The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 20, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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MUrNtMl UAtttNlf
Aincrlcm Orango Knlgliti.
A. T, I. f ,tMMl,tH M
ai ) ii. ti ' i,. Min In v " "
t t ptntf llm' 'r t huti b l ' wtiil-
'i )ni l i lui it lti mit ateii (
H. . Md Vti k !. K t. ari.'t atl irt
)) la ik i .!
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lt il i(iim-e a I a tiaM ii. i
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l!1M 1iair IH'm
lir '- mb't! drama. 't
I lUv 1,. t'li.i util 1.1 til
ef Lat ati. I 111, Oirt t and
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HW T t.k t ., Man h II - Ni
I'lvatilt nt Tj '' 'f A- I'
A ,n ' a lv Im lt i-'itlsl en
H t il U ami ft'tio il the iu'lfti
lie ,Si ism! that Hm ciili t '- roa
trvl'n! i" ta" i !' lnl wiHiM
I'M'' Malta m Id1.i( )n .? at tit
rrn ! hrll tr U a'n 1I thai
It Umoijth 'lit ItifHuntx of the
niriiiilSi ii that John V, Mi-Kane
W M ill Hill f Hlntf,
1hr "ah Me aitdlhe lli.lill...
i!( n R 111 V, Mot.',, Apt-it ? iMtl
mllar itintluxt ol illplj!ti her Mi
hil pstfi anltjr In nur beautiful city on
hi I'strli a', tiny, r-iinuifh ti can!
minut of nnniii.nni, anyone stlth
isirtlrle nMojatly toner free Ittatltu
tlnin, to Iilnh with shame. I tn would
Imatflii tilitiMil' In rt'it rhlilni Hwln
In tht'ditv nf the HpAttUh liMtnUltlon
liiateml of fiit AitH iU'H In tho nine
teenth century.
Wa It not an rdifjliia spectacle to
see one nf tlii judiciary, hcadtnjf, In
unlfurm, a IJlU-rnlan parade, under
that ifrwn rir iiil-'H '1 flat -to
ti.- ....I liU....l..., I I'll,., f !i-..ti"
tltltlllllt. M 'n
When it Judirn o degrade the
ermine and dlknlly tf nn officii -one
which nil iimxl HMiplo regard a Vln
lieyond sectarian lrif1ueheecBn you
wonder at thl piece, of bigoted, Idiotic
auiMrlllloi), "iierutnptorally exeimlritf
from a regularly cinpannellcd jury an
Intelligent American rltlawn, a man ol
cood moral character, a man who
fought tha battle of hli country from
JWil to Wfi, In order that thl great
and gloriou rrpublle might live, while
thl vlrtuotia dlseiplo of wrocutlon
and JenultUm waa ruxtlcn I injf In noma
twekwood'i Uwn or hamlet to keep out
of the army'r "
Tbl great and leaned jtirlnt wa
UnmU'A from tha exalU-d purlloua of a
pollou court Into hla prm nt jMltlon by
lVtr'i p'nc and Itomati Influoncc.
lie may lw di-nccndi'd from a lino of
Jrlh klnga, novortboleM many of our
btt cltlcu will uotchalhmjfG bla ro
latlomihlp to tb Hlimtrloua "Jlmmlo
( )ur adiool election Ja ifolng on Unlay,
and wo ar going to plitoo men of un
doubted lrotatantUm lo ofHoc, thua
driving anotbor nail Into thu colli n of
that munilfl' d old fokIl altting in tb
atlcan, on tha banka of th TWmr.
Itoma and her minion muit ea:uat
all lilacs of trut and riipormiblllty
The handwriting ! upon tha wait, and
tier death knnll I aounding from tha
Atlantic to the Pacific. Tha little red
achoo) hmM baa come to atay, and la
ilourlablng Uk a green bay two. Ten
atkta, cmfi'wlun, and aljtoIutUm floe bs-
aora It aa tbay would from a doadly
My nHjrbborh'XKl baa btn infead
for the lat wf-ek by that burl?pio upon
womaijhod known aa the aluUsra, who
ar exhorting and commanding the
faithful to put on the armor of aupcr
atltlon and Ignorance and battle for
tha cau of the defunct prktbood
Many effeminate no-called i'rottant
atill truck 1 to her political xmni n, but
we have thern all branded with the
mark of Culn ujn the forehead and
can identify them a they run.
Our polling boot be are ery much
like a market town in Ireland. Koch
liiddle and Paddle la wrangling and
crowding around the voting plaoea a
though hU or ber mi' alvat!on do
pewied upon tielng intrucU:d by the
holy father. We have a hard fight to
make, but the daya when the hierarchy
rule thi city are pant, and we, with a
retoiofiable amount of vigilance, will
redeem our city and count from the
dotiiiiilim of men, Rome of M'hooi would
frighten a bulbdog ujem the atreeta
Vour valuable pajer k highly ap
preciated here by all claieof patriotic
citln, but la regardid a s trror by
the puth. Ukx
1. 1 .. ,
It Will Sot Down.'
Mit, Itai: There are man thing
which arie in the Itoman Catholio at-
moKphere which prodtwie a very id
Mnaation on the w-rmitive nervea of the
memberaof the Itoman church, They
may appear amali at firt, but your fol
lower deem it their duty to try to aur
paa erery thing of tblacbaracter which
will in the amallent way have a damag
ing efftct upon the church which
clalma to be the mother of all churcbea.
