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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1894)
THE AMERICAN. THE AMERICAN. w t mum - j It !tMit t W I K It lot I aiekicak imisnisfl remst,- (Vr, CUtK b-id. " b M , 1 lU'!,v, j V Uol.l Sltl, Om)., Nob, Jh? tf Mrr-i, Ko.m M!j, Mv n . Mi l I ( t, 1 1 wV. t'l't- ?'' V I ' ll.t,,. Wt.H,. Ittimtxl t iMmt mninMiit Wt HIIMiUC .!' trU I "l' ' ' l ,l ' t " ,.. , 1t( !' It.1i' i tn Hif l '"Of Wln M full minNf, il rM f aahu. . f-,- llt il. t tlf.l.t. .H.' I AHH I't til lMMI t il M MrTi Awn I in A M twrtOA t All. I'ixn.'iu 1'Hi'Hi" Tit ih.ia or N.iaa M Attcil T. (.1 AKAMI llMllU t l.1M Nomas w!u read thU uuiiilr of TltK AMKHIi'AN rail afford to tills tlio next Usui-, Wo 1mvt no promises to make, Imt there will h something In It which you cannot afford to ml read- FliiKNm of tho movement to per- JH'tUHlO all tllO OnllAtltlltl'nitl guaran tee, and the publlo school system can assist III tho work In no way ho well in by bunding this copy of Til K Amkui fiAN to a friend, with tho roquont that bo road it and puss It around among his friends, It was amusing to road tho St. Pat rick's dity address of Archbishop Ire land, Jn which ho scored tho Irish for belli),' Irish-Americans, twlllnt , tln-tn they should eoaso being foreigners and become thoroughly American. If Mr, Ireland's Id- a In followed to Its logical conclusion, should thoy not also ociiso being Cathollo Amorhans? KKVKUAtj miscreants pulled down tho American (lug In Far Kookaway, N. Y , this 17th of Ireland, and run up a green rag fifteen feci long. Tho action In furiated a largo nuiutiorof citizens who gathered at. tho place and demanded that Old (ilory bo ro-iilaeod, After HlNiut an hoiir'H delay tho stars and stripes wvru flouting from a fhitf wtnlTon tho boll lower of tho llro department, twenty foot above tho flajt of a poojile without a country. "HllAMIHX K blidjtoM'." "CillOAOO AM- KHICAN tho Al. A. paper!"and ' lloh IniforHoir lociui'ol" wci'o tho street Tlt' In front of tho Inter Ocean llulld Intf on Kt, I'atrlck'H Hay. What a tohtluiony lo Amorlean toleration and ood niitun)!-n''r Ihruu. And yet It wan not very tolerant ulthor, If tho whole truth wn known. Tho very boy whom tho (kvan board cull I ni; "CliKAUO AM KHICAN tho A, I', A. paper," In front of IIh bulldiny, win ii(.anli.od by a city do teethe who threatened to "hiiihhIi him if bo did not utop nolllnir that d-d pn jior," Tho boy was thoroiufhly alarmed and related tho clrcumMtanco to a gentleman who wan pitaMnu, and who advlHod him to tny rltfbt thoro and null tho paper, aHhiirlng him that bo would keep ail eye on him, and If any one attempted to Interfero with him ho would Heo that Jut wan protected. That gt'tillcmim wa a itranor to iin and to tho newsboy, but ho wa built of tho right kind of tlinber. To further xhow bow tolerant thfi Honmu church U, w. will i tio anuthor oiitriio. One of Iho Utile men who inak" a llvliii,' Melllinf pMp.'in went Into thocliy hall ami olTered an AMHUi'AN for mile. A nih il n d ne'k jfralilieil the jmH-r from him, ran upstair and re fumd to pay for It, ,Thnt city hail umplovoo Ih an ordinary thli-f whom the clil.eim hiiiI tax paycru would do well to Wiilch,-( 7inio Amiikaii. Jt'HT at thli time, while tho political jKit U heiflnnlnif to bull, one hour qulto frequently that thU man or that man Inopponed t tho A. 1. A, t'oeaiiHO It U a m cret, political aHoelttllon. Wo admit that thU charifo U true. Hut what of it? Ha the Koman Catbollo t'burch no secret, political iimiiolnt loim? , What are her jeult If n it leerotive, If not ioliiio.laim'' Whatbi her Clan-nil-(iael that Infamoim, murderoiiH gani; ot Cronln anHiiHlrK -what U It If not m-crut, what U It If not political? What U her A. (). II., her ForoHtor, bor Knight of Ht. ratrlck? Aro