THE AMERICAN I vsos a I 4- .- 4M ! ..I 11.4 ! t M""tl t 4 4 l ' I 4!l 4 , 4 . 4 4M i)., 4lO.fl It, Vv4 1 ' .J U . H - '' t t I . .- i . -4 W t ill V l tfeki ' . I' . -' r,., He v lli'l J(. r. . .! ..(. i 1 f.l i Will, (U IKHHlflMlt ll.V, !! 1 li-tntsii U intuit f " nllm v.M 'ti.-i i P-t In t.ktiti!ttii Mown l iii'l t Into mUWrii) 1 .) r.'iviN- Imp' 1. l. J.1 lnm-nl fitm nm lj tisllniis) -rill,-) llmi. lirnvril niiwl sellou lvliilrhl Ounirrr, n.l have sumi Unit inntim 1 tinirl jmlloy ml nontly HtfCf wIvc, ttnntiutnar-, mbihtii jniUnm ami mndlllou." To AnlM'h.-it. Mr. IWI: Mr. I'n'vtMl, hn wan Uit wv.ibini.op who pil the purw ami tt Mitl chum to tlx" reallKat.lon of the faot that It an a soil. Th.r-fors thenum wns pro-rlv ralW I'uiwll. Hut why do not you innko that H,IKX, (HH pMHl? Why do you not pay tho 'J(K) cnditors and avoid their Imrkinir aftor you like a ak of hounds? You have liHd yourSutolll to toll tho pooplo that you will pay thorn not a dollar nioro. Now lot mo tflve yon a Hinall amount of advice. It pays to lo homt. You may not "tfo much on religion," and think that doetrino In for children and weak-minded women, hut you will find that before another century rollti around tho "cell" that enilnated from your or ganization, called a church, ha reacted and you are tho fellow that i8 "sold." Tho people, and tho friend of tho people, who havo lout money by this rohblahop will commence a fljfht agalnmt you and your church; and twice the amount will not be able to ra tho evil effect caused by it against your church. You are pluyliitf ho wild, Ik it not evidence that you aro nearlng tho ond of your game. You aro making enemies, fast enough, turn alxmt and try to make some frlendn. Ar.F.l'H, . 1 1 - Tnpal Fvol (ion. If our contemporary in cornet, wo havo a true account of "papal evolu tion." This 1 not the only instance; there are many and it In wonderful what a capacity tho papal machine ban to evolve anything that tho (papal) heart can wish. Wo read tho following: The poe has given notice that tho "holy coat" of Argonteul must not bo confounded with the camlcag coat of Treves, though both are to bo connlder cd genuine. As upwards of twenty coals have been assorted as a part of the apparel of Him who took no thought for what He should put on, it Is not strange that this endeavor to nuike tho matter plain to Humanists should bo ma do. High Five or Euchre Parties should send at once to John Skhahtian O. T. A., C. H. I. & 1. U. R, Chicago. TEN CENTS, in stam)s, per pack for the slickest cards you ever shuffled. For 11.00 you will receive free by ex press ten packs. In order to prevent a repetition o tho recent disgraceful efforts to abridge the right of free speech, Tim Ameri can has undertaken to raise a fund with which to prosecute all persons hereafter guilty of such an attempt. It matters not how small tho sum, every American who prizes that boon should help swell the fund. We do not ask any one to go into this, hut will receipt (or any amount sent In for the fund. We have received contributions from Oregon, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska and other points. Tho money so raised will be used to prosecute all violations of the law guaranteeing free speech. Our proposition is contained in this blank which contributors sign: U V T3 ? 