One of the laUit of tht ae la the refer
! to the peraona wbo tomlm were
in the walla of the religion bourn of
your church in Mexlc, An official of
the Catholic Truth Society, attempt
to diMp;l from the mind of the people
arid the author the fact which bad
been expjtsod. IJut, probably to the
aurprke of the Truth Boclety man, in
U ad of oueillug the unpleasant reiirtu,
an inveiitlgatlon wa atartcd which
proved to the public more conclualvely
than tofore that the Haggard' novel
referred to fact which could not be
disputed. And the would-ie friend of
the Itornan Catholio church ha ixjen
an enemy by calling the world'a atten
tion to aomctbirig which ahould have
been buried and forgotten year ajo,
Let me, therefore, aay now, aa I have
often aaid before, "take the advice of
our friend and make aome radical
change in our church, and diacard
the thing which are bringing: ridicule
ihiiih ini') at U Hili lit t !
lotketl; Jon I: i lui tii.n f U,iiiU ai mi-t'
mmo w tit ain flii'hltrir tlti-lr apltiitial
watfaM tin (u it - tf faith, !
U ! It a tli-kr'v fonMlailiut vt
til, I, 1,1 tmllil Unit- laitl. Il.'kllt
tt ii'iidriit tittti ImitirtllaMy, tt't )ii
HI i!-l t atttoiiMil nf di. tu.r!
Whirh, aill, 11111 l.iiitilml )i'H
ultt, t't a fi rti'i'tlntt !i'tt Jimr i liiiit Ii
il Hi" n lit Vim it'iiinl t'uvi
Up llii'" t'i'M. t M liHire J nil fun
( nil dt imttilte, theirnnli r villi N tin
IbH'iiinti uil th pjal liilyl put "
lltrilx't i In ber frame; tain aiy tin'
aim and txbty and other thing that
finitd natue, the punt all for
ifotleiit b'li vfl the ulilit that ton intt'l
trut - It l old, eoinleiiitii d ami rotten
Murm-eati'it, and lnk It iihM.
IbtniMiilih' (hiliatftn.
The liftfi'in'H of a Mirtlon of the
"," which will Mill llniri-r with
the cltlenti of Knium llty until the
ttimlng election tbta fall, I Udng iIU-
played by the olllclul action taken In
the Fifth ward Hot. Tho I'ryor gang
linn not been nrrentetl, n tr bun any part
of it coma under the action of tho law.
Much men went nrnatd nn wero die
tilled ly ii member of tho I'ryor gang,
and are now In tho enmity Jull,
Heveral week fHiforo the election In
ti neat Ion a preconcerteil action wa
matte among certain portion of tho
"ptiMli" element to organize a compact
body of thing for the purjxMte of alug'
glng every known member of the A. I',
A. who vIhIUmI certain ward, wiitire
tho "work could tw done to the lt ad
vantage," See! Soma of tho promt
ncnt "ptmh" polltlchtn are implicated
In thl Nchcme, win me name are with
held, but who will Us vigorously pr(e
cuted when a full amount of evidence
ha lieon aecured. In reaped to thoae
who are Ix lnir made martyr In thl
Fifth ward alTair, a certain council in
the city ha adopted renolutlott a fol
Council No, unanimously adoptod
the following renolutlon intxhalfof
thowt who are now In tho county Jail:
wiiKKKAM, Uur irleml, ,, .M, 1'aUt,
l (;, )tt, J,, i, (;oleinan, .1, Lovo,
A. i. (iove, VV, II, Oumm, O, M, Brig-
nam, H, A- 1'lke and u, W, McCowen
for devotion to and in defence of the
purity of the "American ballot." are
now held in dinted v en the fultui f'hari
of murder in tho firnt degree. There
fore he It
llmlim, That we deeply aympatbizo
with our twrneeufed frlenda, and that
we pledge our honor, profierty and
live in the defenxo and tnaintenamte of
their wlvea and fitmllle. fie it further
Ikmkml, Tttat we extend our hearty
thank to our friend for the noble
aland taken by them in defenae of
"American principle' on lat Tuesday,
and that a cony of tbeno resolution t
wnt to our friend, a cop bo given to
the paper lor publication, and a copy
oe upreau on lite record or tw council.
The better clan of citizen have be
como very indignant at the action of
thoae who are In authtrlfy, and tboae
who are offlelnll jieraeeuilng tbeae
fiede, However, many eye are belig
uireeted to their omclal act, and no
atone will tie left tmturned to aaaUt in
correcting the wrong theae odlcial
have made. From alt appearance the
Jand-lld' will be greater in tho next
election than in the one juat paat. The
American 1'rotectl ve Aoc!t Ion atond
by it member juat like it vote, and
dimmuU jutl!0 in thl cae. Think
twice. Karma Vihi Amttvnn.
A .Vw Vorkrr Opinion.
(Cfetii Tlie Kiiw'liy Aeierlean.)