they not secret? Aro they not political? They arc, every ono of thiim, Then If It In rltfbt for HomanInU to organize and maintain rtcerct, jioUtlcal axmxilatloim, why ! It wrong for I'rotontaut to organize and maintain an order like tho A. P. A.? The A. I. A. taken In very American, native or foreign born, who 1 a Protontant. Tho jeHultu take In only such men as have little or no con eclenco, who have attained the high Gut point attainable In IlomanUm, com nloto. abMoluto. unquosllonlnffobodlenco to the lawi of the church and to their miporlor. The A. O. II, takoi In only such men a are Irlim or of IrlMh du cent, who have attended raang within the vear. and carry a cortiScato iltrncd by their father confonor. The other Roman aaaociatlonB are lea exclusive, but do lesa firmly tied to the apron , v i , ' 'i . ' l i ;. ..v -A m Vl'i ! "t''' v . K . Hi.' (. S tl . I '' , , , V I A , . t. i 1. 1 . u., ii n r v , 1 1. i. II i- ni ! . I ,., tl,- ttl. r . !.ili'! n,. t IIH HIH'i'jM I'ei-I- ! I .t , tl -t1''.4 1. (..'). nll"ti j v...,, (ioti, 1 'i. ! U t. weiH'tf f- !. ( l i' '- li'l (be fut (, If il l I f.'i n h ll Itoii ritil,e , fnn Hie V M il , . . v. ln.!v.. I J iieutt ' li'iHi iml i , l l out ; I i :bt ' s Pel t t t.'j'.ln tho A I'. A., mii'e!. lu l) 'r't t Mt Olih l It HIt R iIIImUj i mt or a ltk''' toinit'r tf the reader of Tiik Ami i.o A.V l III. tulx r the iiiiiiiielpal VHiiipitlKit whl.'h fimtlit In tho el'y ot Omaha a JIHIo ner lo Jeai Hfo, If they do Imt the oitiintloit In MHaiike al Iho pifwnl tliuo I slim1! a pionllel. Two Jear atfo tlio demoernllc p.uty of Omaha a pledi.'ed (o opp.iM tho American I Vot.H'llve amilallon, ami nominated a lUcaml dato for mayor Henry 0t holT, BMlltton kecer. Today the delllO onillo parly of Milwaukee I pledged to ItoiiianlHin, and Iiiim hh Hn nomtneo for mayor Herman Kehr, a chainplon ol tho Klalo Hulooim. OHthiitT wan de feated hyalmoxl two lo one, and Kehr will prolmhly Im. ov. rliiken by a Hlmllar fa to. Hut there Ih nothing at range. In lhH. It In the natural outcomo of too much HiihHervlcnco to a foreign or alien priesthood. Wo havo noticed that when tho parly lender begin bending a loociillcllous knee to tho I Ionian church tho rank and file ceanc being purtlwins and hecomo at ouco tho iiiohI pro nounced advocated of tho principles of tho A. 1'. A., and whllo tho result In Milwaukee may not justify tho predic tion, wo ventiiro tho opinion that tho people who bollovo In one country, ono Hag, one froo unsoclarlan public school system, and who are opposed to priestly dictation In tho affairs of state, will be victorious, KtJMCWIIKUK in tills Ihhiio will be found a communication signed u "True Catholic." Wo believe tho writer of that loiter Is a fair sample of tho mom hort of tho Koman Catholic church, who never hesitate to strike a man In the dark or when he has his back turned to them. Thoy nro afraid of an open controversy and always resort to tho bushwhacker and guerrilla inodo of warfare, firing their mlsslcls from points of vantage afforded by a noin do plume or under tho cover of an anony mous communication. The man who Is afraid to sign his name to an article at tacking another or calling In question tho virtue of Protosliintschool teachers; who glories lu tho contemptible small ness of certain Unman olllclals; who de clares for tho thumbscrew, the rack, the torch--tho Inquisition as lit In struments with which to convert men who dure to bo Protestants In all that tho word Implies, could he the product of no other religion save that taught In tho temple of anil-chrlst the Uoiiiim Catholic church. Cod, In His Inllntto wisdom created man, and the beast created llo also; Iho former Ho endowed with all tho qualities, and all the attributes of which lie win possessed; iho latter Ho gave man