The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 30, 1894, Image 1

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Nl VI M .
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MMMIA. M HII ASK , I IillV , MM;i ;;u mjs
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It tl It ;t til I lM 'i t t "'' ' I I t'Rllli
HmtvH t im il im li. I' 1 runt ii-j
t,( ti it.i-.or. i ij l.i ( w't A !i'i i"n
1nt' m tl (..rmlK !ii'!. lii' 'I'li'iiit'iitii
1, ,t , ,. p, litim il I.Mslty the
(.m nil r, Mill t tin1 li'" l !i u liil !( Hi.'
So welmve 1'nllii'l i' 1titr,on Hint
tilt' Columbian I'l'IL'ti' If tl tlllhl t'l
Kotiuin ut Ix'lU imii. How lniii h wir
H WtlllLI llllM' i n 1" lllt-' llltil Wnh
tni:l.'ti Ciad'hlt, ii' I'l'InutiUN tiliiu,
Mitrt- V, Uiirliiii', of ninux t'ily, imtl
John William, ot Omulm. Neb, Mini
li ittiil-A I". A. Mi. ii ty. Th. .vitiv nil
Protentiiiitn. you know -I hey "It I'H"
toMnuuiiiht tin- A. P. A. Hinl uphold
HtmiiiiilHtn - inn! a w-lil manned by
noti-puplM wlili'li ImihunIIx object tin.'
combatting of tm exclusively Protestant
order would liuvi', it Ki'i'iiiH to tin. tnurli
itiiiru lnlhuniri' tluiu ni' fiiMmH'tl uml
oflli'iinil liy liumtnilHtr, wlttHi 1m tin1
ftmilltioii nf Uio Cnhmil'litn U'ligm to
day. OWIASl'MSd AN A. V. A.
TIhto Iiuh Iwrn tm DlToft im tin) part
of a fi'W cilixi'ti to iMYw n lncul
lininclt (if tlm Atni'iiriiii i'niti-ctivii
AnHoi'latiiiti In tliln city, ii'i'l ko far iin
tho Kai-li uh in aliln to learn, t lio project
Ih tit leant, partially HiieiVHHfiil. In the
opinion of tins Aiii'i'iiHtliiHortfanlzatioii
Ih tirepoHteroiiM ami very untimely. It
uIho weenm ipieer that Biieh tin orjratilzii
Hon hIiouIiI he upheld and toted by free
thinking and eoimervativii inen.
Tho A. . A. Ihihi organization which
In l.rofeMHed to he wholly void of iolitl
t'lil timchiiiKH, yet it Ih worked for all
tho political prollt that can he attained
throuyh tho mulMinlnlntf Hccreey. If
tho organization Ih one of political pro
ellvltloH, It Ih wrony, for no political
oryatilzatloii nhoiild withhold 11m Wean
ordoetrlneH from a crltlclMliitf puhllc,
and If ItH tnelhodHiire heyond reproach,
every Atnerlean hhould ho ii.ipriiiHed of
tho 'fact and permitted to become a
member. I 1
lint It Ih claimed by thowi who profenM
a thorough knowledun "f ItH teaehltiKM
that the order Ih wlioiiy non-part iwin,
That belntr wi, the lnetnberH miiHt have
Homo object anide from poimcH in view.
liiHteiul of be. I n if a iiolltical ItiHtltiitlon,
Im American I'rotectlvn AHWiclittlon Ih
claimed to be Hectitrlan, and Itn object
1m to iiMHlMt Hi the HlimireMHlon or t tin ltd'
man Catholic church. Hh working are
wecret, and when one becomcM a member
Jin oblhratoM biniHi'ir to ever avoid ren
derlnif a ( 'at.holic iiHMlHtance In any way;
livoIdH deallnif with htm ho far an pon
(.Ible: iivoIdH aHNOclatlnir uml converHlnif
with him; uvoidH ithklnif a (lathollc for
favoi'Mwo preHiime the ( utholle would
not object to in ih), ami inter nil uichi
it.ll.iit ii.tiH are irlven, an oitth Ih himi'
t.leineiited that would chill tho blood
that llowed through tho velim of the
JamcH (fiinif.
