The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 23, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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ji mi hi m vi. i?m;s
to mv
lllln. nfrt trlttl) (
!, I itw l I I Itt Omi
Ilk .. ntt4 M 11,1 i-t.
) h.y.1r.,
tf i n nti i smote,
.) ' t .... if tittH.ll1:tf W
th (n..nt n . n ! i .(,.! .n It in- r I on . m,. tf!f il,,i.f
tin t.t U'i l- .-, it . . it. ntsrtt,
M i- fiUMtl 'h m smut. ..1e, i tt
e!i-ll im l ft..n, Mini tin i nl.
Wi, tnn rjf nit i, t. n ,ei.i,, .
ted i n ll.i j ii(il . . hm Ii x .!,it
t I Imn !.- Hi i ,.t.l tor the i.x.
rims Int. i ii in( .( it. ml
fit-r hi (.'ii plst in ti.!iit psrt h In
Il1ti;ll Hit, tl'ttubil; til till" tilt-Hi til
tritt. In lluiti,iiw )i win. I.. n( Hi
thamli-r of dentil t si urn taiw.l tliit
Hi spirit if the iliiiil -citi insr tk H
unfettered flight, Abo lio Iiuiimi itmtr U
left ntrn in. ill nfu r llm funeral, fur thr
curl mm reason that tl.p spirit nmy tint Iw
abut mil If iitmus to rot urn. If tin h-ui
tuitwcntlur makes a wide iiii ilimr Im
practicable, the il.Hir U lit least li ft ajar.
In tlii same county shroud for th
poorer people are rondo of hit cotton
wadding, tobled over t tin rnrpsn In snowy
masse. The rnfllu In linriii to the ivtn
try by bc-iivr who linve t-cii trictids ol
tho deceased.
To hii earnest believer In th Christ bin
WllKlnii, ime w hu h Knrili tlm Iniily
BiiTt'ly thu rnnki'l of tlm departeil until, It
ecnii MlmoMt w irked, tho atti'iition paid
her to thU lifi'li'MD casket, llourn are
pent In univeyanlH, and ilnulitlenn fatal
eolda contracted cm tho nniilviTNarlen ol
the mournful day of burial.
Peoplo IiiiIuIko In riet with a morbid
txtravaganco that la quite tin account a bin
to the philoMophlo mind. They noem tu
And luxury In woo. Aiyl who can won
der, after all, when t lioexntnplo Is constant
ly let them by the flrnt lady In the land,
Lcr mujeMty the queen, who upends hours
at tho maiiMoleum at Frognul on the an
nivurMary ileal h days of those whom aim
lovod In life, placing fnwh wreaths ou thu
toiubn, holding direllke rellkrlinis aerv
Icch, wcepiiiK nml making hemulf ami her
family generally miticrablo.
Naturally tlm queon'a exatnplo Is emu
loted bythewifu of tho mechanic, who
periodically and golemnly wends her way
to tho grave of her deud, laden with flow
rs, both natural and, likelier at 111, cheap
artificial oiicm, covered over with ghiKM
globes, than which there can bo nothing
more ghaut ly.
It la not the etiHtnm for the women of
the better class housi'liohlg to accompany
the body to tlm gravo or to bo Keen In the
room where the collltl la placed. Tho fem
ltiluu iiioui niTs of the Immediate family
privately iuifnlgo their grief In their own
rootim. Otttsidii friends of both exon lit
teud tho funeral, but It In exceptional fur
the ladles to g to thu grave,
Of coiii'hi) this observance Is altered In
tho cases of public characters. At Hut ob
uqttlcN of Wllklu Collins a few yearn ago
thuro were acores of ladles, who accompa
nied thu procession tlrar to Kensal (Jreen
cemetery, where tho great novelist uleeps,
lu riht royal company, cliiso to Tliuck
eray, Tom Hood and ot her famous writ ers.
Tho employment of mutes Is fast falling
Into disuse. Thcro are, however, tunny
old fashioned people who keep up t his cus
tom. 1 saw four of these paid mourner
guarding t he door of an aristocrat lo mint
mIoii In Mayfalr, tho street being for some
distance thickly laid with sawdust to
(leaden tho sound of passing vehicles. A
If It mattered to tho poor dead Inmate!
The mutes stand on guard for ft day or
two, pending tlm funeral, and on the day
Itself they assist In various wayn,
These mutes date In Usage from tho ear
liest ltomaii times. They wear long black
"weepers," or streamers, about their tall
huts, They usually spend their time lu
seen I n r gossip, regaling themselves from
tlmo to lime frmn suspicious looking flask
lyly produced from Invisible p'"'-k'bi.
When any ono passes by the house they
relapse Into lugubrious sib nee, and when
liy one enter tho housii they shed n few
Judicious tears behind deep black bordered
pocket handkerchiefs, At least wo must
Imagine they do, because tlm handker
chiefs go up to Ihelreyeswlth marlonotte
llko unanimity at Interval.
The funeral banquet, another Jtomati
custom, observed with varying elaboratu
uess, stilt holds Itsown. Komel lines a glass
of sherry or port and u biscuit are tlm only
refreshment provided. Hut, be It morn or
less, It Is regarded that tlm guests at a fu
neral must be sustained snuielioiv,
Tho long time elapsing between death
mid burial I certainly Egyptian, This
may be accounted for from tlmohservaucii
of I'lnbalmlng tlm dead, an excuse seldom
aulllcleiit to explain tho delay of burial lu
England. A week, oven 10 days, elapse
between death and burial III England,
They regard the American haste In this
particular as not only unseemly, but al
most Irreverent, Well, there I much to
bo urged on both side of tho question.
