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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1894)
o THE AMERICAN THE SUNDRY CIVIL BILL Appropriation I?nr Mmoml Hi. rr Commission Comulr rril. kit it AiKr.R nx.kin m a tiur.r. All Itifw AntrMmrtoU W cm I ml rH ti Ulln l4, M' . ., t Hl ii.itltli. Mill ('- r In.rl li4H licit limit., lil-i . i.H i ink II.Hilml't Itrtntttllnw. NV AMMNuTim, MsMiil '. lrii.ii thij ntiV hmtiti" 1,iiiin M,,n. il iv III" l ! i it into niiiittitt nf t ! In ! Mini Dim mtihhli't niton if I'm Kiii lty t'itil nitiiiiiit iiimi n,ut, Tli iitfit,inli miin)iiiiillnsj ;:iil,(HNt ,i lm i iin-li r llm iliht ii.m if tlm MiwMitiri liver rimiiniwi.iii ; tin ti, of (Jimnl.m, Mr, titih liiifi iimlintunl f,.r n Ltii f IIiiik, Mm nr irutiii'iit Against jmnH'lliM nut jr n. trii'dim ,rtMiiin of tlm river ntnl lintlmr l'tn,,ilit!i,itm liut'lrt tnnler the oniilliiii liiK wutlrtirt nynlcm, Mr. Ilriiuiiin (Or.) iiliuiH Din cmtrnft nyxloiii for tlm wuli'i wy of the country, tin' lining tiniliini of which, ln ntiiit, wiw otn of tlm crinlt m lilnvi'iii.'iiU of llio Flfty-llml cotitfri. Mulnrr I'lmd Fur Hlmre. JIultiiT (Ni1i.) criHiizoi. nevenly tie Work of tlm MiwMinH river coiiiiiiinnliui. Of Dm no far aiih .rtut, 11,500,000 imd Uvn lined on thoniitiio rwu'li of 1 1 iiiIIid t Ji ffcriMMi City. At tlm prtwiit rnt it would riiiuirti fso, 000.0(H) iin.l 120 yi'iiin to reiicli Hloin City. Tlm MinHouri river eoinininnioii jirotHiwd to expend over $'100,000 of tint din curried by till jiiirnKriiph on tho ilrnt rciieli of tho river bIhivo Kanntut City. Not a dollar alxive KntiHiw City, not a dollur nt Onmhii, Atchinon, Leav enworth nod tho other citien up tho river Whcro tho MiiMoiiri wiw making (front encronclmnnt. Mr. Pidrinr (S. I).) ml Vomited an iinieiidment to divert flOO.Ono of tho appropriation for tho Mwnottrl to thn Htrotdi of 1,800 tiulin alxivo Hioiut City. Heard (Mo.) defended tho' Mimourl river nwiiriiMHion iirnl tho money ex- jxmded at .Mlcroon City, Morcor (Neb.) advocated hit amendment to mo 50,000 of tho Mixiourl river ttpjiropriation for tho removal of mmn and olitftructlorm alKivo Kloiix City, and f 100,000 for tho corwl ruction, repair and maiiitenancfl of rJV(;ttemenli, diken and waterworks Im twoeii tho Houth lino of Nobronka and Blow. City. After a few cloHinir word by Mr, Catching, warning tho Iiouko aalnMt di!iiioralliii the nyntemati(! work dono by tho eonimixHifn by tiarjellin out nor tiotm of tho appropriatiorw, action wa had wi tho pending umemliiieritM, Tho firnt wan Mr, J5rMlerick'H to net anldo f 75,000 to Hi reriRl hen tjio bank at At:hiHon mid Leavonworth. Kan. It wan loHt-M to HO, Tho Pickh-r and Mercer ftmendmmit wtw hIho hmt, l'niKr,li ltfltlng tit H,l,, r' lloiiii'. Tho next and hint paragraph in tlm bill wan that relating to wihllorM' homen aalriMt two daiwo, of which (placing tho (ilHburlfif( onl(!er of tho 1101ien un der bond and requiring an annual r jKirt of tho condition of tho homeM Ut tlio iocrotary of war) Mr, JJbtck had rainod a jxiint of order, Cornro, ho nald, had dealt munlfi wnlly with thin loard. Over 10,000,000 bad boon ap(roprlatl; not a dollor of Which wan lout. Knit for recovery wero ponding aalrwt Ooiieral Initlor't iwtato in Mfwwwihunolt and a rocont trnannror In Wlnconnln, Homo 2:1,000 old doMiern wore maintained at tlum homon. Ho watt opjionod U tho charitfo prp((td by tho bill. It mlht liandlcap tho miin K'rn. Mr. ('annon advoriatod tho contem plated chariKen, An Hre'ment wao roahed that fur ther (b bato on tho twndiiitf paragraph )m t'Tinfnato'l in iJO minute, after which tho (xmmlltwi row, Mr, Oiil hwaito, ithairman of tho m fnltlxj on military affair, prfi4entl tho army appropriation bill, and tho houne adjourned, 'ff mitaliTa ( (,,,llrii,pl, Wahiii,v(ton, Mtuvh !,'0,Tho wnatw In I'Xecntivo nenwlon ;oiilirmed tho fol lowing fiomlnatiori: IWnater No. 1riutka! Tliewloro A, C, Jtard, Crettj M, W, Clair, North I'iattoj l. H. Daniel, Korf';lkj Jtlehard M, LINrty, Alma; William J. M lilhlney, I,eiril;nj Halli ard li. W'hal()ulwt, Volney M, tStm t, N 'braxkn City, Charlo 11. M-xik-r, McCiokj ih L, AIcI)owiin, Ord; M, W, Murdty, J'enderj Jnii" M, Cowtello, Orarid Inland; Thomaa J, Jiavln, Creln, Ia.