Prolcnt.unt, but ho ought to be oppoKcd dccihiho or nl Incapacity and wicked ne and not becauao ho I either Catho lic or Prototant, 'Jo every alncero member of the Catholic church we extend tho hand of Chriatlan brotherhood, We pledge to iiiem our ret etTort to mako noclety fiurer anu netu r. we pray ana wor Jilp In their chtirche and welcome them to our. Wo invito them to ioln u In i very effort to cleanoo our oolitic arm rmnmn every evil, tna aloon In m . . r .. ... : cluded, and we accept beforehand every invitation thov may glvo to u to aid In every noblo enterprUo which they may orlgfnato. Ho may tho tie of friend blp and Chritlan brothorhrKid over hind u doner and cloaor together till "All men for Isnaeh tiin' rule, unit iiiilvcrmil pimco Ilk a uliuft of Duiit acruM Uiu Imid." Tho first point which Ilor. CJordon ba attempt d to make 1 that tho Am- erh an Prote.ctlve Aawxilatlon has cir culated n jxirt In tho nowt.pafer that arm were being concealed in tho bao- mentaof Catholic churcbe. Thl wo can pronounce a unqualifiedly fale. ItlfaUo in conception, maliclou in promulgation, or 1 tho child of Ignor anceIgnorance of the greatest and moat, JnexeuNiibla character and we will how you why. Tho A, P. A. ha never uttered a letter, oeeretly or op nly, which in tho remote! degroo touched upon thl question. We know thl to bo a fact. i4owill Rev. Cordon if ho but "reaaon with hi bralfel and L.wltKk ji A. 1 jfr. dw)(l riot wn"or Sontrol 0nJTpa7 Jn tho UnlU.d Statef Today, anJficjver ha, ft floe noi iixerefro iTci:norihip over no wor oplnloiiiail'irfn g "Tn7aper which pretend U) volco the "totImefit8 of the member of tho ordor or which attempt to promulgate the principle of the aattoclation, any more than Iter, Gordon doe over tho new or editorial opinion of tho publication which Congregational journalist conduct, and no sane man would think of hold ing the great body of intelligent moo and women who compose the member ship of the Congregational church ro Hjionnlble for the opinion of one of tboao ournallU, than bo would of holding thorn rt;ponlble for tho anti-A. P, A. utterance of Iter. Gordon. Then, la tho name of common ense; In the light of reanon and not of prejudico, bow U Rev Gordon going to hold two million A, , AV ltMil.!i fur ti vlt r itifM .v i hifiif an .lu.f whtt t M l ly Ibrtr imli-t a an ir i r a a wtiSji. Kti h mii. ii Idt lll.tptllikf hv ill If In. lT tb ettl tn nU itf llin l, N'm iiiim h a U , Umitti may ol(i ti I ae th mn- allh bU Imi. nl. -a licili lln i.. M ointiHi Uim llti dy i4 Ut a'i b iv f.i-.- tilth eplalnn that I AM Bel itil diiil llil t,i ithl vam lih bit pTi.l!.i an mo bU ti itw Urlber m. Th tttnti hatge, thai Ibo A. P. A ha itiru!td rt'i I In ter that "fiinen wi ni tu ieg drilled In tin ttilltht l.l, ttowever, two thought The flrt 1 that tbo A. P, A-1 barge ami we aro a ttiemlnr, tint only a ml enllitate iml alwn or I lie aupntue council, and know what e ait talking aUutwy Hie A. P. A, ebargt that "there I danger In allowing the pal Miwtr to gain alolut control of our utalo and national government." Farther than that tho A. P. A. doe holarralgn tho I toman Catholic church The other thought I thl: If Itev (rtinlou will change tho word fiftiimf fo fin7iui oteiKif fiy fi Unman (.'iifftefc rhurth wo till produce tho affidavit! of three rcpuvUilo wltnow who aw the Ancient Order of Hibernian drilling In the aehool bonne located at the corner of Ninth and Jnckmin utreet, in tho city of Omaha, Neb. a ehool owned by tho Roman Catholic church, In which tho nunaof that church tench, and which bear tho euphonious name, "St. Phllomeim' School." Tho next BMtiertlon made by Rev, Cordon i that tho fact havo "given u no moro reanon to believe that tho Catholic aro preparing to umirp the power of thl government than that any other religion body I preparing to execute such adaittardly Hchemc." We beg loavo to Inform tho reverend gentle man that abortion, unsubstantiated charge are not argument. Can ho reason away the fact that Rome has control of our navy, thatsho ha a vory largo proportion ol tho men constitut ing tho regular array, that a largo per cent of tho men composing tho stito militia arc Romanists; that she hait military ordor in her church known a tho A. O. II. rifle, and that she bus a score or moro of secret ociotle,i to which no Protestant can belong? Why thl constant effort to get hold of government arm? Why thla cluslveness? fcx Wo can tell you