dominion over, and, except In Iso lated spot man has retained that power. Ono of those spots Is Chicago. Ilero tho boast of Kcvolatlous has gained the mastery, has assumed dom inion over man, and one of her cubs dares, In an anonymous communication, to assail tho virtue of I 'rotosianl school teachers by saying children under their charge might as well In In the ciireof h irlot.s, Tills Is not tho senti ment of one of the beastsIt Is the Im plied docirliie of tho It itimii Catholic church, which holds tho wives of all men married oulshbi the toman Ca tholic church to be prostitutes and tholr children Illegitimates, therefore, according to that doctrine, teachers In the public school, whoso parents were not married by a Unman priest, need not be surprls-d at being likened to s iclal outcasts. That wo stand upon solid ground In making this charge we havo only to refer you to tlio funeral oration preached by Priest Ferdinand Ktlek In Pana, III., Feb. 2. Is It not lime to take politics out of tlio hands of Uomanists? Answer with your votes, TIIK FlltST STIil' TOW A It It MU X1C1PAL JtKFUIIM, During tho last four months Chicago has brought forth quite a nutnlsir of re form movements among which those called CI via Federation and Christian Citizenship seem to have sulllolcnt force to arouse tho enthusiasm accora panylng the launching of every now enterprise. Tho latter of those two has for Its object tho arousing of the churches to Increased interest in publlo affairs whllo tho formor is moro pretentious and alms at reforming tho whole sys tern of municipal government. Its latest act has boon tho formation of a number of committees which are to reform all the various branches of our city government and pome volumi nous report may bo expected on real and apparent evils, and on proposed remedies. In one thing most of the re ports will agree, In all probability, !-ft,, tit a ) i '.4 il Hit i til. -- - -.4 . i- .. j-ooiR.-.! 1 ' H n.'jB.iM i f a t j. t I. i )'' e f.- hi, ,!' t-i ( .. !,! i.r I,. I A,M .!(.!. i'l ff ll, !-. t lit k HI ( t Still A lAfk.liifc' '-.r n ,-, m i u io 1 1 i ! s ,,ul. ii l n' 'l'itl.' lt I iihi', it tt-ttnlrttt Will W, t.nt Itvin Irm- Am. tti I'mi-'i.-lld tt U lt. Hi-lf g MtttM nl ii-ni'i l'ntt. but It n a .- In ..! I. J'l- I It ! , 1st A'IMi il tiHIII,lrt1i.0, 14) Inl. llli ot. !l .1. I. rminli j? Il) t itilt I t in(f t li'imt it'Siiy ib tli-cv l. Tin' t'lst In ni. i 11 ifmrt Mm lit .f the I'litli1.! Mai-' mn tmiiiiit, t" CSU".' nf the CslTii'li.H of lit in lub p and tin y Sli' the chief n-rI of (U'i,'er li tiStlniml M-lf got eminent lr Itio AWIlie l-l'IIWIII, 'rhleii'l"iiil loll of cttieuhi eonsUU In the criminally rvcklo y In w hich the nntiiiallHtinit laws sin handled by the court In tho giva eille. Il is not due to the law, but to Ihi ir admllil hliHllon. Not Iho law, but the judges of tho courts of riH'onl aro to blaino for Ihe deterioration of American cltirn- i r if rm i jersn. it. v. MM nm T'i ' I Zm t I 1 1 a A BCENE IN NEW YORK ship by hordes of foreign-born voters who, with the aid of tho foreign church, by which they are kept In closo cub mlsslon to tho will of Internal enemies of self-government, aro miido voting cattle by which designing politicians destroy self-government. It will be utterly useless for American citizens to engage In municipal reform unless the judges realize the responsibility resting "STOP SELLING upon them, and become the protectors of American citizenship and tho ballot box, which tho naturalization laws In tend thorn to bo. During tho last twelve months some 10,(XX) voters have boon added to tho Chicago municipality by naturalization in the Chicago courts and It is no exag geration to say, that HO per cent, of thorn would havo remained aliens and unablo to increase tho influence of priests and of politicians uism public affairs, had tho Judges done tholr duty. The law charges '.them to bo satisfied ;,, it-. n,A-r-A It t !'"U. i t m , ) . .....!. $m ii t.i . .itt, U l,.,,; I'.tt U t. I I f J I. t,, t . ii i r ' .t i,i . ,- s ,t ,. I t'.'tl'"'. ti 1 tit Alill -'' ;,'', I l'J tt iA i I- f,i-r litMi. !, I I t 1,1 ft if l ,1 , l 1 1 ).,. 