( 1'alrlck Daley, (Jtinninon, Colo.; VV, 11. If urt, Alamoa, Colo,; Homor 1J. Knider, Manlti;ii, Colo. Wahiiinoton, March U0, Trenhbiit Cleveliind traiiHinittwl Ut wiiKrenn tho final corrcxiidono arinlfifc; out of tho rwjuent miul by l'r"ident lJol of Ha waii njKn Minlnlytr Willi for infonua lion an to whether or not the United State government would un forco U i t timt tho queen' restoration. In a h tter to Pronld'-lit Dolo, under duto of Feb, 1, Mlnlnter Willi Informed Mr, Dolo that cm tho 20th limt, ho wn. notified by hi government that tho Hawaiian quonlion bad bn nulimltted to congre and that LI apodal iiiHt ruction had Um fully complltd with. AtifrUnn timet ut II In. Wuhiiinoton, March i!0, The Amor lean fleet at Itio, tho largent unnembled in a forefKii port Hinco tho war, will lxt a thing of thw pant in a day or two and tho hlpi will bo scattered north amlaouth. Itoutlno Work In tlm iihIh. Whinoton, March 20. Tliero wan 110 important bunlne lrania:d in tho aonato Monday, tho entire day lwlng con nmod in tho coiihlderation of bill on the calendar. Mont of tho wtro mean nroaof mnall Importance, among thorn being ioveral of immediafo intercut to tha jKioplo of tho Dintrict of Columbia. A number of bill wire taken from tho cakindar and puwiod, among them a bill 1 1 ,,"ii . K i -j p j- in t. I I fill ! i Cinrt i I I!k ,s . t up f.....ii u 4, f. , ii, ' !' " (! It f I 11 t I I ! r . . !, t i i I I . i . ' I, H I ut... I . iil!i' I li ;, il it.tlll ! n I ! I R' ltrlnll. riCV' ! , Mil, Si tit ., h ,lt, I t, rti ., lulu , ) V, t. I ll, rt'd l llltf; (ti.. ctil ,.f (I.. Imn.U . t I. d tll'l ll . jllt!C' Bll.t .i .n tl ( ll 1 1 11 '!. I kl II t ll1il 1 1 ll lie l iiiiuilli' mi jo t si i i . but I lit" tii-iti l! l!h it l!i li-uwt ih 'inn oil, f ,.i li, Miln n l ml In i n iili. i,l i-( itiii,j iniilii l I f tin' Jiili. 11 In ti lb,- H lull 1 u on rill. i up II. Will iuiil,i tin fulllt. r lb l! f.r lie' pito-lil, li.n - t'Vi'i. m b wulim I., nwnit Mi. It-. mi ) ' frtni ii mi Viihn 1 v. I'lnli i tilc N.,1 ll. li I nUni. NVHISiT.iN. Muti Ii Vi' Hie Jth. d' lil ll tiiniiiitlf.1 (i imiiiii'h Hie imi lit Hel'llliH V tillllltlt III III,' I'llM.lllhilll olT, re.) iii Din n ti tle by M"iiin (A hi.) I'ltlltllit fur lllfiinilillinll r'hilivn lulhe recent IIiKihIi m-cupiitlnn of IHin lli hN. The b lliT ntilti III! I Xplli ll di'i'lill ll linll him li ll nn iviil finiii the Ml llixli goveriitiietit that iinthiiiK III Hie way if a plutivliiMto over llio Miwpiito Itldiaun i illleiideil by that Kiiverillllelit, l'rt'liti iil IhI N hi I iim I tun. WakhiN(Tin, Matvh 20, Tho pre) (lent wul the fullnwinii ii'iiiiiualiiiiiH to tho nctiale; l'imliiiiixlerN .Iiiiiikm K. Mc (loveni, Missouri Valley, la.; Tlnnim Ijoftux, Went Cnlnii, In.; (''rank W. Cow den, Rod Cloud, Neb.; Frank H. Proctor, receiver of public money at I ill (til 1 , Wyo.; reihtern of land olllcox: lli i iiiiin Von (.auKeii, Topeka: John II. llarinan, O'Neill, Neb.; T. J. Fonter, Murrain Wyo. TERRIBLE STORM IN THE SOUTH, IIiMivlot lliiliir.ill Ht Mi'iniiliU Slnio th SlIlllllKT lf 1N7T. Mkmi'iiih, March 20. Tho Htorm con tlnno in all it inti unity and tho down pour ha been incsant, canning danuign to road and briilge unci overflowing branch and bayou. Tho rainfall up to Monday wan 5.51 inrheH, which i dec ond to the largest full that ban occurred hero Hinco tho i.ntabliHhment of tho weather bureau in 1877. Tho iar' Ht fall wan on Juno 8 and 9, 1 877, when tho weather bureau rejiortod 9.87 inche. An tho prognoHticatiotiH nay tho rain will continue at leiwt two (lays yet, it in prob able that the fall will amount up to an much m, or oven moro than, tho fall of Juno, 1877. The downjKiur ha been general over went TeniicHnee, northern Loulnlana, Arkarwan, MiHi:wippi and wentern Ken tucky and wan canned by tho gulf Htorm which swept over Texiw, Ntiirm In Ti'tnn. Daij.ah, March 20, Tho storm which awept over northern Texa Haturday, Bunday and prevailed Monday were un paralleled in Heverity, The death roll will reach 20 and tho lint of wounded over llio. At l,mery, capital of Haln county, the cyclone knocked the town nearly out of existence. The people in the ntonn' path are in a deplorable con dition, all their hounehold good aro either ncattered out of rem h or entirely dentroyed and they havn no nhelter from tho downjKiur of rain which In ntill fall ing. Ihe damage to property and stock will reach thonnati'l of dullarn. It i rejmrted that Jllland, in Hello county, and Uartlett, in Willlainnon county, wfro wiped out, but no authentic new wa obtainable from theno placm, a tho wire are down. Ii-kIIi Mat ut I.HimlriK, IjOnovikw, Tex., March 20, Tho