J I a e THE A IVI El I O A M talk or a ww mm: ft 1; ;.n t ulM 111 ti t 0" ! 1(1 I Ml t Si. SI. V HI W M I ii M 0 k I mi tl -t- t ll 0 I HI rt ! i .M 1V OhIiXi latVal ! frt. nt 4 W M Ikol "Vim , . t I , ' " rWo IVbun 4 ,1 iw -i i-nt 1,,-ra, i-il .a 11 V a '!, I 1 I tia - at ih N n Yk ivcs,- m It t'i(.,i ,i ,t in a mwi' In .ii waaalr,te It.at fur li i. an, I f. t Ward with I 14 n4 i -I nm Him la til lutf IH li biSS!!-! I nH tl iti Hill 1 b"W HO Hn ItttH -l ll.ta Jim' tttnnt t i-it If sal.l " mt llml bt.ii-' 1 I'm u r -p.-tii r t. 4 la lwl(hl)i ii'l of tuni.lil, h llti kln (( aM cmi.fii hia IW'ica ,i tint liny wmil.t 1. tn In'l Mm p,Mh With t lti nf lb lnl.Mu l Ybtn Jim si. "Well, air, tli wj'lHt . Ilia ittit. the ifiiimvmi Hi j-t I hen-m-va Ihat one tt a lime animate,! lliat Imar rob ciiii w It liln ail am f w lilxn tug Wife, ntphtining u j- ki.U nii, innkltiti linvlicr lt a lt f toy urmiiinwiry ! (r (, tr, lliat la Ih fur f annua nit'n tn-r. Thai l-r wa a Imtn iwhk wl In kiip act. A a riiU-, I'lniianion ltar ain't iniii'li ul i-MS'i'l fur clri iiiuri and tinK"; bill, a Hi ft any, (lnTcaro rxii'pll.inn lo all rill, and Hint l nr w aa IhemoM rtv)lloiiHl txivl Inn thai vrt got unnii!t'. I In waa an nil around alhli'tr. Il rould rim like a atrvak of Blue Ltn lightning. w)un tlm jiIiik pullor bit h r luiiil and innkrn It 1m nmrlilni'lii' olndi'ra, hla blow na vry niin li mom dtwdly than any Hraidliiin warU't, hninuld aivliu like l.i'niuliT whi'ti ll ro vn mi tlm olhor aldn of lh rrwk, and Hint lu'iirentild uao up more cnrtrldK w ith lost wniriuid tvar to hla ronxtitiit Ion than any n'imloiiir on the mils. "Whi'ii ho Rot into a controvrrxy, be didn't know how to null, any more limn IhauNiinl a ft or din mr CI orro. Ilia Voire waan't tuned to cry 'rmnmli.' I not into a dlnuito mice with that lirnr, ntnl It re quired the beavlext tSiv(ii(l'll nrKUiumita 1 eould Hit oIT to make him admit, the au periorlly of liim w ho waa alli'Ki'd to have dominion ovrr the biumta of tint tlclil, I'll tU you how it waa, LiiNt aummi'i' I waa Qhhlutfon KiHitrnay lake, tu llriilnh Co lumbia. I not tirt'd of thla. "The (IhIHiik waa all right, but tlirro waa nobody around to lixtt'n tothoatorli'H. I bad a brother at Cumr d'Alene military remrvation in Idaho, ami 1 pulled up atakea with the Intention of veiling him. I followed the Kooteuay rlvor in a aouth erly direction till I itokmmI over Into the land of the free. I halted at t ho town of Hope, on Lake Tuna d'Oreillo, ferried Clarkn'a fork nud alruck into Ccmir d'Alune iiiouutaiim. It wna about noon tide, and it waa one of theme wift,, Mill daya that iM'tmr moro frequently in the piiRen of a novel than t ho mnm of the weather map, The t rail led through a Jun tile of blueberry btiMhea and ragged iiiar rleaof jjniy, lleheiieovered bow Idera. Tall pine timber grew at intervala. . About the only Hound of the world that threw up any aound wavea waa the grinding and twining clatter of my pony'a hoofa. 1 ruached the brink of n mountain atream that had been awollen Inlo a torrent by Into ruins, nml I thought it bent to camp until aome dove ahoiild ainiouiieu Hint the raging wittera would be culm than to at tempt to avvltn itand get jammed by dead treea ami branehea that were whirling along. "I waa preparing luneli when the pouy began to act curloiialy, lie pnweilthe gi-oniiil, raised hla head In a frightened manner, Hiiorteil ami did other thing which hornea UNiially do when they know that bivakera are ahead, I followed the line of the pony'a gane, but couldn't nee anything but, blueberry btiNhea. I noticed one away nud felt that an Indian waa lurking there, I brought the hammer of my gun up mid funned In line of battle, but the IiuhIi continued to away, and I eould acd nothing. At hut, I felt wire that I could aea part of a brown object, ami I fired at It. It waa the porterhoiHe cud of a ben r that I hadahot . Hit w in cut lug th berrlea from that buah, nud I had in terrupted hla meal, "llrulii wheeled round, came out Into Urn trillion the other aide of the torrent and aurveyed me. Ilaugl I bit him again, but It wiian't my day to Khoot, and the pellet lodged forward of the Mhouhlcr, lu atead of ingi-ai luting Ilaeir In tlui aent of lila nlTcetlniiH. That ahol waa enough for him. He amtpped at the wound and apoke a aonoroiia growl, Then, loeating me na the cailKe of I lie effect, ho proeeeileil to re move the eatiae. ( inward be came, down the ateep decline to the waler'a edge, The Kprliigflold rupted nud iiuiiIk one morn bole in the bear. He waa mad. Ilepltntg ed Into the Mrivim, and keeping hlNamall, wicked looking cyea bent on me awaiu with n whole Nonled dealre to j.'et there. Ilia head waa the only thing In night, ami thla waa my target, I abut at It, alruck him between the cyea and lifted lliu topof hla bend off, m Hint. I he w alcr hlch