When an epidemic, rages, considerations of
the public health must prevail. Indeed
o careful of tho live of her people I Kng
laud that the law often compels most ex
peditious Interment. Tho season of year
Io must bo considered.
Funeral card are also going out of fash
ion it well a lavish Moral offerings. It
l frequently II request tu death notice
that "no flowers" be sent, With well bred
people there I little ostentation lit fuuer
In, Huston Herald.
dntlm anil lluut.
When we speak of warm or cool clothing,
we use us absolute a metaphor mi whim we
talk of the sun going down or tho "rosy
fingered dawn," Clothe can communi
cate neither heat nor cold to thu body.
Fur I not warm, nor linen cool, except a
they nerve a conductor for tho heat gen
erated by dm body Itself. Fur and wool
are excellent nonconductor of heat that
1m, they do not allow the heat of the body
to escape so easl ly as some other material
mid the reasou why fur I one of the poor
tst conductor of heat I not, a might bo
supposed, so much because of Its thickness
and weight n because of the air which 1
mingled with or conllued between It
fiber, confined air being one of the most
tffcctunl nonconductors of heat known,
Philadelphia l'res.
Ilnr Aililrnu.
Old Aunt Fannin, who "doe wnshlii,"
live up In tho west end and has n very
fair clientage. Tho other day she obtained
au addition to the number, u i, after
milking all necessary arrangements, asked
the old lady for her address, "Van, air,
colonel, mall 'dress, certainly, colonel.
Well, I live on M street, in the raur of de
alley, not far from do hydraut whur de
boys play ball and across from do bureau"
(brewery). Washington Pout.
A HSU I. Xi l tf
H ..! Iiioi.ii I trtiHt
lialtli t iwii i if i
!! I ' 't. I 4i fl f
1 1 I I I t 1 ,"11 11 l B1H j
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I rx.tiM !. !! t iliii- io i.lit
ill it t f f i.i !..( -i"!!i'! il-w I ill i
tl.ttr n.i'i.-tf (. .Iik 1 -r t, tiVmnM. i
UV Htlktlfixi '
I A I t.. i.l .!,..! .i.rf, t In MJ 11
IW kltt.! I'iit r f (( tm .'. '' ' .
In l! -iit fi ni in ', I i:ft tin n. i
Ulrl'U I I -n. i, ,t t . .... I
fi.n it-it.. .:! , h. i ti 'Ii ii :
tlii tf III tt r If m l tl i- Ii i!:i. i-f ti p
mt fi.i. I'hniii't' I iti (. turn l.ilKt
wimi,, i,itt tt iiiiit t! t t iituHr j
rtiit-m n (, 'sti r! ii ii It imnnl nIiiw !"i i
lilljr I'tily niiiiiii.i r liir T I ! j
li ft, niUit t'l l lillt, th Ufiilln iltil'f j
rlnwnrt f iMii ij w itli lultaiijltk )ntiiri
on t tn tllh kl) lllti ln tr-" i f ttil lull
lili f.iit 1 Im.l iiiMHiiittittil tmui tut
: llii-l in it V nt liti'i( Itul irnt!lv- i.f
I tlm rl..iii Hint, iiialiK wi mur iih iil
tint tolli Iii-iI lni.
i Hut till lit mi'i w itli a tnltjlity hiiir
Ilk tlm rvmlitiit nf tlio ilmk
! (rriiiii.h ilmiil, with tlntu iif jrllnw nml
jtilft( k,ltK mnmhti fiiMi v rithlnit In mill
' out likf wrin iit nl i(iiii-, I'tiittiiiitf vlvl.l
llnnhrs nf lltlitiiliitf, mmo nviT tlm MnlT n
I qimrti r nf n titlln i nt of tun. It w im kIwii
nl liku n Inimi tni, lt Irri yuliirly furim-it
uppir Imlf rwulvliiK mpiilly whtln tho
linviT riul nniit tin' I'll i tli nluiig a put lj n
qunrti r of n niilo hlii.
Hlitrtlnl ih I W.'IW, I coulil nut tiikp tny
eyi' from thlNawfut lin'wiiucnif ih'ntruo
tlon. Tint cniHh of tint liuiliHiiKH (lint
(ilrui'k lllli'd thp air with flying uVlirK In
which fniKini'titn of hiuiwi, f iirtitt ur,
tws, f.'inniiiK t ii i 1 I'M ii'ii t m. lmyntiirkH nml
toli'Kniph jmli's nil woro prxlloil hy n
woiuii-rful, irrt'Nltit ihl ourri'iitof ruin iiiul
Eighty niil wiilo tlm ili-nth ili-nlltin py
cloim nwi'pt hIoiik, hkirl iu I In' lilulT, hi nt
itntrlppi'd fiiliNutt iiiul linrk frmn tlm Ititn,
and now mid then nwuui 1- ilow n on mim
farm. Ho Hiulili'tily iliit .lie hi iirni liurnt
thiit ninny luul to lU'itwiili ll HpiTil to
tholr cyi'lonit ci lliir, (In- only mifu rvfutfu
from tlirMO ffiirful MtoruiN.