Ah a tnatter of fact. hiicIi an orjrani
vittlon Ih whollv iincotiHtltntloniill tint'
(foverrimetit wan founded on a IhihIh of
KKKK ( lll'ld ll AND KIIKK MI'KKCIl! Do
tho teachlnifH of the A. I1. A. (fi'iint tree
church and free Hl.eecb'!' Hardly. I'.ven
ItH own doltiffH ant necreted from the
outer world, and ItH ineinberH nworn to
Hecrecy during life. In fact, t bo ordei
Ih tietiui loiiH and trllllnif iind nhould In
ncorned and (int. to Hhamo by tho trim
American citizen, anil wo iiouit, inucii
there belii(f a more loyal cIiihh of cltl
.erm on the face of the eart h thitn the
ineinberH of tho Catholic church. II.
would be e(iiallv h,h netiHilile to ttHHlnt III
'the overthrow of the Mel Imdlht, or any
other church. In our opinion, an
Catholic. - Liiijun Nucha.
Jn tho opinion of thin editor tho man
who wrote tho above editorial for the
Nuiimn Ih very Itrnoi'iint of the alum and
oblectH of the American I'rotectlvc
The A. 1. A., fur from beliijf "pro
iOHteroiiN and vory itntltnely," Ih a nen
hlblo and timely ortfanlzatlon, and the
men who make war upon It never fall
to hIiow their Ignorance of IU trim oh
Jei'tn and purpoMOM. It Ih Junt nuch
an orKitnlzatlon hh free-thlnklnjf, con
h rvatlvo men would euro to fontcr and
uphold. In verlllctitlon of till wu have
only to quote tho declaration of (irlncl
pic which have Ihich mlopti d by every
tul,o council In the union, with prob
ably two oxceptloiiH, mid thoMd two ex
ception plum tint order npiarely on
the ritual, which embodlcH every cHweti
tltil fouliirecontalui'd In the (ledum Ion
of principle adopted by the other coun
cil and which read an follown;
There I no (food reiiMon why any per
Hon nhoiild bo In doubt an to tho attitude
of tho A. P. A, on any qurmtlon. Tho
order Iiuh pubt lulled and ropubllnhcd Its
declaration of principle, which read an
I'Mi-Hlz-Nitlliniiillly l nut n liar loiiimnlii.e
Mlilp In IIhi order. No imm win imloul wlinrn
tin wim hnrri, '
rlcii'oml-Wo Inli'tfi'ifl Willi n.i 1111111' purll
mtn iinlllli'H.
Third -Wi m.i l nek no mini' rcllKlnii n
Imm hh hn line (nil. iilli'iii.l In milk" hi ri
1 1 1. hi nti I'li'iiieiit of imlltli'iil pnwi-r,
Knurl h Wit iiiilln to iirolert our cnioiiiy
Hllll II fill' lllHtllllllllllH lllflllllhl I III' H.'ITI'I,
Irilulrniiil mid itKifri'HHlvi''K Uml mi'
perHlMli'iit ly lii'lnu i'l, fnrt Ii by n r.THilii r-jlKl()-Milll
l.'itl iiikhiiI.ilI Inn In I'liiilrnl I In.
Kiivi.riiiiicnl, of I In1 lUilli'd HI lit.1 uml ili-Mlrny
our Id. init-lMMiKlit civil ii nd ridlKliiii" IUh'I ty.
Klfili - We am In fuvnr of iiri.Hi.rvliin enn
t,lt,iif Intiul llh.'ily uml initlntalnliiK tlin ov
t.rniiimit (if tin) I'nli.'il Hlitl.'K.