he waa NpliiMhlrig vtlih hla paw a washed Into the akilll and mingled with the blond and bra I ii a. ' "Hut he didn't halt, lie landed on my aide of the creek ami wall zed along the trail. lie waa a bideiiua object, w ith the roof of bla bead gone and atriuga of brain dangling around hla face, Another ahot took effect in the body. He waa within 10 feet of ma. lie ralaed on ilia trnilera ami came at me. One more ahot. I felt hla bot, punting breath. My gun waa knock ed from me. I waa In the embrace of the bear. Hla bug waa terrillc, and I f"H my ikeleton giving way, "My w hole life paaaed In review. If I bad known a prayer, 1 would have prayed It, but my memory ia bad on aucii unit I era, and I did not have my mamiNcrlpt. I tried to get out my knife, but I felt that I waa falling. I loat coTiaclouaueaa. When I returned from ratalepay, the bear waa dead bcalde me. He bad expired from bia woumla juat ita be waa about to flnlali me. Ha bad taken two bulla in the heart, hla brain bad been almoat blown out of bla akull pan, and yet he dlaarmed me and al moatklllvit me before be died. Yea, air, that bear bide you a there ia bia akin." WaHhington Htar. A .Simple llaromtr. One of the simplest linromi'tcin In a spi der's web. Nature day that when there is prospect of ruin or wind the spider shorten tho filament from which 1U web ia suspended mid leaves things In this state as long a the weather U variable. If the insect elongates It thread, it la a sign of linn, culm weather, the duration of whk'h limy be judged by the length to which the thread are let out. If he Kin der romaina iunctive, it ia a sign of rain, but if, on the contrary, it keeps at work daring a rain, the latter will not last long and w in be followed by flue weather. Yankee Blade. Ml i .! in till II M 6lt4 niHtip4 a iHiii I l .. t W.M.. VI'1 I" l.-if i U I tf . t.t- ,t . . , I ixM -a , , I i . - ' K .i I ' . h Ui"l I i. I & I i n 4 1 1 I vii i, 1 h a ii t'f itt .i tt. i.-. 'I l l h tlti,4 j. . I ! , i i- i - i . vt lI -I m- i i. I 11. tjl im,lt,l dimwit lr I , itii,il,,.,(Mi . !, II. ((( fl. i (. i-, ll m it lil l'i 1- I. Mill S- if.l , til i l-iit-, Mijj. Ivf It'i rlitil.a.t r it"l I t 1 l fhtit- ,n-i,m,i iiiMii a til i he frat!l, !n:.t It-nlilM, r Ms !. Inilh tt h I I. h II. i f r.itil lnn Htv 1 1 1 n,e 1 1 w !!! i -l rmitday In and ! iiii l,t ci-li (ii, l with o-ari b'l k, pi, t ti'u hm, Inl'ire l;itiiij!j hu rrni'ii, On -t w a iltt iriifan In 'tpatlun In aii.tl. ti 'We aliatl bavi a rinUr lirnile IM Wi'Uiiing. WbiMfi. rev btitmn,t, mid Mm Miiln, lnina !tllit a fi "'a In fii-ul ol tup, alight ly klitiik'ki d bervilltl kin. ill. t, r a klie Biaiieril al hi t tiinpp-.t iirlghlmr, l inn waa lliuiid.r In II. air, and no one Mi ttrprlwl when In rinulng Imicalbnl lilb-l Ilia farthiKl corner of Ih Rrial editli the dciniiH Utoiv ri waa tveii out, 'Won Onto you, acrilaai and rtiriaei, IiJ'mi crltwi!' "In Ihe paiiae that followeil llteatmoa pbnre Beemed tnox clmrgisl w It It lllclllnl elii'trlclty than ever, and Ihe tloinlule w aa evidently Jnt almut l burl uponuahU f,rrit Invert ivca, wbeil a Very atrange thing liaipeiii'd. Old T , the aeMon, niuat have Hlimiliered at hla pit, for Into the rhnrch ami up the broad middle ainle walkeil llmbily but t run! fully a very lilt In child, who, with her poverty atrlrkcn dn-aa and general apieamnee, preai-ntiil the atrongcat contrast to the richly clad aaMcmhlHge, Awake to bia dutlca nt laat, Iheaexton hurried after her, but the up lifted band of (he nvtor motioned him bat k, and on walked the Hide one In ut ter uncoliai'louaiieaa, until she reached the Velvet atepa of the pulpit Itaelf, where alio paused, and Hfter an instant'a lieaitatlon ant comfortably down. An tndtwcrlliabhi change came over the face of the preach er, anil puahing aside the manuscript which lay before htm be looked ntua wilh kindly, benignant eyes. 'Suffer littlechll drcn to come unto me,' he aaid aoftty, 'and forbid them not, for theirs ia the kingdom of heaven,' and with a demeanor whose gentleness strongly rout ranted with his late indignation bo preached forgive ness and divine love and the charity that never falleth." New York Tribune. Throwing an Old Nlioe. The throwing of hh old shoonfter a new ly married couple on their departure is general all over the country. In Kent the custom la accompanied by n little more detail than is usually observed in other parts of the country. The principal brides maid throws Hut aline; the other brldea maids run after It, the belief being that the one who gets it will be the first to be married, She then throw the shoe among the gentlemen, and it la aupiswcd that the one who la hit will also lie married before tho othera. The custom of showering rice over the bride and bridegroom la a universal one, although in aome parts wheat is aubstl tuted. This waa