re- vlned lint of the dead and injured at Laiwing' Hwitch, tho center of Hntiday morning' cy:lme, nix mil' cant of here, make the number of dead, all colored, eight. There aro 10 or 15 other nerioun ly Injured, both white and black. MdIIkhhiiI l'lililh rlit t IVrry, I'KKiiy, Ja March 0, Diphtheria In a malignant form ban broken out in the city. SMALL 8PAHK8 FROM THE WIRE3. J u lle Webb lim altirnied tho deelnonof the oily eounell of Atelilnon, Kan,, eat ln M, J, (;ioyen im mayor. Mr, (Joriiclla A, Hplinller, a widow at Defiance, (),, ha nio-il JJrlco M. AIIioiin for 5,000 for breach of .rniilw. (Ji'ore (i, liner of Karma City wa tho neciHful bidder for the newer contract at ll'ioue, la. Hi bid wa t7u,''Ki. Julia Ilurlia aii burned to death at Iliinlinilou, led. Fhe Vtim pliyln n ilh (Ire In n fl'-ld when her clof ltlng cauulit r. Hever I'ctcrnon, 0.') rear eld, comuiffted nulcldi) by hanging at hi homo in I,n Cronne, Win, Kvi'I'IihIhIki'iii m in drink wa the eanne, The Hlaiidard t'otlery corn ii rt y at Kat Liverpool, ((,, will noon eomuienco work on Improvement to douhlu tho capacity of (lie plant, Kobt-rt M, Johnnon eouimlf tcd nufcldo at HIonrney, la., by nlioolliiK hiuinelf. JIh wa an exunerllr of Hie county, and WO made ilenperule by III health. The CollexM HI ale Oratorical iiMHocbitlnn Ht a IlieetiiiK ut Jli loll,, Win., a'lmitteil Lawrence iinivernity arid voled ti hold tliH content next yeur at Appletou, Win, Fire In Ulourenier, Man., canned ibttn- bk that will reach 100,000, The hU-n mcr Itanuer I reported off La Dlhcrtad, Halvador, Wil li mucb nick in n on board, 'i'he nurtreou in dead. AiiKunt I Inn, the new incnnlah of Du- biipue, la,, (llniippointed curlou people by rcfunlug to open hi "heaven," During the nervlce at a Catholic church fa Ottawa. HI., a Imlt of IlKhtulngitruck and npllntered the tall plre. Illlnol unlvernlty in to have a atimmcr tatlon for the natural hUtory laboratory and the nl.inly of aquatic fauna. Hf udenU of a homeopathic medical col- Ii'Kii In Cleveland, O,, are Involved lu a row which In (rowing nerlotl. Irrigation In wenU-rn Kanna I old to prouilne reat renult. United HlatenHenator Palmer I at hi home In HprliiKfleld, III. The aiifilottery movement In ICannin In aKKumliiif bire pro(ortloii. A full city ticket composed of women bun been nominated by women at Kear ney, Neb. Knoch Itamney of Denver, 111.. I ptir,- tlliiK the doctor, havliiK lived a mouth paralyzed from the head down. (IIUND Olil !nUt ii- vf Atvtrifa i i 1 1 M W ll V M'l.m Hi,., 11, Mien u A i.i mi. , t. t I ii , II. M i lti ll,.t,l itii ii,,Iii Vi . if mi'ri t f.. ill (nili. , I.I i.f N. t,ii, ln, Kai.h. M 10111 1 nt.l I,.i ,'. i. vi;c hs. On liilmif nt I lie I.nvl Otnime I ixliOi of IIib I 'ntted nii.l,' ef AiiH'tl.D, nnil llll R lim ut cnrrei-Hiiii 1 In' t,ile Iiiiiihi. hi llmt iiii'inlr n emli iiviiiliiu In ciinvi y tn Umi III I ll.ln I f 11, I'll Willi Htl lllllir,lllllllll'i Ultll Urtiiiili' n Ini'lpli n. nte lliew ten lli'iii,l liiiul,,: The l.eynl Orni.tfi' liiltliilluii I n lirollier hmiil Mini kMetltiiiitl, Inuiiiil liy tl.ri'" Hen limttce, Truili 11111I lllidileniiNiie'in. It linn tin lililitcn 11I111H. It In rrntcrtml H'I llilii'vnli'iit"iill Inn ntnl protect In iiieiiiliern while llrliiK nnil their wlili, ntnl nrpliiiiin when tin )' lire re iiiiivimI liy ili'iilli, It iiilioliln Hie Httlit (if prlvnlii Jiiilitnii'iit the iiiilriiiiitiii'lleil fri'i'iloin of iipliilmi; lie lli'Vi'K the puhlle Hrhniiln lire nil i'Mi,it lul niifi'itioinl uf the nliite, ntnl nhintlil lu kept free frniii eerlenliisllt'iil or nerliirliin cotilrol ami thut peinoim illnloynl to III" iloveriiineiit wlin luilil 11 tiii'MI ill iilli'if liini-e In tlm pope of Ko nil' nil, 111I1I In1 rlKi.rniiMly I'xrlinli'd frniii teiii'liliiK llierelii, It tielleven prliniiry tilleiiliiiii'e In line In tho itovmiiiiiciil which protei'ln tlm liven. Ilbertlen anil prnpertlen of Itn cKI.i'iih, and that eri'li'Hliinlli'al mil linrlt v nlinulil not' uniler tiny elrciiinnMineen. be pi't'inltt-ed to mi'ililli, In the nil ill I'M 1 if Ml iit4-, mill llmt pner clon of nclt l.en In the exerclne of liln or her rlKhlof friitichlM), miller Hid Killne of rellK iounor Rplrlluul milhorlly nliiuilii lie pi n Inlied un a erliiie iikuIiihI the ntiitn. That It In the duly of every citizen to de fend the lawfully count Itulcd authority and liintltiitloiinof our country iiKiilnnt corrupt and Inimical 1 nil u. rici'H, an well an