3 V o 59 a It o a a 5 O r3 a a a o a M a 9 U Jt u a 01 s & a ad's w 3) So 3 -9 r fi A n i T1 r. . w " u 7 O 9 4 o it a d 5 C 41 (1 . 1 3 0 ft M J) 3 .a 4) 41 a -c a 1 - 3 a o a ; a "S 13 CO a a " $ ! " o .ts w a a 33 00 aS M M tl w As many of our friends as 'joslre to become contributing members ol the League can fill out and send to our ad dress tho above form. Those who only desire to become honorary member can do so by sending in fifty cents and applying for a certificate of member ship. Let us see what can be done on (his line. ) i4i. i4f l I. ., !lal M tlt ). I t tl I f 4 I l. f ). . I , () st t ,' lI t fl'.. .4 14 t. I . .4.P ( 411 iifclt t 1 I . '!,. t . I. . . r .t - 1 . 4 ( I 4 4 Mi , I M I. ,i , It., t, 4. )..,... 41,1 ... S.-4 l 14 4).,..v44 II Sliest (..I4 1 i. ,, i. I f.4 t,).ll . 1 ..,!(., I (.44 4 ,4. 4, l 4 4 . Mi 44 (.-, I t 1 l -ll 41,4 I ... 4 , ,M. .1 4,,. i , Tl '. 44.. I 4.1, .1 l4 l .4 (I m I Il4t ft 4 1.4 H4, 4.. . 1" J., ii-4-., 14 .,4l. ! 1 Ml lt III l t-4t ll 14.. t4 . I. .111 ,MHI4H 14 44 HI,. I KC II I lllll 444 1 1 4i 4 .4.4 ) 44 1 1.4 l4v 4'i4lM44l4 ll lll 144. 4 Hi, lit. . .All )4'il4l44 114 ,t 1.1 4I4.. 'J 1 l.l U 414 4- t'l.llllnll.1-44 ,.f ll.C . , III' llltli. sll M I ilt ' I .l U- 44l J4ll 1.4 Hi' 4Hilll til l I II II III 4lKHk 141 ll. ll.l.ltl 4 44.I4' tlll 4 4 ....I'ltltlllll. ll'4, M 'l Il.fc4 (41V llllill ! l4li tt4l44l.m 4.4. if .l til '41. 1 1 Tin 1 1 U 1. ilrrui'.l fun. 1 in nn, I m hi' 44 ll m .4 i 11 l I I'l 4 Hill hi Ih U i. in,. 1 Ii4h hi titmi, I n 44I11, h (In. h ml t il run ill 4 llll'4'lilil Mil III" m lull s, IliHbll I'l II- .III ill hum tur lln- )' 1 lillnlliill Wnllil, .iiHlti m Kiltltlll, riiin i i Hliiii Dm milMit iiic if kiitlU, Hint I In- 1 1). Ill tint il tihii'tit .f tin' linn li; 11111I If iii'i i .my jutli!i inul iU-ihot full iiic I. 111 1, in I iixl4 if nil i In l-l ialiH. In, A ln-ivili', Imlilliiit or li'iii lilui! tni4 l,B Irlni1 CiiHi'i'inliiiJ t hi v,ii'iiiih'IiIm, U i'l. iii 1 in 11 11 it m 1 4-4 inul ill .'! piiIi iI. inul hi r in 1 lie MH'tilur I'liini, IT, Hi Tlllnr H Ilii'i'H llll lllllIU In HWi lil' in a fi iiil ihii I'liiin h iii.iiU.4.1 In ii Ui h mi' ix iiihliiiinlriiirtl, inul lin y hi! lulu uinli r mi ..ili'tilli't. It- Tim 8iinti tif lii'retlcn are In ! i'iiii- UhiIIII'iI llllll llllll'll III I III' I'lllll'I'll, l',l, AiIvih'uIii nr noliu I11, fiivurlnu lii ii'- IIi'h, ur I In-1 r tli'fi'Mili'ii, ur iilriullnx fur llii'in In luw Hiilu, or wrliliiK iIih'iiiiii'iiIh fur llii'in, in' 1 11 f uiiiiiiis mill hukii'iiiIi'iI t linn ullii'n, in, Tim si'i'iiliir iiii'is, wlii'llicr ikiiiui ii'iil or li'iiiMiiiiry, inn IhiiiiiiI In swi'iir that ilii'y will I'xli'rinliiiite, iii'i'iiiiIIiik lo tlii'lr powiT, all lieri'lli'si'iiinli'iiiiioil by llii'i'liuivhi mil a 1 1' nipt i 14 1 liiiU nut iiiihIiik IiIh 1 ii ml nt lierellrH, Is ex-i'oiiiiiiUiiU'UU'il. 21. Tliiine nlnnril Willi Hill I'I'ilwl fill I III' . I t rml mil Inn of lii'i'i't Irs, rrjiilru In llui litlvlli'K Kiiiiili'il lo llui ri'iiwa li'ls fur Hid ii'lp uf Hie Imly liinil. 