formerly general In Not tinghamshire ami Sussex. The practice appeara to llnd a parallel In Poland, where, after the nuptial benediction baa been given by the priest, the father reeelvea the newly mnrried couple at the door of their bouse nud strews aome barley corns over their beads. These corns are carefully gathered up and sown. If thcygrow.it la considered an omen that the married pair will enjoy n life of happiness, (iraln of any sort Is symbolical of plenty, and no doubt nt different perlodsand In differ ent countries that grain lifts been selected which could be procured the most easily. An old Spanish ballad of tho alxteenlh century, "The Chl'a Wedding," re f era to this custom, except that cars of wheat ap pear to have been lined instead of Jhrash ed wheat: All down the sired tho ears (if wheat ore riHliul Xliiteiiii Hying. Westminster Hevlew. tin Was trreeluliunlitti. The parents of a youth who inukeathlnga Interesting fur a Hiiffalo family were try ing to instill into the young man's mind the principles of self sacrillciuintl generos ity and all that sort of thing. He had been given aoine camly that afternoon and had refused to divide with a little boy who came to play with Mm, ( hilmlng that there was no more than ho could get. away wltli himself, "Now, Heg," aald tho mother, "you must nut do like that. When Johnny or any of your other Utile friends ask you for some of your candy, you must give them Nome, You must not be selfish." lleg couldn't see things In that light. His mother labored with him for awhile longer and aucccrded In making-tin Im pression w hatever. Finally aheaaid: "Sup pose ymi had two bananas, and one of them wna smaller than the other and not so good. Supposing your llltlualatcr waa to ak you for one, which banana would you give Iut, the small ami poor one or ihe best oiicy" Keg pondered for a minute. Then be aald, "(In out ami get the bananas and give me a cliiince," That ended tho lesson Huffalo Ex press, Knew the Appla. A man of about 00 years of age went Into a store on Main atreetand stood ly the stove wnrmlng himself and listening to the con versa! ion of the men present. Happening to glance nt a barrel of apples by the counter, be took up one and bit It. He looked nt the apple and then atopjied reflectively. After taking another taste of the apple, be broke out: "Say, I'd almost bo w illing to bet a dollar that I can tell where thla apple grew, There la only one tree on enrth that hna the flavor that apple bus, and it grew bark of the houau where I first lived when I waa mar ried and act tip for myself. Say, now, didn't that apple grow in Howdoinhamr I know full well it. did " Tho clerk told him that a man from Hint town brought them in, and the stranger said: "I have not been down there for 10 years yes, 15 but I rcmi'in her this bit ter sweet apple tree, and the apples here taste as they did 20 yeara ago." Lewlston Journal. (he. Excavations at Sakhara In Egypt have brought to light a wall painting in which two men are playing chess in tint time of King Tela, whose reign Professor Hrugsch puta at the year 8;I0 B. C. The game evidently la thousands of yeara older thnu baa been aup)iosed. It baa been auppoai-d to have been introduced into India from Persia by the Arabs In the alxth century k. D. Exchange. taiiii ltk Whhii lit -.n. ,!! M li iw I at. 'It i rit -1 1 i i -"it f.-' Iht V. la a U.i ii a t s t.uia trnta .ini.i 1 14 l- !l ,.. " I H- t a (i "It -H lli-l h. I,, t I 1 l l-a'l -il ml I nt'tii'," mi l ll.i ' X.i," i I ll.a .. " am afrt, I Hi ttttt ft fi,Sil.-. awl lliH I d I It-row n w II h all H w tl !-. i lim.l " I Ji.t i l.'i kl. t "I wj I -ti, I, " .i i ,, "Iml I i lo ilsl all Ihe ti ile-sitl ti.. n l aallmr .-a.l .iil l.-nst t . ri)iiiii in nit llir e"nnii t- tsl Ican bra at. 1 l iiu'-"' vmn' i. Is t In Nti'tfl ibhiH Ibal waj In II-.- ifl pl, II.. it sin l insny le atli It r. Ilis( ii iv i iiii-i itaiiKi r i ( a rar I -. l-iiillsloll Thru nvn llt,l lit J ttirir Iraln lots lis own lidl of way and runs tx-tfitlfith t',- y ii(,-l and la limited mil bf l-y all lb trains I'ist'a iimihIid abrad of It Thi n tl the lit'! tlntiKi r la Irntii aomi lblim l bind btrh ibn' kiiow W In n we haw Mopped or broke annul liitig. and which run lnli ua uiirkm'tally. 