HKiiliiht armed anniillantn. to tlui end that our Klorl- oiu freedom lie protected and tritiiNmlttcd Ulilinpilired to ponterlly, Itencouraxeii haliltn of fruifallty and In dilntry anionnlU inemhern, and In proud to bount that OraiiKenien neldom hecoinO ll public charge or accept pauper bread, It believe In tlm rest riction of IniinlKra- tlonand the exU'iinlonof time for, the niittir- allziitlon of ell Izenn, and that the public Biidnnhall be held for actual American clll r.eim who become neltlern. The boyal Uram;e luntltutlon ef the United ht ut I'M of America hit certain requirement1 for iiiemliemhlpi That a man nhu lie an annul American citizen, havliiK compiled Wil li the lawnof the United niiiii'H wltn ri'Kitro to inn iiriinzui inn, mid wit hout a renervatloii. 'I' nil, l ie ami caul n hull lie a rrnteni mil,, and alnothat liln parents and wife shall be protest nntn. Thai lie nliall on tnrirty linn nuecennriii in bin bunluenn; lioniini l,ln and truthful In bin deallmin with bin fellowmaii, and shall I.e. known an a law-abldliiK (Htl.en, That he will emleavnr toKlvtt bin idilldreii or any children under bin chaixc at leant a irood common neliool education, helriK care ful to avoid all iidiilsh doctrines, and That be shall be In sound health at the time of making application. It makes 1111 dllTeri'iu e where a man was born, so Ioiik us be meet the fori'Koln reiiulrements. These are the (uallflcatlon required 0 every applliant to the order, and we do not t hink that any patriotic American order can offer a better iinavof nrlnclples and teach liiKS. SUPREME CABINET American Orange Knights, OII.IWT. Thin order Is formed of persons whose, ob jects Is to maintain the supremacy of law, order and constitutional freedom! to pre serve Inviolate the elllxen'n franchise! to nerpetuuln ami defend the preeeHsaml fieii liinlltullims of elvll and religious liberty Kuarauteed by the Const I lotion of the I'll I led Htate arid established by our forefathers, ran a in tr rocin, For Information reicardliiK the formation of new rommainlerles, or supplies, write to the supreme secretary, M, I,. ,()(K, Hee'y, J, M. Unkkh.C. illlft Howard Ht.. . HiiKanaw, Mich. Omaha, Well. KANHAH I'lrUI'J.H HTA If. f O, b, No, S05 Mi'i'l first ,md third Tucs'lnyn of eael, month at p. in.. In A, o, II. W, Hall, corner I'liiolh stieet and Mlnuewiln avenue, Kaunas I liy, Kan, hamiiel Harrison, W, M, Win, lliilliiih, wcretitry, f,i7 Norlhruu aveuiin, Vlnltlmi brethren conllally luvlleil, .1. 0. I . A. M. A l,o)iil, I'iiI nolle (hminlnlliin, (ernnl mid llenelhlal, Mr Icily I'rii" ,oii J'aillnan and Nnu-Nccfarliiii, liKCI.AIU'riON or I'KINCII'I.KS, The National Council of the Junior Order Of I tilled Alnl'l li'llll Ml'l'lllllllrs III Ulllllllll sennlou anneinliled deelaren: That the constant titnillnx llion the shores of Hie hordes of Ixnonoil, vicious ami lawless criminals of I he Old World should be viewed with alarm by the loyal ami patriotic citi zens of Hits country, Wc alflrei n warm and hearty weleomn to all Immlitrant who desire to belter Hu ll condition and become a pari and parcel of our mil ii.niiiny, nut we nave not one siiimre Inch of riHim for I be auarchlnl, the socialist or n I hi I IM, or for any one who Is not wIIIIuk to bow alli'Klam'e to that IIiik which Is powerful fiiouuh to shield and protect them as well n us, In the exi'i'idse of all civil mid rellKloun liberty. Wn iilllrm our devotion lo the public school system of thin country, Wn bellevti In com pulsory education, and that all teacliliiK lu our si'hooln should be lu the KiikIIkIi fan, Kuiiioi, In tin' end that fill urn xineral Ion may be able to lake their place lu Ihe ranks of our country's workers, educated In the history, the cunlom and manners of Ameri cans. We Ruaranlen Ut every man the liberty of worshlpliiK (i,cl aciriirdliiK Ui the dictates of bis own conscience, and would ulve every tts slntanca to proM ct all In Ihe exerclnc of this liberty, but wa object most strenuously to Hie Interference of imy church, no mailer under what name It may imlnt, in the tem poral affairs of this country, We believe that tlm 1111,1,, should be read In our public schimls! nut to teach sect arlaiilsm, nut to inculcate Its teachliiKs. It In the recoKiileil slandard of all moral and civil law; wn therefore believe, that our chlblren should he educated In Its leiichliiiis, but that no (liitrina or creed should be tauKlit ut the same time Wo believe