The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 09, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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e iHWHtii,
AirncAN rurusmKa ccierAXT,
or ;
ttt, CUrV A nnlo!-h S , CMiiS
s T f(k'n Mt !, Kmi tit), Mv
H M 1,11 1 ! Ml i
n w. . .
IM I IM1 Milt
Hill Mll
Hw.iwif ?' ! "! " J"
- '
, " I
Uf sIhmc it In i-lnl- mf i''l
(SH .! l'll( t
PUU r t-mslli- In Aumii I't HMMIM.
MT'Tmh Awrim t in i n i'i" or t
I'jihuhiii itni.m lim 'Mw or "
MAlil'H 1. bi'l.
M'AttlMI I'll lllil'l I UIO li.ootl
TllK Uoiiiiui Cntliollrs of I'nrls,
Frnne, luivi Is-eonm rntnncli-il In I ho
nnntvtilst plot. Thin Ih a sinilliir cnso
lotlio letter Hint wero founil In the
pi li-Kt' hoiiHO In Homo when the riots
wore on.
Anhy 1 1 whisky Is Unwind
freely. Some vote enii ho llitihliitetl
ly tills iiieHiis, hut It will not eitteh
Amorlmin votors. Tho A. 1'. A. will
carry tho election (or tho people they
Kiipport. Tho silent eurivnt will tell
this oloollon.
The church of Homo Is always nn
obstructionist. It Is opposed to pro
gress of any klml. This can ho proved
by t certain street railway which
wanted to po across somo property
owned by that corporation, and which
bad to go several blocks out of lis way
in order to roach tho point It was
beaded for, .
OUH friends have read, no doubt, tho
nwful story which wo publish this week
on the fifth paifo. It needs no comment,
further than to express sympathy for
both tho man and tho woman who wore
weak enough to believe In tho doc
trines of tho church of Homo. Homan
Catholic mothers, think of your dmitfli
tors. May they not bo slmllarlly
tempted? '
GoVtfKNOlt HTONK has seats reserved
for htm at tho Homan Catholic
churches, and comes many miles to (111
them. Would he do tho same If re
quested by several thousand Protestant
Americans? If tho governor has sena
torial or presidential aspirations ho will
find a better support In Homo than will
bo given him In Missouri. It I rumored
that tho governor has become a mem
ber of tho Catholic church In or near
Jefferson city. Is this true? Home ac
quaintances from that section havo sub
utantlated the same.
Thk mayor of Hrooklyn, N. Y., has
taken a stand which deserves notice.
Ho' has refjsed tho Hibernians tho
right to flout tho Homan Catholic, flag
on the city hall on Bt. I'atrlck's day.
An exchange says: "A delegation of
Hibernians waited on tho mayor and
requested blm to havo tho Irish sun
burst displayed. Ho replied that spec
ial privileges could not ho given to any
nationality. Otic of tho delegates said:
'Well, Mr. Mayor, nro wo to take? that
for n negative?. ' Mr. Hchlron replied,
You yourselves must judgo that.' Ono
Of tho committeemen said that tho full
tiro of Mayor Hewitt, of this city, to fly
tho groen flag killed him In politics,
end Intimated that Mayor Hchlron
might meet a similar fate. Mr. Hchlron
replied warmly: 'I euro nothing aUmt
Mr. Hewitt's fato. Whllo I am mayor
I shall not grant special privileges to
any nationality. All shall )m treated
alike. Tho American (lag Is good
enough for all American citizens."'
a flno hand In upholding woitlcl-lsj
assassins. Last week's AMKIUCAN
gavo an account of tho assault on James
Mlnear by a thug who gave his name
as John MacNamara when taken to
policn headquarters, MacNamara had
slugged Mr. Mlnear when bo was walk
ing on a crowded street noar tho Grand
Missouri hotel. At tho station Mac
Namara was released on a "slraw
W.,1 and tho case was to bo tried Jn
police court Friday, Marcti 2. As tho
., fll.1 notHimear In eouri tor inai,
and Mr. Mlnear being unablo to find
who tho bondsman was, tho caso was
postponed until Tuesday, tho tun.