1'hirealu'l any nun bsking oul ,r any kind i'f collisions, ' aue w Io n they come it ittntlrr mlgbly little which cud i u'n putting forward - your lnmt or your fi-rt bill if you insist on looking ool fur Vm from ladilud - I'm n tilling you." "Any more arguments! '' "tint plenty inoreargtiMicnts, tsiaa. You don't w ant lo sleep w lib your fis-l tow ard the engine, Isi-aitse if ymi do the draft through the car blowa right again your bead, and when it gets cold at night your head and chest aro exposed. Put your bead toward the engine, and you foci cisj w ithout gilllug in no draft. Il's just the Mine way in summer. If you alei'p with your fwt toward the engine, you can't have your windows open, with the screen in 'cm, w ithout getting the wind and line dust right In your face, whereas, if you Bleep with your bead to the engine, you get the oik il air and no draft and dust. "Is that all you knowf" "No, Ikiss, I hain't told you tho big geat argument yet why you should have your bead mndu up toward the locomo tive. The most aerions thing of all ia the circulat ion of the blood hi your body. You been having your feet made tip toward the engine, eh? Well, I reckon you don't nev er sleep very well in the cars, do youP lour night a res' is usually broken, ain't UP Well, air, lcnnno make up your bead to the engine, and you'll sleep like you was a bnby. Dat s because the mot ion of the train is so strong and stendy that it sends all your blood toward the end that's fur thest from the engine. Put your fret to the engine and all your blood rushes straight to your bead and gives you n restless night. Put your head to t ho en gine, and the blood goes away from your bend, leaving It cool and easy so us you can res' like a child." "Put my bend toward the engine und stop talking, will youf" "ica, sir. All right, sir. Anything you say, air. You won't gredge me dat quar ter lu tho morning, I'm u telling you." A lapse or half an hour. Then a voico from between curtains. H addresses t he porter, "Solomon, Diogenes, porter I Any ar guments aa to what part of a trnin is the safest f" ,ITIiiiWni.,in,( tin liunnl a ,i i mnt, I a l,m,f tint, air, The safest place on h train Is the middle of the middle car on the side furt hest from the other track." 'Good night, Cicero." New York Sun. Kyrslultt and Rpeetarlea. The proportion of people who wear apon- tacles la constantly increasing. Is this a thing to be lamented? In other words, ihs's it indicate a deterioration of eyesight under modern conditions of lifeP Those who may be supposed to be best qualilled to answer these questions answer them without hesitation in the negative. More spectacles are worn, not because poor Vi sion la more common, but bent use the eye bus been more Intelligently studied, A writer snys that it ia the exception to find persona whose eyes are normal anil perfect. Of the advance already ruadti in thla direction the writer aaya: "The methods of testing the defects of vision have In the last two decadivi been brought to a standard of accuracy and re finement previously unknown. Thus many troubles, disabilities and maladies hither to suffered in patience or treated Incor rectly ami lu vain are now traced to de fects of vision, and are quickly remedied by the use of appropriate glasses, concave, convex, cylindrical or prismatic, "The schoolboy's headache, tjio seam stress' browache, tho convergent squint of childhood, so far as they nre the results , ot rnmiiy retraction, are lieginntng to he erased from thecatiilogueof human woes." Atlantic; Monthly. Matthews In 1ST. It wna sad to think that the last of the old comedians had gone from us. The gay, venerable ('buries had made bla last bow and left us the black curtain being run down. Aa ho looked so smilingly on the audience on the last night that he performed, what If it had been whispered to Mm: "You will never be here again, Hero la the last of thla fairy world?" He was certainly Ihe best comedian of Ida time, bia charm being Uiilsh and perfect eaae, with an air of gayety and aelf satis faction, which la aa difficult to assume, aa tho air of a fH-rfect man of the world. Wna there not aomethlng piquant in the look of hla back and shoulders even In the way bia rat her limp ami "skimp" rout hung on Ii i in r Even in walking across the stage he had a dapper pertness quite sig nificant of the mind within. There were few men more agreeableorwho told a sto ry with so light a manner. Even in hla decay there waa no one to compare with blm for style. Thla little tribute oonveya, happily enough, a fair Idea of his general attract ion. (ientlemaii's Magazine. Invention of th Sli-iim F.iigln. The Marquis of Worcester, w hile impris oned in the Tower of Ixmdoti In Hifill, in vented and constructed the first steam en gine of which we have any nut bent Ic rec ord anil had it publicly exhibited the same year in Vauxliall in successful oper ation. In HHMl Dr. Pnpiri Invented and made a piston, and in Kil'H Captain Sava ry devised and built a steam engine on a slightly modified pin, while in 1 705 New comb, Caw Icy and Savary constructed their atmospheric engine complete in ev ery detail, .laiiies Watt, who today enjoys tho distinct l f ls'iiig the veritable au thor of this most useful contrivance, did not appear upon the scene until IT05, just 00 yeara later. Pearson's Weekly. Not Well I'ut. I the first woman yon ever She Am loved t He Ys. Am I tha first man who ever loved you. She (tempest uously) You ara Insulting. Now Y'ork Weekly. 