22. Tlii'y mi' iiliHiilvi'il from nil (ilillxioloim Alio urn In aiiywlHU liiiiinil to liiTi'tlm, ;a. Whoi'ViT dli'M l bul tie UKiilimt Hie un 1'llovlnK, merlu tlm hIiikIoiii of Iii'ii vi'ii, "4, Wl! (Ill IM)t iwll'l'lll Uiiihii lllltllll'llll'H, to wIiiiiii It tuny luive hiippcnnd In tlmlr ri'Kl fur tln I r mother clmrcli iiRiiliist tlm in-coimiiti-uli'iili'il, to kill muni" of tlimn, 2H. That ('at hollo Princes am bound, tiul h by civil mid common law, not to receive or tolerato heretics, inul much inoif sre not to permit their rites, or oilier oxerclso or their rellKlon, or rnlhnr, Ilielr fit Inn Hect, lint urn most solemnly bound every wlmro, to rcptil mid expel them. 311. The following t ptirul piinlNhmentu are to be enforced on heretics: 1st Infamy, and the coiiNciiient IIn(iiiiII(Ii'hIIoii for nil civil acts. Snd Intesirblllly, as wellni'Ltvtt its passive (that Is, they can neither make nor will Inherit wluit Is left to them by others), Urd - Lou of paternal power over children. 4th I.onn of dowry, and oilier privilege u run ted to women. ntliCiinllsi'a lion of all koihIn, HI li--Tlntl viihmiIn ami slaves and others are free from all, even sworn obllKattiins dun to their lord or an other. 7tli"('iipltal corporal piiulshment, nspei'lally itnath, mid perpetual Imprison men I. 37, The canon law forbids all toleration, 2K. That metnipolltaiis and bishops art to ex-ootiimiiiiU'Kte him who Kfioits liberty of conscience. Sll. No oath isto be kept towiird heretic princes, lords or others. Wl. Heretics ri) lo be deprived of all civil and paternal rliilit, III. Tho pops can almolvn from all oaths, .'. Kvery blxliop Is ordinary Jiidun In a cause of heresy, Tho reason Is because Urn bishops can ei-ofltcln, and ought to emirpats heretics, and Indict upon them Hie due pun ishments, and to this are bound on pHliO'f deposition. Ileslden, srn the lniillsltor ds peclally deputed by tlm iiostoll! sen, Every bishop In hi diocese l thoiotht to bn, and In reality Is, natural Inquisitor, (liter ally born Inquisitor), so n to have the sains power with th slrendy tiient lulled )n cause of heresy. Ilfl. In every promissory oath, tiltlionuli absolutely taken, I here ar certain Condi tions tacitly understood, an outtst which arm 1st If I cam 5nrt-To save tlm rlnht and authority of asuperlori rdVhen the oath suppoiie the lioiior of the apostolic see to tin Illicit. m. That thecmincll of Trent, (tlm last and great authority of Home), decree and com mand that tliKSNcrnd canon and all gen ral councils, atno thn other apostolic enact ments Issued In favor of ecclesiastical per ton of ecclesiastical liberty, and Against Its violators, allot which by this present dncren It renew, and must be exactly olwerved by all. CARDINAL'S OATH. l, ' .ordinal of lb Holy Itoman Church, dopromtss tnd swear that, from Hi In time to the cud of my life. I will be faithful and obedient unto St, Peter, ths holy apo tollf! Horn an church, and our moat holy lord, ths pops of Ito in ii, and his siicceuor. canon Ically and lawfully sleeted: that I will five mi 1 vice, consent or assistance