When tho caso camo up Tuesday tho
only excuse for tho non-appearance of
MacNamara was that tno uoukt couiu
twttflrwi him. After another day's do-
lay tho thug, MacNamara, was brought
into court and fined f.'l.OO for assault
,HVi Intent to kill. It Is a wonder that
tho Judge? did notfino Mr. Mlnear for
.,.nrr mum ted. Tills 18 me way mo
lUIO -
tntsft distributes justlco and is a fair
example to tbo peopio oi hid junww
max bo exDectcd from thlselo-
vw,t when men are put intotheso
ofllces who will not coach and protect
highway robbers, tho people may do
ablo to walk the streets in day time
without a body-guard for fear of being
a rihi American.
)! I,'i WvtihS
Im I, it I-..L i I i n if e i-mil
It il ! i I . ii) lil tiHt,l ! fe
lii',it. It. .. , lu liiittls ly l tii-s
l,i t. !, ! t.liH.I . lit. nit 'tit
i.t . m hU t !!" I'itIi in
I '. In ti n i t l. tm r
1ti.ti iiiinij ini intiU' m
it ttm Pii'ti Mnt fltl ! Hi"e an
I. nli ) U ii I. .j i r ti t f tl.t" i!l.
if fti U l,i kn ,! i tt e i . i ii 1 1 Slid
, tin !l (.'id, II fi ii i. it n on to
(,. H nttit e tu. a mit tln l it ! .
tlitii Hjiihiiii k!ii lii S ly dlrf i h tloii1
i ' lie iiiill liihli4 a -lienp man
ami liilnitii'i at woik wlifit' Jon
m i it. -it him," ' I"- mil, lit haie
witil until tniiiii ii elm k and
ii mill lisle njan d Mm," it "h lia.l
ph lltl if time to take hi ft It llil nNi'll
vi t.lntrn and Kunilny hH ln(inHc
mi'ilisl heiv," uitlil his i-inplojcr tin
ajjiiie im'I lce are vry iiimnllsfiii
tot y nud ii'tiini ks Hint If be knew of a
gisl, rellnlile man he Mciihl not Imthnr
with tho other fellow. This la what
the Human ban been waiting fur. lie
knows a man; one will JiM suit;
reliable, IndiiHtrleim and always atten
tive to his duties, lie will have him
call. The next day ho nhow up, lie
Is a pink of perfect Ion. Father ('
Hi it I ley says In his letter that he
worked In ono place for live years and
never mlsxci n day, exemplary In his
habits, and an exceedingly valuable
man. He Is told to como to work the
following Monday morning. Haturday
evening, owing to light trade, or do
creasing business the 1 'rot cat an I, Is laid
off, and when he drops around n few
days later to see If things are looking
up lie tlndsan Ignorant looking Homan
Ist doing, In a bungling way, the work
lie bad formerly done in u workman
like manner. This scheme, or other
very similar, Is worked until all tho
1'rotoHtants arc weeded out and Hotiian
1st put In their places, Then they lie-
gin domineering over and dictating to
their employers, who see tbo trap they
hnvo fallen into when It Is too late, ami
after they have boon systematically
robbed by the men In their employ.
Wo know of Instances very similar to
that cited above, but can think of only
one- way to whip tho uriprlnelpeled ras
cals, and that Is for Protestant employes
to fight them with their own fire, at
tend strlotly to their business, remem
bering what is for the interest of tho
employers Is for tho Interest of theem-
ployo. Don't bo asking to get off a day
this week and two day next. It look
as though you were neglecting your
business and gives a Homan foreman or
superintendent tin opsirtunHy to get
rid of you. Keep Home out of positions
by retaining them yourselves.
FIlAfllC. (I'riiin Kiiiihiih (Ml y American,)
This city lias been aflllolcd with
Homo rulo for a number of years, but
from present indications wo believe It
is tho intention of tho voters to move
for n. change at tho next election.
There seems to bo moro widespread In
terest In polities this spring than dur
ing any previous campaign.