AftiT a courKi! oflmlf a nillu iilonn tin1
blull tho fiintu'l nlmpi'il moiiHtcr hwitvihI
totha rixlit. It. Hwipttlirouili hugn whctit
flcliln, whi'ro It NimpiH'd oil tlm drooping
houilM of tlm nltnoHt rlpmcd grain, mid
tin. u tore on through tlm llttki villngn of
WIlliiuiiNtown, traiiHfortultiK what was
tho uinint'iit lirfofu "a lovi'ly villain of llm
plain" ltitonMcfiiiHif drvHutiillon, IIoiincn,
liariiH mill otlii'r IjitlldiiiKH with ih'Mtroyuii
and human Iu'Iiikh carrlud through Mpaco
UH If tlll'y WITH Imt fl'Hl lll'fM.
Many llvi'u wi'ru limt and nutny liomim
literally Hwupt from tint fucu of thu i-arth.
Thuru with iiiany lulruouloiw twapi'ii. A
hohy 10 month old wan dlwiovrri'd by
tho roadHldii wivcral humliitd yardnnway
from tlm Iiihihc, mhIi'ip nml iitiinjiiruit. An
old lady til) yiam old wan r.aiTlod ntiillu
from ln-r homo and lod'd nafnly til tho
wldi'NpiTiulliiK liriiiirlii'H of mi oak trm,
utihiiit. A family of nix HiniKlit rrfiiKM In
a Ntuall Nparti iindiir llm xliiirn; tlm Iiouno
wan carrii'd away with tint mtlu cxcrplloii
of that portion, and tlm family iHrapi!l In
jury. A hound wan cotnplnti'ly NWi'pt away,
hut tho family cat ami her klllium under
tho porch wero not illNtttrbi'd. John M.
Btuelu In Ht. Nloholan.
lie I. Iked KiiKiir fane.
After slorle of fighting an old soldier
like to tell stories of foraging and of eat
ing. A Confederate chaplain, Hov. J. II.
McNellly, thu relate his own exploit
tt t he owner of a sweet toot In
When (ieneral Hood started on hi cam
paign Into Tennessee, lu the fall of 1H0-I,
tho sorghum was Just ripening in tleorgla,
nml wo passed dally great Held of the
sweet cane. Wo found It delicious to tlm
taste and chewed great quantities of It,
wallowing the Juice and leaving thou
mind of dry quid spit out by thu way,
Htevo E wa our commissary er
grant anil had peculiar advantage fur
gathering the ftorghum. Every day lie
furnished nut with ngood supply of stalk,
and I marched and chewed nml threw
aside the quid all along tlm way, Htevo
declared that "the parson bad chewed n
sin nk 101) yard wide through the state
of (ieorgy."
After the war wnt over Hlevn was rid
ing wit h an old comrade In Dickson conn
ty, Tenn., when they passed a 1U item field
of Norgliuiu In line condition.
"Wouldn't wo havoi'iijoyed that during
the warf ' said the second man.
"Yes' said Hteve, "bub If you'd turn
the parson tu on it he'd chaw It up lu a
night," Youth Companion,
Courage Is resistance to fear, mastery of
fear not absence of fear. Except a crea
turn be part coward It Is not a compliment
to say It I luitve; it I merely a loose mis
application of the word. Consider the flea,
Incomparably the bravest of all the crea
ture of (Jod, If Ignorance of fear wer
courage, Whether you are asleep or awake
ho will attack you, oaring nothing for tho
fact that In bulk nml Mtrcnglli you are to
lit m a lira the massed a rude of the earth
to asuckllug clilld. Ho live bothilayiind
night mid nil day nml night lit the very
lap of peril and tho Immediate presence, of
death, unil yet I no mom afraid than I
thu man who walk t lie street of nelly
that wa threatened by nil earthquake 10
omittirle before, When wespeakof Cllvo,
Nelson and l'uluam it men who "didn't
know what fear was," w ought nlway
to add the Ilea and put him at the head
of the procession. "l'udd'nhead Wilson'
Calendar" (Mark Twain In Century).
The llmittiit ('iid'ci! 1 1 mi an linujiur,
A worthy citizen went to town and call
ed at three cafe In the way of business.
On returning home ho discovered ho had
left hi umbrella behind. Hu forthwith
trudged back, determined to Inquire for
hi gamp lit the three establishment ho
hud visited during tho day.
Quito unsuccessful at, tho first, nobody
bad seen anything of hi umbrella. At
the second he fared no better. Ho arrived
at last lit tho third, where hl.i umbrella
was returned to him.
"Ahl" ho exclaimed, grasping It with
feverish haste, "you peoplo are far more
honest at this cafe than at the two oth
er I" Tiiblette des Deux Charentes.
Mr. Nuwed I want to confess some
thing to you, dearest. I deceived you about
my ago. It Is more than I told you.
Air. Nuwed Then I may as wull recip
rocate, darling, I deceived you about my
Income, It 1 less than I told you. Lou
ton Judy.
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Mi group, Oi hniiUh ,.t..i. (i tt... I in Ii
tvn, On- t(nimi t roup, tin I"1, I -It ki,
I 111! Fn'l,MI tV'I'-nlp. Itie Mtt. loll Klli'lp,
I lilt tin 1 k IHlip, Still ! till I II tl ft t III !