that pill riot Imiii and love of country should be lust llled Into the hearts of children, and that, with I lie wurdn of Mother, "Home" and "lleiiven." our chil dren should lie tiiuiiht that our IIiiii Is the symbol of all that makes a "home" fur tin. Wn would n ace a Mini iinon every tiulillc school In our laud, and a lllbln within, and the object lesson therein set forth should !' a beacon lliriit In every Sturm which threat ens to cmriilf un. in thin noble and lint nolle work we ask the cordial and hearty co-operation of all K'"'d clllzvu. In thin vrand work we need the ntNi i r i wh ui 1 1 THo VIII M I 1 i i I.. 1 - H . -.l I i .1 ...Mi 'I)m( n , 1 1 . . ,!.- ,1 1 ,. M i 11.. I .1, I . m n . , , . -n , , . . i - mi. i- ', i nt , ,.i v u . . Rl . M: '.' ,' f.-ll i-'. Ai.,i Hi I,l4 I 1,1 i, !.. ill 1.1 . I 1 1 l ' 1 ii, in i,,. A .., H si. h I iti H i l a,,i fin,, ri. (.1 i ., , ,. 1 I. H. I I .1 I I'l ! e I ,'Hllll 1,1 iii-jut, tun. I I, til, T.i l.tslltl win Ih. i,i', ir . li-n.t . ti ! I'f I- I 1,11, , M.,l. . i,f A,, ,, Slul I. ,l'ii,, ts,isn l,,l. tf, I, ii, i- Hi.i, , ll, sii.l ii.,.,.t Ih., iv.ik ,,f , ,, V tin, i, Hu n in Till V I 4 I 1 1 1 1 lllllld full Ml Ul, li'llll' I;muOi' IIihI nn h. I'll, snl tntl ! A White n.Hle lKI,n Kiln In l. I ntll'O ntiilii.f N.iiih Ami iin iii iiiiih r Hie iim ti. tl.iii i.f Ii. irf of n,s in,. ml , Imin, I. r Alii lti vi r In tin el. irnci- nf s ii.ii'iiin ll' lim ns Ihe 1 rent. ! Hint I'lv.i ivi r nf (lie III Ml.' iiisii', lii nny mil, in ill cluiivli ni.d nin I hi,, ml, l ,i fine c, In, in inn niid Hie An, ,'ll. nn 1111 u N hisil nyli'in ll' t Wei ll In ninl in yem of ue fur liene- "'' I iiii-ti. Im'I -li li; mi l ftn yi nis liiiimi sty ini'iiiiii'rtiip. The wunl ".liililnr" ill Die title hits mi rein I Inn III 1 he lIBc of lili'lilln I , ll wn ninlii to ii 1st I uu iiuh I lie i ii,t,r f rum ihe u. I . A. M., mid bus mi ut her lunlltcmii e. Nor I the wold ' Mechiinlc" lobecniuiriii'd llH't nil v. It refer III no iminiier In Ulllsiius, lull eiiifii aces every putsull. llllll AMlli IV A Mill, We want a Council of the .lr. H I'. A. M In every city, town mid vIIIiiki In Ihe l ulled Httltl'H. Il l the leiiilliitf Amerlciiu pittrlolli' and hi'tii'llclal in j ii nl. 1 1 Ion, mid the nl riuuel nml one of the oldot, coullneil to native born. It Uiinly iieceiuy to make Itn objects, pi'lnclph'H ami workluys known lo I'anlly ecure cnniiiih clnirler ineinhet to stin t ii ( iiuucll. A llieral tiieiiiluiii tt III be mi ld In liny nun oiyiiiilInK a t'nuucll, I'or full par t It'll 1 n cm tiildt'i', II. A. Kllllli;, National I iiuncllur, New It runs wick, N. .1. DIRE.CTORY. NATIONAL ('OI NCM,. N ('-II A Klbbe. New lliunnwlck, N .t. N TC--.I (I A Klchter, llux ,7, Canton. O. Jr I' N t!--,lninen ( rannloii, Itox Tirt, I'ltln bui'Kh. I'a. N riec'vEdwaid H Deeiner, I' O llov. 7(UI. I ' 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 ) i lit : olllcn I'oiunn Nun It) and 17, 11.11 Client nut nl reel. National ()iminlzer--Htepben Collins, Hon 7lfi. I'lllnburiih, I'a. Meets In Anhevllle, N C, third Tuesday In June, HTATHaiUNCIb OK IM.INOIH. lncorporali'd I'eliruary ','A, Iwy, (" C--T II lliyson, (i;i;i"i Wenlivorth avenue, t'hlciiKO, H V C-Thon Uuwan, "(III Union nt. Alton. .Il l' H (-Thon J Coeit, 4117 Hhnllield avu, (lilciiiii), H ( ! Hec'y Joncpb H Kcynolds, I' O llox 7111, Chlciitfo. H I! Trean--K II Hample. c'Kll Armour live, ChlcaKo. Mei'l.nat Alton, fourth Monday lu Atittunt, 1WI1. HCIIOKDINATi;, (Ji'iiine WashltiKlon ( ' ii i if 1 1 . No !l, meets first and third t'rlilny evenliiKn of each mouth, at A Idlne hall, 7,i K llamlolih nt, Chl cimi). .Iiineph H Iteyuoliln li H, l.'d.'i VVubanli avn, V.lnllors always welcome I' llnwoi tb council. No Id. meets Tuesdays at HIM Weutworth live, K b Caiubinii, It H, IlilT! Minion' nt, Kiicwood , Colfax Council, No Zi, mucin Haturday evi'tiluun nt IOO K hall, Houth CIiIciiko avu. .Iiihn W lloiter. it H, llox n, MISSOURI. STATIC mUNt.'Ifi Ol" MIHHOUItl. H, C.- l'. ('. Ilorib'ii. Hidden. Mo. H. V.C.-Kev, II. A. Hlmixhter, Warrenn Iiiiik, Mlnsourl H. 1), Hec'y-Kolla H, (.'arroll, Warrensburu, Mlnnotirl, Will meet at Haiinlbal, Mo., February, IHiirt, KANHAH (,'ITV CdliNC Tt.H. lANHAH CITV COUNCII, NO, -Ments 1 i-very Friday nliHitnt lohl Walnut ntreet, II. 0. Hill, Kill Woodland. Ucc. Hecrelary. 'OMIMHIA COIINCII, NO, 15 Meets overy vy Hnliirdav lllijbt at the corner of Twelft flit and Cherry nl reels, W. V. Hheaver, Uncord lu Hecrelary, wn mikiisoii ntreet. 