The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 16, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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til), Mil I ItllMt.
lit rr tKr t ,l, I., 1'MUsU
astttiV I, I', ,
y.i Vtvu i -rf 4 ttni
I . n ! ! i-l- .1 Ih. f-i l
the iW lltn truth, U ll known
lln-n ll.akie, t l t alHitiU" ibii'vh
Ut I -n Iiiiii ittt'i, , i IV ( l Sl"l
! l ! ulriivlMi' I') IliO rvliittt of
nU' f I i.iitiuol Wilis, l-o
t imii u ihsiiie -f Htf t
1 ht ri. l, inoti rt l i-l Mt.rf Hie i-pptl-lunin
ii1ixil. il t i iitif t
lint 'it lust', hi.i
Killed ii. r IViM-H. Mo . je.n.i
OHO mi W Sfc, mlunHih l!i' pitiful
mil) w h k.l mil lit Ui wot lil l fV fn'in
Ihowtntlt to ei-me nml mi k ! hlle
Jul In lib-, look nilmmago of h-i h
'MU(HllU (HVWlll III WOtt tlu'lll, ).
ltu-rlly tovnl tlx in alWu h tu U'i J
word ho iWi! was i Mln ly tiiies'bd
(or, and what loi.', language v. rj
Ninth iinUMiuiiliig mill who I'tulm l
i-omo fi-iun ( h) mill Imvii er In for
f i v Kill".
Father Hilok did nut ni'ink like h
1 1 ml iiny trN't t whatever for the dead
limn whose bmly ll on a Mer under 1 l
very eye nml within the shadow of Int
uitu!' railing. mr tlltl ho show any
revere i lunl reel for tho mourning
n-lHtlvoM and friend who were In at
tendance, nunilsrcd among who wore
Protestant nelghlior who resided
within u stone throw ol young Frank's
luto honiti, where for many your ho
lunl resided.
Tho priest hud but llttlo to say con
cerning tho dead, and hut llttlo comfort,
If nny, did hW language convey In the
sorrowing one who were present, hut
his remark upon this occasion were
more on tho order of u roiiHtlti( lttcturu,
dellviwd inmmh forolblu hui-uuKO un
to ur)ric and tthock not only this bout
and highly ri'Hfi:tiMl of hi wmifn-RH-tlon,
but thorn) who do not ttid tto wr.ll
in tho uhtiiiiiitlon of tho vory reverotid
lr, all of whom; fuw hlimhud with
Hharno and rrmomo to rt-allzo that a
man nhould Btand In tlnlr pulpit and
Mlur mime of tho foi-nt itranlzotlotm,
renldont and diinonilfialion In our fair
and free land.
Wo Hhall not k htUi dotail, tflvlna' In
lanKUHKo cvory word uttered by Fathor
Htiek in an unentlernanly and tnont
certainly umhwerved way, but will m
a few of hi remark upon no ad an (;
canlon, and to hot thu brawy, potnjm,
unchrlMtlanllko and hoHIhIi nature po
ew:d by a man who hitherto wo had
reIocted and honored, and conldered
a man of lnterly, honor and uprlht
ni'HM. (joneernlnif tho Youn(f Men'(Jhrf
thin Aoelatlon, an oraolatlon
trle,tly iineetarlan, and one of the
mowt relltflou and moral organization
tho land, tho K-.iv. Htiek wild:
"Tho Y. M. O A. I a hell hole.
Mother, keep your on from Kolntf U
uch a damnable plane. No one attend
It but hlh-Uinert welely peojilo, and It
I not a fit place for tJaMioiic."
Concornlnjf other thlrirf relative to
I'rotidtant and the A, 1', I lev,
Htiek dixike a fidtow:
"There I not a food moral youritf
In 1'ana that In a frntoMtant. The only
jjood younir men In I'ana are Catholle,
I had rather tand up with a gambler.
a ii loon-keeper or a drunkard on the
ludgment flay, man vit,n a irotevani,
for they will all go to hell together.