Rrmips Has 1 111111 hn.i. ii ii.ti rvmi,
mid the nv On tr i s l ite In al uut a f il
b! If a piniiiiiH'iit Itslinit i-muiti tit thft
I iiltttl Miitin nint On' nenjqiii
)-r I'tirniibiii Id lmt t no-iiU, tt W Imt
lung Is'fnto be Is I ii -at I by IliillMII lut'lidl
mill W hi) l-Uhil to In' ti l!imMitilv i lil
bnrrnssnl nnd to loive In aid fmui abroad
of bis llbi-r.iliij nml beiievoli iit c. A I inn h
tourist bus the tMmp rvM l ielu tt frmn his
roiiipatt lots, and so It Is all IimhikIi the
Tint profi".iUinl In in.irt are rinse read
its or mutuary notices, ami lien a Hum
of prtutiliieiu'ii In Ihn foreign n inny dies
til family ts pctci-iil with Import unities
tiy ie;u;ais fnnu that country. Nut very
long itn a well known New imk liter
chant, died, ami his obituary not leu run
tallied the Informal Ion that bit bad Is-en
born In a cert alu tow n of Holland. As
soon as t he Doleh group of benders got
hold nf this fai t tiev overran the member
of bis family w il Ii claims for charity and
assistance. All professional beggar tu New
York read the published newspaper ac
count of accidents of an unusual charac
ter, mid n liru some member of a family
has met his death lu a peculiar maiim
they profess to members of the family to
have siillered from M similar nlllleliou and
hope to st iinillate their generosity.
These mendicant go about their work
of nluiNgetl lug systematically. One group
does not Interfere with another. Fads
learned by one member of a group are at
tlm earliest, opportunity communicated to
the others, mid thus, almost automatical
ly, thesu bcgK'irs descend from all parts
of the city ou a common uhject of attack,
They evade tho provisions of the law re
garding mendicancy by prosecuting their
(lemaml within door mid not ou tlm
streets, They nro careful about this, for
thedlstluetlou which many person would
not observe H a vital one lu law.
The great majority of New Vork profes
sional beggars are Intemperate, mid tlm
larger it moil nt of what may bo described
as their earning I expended In drink,
Thl fact does not comport very well with
their own known system nml precision lu
securing victim for attack, but It can bit
easily explained when It I staled that the
best orgaiilwd group of foreign hum men
(llcanls come from eoitntrie wheru drink
ing In general, hut Intoxication I rare.
New York Hun.
I'lipi! I if list Mill ltd.
Daisy wa Indignant. That was evident
by tlm manm r lu which slut straightened
up her shoulders and then proceeded to
spitefully phi buck all the stray curls that
fell around her ears, Tlm gentle girl had
tact enough to let her severely alone until
the wave of Indignation had rolled by to
ll certain extent. Then she said ! "Come,
now; let's have It out. Tell little sister
all about It,"
"I suppose I'm a perfect goose to care,"
Daisy said, "but, you see, papa slick to
Id old fashlobed Idea about 'early to bed,
early to ilse,' anil when I have caller he
use various method to tell them to go
homo at. reasonable hours, Along about
U:il(l o'clock he usually inarches into the
parlor and says, 'liood night.' At IMA
lie returns and fumble wlili the lock on
tho front door, Ten o'clock I thu hour for
him to lower llm gas lu I hit hall, and after
be does that ho cough loudly ami tell
me lu a very distinct tono of voice that 1
mustn't forget to turn out the gas lu the
parlor. If my caller don't take thl hint
by that time, papa come In about IS min
ute later and says; 'Daisy, your mother
want you to take nil tlm plant out of
the window. Him Is afraid they'll freeze,'
and then he ib-lllieralely gue over to the
radiator and turns oil' the steam.
"(If course It I very embarrassing nil
around, but my older callersaro becoming
accustomed to It, nod one friend says that
no regulate in watch by father's visits.
It wouldn't do a bit of good to ask papa
to cease tho lit tle custom, because he ha
made It it habit, Just like winding up the
alarm clock and fastening tho window
every night It I part of hi routine.
And the gentle girl said It was a post
live shame. Chicago Jtccord.
After the Dinner.
One often hears something funny by
simply keeping one' ears open, I over
heard a well known Union club chappie
ordering n dinner lit Delinonlco's for quite
a largo party. He was most careful about
getting everything Just right, but tho
most circumspect thing of all that hu or
dered wa tlm whispered admonition to
thu head waller, "Ami be sure to see that
the bill I not brought to tho table after
dinner," Thl was surely a great piece of
consideration, not only for himself, hut
for hi guest, .There 1h ulway un nwk
ward pause atevery dlnnerglveii In a pub
lic restaurant when the bill I presented.
Tho guest all try to look as If they hadn't
eaten anything at all, while the host, a
bo runs hi eye down t ho long list of Items,
wonders how the deuce they could have
uteu so much, New York Hecorder.
I.a,w mid Juallun,
A learned judge who I famous for bis
pointed sarcasm, especially on hi own
profession, finding himself belated on (lie
way to the Hi rand, called ncabnud bade
tho driver make for the roval court of
Justice quickly, "Where lire theyf" said
the man. "Do you miuiii to say," said the
Judge, "you don't know where too law
court aief In tlm Strand, of course,"
"(Hi, that's quite another matter." was
the reply, " Sou alil thecourtsof Justlcel"
"Well," rephi.l his lordshiu urlmlv.