4 II lMt. ! IK ' -1 ' '- , I 1-1 I II I. i. I t- ' ,irt li.i wan lt ' l la r-"l f a "mi., a I r i n t-k--ta 1 1 , -! U -J i I-la r It a 1 , Iti i .i i a I b t 1 1 ) ll I is 1 h la t- 1 i. He M l , ' bnv it . l..i.lll .. a!. tv rati, Vt.iw ln alxatn ttithl i al I It- He In 1, i i r I l,i- HfliH nili. l,l m l.t )f ;r t- w t t I l.e i . I l Mi . I. -,. Ii i l :i.,i II.. il I it';- Ll 1 (Kill ' ll1 , ' nll, l..t mi.riln ln'i. m siitnit w Mlimil A l w, l a' it i isl'ti Ibi ir talis, wim II.O-.H and Mtii,.t. . .iii Die ini'it al ll,e "nil. ' ii!i a t'i'i i f ' bin, I lvr ' i.it tin i-e i-ee i.t l-, i , ir, l,uin,'y in hlti, w Int. w lib. aw fid )util,iM, w aii tnl li e iurii Ojiitnil i-ain-x I In r amqle lm and ttinl In aaltsf y b.H i 1 1 rv lU' I B I he idiot arising fcin "tl e Irinl nf sl1h " 1 be far' of Hna klfia I im-ri lialil bsikiil like a well Liked, im aly poinlo, and tin it Waaa gnoial alrnf Wallulll and Mi, tig Hra almut blm giUngWill Willi bii bum l calling. My llrl qm-ry was a to the sue ci- of bla ist upat Inn in a jas'iiiiliiry ai-iiwv "Well," be replied, "'spuds.' aa the imple j!i-iirrlly calla Inters rooud Vre, ia alius n favorite weiO'talOi', Hut trade 'as fell off tu wot it waa. Trade slaria lu middle o' Orgust and ends atsiiil last o' April. A ainii blu 'ol aumim r as last w aa Is awful bad for btisinesa, I w ent into Inters aa a laiy lamt years old. I 'm live and thirty now, and I make a tidy ltvin out o' it. The trade waa just a start lu as a rcg'htr calling when I I -i;ii n , an yon ace It ain't, inoni'n an year old -Hint Is, dune aa it now ia. The female eirt n'tnkin up the line 'aa 'urt lis wonderful," Hern be sadly shook bis brad, and I felt my face flushing up in shame for my sex, who are crowding the men out of life's race in occupations of all ilcsrripl ions. "Hut," lie continued, Ills optimism coming to the rescue, "you got to lake Hie sweet long o' the bitter, whether it, be feel ill's or Is-er. A man has 'its a Jolly 'eart and gives bout a cheerful call needn't starve at anything bo turns hissclftodo foralivin. I used to carry a bigger can, fitted w ith n charcoal stove, ami did my own linking, as n ninny docs now. Hut this 'ere invention is better. You gets your spuds baked at t he bakers' shop for iiincpctiru the iintlred weight, Then you pops what you wants Inlo your pot, which hangs over your lire, close toabilerfor your 'ot water. The steam is wot keeps your Inters Si. Then at one end you car ies your butter iiikI salt, at t other end your extra coals, and there you are "as might aa tome. The words I have spelled as pronounced by my Informant. Translated into gootl English, it Ih a favorite saying of humble Londoners end rcittla simply "as t ight as rain." I learned I lint customers are. of nil class es. Often the potatoes are iurchased late at night by a gootl sort of bohemlnns for a quiet midnight supper. Hut the. major ity of customers urn of the working peo ple. The little red hot bed of charcoal seen t hrough tho holm in the (Ire tin was a rud dy gleam "to illustrate" the iilmoNphcilc dullness. On my asking how many men and women, nil fold, sell baked potatoes In the London streets, tho answer came. "Well, there s about four 'uiiderd of ua all told."lloKtou Herald. sluicing Halt. The aclevln, ft little 0 Inch chub variety of the lagoons of Italy, slicks Its head above the water and slugs u ihilnty song equal to that of some species of wnrbling birds. Jrlgln blruudo (the sea swallow) Is known to every llshermau of (he Hanube und the Hblue by the peculiar grunt ing noise It makes. Irlgln uolilana makes n whining noise like a puppy, while the scl cvla gather In bands to bold regular con certs, which no doubt originated the fa ble of the sirens. Some naturalists have likened the note of the gurnard to that of the cuckoo. There are uiaiiy different kinds of lls.li which give utterance to more or less musical notes. The malgre, a large scallsh, when swimming In shoabi, utters n purring noise that may be heard from a depth of fathoms. Lieutenant White, in Ills" VoyngototheChlmi Seas," relates that Ida crew and himself were extremely astonished by hearing certain musical notes from beneath aiidnrounil the vessel. They were various, like Hie bass notes of nil organ, the sound of bi lls, the croaking of frogs and a pervading twang which Hie imagination might have attributed to the vibrat ions of some enormous harp. For a time the mysterious music swelled upon them ami dually formed a universal clio ruaall rotiud, but as the vessel ascended the river the sounds diminished In strength and soon ceased. --Home Mngi.lne. Molly I'lti lier'a (irave. On a little knoll about two tulles south of West Point and hardly fit) yards from the Hudson river are 110 