(iLKsn Vaum, N. V,f April 6th,
J!l.-f Aoclatfl F1!Ur Kanaa' City
March ith came in due !Mon, I wa
abaent from home at the time, it wa
miaplaeed, but recently reaurectjd, In
rep) will a, I would have iieen
ptoaaed to have met you, when 1 w in
K, C, I am glad to know that you are
on the Lord'a aide, (a the Chritfan
ay) when one belief wrrejond with
their. We have no A, 1', A, council
here, Tueaday' elc!tfon, we elected
the whole entire reimblhtn ticket,
wllh xmaibly one Itoman on It. Thl
man had a few ear ago quite a etto
with hUprleaton account of tunm dlf
ferenca of opinion, It wm rejKrtid that
he withdrew from the o!let, he ha
broad view, and will not be governed
by any prlent. He often apeaka at our
Lyceum meeting, and judging from
hi expreIon, ho i not In harmony
with papal dogmaa, I think our elec
tion prove that we are qui to American,
If not, mi can aend a few Mifdea of K, C
American of March 'KHh, No, t, I
hall lie pleaaed to dltribut) them
among our clergy and teacher, I like
to pur them up, the K, C. AumtCKH
i good tor that purpoae. i;ne or our
I'reabytorlan Hlble exwrtiftder i oulte
outapoken aalnat Koman aggreaaion,
hope for more of thern.
very reafcxjiruiiy,
VAMr.xr, Virf.K.
1 06 Stntth atrect, C Ion Fall, N. Y.
The Jeatilt.
Indeed the Itoman Catholic church
"atoundthe gazing wwld with proll-
gie and contral Ictlon; now the pro
toctor of the opproaaed ; now the right
arm of tyrant, now breathing charity
and love; now dark with the paaslona
of bell; now beaming with colcatlal
truth; now masked In hpo:rl and I
i. , H i' f.Mi!rtt arid pn I' 1, l Inn
atitl bat.'. i piidiv, .!. m, It-nth
f!m biaitl pi fx in a n ten.loreeM
l l 4't!n In li e .mt i t t ;" and
the J' ilia in 1 1 Ihti ltt tl! itia
line nf M aii l.i fu Milii I Vi
f.,H ,V i iti.(
. -
I nt.llnlillliin I liitrt fcrnttli tt i
I I t"i 1 ti kioa t lit A iiu-f ( tM I
IIH.M.iiHH, K v , Apt ll t.
Hurry Hindu, Mt ar hir ami Itnilher
Sltaki', the wink la will dutus and
tlintit nf ci- up from all Injal
Aiiii i d'aii In Ilila wm Hihi. ( ini liinatl
I ante, aliliiiiit. nun tine all her
t lnlhia off tt jlng to gi t there, and b"
ilu j abe I atatiiltfig imki d In foiti an In
Mllgenl pulilli'.
I am ovi r Jn)ed at the iratilt. allll
I lijiet hi the hugglah dlaamltloit of
Ihit iTpublliana elaltiilng everything
w hlli the victory U'loitg to I In' A, I'
A. and Jr. O, IJ. A. M. Hay, bow many
of our laty are but t: let me know. I
am very nntlou alanil thl maltir, and
ho I all the order, tilyn me all the
prlvntit new you tan, I am aoiry I
wa not In the lltfbt with ynu, or with
our laiy. Cniiipllnieiit all fur Kentucky
I am allll doing kihmI "ork. J left Mc.
at Kvanavllle, Ind. Hu will aoon ro-
turn to Kanaii City. 1 think be la In
Kentucky tbl week, at I'aduenh, then
to Torre Haute. I returned homo laat
Thuraday, and lenvo uguln tomorrow
to put In counclU; then I return ami go
loMomphl, it (id I think New Orlean,
unit; aome one get ahead of me. Our
fall campaign 1 coming on, and I want
a hand in it, allll I will mot likely be
called away. Hoping- to hear from you
aoon, I am your, I). C. Mkkkkk.
ii i i - "
Itoinnnhd et True American.
A great deal la Icing aald alxiut the
roci'iit A. 1'. A. agitation throughout
tho country, and crltlclarna aeem to be
freely irivcn. Aa wo underatand the
object of thla organization, it pur'toae
1 to keep thla country what It i oa
tenttlbly a free nation. No one will
but admit that if an officer of thl gov
eminent hold an oath-liound allegiance
to the Mipu of Homo, lie I not a true
American citizen, and if tho poto were
In a jioaitloii to control the oflicer of
thl nation, it would no longer be
government within itelf. No man can
aervu two matcra, Koman Cutholica
upiairt a nun her of aecret ytclltical
organization and It bu been uemou
atrated by their action that their ob
ject are to id ace none but Catholic In
our ofllt!1,, Iiagula the matter a they
will, thl la a fact, and it ahould he the
duty of overy American citizen to work
atrainat the union or any church arm
atate, Tbeao are our etitlmnta, not
that wo love the church lea, but our
country more, Ntvport, Atb,, Jlipw-
Jf Terror For lifm.
HllKIfOV, Neb,, April tub, 18H-I.