"perhaiis we do dispense morn of tho one
than of the other there," Irftndou Hun,
A Ki iiiliiilitr.
PorterDear llerr Huron, would voti lie
to kind a to put it dowu lu writing that
you haveu't given me a tip this time, else
my wife will think I've gone and sis ut It
lu Urluk. HeiuMcholdur Guuurul-Auzciger.
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On is, mini i , t s
on- ot i i.i t. ii .it. i f a . , .iiii iinti
l-n, .-. Will ! , ' I. I -.'lt,, l.j ' ,. . llltll
t be iliult pits I, isil i', tit n, I I tin k i r, iMnttnw, He , fnttii.l tn licit-
ll flil lt It" In 1 In l l Stx.t SI1 lUlIlT, (t
H bit ti mi t . tk Ii f u n. I mi duly SI
limn n tint 1 I" iv in, nl-. i t -nt I,, t
til n , tie . w till a ph ut iiu I supply i.f I ol
at'il 1 1 tbl n ati r, n-p l.iwt-l nod Mm king
In ii .In.
1 tin Itnftity I Out linniit of tint lisluhm
luniM, iIu iilIi lluut are iiinny M'sllm-d
st-tMil llm t ll y up a far a H ub in, slid
Out biisiiii-i Is log nil i-xret-dlngly pmlil
tile tine llii tr itmi) lu r I t iiiistiint ly In
erensliiu. It l ll inistnkit In sipHiit the
I'Muiim house be nbnibi of llm Itnmp,
1 but, I here sin plini' w heltt sni ll pi'lsnns
ran Hint a haltiing upon Ihn pit) incut of a
small sum Is li ne, but I hey do iml frequent
tint Imlulioj bnuses. 1'licy are lint IVaiili'd
either by I he proprietor or guests. The
chief pat ion if the lodging house Is I he
cheviiliir d'lniliisi rie, ago any w here fnnu
to to CO, ibe iii.ijniity being iiiiileMO, Hard
lime do nut a Hi it hi railing, nor do
llmiiiclal stringeiiclesdimliiihli his Income.
Ho I Invariably decent ly dressed, mid If
ever be misses a meal It Is imt for tlm reason
that the meal Is not waiting for him,
A ronvei sal inn w Itli olio of them give
a fair Idea of bow they live, llewasambl
din aged man, with lint appearance of it
clerk. After u preliminary talk ho told
tho Mory of bis lite,
"I was born hero lu New York," he
said, " I I years ago. At 15 I wa put at
work ami learned n trade. Fur L'.l years,
or Up to my fort let ll year, I Stuck to It
and never expected to do anyl hlng else. 1
had, of course, such amiiNcmoiit a the
average worklugmaii ha and was, I sup
pose, contented with my lot,, 1 lived with
mi old widow lady, w ho wa Just like a
mother to mo, and beyond being Inordi
nately foml of reading I was, I have no
doubt, jii- t like any of tho horny handed
son of toil In Ihn city hero, I never had
the faculty of saving money, and w hen
four years ago I was sei,ei with Inflam
matory rhcuiniii lam I wa obliged logo
to a hospital. 1 slnld there two months,
During my slay my landlady died, and I
drifted In hero. I hail never even so much
as heard of ti lodging house before, but
1 1 1 1 1 1 i In stilted me, and 1 soon got to like
It, Man I a gregiirlnus animal, and when
one Is lonesome, a I was, I horn Is an Inde
scribable cliiinn about such a place as t his,
I fell In wliii an old fellow who had some
very queer Idea about life that Is, they
Were queer til luelheu, Jbt t bought tills
country lucked one great i liariu, and that
wa it ielsiito class such as Is to ho found
In every count ry of Europe, It didn't lake
Ii I in long to convince inetbat ho ivasrlghl
lu everything ho said, mid 1 enrolled my
self a one of hi disciples, Tu mo It seem
ed a lino thing to have nothing to do and
all day In which to do If. I hud llltlo
money when I came, but I never had
"Quest Inning mo ono day a to the
amount of my earnings, 1 found, upon
computation, that my average wages for
my k'ft years of lahorwcroahout "a week
'Well,' said the old gentleman, 'It will bo
no trouble for you to get lit least that
much wit limit working, nml, mind you,
mi Income of fH a week without being
obliged to work for It 1 n great deal mom
than tho same amount gained by labor,'
a fact which I have often found to be true.
I then entered ll regular course of tuition
under hi pildoiieo mid after it short time
wa able to go without assistance, My
lodgings cost rl.fidaweek ami my board
f:.', for which I had three good mud a
day, I take only two now, and my dinner
cost imt not id fig. I have a few hundred
dollar put by mid have ample tlmo to
Indulge my taste for reading, mid In tlm
four year that I have lived In this way I
have enjoyed myself,"
" I hen you make your living, a you call
It, by begging)'" wa linked,
" I bat lit about (he truth of It, I have
u certain number of place to go to regn
larly. I am well known In thorn all, mid
my 'pension,' which varlc In amount
nun Ml rent to fA, I paid tu inn without
quest Ion,"
"You never beg on tlm streets, tlienf"
"Never, I would die llrsl."