No i'rotetant can ever go to heaven,
only Catholic go to heaven, If I w
to Uind up with a l'rotetant on the
latJay, I wouiu m nure to go v neii
with him.
There aro no true marriage outlde
tho Catholle church, and people who
are married by rrotetaol elergymen
itre not v rtuou, Tho marriage by a
Catholic prlet I the only true mar
riage. I understand that the Protectant
and A. I'. A, want all tho office, IM
them take the damned office and go to
hell with them,"
Tbl wa about the run of the
reverend lr' remark and we do not
fear to annert that no man In I'amt with
any ene or judgment In the world will
ay that uoh language I fit for a prlet
, to uo, enpeclally upon ueh an ooealon
and from hi pulpit, 'JU I'aibnUum
doe not take pleaure In crltlellng
itmlnlxterof tho gopel, Catholle or of
any denomination whatever, but when
a prlewt or nilnlater, no mat Ur who he
1, nland up in hi pulpit and ue tho
language ued tifHin thl ocealon by
Father Htiek, wo feel, through juHtiee
toour render and the public in general,
that hi language honld beexKmed to
tho world and crltlcled evere)y. What
we have ald In comment wo i-X go for
It worth, and tho public can Judge tho
remainder for themelve., I'ana (III,)
Wheren, At I'ana, III., on February
2Hth lat tho Key, Father Ferdinand
Htiek, ii I Ionian Cut hollo prlet, did do
nou rice and condemn all 'rotel,iirit In
moHt violent and abunive language, and
Whereiw, It I ehlom t.liecao where a
Catholle prlet ha the candor arid
honenty Ut publicly ex pre hi own n
well a the true -ntlment of the I to
man Catholic church; therefore be It
fjIloHolvcd," That the Ihunk of I'ro-
jH'Cl Council No, d, ut the Amerhran
iVoteet.lvo A"Hiiciut.lon, Kanxii City,
Mo, Ims and aro hereby tendered to th
aaid Jlev. Father Ktlek for hi candid
horient.y in publicly exriri HMing the true
wriMnieiitH or the Korean Catliolk
Keitolved, That thl council would I"
glad to Hociiro the i-crvlce of aid
Father Htiek for the purpone of deliver'
lug this Hume lecture throughout, tin:
aliite of MIhmoui'I and will pay liberally
for the wervice or aiu Mtlck.
Kenolved, That the e(-ri tary I! In
utructed to forward a copy of thl pro
ni .(;i.iuLu'rr h all (
l)V'i ? kK v-'V
mW0M 4 f - mm wr
ninble, and resolution, to aid Father
Stick and to any t'roU-tant paper pub-
llHhea at I'ana, Jll., with tne r iuei
that ald prearnblo and i'eolutlon bo
A iiioiihIm lo (iraml Tn it'im,
WKHT Hui'Kltloit, Wl,, March 4,
IWi.Fdltor Tiik, Amkhkjam: I re
ceived arid have dUtrlbuted tho cople
of TilR Amkiuoa which you went me.
The cauo i growlog here. Tho Hwed
lh jieode arewelllng tho American
rank in defenwoof the public nohool,
They leinj among foreigner who defend
public ehool. They ot'rn to Ameri
canize readily, I have boon In uiko
Hhore eltle where our wdiool aro al
moHt entirely In the hand of It'irnan
Cathrdlo teacher. The cloud that rle
over the public choolln tho north ia
dark one, Tho indifTerenra; and neglect
that board of education have hown In
employing tether I not only criminal,
hut it amount to grand troaon as;alnt
tho flag and constitution. Wo mut
aroiiMt men w tint riew;uy or voting
for loyal American only, to fill place
on the Mihool Iwiard or wujierlntonden'
cle. In turn they mut employ loyal
worker in thoo great factorle where
wo turn out American voter and tato
men. The public chool I our pal I all
ium, and wo have been o!d into th )
hand of the l'hllltlrie, Wlnblng you
uc!, J am, reieciriiny,
Hubacrlbo for TlfK AMKUICAN, tho
bet patriotic paper In the country,
Huberlptlon price, 'l a year, In ad
yt, J. Clerllian' "Kanfing" ('anlng
Much l'iicalne In Cnlliollc Circle,
The Journal ut the 2-'lrd ult, hwl a let
ter from M, J, Clerllian in it.