1 t 1. t , , t,l l l ifi tbe !n"-t'.ik.i f lie sml t , t ! w In. Div tn 1U--I A.t t' If .-l fii s 1 1' A'i t'i in j iiMim tj tit. " t ami k- tl ' .AtHUi- i.,h f,' for tin m ji t i.tft t )s r , of il inlm !ijat i.i In the t.i. , , , i m r,v U. tt to .1 b On n. Am.'ig tln ou-tt'i r t.f t'-e t itie t I flt inli Rl'i.f ll l lii'K ti.lilltir-. H s-r quile a looiil r ol lnJ.ln ad juilj,!-, ThU oitAiityjtlli.n ran thi i full. fi h the lst of tho nil etv flU I. nil) It can arralcn the juil- si thotstrof public iqiinlon and !m Ibi m bi cos., the (iH'hle ttaliirallrs tlott pt-HCl ieiMl In I lie c nu t. The'i'A Ahotihl t titer a rule forbidding the del k toBt e. i Hiiythlng but a.'tnnl money from each ai d etery applieatit for linllli lllilil lull ill IMl.MiiiIlt of the foe, and should also require every sp plitant to give i vlib neo of bis Isnia lido Intention lo beetin e a cltlen of bis own free will and at his own cost. Pub lic opinion should mukc It Impossible for political jobbers to drive aliens In herds into tho courthouse to bo trans formed Into voters and citizens by a method lacking every truce of dignity and should even force un Investigation Into naturalizations made of lu'e, which would undoubtedly result In tho cancel lation of a largo number of citizenships. THAT D N PAPER, OH I'LL Tho Civic Federation, if It wants to accomplish anything should drop every thing elso and apply'ltself to tho proper enforcement of existing naturalization laws. Without that, every reform movement In largo municipalities must miscarry, because corrupt politicians, with the aid of priests, will lie able to outvote citizenship, as long as tho judges continue to manufacture voters at tholr behest. Ctiimgn Anwrimn. Any man who pulls Old Glory down and rung tho green up, is a traitor. H m ! Ml M .,.f H i Ii , ,i .".. . riti n )., -, t n't b ! I ! i .'' , . ) r- A ; i !:' .)v.j - !. '.n-i.,, 1 1 l.f .. .i,n , Iti1 ,1 nts.wm t , i. !,i ,,-wfil v ri ;t,i t t, t t. ,-,v ajhi,,,,,! If.j t. i!.i i iiti.i it,t ,,, jrt i,, tt-6 !.! ,) I -MVtt.vt.A fl,,t lt.r U-t w..i),;e i j rtt inslt Ml'l' f the !' rinwt tt. hi to tin it . V,i sit. Tin rv aivAiutni we. Id a I e i I ftM' tin A il. Iti.AI ! I. , t ,, tl,,. ;i,i, i msy K 1IA stn whiM-.. tl,. iv j t n ' a pr-.t t.f f.r An..iiet! t n.hip, but tA.i! t! tie, t A whole tln .liT.n ini! 4.nSjs one of ib- tw. ".t of km.!. It will r.t .!. f,,i aisb tit tvpubiiean nn ihIht l a j-aIi boie ! ortter toltit to li e bp?. tim w nh which Iho foreign tbun b platil Its r oter tho t!eniiAHtk' J aitj, U estio'lhe i , r ennlr..i the M" puliiicitn Mrty iM'k'Anir ttton. the only difference ts'lng thst In the Utter h I llioio jesuilbal. imut. brainy, tl,, re fine, far nto.'o daiigeiimn. Insmnller comfiiuiiit li s UlssiAsibU to sue. e-sfiiliy raise Hie Issue of Aun'ricnu clt1, 'iivhlp on election day, bui hi a laro city, where, for the majority of tho sople, neighborhood fnilueiices do not exist and where jm1 It iont, business and social relations and alllllatlons aro running far apart from i nch other, the enemy has always won long before election day dawns. American citizenship will never triumph in Chicago until it llrst seeks to obtain tho mastery. They mustCi'iiHO Mug parti.