"Am there many engaged In the same
wat Ion C"
"Yes, tho 'leisure class,' a my old
friend called n, I rniislmlly being re
cruited, but It I n (use wheru many are
called, hut few chosen,"
"Ilow Is thatr"
"Well, as In other walks, especially of
professional life, while t hero I plenty of
room at thu top, there is nonoat nil nt the
"What paillriilor qualification do you
consider requisite for success in the cull
"Knowledge of the world, suavity of
manlier, nerve mid patience, In short,
Just what goes to miikii lip the successful
man lu any business,"
"About bow many of you are there In
Now York nt present,"
"I haven't, any Idea, but should lliluk
tlm number not far from lO.oou,"
"Will brd time tend to Increase the
niituhcrf "
"Then It will ultimately bo n moro dif
ficult mat ter to collect your pension!1"
"I don't think so, It, will be simply a
question of the survival of the fittest."
"What clas of men drift Into I bin sort
of lire,"
"All classes, speaking generally. I
should say professional 'mlslli,' or men
who have mistaken their vocal Ion, pre
dominate, Young men who have left home
on account ol parental restraint ami men
w ho have gone wrong matrimonially also
furnish n great number, petty thieves,
gambler and that sort of people, contrary
to thu general opinion, form n very small
Dk'liorily." New York Post.
llrnken lli lirleil,
A lady bad just lost her husband. A
tentlemaii living next dour, on calling to
ten her, found her, to Ids great surprise,
I 'laying on the harp mid said: "Dear tucl
expected to llnd you III deep distress,"
"Ahl" ihn hidy pathetically replied, "you
ihouhl havt teen me yesterday. " Arle-
itHUiii, tiit.ii nsitv r.s
t tt-n , !),, t,.t tt4 I
H) In lfc ti tt.
t . msj4 '!. i . ... n, l.,- ti
O , It . . , ( ... I, 1, .i h. t t
vJt. v ti ,1. ...h l ... . so ,1
'' I - '- fittil ' !., H 4t-4
fi ' I tut .i. .k til, t L(
t, )., 1... .,(.!.., .J , I ) j
Hi, itn . k n.. l, ii., !-i (j
t I'- tl"S ll !-' i .l I mi i,
I- in s ii I t-. s.. i. . i ". , ii m n , i
..i,-.',t tit-k. . un i-i ..k.s'
i it i ... i. 1 1 fti,.t ,ii. t I
'tint t n ' l j.t,. ti, I'm1
t.'sil.t . i . . 1--1 .tHl ei t.iiHi-l;
I'-t t,. t ii r t,. .i i o i . i k o- t
tlf ,1li t 11 fio'l tl.e .1 tl 1,1 Will'
lb. t ( it In n, Ll ..i t, ,t , , f U r '
Jl II I V Ml ti I. I I
Ihiiiii st.-1 i I-, u t n it,,. ,
t II (. -..1 ..W I li. .. I kl ..
ll tll.fl i-iil. Slut li t i Sbiii
Sti.l 1 1 t 1
i ut.iih
I iv t . -n i
t . n i tit. i
Ti B I oilier SI I I !! I t ll ft!, -I ftiel I.. I
til a ltfcinifl inltit. fs- ir K Itl., ii I
,ii in inr III K-ttl.trtii tu diet nti,tilt
nl ti i, ililx Slid urn If 1 I'd it 't i I linn, mi
It, MeM 1 II 1 1 i,y ,.i, lh ti' M u)(i. - int.i iii tu r .e,.ii. ,iii
Ins. Hv the it i . I bat pin dIu 'i 111. ni
s II eiuiuh it I t-r a b nt I is mil
.iiii t.ily tn tsiine alter tl, ami Iben lo t)
on i i nn inn i tun thing, iitity m.rt ti iti
rver t'linie f.,r tl )tt tu the lito year l it
bail It. lie a mug. He ritiiio tn mid
'kis bis lni rnilinl lol HW lilltt. Then hi
'"Wl.nt d y' want fr Hi' pin with Hi
dinky ilmk ou If
"'Tin nl) live dollar,' I unld to pint.
bliu, mul it did thu ti ii k.
'"Holly g besiibl. Hlsidbbsiv.iulil
slainl that, f don't t'lnk.'
"'Wlmrit mi geltln It fort I asked
lilm, but be said ll wa none of my d d
business ami did a sneak. I followed Llm
around tho miner nml saw him talklu t
a military look in old man. When they
spotted inn, they slid. That's tho lust
oiler I had for It, One of these day 1 11
get there, though.
"Hern's ll couple of pin I'm kecpltl,'
hn cunt hilled, opening a drawer ami Ink
Ingoutii Delia Upsllon badge and a ( bl
Psl badge, " I hat menu the lowest si e
lu the life of two pretty smart men, O'li
of 'em was a Hamilton college man en I
the other, I think, went to William, They
got up against, Hut horse ami pawned ev
firyinmg to gel iniisiuic to net. j uesi
badge were Hie last thing they pawned,
and Willi that liny lilt n winner. That
gave 'em enough for n start, ami they put
up a faro bank for Hut llowery, imt far
from hero, ami wero plllu up Hie rod.