It will fie remembered that Mr, Clerl
han puhlUhed an article in the name
paper not Jong lnco in favor of the
public nohool and of our free irmtltu
tlon in general, and which article wa
copied in a large number of paper.
Now a a reward for hi puh)ihlng
Mirne of hi thought,, he I recelvlngall
kind of threatening letter. Tho fol
lowing I a reply to one of them:
Kditor Journal: Hinco the publica
tion of rny letter In the dally Journal ut
Jan. 2-'lrd, ult, on tho ouetlon of
"Jleoniblllty of American Citizen
hfp," I am grateful to ay that ueh
paiicr a the Chicago Inter Omm, Now
York Triouufi, Ilrooklyn JSaak, Wet
fleld (Wl,) J'alrlat, and a nooro of other
paper, copied my letter, a good In
dornement of It true Amerlciinlum, I
alw received many fluttering letU;r of
high pralo and a few letter which
breathed bigotry, narrow-rnlndednett
and un-Amerlcanlm, a the following
Iclttir will fully and clearly prove:
IJKH Moinkh, la., Feb, lt, JH!ij,M,
M, .1. Cr-KUli(AiS. Hlr: Your letter to
the JackHonvlllo Journal, which the
Inter ()mi,n t1 the 17th irmt. very fool
lnhly publlnhed, prove conclimlvdy
that you are not a Catholic - that you
are proNMiutlng the moral and mental
training which the church ha liivllieil
upon you that you are an enemy to
(od. j lie eaiiHO or religion would ho
woriderruny advanced ir ueh men tin
you and ueh piiier a puhlUh your
hliiHphemoiiH riiritlng could Iwi enVctit-
ally and oMtrnally "but off."
There aro now J2,'MH),000 Catholic In
America, and the day 1 approaching
and not far d neurit when iich men a
you will he "HbutofT" In all that the
term Imrille or uggetH, and to your
ml ml the term cannot la; too migg-'titivc
for your own wifely.
The above letter need no comment,
from a bona fldo American, I will only
fay that the oonor Mr, Mom-ehou
take- a pannage back to old Ireland, the
1 have holtated about giving Mr,
Moneehon' letter to the public before
now, hoping that my people would
adopt the rnotto of the Coldcn Ilule,
"Do unto other a you would that
other would do unto you," but forbear
ance ha ceacd to be a virtue, a my
people have adopted ierecutlo;i and a
Ixiycott, and their concerted action dem
oriMtratc that there 1 one man power
behind tho throne. My I Jo Molne
critic nay, "You are not a Catholic; that
you are prostituting tho moral and
mental training that the church ha
lavished upon you," My anwer to
thl infallible prophet I that if the
church "lavlbod" anything on me I
paid for all favor, and "that you are an
enemy to Cod," Then my friend, wlj)
the murky - w:alo from your eye If I
am an "enemy to Cod," then 68,000,000
of intelligent American are in theamo
bout. Mr, Moneehon further on ay
that, "If uch men a you, and uch
paper a publish your blaitpbomou
ranting could bo effectually and etern
ally abut off," Thl doctrine, Mr,
Moneehon, I only congenial to Mexico,
to minny Italy, Hpaln, and tho advo
cate uch a you who delegate your
thinking jwwer to bo done by proxy.