why. It, 1 her (In ten tlon to mako America R man Crtlh olio, pnacoably if po-lbly, by forcd If necessary. And thl 1 urcepttbli of proof If wo hold the church responsible for tho utterance of Roman Catholic periodical and newsoaoer. aa Rdv. Gordon ha done with tho Y'J. Uut why ahould wo do that? Havo y& not seen hundred of Roman Catholic soldier marching the street of Omnia beneath tho green rag, on St, Patrick' day, bearing government arm, wear ing government cartridge in thj-lr bolts, and government clothe on their back? Did wo not ee a portion of te Chicago Motional guard march down Randolph street last Sunday wetk, headed by a drum corps, bearing tho green and the star and stripes, carry Ing government rifle, and wearing unl form bedocked and trimmed with green? Aro not olmllar occurrence witnessed in every city of any note? Then tell u if there i not cauno or alarm? , Rev, Gordon say it I established beyond reasonable doubt that those who join tho A. P, A. promise never to aid in nominating, electing, or apjsjlntlng a Roman Cut hollo to office, and that they will not employ a Roman Catholic if they can procure the service of a Protestant. Ho brand thl a "a flat contradiction of tho spirit and letter of the constitution, which expressly states that rw rtliijiimn U4 ihtdlmr be remind as a ijualiJlaiUon to any ofilcs or public trmt umkr the United State." Rev. Gordon 1 In error. It I not contradiction, any more than would be a refusal to elect republican or democrat to ofllco, and we will show you why farther on. The member of the A, I', A, aro pledged to uphold tho constitution of our statu and national governments, and all their provision aro of e'fml force so far a they are eonsernod, Tho A. P. A. makes no war, a a body, on tho religion belief of tho Itoman Cath olic It make war, a a body, on priestly dictation in politic. Wo do not caro one lota how a man worship Cod so long a he does it according to tho dictate of hi own conscience. Ho i a the same right to hi religious be lief that we have to ours, but bo ha no Ight to auirendor bis right of uffrage to voto according to the Dictate of bis priest. Ho ha no right to cast a vote If bo cannot read, if ho cannot talk the English language; and this applies with equal force to Protes tant. Gen. U. S. Or act, on page 213, vol. 1, of "Personal Memoir of U. S. Grant aye I have no apologies to mako for hav ing been one week a member of tho American party; for I still think native born citizen of tho United State should have a much protection, a many privilege la, their native coun try, a thoso who voluntarily select it for a homo. Dut all secret, oath-bound lil(tlil iit ar lUtijy'-HMt l.i any Mtiim ( tit a u r h pto be .lti-Ue li mh'IIm an4 t Inrlptp b li b ft) ! bilng hvto W UiPf, N ti,Hil -tj t-m r iiM ! tlt ben inuM'f im, rn-r i..i I Ilea U tiwsliMit nf thiviu,'ht knd In llm HgM iti tiril(i Uml ' aiindii'g to lb Stittt ! ihiii' funM'tnee,' nr ae ruling to t!ii (unit i if any ivllglmi ititiinttilnatli'it lialeer, Neilln" !, Ma in 1 1 t up it ! bled Ing thi statu laws, ubi ii'M f Uie tn cm In ehtrt ibis claim ut 1x rt !vd ami uppii I at )baU er eiwl la lhal I fmmd the whole reason for tin rxU'i'mw of Ibw A. P, A, Roma Wlarv tbit ber laws att aliv the taw nf the tte lhat wbem tbo two einflUi be law of h church tmi.ft l nliejed, That leslruetlim I found In the encyclical of Iah XIII, dalet! January lit, poo, What loyal Atnerl can believe that ila.nnslilo diH-trlne? What American will emitend that any but loyal American citizens should be elected to olllee? Tho H'rnlcloua in flueniH! exercised In Hilltlc by the Roman Catholic church is lnt lllus trated by r eoinpttrlson of tho Roman Catholic officials w ith tho men whom they defeated. Nearly every com niiiiilty has a living example. Hut comparison aro odious. In tho next paragraph Rev. Cordon suggest that tho A. P. A, bo banished as wero the other instruments of crso cut Ion, and say thnt a man who Is fit morally and mentally to fill an office, oven though ho 1 a Itoman Catholic should have hi voto. Wo see Rev Gordon Is not up on Roman dogma, or else ho is inconsistent. Tho Roman Catholic church teaches thut "Faith 1 not to bo kept with heretics;" that "oaths of allegiance given to heretical (Protestant) firms, commonwealth or states, are in no manner binding, and that Roman Catholic making such oath can ba released by tbo popu," Theso doctrine aro believed by the