when t hey got n tip and Ilew t lm coop Just
in tlmo to escape a police raid. I got hold
of the badges, and I'm frcc.ltt to them as
nil Investment, One day those fellows
will make their pile, and then they'll come
bnck and pay anything I ask 'em for them
"Have you got any inoro curiosities In
this lino beside tho southern badger" In
quired tho reporter,
"I did have ono that I wouldn't have
taken HDD for, but I lost, It, I never could
understand what became of It, but 1 su
peeled two nice look In young chup, who
came In here ono day to look nt badges, of
lilt lu If, for 1 missed It ii lltllo after they
went. Anyway Itwa n corker. It wa
n combined Psl 1 ami Alpha Dolt pin,
madu very small, mid set with emeralds
and ruble. The Alpha Dolt slar nml ore
cent cut right into the Psl U diamond,
tho star setting lu thodlainond. itwa
very small, ami a beautiful pinna of work
My theory of It wa that probably two col
lege buy, n Psl ll and mi Alpha Delt, got
luck ou thu same girt, nod shn wouldn't
wear the pin of cither of 'em, notwantln
to show favor, so they bad n comblnal Ion
pin made, That.' the only theory I can
think of. Anyway 1 wouldn't hnvo lost
It for a good deal, for I'll bet It 1 the only
combination fraternity plu ever made,"
New York Hum,
How l urlliqiiiikeii lleiieril Time,
Man long ago found out that In order
to get nt many of naturn' secret he must
contrive some plan of watching her nt
wnrkwhlloho himself slept or was busy
with other occupations. The numerous
automatic Instrument I hat wa now po
scsn, such as thermometer that register
Willi n pen the variation nf tcmpeiatnie,
wit bout Interrupt Ion by day or night., have
been Invented to supply thl want of a
Sleepless e) u lu Ilia service of silence
Among Hot hilei-t of these Intention I
one devised In Italy in mul. ii earthquakes
nml earth tremors iccoid, lu clock lime,
the Instant of lb, Ir own occurrence,
A selsmogrepli Is an Instrument In
Which II delicately suspended pointer
marks I lie i me 1 1 In i ions il mi In any shaking
of Ihn earth' surface, Dr, ( 'alien m ha re
cent ly added to t lie seismograph a roiilrlv-
mice by liieiiusiif which i veiy iurl hqlialiit
shock mokes, together wlili Ihn lelllale
drawing ol itsown osclllat Inns, a photo,
graph of the face of a chronometer, there
by recording Its exact time of occurrence,
Thl Is i llecled wlih the aid of an n
candescent, cb-etrle lamp, miiiiecird with
A Circuit wlili h I only closed u hen a shock
Affecting the seismograph cause n lever
to form Hie elect rie connection, The face
of Mm chronometer I thu brilliantly Illu
minated fur the fraction of n second,
mid llm position of tl band I photo
graphed upon a sensitive plate exposed for
the purpose, The Instant (he shock I
over tho Inst rnmetit automatically adjust
Itself lu readiness for the next disturb
ance, Willi such Ingenious: care I tho earth
being studied by mini near the close of
the nineteenth century! Hut ihere I no
doubt Unit our ancient mother will hove
nil abundance of problem left for Solu
tion when llm twentieth century, ton, bear
the footfall of t successor, Youth's
"but i liem lie Klllfilia."
Jenny nml Ned wi re discussing the beau
ties of Tabby's new kit icon, "Now, Ned,
why are llu-y all born tngeiherf Why
aren't some older llinii tlm other, llkoyuu
and me, you know?" asked Jenny,
"Well, It's easier for the Lord to make
A lot, at, once,"
"Weil, botv doe bnihi It?"
"Oh, bo take (lust and cover It with
fur and" -
"Hut he don't make babies like that."
"Well, babies aren't kittens, nro thevf
The Lord takes more pain with n baby,
lie only make one at a time, but when
he want kliten lie Just says, 'I,et there
be kittens!' and there are kittens," Jenuy
wa satisfied, New York Advertiser.
A (lues.
"Did you find out what that woman
wu hollerln about 1" said Furuier Corn
tosel's wife w hen the old gentleman re
turned to their room lu the hotel,
"I nsked the clerk," be replied.
"What did be snyf"
"He said it wa '11 Trovalory.' I didn't
Ilka to show my Ignorance by nsklu morn
questions, but I reckon maybe It's ther
luslety nam fur toothuche." Washing
ton Star.
W Stl till IN tU fJidtll
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Do . if i I n t lent ts n blot (nil iti lint
hoiiti'ti ni, I leni i n. tlinin in I it nf
: .,., I . t,
In tmlt so ti.,tir
Two l.i.tlt Inlet lk
1 tt , Ibe , .
It- t or ttiintimk eirnlti soil ktnit
Itl-tl HU bint 1st II t"tig ststilt 111 S t lit itf
"Pn Mil nut tt.tfs nil nib bl nniihl bit
ttentlt, nint !' km p t'U lOOi ling slftnl slin
ily lln-itl,! 111 bill St list nxliulrsl.
I lluillV, On- lltlld blew ket-mr sliilig
the b il l oi I e ii. mid llm sumi' IhuiI mi
nnr innif fiiitllli iiiiiinentl inn i-ITil,
Us rlbtt A ball Hint tlti iiwei Hiiattl lint
stimiri. An oi l guide n ho w n will) us
lilCUslfd Hull W let the horse tskettielr
u n xi ny nit Hie bike. 1 1 sis'ineil fiK'Hsh, but
it agl'is'ib Mi it. tog Out horse sinnrt clip
with the w hip, w were surprised to sen
them tutu m il 111 llm left met start nlT In
lint cnsl. We thmiuht tlm t, this would lake
Ii farther Into Hie lake, but suliinltlttil,
mid In half an hour the I rem along Hi
batik loomed up through the storm, nml
we were safe. A liorsn knows by Instinct
what a ti t it ii doubt and quest Ion In such
time." Hew 1st mi Journal.