against thn pontitlcsl majesty and H-rsoni that I will never knowingly and kdrlsedly, to their In uryor dlsgracs, make public thn council entrusted to mn by themselves, or by me, nengorsnr lettersi also that I will give them any assistance In retaining, defending and recovering ths Itoman papacy ami tlieregalla of Peter, with all my might and endeavor, o far a the right and privileges of my order will allow It. and will defend them HKiilimt all their honor and state, and I will direct and defend, with due form and honor, the legate and nuncio of the Kpontolle mm, In the territories churches, niontiti.rle and Other berichVe committed to my keeping) and I will cordially co-operato with thnm and treat them with honor In their coming, abiding and returning, and that I will renUl unto blood all persons whaUouver who nlmll attempt anything against them. That I will, by every way and by every mean strive to preserve, aug ntand advance Hid right, honor, privileges, the authority of the Holy Roman bishop, mir lord thn pope and hi before mentioned successors, and that, at whatever time anything shall be decided to their prejudice, which Is out of my power ta hinder, as soon as I shall know that any steps or measures have been taken In ths matter, 1 will make It known to thn siitne, our lord or hi luccessors, or some other per son by whose mean It may be brought to their knowledge That I will keep and carry , t 4 t .. 4t t I.. tt. 14 r.4 ..., 44 4 .... . t 4I . l I M 4v tv . I'' 4 4 . 4 ,44........ I . . 4. ... . I'"- II 4 Hi, I .! 44 4 l 44 ,414 4 11.4441 t. t ,H l t -. -, ) . J. I - - ' 4.. 4 mi : ,,. .. 14 ., V..i I I (!!. 44,4-)-4l 4-,-4-.l - . . t . ,. . t..(j ll IM 1,4,. 4. i I, .,-, I , I 4 fci..-i,-. f ai I it b,. i ,,.,i t ...i ! .-. I .,4 . . , . , I 4., HI4III...I 4) (.(-, . h .i.l.4l.1.4! 1 lit tl 4 ...-4 , l-4 f, il Ii , . .. .i,- i ' . i i 1 1 a i, ,4 -1, , I, 4 ' .1 " ,1,4. 11., . .1 1 1, , , MtlkHOnH UltH, t. 'i'l 4 I l I 4. I I,, .1 . i . s. i . i . , v - u f t 4.. .1 . .1 I.. -I '.4 III,,. tl, , , H.i' It .i I,.... ..i.t.t,. k ...t t.. ii .4 l.,i, ij, tll.tV If 4'f li. ,.. .,- In .t, ,,,,,, I TlU.lll- I4i- 4 I- 441, i 4,1 , I,, f M., . ,,1 lit i l it Hi I lliln j II, .i J ,,n( . bfl' 11 "l t,li 1 : I'l I t'4l Hi. il 4, I i.tin ,, i if I m in .) hi I, nit, 1 4 hi i4i. r v i"' I till iiikhi i In . i.r at.r liijm li i-tiinl .i llui,,. i,n. li r 6ii lMi4(IWI ll.iti'll Till- 4 I'lllW I h Ho r ilmil Imin i .... iy il, i,,.., : Hi. ir ii.i ii, i i i.i , 1 1, i , I ii .,,i ), intlv 1444 nl In in,!, ,i Hull ii ,,nl i 1 IS III In 1 1 III! In 1 1 ill f. Ii, iiml p ,. ,ni;, i i. f mi. I I'.i' ii ) ,iiii i.t M S H .!,, Sll lUl'll. 1 i i.,:,i., ,,f (lie 1. 