HUth-Wa it'Kitrd all ri'llnln-pullllcul
" Kkicp
IHHIIhlWlllllllH IIH till! I'll. 'lllll'N of civil (Old I'll-
llllnil llbi'l'ty.
Hi.vcntli- It In, la our iipliiluti, iititvlNi. mill
u tn iippnliit or t.oiilncl tnclvll, pullllnil
or ml II Miry nlllri uieti wliiinwn mipi'mi.ii al-
li'lfliiticn to liny fnrnlKti klnic, puleiitiiln or
BcclcHlimtlciil pnwcrH,
KIkIiIIi-Wh mn tliercfiini maliitiiliilfin tlni
prliiclpln of (inn K.'ii.'iitl iiii'rtiirliui fruit
w'liiinl orifmil.iilloti and will oppuitd all it. t -tempt
u niipplmil. It by any Mectarlmi IiinII-
t il l ion ,
Ninth Wu urn iiipimii1 tn all atliiinpl.,
Incitl or iiiiilnnul, to ui piihlli! fionl for any
MM'tllf'lllll purpuMi.
Ti'iitli-Wn urn In favor nf law tuxliiK
rliiircli properly,
Wnvenlh -'I'liii npeiibiK (if prlviiltv:iiiiil pa
rnrlilal 'hunl riiiivi'iit uml iiintiitFtlerli' to
pulilli; (illli'lal lnn uml plai'hiK mi llui
miiiiii plan of morality and liiwum l'roli'tuiit.
Iiiutltul.lnn urn.
Twelfth -Wi. urn In favor nf rliuiitcltiil our
ImiiilKriillmi law In Much liimiiii'r (lint. Uicy
will proicid, our cli.l.ini Inliorcr frnm ilm
evil liilliii'in'. of clii'iip pauper mill crlmliial
lalmr which, ihnnKli tlm lnl riim.'ii tulll y of
Kiirnpi'iin propitifiindlNt, Nncli.tln litnl III I hi
en mi try by Ilm aid of Hlrlki.r uml I hi' niiIiIIii'i) nf prli u. ant nipldly upplmitliiK
our fri'it anil I'diiciih'd Aiiii.rlcaii cltlmi In
.very linn of Imlinliy,
Thlrti'i'ti -Wii lii'llrvn tlmrii liniild Im an
t'dui'iil luniil (iiiitllllrnl Inn tn i-lix'tlvn fnni
idiUit tliiil. will ri'iiulrn i.vnry A mcrlcitri cltl
!iii Ui Im Anii'rlciinl.i"1.
Kniiittimi-Wu urn In favor of puttlnil Inlu
officii tiniiii!. uml trim pntrlul who arn bnt in fill l In. pi wll Inn rKardli'N of
pnllllcal purll.',
l'lfM'i'ii--Wii urn wlllliiK In Im by
Mikhii prlnclpli. In our fiitiini polhlciil
net Inn.
Hlnti.cti (lur inlloti I to awiiknti Ilm
pniipliiof America front I heir MUnrity, In
ill If nre wim anil iivi'r(.niiflili.ric-(.t"rnnl
vhilhiticn I IIhi prlen of lllicrty, yi. Mm
'ruti.titiit nf Mil ri'pulillii Im vi. cinnert ui
Im vlKllmit mid In coiiaclnu ulrciiKlli art. In
li'iilly ' 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 u tin- iilmlKhty ilulbtr ofiiil.'lly
llu.llill w It I It. wn urn HWlftly (IrlflliiK tnwiiril a
iiiurH Ir.'mi'mlon and terrlliln cilnl tluiu
l,hl(i(iuiit,iy lmyi't knnwn.