-ans and become truly American Independent In their political actions supporting only such men as stand squarely for our public in stitutions. There cannot bo any doubt but that patriotic citizens holding to tho democratic party, do so only through tho influence of tlio foreign church and by the false toleration fostered with consummate kill by josuitbf f both hcxcs, who arc increasing ata threatening rate in orthodox as well as in liberal Protestant denomina tions and, most of all, In so-called literary, artistic and scientific circles. Tho republican party is no lontrer moved by that Bplrit of citizenship and pure democracy which niado Abraham Lincoln the greatest man of tho ago of religious and political progress. Pa triotic Amorieuns should always bear In mind that thoy should never be owned by a party, but that they should bo tholr party's rulers, and when this truth Is fully appreciated in the camps, councils, and lodges whore trim and good men nightly renew their allegiance to tho stars and stripes, wo will see pa triotic citizens and not, scheming poli ticians and place-hunters filling the official positions of this great com munity. In other words, in this city the battle for trim citizenship must bo fought in the precinct and ward clubs of the old parties first, and at the pri maries next, In order to bo more than the more Hash In the pari on elect ion day. At tho same time, In all these stages, tho struggle must be carried on in secrecy, only Individuals, hut never an organization appearing on t'io sur face as contestants for participation In political management. This year tho republican party of Cook county elect now committees, it, SMASH YOU!" may not bo possible to prevent tho re election of tho Uodwells, tho Maurers, the John M. Smyths, tho Maddens, tho Larimers, tho "llrlck" McCarthys, and other notorious toois of tho foreign church In their own haliwlcks to seats In tho committees, and that it would bo a waste of energy to oven attempt their defeat there, but there is no reason why a majority of tho new county cen tral committee should not bo composed of men who will not jiermlt thoso enemies of good citizenship and pure democracy to continue tholr baneful !- on t n -t ,'., H 'i Atid, t).vsl vct tw j. .-! 4 A w I I. H n w aii n I ! t Veil, Aj In ;.!! I- t I t,i.i;rt W ."! t t V l MA'. I t AW v. (.' 1 Ii. if At t'.,' if Ik,, ) ni I It, ,nw,i , Idtlltttt t.4i,, r ..'. tv i in tn W l., f .1 IA W 1 I. '.,,- '.,.S i A, I iti b, Atut ln,l!. 'v ' , .1 iU lit " r tl a 1 1 wi'i tv iil it rod In tin' n. a nil i.., I A e. t Am iUt (In ir tm v"i 'i.Mi est ',! b t tl,. m Is- i!i i imhiAl ing . Mi l ii '- tn-j X Allinlh' Uiil alv ( t it-i I l I J t .lb HI lt A dl Mi tn I.IAIK IpAle tin O.n- lttA tlimi the ttiie o( the t bo Ii Are tl, t tu tiiie of Alto I !) t il ;. nl,i b;f at lion Ii as wre tln lt tif PimI. l.t l,i,,,-- ib iit w lot p.viM b ..ii'i wi inn and t ntr Into alilAins. w ith the bus tn t bnreb. Too lati.f sh.niid Ia' utnikis! f,r Alatih'bti'r at the H wln is-ver it Is iiile ttt do Mt. t 7,,1',11n ,1 mrro -m. TltK. ISoiuail Catholic, .ii.'i-i iiblen shit t know n a the Kansas City -V nf, which prayed for the Aiipirt tf the American Protective Assts'lation when tho paA-r first started aiin was refused, and then crept at the feet of the op posite party and wasessmsed and given tho county priming, publishes in its editorials Iho following shallow concoc tion of political lies, under tho caption of "Tho Troy Murders." In tho coroner's inquest over the killing of several persons at Troy, N. Y., growing out of the republican con spiracies ugalnst tho ballot In tho re cent election there, it was disclosed that the A. P. A. order was at tho bot tom of the outrage. It Is known that branches of thfs mysterious oath-hound Matla-llke society have been established in Kansas City, and that Webster Davis, tho republican candidate for mayor, received their hearty supiKirt in the primary elections. It is to be deeply deplored that this cosmopolitan young city