1" inliC ix gi4imi mnl i ninliii. I 111 liiiimi n! ' 4 .I nt, help hi I, is hi i'i-wi j I ii Hie I , . lit., i, inul piUlli til h ami nuiliiii ii of Hi.' liiiiinil. rhiiei Imf mil Inn I, it,.. np.., tiii.l bin afuii- milil nii. i sui n I I i n,i iiviif I,, in M 1 1 ilcfi liil. hirli'Sne iiint h'Imiiii'i'. Ilim I In any eiiiinw'l, ik Hiiii in- IhmiIv, In wlili ' -liiilll;.' iliiiii ii.iiiIii.i nnr hh.4 , ml an, Itomiin l imn h mi) iliinu l( H,,. ,i,, ,,r I,,, Jiiillce uf their pitMiiw, rlfhu, linn, ir, hi,,,. or power, inul, If I -.hull I, n,n any io,, ii thing lo be Hi'iiti'il or auliHleil by nny lmi siH'vi r, I will hlinli-r II to my iitn.oHt, nml lis siHiu iim I eiiii, I will algu''y It to nnr sn;,l lonl. The iiiillmiiice mnniliiti's of He pope, I will observe wllh nil my in lull t and ciiuse to be ubservi'il by ollicin." " lerel li's, hi'liUiiiiillrn ami rebi ln tu our snld lord or his niii'i'i nnoih, I will to my in- most persecute ami oiHwe," "lleri'llcos, srlilHiniitli'os et feladle i lilem Jlomltiii iniKlro vi'l HiirceNHiirlbiiN predict la pro posae pcrMi'iunr el oppuiimibo," "twill come to a council w hen I am ciillnl, I will Visit Hie Hircaliolil of the lipontlcii every three yours nml give mi account of our lord of nil my piiNinrnl olllce nml uf iiic Ihlugs lii'longliig tu my illiift'Mi lo ths dU- clpllne of my clergy um! people. I will In like milliner humbly receive ami diligently execute 11m upiwioll,. commiiml If I um dclnlneil by a lanfiil Impediment, t will per form Hie Hfori'salil by a memhes of mv chapter or a priest of my illoceae, fully In st met ml In nil 1 hi nun almvn men I loneii The liiiHNi'HNlotia lie loliii nil In mv tube. I nil I neither sell nor ol her wImi hI'ciiuIm wlilumi ciiiiaulHng tlm lloiiiiiii iioiillir, en help nil' uim 111111 iiirne inujr Kuapi'inui 1100, leigtillflirel, Hciil to 1 In. KouiInIi Miiiiuger PPHBST'S OATH, "Ii i now In the nreaeiich , Almighty (iod, the blessed Virgin Mury, th hlesscd Michael the Archangel, tlm blessed Hi. JiiIih llui lliipllsl, llin Holy Aposllca Hi relcrand Hi, I'mil and tlm Hiilnls nml the HuiTi'il Host of lleaveu, and to you, my lord, I do declare f rum my heart, wit hout iiii'nl iil reserval Ion Hint the pope Is Christ's vlcnr- general and Is tlm trim ami ony hend of the universal church throughout the eurili, nml tliut, by vlniiii of tlm key of binding ami nosing given In his holiness by Jesus Cliil .i lie. has power to deposit heretical kings, princes, -tnU, commouweallhs uml (tovcin iiicnt i, nil lull n lllcgiil without his sucrcd oiillrmiillou, nml tint t. Ihey iniiy sufely be destroyed, Therefore, to the uimost of tnj- power, I will defend this dis'lrlnii ami h,. IiiiIIIci'sn' rights nml customs imuliii.t nl, Usui puts of llui I'd I'sii 11 11 1. iiiiilioiliy Minn siicvcr, I'speclully u;:ulnl. I lie now pretemleil tiiithoiliy nml chuch tu ImiuIiuuI nml all tiillii'i'i'iils, In regiitd Hint Ihey be usutpul uml lii'ictlciil, opposing I he siicreil luother, the church of Home, "I do denounce ami disown tiny nlli gliiun us due to any I'loiijsiuut, king, priori' 01 siiiie or obedience lo nny of their Infi iloi olt'.i'crs. I do further declare the doctrine of llui church of ImikIjiuiI, of llui Ciilvlitlsts, lliiguenols ami oilier I'roli'slitnts, u be iliiiiiiuilili' inul Hume to bo diimui'd who will not forsake the smut, "1 do further declare that I will help, assist uml ml vise all or any of his hollluess' agents In tiny place wherever I shall be, and In do my utmost lo extirpate thn Protestant doc. trine ami to destroy nil Hmjr pretended power, regal or otherwise. I do