IVIml (isiiiltlliiK I.
Wagering, lis such, Involves necessarily
no element lurouslsltllit with the best (ill I -tenshlp
or I he most exalted sanct ity. It,
make no dilTerenco to the rsseutlsl fea
ture of llm net, whether It, I done by Mo
te or Joshua lu tho distribution of the
promised bind, by n modern board of
ohtirch trustees In providing ngalnsl the
oliance of loss by lire, or, to go a little
further, by a professional gambler who
toll pool on a race, Tho essential fea
ture lire nlway I he same. Hence it would
seem that tn a getierlo sense gambling or
wagering or betting, or by whatever name
the transact Ion lie called, I any t ransac
tion lu which a valuable "thing" I slak
ed to become tho property of n party to
the contract ou the determination of a fu
ture mid uncertain event. Hut usage
lu thl our day and generation mid with
the people niunug whom wo live ami move
mul have our being ha attached to
the word "gambling" n illlleient sense
from that which It had lu the beginning.
"(Jumbling" specifically ri present not
only tho Idea of disposing of properly by
wager contract, imt also the adilliiuniil
Idea of excess, lb call up the Idea of
thrift lessness, of vice, of ruin of Hie mor
al character. -Key, T. A, llcmlrlck In
Donahue's Maga.lmi,
Misplaced ( luil lly,
"Dun of tint most amusing cohcn of mis
placed charily," said C. l, llrock, "wa
nun on Hauiucl 0. Cuppb of thl city, or
nt least It Is told upon him, ami I believe It
to bo true, One day a v ouiau appeared
lu great (llslres and told him Unit her
husband had died, sho had procured a
cheap pine colllu, but could not bury him,
Hud her children were starving, He went
Willi her to the house, and Him sight that
ho saw wa worse than liuagtmtllou could
have pictured, Tho pine colllu wa there,
containing her husband; the children were
th'Te, crying fur food; tlm cupboard was
empty. The wealthy philanthropist could
not bear the m I k tit., and placing lu her
hand w hat money ho had lu hi pocket,
tin Inconsiderable amount, by the way, hu
beat a hasly retreat, After hn had gone n
short distance lie missed his gold headed
cane, nml recoiled log that ha bad left It
lu the widow's room he went back after
It, The man had emerged from the colllu
mid was engaged lu counting tho money
when Mr, ('tipples entered. Not a word
was said upon either side, Hie cane wa
procured, ntid thu philanthropist, went hi
way,"- HI, l.otilslilobc Democrat,
Wui'iifil by I'linlii,
Here Is a curlou llitle story told by a
solicitor. He had among hi client a
few years ago a notorious company pro
moter who, n linalicliil i, Hah ciimo to
Ki n f. due ilny, happening to pus by it
i a! loner s shop, 1,1 at i cut mil we at (met
ed by a portrait of Mr. , the well
known barrister. Mr, w attired lu
wig and gotMi, mid In hi hand hu held n
paper on w hich I he solicitor' sharp eye
caught Hie name of hi client. Ill curi
osity aroused, he purchased the photo and
proceeded to decipher Him word of Mr,
's brief, speedily illtieoverllig that they
Indicated that a warrant was "out" for
the arrest of hi client, lu n few hours tho
man of finance wn out of England, to
which country bit bit imt since returned.
London (ilob.i.
A Siniill lilaiier Willi llnny Tnnt,
Those w ho look upon Ilia "annual dlu
lier" a nil annua! nuisance will be Inter
ested o learn that we nru by no mean so
loquacious lu these day a were our fore
father. The iii an of Miim hesler Informed
the "old boys" of the Manchester (irniu
mar school last night that at the gather
ing of n. IB there were lit toast solemnly
Jiroposcil In the presence of tT gentlemen,
on i'ii-sioium in-niii. aiiiirnpriaiciy
enough, was one
Drink water. Maiiches-
ter .News,
Mr. W. Ix. Clifford may be said to have
been liudvard Kipling' literary god.
mother. It Is slut who introduced lilui to
the Inst London society, lb r black rat
Hunt tie remain it living proof of the fa-
mou story teller regard for the author of
"Mr. Keith' Crime."
Malllard, a famous French preacher of
thn early day of the IKteciilh century,
preached vt Itli hllteriics HKillnst the ex
travaganceof tlm women of hi day. "Thu
poor are starving," said be, "while some
of you women have two or three gown
An n pnni Is the royal standard of Per
sia, (iao, a Persian blacksmith, raised a
revolt which wn successful, ami bl lentil
rr apron, covered w li b Jewels, Is still U-,
Id the van of (Visliiu iiruile.
For many year the Chinese havt had
nn Irrigating machine, consisting of a
trough nml nn endless chain of buckets,
which carry the water up an Inclined
In the year 12.1 there was but on Ion
hnmeopnthto physician tu tht United
CtaU's. Now tbvin aro upward of 10,000.'