My "ranting" i antagonistic to the
(Jod given principle of freedom of tho
preand A rnerban free npeecb, and I
tell you and all other that a country
wboMj every bill i dotted with the
llttlo red ;bool bone will not very
wion adopt your perniclou doctrine a
doctrine only In consonance with tho
dark age and the one man power,
Tho last and clewing nentenco of thl
alien to true Americanism say that
"Tho day I approaching and not fur
dlHtant when uch men a you will be
but off and tho term cannot
be too iiggi'tlvo for your own safety,'
Thanks; thl I very kind, hut Mr,
Mcnoebon, I have received just such
Clan-ria-Cael epistle before, and I close
by saying that for thirty-five year I
have been tho target for ucb un-Amer
lean paper wad, You may Cronlnlze
me, but you cannot make me desert Old
Glory or tho llttlo red m;)iooI houwt, and
your alien blandishment only uncover
and remove tho mask and prove to a
(inclusion that you and your associate
have tho dijoftlon to"hutoff" uch
men a a-ert their American right to
do their own thinking, hut tho car of
progre and enlightenment marchei
on, and here we have the liberty to in
vcstlgato untrammelled by tho world'
curse, one man power, American
don't have to get their jxdltlc where
they get their religion, and I am one of
them fellow, "bliiHphemou ranting''
to the contrary notwithstanding. J to
specifully, M. .1. CXkimuan.
iltorlii'ster, X. VM I Vldt-Aale.
The energetic and wise patriot of
KocheKtor, N. Y., have been scattering
by thousand In that city a most force
ful and suggestive document, headed,
"To Hi,t:heter Tax-payer," showing
the amount of money taken from the
city treasury In the joint five yeir for
Protestant, Korean Catholic and un
denominational Institution
the startling result:
II.iIiiiuiInI. IiihIIMiiIoiis
Hero Is
4. hi r;. Is
I iiili'iiiiiiiliiitlliiiiitl 7l,.V,.l..'i(i
Thu It will he seen that Homo ha
taken much more than twice a much
ai all other combined, while at tho
sumo time she hn furnished a largo
proHii tion of tho criminal and pauper
supported In city, county and state, In
stitution. And Protestant tax payer
pay nine-tenth of tho luxes!
It I even worse than this In Boston.
Anirrkoii Citizen.
l.alel Society I'ormi-tl In Opposition In
Hie Aincrlcttii Protective Ashm-IuIIoh.
The Continental I-axue, tho latest
woeloty organized in opposition to tho
American Protective Association, held
a state convention at Fitzgerald' hall,
at the corner of Adam and MaNted
HtrccU, Huuday afternoon,
Tho obj ict of the league, a stated by
ore of tho member, I to promote a
spirit of (rfitrlotlsm and a love of Amer
ican Institutions, without antagonizing
any political or religion element or
sect. It alma to gather Into it mem
bership representative of all natloniill
t!e and religion, arid will opjm3 the
A. P, A, and kindred organization
which are thought to disfavor foreign
born citizen.
There were i'.'A) delegate present at
Sunday' convention reprewintlng
forty-three encampment and about
22,000. member. Only one lodge out
side of Chicago wa represented, which
I In Joliet, and whoso delegate wa
Alderman Harrla, of that city.
Organizer were chosen and will bo
sent throughout the state to establish
encampment. A weekly paper will bo
started a the organ of tho league, Jt
wa determined to do away with the
secret ritual which ha heretofore pre
vailed, and tho Initiation ceremony will
hereafter be public.
V. I), Phillip, of Chicago, wa elected
general chief and will apixdnt a com
mittee some time during tho week to
make the necessary revision of tho
Iter. H. T. Milclicll Her Ihmger ef
America Iliceinlng Nuhjcct it (lie
Kev, H. T, Mitchell, of the West Fnd
Methodist Kplseopal church, preached
yesterday morning on "itomanlsm" Ut
a vary large audience, lie made some
pointed reference to employment of
nun as teacher In tho Klversldo school,
expressing tho ojunlon that tho work
of tho director in tho promise would
be sot osldo by tho court.