further prone ise ami declare that, notwlllistiinillng I may lie penult led by dispensation to assume nny In Tctlciil religion (Protest mil denominations) for the propagation of thn mother church's Interest, to keep secret and private nil her ugetils' counsels as they entrust me, and not ti divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word, writing orclrcuiiislnuce whatsoever, but to cxcculti all which ahull be proposed, given In charge or discovered unto me by you, my most revere ml lord mid bishop, "All of which 1,- ,do swear by tint blessed Trinity and blessed Isacmiueiii which I am about to receive, to perform on my part lo keep Inviolably, and do cull on all the Heavenly and (llorlous Host (if Heaven to witness my real Intention to keep (his my oath. "In testimony whereof,! take this most holy and blessed Hucrament of thn Kuchurlsl, and witness the same further with in conse crated hand, In the preenca (if ley holy bishop and all the priests who assist him In my ordination to tlm priesthood," CXTRtMl OATH Of THt JHUITI. I. , , now In ths presence of Almighty Ood, the blessed Virgin Mary, the ilessed Michael the archangel, ths blessed Hi John the Itaptlst, the holy apostle Hi I'eter and St. I'aul and thn ulnts and sacred host of heaven, and to you my ghostly fut her thn superior general of Hid society of Jesus founded by Hiilnt Ignalo, I.oyola In tin poiittflcutlon of IV111I thn Third, and con tinued to thn present, do, by the womb of the virgin, thn matrix of (iod, and thn roil of .leaus Christ, dec I urn and swear that Ms holiness, the popn, Christ's vlen-gercnt, and Is the true and only head of the Catho lic or universal church throughout tint curt hi and that by virtue of thn key of binding and liaising given to hi holiness by my Havlor, Jesii Christ, he hulh aiwer lo depose heretical kings, princes, stales, com monwealths, and governments, all being illegal without hi sacred confirmation, and they may he safely desl royed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power, 1 will defend this doctrine and hi holiness' right and custom against all usurper (lf (he. heretical or I'rotestunt authority whatsoever, especially the Lutheran church of Germany, Holland Iienmiirk, Hweden and Norway, and thn now pretended authorities and churches of Eng land and Scot 1 11 ml, and branches of the samp now established In Ireland, and on ths continent of America and elsewhere, and ail adherent In regard that they be usuried and hertlciil, opposing thn sacred mother church of Koine. I do now renounce and disown any alleg iance a dun to any heretical king, prince ur state, osmod Protestant or Liberal or jt-4-,t,l t, , ttlsM .-l .VI,,. , III! I'l 4.14 1 1.., . 1 II S4.4 4.4 4i IS 4 f It 14.4. r ..I I 4.ll -I 4)4.1 4 I ' I t'l S SM. ' 1. li t 11 1 f tl-. Ulllt 1.4 I HtS III t.4 ,',l ,, f 4ll 1 4 4 1 A I.1..1 I ) J. . i-(4 l St l I,' !1 .. sM -l 4 i t sll i.t 41 t , I I. , . im ,!, in si f . fin hill I .1 ill i i s n tit4,.t i. 14, ,4-r. It.iM.,..!, w.... ait, 4.ii S.m I mtsiMt Ii4(a,l ii u,tf I. 4t im f .iii. r t 4 1,1 . i-i 44J l,,i,,.,B ft , il) I f .,., 1,1,11!, t.ll ttn ji Ml-'. s i,.l ,,f I'l.i, 1.4. 