laity, and Rev, Gordon cannot get tho arch (shop of this see, or tho bishop of this dloceso, or tho priest of hi city, to go before a no'ary public and swear that tho canon law of the Roman Cath olio church does not contain those principles, and that they have not been practiced in tho past. If bo can wo pledge otirself to try and soettro the conviction of uch priest, bishop or arohblshop of tho crime of perjury Then if Roman Catholic believe those doctrines, and wo firmly bellevo they do, thoy aro not fit, morally or men tally to fill any office within tho gift of the American peoplo, Rev, Gordon say if a Roman Cath olio I able to do any service for which he is a fil's to pay ho know of no reason why he should not do tho work, "and tho man has not appeared who 1 able to state why this should not be done," It may appear strange but wo feel that we arc ttblo to tell Rev, Gordon why he should employ a Protestant under tho circumstance. Our reason I this: A iiortlon of tho earning of every Roman Catholic 1 paid into tho church. The church use that money, a it accumu late, to build parochial school in which it leoehe tho American youth to bo Roman Catholic first and citizen of tbl grand republic afterward. Thl I tre ason wo wero going to say pure and simple, but treason Is never pure, It 1 always blusk and damnable; while traitor are never simple, always crafty, calculating and shrewd, If no other reason Is offered, tbl certainly is sufficient. In tho next paragraph Rev, Gordon makes tbo following accusation: "Sorno of the document forged by the members of thl association ar mosto foolish." This Is a serious charge, One that cannot pass unchallenged, and wo request tho proof, It is not a light matter to aeeuso the rnem!ers of tho association with forgery. It become moro serious when we rememlior ho makes no exceptions, but bunches tbern all and make a sweeping charge charge a crime, a penitentiary offencfi, against every man who I enrolled a a member. Iter, Gordon must havo tbo proof at hand or ho would not )m so fearless in his charge. If that is so be should give it to tho world. A mem ber of tho A, P, A,, as part of two million men who aro covered by Jtev, Gordon's accusation, Wo demand that ho produce his proof, If ho cannot do so, ho must stand beforo tbo world as an unvaidlshcd liar, a hypocrite or a fool, Wo brand tho charge an unmitP gated falsehood; tho uttcrer a common, ordinary falsifier; and tho man who give it credence a fltsribjoct for the in vtltuto for tho feeble minded. Rev, Gordon in tbo next paragraph laud tho attitude of tho Itoman Catholics-believes It is a thousand time moro Christian than tho A, I', A, Let us look Into tho attitude of the Roman Catholic. Was it not Itoman Catholic mob that attorn ptod to provent froo (pooch and even tried to murder Rev, Charles Chlnfquy In Escanaba, Mich., in July, 1891? Was It not ft Itoman Catholic mob that attempted to do the same thing at Odcbolt, la., in Ifcltl, when Patrick Welsh wa speaking against Romanism? Was It not the same class which attempted to murder and silence tho volco of Rev. J. G. White, In Ax tell, Kas. In I860? Was it not the same Roman Cath olio crowd who at tempted to mob Rov, Joseph Slattery and wife In Keokuk, la., a little moro I ban ii ) if git Was ll net ltmin t attuiU im'K that IK-d ! wnider Prof, tinitfc P, ltiii)nt.h l lfiiHs Iml., la IVbruart, Wa tl tol Hue an Catholic nt ti I t,i t.Hniiiil. r It-v, HUttcry In tl, hi!, Ibaa l'n tuentb ago! Wa II ti"l ft Roman Catholic mob lhal all, inptfM to ailt Prof, Waller Him In l mm anna, Wis, h than tw ii.utitli Ski Wa It nut ft Human t athelic ninti lhat ti M In bang tUbi. J, V, Mi Namaia In Kana City la Jmii)f H , They wee all com I .( I of tlm bell liintiiilsof lUuttanUm Again! this hni Ing wilt R . ttimbm ilae otto mmiH i-omsml of A. V, A. which fti imn pud to ciHumll murder and pivvctit 1rw tt ch twaue sr mo wa lecturing against the aim or object of the American Pintcctlvo A ift-lallon?o It cannot be done. If lliiHHi acts aro tokens of Christianity w pray lo tlisl wo may never Iw affilet. il with It; If that I tollcram-e aci'ordlng to Rev. Cordon's dictionary accord tug to tho "golden rule," tho A P, A, need never m xsetcd to omul ote or practice it. There I no point in tho next para graph which wo havo not covered by answering somij ot her ono of his soph Istrles. in tho next paragraph ho make statement wo havo never seen verified namely: "Wo pray and worship In their churches, and welcome them to ours." Will Rov, Cordon pleaso toll an enquiring, ait anxious public when and where ft Protestant minister ever preached In a Roman church. As to christians joining with Romanists to put down the saloon, all wo have to say Is, twelve word from tho pojtoof Homo would drive every Roman Catholic out of tho business, and an additional nuru bor would send every mother's son o1 them (according to their belief) to per dition, who dared patronize a-Protest ant in that business. Rut now wo must show you tbo milk In Rev. Gordon' eoooanut. Ho said at tbo beginning, "if you would all read thoartlclo upon the anti-Catholic crusade, written by W, Gladden, 1 should not take tho trouble to speak iisn thl subject," and wo bavo an swered many ef the fallacies of Gladden while answering tho sophistries of Gor don. Rev. Gordon represent the theory of "sneezing when tho pope takes snuff," Tho need of tho Proteit ant churches is not so much, flowery shakers or fluent talkers as sound rcasoners who aro able to reach logical conclusion. a he wis nun mi Intimidation of or asaultuon news boy selling tho A. V, A. paper aro to no condemned and must oo stopped. The policeman who joins in such action should lio discharged, and tho ordinary tnug or ouiiy who undertakes It should bo fined. The A, P, A, paior is pretty poor stuff, breathing nothing but wgotry and lies, out tt has a right to exist and bo sold on tho streets as long as foolish people will support it, free speech and the liberty to print must not bo impaired for religious or politi cal reasons. Perhaps tbo principle for wmen wo inter uimn is so manfully contending in the caso of tho A, P. A, paper may some time become useful to a paper which offend tho classes In power on other than religious grounds. -Tim, April 20. Tbo above Item needs but little com tnentfrom any pajer advocating the principles of tho A, P, A, and los froiri this paper, However, wo Invito tho 'l'imt to disprove any Itorn apiearing In these columns, and openly assert that If independenca in every act of life Is bigotry wo desiro to bo classed among tho bigot. As to tho fling at tho Inter Oram, wo can say Protestants aro fast recognizing it as a fair, consistent and ablo champion of right. Aside from one other paper tbo Inter (Man is the only dally paper published In Chicago not edited by Archbishop Foohan, and wo do not care to accuse tho leading democratic paper ir tho Time, of being tho other exception. If It is bigotry to say Homo is doing all sbo can toorlpplo tbo public school system, wo aro guilty of being s bigot, If it is bigotry to say Roman Catholic Insult tho stars and strljeS every time they elevate a foreign flag beside it, then wo aro a bigot. If it is bigotry to say a man Is a traitor to this government who will not allow tho American flag to be carried Into tho place ho calls a church, then wo are a bigot. If it is bigotry to say that a majority of tho criminals, majority of tho paupers,and majority of tho beggar aro Roman Catholic, wo must stond convicted of bigotry, If ,t I l.lgotry to say a ma Jority of tho ttloon-koeer, a largo majority of tho women of ill-reputo and ft still larger majority of tho bummer and tho thug aro Itoman Catholics, we are a bigot. If It 1 bigotry to say Abraham Lincoln was murdered by a J tornn n Catholic, and that every person connected with that awful crime was ft Itoman Catholic, we again plead guilty to tho charge of bigotry. If it is bigotry to say tho ballot-box stuffcrs and tho repeaters are members of tho Roman Catholic church, we must admit that wo are a bigot. If it Is bigotry to say priests should not control, should not dictate the ticket voted by the laity, wo are ft bigot, and if it Is bigotry to contend for ono flag, ono country and ono free, unsoctarlari public school sys tem, we aro a bigot, and you may pub lish it In every paper In tho union; you may preach it from tho bouse tops, from tbo pulpit and from tbo stage; yen may sing It In ru t) tivi)gt ai4 wllh m.s iiii mt, ftml lhs Hm tn-nt full uti shall still pnv!tm ttsl If II I K-i-Wv lo Ht Hi tMgt lo n tbeiM Ittlng. ftrw ft blgut and tr'") ! b tilt, .tVtVi'ftM.V rAKNSVUCR, V ba Ni M. 