This can bo accounted for easily
enough when you stop to consider tho
kind of men who havo been elected
heretofore) when you take Into consid
eration not only their comiolenoy, but
itlno their morality; and when you
think of tho nick less extravagance,
tho exoeaslvu taxation and tho lawless
ness which Is ranmant under tho pres
ent administration; w hen these things
aro taken Into consideration wo say
this unusual interest In imlltlcs, by the
bolter element, can bo easily accounted
If tho ofllcer who havo been elected
in tho very recent past havo not Isren
dishonest, many of them havo certainly
most flagrantly abused tho jsmlt lotis they
were elected to till, Tho people know
this, and they know morel They know
the gamblers, tho saloonkeepers, the
harlot and tho priest of tho Homan
Catholic church dictate, tho nominees
of tho political parlies, and that In
order to purify tho city government It
ha become necessary to not only go to
tho polls and veto on election day, but
to go to tho ward caucuses and pri
maries and lend their Influence In de
feating tho ring candidate. This feel
Ing is widespread, ond no man need ex
pect U fill an official position this
spring who Is not sound upon reform
questions. It might as well bo under
stood that a majority of the people, do
not believe In gambling; that they do
not bollovo In saloons running wide
open nn Hundays; neither do they be
lieve in unrestrained harlotry. A ma
jority of tho people do not bollovo In
electing an incompetent man simply
liocatmo ho will give all tho jositon
In his ofllco to communicant of the
Homan Catholle church; neither do
they believe In electing an Irlnh
Homanlht simply becauso bo I an Irish
Homanlst. They do believe, however,
In electing good, clean, capable, effi
cient and trustworthy men who will
enforce the law of tho stato and tho
ordinances of tho city regardless of
whom they inconvenience or affect.
Excessive taxation must cease; mob
violence must not be permitted, and
every SH!clo of lawlessness must be
curbed, if not completely wijsid out.
This cannot bo dono If men aro elected
to office who are either members of
I ... I - r u h': 7- ,
, :!'p: urn- rir
: i:i-iw mi -o&
A dispatch from ltnmedatd Mnivlt
2, luil, shj that on the occasion of
the celebration of hU Hill birthday,
and the sixteenth anniversary of his
coronal Inn, the poe today delivered an
nililri'HH, In the eourxe of which be said:
We arc In the decline of life; but
hull continue to the lut day of our life
to devote ourself to liillkllig the bcnel.
cent, aetloii of the church universally
It, The need of this Is great, for all
the eld eiiiieenl Ion of honesty, justice,
authority, lllierty, sis'lal rights, ami
social'H havo been overthrown,
The church must nee to recall the na
tion to the principle of moral faith,
point out the true causes of the exist
ing evils, denounce tho designs of Free
Masonry, Imbue the dllTeretit cIiismi- of
society with a feeling of equity and
charity, inspire rulers with reclllt.uile,
and the governed with suhmlsHlon, and
Instill In all an ardor for s-ace.
A few days after the above appeared
In the Inter Oram, we found the follow
ing statement:
In hi zeal to fill all the place In the
city hall with "suitable democratic
substitutes," Mayor Hopkins has caused
to he discharged a mimlM-rof Mason of
high degree,
Tho well-known enmity of the papists
toward this Noclety give color to the
statement made yesterday by a promi
nent Mason, t lmt ail who heiong to that
or any other rrotestnnt order are
Appended I a list of prominent.
Masons and Knight Templars whose
heads havo fallen;
Insiiector I toss, police department, a
thirty-second degree Mason.
Captain John I'. Heard, police depart
ment, thirty-second degree Mason,
Hubert A. Hmlth, cashier board of
publlo works, thirty-second degree
M. K. Hnowden, Inspector sewerage
department, thirty-second degree
Foreman Costello, water main de
partment, thirty-second degree Mason.
tho IComan Catholic church or In sym
pathy witli that, politic tl organization,
because sho I In sympathy with and
encourages every kind of crime, for
crime is sin, and without sin her occu
pation would bo gone. That being so
It becomes absolutely necessary to have
men for officials who are not tainted
with Homanlsm, Ho careful of jour
suffrage, F.nqulre well Into tho stand
ing and antecedent of eooh candidate
before giving him your miffrngo.
There I great religion excitement
among tho people f the town of Jerez,
Mexico, and surrounding country, over
tho Bp'ttraneo among them of a beau
tiful young girl, who pronounces her
self to bo their patron saint, Anil
Tho girl ha performed some very re
markable cure of serious disease by
simply laying on her hands, and the
Ignorant Indians of ttiat section are
wild over her, Hho seerns to posses
the same power a the so-called Ht,
Teresa, who created such a sensation in
northern Mexico about a year ago, Ht,
Anita Is a native of Molto F,cotodo,
and began exercising her strange power
over the Indian only a few week ago,
MAftCY K, HltOWW has ridden his
political horse until It can only propel
itself by tho pmh proeo.