4ll 4) si I I .1. -li. 1 tt.l it tM I. n, I- '' MDl4i ,.i. I I ll.l flllltll I .H .(. nt(l l.T sM4 IKS! 4l.t llti.l 4.! I' i I ill . l lS -, nh 111 H-I4III i, . I,, i.,n ,, 11 , f., , 4t4.4a4li!4t i.f Ibe hiiitti r 1 bur. Ii li,i. i -1. ,t ti'i " M I n,l ( ii.tilt. n t a , 1 i.' ,..,., 11, f I'tui Him' to 1 ii.e as Hoy 1 en 11.1 ii.i- aiu eni in itiiiii.-, il iniiv i.r iioIimnHv, I v wniil iitiit( ur rli4 mint ,ni. ahsli'vir bill In in. me alt sli ill In pmsi- i, gin a in 1 iniK4 or ti w 4.4 1 n il iiitiitine f ynil li, IiimH fsllii'i. uf any id this ,tcr i cue ve til. I do further promise nn, I i,i I ,re tlmi I III line mi opiiinni ur will ,f i,,f um it nr any linhliil n-sett iitliiit whatsoever, 111 11 as a niipsii or cadaver tMrini ne cs'liiu ii, but will iiitlii-slinilnuty tits -f i-iii h inul ei-erf Cnmmaiid I lull I mav receive finm toy super tors In the mlilll i of Ho' hihi and uf .lesii CliHsl Thai I will goto any part of Ihn world Whithersoever I tuny be senl, lo tint fruyen reuliins of Hi,, imrili, Hie bin iilng smuts of Hie desert of Africa, or the plngles of I ml I it. to Ihn centers of clvtllailnii of KuroMi, or to the w ild haunts of the btirbiirou suvnges of America, without murmuring or repining, nml will lie siiliiul.slve In all thing wb 11 tan- ever, communicated to me. I tin furthermore promise and declare (but I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relenllcss war, secretly or openly, against till heretics, I'roteslanlsiiud Liberals as I sin d 1 reel eil lu do, tn exilrputo them from Ihn face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither age, sex or Condition, and that I will hang, burn, waste, boll, Hay, strangle and bury ullvn these Infamous herellcsi rip up thn stomachs and wombs of their women uml crush their Infants' heads against t he walls In order to annihilate their execrable nice, That when thn same cannot he done openly, I will secretly Use the puis. (mouseup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the polntird, or Ihn leaden bullet, regard less of llui honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or persons, whatever may tie their condition In life, cither public or prlv ate. as I ut any time may bti directed an to do by any agent of the pop" or superior of the brotherhood of tlm holy father, of the society of Jesus. In condrniaHofi Of which I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all coporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name, written In my blood, In testimony (hereof 1 and should I prove false or weaken In my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the popecutoirmy hunilsand my feel, ami my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, wllh all the punish ment, Hint can be Indicted upon mn on earth and my soul be tori tired by demons lu an eternal hell forever. All of which I do swear by thn blessed trinity, am) blessed sacrament which I am now to receive, to perform, and on my part to keep Inviolably! uml do call all Hie heavenly mnl glorious host of heaven to wllues these my real Intention to keep this, my oath, In testimony hereof, I tukn this