'i mrd that 0i autbet ltti of thl city bate dn l.W lii tal th gm flag on Iba city ball May A, ttt iii of Hi einm-iiiti n nf lb Ancient ird'M? lilt rnlnn here. Hhimld tbl be H imlu..l No, a (hen m lime in. Tho qiulli halurally arise is bother Ihn deep lcd tunvlc lions ami pnti l.itlc acnilmehta of m Jority oflbe rlCnensof thl city shall Is suriTndcri'il to tba luwHisldei tc tic. n i ihIs of a small perllon of single foreign nationality, who f II to ap preciate tho liberal spirit of our na tional isillcy, which weigh all distinc tion of birth and race In one common cltlwnshlp, If the city father are de sirous of showing soma sign of welcome to tho visiting A. O. II., let them hoist tho flag of thl country, tho old time honored star and atrlpcs, but there must ho no foreign en. Mem or flag raised on any public building In thl city it is an insult to tho American Mioplo, and ono which tho citizens of thl city will undoubtudly resent. It is to bo hojied that tho authorities will perceive tho inexpediency of such an action on their part and thus avert tho trouble which will certainly ensuo if tho green flag i hoisted on tho city ha'l. ( Last Sunday evening Rov. R. 8. Mar tin, pastor of Oroeo M. E. church, de livered an eloquent and forcible ser mon to ono of tho largest audiences which ever congregated in tho largo church at tho corner of La Hallo avenuo and Locust street. Tbo audience was as Intelligent as it was largo, and many times during tho discourse applauded tho eloquent dlvino. This was particu larly tho case when he told about an exoricnce hi had with a newsboy and a policeman. Ho wa walking along a prominent street ono day recently and noticed a small newsboy crying. Ho stopped and asked tho littlo fellow what was tho matter, and was Informed that the policeman would not allow him to sell tho papers, Rov, Martin asked hirn what paper he was selling ami ho replied tho Chicago Amkuicav:" whereupon ho told him to go ahead and sell his paper, and also assured him that if tho policeman arrested hirn ho would also have to arrest hirn (Rev. Martin), At tho same time ho walked over to tho policeman and told him to let tho bov alone. Tho office skd what busitiass It was of his whether tho papers wero sold, and wanted to know who ho was anyhow. Itov. Mm-tln presented his card, and told hlia'U'hS" intoforod with tho bov uf was ever guilty of ft llko offense, ho would im mediately report him. This tii,llf,,mn agreed to not allow the thing to happen again, A fair report of Rev, Martin's remarks appear in another column and aro taken from tho Jukr Ocean. TlIK Hoard of Education of Han Francisco has at presentpondlrig before It tho question of tho uso In tho pubilo schools of 'MyW General History" ft rigorous protest having been mado ftgalnst Its uso by tho Itoman Catholics in that city, Tho plain bare fact of history are naturally unpalatable to tho Roman Catholic church. butthtr.ffi.a no excuso for f ho Hoard of Education to aooedo to the arrogant demands of this church, Ifevory religious denomins. tlon Is to havo a say to what books snail ho used in tho public schools, thero would mum not bo anv fik t.n. that some objection or other eould bo raised against It, and certainly thero I no reason why the Itoman Catholic church should be permitted toftstablJsli ft censorship over tho books used in tho American free public schools any moro than any other religious d nation. OvKit at Clinton. Iowa, 'the I. . strong Itoman Catholic contingent and tho priest seems to have reduced tbern down to tho Jovel of Spain, Mexico, Ireland, and other Roman Catholln countries, If we can judgo by this card, which gentleman picked uo In that city: WP. MAKY'80IOOr Conducted by tho sister of charltv. li. U, M, Hour of attendance; Humumr. from 0 to 12 ft. m.S I Ml to iM v. m. Winter. from 0 to Vi a, m.j h'Mi to 4:W p, m. rarenU aro requested to see that their children attend school reaularlv and prepare lessons at homo, otherwlso no improvement should m expoctod. Tub law as it now stands exomots church projiertyfrom taxation, but tho assessors of this city should diserlm. Inato between property held by a church purely for school purposes and properly held by a church for soeeula- tlon purposes only, It Is rumor that tho Roman Catholic church in this city holds in It name real ostato belonging to certain Individual who thereby escape paying taxes on same. If such Is tho case, tho assessors should tako proper tos to havo thl rectified and tho property taxed as tho law re quires, Every assessor sbould-porforia me duties of bis ofllco In a strict and Impartial manner, Tho eyes of tho citizens are upon thorn. i