unmarked griiV'-i, In the center of the lift Ii grave on t he west side a tree, much larger than any of lis neighbors, towers aloft and forma a moil iimcnt over the ashes of Molly Pitcher, Tho Swim and Deiinlson fnmlllca, who-c dcscciiibiiits live near West Point, cured for Molly during the bitter part of her life, but her ashes lie lu the poller's Held. Molly Pitcher, the heroine of many bat tles, who took from her husband's dying grasp the ramrod which drove home charges to shatter her adopted country's chains, lies alone and forgotten on the hanks of the Hudson, without a stone to mark her grave. Tim place has passed Into the hands of J. Picrpnnt Morgan, whose beautiful summer residence is In the Im mediate neighborhood. It Is said Hint Mr. Morgan will, In the near future, erect a fitting monument to the memory of brave Molly Pitcher. New York I'ress. A I'ri'iii li Duel. If the French are prone to challenge each other to light duels on the smallest provocation, they are also prone to bring them to an end with very Utile fighting. It Is credibly related Hint, on the occa sion of a duel between two members of the chamber of deput lea, one of the com batanta waa taken with a lit of bleeding nt the nose Just as they came upon the Held. "Illood!" exclaimed one of the second of the other man, "IIIimhI has been shed, The honor of my principal has been satis fled." And the parties and thelrsceonds there upon gruvely b ftthe Held. Youth's Com panion. (luiiil Hull' In Moat lliiuili a. A traveler in California finds that the climate will not be beneliclal to one who seeks It for health and then shuts himself up in a room of bis hotel. He must seek the air. If n little more of this theory were practiced in New England, it might save some car fare and perhaps funeral expenses. lioktoti Journal. UkM M t wt M ftSI. 11 1 lia . a HaiV.i I .-.,.. Hll4l-iat ta "" ' lt ! I,.4 4M I wait lalt ll ! ,l. lit- f ail.if I, ., .atM l t il n.ii-v, ii X t -tnaiiaM I, ft. a 4.ii,( I f , iw, I In I a. h p--iM.li t ).( ll.ir. I eil-. l m . v in, . -I. I tl a -. 1 Me at llriilltu.vl In I . ,,,,, n t if-p i lii full. -i-i a.ii, atai.i -i ii'iti., ttiwai Hwftlii t at-.- .tMi'ir ..( I, at n. I ( n ia - wi I H lb falnii ai l. 1aa ia l.-a. lv.i-. ; lit.a i f lb niiti ti !!a 4 b l i n, ,. Aht -i shiiii'-n and iiairml In M. i-.i aiel iVuHal An-iH-a In ih n.r i-niittii tin y siw tiiti id .lMiiili, , ri n ,t.ti. y I'H lai.' IPia-s. and llutr iti -,lal..l hni. In I v Bincili-i aL!alli. 1 y ti t . . f W.adi-n lilb la Wi.iiikI Ihi l, Kin, ka id 111 tve M il l ,.it,,!,, Wti 11 ll!,,iu f.iiludaMKll. a . I t ! nit-, rl i. net M I'.u li,-af IMity.i lillle .-.la Tb f lintli I of i'-ral ion, o ,r sal bni r i t.( ri i d In I'nH. Hind iiiiiiity, ta In atrip ,,,,)y the aiuallrr Irii-a mi l sIhiiIhi, ' ,e b nn-a nh' not cut Into illi-k bapi- pinia, aa rum nmiilv tipn.i-,, I, ul in any b tin llmt suits the aniatii fam y i f the at. To f i rllltntn pcogn a to and ft-nui llnb-af t ut ling (.MUtula and tn t, Ihe aula nuiMnu t or cb-nr broad, amisMh ronda, nfleti ni nnuliaa '.'OH Jnrda in length and li-.nu n IdH Inebi-a brt ml. Thcaii fond t!l ipl,i considerable cniilnm rtng skill, ab itiieiing in curves, grndes and even tutun la. 'I ;e leaf cutters aeein to lie Ihe most Ind'lsii i mis of all the nut family, big, little, ni.) or young siiinlng In be animated with an almost Inannv desire In do Ida share of thewoik. Nothing rould n mom emus lug than to seen little fellow, not more' than the fourth of an inch long, hurrying madly along with a huge leaf dexterously held in bis iiuiiidlblcs. The nest, of I he umbrella ant Is a very poor affair, and Is'ars about the same relation to the neat tunnels of the farmer nut that the hovel of the sqiialli-r does to the substantial homo of the prospermia farmer. Any rnile hole or hollow log serves the Hif gatherer as a storeroom, where ho puis iiway his hot licit to hatch out the eggs deposited by the female. The leaf cutter Is thus Hie original Inventor of tho Incubator, al though his rights have never been recog lii.ed liy letters patent. In New Mexico and northern Mexico is to ho found the honey ant sold iih confec tions by the Mexicans, which aru eaten something like grapes. Unlike the bee, the nut is unable to secrete wax or ot her- wise make a suitable receptacle for his gal hercd honey, but in the face of then.' dllliculties be has solved the problem com pletely, Certain members, very patriotic ones doubtless, are selected, who act, as honey Jars for the workers. These mar tyrs stay at home and bravely swallow thugathered hi y until their gradually distending abdomens w ill hold no more, and mm they hang suspended like so many golden drops from tint shies of t he I nunc I they have the appearance though not. t lie sentiments of bloated capitalist'!, profil ing In idleness by