most holy and blesiii'd saeniinenl, of llui eiicharlst, ami witness Ihn same further, wllh my name well ten wllh Hut point of this dagger, dipped In my own blood, uml seal In thn face of this holy convent Iflo recelvo t, wafer from Ibo superior and writes tils imirin with t ho dint of Ills duirtfer, dipped In his own iIihhI, tug 1 'ii from over tho heart, I All VIM' l(.lt. MAIHI 1 1 HUM JI0.1IK relish hifliollc t ( levchiiid Wrllo lliinlly lo the Aldcgnlc. Clkvt.lanii, Ohio, March Id,- Atfiiln tho rebellion ft rnoriff tho I'olcs ofHt, Htanlsluiis' Itoman Catholic; Church tins broken out. illshojiu J fin si run tin and Mgr. Hntolll rofusiul to rernovo tho priest, Hev. It, Koslnskl, and In answer to n letter from tho pupal uMrfiito ro- fusing to receive 11 ilolcffatlon of thn prots'stlnif inemliors, they hnvo written hlrn a letter In 11 defiant strain, dcclar' 1 riff that they will hnvo the priest ar rested, and sdvlslnir Hntolll toleavo tho United Hiiiles If ho hits no nuthorlty to rlitht wrongs. A movement Is also on foot to form an Independent church, for which purHiso a meeting- will ho held on Hundny, ' ' Iteiiuinlsls After (lie Kcg-eiiey, There promises to ho an Interestlnn fltfht over thn election of a regent of tho university to suooeod tho Into Illshop McNInory, of this city, Among the candidates aro Itov. Mr, M alone, of Hrooklynj Illshop Gabriels, of Ojfdens bura", and Illshop MeQuadn, of l(K:hes tor, all Jtotnnn Catholics. The argu ment Is made that as the deceiisod ro gent was a Itomanlst his successor should ho of that faith, J lowland Illennerhnsstd t Mahoney, of Huffalo, ex-nilnlstcr to Koimdor, was hero yesterday lohhylnir niralnst tho undldiicyof Illshop Mcuado, IIo Is supposed to ho representing Ulshop Ilyan, of the Huffalo dlis'eso. Illshop Mcfjtiado Is an enemy of tho public school system, while Illshop Ityan stands for thn liberal and Americanized element In tho church.- Mail and lit Jim, (AV11 Ywk), Fihrimq) SM. . Letter of Pop Pius IX, to Jeff Duvl In 1803. I'erfcct copy and lairfeot translation of this famour letter Latin and Knjr- Ilsh, In parallel columns sent on ro- tiilptof 10 cents, I hotoif riipii cotiy or tho point's handwriting, A full ex planation of letter and Us cffoetH on dcsi rtloris In the fedi ral army accoin- panics eiich copy, Kxcellent (loctiment for Bcrieral circulation. Id copies for M)c, 100 copies, tlM); MlO copies, $l 00, Laruer oiumtlties nt lower rates, An dress, ClIAHK H11YM, fl.'H K Ht., N. W. Washington, 1). v, IF THE TONE OK . . , TH AME Ilarmunics with Your Views, Send Your N.une with 50 Cents for Three Months, $1.00 for Six Months, or $2.00 for One Year, And Havo It Sent to Your Address. M't If A tl'tt 1 nr. amlkilain lb 11111, GREATEST PATRIOTIC - PAPER PUBLISHED IN STATES ITS EDITORIALS ARE Pointed, Pungent and Pithy; ITS STORIES ARE Realistic, 'Rich Refined; ITS MISCELLANY IS IlIOICE, CLEAN AND CHARMING, Andjf You Read it Once, You will Want It Alway.s, Ask Your Ifl Ic THE AMERICAN. BUY IT OF YOUR NEWSBOY. ASK FOR IT. nsist on Having it! It will do You Good! EE RICAN A "SyT "" -Mt"S) Till! UNITED TODAY. In Detail, Yet Ncw.s - Dcalcr Handles 1 1