Mlrtblilai'ii i lint llui uln l.'l nf Aiimrli'an
loyally, Wi luivn tneti horn In neveral ('nun
trie ri'mnm fruni Mil Mint arn loyal a
any tutllvn, Hut, they arn nut llnmiinUI,
Aiiiiirli'iin Inynliy conlt In diivotlnti btour
coriHl II ui tirii, law, InatltnlliiiiN, Hull, anil
itliovn all, uur pulillc i'liooU, for without lie
ll'lllKi'lirl', Mil r.'pr.'x.'llllitl v.. republic will
KO Ut plnci', Wn nppimit t hi. t. iii'hliiK nf per
verted hlnlnry In our hcIiouI ami the uiiil lla
lion of reference honk to rover the Infiniili
of tin. n I'lilh'd I'li.iri'li which I mm i. pnllll-
cnl Minn rellKlnii, Wu urn oppoi.i1 to
tirleal mill I relnte a ui'h l.ikiuK purl in
eleellniiH, uml vol InK I heir hilly a a unit In
Ihn liilere! nf tt fnrelijli corpnriillnil With
liiieiil, tti Injure Mil toil Inn ami It liitltu-
Will tint NurltUH point out an objec
tionable feature In tho above? I thorn
itnlnirl'i prlnclplit enunciated It cannot
cndnrtMi? I thern (urn prlnclpln any
loyal AiU' i'li an cannot. accel, uml ii(
hold. In tho .'cond pitrit(f raph the Nmlrun
Hity tint a. r, a. i nti organization
which I profi'MMcd U bit wholly void of
pollticiil touch Inn;." Nothlii) Ih further
from the truth. The A, I'. A. claim
to bo and I oHMontlully a pnllllcal party,
It I oririnilzcd for the miI mid expect.
purpoMu or oppiittinK ny tlio ballot,
foreign cc(ilaHtlcal Interference, In
our tilTitlr of Htate. Ily the uo of tint
ballot to protect our Inleri HtH we be-
('nine Ui tin inv niH and imrpoHe a
lltlcal orifiinlat Ion, and liny one who
(li'iilr that fact I mil. n rolhthlu uni.hor-
Ity it to this att itude or ohjnclH of the
A. 1'. A.
'I'll o jViiW. im tin in aHHiinie llui other
ld.i of tho qucHtlon, anil nay "If the
ortfunlzutiori I ono of political pro-
V'ouk 1 1 a n i h ok i' ouh jMcjnicii'AI,
cllvltlc H Ih wrone;, for no polltlea
oriiiilat.lnn hould withhold Hh bleu
or doctrine from u crlllclzln(f publl
What could ho morn open ihun the
ubovn il'Ktlii rti 1 1on? That certainly an
wer the (ibjectlon, biwlde howlnif
thiit "It method urc beyond rejiroiich,"
I (ut he neeni determined to find noum
fault with tho A. J'. A. for In tint tit xt
puraKTiiph ho ay, ''JtiHtead of bolnjf
it pnlll Imtl IiihI lliitlon, the American
I 'rot' dive iiHHoclatlon 1 clulmi d to bo
Hectarlan," ISy whom, pliiiNe? Cer
tainly not by II member, Then It
iiiiiitt he by ttiiui who know no more
about the order than r'erjUHon A. Iiler.
It inunt bo by the jfreat enemleH of
hiimari (iroifreH and eiillifhtoninrmt
thit irel of Hoinn and their dupe
who hiivn routed t MitHonry forage, und
who proclaltn that, tho cliurch 1 ubovn
till) Hi ii In
In tint muni) pariijfrupli tho writer
ny tho object of th A. I', A. I to
"aHlt In the upprcnHlon of thn Cath
olic church, Nothlnif I further from
tint truth, A u religion tho A. I', A,
hu no ll x lit utrulnxt Human Catholic
Ihiii, hut when tho church leuvc tho
wicw.1 oHIoo of mlnlMJirlnif to the (.lr
ftual witfit of her communleiint, und
dniK hoili heiHi'lf and her ii(lh(rent
thtoutfh tho politlcul mini In order to
morn llrtnly llx her hold upon affair of
ntulo vote h(!r people, a nhecp - pro-
ti t itKitliiNt piilltlcitl itp(ioliitinont u tl
wet, iwid el,ubllbe ft bureau at Wunh
Inifton to lobby for hill fuvoriibln to
Uoman Catholh! Interc!, then tho A.