tha labors of their fel low beings. The life of tint honey keeper Isiio sinecure. His duties nro arduous and require tho greatest care. When the honey season is over, he it Is who feeds the idle hands, regurgitating n drop of honey whenever n check on tho birder Is presented, the latter consist lug of certain well defined strokes on the head and body by the hungry nut. Some malignant In' Vcstlgators, whose whole desire seems to be to fasten on these exemplary little mil mala the vices of men, claim that there is to be found a parasltlu bug In the ncsls of the honey ant, which, nt the solicitation of thirsty members, yields an alcoholic liquor something similar to beer. The methods of tho formlo topers lire said to bo similar to those of the en lightened Can cnslan, consisting in certain winks and expressive crooklngs of ihe elbows. Gal veston News, How to Win Literary Fame. Literary fustian is the order of the iky, Tlmo was that when the brains were nut the man would die, but now it seems it ta only when the Intellect Is gone that a writer begins to make money, Jfc (abet ter, of course, never to have had liny brains, ao that the accumulative procima may begin right iiway from tho first rend er period, Here art) aome of the Important questions which successful writers are now turning Into "copy" and ducats: What frame of mind were you In when you conceived your slory of "The Ocnlle rnan and t he lint I1" Were you smoking a cigarette or n clay pipe when tlm Inspira tion camel1 Was ll, liefore or lifter your attack of the measlcwf Did you use antilT at the time, and, If so, what snuff? Hid you find it a great strain on your moral nature to live up to your favorite brand? The aafu road to literary fame Is to have a capacity for asking or answering such questions. The scheme la epoch making as well ns money making. It la like char ity or the gentle rain from heaven It la twice blessed, H blesset h him I hat puts the query and him fourfold who replies, Donahue's Magazine, A I'l l Tarantula. The tnrniituln has never been generally utilized as n household pet. In fact, I know of only one Instance of the kind, A surgeon at one of the frontier posts caught a large tarantula, and having chloroform ed the dangerous spider carefully ampu tated his fangs, On regaining conscious ness the Insect was still surly and morose, but waa ns harmless aa ft policeman with a pull, The surgeon's little boy played with the ugly Insect, which was given the freedom of the quarters. Oim day the surgeon on entering the room saw a sight that made the hair of his bead stand on end nnd froy.ii the blood in his veins, lu the room with the child were two tnrnti tiilna. Another tarantula had Strolled in from the outside. There waa no time to discriminate, and both spiders were dis patched without any Investigation, Pittsburg Dispatch. Mnnaliiiia and Mnha. Our wealthy New Yorkers are build ing mansions that arena strong as forts. They are as well guarded by bolts and bars aa any fortress of the days of old, lu case of a social revolution and an attack by n mob on Kilt h avenue mansions many of them would be found almost Impregna ble. Steel shutters that slide out of sight lire now coming In vogue to protect the windows of mansions along Hie fashlona hie thoroughfares, mid the thick oaken doors would withstand a great deal of but tering before they would yield. New York World. (inly On Way. "Porter I" aald th'j man who finds fault, "there's a draft lu my section of this sleeping car." "Well, sir," was there ply, HLcompiiiiicd by nn outstretched hand, "dnr al n ' hut one way to git rid ob a draft." "Whnt's thatf" "Cash It." Washington Star. K-4 III .. lt i-l 1 1 t ( t 1 . tl -I !.. H ' 1 A . K- I " ' ' -' i I,', al IK.. I -a..,4 . - l I 'I l !- l l-aii, K. I t 4 III, (" i - .- a I'li'i'. k ! V'-1' . ' '"'a i -. til, . t,-t,ili"w.ii..ii, itiaf .itiaaaflt, U.t aaa imM Hk ' " M til an-Hif! i U"-"! aaa -aw 1 i AH a-.-M i I 1l.tnt - I an t i ii ua-1 a I 1-111, V . It- I. .! I . I a i - , l i I -a I i i- I -I Mar, W a la.l.. , f a, ia I ll l i I '1'ial. Aid I 'I iflili ul i' ."-V l-l wliH ' I -1 ill I 111 M, f til- Ml 'I. tinrtaO- Mli.M nn ii, iliii ! ftftft fl'k I ij.li I ana III hs ilia ist I In- ti-. t , fl , it a rt fnw, li-n lcf l ai, II, (I KltHl !, I ;m in) ti r a ua ae-l H. I l.a-i- In M.lim -i ll.'Mi k Iff. Hank Niimfarlalm-as Cbattauis'iia baa a Si aboard lnk, ftl Iboiiuh amiie biinilHila of inlb-a from lha wntt-r. Pilbapa lha ham ia Imtrownl friiiu a like ltiti!utlo in New Yolk, In Sabmi, Miia., an Aslatln Nntloiml bank ns-alla Ihe day w hen every lentil man you lin t Ihrre wna nn Fust Indian navigator. The- Tombsimi, Waycroaa, Trharhnpl ami Had Axit banks nee curiously iiatmal by necessity of their ba'nlloli. The Hong Kuiigniid Shnngbnt Hanking eorporntton and the Yokudiamn Sissdn bank are not