Kdltor Tut! Amkuicamj I have jut
tma reading ymir noble and fearle
iaperand think that it ought to be in
tho hand of every voter in the United
HUtte, We get copfe of it in our
council, and by tha way I would like
for you to inaert In your next lue
That Shelton Council No, 71, A, I',
A, meet every Thuraday evening in
K, I', hall, Vialtlng members welcome,
I ee In your paper aome council
which do not have the name of the
inwr algned to them, Are they
afraid of the man with the 1000 feet of
half inch rope, or I It tho mighty dol
lar that keep their name off. Now
form part I am not afraid of either,
A for the ifiollar f am pretty hy
juat at thl time, but I will have a few
to spare In a few day and will then
contribute to the Free Speech fund. If
ever member would do that It would
do a great deal of good,
TUB American Protective Aaaocla-
tion warn and ad viae all official,
slate and national, to be on their guard
rjax:tlng the creation of an new law
or law which ae not full in harmony
with tho principle of our eonatitution,
and which in their tend'-nele and na
ture are designed to cripple any of our
free inatitutlon, We cite the free
Mchcol ytm a one in tamo. And we
my to you plainly that the A, P A will
not tolerate a division of the public
school fund for eeu!ar purae, and
every person who, in dealing with that
or an other un-American problem,
shew a disailtlon to disregard the
aplrlt of our conslitutional law may
upeet, with reaaon, that the are fill
ing their laat political place of truat.
Thla I the end. To the faithful it shall
be a lamp,
The Homan Catholic of thi city
number about U or cent of the popu
lation, yet the have over U'i per cent
of the joal tion under the city govern
ment, and for year It ha been almoat
imjawalble for Protectant to secure a
position unless they were known to be
ampathlzer or willlig to contribute
to the cause of Itemanlsm,
NKWHUiuuciut can obtain The
Amkkica! from an wholesale news
dealer, Your customer will' want It,
'ut It on your counter.
t'HJ 1 Midi t 4i.,i4 i f )
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United Slate of Amrlril.
HIANt'1 C. ( A.MI'lir.I.l.. M W O. M
litiiiiaiinlla, Minn
TIIOS, MILMUANiUraml (. r..ti.rv,
, KviTi'tt, Maaa,
at. i r.iia,
lill'i M.iwiiril Hlri'nt, tlnuilm. Ni'l),
OraanUnr fur ilniiiriini'iii nf NiiliraaViii, Iowa,
ivanatta, Allaaimrl ami ( nlornilti,
OHASdli 1'ltiyvil'LES.
On iM'hiiif uf Dm ,nvl Oranxa Loclita of
tha t'nlli'il allll... f AiinTlra, ntnl With
view f correct Intf the fiilae liiiproaalon that
ftimnli urn eiiilrnvorliiK to cenvry to the
inltnlaitf ini'n who lira umieiitmlnted with
OruiiK principle, ru theae fi'W alittetiient
The Loyal OrutiKfl Inatitutlon U a brother.
heoil anil alatnrhood, hound by three tlca
Juallcn, Truth and KlKhteeuatinaa.
It hna no hlddi'n alma.
Ills Prut.'nml and llnnovoli'iit Huxlatlnn
and prnli'i'lliiK inpiiiher while llvlntr and
their willow, and orphan when thoy arc rn
moved hy clout h.
It uphold the rlnht of private JudKinent'
the uiitriiiiiiiinlli'il fnii'dom of opinions be
lluva tha public sehoola are an eaanntlal
aafexuurd of the date, and ahould be kept
(res from eelnalaatleal or acrturliin control
and that persona dlaloyal to tho K'ivirntnent
who hold a mental Hlli'Kliitica to the pope
of Koineahould be rltforoualy escludiid from
teachliiic tliiTi'ln,
It bi-llfvi' primary iilli'uliincfl la due to
the Kovernniunt which protect the Uvea,
llbcrtli'i and prnpertln of Ita cltl.nna, and
that ecclcaliiallcal aulhorlty ahould not'
under any clrcumalancfa, be pi-rmltted to
meddle In the iill'iilr.of hIiUi', and that ('"r,
clou of In the encrclae of hla or her
rlKhtof fratichlae, under the aulas of rclltc
lou or aplrltuai authority ahould be pun
llnd aa a crime avalnat the atate,
'ihat It la the duly of every citizen to dti
fend the lawfully conatliuted authority and
Inatltutlons of our country aiialnat corrupt
and Inimical Inllui'ncua, aa well as until nut
armed saaallanla, to the end that our lnrl-
ou freedom be protected and tratiamltted
unimpaired to poaterlty,
Itencouraice hablUt of fniKillly and In
duatry amoriKlls membcra, and I proud to
boaat that OranKcmen aeldom become
public charite or accept pauper bread.
It believe In the reatrlctlon of Imiiilttra-
tlou and the extenalon of time for' the tnttti r
all .al Ion of clll.i'na, and that the public
arid ahall be held for actual American cltl
sens who become settlers.
The I.oval Orauue limlllulliin of tha
UnlO'd SlatJ-a of America haa cerlulu
reoiiirementa for memnerahlut
That a nuiri ahull lie un h'IiiilI Aiin.rl.'iin
eltlwn, havln complied with the lawaof the
i;nH4.ii riiti,-. wiiii nxiifii to nalurall7,atlim,
and without a menial reH'rvat,loii.
I hat till! anul cunt ahull he a I'roleataiit.
and alaothat hi puri iiia and wife shall be
That he aha I hn thrifts and tiereaafitl In
hla hilnlni'Mj honorulile anil truthful In hla
deallnxa with hla fcllowinan, and ahall be
known as a aw-aiiio ni( clllwii.