11ATKIOT (JOI.'NCIb NO, Ill-Meets every 1 Wednesday nluht at A. O. II, W. Hall, Mi fi. Muliieenin streei, ,, r,, I'lslier, Hi',:, hecrelary, 'H'il Flora avenue, WKHTI'OUTCOl.'NCII, NO. !(7-MeetK every Friday nluhl at Wesi,ort, W. II. Hbllnk, Hec, Hecrelary, U'Xt K. Klitblh ntreet. f.ATK CITV COIINCI b No. 41 -Meets every u Momlav iiIkIiI, curner 111 It ami I'enu Hln over dm nloru, CI'HINOI'IKMl COIINCI t, No. 4'i- Meet,s J everv Momlav nltthl. between illnl and :i:'nd on Holmes, CHKFFIKI.II t'OIINCII. No. ,15-Meets at "J Hbellli-ld every Tliiii'sdny nlKbt, 'J'homas, Hec, Hee'y, Hhellli'ld, Mo, NEBRASKA. PTATF eonncii. or kkiihahua; H, (1,-W.M F, KNA IM'. Omaha. H. V. 4J.-I.KVI I'. HIIIII'M. omitha, H, (I. Hecy.-HFO. (J, I KNTON, I, O box 725. Omii tin, H, C. Trean.- C. II. A I.I.KN, Hunt h Omaha, Conductor II H, II A ll TIH H.ll I'latsmoiil ll, Warden -IV H, Mc( ACI.I' V. Ho, Omaha. Hentlnetn- II, II. HII KltWOHl), Ho. Omaha! II, I', fail, MAN, Omaha l(epren'iil ii 1 1 vn s to Nat Council WM, F, KNAIT. H. I,. HAV, W. A MKHHICK, I'. H. McAFI.F.V ami J. W. HOI, J 'Kit The next lenulur uieetluK will bn field (HI the third Tuesday In July, H14, at Omaha. PIIANCMH, KF.V COI'NClb No everv Friday evcnlnx at O, A n meets K. Hall. riaitsmoui n, iSft, vikiiiiik erotners cor dially Invited, W. i Cooi.ii'ok, llec. Hec WAHIIINOTON COI'.NCII, No. I. meet ' everv Friday evenltiK In (loodrlch hall, 34lli and Franklin slreeln. Vlnlllnil brolhers always welcome, J, C, rOR, hec 'y I INCOI.N f'OPNCJb ' coin, Nebraska. No. 2, meets In bin' fiOM.'MUIA COHNCII, No, II. meet every Tuesday evciilni and Farmim Htrects, Tuesday evcnliiK In Patterson bbn-k, 17th H, T. Wiooixn, n, Hee'y, Jai'kson Htrnet. WINONA COUNClIi No. 4. meet every " Haturday evi'iilnit In Ited Mens' Hull, Continental block, l',ih and Kouirlan His. (loo, M. HllAVKII, Hue, Hee'y. (JAKFIFMl COFN('T"no. 5, meeu every " Tuesday nlitht In Houth Omaha. W i t.i.i am Faiih, Hee'y. f IIIKUTV l'Oi;N('Ti7No. : meets every " Tuesday evenltiK, I. O. O. F. Hall, Louis ville, Neb. T. II. bucan, Hec. Hee'y. IOWA. IMJ'FF CITVUOI.'NCIb No7-meetPvery 1' W. I ,.! tiv Kvi.t.lnt, In 11 A W llull Cniinr'ii niuir in Patriotic Order Sons of America, WAHHINUTON CAMP No. I. I O. H. of A., ' tneetn ench Tlmt-sdiiv evenlnu tit Kcil Men's Hull. Fifteenth and lloiixlas Htn. WAHII I NOTON CAMP No. 12, I. O. H. of " A.. Council Mlults.-Mcctliur In their hall over 4IH llroailway, every Wednesday nlxlit at DoVliN'k. J. II. Van 1'attan, Hecrelary AMFKH'AN I.OYAI, OKA NO K bOHC.E, No. 'til. li 1 the first and third Tues day' evening of each inonlh, nl Tint nVlm-k. j in. i,. tuujv, et'cy. BOOK DEPARTMENT. 1 in l Mini. Staiulard Anti-Roman Catholic Books I VV!ii U r ty ! Iff llllllM If ... u rftttl.'llr Aliiftlinll 1 tii'ini I It r attitttdi' i Rn, Chirtiquys Bocks: Mill inn N 1 (It i lit li ll l l 1 .'Ml I . , . 1 Illl'l i ' l I N Xitll ,i i.o.O. I'M,, tt ... ftlton'j Books: Will I lit 1 Mli t IH ( r !,,. c, " I . I. H ' t.i..i..N t im t a r ui I." mi i n . l '! T, M. Harris Books: a l iiu ui I,1 Xt,.tf.,'n, t, , lN('l ll.lli Mr. and Mrs, Slatterys -Works: ixiNM T ; . vet i n F I ii"ni" 'Bh -HI I 1.1 l nl l;uMIll I'lill n1' I'll I It" I'llce. t'-lci'llU AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. KJliT . iri SI iff i, OMAHA, NEB. A. V. A. I'lllicllen. Tliero In nociMiil reanon wby nny ht noil nboilbl In' 111 ill mill nn to I lie ntlllliile iiftln A. I. A. on liny quest Ion. The lil'ilcr bit illblinlnil ami I'eibllnlieil Itn i In in I i m of ii'lm'l)li'H, which re.ul un follown: Flint-Nationality In mil a bur lo inember shli In t be order. No innii was nnked where be was bill ll. Second -Wn liilerfere with no man's earll nau iiillt ten. Third Wc attack no man's rcllulon no Ioiik an he does not attempt, lotniike hU re llnliin an element of political power. Fourth We unite to protect our cntintry and llnftee Instlltillonn UKaltint the nect'et, 1 ii 1 1 ill' r ii li t and aKKresnlve elTortn that, are persistently beltiK net forth by a certain re-HkIo-iii1II Icul oritauly.utlon to control the (lovcriiiiicnl of tin, I ! ii 1 1 I'll Hliilcsiiiiil destroy our lili ii nl -Ik oi nli 1 ' I v 1 1 and rcllKluun liberty. Fifth Wn are lu favor of preservlnn cou Htltulliinal liberty and maliilalnliiK the rov ernmcnt of Ihe Fulled Htatcn. Hlxtb-We li'Kat'd all rellKlo-polltlcal oi'Kaiilzatlonn as the enemies of