I'. A, will, and doe "alt In the
uppreilfm of tint Komun Cuthollc
""In fl encycllcul lued by XIII A
few yeur utfo, the following lrnueunt
nentence occur: "Wn cxhortttll Cuth
ollc to takd (tn acllvrt pnrt In mitnlcl-
pal nffiilm und election, und to favor
ihn principle of tint church In all iuh
He wrvco, tneetlni und jfUtherlnifH,
All Catholic mut muko themHi lve
felt ti active eleiunni In dally political
llfu In tho coutitrle whent they live,
They mind pemitruln wherever !
Hltiin into tint ttduiiniNiratioti or civil
alTitlr, ami hould do all In their power
t() CitllHO till! C.oriHtltUtiollH Of HtUt.i'H nud
emulation to hu moileloil In the prin
ciple of tho trim church,"
Tim American Protective Awioiu-
tlou would ahl't In kupprcln(f any
other (Icnomlnat Ion which would darn
Interfere, In tint alTitlr of lititt, uml
the only wonder 1 that Koine hu I u
permitted to net on Uni t line on loritr,
Vou tuny think Koine doe not mix In r
relltflori with her politic, hiitho do.,
othcrwlHti you will be unable to account
for tho lat'ifo ihjuHmt of Komaii Cai h
ollc who urn In ollicn, Vou cannot. ny
It I hecau(i they urt better (piitlili. d
thiiii Americuti! Then It munt be be- j
cuiiHii Ihci'B i u rontfi'r ti" I him party
bllidlnif them tutfi't her, What U that I
Uf.'t Tlie niiM'rl i ions belief that the
laws of the laud urn not ulsiw In, I. sub
ordinate to the law of Ilm church, ami
that the pi lent Is Ut be ohey.-d In al1
things. Their cation law teaches that
"all the ordinunces of Hie ioh; are to
ho unhesitatingly obeyed;" that the
"law of tho fti)ier(ir ctinnot dissolve
Akkaiiih anh or;u Vviu.w Hciioolh!"
the cccli!lilcl or canon law;" that
It 1 "not lawful for emperor to exact
anythlnn; oppoiicd to tho upontollc
rule;" und that tho "cotiHtitullon
of prince arn not iinperlor but uh-
ordlnuto toi cclcHlutlcal contltullofiH."
IIecauo of their belief In Hindi un
American doctrine tho A. J', A. rc
(,'unl with HiiHplclou thttcontaritcfTort
of Komunlt to get their hand Infi
the public treiimiry, their 0(ipoHltlon to
the public rcho.'l and their uhhiiiiIi on
(Hibllc ieaker; rd their action urn
certainly titifllclii'it ' warrant any ood
citizen In iolnlnffuny other ood, law
ubldintf cltlzi'ii, In oj)poiri(f ItomnnlHt
In politic,
That the mernl!!' of tho A. P. A.
obllgiito themwdve "to ever uvold ren
during ( 'utholle UHlHtiin;!i In uny wity;
uvold dealing with him o far hh po.
lbc, or untoclutlng or coiiverHing with
hi in," only men ignorant of tho real
(iprpoeof tho A, P, A. will have the
temerity or hrnzonneh to charge. The
corner toncof tho A. P, A. are loyalty
arid liberty, and the capntoriii I Jutlc,
Jn tint next breath tlm writer in tho
NnvkuH charge tho A. P. A. with a-
Miming an oath that would chill the
blood of tho .fame gang, How awful!