In Asia, but iti Snii I'm aris en. The Itutchera and Drovers' National bunk, like the Hide and Iirnthrr, makes a lild for the patronage of Hslal iinlustrlea, the Hlvrrsliln, Fifth Avenue, etc., for that of local (ties. The most formal ami ntirimt sounding title is Hint of the Institution For the Sav ings of Merchants' Clerks. Tim Himetai llo ami Smeller are, of course, Colorado banks. The Irish-Amcricnti Savings bank ta an Atlanta Institution. The Hank of (bind Hope has n cheering sound these hard times, (iood Hope is In Illinois. The Chickasaw and other mil lounl banks in the Indian Territory aru managed by and for the Indiana. Philadelphia Press. Ingenious M eli;lilii(j Apparatus. A simple and ingenious apparatus has been contrived for the weighing of tin at smelt lug works, n device designed upon the lever and beam principle, and capa ble, of course, under modification, of a variety of appl lent Ions. The scales, which nro suspended from tho beam by a center bar, ure constructed of large, square plates, upon which tho metal or weights can bo placed with n facility, itlsnsserted, which -the comer chains generally used do not nfford. A block Is also placed under each plate for the convenience of those han dling the heavy nmlerliil in ortler to obvi ate unnecessary stopping. The scales are hung on sled bearings, with box ami swivel ends, and lire, moreover, so nicely polsetl t hat, all hough they could if re quired bear a strain of five tons, n few Olilico Weights will depress cither side, The scales are raised from the blocks by means of hauling tackle, w hich moves tho lever with tho greatest ease. New York Sun. Hnvrr lliirna, The first thing to do when one's cloth ing catches fire Is to smother t he flames with a blanket, a coat or anything made of wool, if a prison Is severely burned, the clothing should be removed by cut ting, great care being used not to tear off i the skin, Dress the burns Immediately with either Carroti oil, vaseline or olive ' oil mixed with white of an egg. Old linen cloths saturated with any ouo of t he above remedies must bo applied directly to tha burned surface, Next to tho linen lty on smoothly sheet wadding or cotton batting, nnd bandage to keep the dressings In place. If the burns are extensive, It ia Important to keep the patient warm and give stimu lants freely, New York World. A Itel labia flceliM. The follow! ngdrlfta over from England. It will ho appreciated by every housekeep er who has ever encountered one of the "according: to Judgment" cooking aul hor Ities! A woman visiting In Ireland was delighted with a certain hot cake served nt breakfast, From the unlive cook of her hostess she duly got the rcclpet "You must take morn thnu you'd think of flour, ma'nm, Just what you'd know of butter, tha slightest taste li life of baking pow der nnd tha fill of the small Jug of milk," New York Times. (,'ltlllft HoillA to fllioat. A student wdio secretly dropped a plecfl of paper, on which the word "Monkey" wna written in large letters, tu the cup of a professor against whom bn bad a spite, told the jokntonll his classmates, The next day the professor said to thn class, In bland and polite tones, "Oetifleuien, I have to thank one of your number for tlm courtesy of dropping his curd In my cap yesterday." That student was called Mon key ever after, New York Ledger, A Thief's HoKiia Huhy, A shoplifter, recently convicted, carried bogus baby with her during her preda tory excursions. Tint infant had a wax face and n hollow leather body. It was tha thief's custom to dexterously transfer purloined articles, such ns gloves, laces, eto,,tothn spacious baby, which usually gained much lu weight during these little excuraloiis. l,oiidon Tit-Hits. Nesaioililils Crop, Hunger-How did your crops turnout Inst year? (Jranger-Poorly, Wa bad nearly two months of cont Iniious ruin, What do you suppose we would he likely to raise under such conditions? Hanger- I'nibrellas. Yonkcrs Gazette. The following doubtful compliment la ft fragment from a love letteri "How I wish, my darling Adelaide, my engage ments would permit ma to leave towu nnd come nnd sen you I It would bn like vis iting some old ruin, hallowed bytlmflnnd fraught with n thousand recollections." Tho monument to the memory of King Henry I of England ought to hen yard stick. His arm was Just DO Inches long, nnd that is where tho English nnd Amer ican ynrd got its standard of length, A few of the figures of animals that nro sold for lawn ornaments are made of iron, but they are usually made of enst y.lne, with a bron.c paint finish. Plant n crop of good books In yournome as regularly aa you do seed in your soil, and when you get old you will not regret it. Farm, Field ami Fireside. A fat man ordered two seats In a coaet for himself. The ch rk booked blm on. eat outside and tha other Insblu.