The minister chose a hi text the
third verse of the second chapter of
the econd epistle tothoThessalonian,
which I a follow: "Tho son of per
dltlon, whoopeth and exalteth him
self above all that 1 called Cod or that
I worshiped. " I Jo reviewed the
growth of lUirnan Catholicism In thl
country, which he described a marvel
oils, and touched njmn its teaching,
practice and demand. IIu said In
"Tho church teaoho that Peter was
tho Hucccwtor of Christ and that the
popu is the successor of Peter. lie
Is'bIkivo all temporal power and Is In
fallible, It In the practice of the church
to vary Its teaching to suit circum
stance and toconntrii'i the Heripturc to
suit itnclf.
"It Interfere with thoaffalrsof state
and demand that tho young Ik- en
trusted to It care. Its position 1 that
a man I a giNid liniii because he Is a
Itoman Catholic, whereas the Protest
ant believe a man of any Christian re
ligion can bo good, It ls-lng honesty and
( uprlghtnes that constitute hi virtue.
"In jiursuance of ita demand to uM:r-
Intend the education of the children,
the church first charged that the
school were sectarian because the
liiblo wa taught In them. The Bible
wa taken out rind then ltdeclared they
were Codies,
"The real aim of the church I to
have It particular kind of sectarian
ism Inculcated at tho expense of the
state. The placing of tho parochial
school children In the Klversldo school
and the employmentof nun a teacher
is an experiment along this line, and, If
It succeeds, the same thing will be done
In other place. I regard It a uncon
stitutional and predict that the court
will dccldo against It.
"There I grave danger that thl
country will boK'imanlzed, My reason
for thl fear 1 tho character of tho
Catholle people, they being better hero
than anywhere else In tho world, and
tho obsequiousness of politician, New
York and Chicago I pronounce more
absolutely under tho domination of the
pope than any place in Kurojt, and the
purpose of the church have not
changed, Hhould It rule America, the
same evil of which history convict It
would 1i)Uow,"J'it,libarj JHxpateli,
The I'snal Itesull.
A young lady from Illghnrn, Ma.,
write: "fat Hunday night Priest
Hcully poke at an overllowlng temjier
ance meeting in Ixwlng-hall. Iloth
hall were filled and ttio speiikers had
to speak up stair and then go down
stair and sjieak In the lower ball, Hlx
or evcn peaker wore present, but
1'rlest Hcully wa a interesting a any.
Ho wa tho most liberal Catholic priest
I ever saw, He I from Cambridge.
He said that drunkenness was the cure
of hi church, and made fun of tho
action of Ht, Patrick' Hay and said
lot of thing which I should not think
he would dars lo say arid acknowledge
about hi church. He wear whisker
and dot; not look like a priest. He
also stated that he wn glad to Isi there
on the platform with hi brother minis
ter, What do you think of that?
There Is a council of the A, P, A. to lie
organized soon In F,at Weymouth with
about 'M member."
, .
The Change of Time,
A lot of school loy waited upon Act
ing Mayor McCloIlan, of New York,
tho other day and asked him to veto
tho council's order for floating tho Irish
nag over trie city nan on it, ratricK
day, The Bpokesrnan said: ''No flag
hut our own should bo put usm public
building. Wo are taught to salute tho
American flag every morning, and wo
believe It I the only flag that should
be recognized." That boir waagrnnd-
son of Governor Wise, of Virginia, who
r-fued to pardon John llrowo, the
alsilillonlst who was handed In Virginia
just before the breaking out or the
civil war, and hi appeal wa to tho son
of (ii'in'iiil McCli-llan, tho first union
general to march union troop Into Vir
ginia In defense of the union. Time
brings peculiar changes, and this Is one
of tliem. The grandson of a great
confederate appealing to tint son of a
favorite union wddler for the honor of
the, flag of a united country ha it
hojsilul ldo.-tfrr Oi'raii,
Wlltlll'll III Ill lllllllll'C KiiiiiiiiiIhiii,
VlUtilMA, 111,, March ll.- Uev. It.