civil and re IlKliius liberty. Hevenlh It In, In our opinion, iinwlne and unsafe to appoint or toelncttoclvll, political or military olllcc men who owe nupri'me al legiance to any forelKn IiIiik, potunlate or tii'cli'hliiHt leal powers. KIkIiI.Ii We are therefore maintalnliiK the principle of out) xeneral iinnectarlan free ncliool oi'Kanl.allon and will oppnsu all ut tempts to supplant It by any net'larlan IiihII I til Ion. Ninth-We urn opposed to all attempt, local or national, to line public funds for any sectarian purpose Tenth -We are In favor of lawn taxlnn church property, Klevcnth-Tlie opening of private aid pa rochial n hooln cotiventn and monasteries to public olllclal Inspect Inn and placlttK on the name plan of morality and lawn as I'rotenl aut I until ill Ions are, Twelfth -We are In favor of chaiiKltiK our ImmlKratlou laws lu such munner that they will protect our cltl.en laborers from the evil lulliiencen of cheap pauper and criminal labor vlilcli. ihroiiKh the Instrumentality of Kutopeau iiropaKandlnl nuclei les and In this co 'titty by the aid of strikers and the nubile liilliicncn of prlents. are rapidly nupplantlntt our freii and educated American citizen In every line of Industry. Thirteen Wo believe tliero should be an educational uuallllcallon to elective fran chise that will reiiilre every American citi zen to be Americanized, Fourteen We are In favor of puttlnit Into olllcc honest and true patriot who are bent ijunllllcd to fill the position rcKardlusn of political parties. Fifteen Wo are willing to bo governed by these principles lu our future, political net Inn. HUteen -Our mission In to awaken the people of America from their lethargy. In difference mid over-con fldnnce- eternal vigilance In the price of liberty, yet the I'rolcsl.antn of thin republic have ceased to he vigilant and in conscious strength are in tently chasing the almighty dollar orijulcl ly dozing while wc are swift ly drifting toward a morn tremendous and terrible erlnls than this country has yet known. llli'lhplaee I not the sole, test of American loyalty. Wc have men born lu several coun tries remote from tills that are an loyal as any native. Hut they are not. Humanists. American loyally consists lu devotion Mi our constitution, laws, Inst itutloiis, Hag, and above all, our public schools, for wllhimt In telligence, this representative republic will go to pieces. We oppose I he leaching of per verted history In our schools and the mutila tion of reference books to cover the Infamies of the so called church which Is morn politi cal than religious, Wo are opposed to priests and prelates as such taking part In elect Ions, and voting their laity as a milt In the Intercnta of tt foreign corporation with Intent to Injure this nation and Its luntltu- tlniis, A. P. A. AIIF. LINCOLN COFNOIl, NO. Id. A M F.HI can I'mli'dlvc Association meelseverv sec ond and fourth Wcilnciliiy of each mi, nth In I. O. I). F. ball, I'lallsmouth. Neb, Visiting mouther aru welcome r. r, iirown. Hec, AllioltA COI'NCII, No, W A. I'. A - ' Meets eve rv i'dnesdav afternoon in, 1 o'clock. at, Ihe A. I'. A. Hall, 11? Minnesota avenue Kansan City, Klin, pHOHI'KCTCOFNCII, No, til. A, I'. Ac-Meets every Monday evening at the corner of Twenty-third and I' rim pec t avenue, Kannus City, Mo, I'ersons desit lng li Join inuy en close their name, street and number, ward, age and is'ciiiiatloii, and direct to box Ml Kansas City, Mo. rCHF.KA COf NCI I. No. 1, W.A. I'. A.-MeeU " second and fourth Tuesday aftermnui at 2 o'chs'k In the A, I. A. Hall, Hoiitheast cor ner Packard and Osage avenue, Armoiirdale, VUltont are cordially Invited to attend. UMHK AWAKF.CoT ncII, No. in. A. I'. A., meets every Friday night at Huh and I, Itoail, (irlgnby'a ball, Kansas CHy. Kan. I.'XCKI.HIOll COI'NCII, NO. 3, W. A. V. A. 14 meetn every Monday afternoon at 2::i at Hell's ball. Hnuihwest llouleyaid, near mute line. Konedale, Kiinan, Friends of oilier councils are cordially Invited Ut attend. Kvery true American lady 1 Invited tocomo and Join us, nod unnlnl lu the good Work. I hint Ion fee f I, (M. f ATK CITY COI'NCII, No. 8, A. I'. A -u Meetsevery Haturday evening at 41" Mln nenotn avenue. Kaunas 1,'ltv. Kan. Vlniiors cordially Invited. porNCll, No. 7. A. I'. A.-MiiM every Mon- V Amv .v....l.,ff ul I'1.u,.,Im.p ,.f !'