J lint lie will endeavor v u ve h a children
or any children under hla nharite at leaata
a'MHi comriKin wnoui eoucution. ln'inif care
ful U avoid all noiilah doclrlnea, and
in at lie alia I lie In aound lie hi Hi at the
tleiM or masiiiK Hiipllcatlori.
Itmakeano a irreriince where a man wa
horn, ao Ioiik aa he meet the foreiroln
Ilieaw are the dual Mention reou red e
very applicant Ut the order, and we do not
nun mat any patriotic American order can
oeera uettor arravof nrinclplea and Mutch-
J. 0. I . A. M.
A l eys I, Pal node Orgaulntlon. I'ra
termtl ami lleuellclal, Ktrlctly J(oim
I'arilaan and .Non-serlarlaii,
lou.i.iiaArios or chimc'ii'i.ks,
The National Council of the Junior Order
or l otted Ainerican Mechanic In annual
'hIou MMiemhled dei'larea;
That the conaet IuuiIIhk upon the ahore
of the horde of lirnontfit. viclouxand lawlea
criminal, or t he ted World ahould lie viewed
with alurm by the loyal and oalrlotle cltl-
M'lia of thla country.
We altif iii a warm and hearty welcome te
all ImmlKruut Who dealre to better their
comiit.ioH una necomn a part and parcel of
our nationality, hut we have not one aouare
Inch of room for the unarchlat, the aoclullat
or nlh l llt, or for any one who la not will In to
now aiieioance 10 nun iiuk wn ten la oowerful
enuh toahleld and protect them aa well aa
u. in the exerctae or all civil and rnllKloua
We afllrm our devotion to the nubile achool
yH(. i of thla country. We believe In rtom-
pulaery education, and that all 0'in'lilii In
our noola ahould lie In the Kuifllah Ian-
finiK". to the end that future generation
of our country' worker, educated in the
may on ame v, tune tneir oiue in the rank
hlatory, the citatum and manner of Ameri
We iruarantee to every man the liberty ef
worahlpln it'Hi aet'ordlna to the dlctuO'a of
hla own eonaclence, and would nlve every aa-
lafance to proOict all In theexerclae itf thla
IWiertv. out wa olijnct moat atrenuoualy to
Hie Interference of any church, no mat ter
under what mime It innf enlat. In the
poral alTair of thl country.
We believe that the 1111,1c ahould be read In
our public nchiNil; not to tj-n.-h aectitrlanlaui,
hut Ui InculcaOi Ha tiehlnKa, It I the
re!,nlwd atanditrd of all moral and civil
Ihwi we therefore tadlevo, lhatour children
hoold tie educated In lutiotchlriir. but that
no doKmn or creed ahould be taiiKht at the
ame time
Wn believe that DalHotlam and love of
count ry ahould be Inatllli-d InOi the heurta of
children, and thiil, Willi the word of
Mother, ''Home" and "ll"aven." our chil
dren ahould he tmiKlit that our II1115 1 the
avmleil of all that ei'ike a "Inline" for u.
W would place a IIUK iiiwiri every pulillc
hied In our land, and a Whin within, and
the object leaaon therein ct forth ahould be
it LhMj'on Until te e vk.v aljiri,. avtil,di l.houl
ana to enxu'i u.
In thl noble and patriotic work we aak the
cordial and hearty co-operation of all K"d
cltlj'n. In thl vrand work wa need the
helplnir hand of all Ion holding the
ume view and principle. We have no time
ror jeaioume aim mr nnua, nut witn a
iinlo-d front we ahould march forward.
ahoolder to ahoulder, remeinle'rlng that
l.nlted we aland, divided we fall,"
In the atrlcteat aeuae wn are a national
poll II at omaulyatlon, but we oppoan with
unanimity t he allghtit taint of partlaanlam,
Our euuntrv" la our motto, and we keen
thla motto ateadlly iM-fora u. We arecoynf
rant that there Hre great end powerful
oiiemle within our inldat, reUlrlng the
lull i ut: Hi i i '.
earn . i we !
111-! 'Si n nva a. (,:,,, , l.e
ai in, m .t ti 1.! ii,,.n , id
, I.IV- . I.B. Ul't f,. ' ! l-lll'l
e.....l T,i amiat .n n. n in i imia
1.ii. I f-vuf Aiit la tttat'
1 i 'iMIi t-i -i' ti-e. a k en.) fmn-ml
I f i h T.i r lKla tee imMle a
I., . flhrt I a,,.,. , f Anrll. a kH. lo
lw.r,i i. in'in 1 r, i,. . Uii r Mi
"t til' H.a ivaii.i.g ef the IM BltiiS
IHS wt'at ltl atlnaa rue vwtitanitV
lii-.jiii thai an a.i.l. ,all l 1
A while ,'. 1 ii, m ten I'elle
" i't ntih ei.'i ti. . nr uhiii r (ti
1., in., ,.f I,, nn
. Of ) nnl lura.-ler
A lllevna In lli rvtatrnea nf a Stierei,
Jti li.t ih t tvatur ami Prtwtvfr of Ihe
I in vera.