For a l!manll Ut Niihscrlhe .Money for
I'mlcsiiuit ( luirlly,
J lev. D. I. Moore, editor of the Cin
cinnati WMtnm (JhrUtMn Adwmtf,,
some tlmo ago applied to It, It,
Hprlnger, a wealthy Homanlst nf Cin
cinnati, for a subscription In aid of tho
Wosleyau college, at tho same time
stating In his communication that it
hod been assorted tlmt !ComanIt were
debarred from giving to I'rotetnnt
bodies and ho wished to dispel what he
assumed to bo a grot Illusion,
Tho answer came and ran as follows:
DBA it Hw; Your favor of the fth
Inst, asking aid for your college re
ceived, I fully believe In tho great ad
vantages of a literal education for both
exes, but being a member of tbo Holy
IComan Catholic and apostolus church,
and believing that religious Instruction
should form an important part of edu
cation, I could not, with a clear con
science, aid in teaching what I did not
believe in, thus confirming what you
preface your letter with, "that Catho
lics never aid a Protestant cause."
This from your standpoint may be re
garded as Illiberal, but I right, never
theless, a we view our duty, Yours
H, It, Hl'W.VMEIt.
Let patriotic American reader hand
a copy of this letter to some open
hearted Protestant who make it hi
Hseliil a"tueitt Clerk llr)-r,
K night Templar.
II, F, 1 iveliMtrl, ehief of the house
drain department, Knight Templar,
Klchitrilaon, water oltlee, thirty
second degree Maon.
lnvenNirl ami niehardioii are two
men who have worked for the clly
more than twenty years. They are ae
kiiowleilged cxpTt In their particular
Hues, as Is Foreman Cotelh, to whom
whs Mialgned the duty of Inspecting all
pljs' and house connections,
with I he exception of Inspector H'iss,
who was told by Mayor Hopkins that
he was let out fur political reasons,
these men have never la-en given the
satisfaction of knowing dellultely In
what direction their olTenso lay. They
have been dismissed aflor years of
fnl l b ful service. One of them was told
that, he was "too old."
There Is a well organized protest be
ing formed among tho Moaons, who
naturally fuel considerably aggrieved
at the turn affairs are taking at the
city hall.
Ono of them, who for various well
grourtded reasons asked that his name
be withheld, said yesterday:
"Heyond the shadow of a doubt Mayor
Hopkins Intend to cut out every mem
ber of my society now In the city's em
ploy. Nothing has been done openly,
but the quiet tip has gone around that
every Mason may exs et hi discharge.
It Is easy to see now why Mayor Hoj
klns told Inspector Ho there was no
appeal for him, I Cos Is a thirty-second
degree Mason, and that settled hint.
"The mayor has no reason for dis
charging member of any secret society,
except that they are of necessity, 1'rofc
estants" continued the g:ntleman, "I
think, however, in jutle to the
Masons, tho public ought to know why
they are being discriminated against,
anil 1 am prepared to prove tho whole
sale slaughter of that order to which I
ha ve referred,"
Can tho utterance of tho pope have
any liearlng on tho other? Are Free
Masons to bo ostracised in this country?
I It not time for I'rotestants to awake?
( !hk(i ja Ami r'imn.
business to subcrlls lo Horolsb chari
ties. It Is a poor rule that don't work
both ways.
Hot Hprlngs, ArV., Millmtit ( hang.
On and after January 20th, the Mis
souri Pacific Hallwoy will run a through
sleeping car from Omaha Ut Ifrt
Springs, Arkansas without change,
via Kansas City, Ft, Hmlth and Little
Hock, leaving Omaha daily at 10 p, m.
For further Information, rates, t-Ut.,
call at dofrot, Fifteenth and Webster,
city ticket office, X, Y.. cor, Thirteenth
and Farnarn,
J, O, PnifXtl'l'l,
A, d. P, nd F, A,
Tiioh, F. i(nniv,Y, a. T. A.