I. MiicWhoi'ter, pastor of the Cumber
laiid Presbyu-rian church In thl city
for the past two years, resigned unex
pectedly at the close of this morning'
service. Tho subject announced for
this evening was "1 Ionian Ism the ( J rent
es t. Fon of Liberty." To this sjbject
the nillcers of the church took exco
tlon and Mr, MacWhorter' resigna
tion Immediately followed.
f IIHll
H M , I
tMItt llllll
It will Cure.
205 N. Hixluflfith SU not.
Firo, Life or Accidental
II. will iny you in mil on lint tiiiflirlrmd
ri'iiri'wnl liiK wivtirnl A On. I liisiiriini'u Cum-
firm I'lmlon illiK-k.
ii. TcliaRKEi;
oilleo ri'iiioved from I l.l Nnrili I'lili sin-ntte
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 00. :- OMAHA, NEB.
Hucci-ssiir l- lUeM'l k Maul,
Undertaker and Embalrner
MI7 Farnain Hi reel.
TcLKi'iioKa m. OMAHA NEB
Norlhaaal Cor, Ulth ri4 Uuilgt Hi.,
ron i,ti arwn or
foroign and Domestlo Fruits,
Nuu. O-inlwitloin, (lgm nui T'llmixw,
Ttilcphmm J7IH,
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Fink Watch llKi'AnuNo a Hi'kcialti
bVl Kouth I Htreel,
Telejjbofin .,. 010 Bo 10th
310 N. 16th Street, OMAHA
Carpenters and Builders.
1317 OavAnport Stroot.
I'uriill ut li tfutlrlnyc V ,,,f r t
I n If n SIi'Otr y,
01 VK IS A Till Ah,
Undertaker Embalrner
Formerly with M. I), Maul
II OUfll lin OMAHA.
Omaha Express and Delivery Co.
Moving and Light Express Work
Trunk and Pares! Osllvsr,.
Il'iiiwtiol-I OikkU l'iieke'I.Sliiri'1 mill Mlil(ii1
OrtK-ft, AH North IDIh Slri' -I.. Ilriiin-li i,ltli-i,
, V.. (or, iti ah 'I Luke Street, Tm.
ihoiiii Ifi7. I'HIUKS ItKANONAIIf.r.,
1TVmiti MovltiK M SH.clii)f l Kleiner
Suits Mado to Order.
Oiiiiritritei-n ti fn-i iii, n, ,n nil run- I'lulli
li K I'l-'iuii'il, ilyi'-l itml reni'Mli'li'il
2I07 Cumlna 8t OMAHA
W. H. LA NY ON, M. D
Physician nd Surgeon,
Telephortfl 747.
Twi'lm yi-HMriititlniiiit irrtlr( In Otiinha,
lull- unkImIiiiiI Siiri'iin USiJ(iw p'l,i,pii.Mi.
iillli-n s, W, rur. Sluli-.'iiih bii-I I'hlrsun Hi.
(Mil,',- him rail,, in to II ki n, in., ;i:Di to slid
;.ii l,,V ili. i, K.'.li,i,'i., ,-7l rlmrlea St.
J IH. WOUDAHII, hi ri'drnf I t S-iiith tilth
' tr..-l, wuiilil llkn l.iihi (ninlljr witntiltiifii,
nml rrl.-ml-i li ivlau wurk or till kliel urn In-lti-il
to rull mi hi-r st itny tlimi. Her hu
lisinl I tilltnl.
Auk you a aulnerlber to TilK, A mkr
ft 1 1. 1 r i . t
1 1 1 ' I , H
f i i i t ., i,