1 1 ii-.1 ,t any ueloe ef i'linr, h and ataie
I aviiiatile t.i fm i.Ih. hi ion ami the
Aixurfcan ruiilii a. load avalvm,
Ii. I n n n ami m ii nf nt tut" twine.
flrlal tl,iltilrahll ever i1 yeat llntlHlaiy
1 he wm, 1 ".linih.r" in the title li Bit re I a
Hi, 11 In Hie Rue nf liii'lnlx ia II Wna alil)l
to ill-ninnUl, 1 ,e itiiler fmin I lie it. t. A. M
aim lia mi nilier aiirnlncanee.
Nnr la lh Word ' Meehalili'" lolieiinalnied
llli't-auv. It n ri'taln nn inaiiiu'r to Htllaana,
lull einhracea every purault,,
iiniuiirr.Ha WAStsn,
We want a rmmcll of the Jr, O. I' A, M
every city, towu and village In the Unlled
It lathe lending Anicrli'iie imtrliille and
iH'hi'll.'litl orgiiiilrHtlon, and the atrongeat
ami one of the uldeat, t'oiillui'd to native
It laonly nei-eaaarv In make It oblecta,
prlui'lplna mid woikltiga known to eaally
aecure I'liiinuti cniirter nieniiiera to atari
Council, A liberal premium will be paid to
any nun orgiiiiiKiug a l ouucll, I or mil pur
urn mm ami re, 11. A, n 1 iihi
National Coiini'llor, New Itruuawlck, N. J
N C-ll A Klbbe. New Itruuawlck, N J,
N T C--.I U A Itlchler. Ho W. Oauton. O,
, Jr I' N 0".lainea Cratiatou, llox Jirt, t'ltts
1)111 Kll. I'll.
N Hec'v--F,dwiird H Ileenier. O Ilo. 1M.
I'hllailefiihlas olllce rooma Noa III and 17.0.11
ChcHtnut alreet.
National Organ!n Colllne, Hog
TllA t'llluliiiril, I'll
Men!, Ill Aaiinvliiil. C l.hlftl Tn.iuituv In
Incornorated February 24. 1Wi2.
' 0 T U liryaon. tCliia Wentwoi'th avenue
e V C"Thna Rowan, 70ft Union at, Alton,
.irrn t;i 10a j coen. 417 h hi 1 em ave
H (.! Hcny..Jocpti H Ileynolds, l' 0 llox 719,
M (! rri'iia E 11 Bainb In. citil Armour ave,
Mnuteat Alton, fourth Monday In August
Oeorge VVaahlngloii Council, No II. meet
III" 1. and lliiiit I'lliliiy evening of each
month, at Allium hull, M K Kuni olnh at, Chi
cage, .loaeph M Iteyuolda It H, IftIA Wabttah
ave, viaitora alwiiya welcome
K aworlh council. No 111. meet Tiinadiiva
Nil lit llonore at. Ktifiewood,
ai Di.1,1 iveniworin ave. r, 1, uuui uurii. it
Ciiliu Council. No Zl. meet Huturday
evening 111 1 11 11 11 nun, eouiu 1 nicugo avu
.John VV linger. UN, llox 4,'iH,
H. C.-F.C. Horden, llolden. Mo,
H. V. C.-llev. II. A. Hluuifhu r. Warren.
burg. Mlaaourl
. (J, Hee'y Itella 0, Carroll, Warrenaburg
Will meet at Hannibal. Mo,, February, 18WJ,
,v every Frlditv night at lldil Walnut atreet,
11, u, inn, u),i ivoouiiinu, uec, eecretary,
yj Haturdav night at the corner of Twelfth
and t.'herry atreel. W, V, Mheaver, llecord-
ing eecretary, 14117 mauiaon a 1 rent,
' Wedneaday night, at A. O, II, W, Half,
i;;i r Mgnieentn aireei,, ,1, b, I'laiinr, juio,
eecreiary, wz flora avenue,
WKfTI'OKT COUNCI I, NO, 87Meet every
' Friday night at Weatport, W, II, Killing,
imc, eecretary, xsm k, Mghth atreet,
f.ATKCITV COUNCIL No, 44-Meet every
u Monday night, corner IDlh and I'unn Ht
over ui ug aiore.
w eilLfV 1,ll,,IUV lill,l,l It.ltU,,,,.. !( ul u.t,l
I. lid on I Inline,
Cllf.l'1'fKLII COUNCIL No, ,lft-Meet at.
- eiieuieui every 1 huradiiy night, Thome
Hiill h, llec, aee'y, hhellleld, Mo,
lANHA I'Ultl'LK HTAK, L, O, L, No, V-
Meet lliat and third Tueaday of each
month at p, (u In A. O. (I. W, Hall, corner
Fiairlh atleet and Mlnneaota avenue, Kfthau
i lly, Kan, Humiml ilurrlaon, W, M. Wm,
llallagh, aeereiary, ftii7 NorthruB avenue
Vialtlng brethren cordially Invited,
N, 0,-WM, F. KNAI'C. Omaha,
H, V.O.-LKVI I', Mllltl'M, Omaha,
H. ti, Hiicy.-OKO, (J. 1' KN'I'ON. 1'. O box m.
H, ti, Trea.-C. II, AI.I.KN, South Omaha.