now (terr.'Ctiy tcrnnm: minx or a
timid Prototnnt nlnltor annumlng an
oWlgntlon that would nearly waro tine,
tif tho red handed uxwiHlri of th
.funic gang to death! I It not a won
der wit do not hour i!calonully of omn
of tliew, men of "pencil on earth, good
will to men," dropping dcud before the
altar boforn which they mut tand
while that blood-curdling, dialillcal,
dnmnuhle, iinciiitIi,iitlonal oath I ad
mlnllrei1' Will tint SM-kut man
i)eft!o tell ii why thl doe not occur
tH't'iiBliinully? flut, joking BHlde, there
r no torrlblo onth In the rliunl of
the A. P, A,- much a Homo and Prot
etnl cry bigotry may bhhuuih oi
chitrgn, There I a promle tt uphold
at all hazard every contltutloni,
guarnritee, fctute atnl riatioual, and a a
matter of fact tlm UKHiN'tntfori I any
thing but iiiieor.Mtilutlonal, and when a
Protcntitnt ndlUtr line tint bald-headed,
toothlc and blind Brgutnent of Home
agaitiHt a (iiitriotlc hkhih'IuUoii he !'-
conic tho laughing tock of the bettr
dement of tho community In which he
"J)o Hot teaching of the A. P. A.
grant free Hpeoch und free church',''" I
this next (juetion akcd by the Smliii),
and Bii"Wered with a "Hardly, ' We
ay they not only grant thew thing
hut will din prcwrving them If n i i -ary,
Hut while wean on thiHijncn
Hon, of tolei ui inn - that I what tin.
(pii'M lon Implii - we will iik w ho hut
l.'iuntn (all'olic attempt to prevent
fr.i upeceliy Wu it not a Human
'atholic mob that attemji'i d tt pr. v. nl
free ip.-. eh find etcn tried to murder
Itu v. ('ha I'liinlijiiy In i'.nimiiil.ii.
Mich,, In .Inly, I -! i J '' Wa It not a
Kouimii ( 'utholle mob thill lit! Ih ted to
d.i tint same tiling nt, In., In
IHIII, w hen Patrick Welnh wu npcak
log agalunl Komun Inmy Wu It not the
wiinc cliiH which alti-mptcil to murder
und silence the voice of Kev. J, (J.
White, In Axtell, Kurt. In WW VVtwIt
not tho name gang thut tried to (itevent
T. F. Lynn from lecturing in Cameron,
Mo,, In lH!t( and Cheyenne, Wyo,, In
Wi'i't Wu It not the name Komun
('utholle crowd who attemfitod to mob
I lev. Jo. Klattery and wife in Keokuk,
Iowa, a little more than one year go?
Wu It not it J Ionian Cuthollc mob, that
tried to murder Prof, Oeo, J', itudolph
In Lufuyetto, Jnd,, In February, WW
Wa It not it Komun Cthollc mob which
attempted to murder I to v. H lattery in
Kt, littuiw, lettH than tort mouthn itgo?
Wu It not u Ilomuti (lutholiu mob thut
attempted to nnult i'rof, WuiterHIm
In Kuiikituna, WI,, Iom then two
month go' Wu It not it llomun
'utho!ii! mob that tried to hang HIhop
.1. v. MeNtimurtt In Kuimu City bn4
.funuMry'f' It wa. Tin y were nil com-po-icd
of the hell-hound of KumiiniMiri.
Agulnnt thl howlng will tho Nurtim
mun (iluee one mob compowd tif A, I',
A. which iitlemiifed to commit lunrdur
und prevent free npeech be,caui" a er
on wu lecturing BguliiMt the aim or
object of the American Protective
AHHOciutloni' It cannot be done.