Is to bo cursed religious Intolerance In any form. Tho constitution of tho United Stutes, drawn by tho immortal Jefferson, which constitutes tho fundamental law of tho greatest republic the world has overseen guarantees to every citizen religious liberty and equality before the law. The corner stone of tho American Protective Association is in direct con flict not only with the theory of free in stitutions but with the spirit and letter of tho organic law of tho republic. The iiienibe rs of this society take a solemn oath to apply u religious test for public olllco and the patriotism it teaches is to con-pire behind lockod doors and screened windows to nullly the constitution and laws of the laud. Its members forgot that this Is a gov ernment for the people without regard to race, religion, color or previous con dition of servitude. His an anomaly that the nrty of Lincoln, Hlalue, nrid Sheridan In an 1m poruint American city should be cap tured bag and baggage by an oath hound organization formed for the pur pose of plotting against tho political rights and business interests of a largo element of law abiding citizens. Tho party that was unalterably o noosed to slavery and in favor of equal liberty to tho black man with the white; tho party that was instrumental In placing upon" the statute books the liiteenth amend merit to tho constitution has be come dominated and controlled in Kan sas City by a secret society ashamed or afraid to discuss Its principles ami poli cies In tho broad llghtof day, but which meets under cover of darkness and secrecy to perfect Its nefarious schemes against American liberty. The fact within itself that this Maflu band had championed tho candidacy of any man seeking publlo office should Insure tho active opposition of every good citizen. No candidate surrounded with Mich an environment and sup ported by political allies of such a char acter Is worthy of the endorsement and support of any citizen, native or foreign born, Imbued with the Instincts of American liberty. The writer displays his shrouded common sense throughout tho entire wrlto-up, The dispatches given In an Oiher column will lllust"iito hew tho "A. P. A. order was at the bottom of the outrage." lias not the A. P, A. us much right tii oppose the oath-boun:l, armed Hi bernians us tho other political parties oppose each other at the polls? Is tlio writer an A. P. A.? From his lan guage, any person can say, no! Then why does ho deliberately He, by calling It unconstitutional? Simply for tlio reuson that the uscondanny of the A. P. A. in Kansas City will throw the pitnh out, and us a minion of tho punk the Mail receives Its supnort from it. A pnp'i' published on principle may succeed, but a turn-mat always finds It self hiindlcupp"d. Tho Mail Is on tho right sldo of the fence for a sheet of Its character, Jviuhuh (,' Aim i icnu, A I.AltiiK number of democrats In Omaha have been waiting for President Cleveland to appoint a collector for the port In that city. Last week his ex cellency made the appointment, nam ing Dr. (leorgo L.Miller as tho man. After tho news had been spread that neither Con V, Gullughor or Jim Mo Shano had been appointed (they woro both llomarilsts) throe gentlemen woro discussing the appointment on a Ilans com Park car, when ono of them said: "I'd rather Gallagher had received tho appointment, he'll bo collector any how," and tho World-Herald virtually echoes tho siino sentiment, by claiming that Gallagher will bo mode deputy. This Is tho first Intimation wo havo ever had that Dr. Miller was under the control of any man. We always thought he was a man of very pronounced Ideas, and settled convictions, but wo may havo boon In orror all this time. Ono thing Is certain tho doctor never de nounced Romanism; bo did denounce the A. P. A. f