(Conductor II H. IIAK TlloLlr, I'latamouth
Warden-I', . McCA I'LKV, Ho, Omaha,
Sentlueia-O. II. SIIKUWOOO. So. Omuhai
It I', OOLMAN, Omaha
Ui nreaj-ntutlvea li Nut Council WM,
, It A IT. II, l OAV, W, A M KHHItJK, I'
McA 1,'LKV and J. W. IIOlJJr.K
The neat regular meeting will he held on
the third Tueaday In July, lW4, at Omaha,
t?HANOI a,
1 meet
every Frlditv evening
et ti, a
It, Hall,
I'lat.Umouth. Neb, Vialtlng brother cor.
dlallv Invited. W, K, Cooi.tnoa,
iut, nec,
every Friday evening In (loodrlch hall.
24lh and I rankltn strnete, Vialtlng brothers
aiway welcome, j. t;, rus, smry.
' coin, Nebraska,
2, meets In f,lo-
"JOLriMlUA COUNCIL No. 8, meet every
v Tueaduy evening in i'atteraon bUn:U, J7tn
and Farnuu Htreeta,
M, T, Wtooies, It, Sec'y,
Mill Jackaon Street,
H. meet every
" Tueaday
night In Mouth Omaha,
WlM.UM FaUli, Hlic'y,
IIIFHTV COUNCIL No, T meet every
' Tueaday evening, I, I), (), V, Hull. Lou I.
Vllle, .Null, T. II, Lucaa, Itec, Hec'y,
x No, meet liifl ffrat and third Tuea.
day evening of each month, at :ie o'chak,
M, l yUiot, aecy.
atrlotlc Order Sons of America.
WASHINOTON CAM I' No, I. V, O, a. of A..
" meet each Thuraday evening at ltiH
Men's Hall. Fifteenth and Ilouglaa Hie,
UASIIINUTON CAM!' No. ii, I'. O, , of
" A,, I iuri,'ll lOiif. Meel tug In their
hall over 4I ItroadS'iiy, every Wedneaday
night at o'clock. J, II, Vita 1'ttm,
A. P. A,
Thero la no good reaaon why any jwr
son should bo in doubt as to tho attltudo
of tho A, I', A, on any question, Tho
order has publlahodand republished it
declaration of principles, which read a
Flrt Nationality la not a bar totuetuber
! ttl Wi .ttt-
aa (,-
1 ' an k ( y-f(.., M
l .r i.,i ii l l.t a ak. It). r.
! et trti l t.i
I i.ljOh R'I l, ,s., mt, etit.t
al tu fta ImI'IhI'i.1.1 a.tietl Ot n-
lainl.tant ,4 ttinmir .,ila that
I" r.i.ii wCf I(k full ttS'TMain h.
ri ii!.al mtanitaiinn .i s,iirit ll,a
.ivl.vnl vfiKa t alie-t eialea 4 tvtvy
mil l.i.t IxMigt.l rtii) anil rtsii. I tiiy
I ihh f tn fnr i,( it . ie
l)intiintl liixny and i!!M!t,;ei the g.
rtiie i el , 1 . t (l;i.-. atate
Sltth - Wa trcai.t all rtli(t. ilio, .
iwtaaiatt.a it, nfe l and re
tllu li!iy
S. ii I'll, ll la, )t, ,,t tipinlon, iitiwlan an
nafe lo imiIdI ,.ele. t t.ict II, aillllcat
er eillltaiy ultt. i,,m alt.) ewe aiitnm at-leiiae.-e
l.i any f.Hri lgn lileg, pileitt '
fHi'leataat teal r.ier,
; t lglith-We ar ihtei fnee reatntaintn the
prlin lile f imn geneial MnaeiMartan free)
achiait iirganlrntlnn end will eia all at
letupla M iiiiUnt It by any aeeUrlan
Nmth-We are ciimd in all attempt,
Iih-iiI or imiiiitiitl, to ut publii' fiiini. tor any
WM'tnMan iurxp,
Tinth-We are in favor of law taxing
church property.
Kleventh-The opening of private and pa-ria-hlal
S'htaila rniiventa and tuonaaterlei to
publli! omclal InapeiMlim and placing on Dm
nine plnnof morality and lawaaa I'roteatant
Inatitutlon are,
TwelfthWo are In favor of rhanglng our
Immigration law In auch manner that they
will protect eur cltlm-n laborer from the
evil Influence of cheap pauper and criminal
labor which, through tho Inatrumeniallty of
European propagandlat aoclctlea and In this
country hy tho aid of atrlkera and the entitle
Influence of prleal. are rapidly tupplanttng
our free and educated American cllliteu In
every line uf Induatry,
Thlrteen-We believe thnro ahould be an
educational quallllcatlon to elective fran
chlae that will require every American cltl-
ten to be Amerluanlr.ed.
Fourteen We are In favor of putting into
onisc bonnet and true patriot who are beat
qualified to fill the poaltlon regard lea of
political partlu.