The wr(t!r then nay he believe the
llomun embolic urn n loyal h any
ol her clan of citizen. We admit thut
ime of them are, but by far the lurg.
majority are coward, arn) are diloyl,
A wltne to thl charge read thl
table of enlfHtmetil und dew-rllifi dur
ing the war of Hi I, which whh (ml,
Unhi d in the ( 'hicMgo Inlff O'lun and
New York Nun:
VM v tmertemm, . , . Sfi'Mtti t,r 7,i 4 per wnt
Hi-rmnn,, ,, Ie.l7nr 71
lrlh , or 7 II '
IfMllih American,, , Viuvtur 'itf "
KntdUh ., , 4 ,..viir t.ltt "
All oilier ... , I in or 4 m .
Whll troop, reauliir ,
Whin treop, voboiO'er
Colored ,
, I'l.W,
Total Miw
Ii Wi It per rent (ieriiiuri ...(peri:-m
Auierlcmi. , 6 " (All in tier, , 1
In conclusion lt us cull your a'ten-
Hon lo two s -ntliiient, f-o XIII ,f n. JOj
WXt, In an emycllcul said: "When
the laws of the state und ttie laws of the
church conflict, tho laws of the church
are to 1st iinhenitatingly obeyed," hi
you believe that'' No! Then you arT
an A. I', A., b.euimo all men who oji
ko that (bs-triii't are opio d to the
very thing such a declaration implies
namely, that a Unman Cutholie I
"( 'utholle fir-Hl and acltlz :fi afterward."
This wa the doctrine laid down by
Kinboji Ciimiur, of Oil lo, and John
I lush of hint ha. Against thl"nt.luilit
and in jiintiflciitloii of the .xlnU-nce of
the A. P. A, w.. will pliici the word of
fit ti, IJ. N. Crtint, foutni on jiat'e 2b!,
vol. I, of " ,. tnolrs of I'. S,
(ii -11111. " They arc:
I hate no iijiololes to make Uiv hav
ing In-eri one Week a Ineiiil-!' of t he
American pit rf) ; for I siill think mi-
live lil' eiti.i lis of the I'liill lJ St.lte.4
should have it much protection, u
many privilege In their native coun
try, a Hume who voluntarily select It
for a home, llui all secret, oath-Ninnd
(Kilitlcal purlle are ditngeroiin to any
nation, no matter how pur.- or how
patriotic the motive and principle
I It
HI .
imi iii I nit i: nil unit.
klllnl III. hltmir, fe nitlh-MinllM
Ti lllttif lit r Ih Mil. Hnlibl. it,
us I'ltivriHiti, Mmvlt Hi, A ii, nr.
del' and tntlclili. mnn n d Hiituliiy tnoi ti
ltif In Hn I Iiiii i h nl IiiiiHiti iiliiln ( 'on
ci pilot! Ml I Ink li.liil, bile Hie Cimyre
triitlnii whh i'iHeiil, .luliti Itiiidy, It
Imu-iti iiiilnlci", t In it uml killed hUwifn,
Mill'V, while ho WIIH t.'llilnf her In iiiU
In front of the it 1 1 nr.
Then he turned ll.e revolver mi hlm
clf nn.l put u bullet In bin brain, Tint
murdered woman hud jimt heed dlvtirc
ed froiii him beeaumi of hit dbmipaled
httbllH, Kin children urn li ft..
Maul lit ll( lilliin (he IiIhIi.
Ciiicamo, IIIm,, March 20, 181)1. Ta
the Hdilor of TllK Amkkk.'AN; J notlcn
In your Inhiio of March 17th, you men
the fact thut In hi mm of the dcpurti
ment of the Armour Pin-king Com.