$20 to Salt Lk and San Francisco,
That's all If. costs you vlaTIf V. lNION
PACIFIC; 'Xt'M fur the round trip,
Correiondlng low rates to all western
points. Through first and second-obis
sleeper and dining cars, Hce your
nearest Union Pacific agent, or
HAitny P, PatKf,,
City Ticket Agent,
To 8in Franclco,
The five pays for your fa-irth In one
of the through Pullman 'Tourist Cars,
and the twenty pay for a first-els
passage, all vlaTliK UNION PAClFfO,
No, you don't have to change; the
sleepers run through to Han Francisco,
Have your nearest Union Paelflo agent
reserve you a Is-rtb, or wrUt
HAitiiv t . i;vi;m,
City Ticket Agent,
YMfl Farnarn Ht,, Omaha,
The Cabinet Hollable Gasoline Btovo
I Warranted for Threw Year, It I
the Most Perfect gasoline stove mode,
W, F, HTOKTZKI,, 71 H, Pith,
Is agent for the west,
..I i -
Mid-Winter Fair Rt are Down,
The Horllngton ICoute f now sidling
round-trip ticket to Han Francisco at
.r.M; one way, 20.00.
Hce the city ticket at l,'!2 Farnarn
street, and get full Information, or
write to J. Francis general passenger
and ticket agent, Omaha, Neb, it
Council No, fi, A, P. A, will meet
hereafter In G, A. It. hall, lHNo,
st., first and third Mondays in eoeh
month. The member will govern
themselves accordingly. Hy order of
the secretary,
-' -"
Go to Dybttll' for fine Cundlcs V
Douglas Htreet,
- ..
Hucees Council No. .'I, W, A. P, A,,
will meet the second and fourth
Wednesday In each month In G, A. It,
hall, 1 IS North Fifteenth street.
John Hudd ha removed hl Jewelry
store to 317 North 1'lth strwt, Midland
Hotel block.
Hit human Cailmlla tliurch a a
I nnler 111 Milled.
s - . ,
w.imi'lail and II.mih h mMlrstiii
llir Hateful Infliiimref the IIuHish
I sllinllr i lull I h,
The lleienii t'hit)ie i,un h I the
liit.l.lii 1 iticatiliatliMl on lh fiteti of
the i Hi Ih, Thl i-t'lli lltelil Is tl lie (or a
lhie fold ri nwir
I. It Is h. w .. d of a tnlghl I'feit
duraiie' such a lias Im ii nirtiifi nte by
lui oilier Institution, Fur mure than
twelve Ci'litill i It 1)11" serenely held Oil
II way, luidUturls by the mutation
of time and unharmed amidst the wreck
of nation, and the dost ruction of em
pire It is the aole survivor of nil the
Institutions Isirn under, and fester, d by,
Ih" Human empire, Tint! mighty em
pire Its'if -in many r eels the great
est ond mightiest dltleal organl.atlou
with w hleh history makes us acquainted
perished long ceiilurlcD ago; hut the
Human church remains, having success
fully withstood the hostile Bgettele
that destroyed that vast Imperial
owcr, the ravage of lime, and the
persistent and impetuous attacks of nu
merous and powerful f. Though
b'airy with age, It shows no symptoms
of desuetude or decay, but is even now
contending sturdily, valiantly and vig
orously wit h all comers for the leader
ship of the world. It is also everywhere
putting fort h Horcub an effort for its
own advancement and aggrandizement,;
and In carrying out it plan and pur
pose, it displays a jiorslstenoy, energy,
astuteness and wisdom unequalled by
any of Its rival.
Z. It ha the might of multitudinous
millions of ardent adherents. Not less
than one slxth of the world's population
is sheltered in Its fold. Its votaries are
found In every land and on every sea;
they sjs:ak all languages, embrace all
classes, color and condition of man
kind, from the humblest peasant to the
proi.dest prince. This diversified host
of adherents I moulded lnt) a homo
geneous mass by their common love of
loyalty to the church in which they
have been reared and nurtured; and by
their unquestioning obedience to the
hierarchy whose will Is their law.
The faithful Catholic everywhere dis
play a degree of zeal and devotion U
the interest of hi church, and of
obedience to it authority, unparalleled
by tbo member of any other ecclesiasti
cal organization.