Fifteen-We are willing to be governed bv
theae principle in our future political
(Sixteen Our mUnlon 1 to awaken the
people of America from tholr lethargy. In
difference and over-con Hdenco eternal
vigilance Is tho prlco of liberty, yet the
rroteatnnts of tbl republic have ceuaud to
be vigilant and in conacloua atrength are In
tently chatting the almighty dollar orquletly
dozing while we are awlftly drifting toward a
more trumendou and terrible crlal than
thla country ha yet known.
tllrthplace is not the sola teat of American
loyalty. We have men born In aeveral coun
tries remote from thl that are aa loyal a
any native. Hut they are not Komanlt,
American loyalty conalats In devotion to our
eonatitution, law, lnalltutlona, Hag, and
above all, our public acboola. for without In
telligence, thla repreaenlatlve republic will
go to piece. Wo oppoae the teaching of per
verted lilHtory In ourachoo and the mutlla.
Hon of reference book to cover the Infamlei
of the aiwulli'il church which la morn uolli.l.
cal than rellgloua. Wn am oiioonimI to
urleala and urn ittea aa auch taking inirtln
election, and voting their lull y aa a unit In
nin internal, or a foreign corporation witn
liilentto Injure thla nation and Ita Inatitu
can I'rotectlve Aaaoclatlou meet every aec
oud and fourth Wedneaday of each month In
O, O. K, hall, I'lalUmouUi. Neb, Vialtlng
member are welcome
r 1 1 1 iirown, Mefl,
n Meet every Wedneadiiv afleriwinn nt. i
o'clock, at the A. F, A. Hail, 4il7 Mlnneaota
avenue, KauaaaClly, Kan,
1 every Monday evening at the corner nf
Twenty-third and I'roapect avenue, Kanaa
;ny, mo. reraona oeairing w Join may nn-
I.1WM I ll.ll . III. Ul .,111. 11,1,1 I,,.M Ul.ii.,1
age and occupation, and direct to box i'ti
ttanaua uuy, mo,
CUHF.KA COUNCIL No, 1, W. A. I. A.-Mnet.
-' aecond and fourth Tueaday afternoon at
t o'chH'k In the A. I'. A. Hall, Hoiilhenat cor
ner I'ackard and Oaiige avenue, Armourdaln,
viaitora are cordially invited to attend.
" meeta every Friday night at IMIh and
L Jtoud, Urlgaby'v hall, Kanaaa City, Kan.
' meet nverv Monday afternoon 11 1, 2.110 at,
Hell' hull. Houtliweat liimieviiril. neur al.ut.
linn, Knai'iliilc, Kuiiau. Frleni a of other
council are cordially Invited to attend.
Kvery true American lady I Invited tocomn
and join u, nod aaalat In tho good work.
I nlittliin fnell.uo,
Meeianvery Saturday evening at 4il7 Mln
neaota avenue. Kuuaua City. Kua. Vlullnr
cordially Invited,
COUNCIL No. 7, A,"lTA"-Meetaevery Men
day evening at Chamber of Comment
nun. mvervlew, VlKllira cordially Invited.
VVMlh No. H, A, r, A.-Meeia every aaty
urdav evening at aoolheuatciinier 1'iuik.
trd and Oaage avenue. Armourdulii. Vlaltnra
cordially Invited.
COUNCIL No. II, A. Y, Ai-Mnet at Wood
w ward'a Hull every Tueaday evening atS n.
m. aharp. Third al reet and Lafayette avenue,
A cordial Invitation I extended to vialtlng
AllflBNTINK n.TI NClL No. 13, A. I, A,-
Meet every Monday night In Nok
Hall, Argenllnn, Kan, All viaitora welcomed.
OI'FKA COUNCIL No, 14, A, I', A,-Meta
every Monday u vim lug In A. II. II. W. Hall
41 Kanaaa avenue, Tooeka Kanaa. All
vlNlUir will he cordially welcomed.
WINONA COUNCIL No, 4, meeta ever
" Saturday evening In Itnlt Mima' Hull.
Contliieutul block, 1'ilh and Itouglu!,
UUO, AI, SlUVKII. line. Sec'y,
fjOI'NCILNo. Kfi, A. I'. A t:ameron, Mo,,
w riniei.M e
meet eveiy Micond and fourth Monday
evening, at
fraternity Temple, Vlaltor
Nolle of Amended Article of IncirMini
Notice la hereby given llmi el, .1 l.i. Mill,. I.. P
monthly meeting of 'I'm a Amkmiium I'tiiu.ooi
ino CiiMfaMV, a corporation duly aulhorlxed
under the lawa of the Him,, of NehnialiiL uml
doing biiHlueaaat Omitlia In Ilouglaa county
In aald Slate, Article I V of Artlclea of Incor
poration of auid Compuny wua atuiiuded to
read ua follow In-wil l
"Article IV, Thecupltol aUick ef thl cor
poration ahall he Inn tliouaund taHMMMdollara
divided Into line lillnllred aliurea i.f inn. tnin-
dred dollar each, which ahall be fully paid
iii- -iLiim ia laaiini,
ihiU'il at OiiulIiu. MeliriLHkiL. 11.1111111 fk
IdrecUira, .loiia t Tmomisow, I'realdent,
W, C, Kki,i,kv, SiMiretary,
M, L, .00k,
U-2il 4t
One of the rlcheat book publlahed, giving
the complete experience of the famou Monh
Law, Send for It quick.
liy axpr, prepaid, Can't aend It by mall,
U. M, piMtagn.tampa taken. Agent com plat
outfit il.W. Addreae