.,.... .,,. Hall, HI vervlcw. Vlnltoni cordially Invited. I , lniill na. in .'t.Ur 1 f lilt Hl'fll tllh Umrit Weik's: ii.MIM l"t ti f nit i m ii i n l'Mr. Rif. J. G, Wlsiti's Woks: 1 I ll n t'XI KM 'n in i l.ifc l,i .vi M M Ii.. 1 ti ,,HU 11 ll, i I -m- x' n I - X .! tli Xi I .. , in , t A I s I nt 1 III I . ' I I M f el'1,1 Thomas E, linen's Works:' ' i t;l T INnlM'i 1 n 11. I T - .vn.s iiln "el'Kml VI US " i nn "MARIA MONK" ' " to renin BVJPI'LIMI NT TO TMI AMIWI CAN it h r'il, tiiin n-r lli .u.sndi liillleeiiy. II cent a. rol'Ni'll, No. . A. IV A - Meet every am. uiitny evening at uinhen! corner I'm . .ril nnil lisiiiie aveuiie, Armiiiirilaln. Visitor cordially Invited. rol NCII. No II, A. I. A.-Meet at WimhI v wnrd's Hull every Tucdnv evening nt njp, m. sharp. Third street and l.afnyeltn aveimu. A cordial Invitation Is culendi d lo visiting frientls, A ItdKNTINF. nil'NcTi, No. 12, A. I'. A. Meetn every Monday night III Noken Hall, Argentine, Ivan. All visitors welcatneil. TOl'F.KA COI'NCII,lsoTl4. A. I'. A.-Mentn every Monday evening In A. O, II. W. Hall 4IH hiuihii', iiveniii., Topeka Kansas. All visitors will be cordially welcm I, A young married man want a good stonily position. Ilent, of city referencen. Addrnns X. X.X. this olllcn "Oonvent Life Unveiled." Ily EIHTU U'UOKMAN. This little work relatethebltlerexperlenco of a young lady who was Induced through tlm cunning of Ihe .Insulin aid the Hlslern of Charity In enter a convent. Her story of tho heartrending nci ncs enacted In tluise nlukn of Inhiully in told In a convincing style. I'rlra In clot h 1 1 .25, nclit pent paid by AMKUICAN runUSITlNO CO., Iin.l Howard Ht., Omaha, men $12.00 to $35,00 MA UK WOKK1NI Folt IK. Farllen preferrnil who can fur nl.sli a horse ami travel through the country) a learn, though. In not tiecennaty. A few vacancies In town t and cities. Men anil wo men of good character will II nil this an ex ceptional opport unity for prollt able employ ment. Hpare hours may bn used to good advantage. H. F.JollHON A CO., lllh and Main Hire, its, Itlclinioud, Va. STARTLING FACTS ' Oil-- Deeds of Darkness Exposed. i Hy UEV. J. 0, WIIITH. This excnllu nt work deals with tlm polltlcitt methodnof the Human Catholic Church. It contains much food for thought and luke warm Americans will find It Interesting read ing. It in printed In ginid, clear type, and hound lu cloth. I'rlco (1.25, postpaid. For nale hy AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., hllli Howard Htrent, Omaha Nn or, Cor. Handolph and Clark, Chicago, 111. THE PRIEST, THE WOMAN, W CONFESSIONAL. Ily HKV. OH AH. C'illNlyUY. Thin work deals entirely with the tiraellcen of t he Confessional box. and should be read by all I'roleslauln us well an by Human Cath olics themselves. The errors of the Cunfenn lonal are clearly pointed out. 1'rlce, lu clot h, 11.0(1, sent postpaid. Hold by AMERICAN PUBLbHING CO., Kilo Howard Street, OMAHA,' N KB. or, Cor Kau'lolph and Clark. Chicago, 111. Fifty Years E Church of Rome, Ily HKV. CH AH. ciiiNiguy, Thin Is a st andard work on Itomanlnni and Its secret vorkings. writ ten bv line whoought to know. The stury of the anlmu Ion of Abri.ham Lincoln by the puld tools of thn Human Cat hoi Ii: Church Is told In a clear and convincing manner, ll, also relates many facts regarding the practices of priests and nuns In Hie convents ami monaterles. It has H 14 I'iino. pnges, and is win in, si puld no receipt of r; nn, by AMF.KIOAN I'llU.IHII INH CO.. IH 1.1 Howard Street, Omaha Neb. or, Cor. Clark and Hundolpli.Chlcaio, III. A CRAND DISCOVERY I nrAXTVH A Uv ritun or woman In wry anility wiir w lmv nt )mt w-fMrcil a H-prrfiiirthwi. ui wll our ' rVrimln ftllvrr" HOl Ji Mr. I'AJ, Ktuvfi, t'orkaaixl ftxjoim cm. itmerj to hit iimIaI wftitr ttlvtti i itn pltte to rir of jf'Kili (fUiirofiti-pd to wur IMelimr runt ti'Hit oiie.U tilMhat of ullvrrf Hip ot t 1if tinic (((i'titj veniif' fnin $MiUtUi n-f wcck.iiifi niH Willi rvutr $ule rvt'rvwticrc, o rn-nt la th 'li'iimrirl tur our Hilnl Mduf limnt. Om )ti Mil lion iKilI-tm' worth in diiilr uv, (' of rMiia r rri. A'trlrr Ntniilitrl 1 Iverw nn DONT SUICIDE. D. West's HsolfIc fr Mrntal Pi-premilon, Nor Tf.iiniMi, 1U11V a TriMitrstlfia, L-wllinl, 1 1 Wtf llll 1 f. tnsl.ltlty. Irfswiif V'llallty, IniHitm,Ui. lnvalimbln- Try It. Mnll. n.00, BRADBURY'S PH M ARCY, lA'i.t, 10, 9(17 Wuhinf Wa Btrert, Bon to a. Mom. THE NAME TO REMEMBER X lien Buying m. BICYCLE a.lY.GUJIP&CO., DAYTON, OHIO. 30.00 :io .10.00 ! n many nrw ml krcnnd-haiid Klryrlr. List Fra. Over 11,000 In Cash mt time, a AC GMT WAKTID. JL