3, It I mighty in It method of ad
ministering and conducting the vast and
varied concern under its care and con
trol. Ho perfect and complete is it in
all It appointments, and no thoroughly
adapted are it method of procedure
to attaining the desired end, that ffrg
land's great historian, Macaulny, felt
Impelled to pronounce the following
eulogy ujsin it: "The polity of the
church of Home is the very masterpiece
of human wisdom, 1 he experience of
twelve hundred eventful years, the
Ingenuity and patient care of forty
generation of st,al!men, have brought
that polity to such perfection, that
among the contrivance which have
been devised for deceiving and controll
ing mankind, it occuphft the highest
place," The power that operate and
make effective thl astute polity U the
pope and the college of cardinal, who,
from their headquarter at ltorne,dfrect
and control the affair of the church In
tw,ry land, and thus give homogeneity
to the vast and varied b'wt that com
pose the IComan Catholle church; all of
whom are pledged to faithful and un
faltering obedience to the mandate of
their spiritual ruler. The administra
tion of the pope and his adviser I
characterized by shrewdness, persist
ency and vigor, and, inasmuch as tbey
are able to direct the Influence and
tlvitisof the mighty forces under their
control in any channel they may choose,
the church of IComo under their direc
tion has always proved ltelf to bo ft
dangerous foe when its resentment ha
been aroused, or a powerful friend and
ally to any cause which it may hav
Thl mighty organization has been
increasing with great rapidity in this
tuninlrf during the current century.
At the beginning of this century there
were, In round numbers, JOO,OW Itoman
Catholics In the United Htate, Today
thl church lay claim to one-sixth of
our population. This great Increase of
one hundredfold in the Catholic popu
lation of this country during the last
nine decade 1 almowt wholly due to
the fact that during that time many
million of Immigrant have flocked to
our hospitable shores, most of whom
have come from Catholic countries and
were of the Catholic faith. These Im
migrant and their descendant consti
tute, In the main, the membership of
the Catholic church In America today.
Thl great Increase In the numerical
strength of the Catholic church In this
country would 1st a matter of little
moment If that church, like other
christian bodies, were simply an ecclesi
astical organization engaged In spread
ing tho Gospel and devoted to tho
spiritual and moral elevation of man
kind. Hut the facts of history show
conclusively that wherever the IComun
Catholic church ha gone on Its ecclesi
astical mission, it has, as srsm as It has
obtained place and r,Kjwer,boldly entered
School Shoo
ami CMiiortiN a
Satin Oil ni Grain Spring Heel
School Slices.
I 60, 2 00. t3,50, S3 CO, M 00,
op,,ii,.Mi. 3 8. 15th St.
203 N. Sixteenth Street,
Fire, Life or Accidental
It will my you Oi cull on tlm unilerii(riRl
r-r',iMiit; w;ver A No, I Insurioici) Com-
'.M I'ltnuin Hlock,
VtlUia reeioved (nmi 113 North Isth street to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 00, OMAHA, NEB,
Huitittmiir to Drmi-t k Maul,
Undertaker and Erabalmer
1117 Farnani Hlreet.
Tnxetumtm, OMAHA NEB
Morth..t Car, ICth nd Dodg Hi.,
roa au, Kitm or
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Huts. Contortion, Clgari tni TAwsoo,
Watchniaiccr and Jeweler,
FJe Watch UKVAimm a Bi'kctalti
512 Booth Hi Hlrt'Ml.
Telephone iZ, QI6 0- 16th 81
310 N. ICth Stmt, OMAHA
Carpenters and Builders,
5I7 Davonport Street.
I'liritHuio Uti,lilu i:i,l,olmfte
OJVtC t, S A 'I MAL,
Undertaker rEmbalmer
Iformerly whh M, MarjI.J
6lf0Ulhl6tht., OMAHA.
laov AaatafANT ruasiraHco.
Omaha Express and Delivery Co.
TftXKJ'lJONfS int.
Moving and Light Express Work
Jrunk and prcl Oallvtrr.
tos-tiol1 Uttintn l'-kt. UttA arid HUlmmd
H, t.or, j,rit ImUh st. 'l,.n.
fw-ymmt Moving s rV!liiii.y, Mitnw.t
Will for tli'-ii. S nl two National
Coin Co., Cl.rfc No, I, tch.,,. Bullrtlni
Bt". li-w-m
Suits Made to Order.
2107 Cumin at., OMAHA
Physician and Surgeon,
Telephone 747.
rJIW, WooriAUM, m, r,.POf i:r;s somt,
r.l r.l, hivtnK work of UiU k " ar ' Ih-