puny ut tho Stock Yard, ProtoHtanl
huve a poor how of Hceuring poHltlon,
while the application of Cuthollc Ih
gem-rally favorably cotihhiured iiwtn
the recotumeiidatlon of a prlent. Thl
1 ilxactlv no; In fact, a man out thorn
ainlitig the ii lh I not nafe to acknowl
edge thai he In a Protcntaut. I may
add, that if a ProtcHtant out there who
carrion hi lunch and earn hi daily
bread by the weat on hi brow, nhoiild
dlnpluy a piece of meat In hi lunch
banket a a jmrt of hi dinner on Fri
day he would he looked ujnm nn an
object of cont-mpt and Iiatredj not
only would he Im ubjeet tocrltlclnm
and liable to lone hi Job, hut lie would
he In Imminent danger of receiving
bodily harm,
Certainly the coriHlit'itfon of the
United Htatc provide that every
peron In thl country hall intve tho
right to Ixdong Ut whatever church hu
ha a mind to, and it I a good thing
for all of u In that renv oi; till, in
omu portion of tho country, even in
thl city, a man I denied uch liberty,
at leant if he attompt to exerdne that
privilege ho 1 placed In oritftnt fear
of being moieled. in thl renpoct thj
Irlh Catholic are the wtent and rnot
treiMiherott, and the bent und ufet
thing tt do I ti keep them out of power
by voting againnt them In all election,
and In that way wo cue peaceably and
ronpectitbly subdue them and cduculo
them Into patriotism am) Americanism,
01 eourw, the Irish are excusable t'l
certain extent for their Ignorance, but
we must remember the maxim of tho
law, 'tijiiufiinlln Ifij'm wmiiii'm tj.v,uml
- Ignoi atice of the law excuse none.
Of course, men of prominence would
naturally rtmin iron) aiding you In
your undertaking on account of th lr
business relationsand we cannot blame
tin m for that - but If you keep nursing
your energy and vitality yon will ul
wy fe able to cast the winning voto
at the election In favor of the fight
man tut matter what his politic may
be -In fuvor of the true and patriotic
American, K",Al;i',.
,t licHiilIfiil ( en lr(.
O't'ToWA, III,, March 21, WH,- VAti,r
TllK Amv.imsH; f enclfswi you the
Ootowa township ticket fthe twogrcat
rtl , You can ! V'i"'OWi judge a
lo t ie names of each (irty ticket, and
will designate them a No, I and 2. I
will murk such with ('.that have the
(ncullitr ear mit' k, No, I his only one
Protestant on the li and plea-e put
his name In bold ficed t;, pe, ii be j a
I'ro'estunt, anil nfuoil head and
shoulders almve all oiler nj'ii hi
M ticket; but wo are tirry to so line a
toiieg man ciim. inn un. aim )oiiii.'iii
llf'i among a cla who w ill some day 1st
among the small minority, lb has
launched hi political craft. In a dirty
m, but he will outlive it, for be stands
first clans with the (n oplc, far ahead of
his opifierit, and wu hope to we him
lnt.ll-d a clerk of the town. He Is
a man of good habit, of which Oitowa
should feel proud; but we arc Dttrv; Ut
find him In nch company, It I an old
saying that a man Is known by the
company he k"e, but this Is an cx
c'pt Ion,
Nit, I, W, J, Crabiiin, siiHu'vlor, C,;
J(-ph Kuttre, altiint ujS'rvior, !,;
Sami'KI. Hfiiifii-'iiKii, twn cb-rk, I'.;
(bin O'Kane, si!sor, C, ; (Jiiarle
Klink. coi lector, C,; John )i.'r, high
way comiiiiioiier, I
Nd. Z. Wllliuui ). ilidnall, sujsir
vNo'', I',: J-ob ( 'hrlntinaiiii, niMiHtar
uin-rvlxor, ', IJ nj, Levy, town clerk,
1',; Puv ld liab heller, a-.-ir, I',; Fred
llollowny, colli-ctof, (',: (ieorge Funk,
highway I'onculssi.oiier, P,
O. I. Ht.K.
Go to I )y bull's or fine Candle I'l.
Douglu Htr(et.
I I iit 1MH I I, VIM Ml '
MMIIH AMI Hll'llll
Wll ' I V I ! i i isT,